Ejemplo n.º 1
 * meta_stack_tracker_get_stack:
 * @tracker: a #MetaStackTracker
 * @windows: location to store list of windows, or %NULL
 * @n_windows: location to store count of windows, or %NULL
 * @windows will contain the most current view we have of the stacking order
 * of the children of the root window. The returned array contains
 * everything: InputOnly windows, override-redirect windows,
 * hidden windows, etc. Some of these will correspond to MetaWindow
 * objects, others won't.
 * Assuming that no other clients have made requests that change
 * the stacking order since we last received a notification, the
 * returned list of windows is exactly that you'd get as the
 * children when calling XQueryTree() on the root window.
meta_stack_tracker_get_stack (MetaStackTracker *tracker,
			      Window          **windows,
			      int              *n_windows)
  GArray *stack;

  if (tracker->queued_requests->length == 0)
      stack = tracker->server_stack;
      if (tracker->predicted_stack == NULL)
          GList *l;

          tracker->predicted_stack = copy_stack ((Window *)tracker->server_stack->data,
          for (l = tracker->queued_requests->head; l; l = l->next)
              MetaStackOp *op = l->data;
              meta_stack_op_apply (op, tracker->predicted_stack);

      stack = tracker->predicted_stack;

  if (windows)
    *windows = (Window *)stack->data;
  if (n_windows)
    *n_windows = stack->len;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void do_fork(){
	PCB_queue[ process_num].f_pid = w_is_r;		//sub -> father
	PCB_queue[ process_num].process_id = process_num;
	restore_flags();	//to fix some stack bug
	__asm__("pop %cx");
	// update fa end	
	PCB_queue[ process_num].tss = PCB_queue[ w_is_r].tss;
	PCB_queue[ process_num].tss.SP = _sp + 0x1000;
	PCB_queue[ process_num].tss.AX = 0;
	PCB_queue[ process_num].tss.Stack_END = PCB_queue[ w_is_r].tss.Stack_END+0x1000; 
	sub_stack = (PCB_queue[ process_num].tss.Stack_END-0x200)/16;
	fa_stack = (PCB_queue[ w_is_r].tss.Stack_END-0x200)/16;
	__asm__("mov $0x104,%cx");
	__asm__("pop %cx");

	PCB_queue[ process_num].process_status = READY;

	__asm__("pop %bx");

	__asm__("pop %bx");
	__asm__("pop %bx");
	__asm__("pop %bx");
	__asm__("jmp *%bx");
Ejemplo n.º 3
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)
	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	//   process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	//   by copying the parent process's registers and stack into the
	//   child.  Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	// You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	// Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.
    int i;
    for (i=1; i<16; i++) {
        if (proc_array[i].p_state==P_EMPTY) {
        if(i == 15) return -1;
    process_t *childproc = &proc_array[i];
    copy_stack(childproc, parent);
    childproc->p_registers.reg_eax = 0;
	return i;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)
	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	//   process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	//   by copying the parent process's registers and stack into the
	//   child.  Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	// You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	// Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.
	pid_t pid;
	for (pid = 1; pid < NPROCS; pid++)
		if (proc_array[pid].p_state == P_EMPTY)
			memcpy(&(proc_array[pid].p_registers), &(parent->p_registers), sizeof(registers_t));
			copy_stack(&(proc_array[pid]), parent);
			proc_array[pid].p_pid = pid;
			proc_array[pid].p_registers.reg_eax = 0;
			proc_array[pid].p_state = P_RUNNABLE;
			return pid;	
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
u8 fork()
    u8 i;
    u16 stack;

    for(i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
        if(thread_id[i] == TH_ID_UNUSED) break;

    if(i == MAX_THREADS)
        // thread table is full
        printf("\r\ncouldn't fork from thread %c", (u8)thread_id[thread_index]);
    //printf("forking from %u to %u\n", thread_index, i);
    stack = copy_stack(i);
    // <- new thread starts here...
    if(i == thread_index) return /*child*/ 1;

    thread_stack[i] = stack;    // ...because of this line
    thread_id[i] = TH_ID_SOMETHING;
    return /*parent*/ 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
uint64_t change_stack()
  uint64_t offset = copy_stack();
  // Перемещаем стек
  asm volatile("add %0, %%rsp\n \
                add %0, %%rbp\n" :: "r" (offset));

  return offset;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Copy inputs to the internal stack.
 * This is a shallow copy, no buffers are duplicated here!
static void group_copy_inputs(bNode *node, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack *gstack)
	bNodeSocket *sock;
	bNodeStack *ns;
	int a;
	for (sock=node->inputs.first, a=0; sock; sock=sock->next, ++a) {
		if (sock->groupsock) {
			ns = node_get_socket_stack(gstack, sock->groupsock);
			copy_stack(ns, in[a]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Copy internal results to the external outputs.
static void group_copy_outputs(bNode *node, bNodeStack **out, bNodeStack *gstack)
	bNodeSocket *sock;
	bNodeStack *ns;
	int a;
	for (sock=node->outputs.first, a=0; sock; sock=sock->next, ++a) {
		if (sock->groupsock) {
			ns = node_get_socket_stack(gstack, sock->groupsock);
			copy_stack(out[a], ns);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)

	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	// process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	pid_t index;
        int stop = 0;
	for (index = 1; index < NPROCS; index++)
		if(proc_array[index].p_state == P_EMPTY)
		   stop = 1;
	if(stop == 0)
		return -1;
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	proc_array[index].p_state = P_RUNNABLE;
	// by copying the parent process's registers 
	proc_array[index].p_registers = parent-> p_registers;
	// and stack into the child.

	copy_stack(&proc_array[index], parent);
	proc_array[index].p_registers.reg_eax = 0;
	//   Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	//   You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	//   Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.

	return index;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)
	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	//   process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	//   by copying the parent process's registers and stack into the
	//   child.  Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	// You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	// Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.
	int i;
	int flag = 0;
	pid_t child_pid;     
	for(i = 1;i<NPROCS;i++)
		if(proc_array[i].p_state == P_EMPTY) {	//Empty proc found,
		flag = 1;                               //set flag and stop iterating.
		child_pid = i;


	if(flag == 0)
	return -1;
 	proc_array[child_pid].p_registers = parent->p_registers; // set child regs	
        copy_stack(&proc_array[child_pid],parent);      // set child stack
        proc_array[child_pid].p_registers.reg_eax = 0;  // set exit code
	proc_array[child_pid].p_state = P_RUNNABLE;

	return child_pid;

Ejemplo n.º 11
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)
  // find first open pid, if cycles through to pid=0 then none
     // are available, return -1
    pid_t pid = 1;
    while (proc_array[pid].p_state != P_EMPTY) {
	pid = (pid + 1) % NPROCS;
	if (pid == 0) return -1;
    //copy parent process's registers to child
    proc_array[pid].p_registers = current->p_registers;
    // copy the parent's stack to the child
    copy_stack(&proc_array[pid], current);
    // change eax to be 0 for child process, it will return 0.
    proc_array[pid].p_registers.reg_eax = 0;

    // change procstate to runnable for child process
    proc_array[pid].p_state = P_RUNNABLE;

    // return child's pid to parent
    return pid;

	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	//   process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	//   by copying the parent process's registers and stack into the
	//   child.  Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	// You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	// Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.

	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)
	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	//   process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	//   by copying the parent process's registers and stack into the
	//   child.  Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	// You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	// Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.
  int pos = 1;
  for(; pos < NPROCS; pos++)
      if(proc_array[pos].p_state == P_EMPTY)

  if(pos == NPROCS)
    return -1;

  proc_array[pos].p_pid = pos;
  proc_array[pos].p_registers = current->p_registers;
  proc_array[pos].p_state = P_RUNNABLE;
  copy_stack(&proc_array[pos], current);

  int stackSize = ((PROC1_STACK_ADDR + parent->p_pid*PROC_STACK_SIZE)
	       - parent->p_registers.reg_esp);
  proc_array[pos].p_registers.reg_esp = ((PROC1_STACK_ADDR +
					 - stackSize);

  proc_array[pos].p_registers.reg_eax = 0;
  return proc_array[pos].p_pid;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Copy inputs to the internal stack.
 * This is a shallow copy, no buffers are duplicated here!
static void group_copy_inputs(bNode *gnode, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack *gstack)
	bNodeTree *ngroup = (bNodeTree*)gnode->id;
	bNode *node;
	bNodeSocket *sock;
	bNodeStack *ns;
	int a;
	for (node = ngroup->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) {
		if (node->type == NODE_GROUP_INPUT) {
			for (sock = node->outputs.first, a = 0; sock; sock = sock->next, ++a) {
				ns = node_get_socket_stack(gstack, sock);
				if (ns)
					copy_stack(ns, in[a]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
/* Copy internal results to the external outputs.
static void group_copy_outputs(bNode *gnode, bNodeStack **out, bNodeStack *gstack)
	bNodeTree *ngroup = (bNodeTree*)gnode->id;
	bNode *node;
	bNodeSocket *sock;
	bNodeStack *ns;
	int a;
	for (node = ngroup->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) {
		if (node->type == NODE_GROUP_OUTPUT && (node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) {
			for (sock = node->inputs.first, a = 0; sock; sock = sock->next, ++a) {
				ns = node_get_socket_stack(gstack, sock);
				if (ns)
					copy_stack(out[a], ns);
			break;	/* only one active output node */
Ejemplo n.º 15
void filter(STACK *stream,STACK *integral,STACK *decimal)
	STACK temp;
	while(!is_empty(stream) && (int) peek(stream)!=DECIMAL_PT)
Ejemplo n.º 16
static pid_t
do_fork(process_t *parent)
	// First, find an empty process descriptor.  If there is no empty
	//   process descriptor, return -1.  Remember not to use proc_array[0].
	// Then, initialize that process descriptor as a running process
	//   by copying the parent process's registers and stack into the
	//   child.  Copying the registers is simple: they are stored in the
	//   process descriptor in the 'p_registers' field.  Copying the stack
	//   is a little more involved; see the copy_stack function, below.
	//   The child process's registers will be equal to the parent's, with
	//   two differences:
	//   * reg_esp    The child process's stack pointer will point into
	//                its stack, rather than the parent's.  copy_stack
	//                should arrange this.
	//   * ???????    There is one other difference.  What is it?  (Hint:
	//                What should sys_fork() return to the child process?)
	// You need to set one other process descriptor field as well.
	// Finally, return the child's process ID to the parent.

	//finding availability of processes
	process_t* avail;
	int offset=1;
			return -1;

	avail->p_state = P_RUNNABLE;
	avail->p_registers.reg_eax=0; //avail is a child, reg_eax is the return value of the child	
	return avail->p_pid;
Ejemplo n.º 17
MetaStackTracker *
meta_stack_tracker_new (MetaScreen *screen)
  MetaStackTracker *tracker;
  Window ignored1, ignored2;
  Window *children;
  guint n_children;

  tracker = g_new0 (MetaStackTracker, 1);
  tracker->screen = screen;

  tracker->server_serial = XNextRequest (screen->display->xdisplay);

  XQueryTree (screen->display->xdisplay,
              &ignored1, &ignored2, &children, &n_children);
  tracker->server_stack = copy_stack (children, n_children);
  XFree (children);

  tracker->queued_requests = g_queue_new ();

  return tracker;