Ejemplo n.º 1
void fastaToPsl(char *inName, char *outName)
/* fastaToPsl - Convert axt to psl format. */
struct lineFile *inLF;
FILE *outFh;
boolean read;
struct psl* pslAlign;

DNA *qSeq;
int qSize;
int qSeqLen;
char *qHeader;

DNA *tSeq;
int tSize;
int tSeqLen;
char *tHeader;

int queryCounter;

inLF  = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
outFh = mustOpen(outName, "w");

/* read the target sequence */
read = faMixedSpeedReadNext(inLF, &qSeq, &qSize, &qHeader);
if (!read)
    errAbort("Could not read target FASTA entry.");
qSeq    = cloneString(qSeq);
qSeqLen = countNonDash(qSeq, qSize);
qHeader = cloneString(qHeader);
verbose(2, "Query sequence header: %s\n", qHeader);
verbose(3, "Query sequence alignment length: %d\n", qSize);
verbose(3, "Query sequence length: %d\n", qSeqLen);
verbose(4, "Query sequence: %s\n", qSeq);

/* read the rest of the sequences */
queryCounter = 1;
while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(inLF, &tSeq, &tSize, &tHeader))
    tSeqLen = countNonDash(tSeq, tSize);

    verbose(2, "Target sequence (%d) header: %s\n", queryCounter, tHeader);
    verbose(3, "Target sequence (%d) length: %d\n", queryCounter, tSeqLen);
    verbose(4, "Target sequence (%d): %s\n", queryCounter, tSeq);

    pslAlign = pslFromAlign(qHeader, qSeqLen, 0, qSeqLen, qSeq,
                            tHeader, tSeqLen, 0, tSeqLen, tSeq,
                            "+", 0);
    pslTabOut(pslAlign, outFh);


void outputSubAxt(struct axt *axt, int start, int size, int score, FILE *f)
/* Output subset of axt to axt file. */
struct axt a;
a = *axt;
a.symCount = size;
a.score = score;
a.qStart += countNonDash(a.qSym, start);
a.qEnd = a.qStart + countNonDash(a.qSym + start, size);
a.tStart += countNonDash(a.tSym, start);
a.tEnd = a.tStart + countNonDash(a.tSym + start, size);
a.qSym += start;
a.tSym += start;
axtWrite(&a, f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
struct mafAli *mafSubsetE(struct mafAli *maf, char *componentSource,
	int newStart, int newEnd, bool getInitialDashes)
/* Extract subset of maf that intersects a given range
 * in a component sequence.  The newStart and newEnd
 * are given in the forward strand coordinates of the
 * component sequence.  The componentSource is typically
 * something like 'mm3.chr1'.  This will return NULL
 * if maf does not intersect range.  The score field
 * in the returned maf will not be filled in (since
 * we don't know which scoring scheme to use). */
struct mafComp *mcMaster = mafFindComponent(maf, componentSource);
struct mafAli *subset;
struct mafComp *mc, *subMc;
char *s, *e;
int textStart, textSize;

/* Reverse complement input range if necessary. */
if (mcMaster->strand == '-')
    reverseIntRange(&newStart, &newEnd, mcMaster->srcSize);

/* Check if any real intersection and return NULL if not. */
if (newStart >= newEnd)
    return NULL;
if (newStart >= mcMaster->start + mcMaster->size)
    return NULL;
if (newEnd <= mcMaster->start)
    return NULL;

/* Clip to bounds of actual data. */
if (newStart < mcMaster->start)
    newStart = mcMaster->start;
if (newEnd > mcMaster->start + mcMaster->size)
    newEnd = mcMaster->start + mcMaster->size;

/* Translate position in master sequence to position in
 * multiple alignment. */
s = skipIgnoringDash(mcMaster->text, newStart - mcMaster->start, TRUE);
e = skipIgnoringDash(s, newEnd - newStart, TRUE);
textStart = s - mcMaster->text;
textSize = e - s;

if (getInitialDashes && (newStart == mcMaster->start))
    textStart = 0;
    textSize += s - mcMaster->text;

/* Allocate subset structure and fill it in */
subset->textSize = textSize;
for (mc = maf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
    subMc->src = cloneString(mc->src);
    subMc->srcSize = mc->srcSize;
    subMc->strand = mc->strand;
    if (mc->size != 0)
        subMc->start = mc->start + countNonDash(mc->text, textStart);
        subMc->size = countNonDash(mc->text+textStart, textSize);
        subMc->text = cloneStringZ(mc->text + textStart, textSize);
		if (mc->quality != NULL)
			subMc->quality = cloneStringZ(mc->quality + textStart, textSize);
        /* empty row annotation */
        subMc->size = 0;
        subMc->start = mc->start;
    subMc->leftStatus = mc->leftStatus;
    subMc->leftLen = mc->leftLen;
    subMc->rightStatus = mc->rightStatus;
    subMc->rightLen = mc->rightLen;
    slAddHead(&subset->components, subMc);
return subset;