Map::Map(int largeur, int hauteur, string fichier, Level* lvl) : Reader(), _foreground(), _backgroundLv1(), _backgroundLv2() { string chemin = "Tileset/"+fichier; _filePathTileset = "Tileset/"+fichier; _tileset.loadFromFile(chemin.c_str()); _largeurMap = largeur; _hauteurMap = hauteur; _mapSize = sf::Vector2i(_largeurMap*32,_hauteurMap*32); _filePath = fichier; _mapArray = new int [_largeurMap*_hauteurMap]; for (int i(0);i<_largeurMap*_hauteurMap;i++) { _mapArray[i] = 121; _tabMap.push_back(1024); _tabForeground.push_back(1024); _tabBackgroundLv1.push_back(1024); _tabBackgroundLv2.push_back(1024); } lvl->setForeground(createMap()); lvl->setbackgroundLv1(createBackground("Lv1")); lvl->setbackgroundLv2(createBackground("Lv2")); //load(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Init initPath(argv[0]); SDL_Surface* screen = NULL; SDL_Event event; int *seed; srand((int)seed); int previousTime = 0, currentTime = 0; Events *flags = createEventFlags(); SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_SetEventFilter(eventFilter); screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 600, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_ASYNCBLIT | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_NOFRAME); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Tower Defense", NULL); Action *actionList = initAction(); Map* map = createMap(getPath("resources/Forest.png")); _map = map; SDL_Rect surface = {0, 0, 720, 600}; Viewport* viewport = createViewport(screen, surface, map); _viewport = viewport; // FIXME uh? what's this thing? surface.x = 800 - 80; surface.y = 0; surface.h = 80; surface.w = 600; // Creation of the enemies TypeEn *whiteCat = createTypeEn(100, 5, false, true, true, false, 1,getPath("resources/white_transparent_cat.png")); TypeEn *blackCat = createTypeEn(100, 5, false, true, true, false, 1,getPath("resources/black_transparent_cat.png")); Enemy *cat1 = createEnemy(1,1,whiteCat); Enemy *cat2 = createEnemy(1,10,whiteCat); Enemy *cat3 = createEnemy(5,5,blackCat); Enemy *cat4 = createEnemy(21,4,blackCat); TypeEn *zombie = createTypeEn(100,5,false,true,true,false,1,getPath("resources/zombie.png")); Enemy *zombie1 = createEnemy(4,4,zombie); Enemy *zombie2 = createEnemy(9,4,zombie); Enemy *zombie3 = createEnemy(9,9,zombie); Enemy *zombie4 = createEnemy(7,14,zombie); //Add enemy in the List List *catList = newList(cat4); pushList((void*)catList,cat2); pushList((void*)catList,cat3); // pushList((void*)catList,cat1); List *zombieList = newList(zombie1); /* pushList((void*)zombieList,zombie2);*/ /* pushList((void*)zombieList,zombie3);*/ /* pushList((void*)zombieList,zombie4);*/ // removeEnemyFromList(cat4,catList); //TOWER TypeBul *bullet = createTypeBul(getPath("resources/bullet.png"), 1); TypeTo *tower = createTypeTo(0,5,0,0,false,false,false,false,bullet,NULL,getPath("resources/tower.png")); upgradeTypeTo(tower,0.5,getPath("resources/towerUP.png")); flags->selectedTower = tower->nextType; Tower *tower1 = createTower(7,7,tower); List *towerList = newList(tower1); flags->towerList = towerList; // Create and Renders the right panel game menu SDL_Rect surfaceMenu = {720, 0, 800, 600}; Menu* menu = menu_create(screen, surfaceMenu); menu_loadBackground(menu, "resources/enemyFont.gif"); // For testing only, we add a few random buttons menu_addButton(menu, button_createBuildButton(tower)); menu_addButton(menu, button_createBuildButton(tower)); menu_addButton(menu, button_createBuildButton(tower)); menu_render(menu); _cell = *getCase(20,11); // Main loop while(actionList[QUIT].boolean == NULL) { // Managing the events manageEvents(viewport, flags,actionList); for(int i=1; i<ACTION_LENGTH; i++) { if(actionList[i].boolean) { int repeat = (*actionList[i].action)(viewport,flags,actionList[i].boolean); if(!repeat) { actionList[i].boolean = NULL; } } } // Redraws the map (viewport contents) before blitting stuff on it updateViewport(viewport); ///////////////////////////// DEBUG WALL ///////////////////////////// SDL_Rect position; for(int i=0; i < _map->nbCaseW; i++) { for(int j=0; j < _map->nbCaseH; j++) { Case cell = *getCase(i,j); position.x = cell.x; position.y = cell.y; if(map->matrice[i][j].hasTower == 2) { SDL_Surface *wall = IMG_Load(getPath("resources/brick.png")); blitToViewport(viewport, wall, NULL, &position); } } } position.x = _cell.x; position.y = _cell.y; blitToViewport(viewport, IMG_Load(getPath("resources/candy_cane.png")), NULL, &position); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move enemies if(flags->enemy_Path_Calculation) { pathReCalculation(catList); pathReCalculation(zombieList); flags->enemy_Path_Calculation = false; } moveEnemyList(zombieList); moveEnemyList(catList); // Blit enemies drawEnemyList(zombieList); drawEnemyList(catList); //Blit TOWER /* if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_u){*/ /* upgrade(tower1);*/ /* }*/ Bullet *bullet1 = createBullet(tower1); animateBullet(bullet1); drawTowerList(towerList); /* This should be handled by event.c switch(event.key.keysym.sym){ case SDLK_a: flags->selectedTower = tower; break; case SDLK_b: flags->selectedTower = tower->nextType; break; default: break; }*/ /* */ // Ask SDL to swap framebuffers to update the displayed screen SDL_Flip(screen); // Managing frames currentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); if (currentTime - previousTime <= 20) { SDL_Delay(20 - (currentTime - previousTime)); } // DEBUG printf("Frame %i : %ims\n", framecounter++, currentTime - previousTime); previousTime = SDL_GetTicks(); } free(actionList); SDL_Quit(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 63; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if (argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); /*... concordance code goes here ...*/ fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); //open the given file if (fileptr != NULL) //if the file was opened sucessfully... { /* while the end of the file has not yet been reached, get the next word in the file, * adding it to the hash table or updating the number of times it has appeared in the document. * the alogrithm is case sensitive */ while (!feof(fileptr)) { char* word = getWord(fileptr); if (word != NULL) { int* wordCount = atMap(hashTable, word); if (wordCount == NULL) { insertMap(hashTable, word, 1); } else { insertMap(hashTable, word, (*wordCount) + 1); } } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file."); //print an error message if the file could not be opened } fclose(fileptr); //close the file //print each word in the document along with the number of times it has appeared. for (int i = 0; i < hashTable->tableSize; i++) { hashLink* curLink = hashTable->table[i]; while (curLink != NULL) { printf("%s: %d\n", curLink->key, curLink->value); curLink = curLink->next; } } /*... concordance code ends here ...*/ printMap(hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
int main() { // On aura TOUJOURS comme première fichier map "Map1.tmx" puis un nombre de map a définir string etatMap = "start"; int nbMap = 20; // Tableau des différentes Maps vector<string> Maps; for(int i = 1; i < (nbMap + 1); i++) { string nomMap = "map/Map"; nomMap.append(int_to_string(i)); nomMap.append(".tmx"); Maps.push_back(nomMap); //cout << "la map " << nomMap << " a ete pushe" << endl; } string Map_EnCours = Maps[0]; unsigned int Map_Actuelle = 0; tile** Matrice; //tile** MatriceTest; //int LARGEUR_MAP = NbColonnes * LARGEUR_TILE; //int HAUTEUR_MAP = NbLignes * HAUTEUR_TILE; bool debugMode = true; // Fenêtre RenderWindow app(VideoMode((int)WINDOW_SIZE.x, (int)WINDOW_SIZE.y, 32), "Another : Beta v0.2"); // Frames Per Second (FPS) //app.setFramerateLimit(60); // limite la fenêtre à 60 images par seconde // NE PAS mettre les deux en meme temps app.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); Texture myTile, myEchelle, myBullet, myEnnemi, myEnnemi2, myPlayer, myPlayer2, lifeBonus, myEndBlock, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward; if (!myBullet.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_BULLET)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myBullet.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEnnemi.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_ENNEMI)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEnnemi.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEnnemi2.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_ENNEMI_2)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEnnemi2.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myPlayer.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_PLAYER)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myPlayer.SetSmooth(false); } if (!lifeBonus.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_LIFEBONUS)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //lifeBonus.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myTile.loadFromFile("images/blocTerre.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myTile.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEchelle.loadFromFile("images/blocEchelle.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEchelle.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEndBlock.loadFromFile("images/blocFin.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEndBlock.SetSmooth(false); } if (!tileSet1.loadFromFile("map/tileset1.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //tileSet1.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myInterrupteur.loadFromFile("images/interrupteur.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myInterrupteur.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myDoor.loadFromFile("images/porteCoulissante.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myDoor.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myCheckpoint.loadFromFile("images/checkpoint.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myCheckpoint.SetSmooth(false); } if (!reward.loadFromFile("images/reward.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //reward.SetSmooth(false); } vector<Bullet> vectorBullet; vector<Character> vectorCharacter; vector<Object*> vectorObject; // ====== Variable importante !! ======= // int x = 150; // int y = 150; int controleSaut = false; /* Booléen qui va permettre de ne pas relancer un second saut avant d'avoir relaché la touche */ float transparence = 0; float transparenceInverse = 255; Clock clockTempsMap; Clock clockFrame; bool startGame = false; bool changementDeMap = false; /*string etatMap = "start"; // Tableau des différentes Maps vector<string> Maps; for(int i = 1; i < (nbMap + 1); i++) { string nomMap = "map/Map"; nomMap.append(int_to_string(i)); nomMap.append(".tmx"); Maps.push_back(nomMap); //cout << "la map " << nomMap << " a ete pushe" << endl; }*/ // ===================================== // ===================================== // Création et positionnement du joueur au lancement du jeu // ========================= // Création d'une vue qui suivra les déplacements du joueur View vue = app.getDefaultView(); View hud; // ========================================================= // Création des barres de vie et d'énergie du joueur et du rectangle de fondu sf::RectangleShape hud1; hud1.setSize(sf::Vector2f(150, 140)); hud1.setFillColor(sf::Color(190, 200, 200)); hud1.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); hud1.setOutlineThickness(1); sf::RectangleShape barLife; barLife.setSize(sf::Vector2f(50, 10)); barLife.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); barLife.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); barLife.setOutlineThickness(1); sf::RectangleShape barPower; barPower.setSize(sf::Vector2f(50, 10)); barPower.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 150, 255)); barPower.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); barPower.setOutlineThickness(1); sf::RectangleShape fondu; fondu.setSize(sf::Vector2f(WINDOW_SIZE.x, WINDOW_SIZE.y)); // =============================================================== // Menu menu(app, false, changementDeMap, hud, WINDOW_SIZE, startGame, Maps, Map_EnCours, Map_Actuelle); createMap(Map_EnCours, &Matrice, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward, vectorObject); int NbColonnes = nbColonnesMap(Map_EnCours); int NbLignes = nbLignesMap(Map_EnCours); int LARGEUR_TILE = largeurTileMap(Map_EnCours); int HAUTEUR_TILE = largeurTileMap(Map_EnCours); Player player(myPlayer, 0, 0, PLAYER_SPEED, "bleu", "normal"); PlayerPosition(player, &Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, LARGEUR_TILE, "depart"); clockTempsMap.restart(); cout << "Map en cours avant main" << Map_EnCours << endl; cout << "Map Actuelle avant main" << Map_Actuelle << endl; // Boucle principale while (app.isOpen()) { // Remplissage de l'écran (couleur noire par défaut) app.clear(); //vue.setSize(WINDOW_SIZE.x, WINDOW_SIZE.y); app.setView(vue); hud = app.getDefaultView(); // On récupère le temps de rafraichissement entre chaque frame pour ajuster la vitesse du jeu float frameTime = clockFrame.restart().asSeconds(); bool actionElement = false; // On modifier la valeur du temps de la map /*if(clockTempsMap.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 0.1f) { tempsMap += 0.1f; clockTempsMap.restart(); }*/ /* Gestion de l'affichage d'un certain nombre de tile autour du player, et non toute la map */ int indexPlayerI = convertToIndex(player.getLeftSide(), LARGEUR_TILE); int indexPlayerJ = convertToIndex(player.getBottomSide(), LARGEUR_TILE); /* Les nombre en dessous permettent de déterminer la distance ou lon affiche la map autour du héro */ float visionI = 20, visionJ = 10; int idPImoins = indexPlayerI - visionI; int idPIplus = indexPlayerI + visionI; int idPJmoins = indexPlayerJ - visionJ; int idPJplus = indexPlayerJ + visionJ; if(idPImoins < 0) idPImoins = 0; if(idPIplus > NbColonnes) idPIplus = NbColonnes; if(idPJmoins < 0) idPJmoins = 0; if(idPJplus > NbLignes) idPJplus = NbLignes; for(int j=idPJmoins; j<idPJplus; j++) for(int i=idPImoins; i<idPIplus; i++) if(Matrice[i][j].spr != 0) app.draw(*Matrice[i][j].spr); //================================================= /* REGENERATION du POWER */ player.setPower(player.getPower() + 0.2f); if(player.getPower() > 100.0f) player.setPower(100.0f); if(player.getPower() < 0) player.setPower(0); if(player.getPower() > 50.0f) player.setSurchauffe(false); /* ===================== */ /* == LIFE == */ if(player.getLife() <= 100) player.upLife(0.05f); if(player.getLife() > 200.0f) player.setLife(200.0f); if(player.getLife() < 0) player.setLife(0); /* ===================== */ // Dès que la vitesse descend en dessous de 0 alors le joueur n'est plus en saut if(player.getSpeedY() < 0) player.setEnSaut(false); /* ===================== */ /* GRAVITE : On diminue la vitesse verticale si pas sur Terre */ if(!player.surTerre()){ player.setSpeedY(player.getSpeedY() - 30.0f); /* Effet de resistance de l'air */ if((CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 1) || (CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 2) ) { if(player.getSpeedY() < -400.0f) player.setSpeedY(-400.0f); } else { if(player.getSpeedY() < -800.0f) player.setSpeedY(-800.0f); } } /* ===================== */ /* On enleve la GRAVITE lorsque l'on est au sol */ if(player.surTerre()){ player.setSpeedY(0); } /* ===================== */ /* CLOCK du freeze Time */ if(player.getFreeze()){ if(player.getClockFreeze() > 1.5f){ player.setFreeze(false); player.setSpeedY(0); } } // ====================== Event event; while (app.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Space){ //player.setEnSaut(false); controleSaut = false; } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Down){ player.setDescendre(false); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Right){ player.setDeplacement(false); player.setMouvementDroite(false); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Left){ player.setDeplacement(false); player.setMouvementGauche(false); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::LShift){ player.notShooting(); } switch(event.type) { case Event::Closed : // Croix de fermeture app.close(); break; case Event::KeyPressed : // Appui sur une touche { switch(event.key.code) { case Keyboard::Escape : // Touche echap if(player.surTerre()) { startGame = false; menu(app, true, changementDeMap, hud, WINDOW_SIZE, startGame, Maps, Map_EnCours, Map_Actuelle); if(changementDeMap) { clockTempsMap.restart(); player.setScore(0); deleteMatrice(&Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); createMap(Map_EnCours, &Matrice, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward, vectorObject); NbColonnes = nbColonnesMap(Map_EnCours); NbLignes = nbLignesMap(Map_EnCours); PlayerPosition(player, &Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, LARGEUR_TILE, "depart"); changementDeMap = false; } } else { cout << "Vous devez etre sur terre pour aller dans le menu. (En cas de probleme, sautez !)" << endl; } break; default: break; } } default: break; } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) { if(!player.getMouvementDroite()){ player.setMouvementGauche(true); if(!player.getFreeze()){ // if(!Matrice[mxGauche][myGauche].solid){ if(!player.getFreeze()) //if(player.getSpeed() > -15.0f) player.deplacementGaucheX(); // } player.setDeplacement(true); } player.setDirectionGauche(); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) { if(!player.getMouvementGauche()){ player.setMouvementDroite(true); if(!player.getFreeze()){ //if(!Matrice[mxDroite][myDroite].solid){ if(!player.getFreeze()) //if(player.getSpeed() < 15.0f) player.deplacementDroiteX(); //} player.setDeplacement(true); } player.setDirectionDroite(); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) { if(!controleSaut && !player.getFreeze() && player.surTerre()){ player.setSpeedY(650.0f); player.setEnSaut(true); controleSaut = true; } if(!controleSaut && !player.getFreeze() && !player.surTerre()) { if(CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 1) { player.setSpeedY(850.0f); player.setSpeed(700.0f); player.setEnSaut(true); controleSaut = true; //cout << "saut gauche" << endl; } else if(CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 2) { player.setSpeedY(850.0f); player.setSpeed(-700.0f); player.setEnSaut(true); controleSaut = true; //cout << "saut droite" << endl; } } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A)) { if(!player.getSurchauffe()){ player.teleport(); player.setFreeze(false); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::E)) { actionElement = true; } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::P)) { etatMap = "end"; } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Z)) { if(!player.getFreeze()) player.freezeTime(); } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) { if(player.getClockBullet() > 0.2f){ if(player.getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, (player.getRightSide() - 10), (player.getTopSide() + 12.0f), (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), player.getDirection(), player.getEquipe(), "ball")); }else if(player.getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, (player.getLeftSide() - 20), (player.getTopSide() + 12.0f), (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), player.getDirection(), player.getEquipe(), "ball")); } player.resetClockBullet(); } player.shootAnimation(); } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down)) { player.setDescendre(true); } // =================================================== // =============== AFFICHAGE DES TESTS =============== // =================================================== /*if(CollisionDecorPlafond(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice)) cout << " COLLISION PLAFOND " << endl; else cout << " PAS COLLISION PLAFOND " << endl; if(CollisionDecorSol(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice)) cout << " COLLISION SOL " << endl; else cout << " PAS COLLISION SOL " << endl; */ /*if(player.surTerre()) cout << " SUR TERRE " << endl; else cout << " PAS SUR TERRE " << endl; */ //cout << player.getSpeed() << endl; /* cout << vectorCharacter.size() << endl; cout << vectorBullet.size() << endl; cout << vectorObject.size() << endl;*/ // cout << "speed y :" << player.getSpeedY() << endl; // =================================================== // =================================================== /* Friction / Ralentissement de la vitesse latérale */ if(!player.getDeplacement()){ if(player.getSpeed() > 1500.0f){ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() - 500.0f); }else if(player.getSpeed() < -1500.0f){ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() + 500.0f); } if(player.getSpeed() > 0){ if(player.getSpeed() < 150.00f){ player.setSpeed(0); } else{ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() - 50.00f); } }else if(player.getSpeed() < 0){ if(player.getSpeed() > -150.0f){ player.setSpeed(0); } else{ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() + 50.00f); } } } /* Lorsque le joueur n'est pas Freeze on effectue les essai de mouvement sur X et Y pour on application la nouvelle position */ if(!player.getFreeze()){ EssaiDeplacementX(Matrice, frameTime, player, player.getSpeed(), LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); if(EssaiDeplacementY(Matrice, frameTime, player, player.getSpeedY(), LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject)){ // Si true, alors le joueur est en contact avec un bloc de fin de niveau cout << "ERREUR" << endl; cout << Map_Actuelle << " " << Map_EnCours << endl; etatMap = "end"; } player.setPosition(); } // =========================================================================== // =========== Double boucle testant chaque balles si elle est en =========== // =========== collision avec un ennemi, un player, un mur ou rien =========== // =========================================================================== for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorBullet.size(); i++){ if(CollisionBulletDecor(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorBullet[i], Matrice)){ vectorBullet[i].kill(); } if(vectorBullet[i].getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorBullet[i].deplacementDroiteX(); }else if(vectorBullet[i].getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorBullet[i].deplacementGaucheX(); } vectorBullet[i].drawBullet(app); // Collision des balles et des ennemis for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorCharacter.size(); j++){ float degatDeal; // On test si l'équipe de la balle est la meme que celle du character, si non, on peut tester la collision if(vectorBullet[i].getEquipe() != vectorCharacter[j].getEquipe()){ if(!vectorBullet[i].isKilled()){ if(CollisionBulletCharacter(vectorBullet[i], vectorCharacter[j])){ degatDeal = vectorBullet[i].getDegat(); vectorCharacter[j].downLife(degatDeal); vectorBullet[i].kill(); } } } } // Collision des balles et des objet for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorObject.size(); j++){ if(vectorObject[j]->getSolid()){ if(CollisionObjectBullet(vectorObject[j], vectorBullet[i])){ vectorBullet[i].kill(); if(vectorObject[j]->getBreakable()){ vectorObject[j]->kill(); } } } } // Collision des balles et du joueur if(vectorBullet[i].getEquipe() != player.getEquipe()){ if(!vectorBullet[i].isKilled()){ if(CollisionBulletCharacter(vectorBullet[i], player)){ float degatDeal = vectorBullet[i].getDegat(); player.downLife(degatDeal); vectorBullet[i].kill(); } } } } // =========================================================================== // =================================================== // ============== Boucle sur les objets ============== // =================================================== for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorObject.size(); i++){ for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorCharacter.size(); j++){ if(CollisionObjectCharacter(vectorObject[i], vectorCharacter[j])){ float life = vectorObject[i]->getLife(); vectorCharacter[j].upLife(life); vectorObject[i]->kill(); } } if(CollisionObjectCharacter(vectorObject[i], player)){ if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "lifeBonus"){ float life = vectorObject[i]->getLife(); player.upLife(life); vectorObject[i]->kill(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "interrupteur"){ if(actionElement){ if(vectorObject[i]->getEstActive() == false){ vectorObject[i]->setActive(); vectorObject[i]->resetClockInt(); } } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "tilePique"){ if(vectorObject[i]->getDeadly()){ player.kill(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "checkpoint"){ if(!vectorObject[i]->getActive()){ vectorObject[i]->setActive(true); player.setInitialPosition(vectorObject[i]->getX(), vectorObject[i]->getY()); for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorObject.size(); j++){ if(vectorObject[j]->getType() == "checkpoint"){ if(j != i) { if(vectorObject[j]->getActive()){ vectorObject[j]->setActive(false); } } } } } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "blockPique"){ if(vectorObject[i]->getDeadly()){ player.kill(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "reward"){ int val = vectorObject[i]->getValeur(); player.setScore(player.getScore() + val); vectorObject[i]->kill(); } } //cout << "test 1030 et taille de : " << vectorObject.size() << endl; if((vectorObject[i]->getType() == "interrupteur") && (vectorObject[i]->getEstActive())){ if(vectorObject[i]->getClockInt() > vectorObject[i]->getDelai()){ vectorObject[i]->setNotActive(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "door"){ if(vectorObject[i]->buttonIsActive()){ vectorObject[i]->setOpen(true); } else{ if(!CollisionObjectCharacter(vectorObject[i], player)) vectorObject[i]->setOpen(false); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "launcher"){ if(!vectorObject[i]->getIsReady()){ if(vectorObject[i]->getClock() > vectorObject[i]->getDecallage()){ vectorObject[i]->resetClock(); vectorObject[i]->setReady(true); } } else{ if(vectorObject[i]->getClock() > vectorObject[i]->getInterval()){ vectorObject[i]->resetClock(); float x, y; if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "gauche") { x = (vectorObject[i]->getLeftSide()) - 5.0f; y = (vectorObject[i]->getTopSide()) + 15.0f; vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, x, y, (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), vectorObject[i]->getDirection(), vectorObject[i]->getEquipe(), vectorObject[i]->getAmmoType())); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "droite") { x = (vectorObject[i]->getRightSide()) - 15.0f; y = (vectorObject[i]->getTopSide()) + 15.0f; vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, x, y, (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), vectorObject[i]->getDirection(), vectorObject[i]->getEquipe(), vectorObject[i]->getAmmoType())); } } } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "blockPique"){ // if(EssaiDeplacementY(Matrice, app, player, player.getSpeedY(), LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject)){ if(CollisionObjectDecor(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, i, vectorObject, Matrice)) { if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("droite"); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("gauche"); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "haut"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("bas"); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "bas"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("haut"); } } if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementGaucheX(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementDroiteX(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "haut"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementHautY(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "bas"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementBasY(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "reward"){ if(CollisionObjectDecor(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, i, vectorObject, Matrice)) { vectorObject[i]->deplacement(true, frameTime); } else { vectorObject[i]->deplacement(false, frameTime); } } vectorObject[i]->drawObject(app); } /** A AJUSTER */ vue.setCenter((int)(player.getX() + (player.GetSprite().getLocalBounds().width)/2), (int)(player.getY() + (player.GetSprite().getLocalBounds().height)/2)); player.drawPlayer(app); // == Boucle permettant de supprimer du Vector les balles qui sont "killed" après une collision for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorBullet.size();){ if(vectorBullet[i].isKilled()) vectorBullet.erase(vectorBullet.begin()+i); else i++; } // == Boucle permettant de supprimer du Vector les Ennemis qui sont "killed" lorsqu'il n'ont plus de points de vie /* // == Ou plutot de faire respawn le Character for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorCharacter.size();){ if(vectorCharacter[i].isKilled()){ vectorCharacter[i].setX(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialX()); vectorCharacter[i].setY(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialY()); vectorCharacter[i].setLife(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialLife()); vectorCharacter[i].setSpeed(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialSpeed()); vectorCharacter[i].setEnSaut(vectorCharacter[i].enSautInitial()); vectorCharacter[i].setSurTerre(vectorCharacter[i].surTerreInitial()); vectorCharacter[i].setPosition(); // vectorCharacter.erase(vectorCharacter.begin()+i); }else i++; }*/ // == Boucle permettant de supprimer du Vector les objets qui sont "killed" lorsqu'ils ont été utilisés for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorObject.size();){ if(vectorObject[i]->isKilled()) vectorObject.erase(vectorObject.begin()+i); else i++; } // == Test permettant de voir si le player est Killed, et de le faire respawn en conséquence // systeme de CHECKPOINT ici if(player.isKilled()){ player.setX(player.getInitialX()); player.setY(player.getInitialY()); player.setLife(player.getInitialLife()); player.setSpeed(player.getInitialSpeed()); player.setEnSaut(player.enSautInitial()); player.setSurTerre(player.surTerreInitial()); player.revive(); player.setPosition(); // vectorCharacter.erase(vectorCharacter.begin()+i); } app.setView(hud); // IMPORTANT << // On affiche le block hud1 hud1.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2)), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2))); app.draw(hud1); // Permet d'afficher les FPS en mode debug if(debugMode){ sf::Text fpsMessage; int FPS; ostringstream oss; FPS = 1 / frameTime; oss << "FPS : " << FPS; fpsMessage.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 110.0f)); fpsMessage.setColor(Color(255,0,0,255)); fpsMessage.setString(oss.str()); fpsMessage.setCharacterSize(14); app.draw(fpsMessage); } // On Affiche le Score sf::Text score; ostringstream oss2; oss2 << "Score : " << player.getScore(); score.setColor(Color(0,0,0,255)); score.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 90.0f)); score.setCharacterSize(14); score.setString(oss2.str()); app.draw(score); // On Affiche le temps sf::Text tpsMaps; ostringstream oss3; oss3 << "Temps : " << clockTempsMap.getElapsedTime().asSeconds(); tpsMaps.setColor(Color(0,0,0,255)); tpsMaps.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 70.0f)); tpsMaps.setCharacterSize(14); tpsMaps.setString(oss3.str()); app.draw(tpsMaps); // Affichage d'un message "surcharge" si l'energie est basse sf::Text txtSurcharge; txtSurcharge.setString("Overheating !"); txtSurcharge.setColor(Color(255,0,0,255)); txtSurcharge.setCharacterSize(14); txtSurcharge.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 50.0f)); if(player.getSurchauffe()) app.draw(txtSurcharge); // Variations des barres de vies et de power barLife.setSize(sf::Vector2f(player.getLife(), 10.0f)); barPower.setSize(sf::Vector2f(player.getPower(), 10.0f)); barLife.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 10.0f)); barPower.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 30.0f)); if(player.getSurchauffe()){ barPower.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 25, 100)); } else{ barPower.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 150, 255)); } app.draw(barLife); app.draw(barPower); //cout << "x now :" << player.getX() << endl; //cout << "speed Y :" << player.getSpeedY() << endl; if(etatMap == "end"){ /* Systeme de fondu pour fin de niveau // Le rectangle suit le joueur pour éviter tout problème visuel */ fondu.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2)), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2))); fondu.setFillColor(sf::Color(0,0,0,transparence)); app.draw(fondu); // La transparence s'effectue a 0.5 par frame ( a modifier si besoin !) if(transparence < 255){ transparence += 1.0f; } if(transparence >= 255){ save((Map_Actuelle + 2), player.getScore(), clockTempsMap.getElapsedTime().asSeconds()); // MapActuelle + 2 car pour le niveau 1 mapActuelle = 0 et que l'on veux save le dernier niveau que l'on //a atteint donc fin du 1 = 0 + 2 = 2 clockTempsMap.restart(); player.setScore(0); deleteMatrice(&Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); GoToNextMap(Map_EnCours, Map_Actuelle, Maps); createMap(Map_EnCours, &Matrice, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward, vectorObject); NbColonnes = nbColonnesMap(Map_EnCours); NbLignes = nbLignesMap(Map_EnCours); // On repositionne le joueur en fonction des valeurs initiales // ========= // IMPORTANT // Les valeurs "initiales" varieront en fonction des checkpoint et des changement de niveau // ========= // ======================== PlayerPosition(player, &Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, LARGEUR_TILE, "depart"); // ================================= etatMap = "transition"; // TEMPORAIRE transparence = 0; } } if(etatMap == "transition"){ // On réalise un fondu (inverse) pour réafficher le jeu fondu.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2)), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2))); fondu.setFillColor(sf::Color(0,0,0,transparenceInverse)); app.draw(fondu); if(transparenceInverse > 0){ transparenceInverse -= 2.0f; } if(transparenceInverse <= 0) { etatMap = "start"; transparenceInverse = 255; } } // Affichage de la fenêtre à l'écran app.display(); } deleteMatrice(&Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); /*... concordance code goes here ...*/ fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fileptr != NULL) { int *val, *x; char *word; while ((word = getWord(fileptr))) { if (containsKey(hashTable, word)) { val = (int *) atMap(hashTable, word); (*val) ++; free(word); } else { x = malloc(sizeof(int)); *x = 1; insertMap(hashTable, word, x); } } fclose(fileptr); } else printf("Error opening file.\n"); /*... concordance code ends here ...*/ printMap(hashTable, keyPrint, valPrint); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable, keyPrint, valPrint); printKeyValues(hashTable, keyPrint, valPrint); /* Test out the iterator */ #ifdef ITERATOR_IN struct mapItr *myItr; myItr = createMapIterator(hashTable); KeyType key; /* Free up our keys and values using our iterator!! Also printing them as we go along */ while(hasNextMap(myItr)) { key = nextMap(myItr); int *value = atMap(hashTable,key); printf("Freeing ...Key = %s, value = %d \n", key, *value); free(value); /* To match the malloc above*/ free(key); } #endif deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; char *word; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; int *numWordOccurances; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); // generate concordance fileptr = fopen(filename,"r"); while (!feof(fileptr)) { word = getWord(fileptr); if(!word){ break; } numWordOccurances = (int *)atMap(hashTable, word); /* cast return of atMap to int*/ if(numWordOccurances!=0){ (*numWordOccurances)++; } else { /* need to malloc numWordOccurances before insertMap*/ numWordOccurances = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); *numWordOccurances = 1; insertMap(hashTable, word, numWordOccurances); } } // print concordance printMap(hashTable); // print hashmap statistices fclose(fileptr); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys: \"and\", \"me\", and \"the\"\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); /*... concordance code goes here ...*/ FILE *file; file = fopen(filename, "r"); /* if there is no file named that */ if(!file){ printf("Unable to open file. \n"); } /* loops until the end of the file */ while(!feof(file)){ char *word = getWord(file); if(word){ if(containsKey(hashTable, word)){ int *value = atMap(hashTable, word); ++(*value); } else{ insertMap(hashTable, word, 1); } } } /*... concordance code ends here ...*/ printMap(hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
/** * Load a PHP script then run the function corresponding to the service by * passing the conf, inputs and outputs parameters by reference. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param request the map containing the HTTP request * @param s the service structure * @param real_inputs the maps containing the inputs * @param real_outputs the maps containing the outputs */ int zoo_php_support(maps** main_conf,map* request,service* s,maps **real_inputs,maps **real_outputs){ maps* m=*main_conf; maps* inputs=*real_inputs; maps* outputs=*real_outputs; map* libp = getMapFromMaps(m, "main", "libPath"); int res=SERVICE_FAILED; map* tmp=getMap(s->content,"serviceProvider"); if (tmp == NULL || tmp->value == NULL) { return errorException(m, "Missing serviceProvider (library file)", "NoApplicableCode", NULL); } map* cwd=getMapFromMaps(m,"lenv","cwd"); #ifdef IGNORE_METAPATH map* mp = createMap("metapath", ""); #else map* mp = getMap(request, "metapath"); #endif char *scriptName; if (libp != NULL && libp->value != NULL) { scriptName = (char*) malloc((strlen(libp->value) + strlen(tmp->value) + 2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf (scriptName, "%s/%s", libp->value, tmp->value); } else { if(mp!=NULL && strlen(mp->value)>0){ scriptName=(char*)malloc((strlen(cwd->value)+strlen(mp->value)+strlen(tmp->value)+3)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(scriptName,"%s/%s/%s",cwd->value,mp->value,tmp->value); }else{ scriptName=(char*)malloc((strlen(cwd->value)+strlen(tmp->value)+2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(scriptName,"%s/%s",cwd->value,tmp->value); } } zend_file_handle iscript; iscript.type=ZEND_HANDLE_FD; iscript.opened_path=NULL; iscript.filename=tmp->value; iscript.free_filename=0; FILE* temp=fopen(scriptName,"rb"); if(temp==NULL){ char tmp1[1024]; sprintf(tmp1,_("Unable to load the PHP file %s"),tmp->value); free(scriptName); return errorException(m,tmp1,"NoApplicableCode",NULL); } iscript.handle.fd=fileno(temp); php_embed_init(0,NULL PTSRMLS_CC); zend_try { zend_startup_module(&zoo_module_entry); php_execute_script(&iscript TSRMLS_CC); zval *iargs[3]; zval iret, ifunc,ifile; ZVAL_STRING(&ifunc, s->name, 0); iargs[0] = php_Array_from_maps(*main_conf); iargs[1] = php_Array_from_maps(*real_inputs); iargs[2] = php_Array_from_maps(*real_outputs); if((res=call_user_function(EG(function_table), NULL, &ifunc, &iret, 3, iargs TSRMLS_CC))==SUCCESS){ HashTable* t=HASH_OF(iargs[2]); HashTable* t1=HASH_OF(iargs[0]); freeMaps(real_outputs); free(*real_outputs); freeMaps(main_conf); free(*main_conf); *real_outputs=php_maps_from_Array(t); *main_conf=php_maps_from_Array(t1); res=Z_LVAL(iret); }else{ free(scriptName); fclose(temp); return errorException(m,"Unable to process.","NoApplicableCode",NULL);; } } zend_catch { free(scriptName); fclose(temp); return errorException(m,"Unable to process.","NoApplicableCode",NULL);; } zend_end_try(); free(scriptName); fclose(temp); php_embed_shutdown(TSRMLS_C); return res; }
bool AflMapData::openMap(LPCSTR pcstrFileName) { std::fstream file(pcstrFileName,std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(!file.is_open()) return false; //ヘッダチェック CHAR cBuff[1024];,strlen(m_strMapHeader[MAP_BINHEADER])+1); if(strcmp(cBuff,m_strMapHeader[MAP_BINHEADER]) != 0) return false; m_strFileName = pcstrFileName; INT iWidth = 0; INT iHeight = 0; m_iOutTipIndex = 0; DWORD dwSize; LPVOID pVoid; while(readHeader(file,cBuff,&pVoid,&dwSize)) { int nIndex = getHeaderIndex(cBuff); switch(nIndex) { case MAP_VERSION: break; case MAP_MAPNAME: m_strMapName = (LPCSTR)pVoid; break; case MAP_BITMAP: m_strBmpName[0] = (LPCSTR)pVoid; break; case MAP_SPRITE: m_strBmpName[1] = (LPCSTR)pVoid; break; case MAP_WIDTH: iWidth = *(LPINT)pVoid; break; case MAP_HEIGHT: iHeight = *(LPINT)pVoid; break; case MAP_OPATTERN: m_iOutTipIndex = *(LPINT)pVoid; break; case MAP_PARTSWIDTH: m_iTipWidth = *(LPINT)pVoid; break; case MAP_PARTSHEIGHT: m_iTipHeight = *(LPINT)pVoid; break; case MAP_MAPDATA0: createMap(iWidth,iHeight); case MAP_MAPDATA1: case MAP_MAPDATA2: case MAP_MAPDATA3: case MAP_MAPDATA4: CopyMemory((PCHAR)m_ptrData[nIndex-MAP_MAPDATA0].get(),pVoid,dwSize); break; case MAP_PAERSCOLLIDE0: case MAP_PAERSCOLLIDE1: case MAP_PAERSCOLLIDE2: case MAP_PAERSCOLLIDE3: case MAP_PAERSCOLLIDE4: CopyMemory(m_byCollide[nIndex-MAP_PAERSCOLLIDE0],pVoid,dwSize); break; case MAP_MAPFLAG0: CopyMemory(getMapFlag(),pVoid,dwSize); break; case MAP_OBJECT: m_strObjectFileName = (LPCSTR)pVoid; break; } delete (LPBYTE)pVoid; cBuff[0] = 0; } return true; }
int getServiceFromYAML(maps* conf, char* file,service** service,char *name){ FILE *fh = fopen("test.yml", "r"); if(current_content!=NULL){ freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_CONF fprintf(stderr,"(STARTING)FREE current_element\n"); #endif if(current_element!=NULL){ freeElements(¤t_element); free(current_element); current_element=NULL; } my_service=NULL; my_service=*service; my_service->name=strdup(name); my_service->content=NULL; my_service->metadata=NULL; my_service->inputs=NULL; my_service->outputs=NULL; fh = fopen(file,"r"); if (fh==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"error : file not found\n") ; return -1; } yaml_parser_t parser; yaml_token_t token; /* new variable */ /* Initialize parser */ if(!yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)) fputs("Failed to initialize parser!\n", stderr); if(fh == NULL) fputs("Failed to open file!\n", stderr); /* Set input file */ yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, fh); /* BEGIN new code */ int level=0; int plevel=level; int ilevel=-1; int blevel=-1; int ttype=0; int wait_metadata=-1; char *cur_key; do { yaml_parser_scan(&parser, &token); switch(token.type) { /* Stream start/end */ case YAML_STREAM_START_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML puts("STREAM START"); #endif break; case YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML puts("STREAM END"); #endif break; /* Token types (read before actual token) */ case YAML_KEY_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML printf("(Key token) "); #endif ttype=0; break; case YAML_VALUE_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML printf("(Value token) "); #endif ttype=1; break; /* Block delimeters */ case YAML_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML puts("<b>Start Block (Sequence)</b>"); #endif break; case YAML_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML puts("<b>Start Block (Entry)</b>"); #endif break; case YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN: blevel--; if(ilevel>=0) ilevel--; #ifdef DEBUG_YAML printf("<b>End block</b> (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", blevel,level,ilevel,ttype); #endif break; /* Data */ case YAML_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN: #ifdef DEBUG_YAML puts("[Block mapping]"); #endif blevel++; break; case YAML_SCALAR_TOKEN: if(ttype==0){ cur_key=zStrdup((char *); } if(ttype==1){ if(current_content==NULL){ current_content=createMap(cur_key,(char *); }else{ addToMap(current_content,cur_key,(char *); } free(cur_key); cur_key=NULL; } if(ttype==0 && blevel==0 && level==0 && strcasecmp((char *),"MetaData")==0 && blevel==0){ addMapToMap(&my_service->content,current_content); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; wait_metadata=1; } if(ttype==0 && blevel>0 && level>0 && strcasecmp((char *),"MetaData")==0){ if(current_element->content==NULL && current_content!=NULL) addMapToMap(¤t_element->content,current_content); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; wait_metadata=1; } if(ttype==0 && strcasecmp((char *),"inputs")==0 && blevel==0){ if(wait_metadata>0){ addMapToMap(&my_service->metadata,current_content); wait_metadata=-1; }else{ if(current_content!=NULL && my_service->content==NULL) addMapToMap(&my_service->content,current_content); } #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; wait_metadata=false; level++; } if(ttype==0 && strcasecmp((char *),"outputs")==0 && blevel==1){ level++; #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpMap(current_content); printf("\n***\n%d (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n+++\n", current_element->defaults==NULL,blevel,level,ilevel,ttype); #endif if(current_element->defaults==NULL && current_content!=NULL && ilevel<0){ current_element->defaults=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->defaults->content=NULL; current_element->defaults->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->defaults->content,current_content); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpElements(current_element); dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; }else{ if(current_content!=NULL && ilevel<=0){ addMapToIoType(¤t_element->supported,current_content); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpElements(current_element); dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; } } } if(level==1 && strcasecmp((char *),"default")==0){ ilevel=0; } if(level==1 && strcasecmp((char *),"supported")==0){ #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpMap(current_content); printf("\n***\n%d (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n+++\n", current_element->defaults==NULL,blevel,level,ilevel,ttype); #endif if(current_element->defaults==NULL && current_content!=NULL && ilevel<0){ current_element->defaults=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->defaults->content=NULL; current_element->defaults->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->defaults->content,current_content); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpElements(current_element); dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; }else{ if(current_content!=NULL && ilevel<=0){ if(current_element->supported==NULL){ current_element->supported=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->supported->content=NULL; current_element->supported->next=NULL; } addMapToMap(¤t_element->supported->content,current_content); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpElements(current_element); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; } } ilevel=1; } if(strncasecmp((char *),"ComplexData",11)==0 || strncasecmp((char *),"LiteralData",10)==0 || strncasecmp((char *),"ComplexOutput",13)==0 || strncasecmp((char *),"LiteralOutput",12)==0 || strncasecmp((char *),"BoundingBoxOutput",13)==0 || strncasecmp((char *),"BoundingBoxData",12)==0){ current_element->format=zStrdup((char *); free(cur_key); cur_key=NULL; if(wait_metadata>0 && current_content!=NULL){ addMapToMap(¤t_element->metadata,current_content); wait_metadata=-1; }else{ if(current_content!=NULL){ addMapToMap(¤t_element->content,current_content); } } #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpElements(current_element); #endif } if(blevel==1 && level==1){ if(current_element!=NULL && current_content!=NULL){ if(current_element->defaults==NULL){ current_element->defaults=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->defaults->content=NULL; current_element->defaults->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->defaults->content,current_content); }else{ if(current_element->supported==NULL){ current_element->supported=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->supported->content=NULL; current_element->supported->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->supported->content,current_content); }else addMapToIoType(¤t_element->supported,current_content); } } if(current_element!=NULL){ if(my_service->inputs==NULL) my_service->inputs=dupElements(current_element); else addToElements(&my_service->inputs,current_element); freeElements(¤t_element); free(current_element); } plevel=level; current_element=(elements*)malloc(ELEMENTS_SIZE); current_element->name=zStrdup((char *); current_element->content=NULL; current_element->metadata=NULL; current_element->format=NULL; current_element->defaults=NULL; current_element->supported=NULL; current_element->next=NULL; } if(blevel==1 && level==2){ if(current_element!=NULL && current_content!=NULL){ if(current_element->defaults==NULL){ current_element->defaults=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->defaults->content=NULL; current_element->defaults->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->defaults->content,current_content); }else{ if(current_element->supported==NULL){ current_element->supported=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->supported->content=NULL; current_element->supported->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->supported->content,current_content); }else addMapToIoType(¤t_element->supported,current_content); } } if(current_element!=NULL){ if(plevel==level){ if(my_service->outputs==NULL) my_service->outputs=dupElements(current_element); else addToElements(&my_service->outputs,current_element); }else{ if(my_service->inputs==NULL) my_service->inputs=dupElements(current_element); else addToElements(&my_service->inputs,current_element); } freeElements(¤t_element); free(current_element); } plevel=level; current_element=(elements*)malloc(ELEMENTS_SIZE); current_element->name=zStrdup((char *); current_element->content=NULL; current_element->metadata=NULL; current_element->format=NULL; current_element->defaults=NULL; current_element->supported=NULL; current_element->next=NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_YAML printf("scalar %s (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",,blevel,level,plevel,ilevel,ttype); #endif break; /* Others */ default: if(token.type==0){ char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp,"Wrong charater found in %s: \\t",name); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","message",tmp); return -1; } #ifdef DEBUG_YAML printf("Got token of type %d\n", token.type); #endif break; } if(token.type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN ) yaml_token_delete(&token); } while(token.type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN); yaml_token_delete(&token); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif if(current_element!=NULL && current_content!=NULL){ if(current_element->defaults==NULL){ current_element->defaults=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->defaults->content=NULL; current_element->defaults->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->defaults->content,current_content); }else{ if(current_element->supported==NULL){ current_element->supported=(iotype*)malloc(IOTYPE_SIZE); current_element->supported->content=NULL; current_element->supported->next=NULL; addMapToMap(¤t_element->supported->content,current_content); }else addMapToIoType(¤t_element->supported,current_content); } #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpMap(current_content); fprintf(stderr,"MSG: %s %d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif freeMap(¤t_content); free(current_content); current_content=NULL; } if(current_element!=NULL){ if(my_service->outputs==NULL) my_service->outputs=dupElements(current_element); else addToElements(&my_service->outputs,current_element); freeElements(¤t_element); free(current_element); current_element=NULL; } /* END new code */ /* Cleanup */ yaml_parser_delete(&parser); fclose(fh); #ifdef DEBUG_YAML dumpService(my_service); #endif *service=my_service; return 1; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // creates the Seafarers: Greater Catan (VI) map ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CMapDatabase::createGreaterCatanVI(CS3DMap *pMap) { //identifier pMap->m_uiID = MAP_SEA_GREATER_CATAN_VI; //last time edited pMap->m_timeEdit = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); //type of game pMap->m_iMode = MAP_SEAFARERS; //official map pMap->m_bOfficial = TRUE; //play to 18 points pMap->m_iPoints = 18; //map name pMap->m_strMapName = "Greater Catan (V/VI)"; pMap->m_strMapCreator = "Jason Fugate"; //9 allowed cards in hamd pMap->m_iAllowedCards = 9; //beefed up starting bank pMap->m_iBankRes = 25; //beefed up dev cards pMap->m_iDevTotal = 34; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_VICTORY] = 5; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_MONOPOLY] = 3; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_ROAD_BUILD] = 3; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_YEAR_PLENTY] = 3; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_SOLDIER] = 20; //uses chip laying algorithm pMap->m_bUseChipMethod = TRUE; //uses chitless tiles pMap->m_bHasChitlessTiles = TRUE; //there are 30 random tiles pMap->m_nRandomTiles = 30; //ports pMap->m_nPorts = 11; //chip texture file used pMap->m_iChipsUsed = MAP_USES_56_CHIPS | MAP_USES_SEA_CHIPS; //min/max players pMap->m_iMinPlayers = 5; pMap->m_iMaxPlayers = 6; //number of land/sea tiles pMap->m_iLandTiles = 50; pMap->m_iSeaTiles = 53; //15 ships in this scenario pMap->m_iStockShips = 15; //extra cities in this scenario pMap->m_iStockCities = 8; //set the roll places pMap->m_iRollPlaces[0] = 15; pMap->m_iRollPlaces[1] = 48; pMap->m_iRollPlaces[2] = 84; pMap->m_iRollPlaces[3] = 86; pMap->m_iRollPlaces[4] = 53; pMap->m_iRollPlaces[5] = 17; //set the random resource amounts pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_TIMBER] = 6; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_WHEAT] = 6; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_ORE] = 5; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_CLAY] = 5; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_SHEEP] = 6; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_GOLD] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_DESERT] = 2; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_OCEAN] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORT3] = 6; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTTIMBER] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTWHEAT] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTORE] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTCLAY] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTSHEEP] = 1; //set up chitless tiles pMap->m_iChitlessTiles = 20; //set the amounts pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_TIMBER] = 4; pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_WHEAT] = 4; pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_ORE] = 4; pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_CLAY] = 4; pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_SHEEP] = 4; pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_GOLD] = 0; pMap->m_iChitlessRes[RES_DESERT] = 0; //set the chitless chits pMap->m_iChitlessChits = 7; //set the amounts pMap->m_nChitlessChit[0] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[1] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[2] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[3] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[4] = 0; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[5] = 0; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[6] = 0; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[7] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[8] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[9] = 1; pMap->m_nChitlessChit[10] = 0; //create the map createMap(MAP_BORDERS_XX_X_XX, pMap, coordsGreaterCatanVI); //start out zoomed out a little farther than normal pMap->m_dInitialDepth = 115.; //set initial rotation pMap->m_dInitialRot = -30.; }
Material( const Material& other ) : materialNo( other.materialNo ), fileVector( other.fileVector ), fileMap( createMap( this->fileVector ) ), bufferLimits( other.bufferLimits ){}
//-------------------------------------------- Constructeurs - destructeur TransformerVisitor::TransformerVisitor(const xml::Node & XslTree) { templatesMap = new mapXsl(); createMap(XslTree); } //----- Fin de OutputVisitor
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); /*... concordance code goes here ...*/ fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fileptr) { printf("Error Opening File.\n"); } char *word = getWord(fileptr); //ValueType val; while (word != 0) { //char *word = getWord(fileptr); // Check table for word, insert if not found if (containsKey(hashTable, word)== 0) { insertMap(hashTable, word, 1); } else { (*atMap(hashTable, word))++; } word = 0; free(word); word = getWord(fileptr); } fclose(fileptr); printf("\n"); hashLink * temp; for (int i = 0; i < hashTable->tableSize; i++) { temp = hashTable->table[i]; while (temp != 0) { printf("%s: %d\n", temp->key, temp->value); temp = temp->next; } } free(temp); /*... concordance code ends here ...*/ printMap(hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
void gameClient(sf::RenderWindow & window,char * mapName){ int i,/*displacementX=0,displacementY=0,*/ menu=0; gameMap_t map; // int redrawMMAP = 1; cursor_t gCur; gCur.status = 0; gCur.cell = NULL; player_t players; players.resourcesPlayer1 = 400; players.resourcesPlayer2 = 400; // player_t player2; unsigned int currentPlayerTurn=0; selection_t select; select.status=0; select.cell=NULL; createMap(&map); /* Set textures. */ sf::Texture background, interface_image,menu1,menu2,grind,cursor,pCourse,endTurn1,endTurn2,sel,enemy,fpT,spT,cT1,cT2,cB1,cB2; sf::Sprite gameBackground,gameInterface,gameMenu,gameGrind,gameCursor,aCell,gameEndTurn,cSel,cEnemy,cpT,cTc,cBc; menu1.loadFromFile("gameInterface/menu.png"); fpT.loadFromFile("gameInterface/fpTurn.png"); spT.loadFromFile("gameInterface/spTurn.png"); enemy.loadFromFile("gameInterface/enemyCell.png"); sel.loadFromFile("gameInterface/selected.png"); menu2.loadFromFile("gameInterface/menuConfirmed.png"); grind.loadFromFile("maps/grind.png"); endTurn1.loadFromFile("gameInterface/endTurn.png"); endTurn2.loadFromFile("gameInterface/endTurnConfirmed.png"); cT1.loadFromFile("gameInterface/cTank.png"); cT2.loadFromFile("gameInterface/cTankC.png"); cB1.loadFromFile("gameInterface/cBuggy.png"); cB2.loadFromFile("gameInterface/cBuggyC.png"); //test addUnit(&map,window,0,TANK,15,0); addUnit(&map,window,0,BUGGY,12,0); addUnit(&map,window,0,TANK,9,0); addUnit(&map,window,1,TANK,27,18); addUnit(&map,window,1,BUGGY,30,18); addUnit(&map,window,1,TANK,33,18); addObject(&map,window,0,20,12); addObject(&map,window,0,10,10); addObject(&map,window,0,30,8); cpT.setPosition(130,0); cursor.loadFromFile("gameInterface/setCell.png"); pCourse.loadFromFile("gameInterface/availableCell.png"); background.loadFromFile(mapName); interface_image.loadFromFile("gameInterface/mainInterface.png"); gameBackground.setTexture(background); cSel.setTexture(sel); aCell.setTexture(pCourse); gameGrind.setTexture(grind); gameInterface.setTexture(interface_image); cEnemy.setTexture(enemy); gameCursor.setTexture(cursor); drawMinMap(window,currentPlayerTurn,&map); while (window.isOpen()){ cameraMouseMove(window,&map); mouseEvents(window,&map); menu=gameSelection(window,gameMenu,menu1,menu2,gameEndTurn,endTurn1,endTurn2,cTc,cT1,cT2,cBc,cB1,cB2); gameBackground.setPosition(map.displacementX,map.displacementY); gameInterface.setPosition(-1,-1); gameMenu.setPosition(1700,0); gameEndTurn.setPosition(1500,5); cTc.setPosition(1680,750); cBc.setPosition(1680,890); selectUnit(&map,window,cSel,&select,currentPlayerTurn); if(select.status==1){ cSel.setPosition(select.cell->X,select.cell->Y); } sf::Event event; if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)&&menu==1){ if(pauseMenu(window)==0){ break; } } if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)&&menu>=3){ createUnit(&map,&players,currentPlayerTurn,menu,window,&select,gameBackground,gameInterface,gameMenu,gameEndTurn,cTc,cBc); } if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)&&menu==2){ isEnd(&map,window,endFn); getOP(&map,&players); getResources(&map,currentPlayerTurn,&players); deleteSelect(&select); overmind(&map,window,&select,aCell,cEnemy,&gCur,gameBackground,gameInterface,gameMenu,gameEndTurn,currentPlayerTurn,cTc,&players,cBc); endTurn(&map); Sleep(500); } if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Right)){ deleteSelect(&select); } while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { window.close(); } } window.clear(sf::Color::Black); window.draw(gameBackground); drawUnits(&map,window); if(cursorConfirm(window,&map,gameCursor,&gCur)==1){ window.draw(gameCursor); } if(select.status==1){ window.draw(cSel); findWay(&map,window,&select,aCell,cEnemy,&gCur,gameBackground,gameInterface,gameMenu,gameEndTurn,currentPlayerTurn,cTc,&players,cBc); } window.draw(gameInterface); if(select.status==1){ pData(window,&select); } window.draw(gameMenu); window.draw(gameEndTurn); drawMinMap(window,currentPlayerTurn,&map); drawPlayer(window,currentPlayerTurn,&players); window.draw(cTc); window.draw(cBc); window.display(); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // creates the Seafarers: Five Islands (V) map ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CMapDatabase::createFiveIslandsV(CS3DMap *pMap) { //identifier pMap->m_uiID = MAP_SEA_FIVE_ISLANDS_V; //last time edited pMap->m_timeEdit = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); //type of game pMap->m_iMode = MAP_SEAFARERS; //official map pMap->m_bOfficial = TRUE; //play to 12 points pMap->m_iPoints = 12; //map name pMap->m_strMapName = "Five Islands (V)"; pMap->m_strMapCreator = "Jason Fugate"; //9 allowed cards in hamd pMap->m_iAllowedCards = 9; //beefed up starting bank pMap->m_iBankRes = 25; //beefed up dev cards pMap->m_iDevTotal = 34; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_VICTORY] = 5; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_MONOPOLY] = 3; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_ROAD_BUILD] = 3; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_YEAR_PLENTY] = 3; pMap->m_iDevCards[CARD_SOLDIER] = 20; //this map uses the initial ship requirements pMap->m_bRequiresInitialShips = TRUE; //there are no random tiles pMap->m_nRandomTiles = 0; //ports pMap->m_nPorts = 10; //chip texture file used pMap->m_iChipsUsed = MAP_USES_SEA_CHIPS; //min/max players (five player only) pMap->m_iMinPlayers = 5; pMap->m_iMaxPlayers = 5; //number of land/sea tiles pMap->m_iLandTiles = 27; pMap->m_iSeaTiles = 58; //15 ships in this scenario pMap->m_iStockShips = 15; //set the extra points pMap->m_nBonus1 = 1; pMap->m_nBonus2 = 2; //set the random resource amounts pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_TIMBER] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_WHEAT] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_ORE] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_CLAY] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_SHEEP] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_GOLD] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_DESERT] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_OCEAN] = 0; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORT3] = 5; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTTIMBER] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTWHEAT] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTORE] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTCLAY] = 1; pMap->m_iRandomRes[RES_PORTSHEEP] = 1; //create the map createMap(MAP_BORDERS_XX_X, pMap, coordsFiveIslandsV); //start out zoomed out a little farther than normal pMap->m_dInitialDepth = 100.; }
void setup(){ map = createMap(4, getHashCode, comparator); map2 = createMap(4, getHashCode2, comparator2); }
/** * Load a Ruby file then run the function corresponding to the service by * passing the conf, inputs and outputs parameters by refernce as Ruby Hash. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param request the map containing the HTTP request * @param s the service structure * @param real_inputs the maps containing the inputs * @param real_outputs the maps containing the outputs * @return SERVICE_SUCCEEDED or SERVICE_FAILED if the service run, -1 * if the service failed to load or throw error at runtime. */ int zoo_ruby_support(maps** main_conf,map* request,service* s,maps **real_inputs,maps **real_outputs){ #if RUBY_API_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 || RUBY_API_VERSION_MINOR == 9 ruby_sysinit(&argc,&argv); RUBY_INIT_STACK; #endif ruby_init(); maps* m=*main_conf; maps* inputs=*real_inputs; maps* outputs=*real_outputs; map* tmp0=getMapFromMaps(*main_conf,"lenv","cwd"); char *ntmp=tmp0->value; map* tmp=NULL; ruby_init_loadpath(); ruby_script("ZOO_EMBEDDED_ENV"); VALUE klass=rb_define_module("Zoo"); rb_define_const(klass,"SERVICE_SUCCEEDED",INT2FIX(3)); rb_define_const(klass,"SERVICE_FAILED",INT2FIX(4)); typedef VALUE (*HOOK)(...); rb_define_module_function(klass,"Translate",reinterpret_cast<HOOK>(RubyTranslate),-1); rb_define_module_function(klass,"UpdateStatus",reinterpret_cast<HOOK>(RubyUpdateStatus),-1); int error = 0; ID rFunc=Qnil; tmp=getMap(s->content,"serviceProvider"); if(tmp!=NULL){ #if RUBY_VERSION_MINOR == 8 const char* script = ruby_sourcefile = rb_source_filename(tmp->value); rb_protect(LoadWrap, reinterpret_cast<VALUE>(script), &error); #else rb_load_protect(rb_str_new2(tmp->value), 0, &error); #endif if(error) { ruby_trace_error(m); return -1; } #if RUBY_VERSION_MINOR == 8 ruby_exec(); #else ruby_exec_node(NULL); #endif } else{ map* err=createMap("text","Unable to parse serviceProvider please check your zcfg file."); addToMap(err,"code","NoApplicableCode"); printExceptionReportResponse(m,err); return -1; } int res=SERVICE_FAILED; rFunc=rb_intern(s->name); if(rFunc!=Qnil){ VALUE arg1=RubyHash_FromMaps(m); VALUE arg2=RubyHash_FromMaps(inputs); VALUE arg3=RubyHash_FromMaps(outputs); VALUE rArgs[3]={arg1,arg2,arg3}; if (!rArgs) return -1; struct my_callback data; data.obj=Qnil; data.method_id=rFunc; data.nargs=3; data.args[0]=rArgs[0]; data.args[1]=rArgs[1]; data.args[2]=rArgs[2]; typedef VALUE (*HOOK)(VALUE); VALUE tres=rb_protect(reinterpret_cast<HOOK>(FunCallWrap),(VALUE)(&data),&error); if (TYPE(tres) == T_FIXNUM) { res=FIX2INT(tres); freeMaps(real_outputs); free(*real_outputs); freeMaps(main_conf); free(*main_conf); *main_conf=mapsFromRubyHash(arg1); *real_outputs=mapsFromRubyHash(arg3); #ifdef DEBUG dumpMaps(*main_conf); dumpMaps(*real_outputs); #endif }else{ ruby_trace_error(m); res=-1; } } else{ char tmpS[1024]; sprintf(tmpS, "Cannot find the %s function in the %s file.\n", s->name, tmp->value); map* tmps=createMap("text",tmpS); printExceptionReportResponse(m,tmps); res=-1; } ruby_finalize(); return res; }
/** * Convert a JavaScript Object to a maps * * @param cx the JavaScript context * @param t the JavaScript Object to convert * @return a new maps containing the JavaScript Object */ maps* mapsFromJSObject(JSContext *cx,jsval t){ maps *res=NULL; maps *tres=NULL; jsint oi=0; JSObject* tt=JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(t); if(JS_IsArrayObject(cx,tt)){ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Is finally an array !\n"); #endif } else{ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Is not an array !\n"); #endif JSIdArray *idp=JS_Enumerate(cx,tt); if(idp!=NULL) { int index; jsdouble argNum; #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Properties length : %d \n",idp->length); #endif for (index=0,argNum=idp->length;index<argNum;index++) { jsval id = idp->vector[index]; jsval vp; JS_IdToValue(cx,id,&vp); char *tmp; JSString *jsmsg; size_t len1; jsmsg = JS_ValueToString(cx,vp); len1 = JS_GetStringLength(jsmsg); tmp=JS_EncodeString(cx,jsmsg); tres=createMaps(tmp); jsval nvp=JSVAL_NULL; if((JS_GetProperty(cx, tt, tmp, &nvp)==JS_FALSE)){ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Enumerate id : %d => %s => No more value\n",oi,tmp); #endif } free(tmp); JSObject *nvp1=JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(JSVAL_NULL); JS_ValueToObject(cx,nvp,&nvp1); jsval nvp1j=OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(nvp1); if(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(nvp1j)){ tres->content=mapFromJSObject(cx,nvp1j); } jsval nvp0=JSVAL_NULL; JSObject *nvp01=JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(JSVAL_NULL); if((JS_GetProperty(cx, nvp1, "child", &nvp0)==JS_FALSE)){ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Enumerate id : %d => %s => No more value\n",oi,tmp); #endif } JS_ValueToObject(cx,nvp0,&nvp01); jsval nvp01j=OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(nvp01); if(!JSVAL_IS_NULL(nvp01j)){ tres->child=mapsFromJSObject(cx,nvp01j); } if(res==NULL) res=dupMaps(&tres); else addMapsToMaps(&res,tres); freeMaps(&tres); free(tres); tres=NULL; } JS_DestroyIdArray(cx,idp); } } jsuint len; JSBool hasLen=JS_GetArrayLength(cx, tt, &len); #ifdef JS_DEBUG if(hasLen==JS_FALSE){ fprintf(stderr,"outputs array is empty\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"outputs array length : %d\n",len); #endif for(oi=0;hasLen && oi < len;oi++){ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"outputs array length : %d step %d \n",len,oi); #endif jsval tmp1; JSBool hasElement=JS_GetElement(cx,tt,oi,&tmp1); JSObject *otmp1=JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(tmp1); JSIdArray *idp=JS_Enumerate(cx,otmp1); if(idp!=NULL) { int index; jsdouble argNum; #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Properties length : %d \n",idp->length); #endif tres=(maps*)malloc(MAPS_SIZE); tres->name=NULL; tres->content=NULL; tres->next=NULL; for (index=0,argNum=idp->length;index<argNum;index++) { jsval id = idp->vector[index]; jsval vp; JS_IdToValue(cx,id,&vp); char *tmp; JSString *jsmsg; size_t len1; jsmsg = JS_ValueToString(cx,vp); len1 = JS_GetStringLength(jsmsg); tmp=JS_EncodeString(cx,jsmsg); #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Enumerate id : %d => %s\n",oi,tmp); #endif jsval nvp=JSVAL_NULL; if((JS_GetProperty(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(tmp1), tmp, &nvp)==JS_FALSE)){ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Enumerate id : %d => %s => No more value\n",oi,tmp); #endif } free(tmp); if(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(nvp)){ #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"JSVAL NVP IS OBJECT\n"); #endif } JSObject *nvp1=JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(JSVAL_NULL); JS_ValueToObject(cx,nvp,&nvp1); jsval nvp1j=OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(nvp1); if(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(nvp1j)){ JSString *jsmsg1; char *tmp1, *tmp2; JSObject *nvp2=JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(JSVAL_NULL); jsmsg1 = JS_ValueToString(cx,nvp1j); len1 = JS_GetStringLength(jsmsg1); tmp1=JS_EncodeString(cx,jsmsg1); tmp2=JS_EncodeString(cx,jsmsg); #ifdef JS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"JSVAL NVP1J IS OBJECT %s = %s\n",JS_EncodeString(cx,jsmsg),tmp1); #endif if(strcasecmp(tmp1,"[object Object]")==0){ tres->name=zStrdup(tmp2); tres->content=mapFromJSObject(cx,nvp1j); } else if(strcasecmp(tmp2,"name")==0){ tres->name=zStrdup(tmp1); } else{ if(tres->content==NULL) tres->content=createMap(tmp2,tmp1); else addToMap(tres->content,tmp2,tmp1); } free(tmp1); free(tmp2); } #ifdef JS_DEBUG else fprintf(stderr,"JSVAL NVP1J IS NOT OBJECT !!\n"); #endif } #ifdef JS_DEBUG dumpMaps(tres); #endif if(res==NULL) res=dupMaps(&tres); else addMapsToMaps(&res,tres); freeMaps(&tres); free(tres); tres=NULL; JS_DestroyIdArray(cx,idp); } } #ifdef JS_DEBUG dumpMaps(res); #endif return res; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { char *word; ValueType *value; const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); /*... concordance code goes here ...*/ fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); while(1){ word = getWord(fileptr); if(word == NULL){ break; } value = atMap(hashTable, word); if(value == NULL) { value = malloc(sizeof(int*)); *((int*)value) = 1; } else if(value != NULL) { *((int *)value) += 1; } insertMap(hashTable, word, ((void *)value)); } /*... concordance code ends here ...*/ printMap(hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
DePee::DePee(osg::Group* parent, osg::Group* subgraph, unsigned width, unsigned height) { _renderToFirst = false; _isSketchy =false; _isColored = false; _isEdgy = true; _isCrayon = false; _normalDepthMapProgram = Utility::createProgram("shaders/depthpeel_normaldepthmap.vert","shaders/depthpeel_normaldepthmap.frag"); _colorMapProgram = Utility::createProgram("shaders/depthpeel_colormap.vert","shaders/depthpeel_colormap.frag" ); _edgeMapProgram = Utility::createProgram("shaders/depthpeel_edgemap.vert", "shaders/depthpeel_edgemap.frag"); _parent = new osg::Group; parent->addChild(_parent.get()); _subgraph = subgraph; _width = width; _height = height; _texWidth = width; _texHeight = height; assert(parent); assert(subgraph); _fps = 0; _colorCamera = 0; _sketchy = new osg::Uniform("sketchy", false); _colored = new osg::Uniform("colored", false); _edgy = new osg::Uniform("edgy", true); _sketchiness = new osg::Uniform("sketchiness", (float) 1.0); _normalDepthMap0 = Utility::newColorTexture2D(_texWidth, _texHeight, 32); _normalDepthMap1 = Utility::newColorTexture2D(_texWidth, _texHeight, 32); _edgeMap = Utility::newColorTexture2D(_texWidth, _texHeight, 8); _colorMap = Utility::newColorTexture2D(_texWidth, _texHeight, 8); //create a noise map...this doesn't end up in a new rendering pass (void) createMap(NOISE_MAP); //the viewport aligned quad _quadGeode = Utility::getCanvasQuad(_width, _height); //!!!Getting problems if assigning unit to texture in depth peeling subgraph and removing depth peeling steps!!! //That's why it is done here osg::StateSet* stateset = _parent->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(1, _normalDepthMap0.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(2, _normalDepthMap1.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(3, _edgeMap.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(4, _colorMap.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(5, _noiseMap.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); // render the final thing (void) createFinal(); //take one step initially addDePeePass(); //render head up display (void) createHUD(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4){ printf( "Usage: %s <servicename> <directory>|<definition_file> <REQUEST> [<functionname> <param_1>[...<param_n>]]\n", basename(argv[0]) ); return 1; } map* outputs=NULL; /** * Parsing inputs (need a loop over all files in the service path !!) */ maps* m; m=(maps*)malloc(MAP_SIZE); conf_read("main.cfg",m); map* tmpm=getMapFromMaps(m,"main","serverAddress"); int toto=count(tmpm); //printf(" - %i \n",toto); if(tmpm!=NULL) SERVICE_URL=strdup(tmpm->value); else SERVICE_URL=DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL; service* s[100]; service* s1; int scount=0; if(strcmp(argv[3],"GetCapabilities")==0){ int i=0; struct dirent *dp; DIR *dirp = opendir(argv[1]); int t; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); xmlNodePtr n = printGetCapabilitiesHeader(doc,argv[2],m); int saved_stdout = dup(fileno(stdout)); stdout = freopen("/dev/null" , "w" , stdout); while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) if(strstr(dp->d_name,".zcfg")!=0){ char toto1[1024]; sprintf(toto1,"%s%s",argv[1],dp->d_name); char *toto=toto1; s1=(service*)malloc(sizeof(char*)+(MAP_SIZE*2)+(2*ELEMENTS_SIZE)); //s[scount]=(service*)malloc(sizeof(service*)); //#ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"#################\n%s\n#################\n",toto1); //printf("|(1)"); //#endif t=getServiceFromFile(toto1,&s1); //printf("|(2)"); printGetCapabilitiesForProcess(m,n,s1); /** * Valgrind told us that there is an issue regarding a * "conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" for * freeIOType */ //freeService(&s1); scount++; } char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "/dev/fd/%d", saved_stdout); stdout = freopen(buf , "w" , stdout); printDocument(doc); fflush(stdout); free(m); return 0; } else{ s1=(service*)malloc(sizeof(char*)+(MAP_SIZE*2)+(2*ELEMENTS_SIZE)); //s[0]=(service*)malloc(sizeof(service*)); int t=getServiceFromFile(argv[1],&s1); if(strcmp(argv[3],"DescribeProcess")==0){ printDescribeProcessResponse(s1,argv[2]); //dumpMaps(m); //free(s1); return 0; } else if(strcmp(argv[3],"Execute")!=0){ fprintf(stderr,""); //free(s); return 0; } } //dumpService(s); s[0]=s1; map* inputs=NULL; elements* c_inputs=s1->inputs; int j; for(j=0;j<argc-5;j++){ //dumpElements(c_inputs); if(inputs!=NULL) addToMap(inputs,c_inputs->name,argv[j+5]); else inputs=createMap(c_inputs->name,argv[j+5]); if(c_inputs->next!=NULL || j+1>=argc-5) c_inputs=c_inputs->next; else{ map* tmps=createMap("text","ERROR you provided more inputs than requested."); printExceptionReportResponse(m,tmps); //printf("ERROR you provided more inputs than requested."); return -1; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("ARGV1 %d %s\n",j,inputs->value); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG dumpMap(inputs); #endif const struct tm *tm; size_t len; time_t now; char *sDate; now = time ( NULL ); tm = localtime ( &now ); sDate = new char[TIME_SIZE]; len = strftime ( sDate, TIME_SIZE, "%d-%B-%YT%I:%M:%SZ", tm ); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Trying to load %s\n", argv[2]); #endif void* so = dlopen(argv[2], RTLD_LAZY); char *errstr; errstr = dlerror(); if( so != NULL ) { typedef int (*execute_t)(map**,map**); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Library loaded %s \n",errstr); #endif execute_t execute=(execute_t)dlsym(so,argv[4]); #ifdef DEBUG errstr = dlerror(); printf("Function loaded %s\n",errstr); #endif /** * Need to check if we need to fork to load a status enabled */ char _toto[10]; sprintf(_toto,"input_%i",argc-5); map* toto=getMap(inputs,_toto); if(strcmp(argv[argc-1],"bg")!=0){ #ifdef DEBUG printf("RUN IN NORMAL MODE \n"); #endif int res=execute(&inputs,&outputs); #ifdef DEBUG printf("RUNNED IN NORMAL MODE \n"); dumpMap(inputs); dumpMap(outputs); #endif printProcessResponse(m,getpid(),s[0],argv[2],res,inputs,outputs); } else{ pid_t pid; int cpid=getpid(); pid = fork (); if (pid > 0) { /** * dady : * set status to SERVICE_ACCEPTED */ printProcessResponse(m,pid,s[0],argv[2],SERVICE_ACCEPTED,inputs,outputs); }else if (pid == 0) { /* son */ if (signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler) == SIG_ERR) { printf("signal"); map* tmps=createMap("text","father received sigint."); printExceptionReportResponse(m,tmps); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("RUN IN BACKGROUND MODE \n"); #endif char tmp1[256]; sprintf(tmp1,"service/temp/%s_%d.xml",argv[2],getpid()); stdout = freopen(tmp1 , "w+" , stdout); /** * set status to SERVICE_STARTED */ printProcessResponse(m,getpid(),s[0],argv[2],SERVICE_STARTED,inputs,outputs); fflush(stdout); rewind(stdout); int t=execute(&inputs,&outputs); /** * set status to status code returned by the service function */ printProcessResponse(m,getpid(),s[0],argv[2],t,inputs,outputs); } else { /* error */ } } #ifdef DEBUG errstr = dlerror(); printf("Function successfully loaded %s, unloading now.\n",errstr); #endif dlclose(so); } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("C Library can't be loaded %s \n",errstr); #endif python_support(m,s[0],argc,argv,inputs,outputs); } return 0; }
// // メインプログラム // int main() { // GLFW を初期化する if (glfwInit() == GL_FALSE) { // 初期化に失敗した std::cerr << "Can't initialize GLFW" << std::endl; return 1; } // プログラム終了時の処理を登録する atexit(cleanup); // ウィンドウを作成する Window window("Irradiance Mapping", 960, 540); // OpenGL の初期設定 glClearColor(0.3f, 0.5f, 0.8f, 0.0f); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); // 陰影付けを無効にする glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); // テクスチャ GLuint imap[mapcount], emap[mapcount]; glGenTextures(mapcount, imap); glGenTextures(mapcount, emap); // テクスチャの読み込み for (size_t i = 0; i < mapcount; ++i) { #if USEMAP loadMap(irrmaps[i], envmaps[i], imap[i], emap[i]); #else createMap(skymaps[i], skysize, imap[i], imapsize, isamples, emap[i], emapsize, esamples, ambient, shininess); #endif } // 放射照度マップのかさ上げに使うテクスチャユニットの設定 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); irradiance(); // 放射照度マップのかさ上げに使うテクスチャユニットの設定 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); diffuse(); // 環境マップの加算に使うテクスチャユニットの設定 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE2); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); reflection(); // 材質データ GLuint ng; GLuint (*group)[2]; GLfloat (*amb)[4], (*diff)[4], (*spec)[4], *shi; // 形状データ GLuint nv; GLfloat (*pos)[3], (*norm)[3]; // 形状データの読み込み ggLoadObj(filename, ng, group, amb, diff, spec, shi, nv, pos, norm, false); // ウィンドウが開いている間繰り返す while (window.shouldClose() == GL_FALSE) { // ウィンドウを消去する window.clear(); // テクスチャの選択 const int select(window.getSelection() % mapcount); // 明るさ GLfloat brightness[4]; window.getBrightness(brightness); // 放射照度マップのかさ上げ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imap[select]); glTexEnvfv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, brightness); // 拡散反射光強度の算出 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imap[select]); // 環境マッピング glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE2); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, emap[select]); // モデルビュー変換行列の設定 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); // 視点の移動 glTranslatef(window.getPosition()[0], window.getPosition()[1], window.getPosition()[2]); // トラックボール処理による回転 glMultMatrixf(window.getTb()); // シーンの描画 scene(ng, group, diff, spec, nv, pos, norm); // 床の描画 floor(5, -1.0f); // カラーバッファを入れ替えてイベントを取り出す window.swapBuffers(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGridMap::CGridMap ( uint8_t* data, int numCellsX, int numCellsY, float cellSize ) { createMap ( data, numCellsX, numCellsY, cellSize ); }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc >= 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fileptr == NULL) { char err[255]; sprintf(err, "Failure opening file %s; exiting.\n", filename); perror(err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } timer = clock(); hashTable = createMap(tableSize); char *curr; ValueType *val; while((curr = getWord(fileptr)) != NULL) { if((val = atMap(hashTable, curr)) != NULL) (*val)++; //insertMap(hashTable, curr, (*val)+1); else insertMap(hashTable, curr, 1); free(curr); } fclose(fileptr); //fclose(outfileptr); printMap(hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); //printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { char *fn; /* File name */ struct hashMap *hashTable, *hashTable2; FILE *filePtr; fn = "text1.txt";/* the file name and path */ printf("Opening file: %s \n", fn); filePtr = fopen(fn, "r"); hashTable = createMap(40, 1); char *word; while((word = getWord(filePtr)) != '\0') { insertMap(hashTable, word, 1); } printf("--------------- Testing contains --------------- \n"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "it") == 1, "Search for 'it'"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "comparison") == 1, "Search for 'comparison'"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "period") == 1, "Search for 'period'"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "despair") == 1, "Search for 'despair'"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "deriop") == 0, "Search for 'deriop'"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "yuck") == 0, "Search for 'yuck'"); printf("--------------- Testing table stats --------------- \n"); assertTrue(hashTable->tableSize == 40, "Test table size"); assertTrue(fullBuckets(hashTable) == 30, "Test full buckets"); assertTrue(emptyBuckets(hashTable) == 10, "Test empty buckets"); assertTrue(linkCount(hashTable) == 59, "Test link count"); printf("--------------- Testing remove --------------- \n"); removeKey(hashTable, "yuck"); /* Should print some type of 'not found' message */ removeKey(hashTable, "despair"); assertTrue(containsKey(hashTable, "despair") == 0, "Search for 'despair'"); printf("--------------- Printing hash table --------------- \n"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("--------------- New table - same text file - new hash --------------- \n"); fn = "text1.txt";/* the file name and path */ printf("Opening file: %s \n", fn); filePtr = fopen(fn, "r"); hashTable2 = createMap(40, 2); while((word = getWord(filePtr)) != '\0') { insertMap(hashTable2, word, 1); } printf("--------------- Testing table stats 2 --------------- \n"); assertTrue(hashTable2->tableSize == 80, "Test table size"); assertTrue(fullBuckets(hashTable2) == 38, "Test full buckets"); assertTrue(emptyBuckets(hashTable2) == 42, "Test empty buckets"); assertTrue(linkCount(hashTable2) == 59, "Test link count"); printf("Closing file: %s \n", fn); fclose(filePtr); /* Concordance testing */ struct hashMap * concord; fn = "text2.txt"; printf("Opening file: %s \n", fn); filePtr = fopen(fn, "r"); concord = createMap(10, 2); while((word = getWord(filePtr)) != '\0') { concordance(concord, word); } printf("--------------- Concordance table stats --------------- \n"); printf("table size: %d \n", concord->tableSize); printf("full buckets: %d \n", fullBuckets(concord)); printf("empty buckets: %d \n", emptyBuckets(concord)); printf("link count: %d \n", linkCount(concord)); /*Test further on your own */ return 0; }
DataGrid::DataGrid(unsigned const int w, unsigned const int h) { _width = _height = 0; _data = 0; createMap(w, h); }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 1000; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* this part is using command line arguments, you can use them if you wish but it is not required. DO NOT remove this code though, we will use it for testing your program. if you wish not to use command line arguments manually type in your filename and path in the else case. */ if(argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else filename = "input1.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); /*... concordance code goes here ...*/ hashTable = createMap(tableSize); fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); // char *character = ""; // ValueType* val; // val = atMap(hashTable, character); /* * I couldnt figure out how to properly set up the concordance*/ insertMap(hashTable, getWord(fileptr), 0); insertMap(hashTable, getWord(fileptr), 0); insertMap(hashTable, getWord(fileptr), 0); insertMap(hashTable, getWord(fileptr), 0); fclose(fileptr); /*... concordance code ends here ...*/ printMap(hashTable); timer = clock() - timer; printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printMap(hashTable); deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(caQtDM); #ifdef MOBILE Q_INIT_RESOURCE(qtcontrols); #endif QApplication app(argc, argv); QApplication::setOrganizationName("Paul Scherrer Institut"); QApplication::setApplicationName("caQtDM"); #ifdef MOBILE_ANDROID app.setStyle(QStyleFactory::create("fusion")); #endif // we do not want numbers with a group separators QLocale loc = QLocale::system(); loc.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator); loc.setDefault(loc); QString fileName = ""; QString macroString = ""; QString geometry = ""; QString macroFile = ""; QMap<QString, QString> options; options.clear(); searchFile *s = new searchFile("caQtDM_stylesheet.qss"); QString fileNameFound = s->findFile(); if(fileNameFound.isNull()) { printf("caQtDM -- file <caQtDM_stylesheet.qss> could not be loaded, is 'CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH' <%s> defined?\n", qasc(s->displayPath())); } else { QFile file(fileNameFound);; QString StyleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); printf("caQtDM -- file <caQtDM_stylesheet.qss> loaded as the default application stylesheet\n"); app.setStyleSheet(StyleSheet); file.close(); } int in, numargs; bool attach = false; bool minimize= false; bool nostyles = false; bool printscreen = false; bool resizing = true; for (numargs = argc, in = 1; in < numargs; in++) { //qDebug() << argv[in]; if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-display" ) == 0 ) { in++; printf("caQtDM -- display <%s>\n", argv[in]); } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-macro" ) == 0 ) { in++; printf("caQtDM -- macro <%s>\n", argv[in]); macroString = QString(argv[in]); } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-attach" ) == 0 ) { printf("caQtDM -- will attach to another caQtDM if running\n"); attach = true; } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-noMsg" ) == 0 ) { printf("caQtDM -- will minimize its main windows\n"); minimize = true; } else if( strcmp (argv[in], "-macrodefs" ) == 0) { in++; printf("caQtDM -- will load macro string from file <%s>\n", argv[in]); macroFile = QString(argv[in]); } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-noStyles" ) == 0 ) { printf("caQtDM -- will not replace the default application stylesheet caQtDM_stylesheet.qss\n"); nostyles = true; } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-x" ) == 0 ) { } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-displayFont" ) == 0 ) { in++; } else if(!strcmp(argv[in],"-help") || !strcmp(argv[in],"-h") || !strcmp(argv[in],"-?")) { in++; printf("Usage:\n" " caQtDM[X options]\n" " [-help | -h | -?]\n" " [-x]\n" " [-attach]\n" " [-noMsg]\n" " [-noStyles] works only when not attaching\n" " [-macro \"xxx=aaa,yyy=bbb, ...\"]\n" " [-macrodefs filename] will load macro definitions from file\n" " [-dg [<width>x<height>][+<xoffset>-<yoffset>]\n" " [-httpconfig] will display a network configuration screen at startup\n" " [-print] will print file and exit\n" " [-noResize] will prevent resizing\n" " [-cs defaultcontrolsystempluginname]\n" " [-option \"xxx=aaa,yyy=bbb, ...\"] options for cs plugins\n" " [file]\n" " [&]\n" "\n" " -x -displayFont -display are ignored !\n\n"); exit(1); } else if((!strcmp(argv[in],"-displayGeometry")) || (!strcmp(argv[in],"-dg"))) { // [-dg [xpos[xypos]][+xoffset[+yoffset]] in++; geometry = QString(argv[in]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[in], "-print")) { printscreen = true; minimize = true; resizing = false; } else if(!strcmp(argv[in], "-noResize")) { resizing = false; } else if(!strcmp(argv[in], "-httpconfig")) { HTTPCONFIGURATOR = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[in], "-cs")) { in++; options.insert("defaultPlugin", QString(argv[in])); } else if ( strcmp (argv[in], "-option" ) == 0 ) { in++; printf("caQtDM -- option <%s>\n", argv[in]); createMap(options, QString(argv[in])); } else if (strncmp (argv[in], "-" , 1) == 0) { /* unknown application argument */ printf("caQtDM -- Argument %d = [%s] is unknown!, possible -attach -macro -noMsg -noStyles -dg -x -print -httpconfig -noResize\n",in,argv[in]); } else { printf("caQtDM -- file = <%s>\n", argv[in]); fileName = QString(argv[in]); break; } } // must be always true for mobile plattforms #ifdef MOBILE HTTPCONFIGURATOR = true; #endif if(!nostyles) { s = new searchFile("stylesheet.qss"); fileNameFound = s->findFile(); if(fileNameFound.isNull()) { printf("caQtDM -- file <stylesheet.qss> could not be loaded, is 'CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH' <%s> defined?\n", qasc(s->displayPath())); } else { QFile file(fileNameFound);; QString StyleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); printf("caQtDM -- file <stylesheet.qss> replaced the default stylesheet\n"); app.setStyleSheet(StyleSheet); file.close(); } } // load macro definitions from file (located in this directory or in the caQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH) if(macroFile.length() > 0) { s = new searchFile(macroFile); fileNameFound = s->findFile(); if(fileNameFound.isNull()) { printf("caQtDM -- file <stylesheet.qss> could not be loaded, is 'CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH' <%s> defined?\n", qasc(s->displayPath())); } else { QFile file(fileNameFound);; macroString = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); file.close(); } } #ifdef IO_OPTIMIZED_FOR_TABWIDGETS printf("caQtDM -- viewer will disable monitors for hidden pages of QTabWidgets, in case of problems\n"); printf(" you may disable this by not defining IO_OPTIMIZED_FOR_TABWIDGETS in qtdefs.pri\n"); #else printf("caQtDM -- viewer will not disable monitors for hidden pages of QTabWidgets\n"); printf(" you may enable this by defining IO_OPTIMIZED_FOR_TABWIDGETS in qtdefs.pri\n"); #endif #ifndef CONFIGURATOR QString displayPath = (QString) qgetenv("CAQTDM_URL_DISPLAY_PATH"); if(displayPath.length() > 0) { printf("caQtDM -- files will be downloaded from <%s> when not locally found\n", qasc(displayPath)); } else { printf("caQtDM -- files will not be downloaded from an url when not locally found, while CAQTDM_URL_DISPLAY_PATH is not defined\n"); } #endif FileOpenWindow window (0, fileName, macroString, attach, minimize, geometry, printscreen, resizing, options); window.setWindowIcon (QIcon(":/caQtDM.ico"));; window.move(0,0); if (signal(SIGINT, unixSignalHandler) == SIG_ERR) { qFatal("ERR - %s(%d): An error occurred while setting a signal handler.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); } if (signal(SIGTERM, unixSignalHandler) == SIG_ERR) { qFatal("ERR - %s(%d): An error occurred while setting a signal handler.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); } QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &window, SLOT(doSomething())); return app.exec(); }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char* filename; struct hashMap *hashTable; int tableSize = 10; clock_t timer; FILE *fileptr; /* Optional command line argument usage for filename if(argc == 2) // filename = argv[1]; //else*/ filename = "input2.txt"; /*specify your input text file here*/ printf("opening file: %s\n", filename); timer = clock(); /*Used to calculate efficiency*/ hashTable = createMap(tableSize); /*Create a new hashMap*/ fileptr = fopen(filename, "r");/*Open the file*/ assert(fileptr != NULL);/*Check that the file opened properly*/ int * value;/*Used to receive the value at the key*/ for (char* word = getWord(fileptr); word != NULL; word = getWord(fileptr)) /*While the file hasn't reached the end*/ { if (containsKey(hashTable, word) == 1) { /*If the key is already in the hash table, get the current value at that key and increment it by 1. Then reinsert that key with the new value*/ value = atMap(hashTable, word); *value+=1; insertMap(hashTable, word, *value); } else insertMap(hashTable, word, 1); /*else insert the key with a value of 1*/ } fclose(fileptr);/*close the file*/ printMap(hashTable);/*Print the keys and values in the hashMap*/ timer = clock() - timer; /*Print statements for testing purposes*/ printf("\nconcordance ran in %f seconds\n", (float)timer / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); /*Test the removeKey function*/ printf("Deleting keys\n"); removeKey(hashTable, "and"); removeKey(hashTable, "me"); removeKey(hashTable, "the"); printf("Table emptyBuckets = %d\n", emptyBuckets(hashTable)); printf("Table count = %d\n", size(hashTable)); printf("Table capacity = %d\n", capacity(hashTable)); printf("Table load = %f\n", tableLoad(hashTable)); printMap(hashTable); /*Delete the hashMap*/ deleteMap(hashTable); printf("\nDeleted the table\n"); return 0; }