Ejemplo n.º 1
crStateGenBuffersARB(GLsizei n, GLuint * buffers)
    CRContext *g = GetCurrentContext();
    CRBufferObjectState *b = &(g->bufferobject);
    GLint start;


    if (g->current.inBeginEnd) {
        crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                                 "glGenBuffersARB called in Begin/End");

    if (n < 0) {
        crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
                                 "glGenBuffersARB(n < 0)");

    start = crHashtableAllocKeys(g->shared->buffersTable, n);
    if (start) {
        GLint i;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buffers[i] = (GLuint) (start + i);
    else {
        crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glGenBuffersARB");
Ejemplo n.º 2
GLint renderspuWindowCreateEx( const char *dpyName, GLint visBits, GLint id )
    WindowInfo *window;
    VisualInfo *visual;
    GLboolean showIt;

    if (id <= 0)
        id = (GLint)crHashtableAllocKeys(render_spu.windowTable, 1);
        if (id <= 0)
            crWarning("failed to allocate window id");
            return -1;
        if (crHashtableIsKeyUsed(render_spu.windowTable, id))
            crWarning("the specified window key %d is in use", id);
            return -1;

    if (!dpyName || crStrlen(render_spu.display_string) > 0)
        dpyName = render_spu.display_string;

    visual = renderspuFindVisual( dpyName, visBits );
    if (!visual)
        crWarning( "Render SPU: Couldn't create a window, renderspuFindVisual returned NULL" );
        return -1;

    /* Allocate WindowInfo */
    window = (WindowInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(WindowInfo));
    if (!window)
        crWarning( "Render SPU: Couldn't create a window" );
        return -1;
    crHashtableAdd(render_spu.windowTable, id, window);

    showIt = 0;

    crDebug("Render SPU: Creating window (visBits=0x%x, id=%d)", visBits, window->BltInfo.Base.id);
    /* Have GLX/WGL/AGL create the window */
    if (!renderspuWindowInit( window, visual, showIt, id ))
        crWarning( "Render SPU: Couldn't create a window, renderspu_SystemCreateWindow failed" );
        return -1;
    return window->BltInfo.Base.id;
Ejemplo n.º 3
crStateGenQueriesARB(GLsizei n, GLuint * queries)
	CRContext *g = GetCurrentContext();
	CROcclusionState *o = &(g->occlusion);
	GLint start;


	if (g->current.inBeginEnd) {
		crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
								 "glGenQueriesARB called in Begin/End");

	if (n < 0) {
		crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
								 "glGenQueriesARB(n < 0)");

	start = crHashtableAllocKeys(o->objects, n);
	if (start) {
		GLint i;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			queries[i] = (GLuint) (start + i);
	else {
		crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glGenQueriesARB");
Ejemplo n.º 4
static ContextInfo * renderspuCreateContextInternal(const char *dpyName, GLint visBits, GLint idCtx, ContextInfo * sharedContext)
    ContextInfo *context;
    VisualInfo *visual;

    if (idCtx <= 0)
        idCtx = (GLint)crHashtableAllocKeys(render_spu.contextTable, 1);
        if (idCtx <= 0)
            crWarning("failed to allocate context id");
            return NULL;
        if (crHashtableIsKeyUsed(render_spu.contextTable, idCtx))
            crWarning("the specified ctx key %d is in use", idCtx);
            return NULL;

    if (!dpyName || crStrlen(render_spu.display_string)>0)
        dpyName = render_spu.display_string;

    visual = renderspuFindVisual(dpyName, visBits);
    if (!visual)
        return NULL;

    context = (ContextInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(ContextInfo));
    if (!context)
        return NULL;
    context->BltInfo.Base.id = idCtx;
    context->shared = sharedContext;
    if (!renderspu_SystemCreateContext(visual, context, sharedContext))
        return NULL;

    crHashtableAdd(render_spu.contextTable, idCtx, context);

    context->BltInfo.Base.visualBits = visual->visAttribs;
    crDebug("Render SPU: CreateContext(%s, 0x%x) returning %d",
                    dpyName, visBits, context->BltInfo.Base.id);

    if (sharedContext)
    context->cRefs = 1;

    return context;
Ejemplo n.º 5
DECLEXPORT(GLuint) STATE_APIENTRY crStateCreateProgram(GLuint hwid)
    CRGLSLProgram *pProgram;
    CRContext *g = GetCurrentContext();
    GLuint stateId = hwid;

#ifdef IN_GUEST
    pProgram = crStateGetProgramObj(stateId);
    if (pProgram)
        crWarning("Program object %d already exists!", stateId);
    stateId = crHashtableAllocKeys(g->glsl.programs, 1);
    if (!stateId)
        crWarning("failed to allocate program key");
        return 0;

    pProgram = (CRGLSLProgram *) crAlloc(sizeof(*pProgram));
    if (!pProgram)
        crWarning("crStateCreateProgram: Out of memory!");
        return 0;

    pProgram->id = stateId;
    pProgram->hwid = hwid;
    pProgram->validated = GL_FALSE;
    pProgram->linked = GL_FALSE;
    pProgram->deleted = GL_FALSE;
    pProgram->activeState.attachedShaders = NULL;
    pProgram->currentState.attachedShaders = crAllocHashtable();

    pProgram->activeState.cAttribs = 0;
    pProgram->activeState.pAttribs = NULL;
    pProgram->currentState.cAttribs = 0;
    pProgram->currentState.pAttribs = NULL;

    pProgram->pUniforms = NULL;
    pProgram->cUniforms = 0;
#ifdef IN_GUEST
    pProgram->bUniformsSynced = GL_FALSE;

    crHashtableAdd(g->glsl.programs, stateId, pProgram);

    return stateId;
GLuint DLM_APIENTRY crDLMGenLists(GLsizei range)
	CRDLMContextState *listState = CURRENT_STATE();

	if (listState == NULL)
			("DLM error: GenLists(%d) called with no current state (%s line %d)\n",
			 (int) range, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		return 0;

	return crHashtableAllocKeys(listState->dlm->displayLists, range);
Ejemplo n.º 7
DECLEXPORT(GLuint) STATE_APIENTRY crStateCreateShader(GLuint hwid, GLenum type)
    CRGLSLShader *pShader;
    CRContext *g = GetCurrentContext();
    GLuint stateId = hwid;

#ifdef IN_GUEST
    /* the proogram and shader names must not intersect because DeleteObjectARB must distinguish between them
     * see crStateDeleteObjectARB
     * this is why use programs table for shader keys allocation */
    stateId = crHashtableAllocKeys(g->glsl.programs, 1);
    if (!stateId)
        crWarning("failed to allocate program key");
        return 0;

    Assert((pShader = crStateGetShaderObj(stateId)) == NULL);

    pShader = (CRGLSLShader *) crAlloc(sizeof(*pShader));
    if (!pShader)
        crWarning("crStateCreateShader: Out of memory!");
        return 0;

    pShader->id = stateId;
    pShader->hwid = hwid;
    pShader->type = type;
    pShader->source = NULL;
    pShader->compiled = GL_FALSE;
    pShader->deleted = GL_FALSE;
    pShader->refCount = 0;

    crHashtableAdd(g->glsl.shaders, stateId, pShader);

    return stateId;
Ejemplo n.º 8
GLint crServerDispatchCreateContextEx(const char *dpyName, GLint visualBits, GLint shareCtx, GLint preloadCtxID, int32_t internalID)
    GLint retVal = -1;
    CRContext *newCtx;
    CRContextInfo *pContextInfo;
    GLboolean fFirst = GL_FALSE;

    dpyName = "";

    if (shareCtx > 0) {
        crWarning("CRServer: context sharing not implemented.");
        shareCtx = 0;

    pContextInfo = (CRContextInfo *) crAlloc(sizeof (CRContextInfo));
    if (!pContextInfo)
        crWarning("failed to alloc context info!");
        return -1;

    pContextInfo->currentMural = NULL;

    pContextInfo->CreateInfo.requestedVisualBits = visualBits;

    if (cr_server.fVisualBitsDefault)
        visualBits = cr_server.fVisualBitsDefault;

    pContextInfo->CreateInfo.realVisualBits = visualBits;

    /* Since the Cr server serialized all incoming clients/contexts into
     * one outgoing GL stream, we only need to create one context for the
     * head SPU.  We'll only have to make it current once too, below.
    if (cr_server.firstCallCreateContext) {
        cr_server.MainContextInfo.CreateInfo.realVisualBits = visualBits;
        cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.
            CreateContext(dpyName, cr_server.MainContextInfo.CreateInfo.realVisualBits, shareCtx);
        if (cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext < 0) {
            crWarning("crServerDispatchCreateContext() failed.");
            return -1;
        cr_server.MainContextInfo.pContext = crStateCreateContext(&cr_server.limits, visualBits, NULL);
        cr_server.firstCallCreateContext = GL_FALSE;
        fFirst = GL_TRUE;

        cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParameteriCR(GL_HH_SET_DEFAULT_SHARED_CTX, cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext);
    else {
        /* second or third or ... context */
        if (!cr_server.bUseMultipleContexts && ((visualBits & cr_server.MainContextInfo.CreateInfo.realVisualBits) != visualBits)) {
            int oldSpuContext;
            /* should never be here */
            /* the new context needs new visual attributes */
            cr_server.MainContextInfo.CreateInfo.realVisualBits |= visualBits;
            crWarning("crServerDispatchCreateContext requires new visual (0x%x).",

            /* Here, we used to just destroy the old rendering context.
             * Unfortunately, this had the side effect of destroying
             * all display lists and textures that had been loaded on
             * the old context as well.
             * Now, first try to create a new context, with a suitable
             * visual, sharing display lists and textures with the
             * old context.  Then destroy the old context.

            /* create new rendering context with suitable visual */
            oldSpuContext = cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext;
            cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.
                CreateContext(dpyName, cr_server.MainContextInfo.CreateInfo.realVisualBits, cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext);
            /* destroy old rendering context */
            if (cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext < 0) {
                crWarning("crServerDispatchCreateContext() failed.");
                return -1;

            /* we do not need to clean up the old default context explicitly, since the above cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.DestroyContext call
             * will do that for us */
            cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParameteriCR(GL_HH_SET_DEFAULT_SHARED_CTX, cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext);

    if (cr_server.bUseMultipleContexts) {
        pContextInfo->SpuContext = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.
                CreateContext(dpyName, cr_server.MainContextInfo.CreateInfo.realVisualBits, cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext);
        if (pContextInfo->SpuContext < 0) {
            crWarning("crServerDispatchCreateContext() failed.");
            cr_server.bUseMultipleContexts = GL_FALSE;
            if (!fFirst)
                crError("creating shared context failed, while it is expected to work!");
        else if (fFirst)
        pContextInfo->SpuContext = -1;

    /* Now create a new state-tracker context and initialize the
     * dispatch function pointers.
    newCtx = crStateCreateContextEx(&cr_server.limits, visualBits, NULL, internalID);
    if (newCtx) {
        crStateSetCurrentPointers( newCtx, &(cr_server.current) );
        retVal = preloadCtxID<0 ? (GLint)crHashtableAllocKeys( cr_server.contextTable, 1 ) : preloadCtxID;

        pContextInfo->pContext = newCtx;
        Assert(pContextInfo->CreateInfo.realVisualBits == visualBits);
        pContextInfo->CreateInfo.externalID = retVal;
        pContextInfo->CreateInfo.pszDpyName = dpyName ? crStrdup(dpyName) : NULL;
        crHashtableAdd(cr_server.contextTable, retVal, pContextInfo);

    if (retVal != -1 && !cr_server.bIsInLoadingState) {
        int pos;
        for (pos = 0; pos < CR_MAX_CONTEXTS; pos++) {
            if (cr_server.curClient->contextList[pos] == 0) {
                cr_server.curClient->contextList[pos] = retVal;

    crServerReturnValue( &retVal, sizeof(retVal) );

    return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Generate host and guest IDs, setup IDs mapping between host and guest.
GLuint DLM_APIENTRY crDLMGenLists(GLsizei range, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable)
    CRDLMContextState *listState = CURRENT_STATE();
    GLuint             idHostRangeStart = 0;
    GLuint             idGuestRangeStart = 0;

    crDebug("DLM: GenLists(%d) (DLM=%p).", range, listState ? listState->dlm : 0);

    if (listState)
        idHostRangeStart = dispatchTable->GenLists(range);
        if (idHostRangeStart > 0)
            idGuestRangeStart = crHashtableAllocKeys(listState->dlm->displayLists, range);
            if (idGuestRangeStart > 0)
                GLuint i;
                bool fSuccess = true;

                /* Now have successfully generated IDs range for host and guest. Let's make IDs association. */
                for (i = 0; i < (GLuint)range; i++)
                    DLMListInfo *pListInfo;

                    pListInfo = (DLMListInfo *)crCalloc(sizeof(DLMListInfo));
                    if (pListInfo)
                        crMemset(pListInfo, 0, sizeof(DLMListInfo));
                        pListInfo->hwid = idHostRangeStart + i;

                        /* Insert pre-initialized list data which contains IDs mapping into the hash. */
                        crHashtableReplace(listState->dlm->displayLists, idGuestRangeStart + i, pListInfo, NULL);
                        fSuccess = false;

                /* All structures allocated and initialized successfully. */
                if (fSuccess)
                    return idGuestRangeStart;

                /* Rollback some data was not allocated. */
                crDLMDeleteLists(idGuestRangeStart, range, NULL /* we do DeleteLists() later in this routine */ );
                crDebug("DLM: Can't allocate Display List IDs range for the guest.");

            dispatchTable->DeleteLists(idHostRangeStart, range);
            crDebug("DLM: Can't allocate Display List IDs range on the host side.");
        crDebug("DLM: GenLists(%u) called with no current state.", range);

    /* Can't reserve IDs range.  */
    return 0;