Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: vector.c Proyecto: caiomcg/LP3
int main(void) {
	struct vector a, b, c;

	copyVec(a, b);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Create laser shot (called each time a laser is shot)
void initLazor(object *o, object *ship) {
	object laser;
	vector* v = (vector*)malloc(sizeof(vector)*2);
	laser.verts = v;
	v->x = 0.0; v->y = 0.0;v++;
	v->x = 0.0; v->y = -0.5;
	laser.size = 2;
	laser.pos = copyVec(&(ship->pos));
	laser.dir = copyVec(&(ship->dir));
	laser.ang = ship->ang;
	laser.turn = 0.0;
	laser.vel = scaleVec(&(ship->dir), 30.0);
	laser.spd = 50.0;
	laser.type = LAZOR;
	laser.mode = GL_LINE_LOOP;
	laser.state = LAZER_ACTIVE;
	*o = laser;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Create asteroid (called at start and whenever an asteroid is destroyed)
void initAsteroid(object *o, vector *p, float r) {
	object A;
	A.verts = (vector*)malloc(sizeof(vector)*13);
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
		vector vi = makeVec(cos(i*pi/6.0), sin(i*pi/6.0));
		A.verts[i] = scaleVec(&vi, r*(0.75+0.25*cos(rand())));
	A.verts[i] = A.verts[0];
	A.size = 13;
	A.pos = copyVec(p);
	A.dir = upVec();
	A.ang = (float)(rand()%10);
	A.turn = 2.0;
	vector vel = makeVec(sin((float)rand()), cos((float)rand()));	
	A.vel = scaleVec(&vel, 2.0+cos(rand()));
	A.spd = 5.0;
	A.type = ASTEROID;
	A.mode = GL_LINE_LOOP;
	A.radius = r;
	*o = A;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Create star that twinkles occasionally
void initStar(object *o, vector *l) {
	object star;
	vector* v = (vector*)malloc(sizeof(vector)*8);
	star.verts = v;
	int i; for(i=0;i<8;i+=2) {
		*v = makeVec(0.1*cos(pi*(float)i/4.0), 
		*v = makeVec(0.1*cos(pi*(float)(i+1)/4.0), 
	star.size = 8;
	star.pos = copyVec(l);
	star.dir = upVec();
	star.ang = 0.0;
	star.turn = 0.0;
	star.vel = zeroVec();
	star.spd = 50.0;
	star.type = STAR;
	star.mode = GL_LINE_LOOP;
	star.state = 0;
	*o = star;
  void Buckingham_VerletPairs_3d::interact() const {
    // Common tasks

    // Do dimensional check.
    // \todo Should probably have some sort of global error message system.
    if (sim_dimensions!=3) return;

    // Get the data pointers.
    RealType **x = Base::simData->X();
    RealType **f = Base::simData->F();
    RealType *sg = Base::simData->Sg();
    int    *type = Base::simData->Type();

    // Make sure all needed pointers are non null.
    // \todo Should probably have some sort of global error message system.
    if (x==nullptr || f==nullptr || sg==nullptr || type==nullptr) return;

    // Get the bounds and boundary conditions
    Bounds bounds = Base::gflow->getBounds(); // Simulation bounds
    BCFlag boundaryConditions[3];
    copyVec(Base::gflow->getBCs(), boundaryConditions, 3); // Keep a local copy of the bcs
    // Extract bounds related data
    RealType bnd_x = bounds.wd(0);
    RealType inv_bnd_x = 1./bnd_x;
    RealType bnd_y = bounds.wd(1);
    RealType inv_bnd_y = 1./bnd_y;
    RealType bnd_z = bounds.wd(2);
    RealType inv_bnd_z = 1./bnd_z;

    // Needed constants
    RealType sg1, sg2, dx, dy, dz, rsqr, r, invr, Fn, sigma, exp1, sigma2, sigma6;
    // Point to the actual list from the verlet list object. Since we set the handler at initialization to 
    // be of type VerletListPairs, this cast should always succeed.
    vector<int> &verlet = dynamic_cast<VerletListPairs*>(handler)->verlet;

    // --- Go through all particles
    for (int i=0; i<verlet.size(); i+=2) {
      // Get next pair of interacting particles.
      int id1 = verlet[i];
      int id2 = verlet[i+1];
      // Check if the types are good
      if (type[id1]<0 || type[id2]<0) continue;
      // Calculate displacement
      dx = x[id1][0] - x[id2][0];
      dy = x[id1][1] - x[id2][1];
      dz = x[id1][2] - x[id2][2];
      // Harmonic corrections to distance.
      if (boundaryConditions[0]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dX = bnd_x - fabs(dx);
        if (dX<fabs(dx)) dx = dx>0 ? -dX : dX;
      if (boundaryConditions[1]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dY = bnd_y - fabs(dy);
        if (dY<fabs(dy)) dy = dy>0 ? -dY : dY;
      if (boundaryConditions[2]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dZ = bnd_z - fabs(dz);
        if (dZ<fabs(dz)) dz = dz>0 ? -dZ : dZ;
      // Calculate squared distance.
      rsqr = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
      // Get radii
      sg1 = sg[id1];
      sg2 = sg[id2];
      // If close, interact.
      if (rsqr < sqr((sg1 + sg2)*cutoff)) {
        // Calculate distance, inverse distance.
        r = sqrt(rsqr);
        invr = 1./r;
        // Create a normal vector
        dx *= invr;
        dy *= invr;
        dz *= invr;
        // Calculate the magnitude of the force
        sigma = (sg1+sg2)*invr;
        exp1 = expf(-ratio/sigma);
        sigma2 = sigma*sigma;
        sigma6 = sigma2*sigma2*sigma2;
        Fn = strength*invr*(ratio*exp1 - 6*sigma6);
        // Apply cutoff
        Fn = Fn<inner_force ? inner_force : Fn;
        // Update forces
        f[id1][0] += Fn * dx;
        f[id2][0] -= Fn * dx;
        f[id1][1] += Fn * dy;
        f[id2][1] -= Fn * dy;
        f[id1][2] += Fn * dz;
        f[id2][2] -= Fn * dz;
        // Calculate potential
        if (do_potential) {
          potential += strength*(exp1 - sigma6);
        // Calculate virial
        if (do_virial) {
          virial += Fn * r;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void test_simulate() {

	bool do_dyn = true; //do dynamic simulation, else kinematic
	bool ideal_actuators = true;
	bool do_anim = true; //do animation
	bool do_time = false;

	const Real dt = .04;
	const int nsteps = (int) floor(10.0/dt);
	Real time = 0;

	//for allocation
	const int MAXNS = NUMSTATE(WmrModel::MAXNF);
	const int MAXNV = NUMQVEL(WmrModel::MAXNF);
	const int MAXNY = MAXNS+MAXNV+WmrModel::MAXNA; //for dynamic sim

	//make WmrModel object
	WmrModel mdl;
	Real state[MAXNS];
	Real qvel[MAXNV]; //for dynamic sim

	//uncomment one of the following:
	//for animation, must also uncomment the corresponding scene function below
//	zoe(mdl,state,qvel);
//	talon(mdl,state,qvel);

	//also uncomment the corresponding scene function below!

	//initialize wheel-ground contact model
	mdl.wheelGroundContactModel(0, mdl.wgc_p, 0, 0, 0, //inputs
		0, 0); //outputs

	if (ideal_actuators)

	//get from WmrModel
	const int nf = mdl.get_nf();
	const int nw = mdl.get_nw();
	const int nt = mdl.get_nt();
	const int ns = NUMSTATE(nf); //number of states
	//for dynamic sim
	const int nv = NUMQVEL(nf); //size of joint space vel
	const int na = mdl.get_na(); 
	int ny;

	SurfaceVector surfs;

	//ramp(surfs); //must also uncomment flat

	grid(surfs, ResourceDir() + std::string("gridsurfdata.txt") );

	//init contact geometry
	WheelContactGeom wcontacts[WmrModel::MAXNW];
	TrackContactGeom tcontacts[WmrModel::MAXNW];
	ContactGeom* contacts =0; //base class

	if (nw > 0) {
		contacts = static_cast<ContactGeom*>(wcontacts);
	} else if (nt > 0) {
		sub_initTrackContactGeom(mdl, tcontacts);
		contacts = static_cast<ContactGeom*>(tcontacts);

	initTerrainContact(mdl, surfs, contacts, state); //DEBUGGING

	Real y[MAXNY];
	Real ydot[MAXNY];

	//init y
	if (do_dyn) { //dynamic sim
		setVec(na,0.0,y+ns+nv); //interr
		ny = ns + nv + na;
	} else {
		ny = ns;

	Real y0[MAXNY];

	HomogeneousTransform HT_parent[WmrModel::MAXNF];

	WmrAnimation anim;
	if (do_anim) { //animate

		//uncomment the scene function that corresponds to the model function above

//		zoeScene(mdl, anim);
		rockyScene(mdl, anim);
//		talonScene(mdl, tcontacts, anim);

		for (int i=0; i<surfs.size(); i++)

	std::cout << "state(" << time << ")=\n"; printMatReal(ns,1,y,-1,-1); std::cout << std::endl;

	for (int i=0; i<nsteps; i++) {

		if (do_dyn) {
			odeDyn(time, y, mdl, surfs, contacts, dt, ydot, HT_parent);
		} else {
			odeKin(time, y, mdl, surfs, contacts, ydot, HT_parent);
		time += dt;

		if (do_anim) {
			anim.updateNodesLines(nf, HT_parent, nw + nt, contacts);

			if (!anim.updateRender())
				goto stop;

			while (anim.get_mPause()) {
				if (!anim.updateRender())
					goto stop;

	std::cout << "state(" << time << ")=\n"; printMatReal(ns,1,y,-1,-1); std::cout << std::endl;

	if (do_anim) {
		//DEBUGGING, wait for escape key before exiting
		while (1) {
			if (!anim.updateRender())
				goto stop;
	stop: //goto
	if (do_time) {
		//time it
		int n= (int) 100;
		timeval t0, t1;

		time = 0;

	  gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
		for (int iter=0; iter<n; iter++) {
			copyVec(ny,y0,y); //reset to backup

			for (int i=0; i<nsteps; i++) {
				if (do_dyn) {
					odeDyn(time, y, mdl, surfs, contacts, dt, ydot, HT_parent);
				} else {
					odeKin(time, y, mdl, surfs, contacts, ydot, HT_parent);
				time += dt;
			//std::cout << "state(" << time << ")=\n"; printMatReal(ns,1,y,-1,-1); std::cout << std::endl;
    gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);

		std::cout << "simulate\n";
		std::cout << "iterations: " << (Real) n << std::endl;
		std::cout << "clock (sec): " << tosec(t1)-tosec(t0) << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 7
void test_initTerrainContact() {

	const int MAXNS = NUMSTATE(WmrModel::MAXNF);

	//make WmrModel object
	WmrModel mdl;
	Real state[MAXNS];
	//talon(mdl,state,0); //TODO

	//get from WmrModel
	const int nw = mdl.get_nw();
	const int nt = mdl.get_nt();
	int nf = mdl.get_nf();
	int ns = NUMSTATE(nf);	

	SurfaceVector surfs;

	grid(surfs, ResourceDir() + std::string("gridsurfdata.txt") );

	//init contact geometry
	WheelContactGeom wcontacts[WmrModel::MAXNW];
	TrackContactGeom tcontacts[WmrModel::MAXNW];
	ContactGeom* contacts = 0;

	if (nw > 0) {
		contacts = static_cast<ContactGeom*>(wcontacts);
	} else if (nt > 0) {
		sub_initTrackContactGeom(mdl, tcontacts);
		contacts = static_cast<ContactGeom*>(tcontacts);

	Real state_before[MAXNS];

	std::cout << "state (before) =\n"; printMatReal(ns,1,state_before,-1,-1); std::cout << std::endl;

	initTerrainContact(mdl, surfs, contacts, state);
	std::cout << "state (after) =\n"; printMatReal(ns,1,state,-1,-1); std::cout << std::endl;

	if (1) {
		//time it
		int n= (int) 1e4;
		timeval t0, t1;

		gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
		for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
			initTerrainContact(mdl, surfs, contacts, state);
		gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
		std::cout << "initTerrainContact()\n";
		std::cout << "iterations: " << (Real) n << std::endl;
		std::cout << "clock (sec): " << tosec(t1)-tosec(t0) << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 8
  void AngleHarmonicChain_2d::interact() const {
    // Call parent class.
    // Get simdata, check if the local ids need updating
    SimData *sd = Base::simData;
    RealType **x = sd->X();
    RealType **f = sd->F();
    if (sd->getNeedsRemake()) updateLocalIDs();
    // If there are not enough particles in the buffer
    if (local_ids.size()<3) return;
    // Variables and buffers
    RealType dx1[2], dx2[2], rsqr1, rsqr2, r1, r2, invr1, invr2, angle_cos, a11, a12, a22;
    RealType f1[2], f3[2];
    // Get the bounds and boundary conditions
    Bounds bounds = Base::gflow->getBounds(); // Simulation bounds
    BCFlag boundaryConditions[2];
    copyVec(Base::gflow->getBCs(), boundaryConditions, 2); // Keep a local copy of the bcs
    // Extract bounds related data
    RealType bnd_x = bounds.wd(0);
    RealType bnd_y = bounds.wd(1);

    // If there are fewer than three particles, this loop will not execute
    for (int i=0; i+2<local_ids.size(); ++i) {
      // Get the global, then local ids of the particles.
      int id1 = local_ids[i], id2 = local_ids[i+1], id3=local_ids[i+2];
      // id1     id2     id3
      //  A <---- B ----> C
      //     dx1    dx2
      // First bond
      dx1[0] = x[id1][0] - x[id2][0];
      dx1[1] = x[id1][1] - x[id2][1];
      // Second bond
      dx2[0] = x[id3][0] - x[id2][0];
      dx2[1] = x[id3][1] - x[id2][1];
      // Minimum image under harmonic b.c.s

      // Harmonic corrections to distance.
      if (boundaryConditions[0]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dX = bnd_x - fabs(dx1);
        if (dX<fabs(dx1)) dx1 = dx1>0 ? -dX : dX;
        dX = bnd_x - fabs(dx2);
        if (dX<fabs(dx2)) dx2 = dx2>0 ? -dX : dX;
      if (boundaryConditions[1]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dY = bnd_y - fabs(dy1);
        if (dY<fabs(dy1)) dy1 = dy1>0 ? -dY : dY;
        dY = bnd_y - fabs(dy2);
        if (dY<fabs(dy2)) dy2 = dy1>0 ? -dY : dY;

      // Get distance squared, distance
      rsqr1 = dx1[0]*dx1[0] + dx1[1]*dx1[1];
      r1 = sqrt(rsqr1);
      rsqr2 = dx2[0]*dx2[0] + dx2[1]*dx2[1];
      r2 = sqrt(rsqr2);
      // Find the cosine of the angle between the atoms
      angle_cos = dx1[0]*dx2[0] + dx1[1]*dx2[1];
      angle_cos /= (r1*r2);

      RealType theta = acos(angle_cos);
      //cout << theta / (PI) << endl;

      // Calculate the force
      a11 = angleConstant * angle_cos / rsqr1;
      a12 = -angleConstant / (r1*r2);
      a22 = angleConstant * angle_cos / rsqr2;
      // Force buffers
      f1[0] = a11*dx1 + a12*dx2;
      f1[1] = a11*dy1 + a12*dy2;
      f3[0] = a22*dx2 + a12*dx1;
      f3[1] = a22*dy2 + a12*dy1;

      RealType pa[2], pb[2];
      tripleProduct2(dx1, dx1, dx2, pa);
      tripleProduct2(dx2, dx1, dx2, pb);
      negateVec(pb, 2);

      RealType str = -2*angleConstant*(theta - PI);
      RealType strength1 = str/r1;
      RealType strength2 = str/r2;
      f1[0] = strength1*pa[0];
      f1[1] = strength1*pa[1];

      f3[0] = strength2*pb[0];
      f3[1] = strength2*pb[1];

      // First atom
      f[id1][0] += f1[0];
      f[id1][1] += f1[1];
      // Second atom
      f[id2][0] -= (f1[0] + f3[0]);
      f[id2][1] -= (f1[1] + f3[1]);
      // Third atom
      f[id3][0] += f3[0];
      f[id3][1] += f3[1];
    // For two atoms, there is no angle. Just compute the bond force.
  void LennardJones_VerletPairs_2d::interact() const {
    // Common tasks

    // Do dimensional check.
    // \todo Should probably have some sort of global error message system.
    if (sim_dimensions!=2) return;

    // Get the data pointers.
    RealType **x = Base::simData->X();
    RealType **f = Base::simData->F();
    RealType *sg = Base::simData->Sg();
    int    *type = Base::simData->Type();

    // Make sure all needed pointers are non null.
    // \todo Should probably have some sort of global error message system.
    if (x==nullptr || f==nullptr || sg==nullptr || type==nullptr) return;

    // Get the bounds and boundary conditions
    Bounds bounds = Base::gflow->getBounds(); // Simulation bounds
    BCFlag boundaryConditions[2];
    copyVec(Base::gflow->getBCs(), boundaryConditions, 2); // Keep a local copy of the bcs
    // Extract bounds related data
    RealType bnd_x = bounds.wd(0);
    RealType inv_bnd_x = 1./bnd_x;
    RealType bnd_y = bounds.wd(1);
    RealType inv_bnd_y = 1./bnd_y;

    // Needed constants
    RealType sg1, sg2, dx, dy, rsqr, r, invr, gamma, g3, g6, g12, magnitude;
    // Point to the actual list from the verlet list object. Since we set the handler at initialization to 
    // be of type VerletListPairs, this cast should always succeed.
    vector<int> &verlet = dynamic_cast<VerletListPairs*>(handler)->verlet;

    // --- Go through all particles
    for (int i=0; i<verlet.size(); i+=2) {
      int id1 = verlet[i];
      int id2 = verlet[i+1];

      // Check if the types are good
      if (type[id1]<0 || type[id2]<0) continue;

      // Calculate displacement
      dx = x[id1][0] - x[id2][0];
      dy = x[id1][1] - x[id2][1];
      // Harmonic corrections to distance.
      if (boundaryConditions[0]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dX = bnd_x - fabs(dx);
        if (dX<fabs(dx)) dx = dx>0 ? -dX : dX;
      if (boundaryConditions[1]==BCFlag::WRAP) {
        RealType dY = bnd_y - fabs(dy);
        if (dY<fabs(dy)) dy = dy>0 ? -dY : dY;
      // Calculate squared distance
      rsqr = dx*dx + dy*dy;
      // Get radii
      sg1 = sg[id1];
      sg2 = sg[id2];
      // If close, interact.
      if (rsqr < sqr((sg1 + sg2)*cutoff)) {
        // Calculate distance, inverse distance.
        r = sqrt(rsqr);
        invr = 1./r;
        // Create a normal vector
        dx *= invr;
        dy *= invr;
        // Calculate the magnitude of the force
        gamma = (sg1+sg2)*invr;
        g3  = gamma*gamma*gamma; 
        g6  = g3*g3;
        g12 = g6*g6;
        // Calculate magnitude
        magnitude = 24.*strength*(2.*g12 - g6)*invr;
        // Update forces
        f[id1][0] += magnitude * dx;
        f[id1][1] += magnitude * dy;
        f[id2][0] -= magnitude * dx;
        f[id2][1] -= magnitude * dy;

        // Calculate potential
        if (do_potential) {
          potential += 4.*strength*(g12 - g6) - potential_energy_shift;
        // Calculate virial
        if (do_virial) {
          virial += magnitude*r;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  void PSO<T>::minimize(T* end_c, const T* start_c,
    const T* radius_c, const bool* angle_coeff, 
    T (*obj_func)(const T* coeff), 
    void (*coeff_update_func)(T* coeff)) {

    if (verbose) {
      cout << "Starting PSO optimization..." << endl;

    // Initialize all random swarm particles to Uniform(c_lo_, c_hi_)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_coeffs_; i++) {
      T rad = fabs(radius_c[i]);
      c_lo_[i] = start_c[i] - rad;
      c_hi_[i] = start_c[i] + rad;
      // According to paper (forgot title), 0.5x search space
      // is best for multi-modal distributions.
      vel_max_[i] = rad;

    // Make the 0th particle the same as the start  --> Important for systems
    // that use the last frame as a start guess
    copyVec(swarm_[0]->pos, start_c); 

    // Stochasticly sample for the other particles
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_coeffs_; j++) {
      std::tr1::uniform_real_distribution<T> c_dist(c_lo_[j], c_hi_[j]);
      for (uint32_t i = 1; i < swarm_size_; i++) {
        T uniform_rand_num = c_dist(eng);  // [c_lo_, c_hi_)
        swarm_[i]->pos[j] = uniform_rand_num;

    // evaluate the agent's function values, calculate residue and set the best
    // position and residue for the particle x_i as it's starting position
    best_residue_global_ = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swarm_size_; i++) {
      if (coeff_update_func) {
      swarm_[i]->residue = obj_func(swarm_[i]->pos);
      swarm_[i]->best_residue = swarm_[i]->residue;
      copyVec(swarm_[i]->best_pos, swarm_[i]->pos);
      if (swarm_[i]->residue < best_residue_global_) {
        best_residue_global_ = swarm_[i]->residue;
        copyVec(best_pos_global_, swarm_[i]->pos);

    // Initialize random velocity to Uniform(-2*radius_c, 2*radius_c)
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_coeffs_; j++) {
      std::tr1::uniform_real_distribution<T> c_dist(-2 * fabs(radius_c[j]),
        2 * fabs(radius_c[j]));
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swarm_size_; i++) {
        T uniform_rand_num = c_dist(eng);  // [-2*radius_c, 2*radius_c)
        swarm_[i]->vel[j] = uniform_rand_num;

    T phi = phi_p + phi_g;
    if (phi <= 4) {
      throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: kappa_ = phi_p + phi_g <= 4!");
    kappa_ = (T)2.0 / fabs((T)2.0 - phi - sqrt(phi * phi - (T)4 * phi));

    if (verbose) {
      cout << "Iteration 0:" << endl;
      cout << "  --> min residue of swarm = " << best_residue_global_ << endl;
      cout << "  --> Agent residues: <";
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swarm_size_; i++) {
        cout << swarm_[i]->residue;
        if (i != swarm_size_ - 1) { cout << ", "; }
      cout << ">" << endl;

    uint64_t num_iterations = 0;
    T delta_coeff = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
    do {
      // For each particle, i in the swarm:
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swarm_size_; i++) {
        SwarmNode<T>* cur_node = swarm_[i];
        // For each dimension d:
        for (uint32_t d = 0; d < num_coeffs_; d++) {
          T r_p = dist_real(eng);  // [0,1)
          T r_g = dist_real(eng);  // [0,1)
          // Update the velocity
          cur_node->vel[d] = kappa_ * (cur_node->vel[d] + 
            (phi_p * r_p * (cur_node->best_pos[d] - cur_node->pos[d])) + 
            (phi_g * r_g * (best_pos_global_[d] - cur_node->pos[d])));
          // Limit the velocity as discussed in the paper "An Off-The-Shelf PSO"
          if (cur_node->vel[d] > vel_max_[d]) {
            cur_node->vel[d] = vel_max_[d];
          if (cur_node->vel[d] < -vel_max_[d]) {
            cur_node->vel[d] = -vel_max_[d];
        }  // for each dimension

        // Update the particle's postion
        for (uint32_t d = 0; d < num_coeffs_; d++) {
          cur_node->pos[d] = cur_node->pos[d] + cur_node->vel[d];

        if (coeff_update_func) {

        // Evaluate the function at the new position
        cur_node->residue = obj_func(cur_node->pos);

        if (cur_node->residue < cur_node->best_residue) {
          cur_node->best_residue = cur_node->residue;
          copyVec(cur_node->best_pos, cur_node->pos);

        if (cur_node->residue < best_residue_global_) {
          best_residue_global_ = cur_node->residue;
          copyVec(best_pos_global_, cur_node->pos);
      }  // for each agent

      num_iterations ++;

      // Calculate the spread in coefficients
      if (delta_coeff_termination > 0) {
        T l2_norm = 0;
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_coeffs_; j++) {
          cur_c_min_[j] = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
          cur_c_max_[j] = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swarm_size_; i++) {
            cur_c_min_[j] = std::min<T>(cur_c_min_[j], swarm_[i]->pos[j]);
            cur_c_max_[j] = std::max<T>(cur_c_max_[j], swarm_[i]->pos[j]);
          delta_c_[j] = cur_c_max_[j] - cur_c_min_[j];
          l2_norm += delta_c_[j] * delta_c_[j];
        l2_norm = sqrt(l2_norm);
        delta_coeff = l2_norm;
      } else {
        delta_coeff = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();

      if (verbose) {
        cout << "Iteration " << num_iterations << ":" << endl;
        cout << "  --> min residue of swarm = " << best_residue_global_ << endl;
        cout << "  --> delta_coeff = " << delta_coeff << endl;
    } while (num_iterations <= max_iterations && 
             delta_coeff >= delta_coeff_termination);
    if (verbose) {
      cout << endl << "Finished PSO optimization with ";
      cout << "residue " << best_residue_global_ << endl;

    copyVec(end_c, best_pos_global_);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  double h_next,h_used;
  double t,t_start,t_stop;
  int order=6;
  double y1[order];
  int i,err;

  double tolerance = 1.e-10;          

  double t0 = 0.0;              
  int number_of_steps = 1000;
  double y0[] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0};

  double h = 0.1;
  double params[10];
  int met=atoi(argv[1]);
  printf("Method: %d\n",met);

  t_start = t0;
  t = t_start;


  int status;
  double ysol[order],error[order];
  FILE *f=fopen("solution.dat","w");
  double r,E0,E;

  for (i = 0; i < number_of_steps; i++) {
    h_used = h;
    t_stop = t_start + h;
    do {
	if(status) h_used/=4.0;
	else break;
      if(t+h_next>t_stop) h_used=t+h_next-t_stop;
      else h_used=h_next;
      //printf("t = %e\n",t);


    printf("%3d %8.2le ",i+1,t);

    fprintf(f,"%3d %8.2le ",i+1,t);

    t_start = t;
  return 0;