Ejemplo n.º 1
 * This is the compress routine.  It shows the basic algorithm for
 * the compression programs used in this article.  First, an input
 * characters is loaded.  The modeling routines are called to
 * convert the character to a symbol, which has a high, low and
 * range.  Finally, the arithmetic coder module is called to
 * output the symbols to the bit stream.
void compress()
    int i;
    char c;
    SYMBOL s;
    FILE *compressed_file;
    static char *input = "GLIB BATES";

    compressed_file=fopen( "software/benchmarks/data/test.cmp", "wb" );
    if ( compressed_file == NULL )
        error_exit( "Could not open output file" );
    puts( "Compressing..." );
    for ( i=0 ; ; )
        c = input[ i++ ];
        convert_int_to_symbol( c, &s );
        encode_symbol( compressed_file, &s );
        if ( c == '\0' )
    flush_arithmetic_encoder( compressed_file );
    flush_output_bitstream( compressed_file );
    fclose( compressed_file);
Ejemplo n.º 2
* The main procedure is similar to the main found in ARITH1E.C. It has
* to initialize the coder and the model. It then sits in a loop reading
* input symbols and encoding them. One difference is that every 256
* symbols a compression check is performed. If the compression ratio
* falls below 10%, a flush character is encoded. This flushes the encod
* ing model, and will cause the decoder to flush its model when the 
* file is being expanded. The second difference is that each symbol is
* repeatedly encoded until a successful encoding occurs. When trying to
* encode a character in a particular order, the model may have to
* transmit an ESCAPE character. If this is the case, the character has
* to be retransmitted using a lower order. This process repeats until a
* successful match is found of the symbol in a particular context.
* Usually this means going down no further than the order -1 model.
* However, the FLUSH and DONE symbols drop back to the order -2 model.
void CompressFile(FILE *input,BIT_FILE *output,int argc,char *argv[])
 int c;
 int escaped;
 int flush = 0;
 long int text_count = 0;
 initialize_options( argc, argv );
 for ( ; ; ) {
 if ( ( ++text_count & 0x0ff ) == 0 )
 	flush = check_compression( input, output );
 if ( !flush )
 	c = getc( input );
 	c = FLUSH;
 if ( c == EOF )
 	c = DONE;
 do {
	 escaped = convert_int_to_symbol( c, &s);
	 encode_symbol( output, &s );
 } while ( escaped );
 if ( c == DONE )
 if ( c == FLUSH ) {
	 flush = 0;
 update_model( c );
 add_character_to_model( c );
 flush_arithmetic_encoder( output );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void encode_arith_symbol(MscCoderArithModel *arithModel, PutBitContext *pb, int value) {
	MscCoderArithSymbol arithSymbol;

	// convert value to range symbol
	convert_int_to_symbol(arithModel, value, &arithSymbol);

	// encode symbol by arith encoder
	encode_symbol(pb, &arithSymbol);

	// update arithmetic model
	update_model(arithModel, value);