Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  int num_src_drivers    = 10;
  int num_target_drivers = 32;
  if (argc != 4) 
    char * src_path        = argv[1] ;
    char * target_path     = argv[2] ;
    char * dir             = argv[3] ;
    util_make_path( target_path );
    if (util_same_file( src_path , target_path)) {
      fprintf(stderr,"The two directories:%s and %s point to the same location \n" , src_path , target_path );
      char * src_case    = util_alloc_sprintf("%s/%s" , src_path , dir );
      char * target_case = util_alloc_sprintf("%s/%s" , target_path , dir );

      msg_type * msg = msg_alloc("Copying from: " , false);
      msg_show( msg );
      migrate_file(src_case , num_src_drivers , target_case , num_target_drivers , "ANALYZED" , 32 , msg);
      migrate_file(src_case , num_src_drivers , target_case , num_target_drivers , "FORECAST" , 32 , msg);
      migrate_file(src_case , num_src_drivers , target_case , num_target_drivers , "PARAMETER" , 32 , msg);
      migrate_file(src_case , num_src_drivers , target_case , num_target_drivers , "STATIC" , 32 , msg);
      copy_index( src_case , target_case );
      free( src_case);
      free( target_case );
      msg_free( msg , true );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * cluster
 *   Check that the relation is a relation in the appropriate user
 *   ACL. I will use the same security that limits users on the
 *   renamerel() function.
 *   Check that the index specified is appropriate for the task
 *   ( ie it's an index over this relation ). This is trickier.
 *   Create a list of all the other indicies on this relation. Because
 *   the cluster will wreck all the tids, I'll need to destroy bogus
 *   indicies. The user will have to re-create them. Not nice, but
 *   I'm not a nice guy. The alternative is to try some kind of post
 *   destroy re-build. This may be possible. I'll check out what the
 *   index create functiond want in the way of paramaters. On the other
 *   hand, re-creating n indicies may blow out the space. 
 *   Create new (temporary) relations for the base heap and the new 
 *   index. 
 *   Exclusively lock the relations.
 *   Create new clustered index and base heap relation.
cluster(char oldrelname[], char oldindexname[])
    Oid OIDOldHeap, OIDOldIndex, OIDNewHeap;
    Relation OldHeap, OldIndex;
    Relation NewHeap;
    char *NewIndexName;
    char *szNewHeapName;
     * I'm going to force all checking back into the commands.c function.
     * Get the list if indicies for this relation. If the index we want
     * is among them, do not add it to the 'kill' list, as it will be
     * handled by the 'clean up' code which commits this transaction.
     * I'm not using the SysCache, because this will happen but
     * once, and the slow way is the sure way in this case.
     * Like vacuum, cluster spans transactions, so I'm going to handle it in
     * the same way.
    /* matches the StartTransaction in PostgresMain() */
    OldHeap = heap_openr(oldrelname);
    if (!RelationIsValid(OldHeap)) {
	elog(WARN, "cluster: unknown relation: \"%-.*s\"",
	     NAMEDATALEN, oldrelname);
    OIDOldHeap = OldHeap->rd_id; /* Get OID for the index scan   */
    OldIndex=index_openr(oldindexname);/* Open old index relation  */
    if (!RelationIsValid(OldIndex)) {
	elog(WARN, "cluster: unknown index: \"%-.*s\"",
	     NAMEDATALEN, oldindexname);
    OIDOldIndex = OldIndex->rd_id;     /* OID for the index scan         */
     * I need to build the copies of the heap and the index. The Commit()
     * between here is *very* bogus. If someone is appending stuff, they will
     * get the lock after being blocked and add rows which won't be present in
     * the new table. Bleagh! I'd be best to try and ensure that no-one's
     * in the tables for the entire duration of this process with a pg_vlock.
    NewHeap    = copy_heap(OIDOldHeap);
    OIDNewHeap = NewHeap->rd_id;
    szNewHeapName = pstrdup(NewHeap->rd_rel->relname.data);

     /* Need to do this to make the new heap visible. */
    rebuildheap(OIDNewHeap, OIDOldHeap, OIDOldIndex);
    /* Need to do this to make the new heap visible. */

    /* can't be found in the SysCache. */
    copy_index(OIDOldIndex, OIDNewHeap); /* No contention with the old */
     * make this really happen. Flush all the buffers.
     * Questionable bit here. Because the renamerel destroys all trace of the
     * pre-existing relation, I'm going to Destroy old, and then rename new
     * to old. If this fails, it fails, and you lose your old. Tough - say
     * I. Have good backups!

       Here lies the bogosity. The RelationNameGetRelation returns a bad
       list of TupleDescriptors. Damn. Can't work out why this is.
    heap_destroy(oldrelname); /* AAAAAAAAGH!! */
     * The Commit flushes all palloced memory, so I have to grab the 
     * New stuff again. This is annoying, but oh heck!
    renamerel(szNewHeapName.data, oldrelname);
    TypeRename(&szNewHeapName, &szOldRelName);
    sprintf(NewIndexName.data, "temp_%x", OIDOldIndex);
    renamerel(NewIndexName.data, szOldIndexName.data);
    NewIndexName = palloc(NAMEDATALEN+1); /* XXX */
    sprintf(NewIndexName, "temp_%x", OIDOldIndex);
    renamerel(NewIndexName, oldindexname);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    CmdArgParser parser(argc, argv);
    parser.setHeader("Archive Data Tool version " ARCH_VERSION_TXT ", "
                      ", built " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "\n\n"
    CmdArgFlag help          (parser, "help", "Show help");
    CmdArgInt  verbosity     (parser, "verbose", "<level>", "Show more info");
    CmdArgFlag info          (parser, "info", "Simple archive info");
    CmdArgFlag list_index    (parser, "list", "List channel name info");
    CmdArgString copy_index  (parser, "copy", "<new index>", "Copy channels");
    CmdArgString start_time  (parser, "start", "<time>",
                              "Format: \"mm/dd/yyyy[ hh:mm:ss[.nano-secs]]\"");
    CmdArgString end_time    (parser, "end", "<time>", "(exclusive)");
    CmdArgDouble file_limit  (parser, "file_limit", "<MB>", "File Size Limit");
    CmdArgString basename    (parser, "basename", "<string>", "Basename for new data files");
    CmdArgFlag enforce_off   (parser, "append_off", "Enforce a final 'Archive_Off' value when copying data");
    CmdArgString dir2index   (parser, "dir2index", "<dir. file>",
                              "Convert old directory file to index");
    CmdArgString index2dir   (parser, "index2dir", "<dir. file>",
                              "Convert index to old directory file");
    CmdArgInt RTreeM         (parser, "M", "<1-100>", "RTree M value");
    CmdArgFlag dump_blocks   (parser, "blocks", "List channel's data blocks");
    CmdArgFlag all_blocks    (parser, "Blocks", "List all data blocks");
    CmdArgString dotindex    (parser, "dotindex", "<dot filename>",
                              "Dump contents of RTree index into dot file");
    CmdArgString channel_name(parser, "channel", "<name>", "Channel name");
    CmdArgFlag hashinfo      (parser, "hashinfo", "Show Hash table info");
    CmdArgString seek_test   (parser, "seek", "<time>", "Perform seek test");
    CmdArgFlag test          (parser, "test", "Perform some consistency tests");

        // Defaults
        // Get Arguments
        if (! parser.parse())
            return -1;
        if (help   ||   parser.getArguments().size() != 1)
            return -1;
        // Consistency checks
        if ((dump_blocks ||
             dotindex.get().length() > 0  ||
             seek_test.get().length() > 0)
            && channel_name.get().length() <= 0)
                    "Options 'blocks' and 'dotindex' require 'channel'.\n");
            return -1;
        verbose = verbosity;
        stdString index_name = parser.getArgument(0);
        DataWriter::file_size_limit = (unsigned long)(file_limit*1024*1024);
        if (file_limit < 10.0)
            fprintf(stderr, "file_limit values under 10.0 MB are not useful\n");
        // Start/end time
        epicsTime *start = 0, *end = 0;
        stdString txt;
        if (start_time.get().length() > 0)
            start = new epicsTime;
            string2epicsTime(start_time.get(), *start);
            if (verbose > 1)
                printf("Using start time %s\n", epicsTimeTxt(*start, txt));
        if (end_time.get().length() > 0)
            end = new epicsTime();
            string2epicsTime(end_time.get(), *end);
            if (verbose > 1)
                printf("Using end time   %s\n", epicsTimeTxt(*end, txt));
        // Base name
        if (basename.get().length() > 0)
    	    DataWriter::data_file_name_base = basename.get();
        if (enforce_off)
    	    do_enforce_off = true;
        // What's requested?
        if (info)
    	    list_names(index_name, false);
        else if (list_index)
            list_names(index_name, true);
        else if (copy_index.get().length() > 0)
            copy(index_name, copy_index, RTreeM, start, end, channel_name);
            return 0;
        else if (hashinfo)
        else if (dir2index.get().length() > 0)
            convert_dir_index(RTreeM, dir2index, index_name);
            return 0;
        else if (index2dir.get().length() > 0)
            convert_index_dir(index_name, index2dir);
            return 0;
        else if (all_blocks)
            return 0;
        else if (dump_blocks)
            dump_datablocks(index_name, channel_name);
            return 0;
        else if (dotindex.get().length() > 0)
            dot_index(index_name, channel_name, dotindex);
            return 0;
        else if (seek_test.get().length() > 0)
            seek_time(index_name, channel_name, seek_test);
            return 0;
        else if (test)
            return check(index_name) ? 0 : -1;
            return -1;
    catch (GenericException &e)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error:\n%s\n", e.what());
    return 0;