Ejemplo n.º 1
static int
Xlune(struct place *place, double *x, double *y)
	double stereox, stereoy;
	double z1x, z1y, z2x, z2y;
	double w1x, w1y, w2x, w2y;
	double numx, numy, denx, deny;
	if(place->nlat.l < eastpole.nlat.l-FUZZ)
		return	-1;
	Xstereographic(place, &stereox, &stereoy);
	stereox *= scale;
	stereoy *= scale;
	z1x = 1 + stereox;
	z1y = stereoy;
	z2x = 1 - stereox;
	z2y = -stereoy;
	numx = w1x - w2x;
	numy = w1y - w2y;
	denx = w1x + w2x;
	deny = w1y + w2y;
	cdiv(numx, numy, denx, deny, x, y);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(void) {

	double N = 20;
	double time = 1;
	double dlt = time / N;

	double t = 0;
	double n = 0;

	double _Complex c[20] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
	double _Complex rev[20] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

	double _Complex tmp = cexp(I*2*PI/N);

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++){
		for (int k=0; k<N; k++) {
			c[i] += f(t) * cpow(tmp, i*k);
			t += dlt;

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
		for (int k=0; k<N; k++)
			rev[i] += c[k] * cpow(tmp, -i*k);
		rev[i] /= N;

	// t = 0;
	// for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
	// 	printf("%f %f\n", t, f(t));
	// 	t += dlt;
	// }
	// for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
	// {
	// 	printf("%d %f\n", i, creal(c[i]));
	// }
	// printf("\n");
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
		printf("%d %f\n", i, cimag(c[i]));
	// //フーリエ逆変換
	// t = 0;
	// for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
	// 	printf("%f %f\n", t, creal(rev[i]));
	// 	t += dlt;
	// }

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * fft
 * Takes an input vector, output vector and a number of points
 * Performs a Fast Fourier Transform on the input vector
 * and stores it in the output vector.
void fft( vector *in, vector *out, int n )
  int k;
  if( n == 1 )
    VEC( out, 0 ) = VEC( in, 0 );
    complex double wn = cexp( -2*M_PI*I / n );
    vector *x, *y, *p, *q;
    create_vector( &x, n/2 );
    create_vector( &y, n/2 );
    create_vector( &p, n/2 );
    create_vector( &q, n/2 );
    for( k = 0; k < n/2; k++ )
      VEC( x, k ) = VEC( in, 2*k );
      VEC( y, k ) = VEC( in, 2*k + 1 );
    fft( x, p, n/2 );
    fft( y, q, n/2 );
    for( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
      VEC( out, k ) = VEC( p, k % (n/2) ) + cpow(wn,k)*VEC( q, k % (n/2) );
    destroy_vector( x );
    destroy_vector( y );
    destroy_vector( p );
    destroy_vector( q );
static GstFlowReturn
transform_ip (GstBaseTransform * trans, GstBuffer * buf)
  UnaryComplexPow *element = UNARY_COMPLEX_POW (trans);
  GstAudioFilter *audiofilter = GST_AUDIO_FILTER (trans);
  GstAudioFormat format = audiofilter->info.finfo->format;

  GstMapInfo info;
  gst_buffer_map (buf, &info, GST_MAP_READWRITE);
  gpointer data = info.data;
  gpointer data_end = data + info.size;

  const double n = element->exponent;

  if (format >= GST_AUDIO_FORMAT_F64) {
    double complex *ptr, *end = data_end;
    for (ptr = data; ptr < end; ptr++)
      *ptr = cpow (*ptr, n);
  } else if (format >= GST_AUDIO_FORMAT_F32) {
    float complex *ptr, *end = data_end;
    for (ptr = data; ptr < end; ptr++)
      *ptr = cpowf (*ptr, n);
  } else {
    g_assert_not_reached ();

  gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &info);

  return GST_FLOW_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int _complex_binary_op2(lua_State *L, ArrayBinaryOperation op)
  Complex v = *((Complex*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "complex"));
  Complex w = *((Complex*) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "complex"));

  Complex *z = (Complex*) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(Complex));
  luaL_setmetatable(L, "complex");

  switch (op) {
    case ARRAY_OP_ADD: *z = v + w; break;
    case ARRAY_OP_SUB: *z = v - w; break;
    case ARRAY_OP_MUL: *z = v * w; break;
    case ARRAY_OP_DIV: *z = v / w; break;
    case ARRAY_OP_POW: *z = cpow(v,w); break;
    case ARRAY_OP_IDIV:
    case ARRAY_OP_MOD:
    case ARRAY_OP_BAND:
    case ARRAY_OP_BOR:
    case ARRAY_OP_BXOR:
    case ARRAY_OP_SHL:
    case ARRAY_OP_SHR: { return luaL_error(L, "Invalid operation"); break; }

  return 1;
void taylor(float x, float y, float z, float kn[], float ks[], int polySize, float L, float k_RF, float v_n, float phi_n, float q, float V_RF, float ps, float c, float vrf){
  float complex dpx = 0;          
  float complex dpy = 0; 
  float complex dpt = 0;
  float complex complex_powered = 0;
  float realQuanitity =  0;

  for (int n = polySize; n >= 0 ; n--){ 

    realQuanitity = kn[n-1] * L * cos(v_n - k_RF*z); // real-valued portion of each Eqn, 166-168
    complex_powered = cpow((x + I*y), n); // complex-valued portion of each Eqn, 166-168

    dpx = -((realQuanitity +  I*L*ks[n]*cos(phi_n - k_RF*z))*(complex_powered)  + dpx) /n; // Eqn 166

    dpy = ((realQuanitity +  I*L*ks[n]*cos(phi_n - k_RF*z))*(complex_powered) + dpy) / n; // Eqn 167

    dpt = ((realQuanitity +  I*L*ks[n]*sin(phi_n - k_RF*z))*(complex_powered) + dpt) / n; // Eqn 168

  dpt = ((q*V_RF)/(ps*c))*sin(vrf - k_RF*z) - (k_RF * dpt) ; // Eqn 168 continued 

  float deltapx = creal(dpx);
  float deltapy = cimag(dpy);
  float deltapt = creal(dpt);

  printf("(%f, %f, %f ) ", deltapx, deltapy, deltapt);

} // end taylor
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Returns the 2 complex roots of a degree 2 polynomial with real coefficients a[2]T^2 + ... + a[0]
   By convention, the real roots are stored first (same thing for multiple roots) :
   return value = number of roots, counted with multiplicity */
int rootDeg2(double complex a[3], double complex r[2]){
  double complex Delta,delta,r1,r2;

  if( cabs(a[2])<_MMG5_EPSD ) {
    if( cabs(a[1])<_MMG5_EPSD ) {
      r[0] = r[1] = 0.0;

      r[0] = r[1] = -a[0]/a[1];

  Delta = a[1]*a[1] - 4.0*a[2]*a[0];
  /* ONE square root of Delta */
  delta = cpow(Delta,0.5);
  r1 = 0.5/a[2]*(-a[1] - delta);
  r2 = 0.5/a[2]*(-a[1] + delta);

  if( fabs(cimag(r1)) < EPSRO ){
    r[0] = creal(r1);
    r[1] = ( fabs(cimag(r2)) < EPSRO ) ? creal(r2) : r2;
  else {
    r[0] = ( fabs(cimag(r2)) < EPSRO ) ? creal(r2) : r2;
    r[1] = r1;

Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Y. L. Luke, 'The Special Functions and Their Approximation', vol II, p 304 */
complex float
cgamma (complex float z)
    static double coeff[7] = {41.624436916439068, -51.224241022374774, 11.338755813488977, -0.747732687772388,
			      0.008782877493061, -1.899030264e-6, 1.946335e-9};
    complex double s,H,w;
    int n;

    if(creal(z) < 0.0)
	complex double denom = 1.0;
	int flr = -floor(creal(z));

	for (n = 0; n < flr; ++n)
	    denom = denom * (z + n);

	return cgamma(z + flr) / denom;
	w = z - 1.0;
	s = coeff[0];
	for(n=1; n<7; n++) {
	    H *= (w+1-n) / (w+n);
	    s += coeff[n] * H;
	return( 2.506628274631 * cexp(-w-5.5) * cpow(w+5.5,w+0.5) * s );
Ejemplo n.º 9
int mapValQ(int code, complex* pval, KQVEC(x), QVEC(r)) {
    TCF* x2p = (TCF*)xp;
    TCF* r2p = (TCF*)rp;
    int k;
    TCF val = *(TCF*)pval;
    REQUIRES(xn == rn,BAD_SIZE);
    switch (code) {
        default: ERROR(BAD_CODE);
Ejemplo n.º 10
inline double complex T2(double complex x, double complex z) {
  if (creal(x) >= -0.125 && cabs(f4(x,z)) < TOLERANCE2) {
    double complex temp = cpow(( -1.0 - 6.0 * x + 15.0 * x*x - 8.0 * x*x*x), ONE_THIRD) / 3.0;
    return c05 * (c1 - csqrt(f1(x) / 2.0 + temp) + csqrt( f1(x) - temp - c2 * x / csqrt(f1(x) / 2.0 + temp) ));
  } else {
    double complex temp = csqrt(f1(x) / 2.0 + f2(x,z) / (c3 * f4(x,z)) + f4(x,z) / c12);
    return c05 * (c1 - temp + csqrt( f1(x) - f2(x,z) / (c3 * f4(x,z)) - f4(x,z) / c12 - c2 * x / temp ));
Ejemplo n.º 11
QLA_D_cpow(QLA_D_Complex *a, QLA_D_Real b)
  double _Complex ca, cr;
  QLA_D_c99_eq_c(ca, *a);
  cr = cpow(ca, b);
  QLA_D_Complex r;
  QLA_D_c_eq_c99(r, cr);
  return r;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static float FrequencyEvaluation(float Delta, float Coefficients[], int NumberOfCoefficients, float MeanSquareDiscrepancy) {

    double _Complex z = cexp(_Complex_I * Delta);
    double _Complex sum = 1.0 + 0.0 * _Complex_I;

    for (int i=1;i<=NumberOfCoefficients;i++) {
        sum -= Coefficients[i] * cpow(z,i);
    return MeanSquareDiscrepancy/(sum*conj(sum));
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(void) {
  float complex i = I;
  double _Complex another_i = i;

  put_complex(another_i + 5.);
  put_complex(i * another_i);
  put_complex(cpow(I, CMPLX(6., 0.)));
Ejemplo n.º 14
//## Complex Complex.cpow();
static KMETHOD Complex_cpow(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kComplex *kx = (kComplex *) sfp[0].asObject;
	double _Complex x = kx->z;
	double real = (double)sfp[1].floatValue;
	double imaginary = (double)sfp[2].floatValue;
	double _Complex y = real + I * imaginary;
	double ret = cpow(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: perf.c Proyecto: heru/julia
int mandel(double complex z) {
    int maxiter = 80;
    double complex c = z;
    for (int n=0; n<maxiter; ++n) {
        if (cabs(z) > 2.0) {
            return n;
        z = cpow(z,2)+c;
    return maxiter;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int mandel(double complex z) {
    int n = 0;
    double complex c = z;
    for (n=0; n<=79; ++n) {
        if (cabs(z) > 2.0) {
            n -= 1;
        z = cpow(z,2)+c;
    return n+1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void sdl_draw_mandelbrot(SDL_Surface *surface, complex double center, double zoom)
    int f,x,y,n;
    int maxiter = (WIDTH/2) * 0.049715909 * log10(zoom);
    complex double z, c;
    float C;

    static SDL_Rect rects[HEIGHT/FLIPS];

    fprintf(stderr, "zoom: %f\n", zoom);
    fprintf(stderr, "center point: %f %+fi\n", creal(center), 
                                              cimag(center) );
    fprintf(stderr, "iterations: %d\n", maxiter);

    for (f = 0; f < FLIPS; f++)
        for  (y = f; y < HEIGHT; y += FLIPS)
            for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
                /* Get the complex poing on gauss space to be calculate */
                z = c = creal(center) + ((x - (WIDTH/2))/zoom) + 
                    ((cimag(center) + ((y - (HEIGHT/2))/zoom))*_Complex_I);

                #define X creal(z)
                #define Y cimag(z)

                /* Check if point lies within the main cardiod or 
                   in the period-2 buld */
                if ( (pow(X-.25,2) + pow(Y,2))*(pow(X,2) + (X/2) + pow(Y,2) - .1875) < pow(Y,2)/4 ||
                     pow(X+1,2) + pow(Y,2) < .0625 )
                    n = maxiter;
                    /* Applies the actual mandelbrot formula on that point */
                    for (n = 0; n <= maxiter && cabs(z) < BAIL_OUT; n ++)
                        z = cpow(z, 2) + c;

                C = n - log2f(logf(cabs(z)) / M_LN2 );

                /* Paint the pixel calculated depending on the number 
                   of iterations found */
                ((Uint32*)surface->pixels)[(y*surface->w) + x] = (n >= maxiter)? 0 :
                    SDL_MapRGB( surface->format,
                    (1+sin(C*0.27 + 5))*127., (1+cos(C*0.85))*127., (1+sin(C*0.15))*127. );
            rects[y/FLIPS].x = 0;
            rects[y/FLIPS].y = y;
            rects[y/FLIPS].w = WIDTH;
            rects[y/FLIPS].h = 1;
        SDL_UpdateRects(surface, HEIGHT/FLIPS, rects);
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main()
    double complex z = 0.0 + 2.7 * I;
    double complex w = 2.7 + 0.0 * I;

    double complex c = cpow(w, z);   // Raise e to the power of i*2.7

    printf("%.2f %+.2f × I raised to the power of %.2f %+.2f × I \n"
           "is %.2f %+.2f × I.\n",
           creal(w), cimag(w), creal(z), cimag(z), creal(c), cimag(c));

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: ovm_cdd.c Proyecto: pcpa/owl
ovm_dd_pow(oregister_t *l, oregister_t *r)
    switch (r->t) {
	case t_void:
	    l->t = t_float;
	    l->v.d = 1.0;
	case t_word:
	    real(r->v.dd) = r->v.w;
	    imag(r->v.dd) = 0.0;
	    goto cdd;
	case t_float:
	    real(r->v.dd) = r->v.d;
	    imag(r->v.dd) = 0.0;
	    goto cdd;
	case t_mpz:
	    real(r->v.dd) = mpz_get_d(ozr(r));
	    imag(r->v.dd) = 0.0;
	    goto cdd;
	case t_rat:
	    real(r->v.dd) = rat_get_d(r->v.r);
	    imag(r->v.dd) = 0.0;
	    goto cdd;
	case t_mpq:
	    real(r->v.dd) = mpq_get_d(oqr(r));
	    imag(r->v.dd) = 0.0;
	    goto cdd;
	case t_mpr:
	    mpc_set_fr(occ(r), orr(r), thr_rndc);
	    goto mpc;
	case t_cdd:
	    l->v.dd = cpow(l->v.dd, r->v.dd);
	case t_cqq:
	    real(r->v.dd) = mpq_get_d(oqr(r));
	    imag(r->v.dd) = mpq_get_d(oqi(r));
	    goto cdd;
	case t_mpc:
	    l->t = t_mpc;
	    mpc_set_d_d(occ(l), real(l->v.dd), imag(l->v.dd), thr_rndc);
	    mpc_pow(occ(l), occ(l), occ(r), thr_rndc);
Ejemplo n.º 20
int m2_solve_quartic_equation(double d4, double d3,
                              double d2, double d1, double d0,
                              double roots[4])
    Complex a3 = d3 / d4;
    Complex a2 = d2 / d4;
    Complex a1 = d1 / d4;
    Complex a0 = d0 / d4;
    Complex W = 1./3;
    Complex X = 12*a0 - 3*a1*a3 + a2*a2;
    Complex P = -72*a0*a2 - 9*a1*a2*a3 + 27*a1*a1 + 27*a0*a3*a3 + 2*a2*a2*a2;
    Complex Q = cpow(X,3);
    Complex S = csqrt(-4*Q + cpow(P,2));
    Complex T = -8*a1 + 4*a2*a3 - a3*a3*a3;
    Complex B = cabs(P + S) < 1e-15 ? 0.0 : (cpow(2,W)*X)/(3.*cpow(P + S,W));
    Complex U = (-2*a2)/3. + (a3*a3)/4. + B;
    Complex C = csqrt(U + cpow(P + S,W)/(3.*cpow(2,W)))/2.;
    Complex D = cpow(P + S,W)/(3.*cpow(2,W));
    Complex E = T/(4.*csqrt(U + D));
    Complex F = csqrt((-4*a2)/3. + (a3*a3)/2. - B - D - E)/2.;
    Complex G = csqrt((-4*a2)/3. + (a3*a3)/2. - B - D + E)/2.;
    Complex r0 = -a3/4. - C - F;
    Complex r1 = -a3/4. - C + F;
    Complex r2 = -a3/4. + C - G;
    Complex r3 = -a3/4. + C + G;

    roots[0] = creal(r0);
    roots[1] = creal(r1);
    roots[2] = creal(r2);
    roots[3] = creal(r3);

    if (roots[0] != roots[0] ||
            roots[1] != roots[1] ||
            roots[2] != roots[2] ||
            roots[3] != roots[3]) {
        /* set breakpoint */
        return 0;

    /* int nr = 0; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r0)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r1)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r2)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r3)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */

    /* the check for realness of roots is hard to make robust */
    return 4;
Ejemplo n.º 21
double complex Heston::logCF(const double &S, const double complex &u) const {
  double complex temp1,temp2,temp3, v1, v2,v3, gamma, result;
  v1 = kappa-I*rho*sigma*u;
  v2 = u*u+I*u;
  v3 = kappa*theta/(sigma*sigma);
  gamma = sigma*sigma*v2+v1*v1;
  gamma = cpow(gamma,.5);
  temp1 = cexp(I*u*(log(S)+(r-q)*T)+v3*T*v1);
  temp2 = ccosh(gamma*T/2.0)+v1/gamma*csinh(gamma*T/2.0);
  result = temp1/cpow(temp2,2.0*v3);

  temp1 = v0*v2; //v0 is class variable defined in .h file
  temp2 = gamma/ctanh(gamma*T/2.0)+v1;
  temp3 = cexp(-temp1/temp2);

  result = result*temp3;

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
//## Complex Complex.cpowl();
static KMETHOD Complex_cpowl(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kComplex *kx = (kComplex *) sfp[0].asObject;
	long double _Complex x = (long double _Complex)kx->z;
	long double real = (long double)sfp[1].floatValue;
	long double imaginary = (long double)sfp[2].floatValue;
	long double _Complex y = real + I * imaginary;
#if !defined(__CYGWIN__)
	long double ret = cpowl(x, y);
	long double ret = cpow(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 23
cmplx (double _Complex z)
  cabs (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 129 } */
  cacos (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 131 } */
  cacosh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 133 } */
  carg (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 135 } */
  casin (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 137 } */
  casinh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 139 } */
  catan (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 141 } */
  catanh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 143 } */
  ccos (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 145 } */
  ccosh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 147 } */
  cexp (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 149 } */
  cimag (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 151 } */
  clog (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 153 } */
  conj (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 155 } */
  cpow (z, z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 157 } */
  cproj (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 159 } */
  creal (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 161 } */
  csin (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 163 } */
  csinh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 165 } */
  csqrt (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 167 } */
  ctan (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 169 } */
  ctanh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 171 } */
Ejemplo n.º 24
void pymic_offload_array_pow(const int64_t *dtype, const int64_t *n,
                             const void *x_, const int64_t *incx,
                             const void *y_, const int64_t *incy,
                             void *r_, const int64_t *incr) {
    /* pymic_offload_array_pow(int dtype, int n, type  *x, int incx, type  *y,
                               int incy, type  *result, int incr) */
    size_t i, ix, iy, ir;
    switch(*dtype) {
    case DTYPE_INT:
            const int64_t *x = (const int64_t *)x_;
            const int64_t *y = (const int64_t *)y_;
            int64_t *r = (int64_t *)r_;
            i = ix = iy = ir = 0;
            for (; i < *n; i++, ix += *incx, iy += *incy, ir += *incr) {
                size_t j;
                r[ir] = 1;
                for (j = 0; j < y[iy]; j++) {
                    r[ir] *= x[ix];
    case DTYPE_FLOAT:
            const double *x = (const double *)x_;
            const double *y = (const double *)y_;
            double *r = (double *)r_;
            i = ix = iy = ir = 0;
            for (; i < *n; i++, ix += *incx, iy += *incy, ir += *incr) {
                r[ir] = pow(x[ix], y[iy]);
            const double complex *x = (const double complex *)x_;
            const double complex *y = (const double complex *)y_;
            double complex *r = (double complex *)r_;
            i = ix = iy = ir = 0;
            for (; i < *n; i++, ix += *incx, iy += *incy, ir += *incr) {
                r[ir] = cpow(x[ix], y[iy]);
Ejemplo n.º 25
Archivo: lunum.c Proyecto: jzrake/lunum
int _complex_binary_op2(lua_State *L, enum ArrayOperation op)
  Complex v = *((Complex*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "complex"));
  Complex w = *((Complex*) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "complex"));

  Complex *z = (Complex*) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(Complex));
  luaL_getmetatable(L, "complex");
  lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

  switch (op) {
  case ARRAY_OP_ADD: *z = v + w; break;
  case ARRAY_OP_SUB: *z = v - w; break;
  case ARRAY_OP_MUL: *z = v * w; break;
  case ARRAY_OP_DIV: *z = v / w; break;
  case ARRAY_OP_POW: *z = cpow(v,w); break;

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 26
int main()
   double complex a = 32.123 + 24.456 * I; // a is 32.123 + 24.456i
   double complex b = 23.789 + 42.987 * I; // b is 23.789 + 42.987i
   double complex c = 3 + 2 * I; // c is 3.0 + 2.0i

   double complex sum = a + b; // perform complex addition
   double complex pwr = cpow(a, c); // perform complex exponentiation

   printf("a is %f + %fi\n", creal(a), cimag(a));
   printf("b is %f + %fi\n", creal(b), cimag(b));
   printf("a + b is: %f + %fi\n", creal(sum), cimag(sum));
   printf("a - b is: %f + %fi\n", creal(a - b), cimag(a - b));
   printf("a * b is: %f + %fi\n", creal(a * b), cimag(a * b));
   printf("a / b is: %f + %fi\n", creal(a / b), cimag(a / b));
   printf("a ^ b is: %f + %fi\n", creal(pwr), cimag(pwr));

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 27
double compute_mandelbrot(double _Complex c, int maxiter){

    double _Complex z = 0;
    int value = 0;
    int  diverge = 0;
    int n;
    for (n=0; n < maxiter; n++){
        z = cpow (z, 2) + c;
        if (cabs(z) > 2){
            value =  n;
            diverge = 1;
    if (diverge == 1){
        return value;
        return 2;
/* Computes the Gamma function using the Lanczos approximation */
static double complex gamma_fftlog(double complex z) {
    /* Lanczos coefficients for g = 7 */
    static double p[] = {
    if(creal(z) < 0.5)
        return M_PI / (sin(M_PI*z)*gamma_fftlog(1. - z));
    z -= 1;
    double complex x = p[0];
    for(int n = 1; n < 9; n++)
      x += p[n] / (z + (double)(n));
    double complex t = z + 7.5;
    return sqrt(2*M_PI) * cpow(t, z+0.5) * cexp(-t) * x;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static double complex mycpow (double complex X, double complex Y)
    double complex Z;
    double yr = creal(Y), yi = cimag(Y); 
    int k;
    if (X == 0.0) {
	if (yi == 0.0) Z = R_pow(0.0, yr); else Z = R_NaN + R_NaN*I;
    } else if (yi == 0.0 && yr == (k = (int) yr) && abs(k) <= 65536)
	Z = R_cpow_n(X, k);
#ifdef HAVE_CPOW
	Z = cpow(X, Y);
	/* Used for FreeBSD and MingGW, hence mainly with gcc */
	double rho, r, i, theta;
	r = hypot(creal(X), cimag(X));
	i = atan2(cimag(X), creal(X));
	theta = i * yr;
	if (yi == 0.0)
	    rho = pow(r, yr);
	else {
	    /* rearrangement of cexp(X * clog(Y)) */
	    r = log(r);
	    theta += r * yi;
	    rho = exp(r * yr - i * yi);
#ifdef __GNUC__
	__real__ Z = rho * cos(theta);
	__imag__ Z = rho * sin(theta);
	Z = rho * cos(theta) + (rho * sin(theta)) * I;
    return Z;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * fft_mpi
 * Takes an input vector, output vector and a number of points
 * Performs a Fast Fourier Transform on the input vector
 * and stores it in the output vector.
 * Uses MPI for parallelization 
void fft_mpi( vector *in, vector *out, int n )
  int rank, size;
  MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
  MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
  fprintf( stderr, "%d/%d\n", rank, size );
  int k;
  if( n == 1 )
    VEC( out, 0 ) = VEC( in, 0 );
    complex double wn = cexp( -2*M_PI*I / n );
    vector *x, *y, *p, *q;
    create_vector( &x, n/2 );
    create_vector( &y, n/2 );
    create_vector( &p, n/2 );
    create_vector( &q, n/2 );
    for( k = 0; k < n/2; k++ )
      //x[k] = in[2*k]
      //y[k] = in[2*k + 1]
      VEC( x, k ) = VEC( in, 2*k );
      VEC( y, k ) = VEC( in, 2*k + 1 );
    fft( x, p, n/2 );
    fft( y, q, n/2 );
    for( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
      //out[k] = p[ k % (n/2) ] + pow(w,k)*q[k % (n/2) ];
      VEC( out, k ) = VEC( p, k % (n/2) ) + cpow(wn,k)*VEC( q, k % (n/2) );
    destroy_vector( x );
    destroy_vector( y );
    destroy_vector( p );
    destroy_vector( q );