Ejemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char * argv [])
{	char 		*progname, *infilename, *outfilename ;
	SNDFILE	 	*infile = NULL ;
	FILE		*outfile = NULL ;
	SF_INFO	 	sfinfo ;

	progname = strrchr (argv [0], '/') ;
	progname = progname ? progname + 1 : argv [0] ;

	if (argc != 3)
	{	print_usage (progname) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	infilename = argv [1] ;
	outfilename = argv [2] ;

	if (strcmp (infilename, outfilename) == 0)
	{	printf ("Error : Input and output filenames are the same.\n\n") ;
		print_usage (progname) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	if (infilename [0] == '-')
	{	printf ("Error : Input filename (%s) looks like an option.\n\n", infilename) ;
		print_usage (progname) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	if (outfilename [0] == '-')
	{	printf ("Error : Output filename (%s) looks like an option.\n\n", outfilename) ;
		print_usage (progname) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	if ((infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("Not able to open input file %s.\n", infilename) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	/* Open the output file. */
	if ((outfile = fopen (outfilename, "w")) == NULL)
	{	printf ("Not able to open output file %s : %s\n", outfilename, sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	fprintf (outfile, "# Converted from file %s.\n", infilename) ;
	fprintf (outfile, "# Channels %d, Sample rate %d\n", sfinfo.channels, sfinfo.samplerate) ;

	convert_to_text (infile, outfile, sfinfo.channels) ;

	sf_close (infile) ;
	fclose (outfile) ;

	return 0 ;
} /* main */
Ejemplo n.º 2
void search_buf(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
	const char *dir_full_path, char *tmp_file_path) {
	int binary = -1; /* 1 = yes, 0 = no, -1 = don't know */
	size_t buf_offset = 0;

	//if (opts.search_stream) {
	//	binary = 0;
	//else if (!opts.search_binary_files) {
	//	binary = is_binary(buf, buf_len);

	//	if (binary) {
	//		log_debug("File %s is binary. Skipping...", dir_full_path);
	//		if (!convert_to_text(&buf, &buf_len, dir_full_path, tmp_file_path))
	//			return;
	//	}

	binary = is_binary(buf, buf_len);

	if (binary) {
		log_debug("File %s is binary. Convert to text...", dir_full_path);
		if (!convert_to_text(&buf, &buf_len, dir_full_path, tmp_file_path))
	size_t matches_len = 0;
	match_t *matches;
	size_t matches_size;
	size_t matches_spare;

	//if (opts.invert_match) {
	//	/* If we are going to invert the set of matches at the end, we will need
	//	* one extra match struct, even if there are no matches at all. So make
	//	* sure we have a nonempty array; and make sure we always have spare
	//	* capacity for one extra.
	//	*/
	//	matches_size = 100;
	//	matches = (match_t *)ag_malloc(matches_size * sizeof(match_t));
	//	matches_spare = 1;
	//else {
	//	matches_size = 0;
	//	matches = NULL;
	//	matches_spare = 0;
	matches_size = 0;
	matches = NULL;
	matches_spare = 0;

	if (/*!opts.literal && */opts.query_len == 1 && opts.query[0] == '.') {
		matches_size = 1;
		matches = (match_t *)ag_malloc(matches_size * sizeof(match_t));
		matches[0].start = 0;
		matches[0].end = buf_len;
		matches_len = 1;
	else {
		const char *match_ptr = buf;
		strncmp_fp ag_strnstr_fp = get_strstr(opts.casing);

		while (buf_offset < buf_len) {
			match_ptr = ag_strnstr_fp(match_ptr, opts.query, buf_len - buf_offset, opts.query_len, alpha_skip_lookup, find_skip_lookup);
			if (match_ptr == NULL) {

			if (opts.word_regexp) {
				const char *start = match_ptr;
				const char *end = match_ptr + opts.query_len;

				/* Check whether both start and end of the match lie on a word
				* boundary
				if ((start == buf ||
					is_wordchar(*(start - 1)) != opts.literal_starts_wordchar) &&
					(end == buf + buf_len ||
					is_wordchar(*end) != opts.literal_ends_wordchar)) {
					/* It's a match */
				else {
					/* It's not a match */
					match_ptr += opts.query_len;
					buf_offset = end - buf;

			if (matches_len + matches_spare >= matches_size) {
				/* TODO: benchmark initial size of matches. 100 may be too small/big */
				matches_size = matches ? matches_size * 2 : 100;
				log_debug("Too many matches in %s. Reallocating matches to %zu.", dir_full_path, matches_size);
				matches = (match_t *)ag_realloc(matches, matches_size * sizeof(match_t));

			matches[matches_len].start = match_ptr - buf;
			matches[matches_len].end = matches[matches_len].start + opts.query_len;
			buf_offset = matches[matches_len].end;
			log_debug("Match found. File %s, offset %lu bytes.", dir_full_path, matches[matches_len].start);
			match_ptr += opts.query_len;

			if (opts.max_matches_per_file > 0 && matches_len >= opts.max_matches_per_file) {
				log_err("Too many matches in %s. Skipping the rest of this file.", dir_full_path);
	else {