Ejemplo n.º 1
MBoundingBox octreeVizNode::boundingBox() const
	MPoint corner1( -1,-1,-1 );
	MPoint corner2( 1,1,1 );

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
MBoundingBox bruiseMapNode::boundingBox() const
	MPoint corner1( -1.-1,-1 );
	MPoint corner2( 1,1,1 );

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Container::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
        QRectF r = this->rect();
        QRectF corner1(r.width()/2 -8,0,16,5);
        QRectF corner2(0,r.bottom()/2-8,5,16);
        QRectF corner3(r.right()-5,r.bottom()/2-8,5,16);
        QRectF corner4(r.width()/2 -8,r.bottom()-5,16,5);
            _onResize = true;
            _resizeType = 0;
        else if(corner2.contains(event->pos()))
            _onResize = true;
            _resizeType = 1;
        else if(corner3.contains(event->pos()))
            _onResize = true;
            _resizeType = 2;
        else if(corner4.contains(event->pos()))
            _onResize = true;
            _resizeType = 3;
MBoundingBox OpenSubdivDrawOverride::boundingBox(const MDagPath& objPath, const MDagPath& cameraPath) const
    MPoint corner1( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
    MPoint corner2( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    return MBoundingBox(corner1, corner2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Computes sum of the values of a unitary blob on grid points. The blob is
// supposed to be at the origin of the absolute coordinate system
double sum_blob_SimpleGrid(const struct blobtype &blob, const SimpleGrid &grid,
                           const Matrix2D<double> *D)
    Matrix1D<double> gr(3), ur(3), corner1(3), corner2(3);
    double         actual_radius;
    int          i, j, k;
    double        sum = 0.0;

    // Compute the limits of the blob in the grid coordinate system
    grid.universe2grid(vectorR3(-blob.radius, -blob.radius, -blob.radius), corner1);
    grid.universe2grid(vectorR3(blob.radius, blob.radius, blob.radius), corner2);
    if (D != NULL)
        box_enclosing(corner1, corner2, *D, corner1, corner2);

    // Compute the sum in the points inside the grid
    // The integer part of the vectors is taken for not picking points
    // just in the border of the blob, which we know they are 0.
    for (i = (int)XX(corner1); i <= (int)XX(corner2); i++)
        for (j = (int)YY(corner1); j <= (int)YY(corner2); j++)
            for (k = (int)ZZ(corner1); k <= (int)ZZ(corner2); k++)
                VECTOR_R3(gr, i, j, k);
                grid.grid2universe(gr, ur);
                if (D != NULL)
                    M3x3_BY_V3x1(ur, *D, ur);
                actual_radius = ur.module();
                if (actual_radius < blob.radius)
                    sum += kaiser_value(actual_radius,
                                        blob.radius, blob.alpha, blob.order);
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 6
MBoundingBox BCIViz::boundingBox() const
	MPoint corner1(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
	MPoint corner2( 1.0,  1.0,  1.0);

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 7
MBoundingBox wingVizNode::boundingBox() const
	MPoint corner1( 0,0,0 );
	MPoint corner2( 1,1,1 );
	m_base->getBBox(corner1, corner2);

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 8
MBoundingBox nailConstraintNode::boundingBox() const
    // std::cout << "nailConstraintNode::boundingBox()" << std::endl;
    //load the pdbs
    MObject node = thisMObject();

    MPoint corner1(-1, -1, -1);
    MPoint corner2(1, 1, 1);
    return MBoundingBox(corner1, corner2);
Ejemplo n.º 9
MBoundingBox ProxyViz::boundingBox() const
	BoundingBox bbox = plantExample(0)->geomBox();
	if(numPlants() > 0) bbox = gridBoundingBox();
	else if(!isGroundEmpty() ) bbox = ground()->getBBox();
	MPoint corner1(bbox.m_data[0], bbox.m_data[1], bbox.m_data[2]);
	MPoint corner2(bbox.m_data[3], bbox.m_data[4], bbox.m_data[5]);

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 10
MBoundingBox FootPrintDrawOverride::boundingBox(
	const MDagPath& objPath,
	const MDagPath& cameraPath) const
	MPoint corner1( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 );
	MPoint corner2( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 );

	float multiplier = getMultiplier(objPath);
	corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
	corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 11
	void GeoTerrainSection::_calcCurrentLod(Camera* cam)
		Vector2 corner0(mSectionBound.getMinimum().x, mSectionBound.getMinimum().z);
		Vector2 corner1(mSectionBound.getMinimum().x, mSectionBound.getMaximum().z);
		Vector2 corner2(mSectionBound.getMaximum().x, mSectionBound.getMaximum().z);
		Vector2 corner3(mSectionBound.getMaximum().x, mSectionBound.getMinimum().z);

		Vector2 viewPoint(cam->getPosition().x, cam->getPosition().z);

		// compute view distance to our 4 corners
		float distance0 = viewPoint.distance(corner0);
		float distance1 = viewPoint.distance(corner1);
		float distance2 = viewPoint.distance(corner2);
		float distance3 = viewPoint.distance(corner3);

		// compute min distance as the test value
		float dist = minimum(distance0, distance1);
		dist = minimum(dist, distance2);
		dist = minimum(dist, distance3);

		// make sure the minimum distance is non-zero
		dist = maximum(dist, 0.0001f);

		// find the lowest lod which will suffice
		mCurrentLod = 0;
		bool finished = false;

		float fScale = mCreator->getLodErrorScale();
		float fLimit = mCreator->getRatioLimit();

		while (!finished)
			// find the ratio of variance over distance
			float variance = mErrorMetrics[mCurrentLod];
			float vRatio = (variance * fScale) / dist;

			// if we exceed the ratio limit, move to the next lod
			if (vRatio > fLimit
				&& mCurrentLod + 1 < TOTAL_DETAIL_LEVELS)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Cube::Cube(Vector position, float size, Colour colour)
	Vector corner1(position.x + size, position.y + size, position.z + size);
	Vector corner2(position.x - size, position.y - size, position.z - size);

	auto maxX = max(corner1.x, corner2.x);
	auto maxY = max(corner1.y, corner2.y);
	auto maxZ = max(corner1.z, corner2.z);
	maxVector = Vector(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
	auto minX = min(corner1.x, corner2.x);
	auto minY = min(corner1.y, corner2.y);
	auto minZ = min(corner1.z, corner2.z);
	minVector = Vector(minX, minY, minZ);
	center = (maxVector + minVector) / 2;
	color = colour;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Primitive::Ptr Renderer::CreateLine( const sf::Vector2f& begin, const sf::Vector2f& end, const sf::Color& color, float thickness ) {
	// Get vector perpendicular to direction of the line vector.
	// Vector is rotated CCW 90 degrees and normalized.
	sf::Vector2f normal( end - begin );
	std::swap( normal.x, normal.y );
	float length = std::sqrt( normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y );
	normal.x /= -length;
	normal.y /= length;

	sf::Vector2f corner0( begin + normal * ( thickness * .5f ) );
	sf::Vector2f corner1( begin - normal * ( thickness * .5f ) );
	sf::Vector2f corner2( end - normal * ( thickness * .5f ) );
	sf::Vector2f corner3( end + normal * ( thickness * .5f ) );

	return CreateQuad( corner3, corner2, corner1, corner0, color );
Ejemplo n.º 14
MBoundingBox mpBox::boundingBox() const
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    float x, y, z;
    MPlug xsize = MPlug( thisNode, aXsize );
    MPlug ysize = MPlug( thisNode, aYsize );
    MPlug zsize = MPlug( thisNode, aZsize );

    MPoint corner1(x, y, z);
    MPoint corner2(-x, -y, -z);
    MBoundingBox bbox = MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );

    return bbox;
Ejemplo n.º 15
MBoundingBox swissArmyLocator::boundingBox() const
	// Get the size
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	MPlug plug(thisNode, aSize);
	MDistance sizeVal;

	double multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters();
	MPoint corner1(-1.1, 0.0, -1.1);
	MPoint corner2(1.1, 0.0, 1.1);

	corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
	corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;

	return MBoundingBox(corner1, corner2);
Ejemplo n.º 16
MBoundingBox mtmEnvLight::boundingBox() const
	// Get the size
	//MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	//MPlug plug( thisNode, size );
	//MDistance sizeVal;
	//plug.getValue( sizeVal );

	//double multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters();
	MPoint corner1( -0.7, 0.0, -0.3 );
	MPoint corner2( 0.7, 0.0, 0.3 );

	//corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
	//corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 17
MBoundingBox footPrint::boundingBox() const
	// Get the size
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	MPlug plug( thisNode, size );
	MDistance sizeVal;
	plug.getValue( sizeVal );

	double multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters();

	MPoint corner1( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 );
	MPoint corner2( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 );

	corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
	corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;

	return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
Ejemplo n.º 18
void SoRing::computeBBox(SoAction*, SbBox3f& box, SbVec3f& BBcenter)
  float Xc, Yc;

  // centered at origin
  BBcenter.setValue(Xc, Yc, 0.);

  // bounding box
  float R = outerRadius.getValue();
  float theta = sweepAngle.getValue()*M_PI/180.F;

  float Xmin, Ymin, Ymax;
  if ( theta < M_PI_2 )
    Ymin = 0;
    Ymax = R*sin(theta);
    Xmin = 0;
  else if ( theta < M_PI )
    Ymin = 0;
    Ymax = R;
    Xmin = R*cos(theta);
  else if ( theta < 3*M_PI_2 )
    Ymin = R*sin(theta);
    Ymax = R;
    Xmin = -R;
    Xmin = -R;
    Ymin = -R;
    Ymax = R;

  SbVec3f corner1(Xmin+Xc,Ymin+Yc,0);
  SbVec3f corner2(R+Xc,Ymax+Yc,0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void CBC_DefaultPlacement::place() {
  int32_t pos = 0;
  int32_t row = 4;
  int32_t col = 0;
  do {
    if ((row == m_numrows) && (col == 0)) {
    if ((row == m_numrows - 2) && (col == 0) && ((m_numcols % 4) != 0)) {
    if ((row == m_numrows - 2) && (col == 0) && (m_numcols % 8 == 4)) {
    if ((row == m_numrows + 4) && (col == 2) && ((m_numcols % 8) == 0)) {
    do {
      if ((row < m_numrows) && (col >= 0) && !hasBit(col, row)) {
        utah(row, col, pos++);
      row -= 2;
      col += 2;
    } while (row >= 0 && (col < m_numcols));
    col += 3;
    do {
      if ((row >= 0) && (col < m_numcols) && !hasBit(col, row)) {
        utah(row, col, pos++);
      row += 2;
      col -= 2;
    } while ((row < m_numrows) && (col >= 0));
    row += 3;
  } while ((row < m_numrows) || (col < m_numcols));
  if (!hasBit(m_numcols - 1, m_numrows - 1)) {
    setBit(m_numcols - 1, m_numrows - 1, true);
    setBit(m_numcols - 2, m_numrows - 2, true);
Ejemplo n.º 20
	void ChunkTerrainSection::_calcLod(Camera* cam)
		// compute a 2d point for each corner of the section
		Vector2 corner0(mSectionBound.getMinimum().x, mSectionBound.getMinimum().z);
		Vector2 corner1(mSectionBound.getMinimum().x, mSectionBound.getMaximum().z);
		Vector2 corner2(mSectionBound.getMaximum().x, mSectionBound.getMaximum().z);
		Vector2 corner3(mSectionBound.getMaximum().x, mSectionBound.getMinimum().z);

		Vector2 viewPoint= Vector2(cam->getPosition().x, cam->getPosition().z);

		// compute view distance to our 4 corners
		float distance0 = viewPoint.distance(corner0);
		float distance1 = viewPoint.distance(corner1);
		float distance2 = viewPoint.distance(corner2);
		float distance3 = viewPoint.distance(corner3);
		_recursiveTessellate(distance0, distance1, distance2, distance3, 
			0, 0, 0, 
			mCreator->getLodErrorScale(), mCreator->getRatioLimit());

Ejemplo n.º 21
void CModelDecal::CalcVertexExtents(ssize_t& i0, ssize_t& j0, ssize_t& i1, ssize_t& j1)
	CVector3D corner0(m_Decal.m_OffsetX + m_Decal.m_SizeX/2, 0, m_Decal.m_OffsetZ + m_Decal.m_SizeZ/2);
	CVector3D corner1(m_Decal.m_OffsetX + m_Decal.m_SizeX/2, 0, m_Decal.m_OffsetZ - m_Decal.m_SizeZ/2);
	CVector3D corner2(m_Decal.m_OffsetX - m_Decal.m_SizeX/2, 0, m_Decal.m_OffsetZ - m_Decal.m_SizeZ/2);
	CVector3D corner3(m_Decal.m_OffsetX - m_Decal.m_SizeX/2, 0, m_Decal.m_OffsetZ + m_Decal.m_SizeZ/2);

	corner0 = GetTransform().Transform(corner0);
	corner1 = GetTransform().Transform(corner1);
	corner2 = GetTransform().Transform(corner2);
	corner3 = GetTransform().Transform(corner3);

	i0 = floor(std::min(std::min(corner0.X, corner1.X), std::min(corner2.X, corner3.X)) / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE);
	j0 = floor(std::min(std::min(corner0.Z, corner1.Z), std::min(corner2.Z, corner3.Z)) / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE);
	i1 = ceil(std::max(std::max(corner0.X, corner1.X), std::max(corner2.X, corner3.X)) / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE);
	j1 = ceil(std::max(std::max(corner0.Z, corner1.Z), std::max(corner2.Z, corner3.Z)) / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE);

	i0 = clamp(i0, (ssize_t)0, m_Terrain->GetVerticesPerSide()-1);
	j0 = clamp(j0, (ssize_t)0, m_Terrain->GetVerticesPerSide()-1);
	i1 = clamp(i1, (ssize_t)0, m_Terrain->GetVerticesPerSide()-1);
	j1 = clamp(j1, (ssize_t)0, m_Terrain->GetVerticesPerSide()-1);
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* Sum spline on a grid ---------------------------------------------------- */
double sum_spatial_Bspline03_SimpleGrid(const SimpleGrid &grid)
    Matrix1D<double> gr(3), ur(3), corner1(3), corner2(3);
    int          i, j, k;
    double        sum = 0.0;

// Compute the limits of the spline in the grid coordinate system
    grid.universe2grid(vectorR3(-2.0, -2.0, -2.0), corner1);
    grid.universe2grid(vectorR3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0), corner2);

// Compute the sum in the points inside the grid
// The integer part of the vectors is taken for not picking points
// just in the border of the spline, which we know they are 0.
    for (i = (int)XX(corner1); i <= (int)XX(corner2); i++)
        for (j = (int)YY(corner1); j <= (int)YY(corner2); j++)
            for (k = (int)ZZ(corner1); k <= (int)ZZ(corner2); k++)
                VECTOR_R3(gr, i, j, k);
                grid.grid2universe(gr, ur);
                sum += spatial_Bspline03(ur);
    return sum;
void DRAWSEGMENT::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
        SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer, int aClearanceValue, int aError, bool ignoreLineWidth ) const
    // The full width of the lines to create:
    int linewidth = ignoreLineWidth ? 0 : m_Width;

    linewidth += 2 * aClearanceValue;

    // Creating a reliable clearance shape for circles and arcs is not so easy, due to
    // the error created by segment approximation.
    // for a circle this is not so hard: create a polygon from a circle slightly bigger:
    // thickness = linewidth + s_error_max, and radius = initial radius + s_error_max/2
    // giving a shape with a suitable internal radius and external radius
    // For an arc this is more tricky: TODO

    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_CIRCLE:
                aCornerBuffer, GetCenter(), GetRadius(), aError, linewidth );

    case S_ARC:
                aCornerBuffer, GetCenter(), GetArcStart(), m_Angle, aError, linewidth );

    case S_SEGMENT:
                aCornerBuffer, m_Start, m_End, linewidth, aError );

    case S_POLYGON:
        if( IsPolyShapeValid() )
            // The polygon is expected to be a simple polygon
            // not self intersecting, no hole.
            MODULE* module = GetParentModule();     // NULL for items not in footprints
            double orientation = module ? module->GetOrientation() : 0.0;
            wxPoint offset;

            if( module )
                offset = module->GetPosition();

            // Build the polygon with the actual position and orientation:
            std::vector< wxPoint> poly;
            poly = BuildPolyPointsList();

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &poly[ii], orientation );
                poly[ii] += offset;

            // If the polygon is not filled, treat it as a closed set of lines
            if( !IsPolygonFilled() )
                for( size_t ii = 1; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                    TransformOvalClearanceToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, poly[ii - 1], poly[ii],
                            linewidth, aError );

                TransformOvalClearanceToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, poly.back(), poly.front(),
                        linewidth, aError );

            // Generate polygons for the outline + clearance
            // This code is compatible with a polygon with holes linked to external outline
            // by overlapping segments.

            // Insert the initial polygon:

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                aCornerBuffer.Append( poly[ii].x, poly[ii].y );

            if( linewidth )     // Add thick outlines
                wxPoint corner1( poly[poly.size()-1] );

                for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                    wxPoint corner2( poly[ii] );

                    if( corner2 != corner1 )
                                aCornerBuffer, corner1, corner2, aError, linewidth );

                    corner1 = corner2;

    case S_CURVE:       // Bezier curve
            std::vector<wxPoint> ctrlPoints = { m_Start, m_BezierC1, m_BezierC2, m_End };
            BEZIER_POLY converter( ctrlPoints );
            std::vector< wxPoint> poly;
            converter.GetPoly( poly, m_Width );

            for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                        aCornerBuffer, poly[ii - 1], poly[ii], aError, linewidth );

 * Function TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon
 * Convert the track shape to a closed polygon
 * Used in filling zones calculations
 * Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
 * @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
 * @param aClearanceValue = the clearance around the pad
 * @param aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
 * @param aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to circles radius to keep
 * clearance when the circle is approxiamted by segment bigger or equal
 * to the real clearance value (usually near from 1.0)
void DRAWSEGMENT::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer,
                                                        int             aClearanceValue,
                                                        int             aCircleToSegmentsCount,
                                                        double          aCorrectionFactor ) const
    // The full width of the lines to create:
    int linewidth = m_Width + (2 * aClearanceValue);

    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_CIRCLE:
        TransformRingToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, GetCenter(), GetRadius(),
                                aCircleToSegmentsCount, linewidth ) ;

    case S_ARC:
        TransformArcToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, GetCenter(),
                               GetArcStart(), m_Angle,
                               aCircleToSegmentsCount, linewidth );

    case S_SEGMENT:
        TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, m_Start, m_End,
                                              aCircleToSegmentsCount, linewidth );

    case S_POLYGON:
        if ( GetPolyPoints().size() < 2 )
            break;      // Malformed polygon.
        // The polygon is expected to be a simple polygon
        // not self intersecting, no hole.
        MODULE* module = GetParentModule();     // NULL for items not in footprints
        double orientation = module ? module->GetOrientation() : 0.0;

        // Build the polygon with the actual position and orientation:
        std::vector< wxPoint> poly;
        poly = GetPolyPoints();

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &poly[ii], orientation );
            poly[ii] += GetPosition();

        // Generate polygons for the outline + clearance
        // This code is compatible with a polygon with holes linked to external outline
        // by overlapping segments.

        // Insert the initial polygon:

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
            aCornerBuffer.Append( poly[ii].x, poly[ii].y );

        if( linewidth )     // Add thick outlines
            CPolyPt corner1( poly[poly.size()-1] );

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                CPolyPt corner2( poly[ii] );

                if( corner2 != corner1 )
                    TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer,
                            corner1, corner2, aCircleToSegmentsCount, linewidth );

                corner1 = corner2;

    case S_CURVE:       // Bezier curve (TODO: not yet in use)

Ejemplo n.º 25
  bool PixelMap::isCollision(const RasterMap &rastermap, const IntPoint &pos1, const IntPoint &pos2, const IntRect &rect1, const IntRect &rect2, const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2) const
    int fpx, fpy; /* First pixel to check */
    int lpx, lpy; /* Last pixel to check */
    int frx, fry; /* First pixel relative to rastermap */
    IntPoint corner1(pos1), corner2(pos2);
    IntRect framerect1, framerect2;
    IntRect mrect1, mrect2;
    IntRect *cutrect;

    /* Break */
      if(map == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Translate negative axises */
      mrect1 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect1, size);
      mrect2 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect2, rastermap.getMapSize() * rastermap.getCellSize());

    /* Align */
      if(alignment1.getX() != 0) corner1.decX((int)(mrect1.getWidth() * alignment1.getX()));
      if(alignment1.getY() != 0) corner1.decY((int)(mrect1.getHeight() * alignment1.getY()));
      if(alignment2.getX() != 0) corner2.decX((int)(mrect2.getWidth() * alignment2.getX()));
      if(alignment2.getY() != 0) corner2.decY((int)(mrect2.getHeight() * alignment2.getY()));

    /* Framerects */
      framerect1.load(corner1.getX(), corner1.getY(), mrect1.getWidth(), mrect1.getHeight());
      framerect2.load(corner2.getX(), corner2.getY(), mrect2.getWidth(), mrect2.getHeight());

    /* Break */
        throw Exception() << "pixelmap doesn't fully cover rect";
      if(!size_to_rect(rastermap.getMapSize() * rastermap.getCellSize()).isCovering(mrect2))
        throw Exception() << "rastermap doesn't fully cover rect";

   /* Cutrect */
      if((cutrect = framerect1.getCutrect(framerect2)) == NULL)
        return false;

    /* First / last pixel to check on pixelmap */
      fpx = cutrect->getX() - (corner1.getX() - mrect1.getX());
      fpy = cutrect->getY() - (corner1.getY() - mrect1.getY());

      lpx = fpx + cutrect->getWidth() - 1;
      lpy = fpy + cutrect->getHeight() - 1;

    /* Get first pixel relative to rastermap */
      frx = cutrect->getX() - (corner2.getX() - mrect2.getX());
      fry = cutrect->getY() - (corner2.getY() - mrect2.getY());

    /* Delete cutrect */
      delete cutrect;

    /* Iterate pixels */
      for(int py = fpy, ry = fry; py <= lpy; py++, ry++)
        for(int px = fpx, rx = frx; px <= lpx; px++, rx++)
          if(is_pixel(px, py))
            int cx, cy;

            /* Get cell */
              cx = rx / rastermap.getCellSize().getWidth();
              cy = ry / rastermap.getCellSize().getHeight();

            /* Check */
              if(rastermap.isCell(IntPoint(cx, cy)))
                return true;
                int add = rastermap.getCellSize().getWidth() - (rx % rastermap.getCellSize().getWidth());
                  rx += add;
                  px += add;


    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  bool PixelMap::isCollision(const RectMap &rectmap, const IntPoint &pos1, const IntPoint &pos2, const IntRect &rect1, const IntRect &rect2, const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2) const
    IntPoint corner1(pos1), corner2(pos2);
    IntRect framerect1, framerect2;
    IntRect mrect1, mrect2;
    IntRect *cutrect;

    /* Break */
      if(map == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Translate negative axises */
      mrect1 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect1, size);
      mrect2 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect2, rectmap.getSize());

    /* Align */
      if(alignment1.getX() != 0) corner1.decX((int)(mrect1.getWidth() * alignment1.getX()));
      if(alignment1.getY() != 0) corner1.decY((int)(mrect1.getHeight() * alignment1.getY()));
      if(alignment2.getX() != 0) corner2.decX((int)(mrect2.getWidth() * alignment2.getX()));
      if(alignment2.getY() != 0) corner2.decY((int)(mrect2.getHeight() * alignment2.getY()));

    /* Framerects */
      framerect1.load(corner1.getX(), corner1.getY(), mrect1.getWidth(), mrect1.getHeight());
      framerect2.load(corner2.getX(), corner2.getY(), mrect2.getWidth(), mrect2.getHeight());

    /* Break */
        throw Exception() << "pixelmap1 doesn't fully cover rect";

    /* Cutrect */
      if((cutrect = framerect1.getCutrect(framerect2)) == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Iterate rects, check pixels */
      for(int r = 0; r < rectmap.getRectCount(); r++)
        int fpx, fpy; /* First pixel to check */
        int lpx, lpy; /* Last pixel to check */

        IntRect srect = rectmap.getRect(r) + point_to_vector(corner2) - IntVector(mrect2.getX(), mrect2.getY());
        IntRect *scutrect;

        /* Clip with cutrect*/
          if((scutrect = srect.getCutrect(*cutrect)) == NULL)

        /* Pixels to check */
          fpx = scutrect->getX() - (corner1.getX() - mrect1.getX());
          fpy = scutrect->getY() - (corner1.getY() - mrect1.getY());
          lpx = fpx + scutrect->getWidth() - 1;
          lpy = fpy + scutrect->getHeight() - 1;

        /* Check pixels */
          for(int py = fpy; py <= lpy; py++)
            for(int px = fpx; px <= lpx; px++)
              if(is_pixel(px, py))
                /* Free mem */
                  delete cutrect;
                  delete scutrect;

                /* Collision detected */
                  return true;

        delete scutrect;

    delete cutrect;

    return false;

Ejemplo n.º 27
  bool PixelMap::isCollision(const PixelMap &pixelmap2, const IntPoint &pos1, const IntPoint &pos2, const geo::IntRect &rect1, const geo::IntRect &rect2, const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2) const
    int fp1x, fp1y, fp2x, fp2y; /* First pixel to check */
    int cw, ch; /* Sizes of the rect to check on both maps */
    IntPoint corner1(pos1), corner2(pos2);
    IntRect mrect1, mrect2;
    IntRect framerect1, framerect2;
    IntRect *cutrect;

    /* Break */
      if(map == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Translate negative axises */
      mrect1 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect1, size);
      mrect2 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect2, pixelmap2.size);

    /* Align */
      if(alignment1.getX() != 0) corner1.decX((int)(mrect1.getWidth() * alignment1.getX()));
      if(alignment1.getY() != 0) corner1.decY((int)(mrect1.getHeight() * alignment1.getY()));
      if(alignment2.getX() != 0) corner2.decX((int)(mrect2.getWidth() * alignment2.getX()));
      if(alignment2.getY() != 0) corner2.decY((int)(mrect2.getHeight() * alignment2.getY()));

    /* Framerects */
      framerect1.load(corner1.getX(), corner1.getY(), mrect1.getWidth(), mrect1.getHeight());
      framerect2.load(corner2.getX(), corner2.getY(), mrect2.getWidth(), mrect2.getHeight());

    /* Break */
      if(!IntRect(0, 0, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()).isCovering(mrect1))
        throw Exception() << "pixelmap1 doesn't fully cover rect";
      if(!IntRect(0, 0, pixelmap2.size.getWidth(), pixelmap2.size.getHeight()).isCovering(mrect2))
        throw Exception() << "pixelmap2 doesn't fully cover rect";

    /* Cutrect */
      if((cutrect = framerect1.getCutrect(framerect2)) == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Get first pixels and size to check */
      cw = cutrect->getWidth();
      ch = cutrect->getHeight();
      fp1x = cutrect->getX() - (framerect1.getX() - mrect1.getX());
      fp1y = cutrect->getY() - (framerect1.getY() - mrect1.getY());
      fp2x = cutrect->getX() - (framerect2.getX() - mrect2.getX());
      fp2y = cutrect->getY() - (framerect2.getY() - mrect2.getY());

      /* Delete cutrect */
        delete cutrect;

    /* Compare Pixels */
      for(int py = 0; py < ch; py++)
        for(int px = 0; px < cw; px++)
          if(is_pixel_on_map(map, px + fp1x, py + fp1y) && is_pixel_on_map(pixelmap2.map, px + fp2x, py + fp2y))
            return true;

    /* No collision detected */
      return false;
Ejemplo n.º 28
// (shsing_ext)
int extremalPtSurfSurf(ParamSurface* psurf1, ParamSurface* psurf2,
		      int    constraints[2], double constraints_par[2],
		      double limit[], double enext[],
		      double gpos[], double angle_tol)
* PURPOSE    : To find one point in each surface where the two normals
*              are parallel to each other and to the difference vector
*              between the two points.
*              The edge info makes it possible to constrain the search
*              to an ISO-curve in one of or both surfaces.
* INPUT      : psurf1 - Pointer to first surface
*              psurf2 - Pointer to second surface
*              constraints[0]- Constraint 1. surface
*              constraints[1]- Constraint 2. surface
*                       = -1 No constraints
*                       =  0 Constant in 1. par direction
*                       =  1 constant in 2. par direction
*                           Example constrains == 0
*                           -----------------
*                           !     |          !
*                           !     |          !
*                           !     |          !
*                           !     |          !
*                           !     |          !
*                           !     |          !
*                           -----------------
*                                 ^
*                                 |
*                                 constraints_par
*              constraints_par[0]- Constraints parameter 1. surface
*              constraints_par[1]- Constraints parameter 2. surface
*              limit  - Parameter borders of both surfaces.
*                       limit[0] - limit[1] Parameter interval 1.  surface 1. direction.
*                       limit[2] - limit[3] Parameter interval 1.  surface 2. direction.
*                       limit[4] - limit[5] Parameter interval 2.  surface 1. direction.
*                       limit[6] - limit[7] Parameter interval 2.  surface 2. direction.
*              enext     - Parameter start value for iteration(4 values).
*              angle_tol - The angular tolerance for success.
* OUTPUT     : gpos    - Parameter values of the found singularity.(4 values)
*              kstat   - status messages
*                                = 1   : Extremum found.
*                                = 0   : Extremum NOT found.
* METHOD     :  - Start with a guess value (u,v) in domain of surface 1 (S(u,v))
*           (a) - Find domain value (r,t) of closest point (to S(u,v) in surface 2 (Q(r,t))
*               - If vf1(u,v) = <Su,Normal(Q> and vf2(u,v)= <Sv,Normal(Q> is small enough  stop
*                      (<,> means scalar prod.)
*               - Find du and dv by taylorizing vf1 and vf2.
*                 This include finding the derivatives of the closest point function (r(u,v),t(u,v))
*                 with respect to u and v. (called h(u,v) in article, see comments in nextStep)
*               - u:= u+du v:= v+dv, goto (a)
* REFERENCES : Solutions of tangential surface and curve intersections.
*              R P Markot and R L Magedson
*              Computer-Aided Design; vol. 21, no 7 sept. 1989, page 421-429
  int kstat = 0;            /* Local status variable.                      */
  int ki;                   /* Loop control                                */
  int kp;                   /* Loop control                                */
  const int kder=2;         /* Order of derivatives to be calulated        */
  const int kdim=3;         /* Dimension of space the surface lies in      */
  int knbit;                /* Number of iterations                        */
  double tdelta[4];         /* Length of parameter intervals.              */
  double tdist;             /* The current norm of the cross product       */
                            /* between the two normals                     */
  double tprev;             /* The current norm of the cross product  ?    */
                            /* between the two normals                     */
  double td[2],t1[2],tdn[2];/* Distances between old and new parameter     */
			    /* value in the two parameter directions.     */
  std::vector<Point> sval1(7,Point(kdim)); /* Value ,first and second      */
					   /* derivative of first surface  */
  Point& snorm1=sval1[6];    /* Normal vector of firstrface                */
  std::vector<Point> sval2(7,Point(kdim)); /* Value ,first and second      */
                                           /* derivative of second surface */
  Point& snorm2=sval2[6];   /* Normal vector of second surface             */
  double snext[4];          /* Parameter values                            */
  double start[2];          /* Parameters limit of second surface, used in */
                            /* call to closest point                       */
  double end[2];            /* Parameters limit of second surface, used in */
                            /* call to closest point                       */
  double guess[2];          /* Start point for closest point iteration     */
  Point& ppoint=sval1[0];   /* Contains the current position in first      */
                            /* surface used in closest point iteration     */
  double min_tol = (double)10000.0*REL_COMP_RES;
  int max_iter=20;          /* Maximal number of iteration allowed         */
  double limit_corr[8];     /* Copy of limit with edge constraints         */
  double clo_dist;          /* Distance between point and closest point    */
  Point clo_pt(3);          /* Closest point                               */
  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  // Test input.
  DEBUG_ERROR_IF(kdim != psurf1->dimension(), "Dimension mismatch.");
  DEBUG_ERROR_IF(kdim != psurf2->dimension(), "Dimension mismatch.");

  // Fetch referance numbers from the serach intervals for the surfaces.
  tdelta[0] = limit[1] - limit[0];
  tdelta[1] = limit[3] - limit[2];
  tdelta[2] = limit[5] - limit[4];
  tdelta[3] = limit[7] - limit[6];

  // Set limit values, used in closest point iteration
  start[0] = limit[4];
  start[1] = limit[6];
  end[0]   = limit[5];
  end[1]   = limit[7];

  // Take into account edge constraints
  for (int i=0;i<8;i++)

  for (ki=0,kp=0;ki<2;ki++,kp+=4) {
    switch (constraints[ki])
    case -1:
    case 0:
      limit_corr[kp]    = limit_corr[kp+1] = constraints_par[ki];
    case 1:
      limit_corr[kp+2] = limit_corr[kp+3] = constraints_par[ki];
      THROW("Wrong constraint: " << constraints[ki]);


  Vector2D corner1(limit_corr[4],limit_corr[6]);
  Vector2D corner2(limit_corr[5],limit_corr[7]);
  RectDomain rect_dom2(corner1,corner2);

  // Collapsed ?
  for (ki=0;ki<4;ki++) 
    tdelta[ki] = max (tdelta[ki], min_tol);

  // Initiate output variables.
  for (ki=0;ki<4;ki++)
    gpos[ki] = enext[ki];

  for (ki=0;ki<4;ki++) {
    // Snap to the limit box
    gpos[ki] = max(gpos[ki], limit_corr[2*ki]);
    gpos[ki] = min(gpos[ki], limit_corr[2*ki+1]);

  //  Evaluate 0.-2. derivatives of first surface
  psurf1->normal(snorm1,gpos[0], gpos[1]);

  //  Get closest point in second surface.
  guess[0] = gpos[2];
  guess[1] = gpos[3];
		       REL_PAR_RES, &rect_dom2,guess);
  //		       REL_COMP_RES, &rect_dom2,guess);    @bsp

  //  Evaluate 0.-2. derivatives of second surface
  psurf2->normal(snorm2,gpos[2], gpos[3]);

  //  Get length of normal cross product
  //tprev = s6length(temp,kdim,&kstat);
  //  temp = SIX_norm(snorm1);
  //  temp = SIX_norm(snorm2);

  // Angle between the normal vectors
  tprev = snorm1.angle_smallest(snorm2);

  // Compute the Newton stepdistance vector in first surface.

  // Adjust if we are not inside the parameter intervall.
  for (ki=0;ki<2;ki++)
    t1[ki] = td[ki];

  // Iteratation loop.

  for (knbit = 0; knbit < max_iter; knbit++) {

    snext[0] = gpos[0] + t1[0];
    snext[1] = gpos[1] + t1[1];

    // Evaluate 0.-2. derivatives of first surface
    psurf1->normal(snorm1,snext[0], snext[1]);

    //   Get closest point in second surface.
    guess[0] = gpos[2];
    guess[1] = gpos[3];
		         REL_PAR_RES, &rect_dom2,guess);
    //			 REL_COMP_RES, &rect_dom2,guess);   @bsp
    // Since the last 2 values in snext has been changed in closestPoint:
    for (ki=2;ki<4;ki++) {
      // Snap to the limit box
      snext[ki] = max(snext[ki], limit_corr[2*ki]);
      snext[ki] = min(snext[ki], limit_corr[2*ki+1]);

    //  Evaluate 0.-2. derivatives of second surface
    psurf2->normal(snorm2,snext[2], snext[3]);

    // Get length of normal cross product
    // s6crss(snorm1,snorm2,temp);
    // tdist = s6length(temp,kdim,&kstat);
    //temp = SIX_norm(snorm1);
    //temp = SIX_norm(snorm2);
    //tdist = s6ang(snorm1,snorm2,3);
    tdist = snorm1.angle_smallest(snorm2);
    // Compute the Newton stepdistance vector.

    if (tdist <= tprev) {

      // Ordinary converging.
      for (ki=0;ki<4;ki++)
	gpos[ki] = snext[ki];
      td[0] = t1[0] = tdn[0];
      td[1] = t1[1] = tdn[1];

      // Adjust if we are not inside the parameter interval.
      tprev = tdist;
      if ((fabs(t1[0]/tdelta[0]) <= REL_COMP_RES) &&
	  (fabs(t1[1]/tdelta[1]) <= REL_COMP_RES)) {

	gpos[0] += t1[0];
	gpos[1] += t1[1];
	// Evaluate 0.-2. derivatives of first surface
	psurf1->normal(snorm1,gpos[0], gpos[1]);
	// Get closest point in second surface.
	guess[0] = gpos[2];
	guess[1] = gpos[3];
			     REL_PAR_RES, &rect_dom2,guess);
	//			     REL_COMP_RES, &rect_dom2,guess);

    else {
      // Not converging, half step length and try again.
      for (ki=0;ki<2;ki++) 
	t1[ki] *= 0.5;

  // Iteration stopped, test if point is extremum
  // Unsure about what is right here , angle between normals and difference vector ??
  if (tprev <= angle_tol)
    kstat = 1;
    kstat = 0;

  // Test if the iteration is close to a knot
  if (fabs(gpos[0] - psurf1->et1[kleftt])/tdelta[0] < min_tol)
    gpos[0] = psurf1->et1[kleftt];
  else if (fabs(gpos[0] - psurf1->et1[kleftt+1])/tdelta[0] < min_tol)
    gpos[0] = psurf1->et1[kleftt+1];

  if (fabs(gpos[1] - psurf1->et2[klefts])/tdelta[1] < min_tol)
    gpos[1] = psurf1->et2[klefts];
  else if (fabs(gpos[1] - psurf1->et2[klefts+1])/tdelta[1] < min_tol)
    gpos[1] = psurf1->et2[klefts+1];

  if (fabs(gpos[2] - psurf2->et1[kleftu])/tdelta[2] < min_tol)
    gpos[2] = psurf2->et1[kleftu];
  else if (fabs(gpos[2] - psurf2->et1[kleftu+1])/tdelta[2] < min_tol)
    gpos[2] = psurf2->et1[kleftu+1];

  if (fabs(gpos[3] - psurf2->et2[kleftv])/tdelta[3] < min_tol)
    gpos[3] = psurf2->et2[kleftv];
  else if (fabs(gpos[3] - psurf2->et2[kleftv+1])/tdelta[3] < min_tol)
    gpos[3] = psurf2->et2[kleftv+1];

  // Iteration completed.
  return kstat;
Ejemplo n.º 29
void * blobs2voxels_SimpleGrid( void * data )
    ThreadBlobsToVoxels * thread_data = (ThreadBlobsToVoxels *) data;

    const MultidimArray<double> *vol_blobs = thread_data->vol_blobs;
    const SimpleGrid *grid = thread_data->grid;
    const struct blobtype *blob = thread_data->blob;
    MultidimArray<double> *vol_voxels = thread_data->vol_voxels;
    const Matrix2D<double> *D = thread_data->D;
    int istep = thread_data->istep;
    MultidimArray<double> *vol_corr = thread_data->vol_corr;
    const MultidimArray<double> *vol_mask = thread_data->vol_mask;
    bool FORW = thread_data->FORW;
    int eq_mode = thread_data->eq_mode;

    int min_separation = thread_data->min_separation;

    int z_planes = (int)(ZZ(grid->highest) - ZZ(grid->lowest) + 1);

    Matrix2D<double> Dinv;                   // Inverse of D
    Matrix1D<double> act_coord(3);           // Coord: Actual position inside
    // the voxel volume without deforming
    Matrix1D<double> real_position(3);       // Coord: actual position after
    // applying the V transformation
    Matrix1D<double> beginZ(3);              // Coord: Voxel coordinates of the
    // blob at the 3D point
    // (z0,YY(lowest),XX(lowest))
    Matrix1D<double> beginY(3);              // Coord: Voxel coordinates of the
    // blob at the 3D point
    // (z0,y0,XX(lowest))
    Matrix1D<double> corner2(3), corner1(3); // Coord: Corners of the
    // blob in the voxel volume
    Matrix1D<double> gcurrent(3);            // Position in g of current point
    MultidimArray<double> blob_table;             // Something like a blobprint
    // but with the values of the
    // blob in space
    double         d;                        // Distance between the center
    // of the blob and a voxel position
    int           id;                        // index inside the blob value
    // table for tha blob value at
    // a distance d
    double         intx, inty, intz;         // Nearest integer voxel
    int           i, j, k;                   // Index within the blob volume
    int           process;                   // True if this blob has to be
    // processed
    double         vol_correction=0;         // Correction to apply to the
    // volume when "projecting" back

    // Some aliases
#define x0 STARTINGX(*vol_voxels)
#define xF FINISHINGX(*vol_voxels)
#define y0 STARTINGY(*vol_voxels)
#define yF FINISHINGY(*vol_voxels)
#define z0 STARTINGZ(*vol_voxels)
#define zF FINISHINGZ(*vol_voxels)

#ifdef DEBUG

    bool condition = !FORW;
    if (condition)
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "x0= " << x0 << " xF= " << xF << std::endl;
        std::cout << "y0= " << y0 << " yF= " << yF << std::endl;
        std::cout << "z0= " << z0 << " zF= " << zF << std::endl;
        std::cout << grid;

    // Invert deformation matrix ............................................
    if (D != NULL)
        Dinv = D->inv();

    // Compute a blob value table ...........................................
    blob_table.resize((int)(blob->radius*istep + 1));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < blob_table.xdim; i++)
        A1D_ELEM(blob_table, i) = kaiser_value((double)i/istep, blob->radius, blob->alpha, blob->order);


        if (condition)
            std::cout << "Blob (" << i << ") r=" << (double)i / istep <<
            " val= " << A1D_ELEM(blob_table, i) << std::endl;


    int assigned_slice;

        assigned_slice = -1;
            if( slices_processed == z_planes )
                return (void*)NULL;

            for(int w = 0 ; w < z_planes ; w++ )
                if( slices_status[w]==0 )
                    slices_status[w] = -1;
                    assigned_slice = w;

                    for( int in = (w-min_separation+1) ; in <= (w+min_separation-1 ) ; in ++ )
                        if( in != w )
                            if( ( in >= 0 ) && ( in < z_planes ))
                                if( slices_status[in] != -1 )

        while( assigned_slice == -1);

        // Convert the whole grid ...............................................
        // Corner of the plane defined by Z. These coordinates are in the
        // universal coord. system
        Matrix1D<double> aux( grid->lowest );
        k = (int)(assigned_slice + ZZ( grid->lowest ));
        ZZ(aux) = k;
        grid->grid2universe(aux, beginZ);

        Matrix1D<double> grid_index(3);

        // Corner of the row defined by Y
        beginY = beginZ;
        for (i = (int) YY(grid->lowest); i <= (int) YY(grid->highest); i++)
            // First point in the row
            act_coord = beginY;
            for (j = (int) XX(grid->lowest); j <= (int) XX(grid->highest); j++)
                VECTOR_R3(grid_index, j, i, k);
#ifdef DEBUG

                if (condition)
                    printf("Dealing blob at (%d,%d,%d) = %f\n", j, i, k, A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j));
                    std::cout << "Center of the blob      "
                    << act_coord.transpose() << std::endl;

                // Place act_coord in its right place
                if (D != NULL)
                    M3x3_BY_V3x1(real_position, *D, act_coord);
#ifdef DEBUG

                    if (condition)
                        std::cout << "Center of the blob moved to "
                        //ROB, the "moved" coordinates are in
                        // real_position not in act_coord
                        << act_coord.transpose() << std::endl;
                    << real_position.transpose() << std::endl;
                    // ROB This is OK if blob.radius is in Cartesian space as I
                    // think is the case
                    real_position = act_coord;

                // These two corners are also real valued
                process = true;
                //This is OK if blob.radius is in Cartesian space as I think is the case
                V3_PLUS_CT(corner1, real_position, -blob->radius);
                V3_PLUS_CT(corner2, real_position, blob->radius);
                //we do not need this, it is already in Cartesian space
                //if (D!=NULL)
                //   box_enclosing(corner1,corner2, *D, corner1, corner2);

                if (XX(corner1) >= xF)
                    process = false;
                if (YY(corner1) >= yF)
                    process = false;
                if (ZZ(corner1) >= zF)
                    process = false;
                if (XX(corner2) <= x0)
                    process = false;
                if (YY(corner2) <= y0)
                    process = false;
                if (ZZ(corner2) <= z0)
                    process = false;
#ifdef DEBUG

                if (!process && condition)
                    std::cout << "   It is outside output volume\n";

                if (!grid->is_interesting(real_position))
#ifdef DEBUG
                    if (process && condition)
                        std::cout << "   It is not interesting\n";

                    process = false;

#ifdef DEBUG
                if (condition)
                    std::cout << "Corner 1 for this point " << corner1.transpose() << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "Corner 2 for this point " << corner2.transpose() << std::endl;

                if (process)
                    // Clip the corners to the volume borders
                    XX(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(XX(corner1), x0, xF));
                    YY(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(YY(corner1), y0, yF));
                    ZZ(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(ZZ(corner1), z0, zF));
                    XX(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(XX(corner2), x0, xF));
                    YY(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(YY(corner2), y0, yF));
                    ZZ(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(ZZ(corner2), z0, zF));
#ifdef DEBUG

                    if (condition)
                        std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 1 " << corner1.transpose() << std::endl;
                        std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 2 " << corner2.transpose() << std::endl;

                    if (!FORW)
                        switch (eq_mode)
                        case VARTK:
                            vol_correction = 0;
                        case VMAXARTK:
                            vol_correction = -1e38;

                    // Effectively convert
                    long N_eq;
                    N_eq = 0;
                    for (intz = ZZ(corner1); intz <= ZZ(corner2); intz++)
                        for (inty = YY(corner1); inty <= YY(corner2); inty++)
                            for (intx = XX(corner1); intx <= XX(corner2); intx++)
                                int iz = (int)intz, iy = (int)inty, ix = (int)intx;
                                if (vol_mask != NULL)
                                    if (!A3D_ELEM(*vol_mask, iz, iy, ix))

                                // Compute distance to the center of the blob
                                VECTOR_R3(gcurrent, intx, inty, intz);
                                // ROB
                                //if (D!=NULL)
                                //   M3x3_BY_V3x1(gcurrent,Dinv,gcurrent);

                                V3_MINUS_V3(gcurrent, real_position, gcurrent);
                                d = sqrt(XX(gcurrent) * XX(gcurrent) +
                                         YY(gcurrent) * YY(gcurrent) +
                                         ZZ(gcurrent) * ZZ(gcurrent));
                                if (d > blob->radius)
                                id = (int)(d * istep);

                                if (condition)
                                    std::cout << "At (" << intx << ","
                                    << inty << "," << intz << ") distance=" << d;

                                // Add at that position the corresponding blob value

                                if (FORW)
                                    A3D_ELEM(*vol_voxels, iz, iy, ix) +=
                                        A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j) *
                                        A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id);

                                    if (condition)
                                        std::cout << " adding " << A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j)
                                        << " * " << A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) << " = "
                                        << A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j)*
                                        A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) << std::endl;
                                    if (vol_corr != NULL)
                                        A3D_ELEM(*vol_corr, iz, iy, ix) +=
                                            A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) * A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id);
                                    double contrib = A3D_ELEM(*vol_corr, iz, iy, ix) *
                                                     A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id);
                                    switch (eq_mode)
                                    case VARTK:
                                        vol_correction += contrib;
                                    case VMAXARTK:
                                        if (contrib > vol_correction)
                                            vol_correction = contrib;

                                    if (condition)
                                        std::cout << " adding " << A3D_ELEM(*vol_corr, iz, iy, ix)
                                        << " * " << A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) << " = "
                                        << contrib << std::endl;

                    if (N_eq == 0)
                        N_eq = 1;
                    if (!FORW)
                        A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j) += vol_correction / N_eq;

                        std::cout << " correction= " << vol_correction << std::endl
                        << " Number of eqs= " << N_eq << std::endl
                        << " Blob after correction= "
                        << A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j) << std::endl;


                // Prepare for next iteration
                XX(act_coord) = XX(act_coord) + grid->relative_size * (grid->basis)( 0, 0);
                YY(act_coord) = YY(act_coord) + grid->relative_size * (grid->basis)( 1, 0);
                ZZ(act_coord) = ZZ(act_coord) + grid->relative_size * (grid->basis)( 2, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 30
/* Splines -> Voxels for a SimpleGrid -------------------------------------- */
void spatial_Bspline032voxels_SimpleGrid(const MultidimArray<double> &vol_splines,
        const SimpleGrid &grid,
        MultidimArray<double> *vol_voxels,
        const MultidimArray<double> *vol_mask = NULL)
    Matrix1D<double> act_coord(3);           // Coord: Actual position inside
    // the voxel volume without deforming
    Matrix1D<double> beginZ(3);              // Coord: Voxel coordinates of the
    // blob at the 3D point
    // (z0,YY(lowest),XX(lowest))
    Matrix1D<double> beginY(3);              // Coord: Voxel coordinates of the
    // blob at the 3D point
    // (z0,y0,XX(lowest))
    Matrix1D<double> corner2(3), corner1(3); // Coord: Corners of the
    // blob in the voxel volume
    Matrix1D<double> gcurrent(3);            // Position in g of current point
    double        intx, inty, intz;          // Nearest integer voxel
    int           i, j, k;                   // Index within the blob volume
    bool          process;                   // True if this blob has to be
    // processed
    double spline_radius = 2 * sqrt(3.0);

    // Some aliases
#define x0 STARTINGX(*vol_voxels)
#define xF FINISHINGX(*vol_voxels)
#define y0 STARTINGY(*vol_voxels)
#define yF FINISHINGY(*vol_voxels)
#define z0 STARTINGZ(*vol_voxels)
#define zF FINISHINGZ(*vol_voxels)

#ifdef DEBUG
    bool condition = true;
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "x0= " << x0 << " xF= " << xF << std::endl;
    std::cout << "y0= " << y0 << " yF= " << yF << std::endl;
    std::cout << "z0= " << z0 << " zF= " << zF << std::endl;
    std::cout << grid;

    // Convert the whole grid ...............................................
    // Corner of the plane defined by Z. These coordinates are in the
    // universal coord. system
    grid.grid2universe(grid.lowest, beginZ);

    Matrix1D<double> grid_index(3);
    for (k = (int) ZZ(grid.lowest); k <= (int) ZZ(grid.highest); k++)
        // Corner of the row defined by Y
        beginY = beginZ;
        for (i = (int) YY(grid.lowest); i <= (int) YY(grid.highest); i++)
            // First point in the row
            act_coord = beginY;
            for (j = (int) XX(grid.lowest); j <= (int) XX(grid.highest); j++)
                VECTOR_R3(grid_index, j, i, k);
#ifdef DEBUG
                if (condition)
                    printf("Dealing spline at (%d,%d,%d) = %f\n", j, i, k, A3D_ELEM(vol_splines, k, i, j));
                    std::cout << "Center of the blob      "
                    << act_coord.transpose() << std::endl;

                // These two corners are also real valued
                process = true;
                if (XX(act_coord) >= xF) process = false;
                if (YY(act_coord) >= yF) process = false;
                if (ZZ(act_coord) >= zF) process = false;
                if (XX(act_coord) <= x0) process = false;
                if (YY(act_coord) <= y0) process = false;
                if (ZZ(act_coord) <= z0) process = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
                if (!process && condition) std::cout << "   It is outside output volume\n";
                if (!grid.is_interesting(act_coord))
#ifdef DEBUG
                    if (process && condition) std::cout << "   It is not interesting\n";
                    process = false;

                if (process)
                    V3_PLUS_CT(corner1, act_coord, -spline_radius);
                    V3_PLUS_CT(corner2, act_coord, spline_radius);
#ifdef DEBUG
                    if (condition)
                        std::cout << "Corner 1 for this point " << corner1.transpose() << std::endl;
                        std::cout << "Corner 2 for this point " << corner2.transpose() << std::endl;

                    // Clip the corners to the volume borders
                    XX(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(XX(corner1), x0, xF));
                    YY(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(YY(corner1), y0, yF));
                    ZZ(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(ZZ(corner1), z0, zF));
                    XX(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(XX(corner2), x0, xF));
                    YY(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(YY(corner2), y0, yF));
                    ZZ(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(ZZ(corner2), z0, zF));
#ifdef DEBUG
                    if (condition)
                        std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 1 " << corner1.transpose() << std::endl;
                        std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 2 " << corner2.transpose() << std::endl;

                    // Effectively convert
                    for (intz = ZZ(corner1); intz <= ZZ(corner2); intz++)
                        for (inty = YY(corner1); inty <= YY(corner2); inty++)
                            for (intx = XX(corner1); intx <= XX(corner2); intx++)
                                int iz = (int)intz, iy = (int)inty, ix = (int)intx;
                                if (vol_mask != NULL)
                                    if (!A3D_ELEM(*vol_mask, iz, iy, ix)) continue;

                                // Compute the spline value at this point
                                VECTOR_R3(gcurrent, intx, inty, intz);
                                V3_MINUS_V3(gcurrent, act_coord, gcurrent);
                                double spline_value = spatial_Bspline03(gcurrent);
                                if (condition)
                                    std::cout << "At (" << intx << ","
                                    << inty << "," << intz << ") value="
                                    << spline_value;

                                // Add at that position the corresponding spline value
                                A3D_ELEM(*vol_voxels, iz, iy, ix) +=
                                    A3D_ELEM(vol_splines, k, i, j) * spline_value;
                                if (condition)
                                    std::cout << " adding " << A3D_ELEM(vol_splines, k, i, j)
                                    << " * " << value_spline << " = "
                                    << A3D_ELEM(vol_splines, k, i, j)*
                                    value_spline << std::endl;

                // Prepare for next iteration
                XX(act_coord) = XX(act_coord) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(0, 0);
                YY(act_coord) = YY(act_coord) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(1, 0);
                ZZ(act_coord) = ZZ(act_coord) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(2, 0);
            XX(beginY) = XX(beginY) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(0, 1);
            YY(beginY) = YY(beginY) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(1, 1);
            ZZ(beginY) = ZZ(beginY) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(2, 1);
        XX(beginZ) = XX(beginZ) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(0, 2);
        YY(beginZ) = YY(beginZ) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(1, 2);
        ZZ(beginZ) = ZZ(beginZ) + grid.relative_size * grid.basis(2, 2);