Ejemplo n.º 1
void SRS::SolveAim(float psi_angle, Matrix  R1)
    float h1[3], N[3], angle;
    Matrix S0, S1;

    // Get the final hand position 
    evalcircle(c, u, v, radius, psi_angle, h1);

    // Rotate ee_r1 to h1
    crossproduct(N, ee_r1, h1);
    angle = angle_between_vectors(ee_r1, h1, N);
    rotation_axis_to_matrix(N, angle, S0);

    // Now rotate a0 to a
    float a[3], a0[3];

    vecsub(a, (float*)ee, h1);
    vecmult0(a0, (float*)axis, S1);

    cpvector(N, h1);
    angle = angle_between_vectors(a0, a, N);
    rotation_axis_to_matrix(N, angle, S1);

    hmatmult(R1, S0, S1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// p = Projection of u onto v
void project(float p[3], const float u[3], const float v[3])
    float vnorm[3];

    cpvector(vnorm, v);
    vecscalarmult(p, vnorm, DOT(u,vnorm));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SRS::SetAimGoal(const float goal[3],
		     const float ax[3],
		     float flex_angle)
    float s[3];

    cpvector(ee, goal);
    cpvector(axis, ax);
    get_translation(T, p_r1);
    get_translation(S, s);

	    axis, p_r1, s, proj_axis, flex_angle, c, u, v, radius);

    rotation_principal_axis_to_matrix('y', flex_angle, Ry);
    vecmult(ee_r1, (float*)s, Ry); 
    vecadd(ee_r1, ee_r1, (float*)p_r1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Constructor stores the T and S matrices and the 
// lengths of the upper and lower links
void SRS::init(const Matrix  T1, const Matrix  T2, const float a[3], const float p[3]) 
    cpmatrix(T, T1); 
    cpmatrix(S, T2); 
    cpvector(proj_axis, a);
    cpvector(pos_axis, p);

    float t[3];

    get_translation(T, t);
    upper_len = norm(t);
    reciprocal_upper_len = 1.0f / upper_len;

    get_translation(S, t);
    lower_len = norm(t);

    project_to_workspace = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
float get_circle_equation(const float ee[3], 
			  const float axis[3],
			  const float pos_axis[3],
			  float upper_len,
			  float lower_len,
			  float c[3],
			  float u[3],
			  float v[3],
			  float n[3])
    float wn = norm((float *)ee);
    float radius;

    cpvector(n, ee);

    // Use law of cosines to get angle between first spherical joint
    // and revolute joint

    float alpha; 

    if (!law_of_cosines(wn, upper_len, lower_len, alpha))
	return 0;

    // center of circle (origin is location of first S joint)
    vecscalarmult(c, n, _cos(alpha) * upper_len);

    radius = _sin(alpha) * upper_len;

    float temp[3];

    // A little kludgy. If the goal is behind the joint instead
    // of in front of it, we reverse the angle measurement by
    // inverting the normal vector

    if (DOT(n,pos_axis) < 0.0)

    vecscalarmult(temp, n, DOT(axis,n));
    vecsub(u, (float *)axis, temp);

    crossproduct(v, n, u);
#if 0
    printf("Circle equation\n");
    printf("c = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", c[0], c[1], c[2]);
    printf("u = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", u[0], u[1], u[2]);
    printf("v = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]);
    printf("n = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", n[0], n[1], n[2]);
    printf("r = %lf\n", radius);
    return radius;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Return the angle between two vectors u,v about the axis n
float angle_between_vectors(float u[3], float v[3], float n[3])
#if 0
    float temp[3];
    float up[3];
    float vp[3];

    cpvector(up, u);
    cpvector(vp, v);

    crossproduct(temp, up, vp);
    float mag = DOT(temp,n);

    // Vectors are parallel at 0 or 180
    if (mag*mag < 1e-8)
        if (DOT(up,vp) < 0)
            return M_PI;
            return 0;

    int sign = (mag > 0) ? 1 : -1;
    float t = DOT(up,vp);
    if (t > 1.0)
        t = 1.0;
    else if (t < -1.0)
        t = -1.0;
    return sign*acos(t);

    float up[3];
    float vp[3];
    float uv[3];

    project_plane(up, u, n);
    project_plane(vp, v, n);
    crossproduct(uv, up, vp);
    return atan2(DOT(n, uv), DOT(up, vp));

Ejemplo n.º 7
// Evaluate a point on the circle given the swivel angle 
void SRS::evaluate_circle(float angle, float p[3])
#if 1
    evalcircle(c, u, v, radius, angle, p);
    // p = o + r*cos(f)*u + r*sin(f)*v

    float temp[3];

    cpvector(p, c);
    vecscalarmult(temp, u, radius*cos(angle));
    vecadd(p, p, temp);
    vecscalarmult(temp, v, radius*sin(angle));
    vecadd(p, p, temp);
Ejemplo n.º 8
inline void evalcircle(const float c[3],
		       const float u[3],
		       const float v[3],
		       float radius,
		       float angle,
		       float p[3])
    // p = o + r*cos(f)*u + r*sin(f)*v

    float temp[3];

    cpvector(p, c);
    vecscalarmult(temp, (float*)u, radius*_cos(angle));
    vecadd(p, p, temp);
    vecscalarmult(temp, (float*)v, radius*_sin(angle));
    vecadd(p, p, temp);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int SRS::SetGoalPos(const float eee[3],  const Matrix  E,  float &rangle)
    Matrix Temp, RY;
    float s[3]; 

    // Find RY, and store the positions of the R jt and 
    // the ee in the R1 frame as p_r1 and ee_r1

    get_translation(T, p_r1);
    hmatmult(Temp,(float (*)[4]) E,S);
    get_translation(Temp, s);

    if (project_to_workspace)

    // Note instead of using the length of the lower limb
    // we use the length of the lower limb extended by E
    radius = get_circle_equation(ee, 
		 norm(s), c, u, v, n);

    if (!solve_R_angle(ee, s, p_r1, T, r_angle))
	return 0; 
    rangle = r_angle;

    // Find RY, and store the positions of the R jt and
    // the ee in the R1 frame as p_r1 and ee_r1

    rotation_principal_axis_to_matrix('y', r_angle, RY);
    hmatmult(Temp, Temp, RY); 
    hmatmult(Temp, Temp, T);
    get_translation(Temp, ee_r1);

    return 1; 
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void get_aim_circle_equation(const float g[3], 
			 const float a[3],
			 const float ta[3],
			 const float tb[3],
			 const float proj_axis[3],
			 float theta4,
			 float center[3],
			 float u[3],
			 float v[3],
			 float &radius)
    float L1 = DOT(ta,ta);
    float L2 = DOT(tb,tb);
    Matrix Ry, Ryt;

    rotation_principal_axis_to_matrix('y', theta4, Ry);
    invertrmatrix(Ryt, Ry);

    // Compute distance of hand to shoulder 

    float t1[3], t2[3];

    vecmult(t1, (float *) tb, Ry);
    vecmult(t2, (float *) ta, Ryt);
    float L3 = _sqrt(L1 + L2 + DOT(ta,t1) + DOT(tb,t2));

    // Lengths of upper and lower arms
    L1 = _sqrt(L1);
    L2 = _sqrt(L2);

    // Compute angle between a and shoulder-to-hand vector
    // This is done assuming R1 = I since the angle does
    // not depend on the shoulder joints
    // h = Ry*tb + ta
    // a = Ry*a 

    vecadd(t2, t1, (float *) ta);

    vecmult(t1, (float *) a, Ry);
    float alpha = acos(DOT(t1,t2));

    // Compute the angles of the triangle s,h,g
    float L4 = _sqrt(DOT(g,g));
    float beta = M_PI - alpha;

    float delta = asin(_sin(beta)*L3/L4);
    if (delta < 0)
	delta = - delta;
    float gamma = M_PI - delta - beta;

    float c_gamma = _cos(gamma);
    float n[3]; 
    cpvector(n, g);
    vecscalarmult(center, n, c_gamma*L3);

    radius = _sqrt(1-c_gamma*c_gamma)*L3;

    project_plane(u, (float *) proj_axis, n);
    crossproduct(v, n, u);