Ejemplo n.º 1
plot_docoms(wordlist *wl)
    bool inter;

    inter = cp_interactive;
    cp_interactive = FALSE;
    while (wl) {
        (void) cp_evloop(wl->wl_word);
        wl = wl->wl_next;
    cp_interactive = inter;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* should be able to do this by sleight of hand on graph parameters */
static void
zoomin(GRAPH *graph)
/* note: need to add circular boxes XXX */

    int x0, y0, x1, y1;
    double fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1, ftemp;
    char buf[BSIZE_SP];
    char buf2[128];
    char *t;

    Window rootwindow, childwindow;
    int rootx, rooty;
    unsigned int state;
    int x, y, upperx, uppery;
    unsigned width, height;

    /* open box and get area to zoom in on */

    XQueryPointer(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, &rootwindow,
                  &childwindow, &rootx, &rooty, &x0, &y0, &state);

    x = x1 = x0 + BOXSIZE;
    y = y1 = y0 + BOXSIZE;

    upperx = x0;
    uppery = y0;

    width  = BOXSIZE;
    height = BOXSIZE;

    XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
                   upperx, uppery, width, height);

    XWarpPointer(display, None, DEVDEP(graph).window, 0, 0, 0, 0, x1, y1);

    while (state & Button3Mask) {
        if (x != x1 || y != y1) {

            x1 = x;
            y1 = y;

            XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
                           upperx, uppery, width, height);

            upperx = MIN(x1, x0);
            uppery = MIN(y1, y0);

            width  = (unsigned) ABS(x1 - x0);
            height = (unsigned) ABS(y1 - y0);

            XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
                           upperx, uppery, width, height);
        XQueryPointer(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, &rootwindow,
                      &childwindow, &rootx, &rooty, &x, &y, &state);
    XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
                   upperx, uppery, width, height);

    X_ScreentoData(graph, x0, y0, &fx0, &fy0);
    X_ScreentoData(graph, x1, y1, &fx1, &fy1);

    if (fx0 > fx1) {
        ftemp = fx0;
        fx0 = fx1;
        fx1 = ftemp;
    if (fy0 > fy1) {
        ftemp = fy0;
        fy0 = fy1;
        fy1 = ftemp;

    strncpy(buf2, graph->plotname, sizeof(buf2));
    if ((t = strchr(buf2, ':')) != NULL)
        *t = 0;

    if (!eq(plot_cur->pl_typename, buf2)) {
        (void) sprintf(buf,
                       "setplot %s; %s xlimit %.20e %.20e ylimit %.20e %.20e; setplot $curplot\n",
                       buf2, graph->commandline, fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1);
    } else {
        (void) sprintf(buf, "%s xlimit %e %e ylimit %e %e\n",
                       graph->commandline, fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1);

/* don't use the following if using GNU Readline or BSD EditLine */
#if !defined(HAVE_GNUREADLINE) && !defined(HAVE_BSDEDITLINE)
        wordlist *wl;

        /* hack for Gordon Jacobs */
        /* add to history list if plothistory is set */
        if (cp_getvar("plothistory", CP_BOOL, NULL)) {
            wl = cp_parse(buf);
            (void) cp_addhistent(cp_event++, wl);
#endif /* !defined(HAVE_GNUREADLINE) && !defined(HAVE_BSDEDITLINE) */

    (void) cp_evloop(buf);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* window procedure */
   UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
   static int x0,y0,xep,yep;
   int xe, ye, prevmix;
   static double fx0,fy0;
   double fxe, fye;
   double angle;
   char buf[BSIZE_SP];
   char buf2[128];
   char *t;
   HDC hdc;
   HPEN OldPen;
   HPEN NewPen;   
   switch (uMsg) {
      /* test command */
      int cmd = wParam & ID_MASK;
      switch(cmd) {
         case ID_DRUCKEN:  return PrintPlot( hwnd);
         case ID_DRUCKEINR:      return PrintInit( hwnd);
         case ID_HARDCOPY: return HcpyPlot( hwnd);
         case ID_HARDCOPY_BW: return HcpyPlotBW( hwnd);
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;

      GRAPH * gr = pGraph( hwnd);                      
      xep = x0 = LOWORD (lParam);
      yep = y0 = HIWORD (lParam);
      /* generate x,y data from grid coordinates */
      WIN_ScreentoData(gr, x0, y0, &fx0, &fy0);
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;  
      /* left mouse button: connect coordinate pair by dashed pair of x, y lines */
      if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON)
          hdc = GetDC (hwnd) ;
          if (isblack)
             prevmix = SetROP2(hdc, R2_XORPEN);
             prevmix = SetROP2(hdc, R2_NOTXORPEN);
          /* Create white dashed pen */
          NewPen = CreatePen( LType(12), 0, ColorTable[1] );
          OldPen = SelectObject(hdc, NewPen);
          /* draw lines with previous coodinates -> delete old line because of XOR */
          MoveToEx (hdc, x0, y0, NULL) ;
          LineTo   (hdc, x0, yep) ;
          LineTo   (hdc, xep, yep);
          /* get new end point */
          xe = LOWORD (lParam);
          ye = HIWORD (lParam);
          /* draw new lines */
          MoveToEx (hdc, x0, y0, NULL) ;
          LineTo   (hdc, x0, ye) ;
          LineTo   (hdc, xe, ye);
          /* restore standard color mix */
          SetROP2(hdc, prevmix);
          OldPen = SelectObject(hdc, OldPen);
          DeleteObject( NewPen);    
          ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ;
          /* restore new to previous coordinates */
          yep = ye;
          xep = xe;
      /* right mouse button: create white (black) dashed box */
      else if (wParam & MK_RBUTTON){
         hdc = GetDC (hwnd) ;
         if (isblack)
            prevmix = SetROP2(hdc, R2_XORPEN);
            prevmix = SetROP2(hdc, R2_NOTXORPEN);
         /* Create white (black) dashed pen */
         NewPen = CreatePen( LType(12), 0, ColorTable[1] );
         OldPen = SelectObject(hdc, NewPen);
         /* draw box with previous coodinates -> delete old lines because of XOR */
         MoveToEx (hdc, x0, y0, NULL) ;
         LineTo   (hdc, x0, yep) ;
         LineTo   (hdc, xep, yep);
         LineTo   (hdc, xep, y0) ;
         LineTo   (hdc, x0, y0);
         /* get new end point */
         xe = LOWORD (lParam);
         ye = HIWORD (lParam);
         /* draw new box */
         MoveToEx (hdc, x0, y0, NULL) ;
         LineTo   (hdc, x0, ye) ;
         LineTo   (hdc, xe, ye);
         LineTo   (hdc, xe, y0) ;
         LineTo   (hdc, x0, y0);
         /* restore standard color mix */
         SetROP2(hdc, prevmix);
         OldPen = SelectObject(hdc, OldPen);
         DeleteObject( NewPen);    
         ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ;
         /* restore new to previous coordinates */
         yep = ye;
         xep = xe;
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;
   /* get final coordinates upon left mouse up */
   /* calculate and print out the data */
      GRAPH * gr = pGraph( hwnd);  
      InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE) ;
      xe = LOWORD (lParam);
      ye = HIWORD (lParam);
      WIN_ScreentoData(gr, xe, ye, &fxe, &fye);

      /* print it out */
      if (xe == x0 && ye == y0) {     /* only one location */
         fprintf(stdout, "\nx0 = %g, y0 = %g\n", fx0, fy0);
         if (gr->grid.gridtype == GRID_POLAR
         || gr->grid.gridtype == GRID_SMITH
         || gr->grid.gridtype == GRID_SMITHGRID)
            angle = RAD_TO_DEG * atan2( fy0, fx0 );
            fprintf(stdout, "r0 = %g, a0 = %g\n",
            sqrt( fx0*fx0 + fy0*fy0 ),
            (angle>0)?angle:(double) 360+angle);
      } else  {    
         /* need to print info about two points */
         fprintf(stdout, "\nx0 = %g, y0 = %g    x1 = %g, y1 = %g\n",
            fx0, fy0, fxe, fye);
         fprintf(stdout, "dx = %g, dy = %g\n", fxe-fx0, fye - fy0);
         if (xe != x0 && ye != y0) {
         /* add slope info if both dx and dy are zero, */
         /* because otherwise either dy/dx or dx/dy is zero, */
         /* which is uninteresting */
         fprintf(stdout, "dy/dx = %g    dx/dy = %g\n",
            (fye-fy0)/(fxe-fx0), (fxe-fx0)/(fye-fy0));
      SetFocus( swString);
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;
   /* get starting coordinates upon right mouse button down */
      GRAPH * gr = pGraph( hwnd);                      
      x0 = xep = LOWORD (lParam);
      y0 = yep = HIWORD (lParam);
      WIN_ScreentoData(gr, x0, y0, &fx0, &fy0);
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;  
   /* get final coordinates upon right mouse button up */
   /* copy xlimit, ylimit command into buf */
   /* start plot loop with argument buf   */
      GRAPH * gr = pGraph( hwnd);
      InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE) ;
      xe = LOWORD (lParam);
      ye = HIWORD (lParam);
      /* do nothing if mouse curser is not moved in both x and y */
      if ((xe == x0) || (ye == y0)) {
         SetFocus( swString);
         goto WIN_DEFAULT;
      WIN_ScreentoData(gr, xe, ye, &fxe, &fye);
      strncpy(buf2, gr->plotname, sizeof(buf2));
      if ((t = index(buf2, ':'))) /* strchr */
         *t = 0;

      if (!eq(plot_cur->pl_typename, buf2)) {
         (void) sprintf(buf,
//       "setplot %s; %s xlimit %e %e ylimit %e %e; setplot $curplot\n",
         "setplot %s; %s xlimit %e %e ylimit %e %e\n",
         buf2, gr->commandline, fx0, fxe, fy0, fye);
      } else {
         (void) sprintf(buf, "%s xlimit %e %e ylimit %e %e\n",
         gr->commandline, fx0, fxe, fy0, fye);

      (void) cp_evloop(buf);
      SetFocus( swString);
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;

   case WM_CLOSE: /* close window */
      GRAPH * g = pGraph( hwnd);

      if (g) {
         /* if g equals currentgraph, set a new currentgraph. 
            Otherwise gr_resize(g) might fail. */
         if (g == currentgraph)
            currentgraph = FindGraph(g->graphid - 1);
   goto WIN_DEFAULT;

   case WM_PAINT: /* replot window (e.g. after Resize) */
         PAINTSTRUCT ps;
         GRAPH * g;
         tpWindowData wd;
         HDC saveDC;    /* the DC from BeginPaint is different... */
         HDC newDC;

         /* has to happen */
         newDC = BeginPaint( hwnd, &ps);
         g = pGraph( hwnd);
         if (g) {
            wd = pWindowData(g);
            if (wd) {
               if (!wd->PaintFlag && !wd->FirstFlag) {
                  /* avoid recursive call */
                  wd->PaintFlag = 1;
                  /* get window sizes */
                  GetClientRect( hwnd, &(wd->Area));
                  g->absolute.width  = wd->Area.right;
                  g->absolute.height = wd->Area.bottom;
                  /* switch DC */
                  saveDC = wd->hDC;
                  wd->hDC = newDC;
//                currentgraph = g;
                  /* plot anew */
                  /* switch DC */
                  wd->hDC = saveDC;
                  /* ready */
                  wd->PaintFlag = 0;
         /* finish */
         EndPaint( hwnd, &ps);
      return 0;

      return DefWindowProc( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
Ejemplo n.º 4
//inp_nutsource(FILE *fp, bool comfile, char *filename)
inp_nutsource(FILE *fp, int comfile, char *filename)
    struct line *deck, *dd, *ld;
    struct line *realdeck, *options = NULL;
    char *tt = NULL, name[BSIZE_SP], *s, *t;
    //bool commands = FALSE;
    int commands = FALSE;
    wordlist *wl = NULL, *end = NULL;
    wordlist *controls = NULL;
    FILE *lastin, *lastout, *lasterr;

    deck = inp_readall(fp, NULL, comfile, FALSE); /* still to check if . or filename instead of NULL */
    if (!deck)

    realdeck = inp_deckcopy(deck);

    if (!comfile) {
        /* Save the title before INPgetTitle gets it. */
        tt = copy(deck->li_line);
        if (!deck->li_next)
            fprintf(cp_err, "Warning: no lines in deck...\n");
    (void) fclose(fp);

    /* Now save the IO context and start a new control set...  After
     * we are done with the source we'll put the old file descriptors
     * back.  I guess we could use a FILE stack, but since this routine
     * is recursive anyway...
    lastin = cp_curin;
    lastout = cp_curout;
    lasterr = cp_curerr;
    cp_curin = cp_in;
    cp_curout = cp_out;
    cp_curerr = cp_err;


    /* We should now go through the deck and execute front-end
     * commands and remove them. Front-end commands are enclosed by
     * the lines .control and .endc, unless comfile
     * is TRUE, in which case every line must be a front-end command.
     * There are too many problems with matching the first word on
     * the line.
    ld = deck;
    if (comfile) {
        /* This is easy. */
        for (dd = deck; dd; dd = ld) {
            ld = dd->li_next;
            if ((dd->li_line[0] == '*') && (dd->li_line[1] != '#'))
            if (!ciprefix(".control", dd->li_line) &&
                !ciprefix(".endc", dd->li_line)) {
                if (dd->li_line[0] == '*')
                    (void) cp_evloop(dd->li_line + 2);
                    (void) cp_evloop(dd->li_line);
    } else {
        for (dd = deck->li_next; dd; dd = ld->li_next) {
            if ((dd->li_line[0] == '*') && (dd->li_line[1] != '#')) {
                ld = dd;
            (void) strncpy(name, dd->li_line, BSIZE_SP);
            for (s = name; *s && isspace(*s); s++)
            for (t = s; *t && !isspace(*t); t++)
            *t = '\0';

            if (ciprefix(".control", dd->li_line)) {
                ld->li_next = dd->li_next;
                if (commands)
                    fprintf(cp_err, "Warning: redundant .control line\n");
                    commands = TRUE;
            } else if (ciprefix(".endc", dd->li_line)) {
                ld->li_next = dd->li_next;
                if (commands)
                    commands = FALSE;
                    fprintf(cp_err, "Warning: misplaced .endc line\n");
            } else if (commands || prefix("*#", dd->li_line)) {
                controls = wl_cons(NULL, controls);
                wl = controls;
                if (prefix("*#", dd->li_line))
                    wl->wl_word = copy(dd->li_line + 2);
                    wl->wl_word = dd->li_line;
                ld->li_next = dd->li_next;
            } else if (!*dd->li_line) {
                /* So blank lines in com files don't get
                 * considered as circuits.
                ld->li_next = dd->li_next;
            } else {
                if (eq(s, ".width") || ciprefix(".four", s) ||
                    eq(s, ".plot")  ||
                    eq(s, ".print") ||
                    eq(s, ".save"))
                    wl_append_word(&wl, &end, copy(dd->li_line));
                    ld->li_next = dd->li_next;
                } else {
                    ld = dd;
        if (deck->li_next) {
            /* There is something left after the controls. */
            fprintf(cp_out, "\nCircuit: %s\n\n", tt);
            fprintf(stderr, "\nCircuit: %s\n\n", tt);

            /* Now expand subcircuit macros. Note that we have to
             * fix the case before we do this but after we
             * deal with the commands.
            if (!cp_getvar("nosubckt", CP_BOOL, NULL))
                deck->li_next = inp_subcktexpand(deck->li_next);
            deck->li_actual = realdeck;
            nutinp_dodeck(deck, tt, wl, FALSE, options, filename);

        /* Now that the deck is loaded, do the commands... */
        controls = wl_reverse(controls);
        for (wl = controls; wl; wl = wl->wl_next)
            (void) cp_evloop(wl->wl_word);

    /* Now reset everything.  Pop the control stack, and fix up the IO
     * as it was before the source.

    cp_curin = lastin;
    cp_curout = lastout;
    cp_curerr = lasterr;

Ejemplo n.º 5
/* should be able to do this by sleight of hand on graph parameters */
zoomin(GRAPH *graph)
/* note: need to add circular boxes XXX */

    int x0, y0, x1, y1;
    double fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1, ftemp;
    char buf[BSIZE_SP];
    char buf2[128];
    char *t;

    Window rootwindow, childwindow;
    int rootx, rooty;
    unsigned int state;
    int x, y, upperx, uppery, lowerx, lowery;

    /* open box and get area to zoom in on */

    XQueryPointer(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, &rootwindow,
	    &childwindow, &rootx, &rooty, &x0, &y0, &state);

    x = lowerx = x1 = x0 + BOXSIZE;
    y = lowery = y1 = y0 + BOXSIZE;
    upperx = x0;
    uppery = y0;

    XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
	    upperx, uppery, lowerx - upperx, lowery - uppery);

/* note: what are src_x, src_y, src_width, and src_height for? XXX */
    XWarpPointer(display, None, DEVDEP(graph).window, 0, 0, 0, 0, x1, y1);

    while (state & Button3Mask) {
      if (x != x1 || y != y1) {
	XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
	    upperx, uppery, lowerx - upperx, lowery - uppery);
	x1 = x;
	y1 = y;
	/* figure out upper left corner */
	/* remember X11's (and X10's) demented coordinate system */
	if (y0 < y1) {
	  uppery = y0;
	  upperx = x0;
	  lowery = y1;
	  lowerx = x1;
	} else {
	  uppery = y1;
	  upperx = x1;
	  lowery = y0;
	  lowerx = x0;
	XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
	    upperx, uppery, lowerx - upperx, lowery - uppery);
      XQueryPointer(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, &rootwindow,
	       &childwindow, &rootx, &rooty, &x, &y, &state);
    XDrawRectangle(display, DEVDEP(graph).window, xorgc,
	    upperx, uppery, lowerx - upperx, lowery - uppery);

    X_ScreentoData(graph, x0, y0, &fx0, &fy0);
    X_ScreentoData(graph, x1, y1, &fx1, &fy1);

    if (fx0 > fx1) {
      ftemp = fx0;
      fx0 = fx1;
      fx1 = ftemp;
    if (fy0 > fy1) {
      ftemp = fy0;
      fy0 = fy1;
      fy1 = ftemp;

    strncpy(buf2, graph->plotname, sizeof(buf2));
    if ((t =strchr(buf2, ':')))
	    *t = 0;

    if (!eq(plot_cur->pl_typename, buf2)) {
      (void) sprintf(buf,
"setplot %s; %s xlimit %.20e %.20e ylimit %.20e %.20e; setplot $curplot\n",
       buf2, graph->commandline, fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1);
    } else {
      (void) sprintf(buf, "%s xlimit %e %e ylimit %e %e\n",
	    graph->commandline, fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1);

/* don't use the following if using GNU Readline or BSD EditLine */
#if !defined(HAVE_GNUREADLINE) && !defined(HAVE_BSDEDITLINE)
	wordlist *wl;
	int dummy;
	/* hack for Gordon Jacobs */
	/* add to history list if plothistory is set */
	if (cp_getvar("plothistory", VT_BOOL, (char *) &dummy)) {
	  wl = cp_parse(buf);
	  (void) cp_addhistent(cp_event++, wl);
#endif /* !defined(HAVE_GNUREADLINE) && !defined(HAVE_BSDEDITLINE) */

    (void) cp_evloop(buf);
