void zu::xml_writer::do_function_declaration_node(zu::function_declaration_node * const node, int lvl) {
  // FIXME
  openTag(node, lvl);
  openTag("identifier", lvl + 2);
  node->identifier()->accept(this, lvl + 4);
  closeTag("identifier", lvl + 2);
  openTag("visibility", lvl + 2);
  os() << std::string(lvl + 4, ' ') << node->visibility() <<  std::endl;
  closeTag("visibility", lvl + 2);
  openTag("external", lvl + 2);
  os() << std::string(lvl + 4, ' ') << node->ext() <<  std::endl;
  closeTag("external", lvl + 2);
  if(node->return_type() != nullptr){
    openTag("return_type type=" + convert_types(node->return_type()), lvl + 2);
    closeTag("return_type", lvl + 2);
  openTag("arguments", lvl + 2);
  if(node->args() != nullptr)
      node->args()->accept(this, lvl + 4);
  closeTag("arguments", lvl + 2);
  openTag("literal", lvl + 2);
  if(node->literal() != nullptr)
      node->literal()->accept(this, lvl + 4);
  closeTag("literal", lvl + 2);
  closeTag(node, lvl);
Ejemplo n.º 2
ImageBuf::copy_pixels (int xbegin, int xend, int ybegin, int yend,
                       TypeDesc format, void *result) const
#if 1
    // Fancy method -- for each possible base type that the user
    // wants for a destination type, call a template specialization.
    switch (format.basetype) {
    case TypeDesc::UINT8 :
        copy_pixels<unsigned char> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (unsigned char *)result);
    case TypeDesc::INT8:
        copy_pixels<char> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (char *)result);
    case TypeDesc::UINT16 :
        copy_pixels<unsigned short> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (unsigned short *)result);
    case TypeDesc::INT16 :
        copy_pixels<short> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (short *)result);
    case TypeDesc::UINT :
        copy_pixels<unsigned int> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (unsigned int *)result);
    case TypeDesc::INT :
        copy_pixels<int> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (int *)result);
    case TypeDesc::HALF :
        copy_pixels<half> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (half *)result);
    case TypeDesc::FLOAT :
        copy_pixels<float> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (float *)result);
    case TypeDesc::DOUBLE :
        copy_pixels<double> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (double *)result);
    case TypeDesc::UINT64 :
        copy_pixels<unsigned long long> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (unsigned long long *)result);
    case TypeDesc::INT64 :
        copy_pixels<long long> (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, (long long *)result);
        return false;
    // Naive method -- loop over pixels, calling getpixel()
    size_t usersize = format.size() * nchannels();
    float *pel = (float *) alloca (nchannels() * sizeof(float));
    for (int y = ybegin;  y < yend;  ++y)
        for (int x = xbegin;  x < xend;  ++x) {
            getpixel (x, y, pel);
            convert_types (TypeDesc::TypeFloat, pel,
                           format, result, nchannels());
            result = (void *) ((char *)result + usersize);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
ImageInput::read_scanline (int y, int z, TypeDesc format, void *data,
                           stride_t xstride)
    // native_pixel_bytes is the size of a pixel in the FILE, including
    // the per-channel format.
    stride_t native_pixel_bytes = (stride_t) m_spec.pixel_bytes (true);
    // perchanfile is true if the file has different per-channel formats
    bool perchanfile = m_spec.channelformats.size();
    // native_data is true if the user asking for data in the native format
    bool native_data = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN ||
                        (format == m_spec.format && !perchanfile));
    if (native_data && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = native_pixel_bytes;
        m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, format, m_spec.nchannels);
    // Do the strides indicate that the data area is contiguous?
    bool contiguous = (native_data && xstride == native_pixel_bytes) ||
        (!native_data && xstride == (stride_t)m_spec.pixel_bytes(false));

    // If user's format and strides are set up to accept the native data
    // layout, read the scanline directly into the user's buffer.
    if (native_data && contiguous)
        return read_native_scanline (y, z, data);

    // Complex case -- either changing data type or stride
    int scanline_values = m_spec.width * m_spec.nchannels;
    unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) alloca (m_spec.scanline_bytes(true));
    bool ok = read_native_scanline (y, z, buf);
    if (! ok)
        return false;
    if (! perchanfile) {
        // No per-channel formats -- do the conversion in one shot
        ok = contiguous 
            ? convert_types (m_spec.format, buf, format, data, scanline_values)
            : convert_image (m_spec.nchannels, m_spec.width, 1, 1, 
                             buf, m_spec.format, AutoStride, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                             data, format, xstride, AutoStride, AutoStride);
    } else {
        // Per-channel formats -- have to convert/copy channels individually
        ASSERT (m_spec.channelformats.size() == (size_t)m_spec.nchannels);
        size_t offset = 0;
        for (int c = 0;  ok && c < m_spec.nchannels;  ++c) {
            TypeDesc chanformat = m_spec.channelformats[c];
            ok = convert_image (1 /* channels */, m_spec.width, 1, 1, 
                                buf+offset, chanformat, 
                                native_pixel_bytes, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                (char *)data + c*format.size(),
                                format, xstride, AutoStride, AutoStride);
            offset += chanformat.size ();

    if (! ok)
        error ("ImageInput::read_scanline : no support for format %s",
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static inline void
transfer_pixels_ (ImageBuf &buf, ColorTransfer *tfunc)
    for (ImageBuf::Iterator<T> pixel (buf); pixel.valid(); ++pixel) {
        convert_types (buf.spec().format, pixel.rawptr(),
                       buf.spec().format, pixel.rawptr(),
                       buf.nchannels(), tfunc,
                       buf.spec().alpha_channel, buf.spec().z_channel);
Ejemplo n.º 5
ImageInput::read_tile (int x, int y, int z, TypeDesc format, void *data,
                       stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride, stride_t zstride)
    stride_t native_pixel_bytes = (stride_t) m_spec.pixel_bytes (true);
    if (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = native_pixel_bytes;
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format, m_spec.nchannels,
                        m_spec.tile_width, m_spec.tile_height);
    bool contiguous = (xstride == native_pixel_bytes &&
                       ystride == xstride*m_spec.tile_width &&
                       (zstride == ystride*m_spec.tile_height || zstride == 0));

    // If user's format and strides are set up to accept the native data
    // layout, read the tile directly into the user's buffer.
    bool rightformat = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN) ||
        (format == m_spec.format && m_spec.channelformats.empty());
    if (rightformat && contiguous)
        return read_native_tile (x, y, z, data);  // Simple case

    // Complex case -- either changing data type or stride
    int tile_values = m_spec.tile_width * m_spec.tile_height * 
                      std::max(1,m_spec.tile_depth) * m_spec.nchannels;

    boost::scoped_array<char> buf (new char [m_spec.tile_bytes(true)]);
    bool ok = read_native_tile (x, y, z, &buf[0]);
    if (! ok)
        return false;
    if (m_spec.channelformats.empty()) {
        // No per-channel formats -- do the conversion in one shot
        ok = contiguous 
            ? convert_types (m_spec.format, &buf[0], format, data, tile_values)
            : convert_image (m_spec.nchannels, m_spec.tile_width, m_spec.tile_height, m_spec.tile_depth, 
                             &buf[0], m_spec.format, AutoStride, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                             data, format, xstride, ystride, zstride);
    } else {
        // Per-channel formats -- have to convert/copy channels individually
        size_t offset = 0;
        for (size_t c = 0;  c < m_spec.channelformats.size();  ++c) {
            TypeDesc chanformat = m_spec.channelformats[c];
            ok = convert_image (1 /* channels */, m_spec.tile_width,
                                m_spec.tile_height, m_spec.tile_depth,
                                &buf[offset], chanformat, 
                                native_pixel_bytes, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                (char *)data + c*m_spec.format.size(),
                                format, xstride, AutoStride, AutoStride);
            offset += chanformat.size ();

    if (! ok)
        error ("ImageInput::read_tile : no support for format %s",
    return ok;
void zu::xml_writer::do_var_declaration_node(zu::var_declaration_node * const node, int lvl){
  // FIXME 
  openTag(node, lvl);
  openTag("visibility", lvl + 2);
  os() << std::string(lvl + 4, ' ') << node->visibility() <<  std::endl;
  closeTag("visibility", lvl + 2);
  openTag("external", lvl + 2);
  os() << std::string(lvl + 4, ' ') << node->ext() <<  std::endl;
  closeTag("external", lvl + 2);
  openTag("type type=" + convert_types(node->type()), lvl + 2);
  closeTag("type", lvl + 2);
  openTag("identifier", lvl + 2);
  node->identifier()->accept(this, lvl + 4);
  closeTag("identifier", lvl + 2);
  closeTag(node, lvl);
Ejemplo n.º 7
NullInput::open(const std::string& name, ImageSpec& newspec,
                const ImageSpec& config)
    m_filename = name;
    m_subimage = -1;
    m_miplevel = -1;
    m_mip      = false;
    m_topspec  = config;

    // std::vector<std::pair<string_view,string_view> > args;
    // string_view filename = deconstruct_uri (name, &args);
    std::map<std::string, std::string> args;
    std::string filename;
    if (!Strutil::get_rest_arguments(name, filename, args))
        return false;
    if (filename.empty())
        return false;

    // To keep the "null" input reader from reading from ANY name, only
    // succeed if it ends in ".null" or ".nul" --OR-- if the config has a
    // special override "null:force" set to nonzero (that lets the caller
    // guarantee a null input even if the name has no extension, say).
    if (!Strutil::ends_with(filename, ".null")
        && !Strutil::ends_with(filename, ".nul")
        && config.get_int_attribute("null:force") == 0)
        return false;

    // Override the config with default resolution if it was not set
    if (m_topspec.width <= 0)
        m_topspec.width = 1024;
    if (m_topspec.height <= 0)
        m_topspec.height = 1024;
    if (m_topspec.depth <= 0)
        m_topspec.depth = 1;
    if (m_topspec.full_width <= 0)
        m_topspec.full_width = m_topspec.width;
    if (m_topspec.full_height <= 0)
        m_topspec.full_height = m_topspec.height;
    if (m_topspec.full_depth <= 0)
        m_topspec.full_depth = m_topspec.depth;
    if (m_topspec.nchannels <= 0)
        m_topspec.nchannels = 4;
    if (m_topspec.format == TypeUnknown)
        m_topspec.format = TypeFloat;

    m_filename = filename;
    std::vector<float> fvalue;

    for (const auto& a : args) {
        if (a.first == "RES") {
            parse_res(a.second, m_topspec.width, m_topspec.height,
            m_topspec.full_x      = m_topspec.x;
            m_topspec.full_y      = m_topspec.y;
            m_topspec.full_z      = m_topspec.z;
            m_topspec.full_width  = m_topspec.width;
            m_topspec.full_height = m_topspec.height;
            m_topspec.full_depth  = m_topspec.depth;
        } else if (a.first == "TILE" || a.first == "TILES") {
            parse_res(a.second, m_topspec.tile_width, m_topspec.tile_height,
        } else if (a.first == "CHANNELS") {
            m_topspec.nchannels = Strutil::from_string<int>(a.second);
        } else if (a.first == "MIP") {
            m_mip = Strutil::from_string<int>(a.second);
        } else if (a.first == "TEX") {
            if (Strutil::from_string<int>(a.second)) {
                if (!m_spec.tile_width) {
                    m_topspec.tile_width  = 64;
                    m_topspec.tile_height = 64;
                    m_topspec.tile_depth  = 1;
                m_topspec.attribute("wrapmodes", "black,black");
                m_topspec.attribute("textureformat", "Plain Texture");
                m_mip = true;
        } else if (a.first == "TYPE") {
        } else if (a.first == "PIXEL") {
            Strutil::extract_from_list_string(fvalue, a.second);
        } else if (a.first.size() && a.second.size()) {
            parse_param(a.first, a.second, m_topspec);

    if (fvalue.size()) {
        // Convert float to the native type
        fvalue.resize(m_topspec.nchannels, 0.0f);
        convert_types(TypeFloat, fvalue.data(), m_topspec.format,
                      m_value.data(), m_topspec.nchannels);

    bool ok = seek_subimage(0, 0);
    newspec = spec();
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 8
ImageInput::read_tile (int x, int y, int z, TypeDesc format, void *data,
                       stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride, stride_t zstride)
    if (! m_spec.tile_width ||
        ((x-m_spec.x) % m_spec.tile_width) != 0 ||
        ((y-m_spec.y) % m_spec.tile_height) != 0 ||
        ((z-m_spec.z) % m_spec.tile_depth) != 0)
        return false;   // coordinates are not a tile corner

    // native_pixel_bytes is the size of a pixel in the FILE, including
    // the per-channel format.
    stride_t native_pixel_bytes = (stride_t) m_spec.pixel_bytes (true);
    // perchanfile is true if the file has different per-channel formats
    bool perchanfile = m_spec.channelformats.size();
    // native_data is true if the user asking for data in the native format
    bool native_data = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN ||
                        (format == m_spec.format && !perchanfile));
    if (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = native_pixel_bytes;
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format, m_spec.nchannels,
                        m_spec.tile_width, m_spec.tile_height);
    // Do the strides indicate that the data area is contiguous?
    bool contiguous = (native_data && xstride == native_pixel_bytes) ||
        (!native_data && xstride == (stride_t)m_spec.pixel_bytes(false));
    contiguous &= (ystride == xstride*m_spec.tile_width &&
                   (zstride == ystride*m_spec.tile_height || zstride == 0));

    // If user's format and strides are set up to accept the native data
    // layout, read the tile directly into the user's buffer.
    if (native_data && contiguous)
        return read_native_tile (x, y, z, data);  // Simple case

    // Complex case -- either changing data type or stride
    size_t tile_values = (size_t)m_spec.tile_pixels() * m_spec.nchannels;

    std::vector<char> buf (m_spec.tile_bytes(true));
    bool ok = read_native_tile (x, y, z, &buf[0]);
    if (! ok)
        return false;
    if (! perchanfile) {
        // No per-channel formats -- do the conversion in one shot
        ok = contiguous 
            ? convert_types (m_spec.format, &buf[0], format, data, tile_values)
            : convert_image (m_spec.nchannels, m_spec.tile_width, m_spec.tile_height, m_spec.tile_depth, 
                             &buf[0], m_spec.format, AutoStride, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                             data, format, xstride, ystride, zstride);
    } else {
        // Per-channel formats -- have to convert/copy channels individually
        if (native_data) {
            ASSERT (contiguous && "Per-channel native input requires contiguous strides");
        ASSERT (format != TypeDesc::UNKNOWN);
        ASSERT (m_spec.channelformats.size() == (size_t)m_spec.nchannels);
        size_t offset = 0;
        for (int c = 0;  c < m_spec.nchannels;  ++c) {
            TypeDesc chanformat = m_spec.channelformats[c];
            ok = convert_image (1 /* channels */, m_spec.tile_width,
                                m_spec.tile_height, m_spec.tile_depth,
                                &buf[offset], chanformat, 
                                native_pixel_bytes, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                (char *)data + c*format.size(),
                                format, xstride, AutoStride, AutoStride);
            offset += chanformat.size ();

    if (! ok)
        error ("ImageInput::read_tile : no support for format %s",
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 9
ImageInput::read_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                            int firstchan, int nchans,
                            TypeDesc format, void *data,
                            stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride)
    nchans = std::min (nchans, m_spec.nchannels-firstchan);
    yend = std::min (yend, spec().y+spec().height);
    size_t native_pixel_bytes = m_spec.pixel_bytes (firstchan, nchans, true);
    imagesize_t native_scanline_bytes = clamped_mult64 ((imagesize_t)m_spec.width,
    bool native = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN);
    size_t pixel_bytes = native ? native_pixel_bytes : format.size()*nchans;
    if (native && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = pixel_bytes;
    stride_t zstride = AutoStride;
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format, nchans,
                        m_spec.width, m_spec.height);
    bool contiguous = (xstride == (stride_t) native_pixel_bytes &&
                       ystride == (stride_t) native_scanline_bytes);
    // If user's format and strides are set up to accept the native data
    // layout, read the scanlines directly into the user's buffer.
    bool rightformat = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN) ||
        (format == m_spec.format && m_spec.channelformats.empty());
    if (rightformat && contiguous) {
        if (firstchan == 0 && nchans == m_spec.nchannels)
            return read_native_scanlines (ybegin, yend, z, data);
            return read_native_scanlines (ybegin, yend, z,
                                          firstchan, nchans, data);

    // No such luck.  Read scanlines in chunks.

    const imagesize_t limit = 16*1024*1024;   // Allocate 16 MB, or 1 scanline
    int chunk = std::max (1, int(limit / native_scanline_bytes));
    std::vector<unsigned char> buf (chunk * native_scanline_bytes);

    bool ok = true;
    int scanline_values = m_spec.width * nchans;
    for (;  ok && ybegin < yend;  ybegin += chunk) {
        int y1 = std::min (ybegin+chunk, yend);
        ok &= read_native_scanlines (ybegin, y1, z, firstchan, nchans, &buf[0]);
        if (! ok)

        int nscanlines = y1 - ybegin;
        int chunkvalues = scanline_values * nscanlines;
        if (m_spec.channelformats.empty()) {
            // No per-channel formats -- do the conversion in one shot
            if (contiguous) {
                ok = convert_types (m_spec.format, &buf[0], format, data, chunkvalues);
            } else {
                ok = convert_image (nchans, m_spec.width, nscanlines, 1, 
                                    &buf[0], m_spec.format, AutoStride, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                    data, format, xstride, ystride, zstride);
        } else {
            // Per-channel formats -- have to convert/copy channels individually
            size_t offset = 0;
            for (int c = 0;  ok && c < nchans;  ++c) {
                TypeDesc chanformat = m_spec.channelformats[c+firstchan];
                ok = convert_image (1 /* channels */, m_spec.width, nscanlines, 1, 
                                    &buf[offset], chanformat, 
                                    pixel_bytes, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                    (char *)data + c*m_spec.format.size(),
                                    format, xstride, ystride, zstride);
                offset += chanformat.size ();
        if (! ok)
            error ("ImageInput::read_scanlines : no support for format %s",
        data = (char *)data + ystride*nscanlines;
    return ok;