Ejemplo n.º 1
void* invokeNtop(LPTSTR szAppParameters) {
  DWORD dwNewArgc, i;
  LPTSTR *lpszNewArgv=NULL;
  LPTSTR *lpszTmpArgv;

  // SetConsoleCtrlHandler(logoffHandler, TRUE);

  // J. R. Duarte: convert the string argument back to argc & argv
  lpszNewArgv = convertArgStringToArgList(lpszNewArgv, &dwNewArgc, szAppParameters);

  // J. R. Duarte: to handle removing the Windows-specific command
  // line option when running from the command line or as a service
  if (!stricmp(lpszNewArgv[1],"/c") || !stricmp(lpszNewArgv[1],"/i"))
      lpszTmpArgv = lpszNewArgv;		// make a copy of argv

      for(i=0; i < dwNewArgc ;i++)	{
	if (i == 0)
	  lpszNewArgv[0] = lpszTmpArgv[0];
	else if (i > 1)
	  lpszNewArgv[i - 1] = lpszTmpArgv[i];


  ntop_main(dwNewArgc, lpszNewArgv);
  SetEvent(hServerStopEvent); // Signal main thread that we're leaving
Ejemplo n.º 2
// The ServiceMain function is the entry point for the service.
void WINAPI serviceMain(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv)
  TCHAR szAppParameters[8192];
  LONG lLen = 8192;
  LPTSTR *lpszNewArgv = NULL;
  DWORD dwNewArgc;
  UINT i;
  char szParamKey[1025];

  sprintf(szParamKey,"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s\\Parameters", lpszArgv[0]);
  // Call RegisterServiceCtrlHandler immediately to register a service control
  // handler function. The returned SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE is saved with global
  // scope, and used as a service id in calls to SetServiceStatus.
  sshStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( TEXT(SZSERVICENAME), controlHandler);
  if (!sshStatusHandle)
    goto finally;

  // The global ssStatus SERVICE_STATUS structure contains information about the
  // service, and is used throughout the program in calls made to SetStatus through
  // the ReportStatus function.
  ssStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS;
  ssStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;

  // If we could guarantee that all initialization would occur in less than one
  // second, we would not have to report our status to the service control manager.
  // For good measure, we will assign SERVICE_START_PENDING to the current service
  // state and inform the service control manager through our ReportStatus function.
  if (!ReportStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 3000))
    goto finally;
  // When we installed this service, we probably saved a list of runtime args
  // in the registry as a subkey of the key for this service. We'll try to get
  // it here...
  if(0 != getStringValue(szAppParameters,(LPDWORD)&lLen, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szParamKey, SZAPPPARAMS)){
    dwNewArgc = 0;
    lpszNewArgv = NULL;
  } else {
    //If we have an argument string, convert it to a list of argc/argv type...
    lpszNewArgv = convertArgStringToArgList(lpszNewArgv, &dwNewArgc, szAppParameters);
  // Do it! In ServiceStart, we'll send additional status reports to the
  // service control manager, especially the SERVICE_RUNNING report once
  // our JVM is initiallized and ready to be invoked.
  ServiceStart(dwNewArgc, lpszNewArgv);

  // Release the allocated storage used by our arg list. Java programmers
  // might remember this kind of stuff.
  for(i=0; i<dwNewArgc; i++){
  if(dwNewArgc > 0)
  // Report the stopped status to the service control manager, if we have
  // a valid server status handle.
  if (sshStatusHandle)
    (VOID)ReportStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, dwErr, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void* invokelprobe(void* _szAppParameters) {
  DWORD dwNewArgc, i;
  LPTSTR szAppParameters = (LPTSTR)_szAppParameters;
  LPTSTR *lpszNewArgv = NULL;
  LPTSTR *lpszTmpArgv;

  // SetConsoleCtrlHandler(logoffHandler, TRUE);

  // J. R. Duarte: convert the string argument back to argc & argv
  lpszNewArgv = convertArgStringToArgList(lpszNewArgv, &dwNewArgc, szAppParameters);

  // J. R. Duarte: to handle removing the Windows-specific command
  // line option when running from the command line or as a service

  if (!stricmp(lpszNewArgv[1],"/c") || !stricmp(lpszNewArgv[1],"/i")  || !stricmp(lpszNewArgv[1],"/r"))
      int displ;
      lpszTmpArgv = lpszNewArgv;		// make a copy of argv

      if(!stricmp(lpszNewArgv[1],"/c")) displ = 1; else displ = 2;

      for(i=0; i < dwNewArgc ;i++)	{
	if (i == 0)
	  lpszNewArgv[0] = lpszTmpArgv[0];
	else if (i > displ)
	  lpszNewArgv[i - displ] = lpszTmpArgv[i];


  /* Example: C:\ltop\lprobe\Release\lprobe.exe */
  GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), readOnlyGlobals.base_installation_path, MAX_PATH);

  for(i = strlen(readOnlyGlobals.base_installation_path)-1; i>0; i--)
    if(readOnlyGlobals.base_installation_path[i] == '\\') {
      readOnlyGlobals.base_installation_path[i+1] = '\0';

  lprobe_main(dwNewArgc, lpszNewArgv);
  SetEvent(hServerStopEvent); // Signal main thread that we're leaving