Ejemplo n.º 1
void SteeringController::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& odom_rcvd) {
    // copy some of the components of the received message into member vars
    // we care about speed and spin, as well as position estimates x,y and heading
    current_odom_ = odom_rcvd; // save the entire message
    // but also pick apart pieces, for ease of use

    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped in;
    in.header.frame_id = "odom";
    in.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    in.pose = odom_rcvd.pose.pose;
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped temp;

    odom_pose_ = temp.pose;

    odom_vel_ = odom_rcvd.twist.twist.linear.x;
    odom_omega_ = odom_rcvd.twist.twist.angular.z;
    odom_x_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.position.x;
    odom_y_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.position.y;
    odom_quat_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.orientation;
    //odom publishes orientation as a quaternion.  Convert this to a simple heading
    odom_phi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(odom_quat_); // cheap conversion from quaternion to heading for planar motion
    // let's put odom x,y in an Eigen-style 2x1 vector; convenient for linear algebra operations
    //odom_xy_vec_(0) = odom_x_;
    //odom_xy_vec_(1) = odom_y_;   
Ejemplo n.º 2
void DesStatePublisher::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& odom_rcvd) { 

    current_state_ = odom_rcvd;

    geometry_msgs::Pose odom_pose_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose;
    geometry_msgs::Quaternion odom_quat_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.orientation;
    double odom_phi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(odom_quat_); // cheap conversion from quaternion to heading for planar motion
    tf::Vector3 pos;

    stfBaseLinkWrtOdom_.stamp_ = ros::Time::now();

    tf::Quaternion q;


    stfBaseLinkWrtOdom_.frame_id_ = "odom";
    stfBaseLinkWrtOdom_.child_frame_id_ = "base_link";


    //look at the odom, if we've moved significantly, append a path point to our return path
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped poseToAdd;
    poseToAdd.pose = current_state_.pose.pose;
    poseToAdd.header = current_state_.header;

    if (return_path_stack.empty()) {
        ROS_INFO("return_path_stack got its first point");
    else {
        //only add a point if we've moved at least return_path_point_spacing meter
        //and our heading is different by at least 
        geometry_msgs::PoseStamped topPoseInStack = return_path_stack.top();

        double currentX = current_state_.pose.pose.position.x;
        double currentY = current_state_.pose.pose.position.y;
        double lastX = topPoseInStack.pose.position.x;
        double lastY = topPoseInStack.pose.position.y;
        double dist = sqrt(pow(lastX - currentX,2) + pow(lastY - currentY,2));  //thanks pythagoras, you da man 

        double current_psi = trajBuilder_.convertPlanarQuat2Psi(current_state_.pose.pose.orientation);
        double last_psi = trajBuilder_.convertPlanarQuat2Psi(topPoseInStack.pose.orientation);
        double psiDiff = abs(current_psi - last_psi);

        if (dist >= return_path_point_spacing && psiDiff >= return_path_delta_phi) {
            ROS_INFO("return_path_stack got a point");
//use this if a desired state is being published
void SteeringController::desStateCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& des_state_rcvd) {
    // copy some of the components of the received message into member vars
    // we care about speed and spin, as well as position estimates x,y and heading
    des_state_speed_ = des_state_rcvd.twist.twist.linear.x;
    des_state_omega_ = des_state_rcvd.twist.twist.angular.z;
    des_state_x_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose.position.x;
    des_state_y_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose.position.y;
    des_state_pose_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose;    
    des_state_quat_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose.orientation;
    //Convert quaternion to simple heading
    des_state_psi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(des_state_quat_);   
void DemoTfListener::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& odom_rcvd) {
    // copy some of the components of the received message into member vars
    // we care about speed and spin, as well as position estimates x,y and heading
    current_odom_ = odom_rcvd; // save the entire message
    // but also pick apart pieces, for ease of use
    odom_pose_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose;
    odom_vel_ = odom_rcvd.twist.twist.linear.x;
    odom_omega_ = odom_rcvd.twist.twist.angular.z;
    odom_x_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.position.x;
    odom_y_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.position.y;
    odom_quat_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.orientation;
    //odom publishes orientation as a quaternion.  Convert this to a simple heading
    odom_phi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(odom_quat_); // cheap conversion from quaternion to heading for planar motion
    // test for map to odom transforms:
    // Fill transform with the transform from source_frame to target_frame 
    // first arg, target frame, 2nd arg, source frame
    // e.g.,  I want to know where is the base_link w/rt the map: 
    //The direction of the transform returned will be from the target_frame to the source_frame. 
    // Which if applied to data, will transform data in the source_frame into the target_frame.
    // so, "where is the robot w/rt the map" can be found via:
    tfListener_->lookupTransform("map", "base_link", ros::Time(0), baseLink_wrt_map_);
    ROS_INFO("base link w/rt map: ");
    tf::Vector3 pos = baseLink_wrt_map_.getOrigin();
    tf::Quaternion tf_quaternion = baseLink_wrt_map_.getRotation();
    geometry_msgs::Quaternion quaternion;
    quaternion.x = tf_quaternion.x();
    quaternion.y = tf_quaternion.y();
    quaternion.z = tf_quaternion.z();
    quaternion.w = tf_quaternion.w();
    double yaw = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(quaternion);
    ROS_INFO("x,y, yaw = %f, %f, %f",pos[0],pos[1],yaw);
    ROS_INFO("q x,y,z,w: %f %f %f %f",quaternion.x,quaternion.y,quaternion.z,quaternion.w);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SteeringController::desStateCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& des_state_rcvd) {
    // copy some of the components of the received message into member vars
    // we care about speed and spin, as well as position estimates x,y and heading
    des_state_ = des_state_rcvd; // save the entire message
    // but also pick apart pieces, for ease of use
    des_state_pose_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose;
    des_state_vel_ = des_state_rcvd.twist.twist.linear.x;
    des_state_omega_ = des_state_rcvd.twist.twist.angular.z;
    des_state_x_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose.position.x;
    des_state_y_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose.position.y;
    des_state_quat_ = des_state_rcvd.pose.pose.orientation;
    //odom publishes orientation as a quaternion.  Convert this to a simple heading
    des_state_phi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(des_state_quat_); // cheap conversion from quaternion to heading for planar motion
    // fill in an Eigen-style 2x1 vector as well--potentially convenient for linear algebra operations    
    //des_xy_vec_(0) = des_state_x_;
    //des_xy_vec_(1) = des_state_y_;      
void SteeringController::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& odom_rcvd) {
    // copy some of the components of the received message into member vars
    // we care about speed and spin, as well as position estimates x,y and heading
    current_odom_ = odom_rcvd; // save the entire message
    // but also pick apart pieces, for ease of use
    odom_pose_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose;
    odom_vel_ = odom_rcvd.twist.twist.linear.x;
    odom_omega_ = odom_rcvd.twist.twist.angular.z;
    odom_x_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.position.x - mapToOdom_.getOrigin().x();
    odom_y_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.position.y - mapToOdom_.getOrigin().y();
    odom_quat_ = odom_rcvd.pose.pose.orientation;
    //odom publishes orientation as a quaternion.  Convert this to a simple heading
    odom_phi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(odom_quat_) - tf::getYaw( mapToOdom_.getRotation() ); // cheap conversion from quaternion to heading for planar motion
    // let's put odom x,y in an Eigen-style 2x1 vector; convenient for linear algebra operations
    //odom_xy_vec_(0) = odom_x_;
    //odom_xy_vec_(1) = odom_y_;   
Ejemplo n.º 7
//executeCB implementation: this is a member method that will get registered with the action server
// argument type is very long.  Meaning:
// actionlib is the package for action servers
// SimpleActionServer is a templated class in this package (defined in the "actionlib" ROS package)
// <example_action_server::demoAction> customizes the simple action server to use our own "action" message 
// defined in our package, "example_action_server", in the subdirectory "action", called "demo.action"
// The name "demo" is prepended to other message types created automatically during compilation.
// e.g.,  "demoAction" is auto-generated from (our) base name "demo" and generic name "Action"
void ExampleActionServer::executeCB(const actionlib::SimpleActionServer<example_action_server::demoAction>::GoalConstPtr& goal) {
    ROS_INFO("callback activated");
    double yaw_desired, yaw_current, travel_distance, spin_angle;
    nav_msgs::Path paths;
    geometry_msgs::Pose pose_desired;
    paths = goal->input;

    int npts = paths.poses.size();
    ROS_INFO("received path request with %d poses",npts);    

	int move = 0;
	for (int i=0;i<npts;i++) { //visit each subgoal
		// odd notation: drill down, access vector element, drill some more to get pose
		pose_desired = paths.poses[i].pose; //get first pose from vector of poses        
        	get_yaw_and_dist(g_current_pose, pose_desired,travel_distance, yaw_desired);
        	ROS_INFO("pose %d: desired yaw = %f; desired (x,y) = (%f,%f)",i,yaw_desired, 		 	
        	ROS_INFO("current (x,y) = (%f, %f)",g_current_pose.position.x,g_current_pose.position.y);
        	ROS_INFO("travel distance = %f",travel_distance); 
		ROS_INFO("pose %d: desired yaw = %f",i,yaw_desired);        
		yaw_current = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(g_current_pose.orientation); //our current yaw--should use a sensor
		spin_angle = yaw_desired - yaw_current; // spin this much
		//spin_angle = min_spin(spin_angle);// but what if this angle is > pi?  then go the other way
		do_spin(spin_angle); // carry out this incremental action
		// we will just assume that this action was successful--really should have sensor feedback here
		g_current_pose.orientation = pose_desired.orientation; // assumes got to desired orientation precisely
		move = pose_desired.position.x;
		ROS_INFO("Move:  %d", move);
		   ROS_WARN("Srv: goal canceled.");
		   result_.output = -1;
	result_.output = 0;
	ROS_INFO("Move finished.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
void get_yaw_and_dist(geometry_msgs::Pose current_pose, geometry_msgs::Pose goal_pose,double &dist, double &heading) {
 dist = 0.0; //initialize dist

 double dx = goal_pose.position.x - current_pose.position.x;
 ROS_INFO("dx: %f", dx);
 double dy = goal_pose.position.y - current_pose.position.y;
 ROS_INFO("dy: %f", dy);

 dist = sqrt(pow(dx,2)+pow(dy,2));
 ROS_INFO("dist: %f", dist);

 if (dist < g_dist_tol) { //too small of a motion, so just set the heading from goal heading
    heading = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(goal_pose.orientation); 
	ROS_INFO("too small");
 else {
    heading = atan2(dy, dx);
    ROS_INFO("heading result: %f", heading);

//receive publications from gazebo via node mobot_gazebo_state;
// this stands in for a state estimator; for a real system need to create such a node
void SteeringController::gazeboPoseCallback(const geometry_msgs::Pose& gazebo_pose) {
   state_x_ = gazebo_pose.position.x; //copy the state to member variables of this object
   state_y_ = gazebo_pose.position.y;
   state_quat_ = gazebo_pose.orientation;
   state_psi_ = convertPlanarQuat2Phi(state_quat_);