Ejemplo n.º 1
 void getRank() {
     if(isRoyalFlush()) {
         rank = RoyalFlush;
     else if(isStraightFlush()) {
         rank = StraightFlush;
     else if(fourKindPair()) {
         rank = FourOfaKind;
     else if(isFullHouse()) {
         rank = FullHouse;
     else if(sameSuit()) {
         rank = Flush;
     else if(consecutive()) {
         rank = Straight;
     else if(threeKindPair()) {
         rank = ThreeOfaKind;
     else if(twoKindTwoPairs()) {
         rank = TwoPairs;
     else if(twoKindOnePair()) {
         rank = OnePair;
     else {
         rank = HighCard;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void loopOverDomainParameters(void modeChanger(UTMModes*, int val), int nparams, UTMModes* modes){
	vector<int> vals = consecutive(0,nparams-1); // meant for use with enums
	for (int val : vals){
		for (int r=0; r<10; r++){
			printf("RUN %i STARTING \n",r);

			modeChanger(modes, val);
			UTMDomainAbstract* domain = new UTMDomainAbstract(modes);
			NeuroEvoParameters* NE_params = new NeuroEvoParameters(domain->n_state_elements,domain->n_control_elements);
			MultiagentTypeNE* MAS = new MultiagentTypeNE(domain->n_agents, NE_params, MultiagentTypeNE::BLIND,domain->n_types);

			SimTypeNE sim(domain, MAS, MultiagentTypeNE::BLIND);

			sim.outputMetricLog(MAS->type_file_name(), r);

			delete (UTMDomainAbstract*)domain;
			delete NE_params;
			delete MAS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 bool isStraightFlush() const {
     return (sameSuit() && consecutive());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 bool isRoyalFlush() const {
     return (sameSuit() && consecutive((int)Ten));
Ejemplo n.º 5
Alignment::extract_bilingual_phrases(int min_length, int max_length, int use_marker) {
  vector<Alignment> bil_phrases;

 * Use-marker:
	* -1 : no marker. All bilingual phrases are extracted
	* 0 : ugly marker extraction. don't use it
	* 1 : soft marker
	* 2 : hard marker
  cerr << "SL sentence: "<<endl;
  for (int i= 0; i< source.size(); i++)
	  wcerr <<"'"<< source[i] << "' ";
  string marker_string="";
  for (int i=0 ; i< source.size(); i++){
	int posStart=source[i].find(L"<");
	int posEnd=source[i].find(L">");
	if (posStart == wstring::npos || posEnd == wstring::npos){
		wstring first_tag=source[i].substr(posStart,posEnd-posStart+1);
		vector<wstring>::iterator found = find (marker_categories.begin(), marker_categories.end(), first_tag);
		if (found != marker_categories.end()) {
		} else {

  cerr << endl <<"Marker string: "<<marker_string<<endl;
  for(unsigned i2=0; i2<target.size(); i2++) {
    for(unsigned i1=0; i1<=i2; i1++) {
      //cerr<<"I2 "<<i2<<"\n";
      //cerr<<"I1 "<<i1<<"\n";
      set<int> SP;
      for(unsigned j=0; j<source.size(); j++) {
	for(unsigned i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
	  if (alignment[j][i])

      //cerr<<"SP: ";
      //for(set<int>::iterator it=SP.begin(); it!= SP.end(); it++)
      //  cerr<<*it<<" ";

      if (consecutive(SP)) {
	//cerr<<"SP consecutive\n";
	int j1=*(SP.begin()); //min value
	int j2=*(--SP.end()); //max value
	int phrase_length=j2-j1+1;

	//cerr<<"phrase:" <<sub_alignment(j1, j2, i1, i2).to_string()<<"\n";
	//cerr<<"phrase length:"<<phrase_length<<"\n";
	if ((phrase_length>=min_length)&&(phrase_length<=max_length)) {
	  if (consistent(j1, j2, i1, i2)) {
	    //check marker
	    bool markerOK=true;
	    if (use_marker>-1){
		    if (j1 != 0){
			if (marker_string[j1]!='m')
		    if (j2!=source.size()-1){
			if (marker_string[j2]!='w')
		    if (j1 != 0 && use_marker==2){
		    if(j2 < source.size()-1 && (use_marker==0 || use_marker==2) ){
	    if (markerOK)
		bil_phrases.push_back(sub_alignment(j1, j2, i1, i2));
      } //else {
	//cerr<<"SP no consecutive\n";

  return bil_phrases;
vector<int> ofxFaceTracker2Landmarks::getFeatureIndices(Feature feature) {
    switch(feature) {
        case LEFT_EYE_TOP: return consecutive(36, 40);
        case RIGHT_EYE_TOP: return consecutive(42, 46);
        case LEFT_JAW: return consecutive(0, 9);
        case RIGHT_JAW: return consecutive(8, 17);
        case JAW: return consecutive(0, 17);
        case LEFT_EYEBROW: return consecutive(17, 22);
        case RIGHT_EYEBROW: return consecutive(22, 27);
        case LEFT_EYE: return consecutive(36, 42);
        case RIGHT_EYE: return consecutive(42, 48);
        case OUTER_MOUTH: return consecutive(48, 60);
        case INNER_MOUTH: return consecutive(60, 68);
        case NOSE_BRIDGE: return consecutive(27, 31);
        case NOSE_BASE: return consecutive(31, 36);
        case FACE_OUTLINE: {
            static int faceOutline[] = {17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26, 16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
            return vector<int>(faceOutline, faceOutline + 27);
        case ALL_FEATURES: return consecutive(0, 68);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void arsaRawParallel(arsaRawArgs& args)
	long n = args.n;
	Rbyte* rawDist = args.rawDist;
	std::vector<double>& levels = args.levels;
	double cool = args.cool;
	double temperatureMin = args.temperatureMin;
	if(temperatureMin <= 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input temperatureMin must be positive");
	long nReps = args.nReps;
	std::vector<int>& permutation = args.permutation;
	std::function<void(unsigned long, unsigned long)> progressFunction = args.progressFunction;
	bool randomStart = args.randomStart;

	int maxMove = args.maxMove;
	if(maxMove < 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input maxMove must be non-negative");

	double effortMultiplier = args.effortMultiplier;
	if(effortMultiplier <= 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input effortMultiplier must be positive");

	if(n == 1)
		permutation[0] = 0;
	else if(n < 1)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input n must be positive");

	//We skip the initialisation of D, R1 and R2 from arsa.f, and the computation of asum. 
	//Next the original arsa.f code creates nReps random permutations, and holds them all at once. This doesn't seem necessary, we create them one at a time and discard them
	double zbestAllReps = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
	//A copy of the best permutation found
	std::vector<int> bestPermutationThisRep(n);
	//We use this to build the random permutations
	std::vector<int> consecutive(n);
	for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) consecutive[i] = (int)i;
	std::vector<int> deltaComponents(levels.size());
	//We're doing lots of simulation, so we use the old-fashioned approach to dealing with Rs random number generation

	std::vector<change> stackOfChanges;
	std::vector<bool> dirty(n, false);
	for(int repCounter = 0; repCounter < nReps; repCounter++)
		//create the random permutation, if we decided to use a random initial permutation
			for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
				double rand = unif_rand();
				R_xlen_t index = (R_xlen_t)(rand*(n-i));
				if(index == n-i) index--;
				bestPermutationThisRep[i] = consecutive[index];
				std::swap(consecutive[index], *(consecutive.rbegin()+i));
			for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
				bestPermutationThisRep[i] = consecutive[i];
		//calculate value of z
		double z = 0;
		for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
			R_xlen_t k = bestPermutationThisRep[i];
			for(R_xlen_t j = i+1; j < n; j++)
				R_xlen_t l = bestPermutationThisRep[j];
				z += (j-i) * levels[rawDist[l*n + k]];
		double zbestThisRep = z;
		double temperatureMax = 0;
		//Now try 5000 random swaps
		for(R_xlen_t swapCounter = 0; swapCounter < (R_xlen_t)(5000*effortMultiplier); swapCounter++)
			R_xlen_t swap1, swap2;
			getPairForSwap(n, swap1, swap2);
			double delta = computeDelta(bestPermutationThisRep, swap1, swap2, rawDist, levels, deltaComponents);
			if(delta < 0)
				if(fabs(delta) > temperatureMax) temperatureMax = fabs(delta);
		double temperature = temperatureMax;
		std::vector<int> currentPermutation = bestPermutationThisRep;
		int nloop = (int)((log(temperatureMin) - log(temperatureMax)) / log(cool));
		long totalSteps = (long)(nloop * 100 * n * effortMultiplier);
		long done = 0;
		//Rcpp::Rcout << "Steps needed: " << nloop << std::endl;
		for(R_xlen_t idk = 0; idk < nloop; idk++)
			//Rcpp::Rcout << "Temp = " << temperature << std::endl;
			for(R_xlen_t k = 0; k < (R_xlen_t)(100*n*effortMultiplier); k++)
				R_xlen_t swap1, swap2;
				if(unif_rand() <= 0.5)
					getPairForSwap(n, swap1, swap2);
					change newChange;
					newChange.isMove = false;
					newChange.swap1 = swap1; newChange.swap2 = swap2;

					if(dirty[swap1] || dirty[swap2])
						#pragma omp parallel for
						for(std::vector<change>::iterator i = stackOfChanges.begin(); i != stackOfChanges.end(); i++)
							deltaForChange(*i, currentPermutation, rawDist, levels);
						for(std::vector<change>::iterator i = stackOfChanges.begin(); i != stackOfChanges.end(); i++)
							makeChange(*i, currentPermutation, rawDist, levels, z, zbestThisRep, bestPermutationThisRep, temperature);
						done += stackOfChanges.size();
						progressFunction(done, totalSteps);
						std::fill(dirty.begin(), dirty.end(), false);
					else dirty[swap1] = dirty[swap2] = true;
					getPairForMove(n, swap1, swap2, maxMove);
					bool canDefer = true;
					for(R_xlen_t i = std::min(swap1, swap2); i != std::max(swap1, swap2)+1; i++) canDefer &= !dirty[i];
					change newChange;
					newChange.isMove = true;
					newChange.swap1 = swap1; 
					newChange.swap2 = swap2;
						std::fill(dirty.begin() + std::min(swap1, swap2), dirty.begin() + std::max(swap1, swap2)+1, true);
						#pragma omp parallel for
						for(std::vector<change>::iterator i = stackOfChanges.begin(); i != stackOfChanges.end(); i++)
							deltaForChange(*i, currentPermutation, rawDist, levels);
						for(std::vector<change>::iterator i = stackOfChanges.begin(); i != stackOfChanges.end(); i++)
							makeChange(*i, currentPermutation, rawDist, levels, z, zbestThisRep, bestPermutationThisRep, temperature);

						done += stackOfChanges.size();
						progressFunction(done, totalSteps);
						std::fill(dirty.begin(), dirty.end(), false);
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(std::vector<change>::iterator i = stackOfChanges.begin(); i != stackOfChanges.end(); i++)
				deltaForChange(*i, currentPermutation, rawDist, levels);
			for(std::vector<change>::iterator i = stackOfChanges.begin(); i != stackOfChanges.end(); i++)
				makeChange(*i, currentPermutation, rawDist, levels, z, zbestThisRep, bestPermutationThisRep, temperature);

			done += stackOfChanges.size();
			progressFunction(done, totalSteps);
			std::fill(dirty.begin(), dirty.end(), false);
			temperature *= cool;
		if(zbestThisRep > zbestAllReps)
			zbestAllReps = zbestThisRep;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void arsaRaw(arsaRawArgs& args)
	long n = args.n;
	Rbyte* rawDist = args.rawDist;
	std::vector<double>& levels = args.levels;
	double cool = args.cool;
	double temperatureMin = args.temperatureMin;
	if(temperatureMin <= 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input temperatureMin must be positive");
	long nReps = args.nReps;
	std::vector<int>& permutation = args.permutation;
	std::function<void(unsigned long, unsigned long)> progressFunction = args.progressFunction;
	bool randomStart = args.randomStart;

	int maxMove = args.maxMove;
	if(maxMove < 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input maxMove must be non-negative");

	double effortMultiplier = args.effortMultiplier;
	if(effortMultiplier <= 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input effortMultiplier must be positive");

	if(n == 1)
		permutation[0] = 0;
	else if(n < 1)
		throw std::runtime_error("Input n must be positive");
	//We skip the initialisation of D, R1 and R2 from arsa.f, and the computation of asum. 
	//Next the original arsa.f code creates nReps random permutations, and holds them all at once. This doesn't seem necessary, we create them one at a time and discard them
	double zbestAllReps = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
	//A copy of the best permutation found
	std::vector<int> bestPermutationThisRep(n);
	//We use this to build the random permutations
	std::vector<int> consecutive(n);
	for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) consecutive[i] = (int)i;
	std::vector<int> deltaComponents(levels.size());
	//We're doing lots of simulation, so we use the old-fashioned approach to dealing with Rs random number generation

	for(int repCounter = 0; repCounter < nReps; repCounter++)
		//create the random permutation, if we decided to use a random initial permutation
			for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
				double rand = unif_rand();
				R_xlen_t index = (R_xlen_t)(rand*(n-i));
				if(index == n-i) index--;
				bestPermutationThisRep[i] = consecutive[index];
				std::swap(consecutive[index], *(consecutive.rbegin()+i));
			for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
				bestPermutationThisRep[i] = consecutive[i];
		//calculate value of z
		double z = 0;
		for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
			R_xlen_t k = bestPermutationThisRep[i];
			for(R_xlen_t j = i+1; j < n; j++)
				R_xlen_t l = bestPermutationThisRep[j];
				z += (j-i) * levels[rawDist[l*n + k]];
		double zbestThisRep = z;
		double temperatureMax = 0;
		//Now try 5000 random swaps
		for(R_xlen_t swapCounter = 0; swapCounter < (R_xlen_t)(5000*effortMultiplier); swapCounter++)
			R_xlen_t swap1, swap2;
			getPairForSwap(n, swap1, swap2);
			double delta = computeDelta(bestPermutationThisRep, swap1, swap2, rawDist, levels, deltaComponents);
			if(delta < 0)
				if(fabs(delta) > temperatureMax) temperatureMax = fabs(delta);
		double temperature = temperatureMax;
		std::vector<int> currentPermutation = bestPermutationThisRep;
		int nloop = (int)((log(temperatureMin) - log(temperatureMax)) / log(cool));
		long totalSteps = (long)(nloop * 100 * n * effortMultiplier);
		long done = 0;
		long threadZeroCounter = 0;
		//Rcpp::Rcout << "Steps needed: " << nloop << std::endl;
		for(R_xlen_t idk = 0; idk < nloop; idk++)
			//Rcpp::Rcout << "Temp = " << temperature << std::endl;
			for(R_xlen_t k = 0; k < (R_xlen_t)(100*n*effortMultiplier); k++)
				R_xlen_t swap1, swap2;
				if(unif_rand() <= 0.5)
					getPairForSwap(n, swap1, swap2);
					double delta = computeDelta(currentPermutation, swap1, swap2, rawDist, levels, deltaComponents);
					if(delta > -1e-8)
						z += delta;
						std::swap(currentPermutation[swap1], currentPermutation[swap2]);
						if(z > zbestThisRep)
							zbestThisRep = z;
							bestPermutationThisRep = currentPermutation;
						if(unif_rand() <= exp(delta / temperature))
							z += delta;
							std::swap(currentPermutation[swap1], currentPermutation[swap2]);
					getPairForMove(n, swap1, swap2, maxMove);
					double delta = computeMoveDelta(deltaComponents, swap1, swap2, currentPermutation, rawDist, n, levels);
					int permutedSwap1 = currentPermutation[swap1];
					if(delta > -1e-8 || unif_rand() <= exp(delta / temperature))
						z += delta;
						if(swap2 > swap1)
							for(R_xlen_t i = swap1; i < swap2; i++)
								currentPermutation[i] = currentPermutation[i+1];
							currentPermutation[swap2] = (int)permutedSwap1;
							for(R_xlen_t i = swap1; i > swap2; i--)
								currentPermutation[i] = currentPermutation[i-1];
							currentPermutation[swap2] = (int)permutedSwap1; 
					if(delta > -1e-8 && z > zbestThisRep)
						bestPermutationThisRep = currentPermutation;
						zbestThisRep = z;
				if(threadZeroCounter % 100 == 0)
					progressFunction(done, totalSteps);
			temperature *= cool;
		if(zbestThisRep > zbestAllReps)
			zbestAllReps = zbestThisRep;