Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Read the configuration script, allocating and filling in the structure of
 * global parameters.
IOR_test_t *ReadConfigScript(char *scriptName)
        int test_num = 0;
        int runflag = 0;
        char linebuf[MAX_STR];
        char empty[MAX_STR];
        FILE *file;
        IOR_test_t *head = NULL;
        IOR_test_t *tail = NULL;
        IOR_test_t *newTest = NULL;

        /* Initialize the first test */
        head = CreateTest(&initialTestParams, test_num++);
        tail = head;

        /* open the script */
        file = fopen(scriptName, "r");
        if (file == NULL)
                ERR("fopen() failed");

        /* search for the "IOR START" line */
        while (fgets(linebuf, MAX_STR, file) != NULL) {
                if (contains_only(linebuf, "ior start")) {

        /* Iterate over a block of IOR commands */
        while (fgets(linebuf, MAX_STR, file) != NULL) {
                /* skip empty lines */
                if (sscanf(linebuf, "%s", empty) == -1)
                /* skip lines containing only comments */
                if (sscanf(linebuf, " #%s", empty) == 1)
                if (contains_only(linebuf, "ior stop")) {
                } else if (contains_only(linebuf, "run")) {
                        runflag = 1;
                } else if (runflag) {
                        /* If this directive was preceded by a "run" line, then
                           create and initialize a new test structure */
			runflag = 0;
			tail->next = CreateTest(&tail->params, test_num++);
			tail = tail->next;
                        ParseLine(linebuf, &tail->params);
		} else {
                        ParseLine(linebuf, &tail->params);

        /* close the script */
        if (fclose(file) != 0)
                ERR("fclose() of script file failed");

        return head;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void AuditBuffer<T>::assert_guard_bytes() const
	for (unsigned p = 0; p < (m_color ? 3U : 1U); ++p) {
		ASSERT_TRUE(contains_only(m_vector[p].begin(), m_vector[p].begin() + stride_T(p), m_guard_val)) <<
			"header guard bytes corrupted";

		for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_buffer_height[p]; ++i) {
			const T *line_base = (const T *)m_buffer.data[p] + (ptrdiff_t)i * stride_T(p);
			const T *line_guard_left = line_base - zimg::AlignmentOf<T>::value;
			const T *line_guard_right = line_guard_left + stride_T(p);

			ASSERT_TRUE(contains_only(line_guard_left, line_base, m_guard_val)) <<
				"line guard header corrupted at: " << i;
			ASSERT_TRUE(contains_only(line_base + m_width[p], line_guard_right, m_guard_val)) <<
				"line guard footer corrupted at: " << i;

		ASSERT_TRUE(contains_only(m_vector[p].end() - stride_T(p), m_vector[p].end(), m_guard_val)) <<
			"footer guard bytes corrupted";
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool AuditBuffer<T>::detect_write(unsigned i, unsigned left, unsigned right) const
	bool write = true;

	for (unsigned p = 0; p < (m_color ? 3U : 1U); ++p) {
		zimg::LineBuffer<const T> linebuf{ m_buffer, p };

		unsigned i_plane = i >> (p ? m_subsample_h : 0);
		unsigned left_plane = left >> (p ? m_subsample_w : 0);
		unsigned right_plane = right >> (p ? m_subsample_h : 0);

		write = write && !contains_only(linebuf[i_plane] + left_plane, linebuf[i_plane] + right_plane, m_fill_val[p]);
	return write;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Cast num/den to an int, rounding towards nearest.  All inputs are destroyed.  Take a sqrt if desired.
// The values array must consist of r numerators followed by one denominator.
void snap_divs(RawArray<Quantized> result, RawArray<mp_limb_t,2> values, const bool take_sqrt) {

  // For division, we seek x s.t.
  //   x-1/2 <= num/den <= x+1/2
  //   2x-1 <= 2num/den <= 2x+1
  //   2x-1 <= floor(2num/den) <= 2x+1
  //   2x <= 1+floor(2num/den) <= 2x+2
  //   x <= (1+floor(2num/den))//2 <= x+1
  //   x = (1+floor(2num/den))//2

  // In the sqrt case, we seek a nonnegative integer x s.t.
  //   x-1/2 <= sqrt(num/den) < x+1/2
  //   2x-1 <= sqrt(4num/den) < 2x+1
  // Now the leftmost and rightmost expressions are integral, so we can take floors to get
  //   2x-1 <= floor(sqrt(4num/den)) < 2x+1
  // Since sqrt is monotonic and maps integers to integers, floor(sqrt(floor(x))) = floor(sqrt(x)), so
  //   2x-1 <= floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))) < 2x+1
  //   2x <= 1+floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))) < 2x+2
  //   x <= (1+floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))))//2 < x+1
  //   x = (1+floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))))//2

  // Thus, both cases look like
  //   x = (1+f(2**k*num/den))//2
  // where k = 1 or 2 and f is some truncating integer op (division or division+sqrt).

  // Adjust denominator to be positive
  const auto raw_den = values[result.size()];
  const bool den_negative = mp_limb_signed_t(raw_den.back())<0;
  if (den_negative)
  const auto den = trim(raw_den);
  assert(den.size()); // Zero should be prevented by the caller

  // Prepare for divisions
  const auto q = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(values.n-den.size()+1,mp_limb_t),
             r = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(den.size(),mp_limb_t);

  // Compute each component of the result
  for (int i=0;i<result.size();i++) {
    // Adjust numerator to be positive
    const auto num = values[i];
    const bool num_negative = mp_limb_signed_t(num.back())<0;
    if (take_sqrt && num_negative!=den_negative && !num.contains_only(0))
      throw RuntimeError("perturbed_ratio: negative value in square root");
    if (num_negative)

    // Add enough bits to allow round-to-nearest computation after performing truncating operations
    // Perform division
    const auto trim_q = trim(q);
    if (!trim_q.size()) {
      result[i] = 0;
    // Take sqrt if desired, reusing the num buffer
    const auto s = take_sqrt ? sqrt_helper(num,trim_q) : trim_q;

    // Verify that result lies in [-exact::bound,exact::bound];
    const int ratio = sizeof(ExactInt)/sizeof(mp_limb_t);
    if (s.size() > ratio)
      goto overflow;
    const auto nn = ratio==2 && s.size()==2 ? s[0]|ExactInt(s[1])<<8*sizeof(mp_limb_t) : s[0],
               n = (1+nn)/2;
    if (uint64_t(n) > uint64_t(exact::bound))
      goto overflow;

    // Done!
    result[i] = (num_negative==den_negative?1:-1)*Quantized(n);

  throw OverflowError("perturbed_ratio: overflow in l'Hopital expansion");