Ejemplo n.º 1
ThreadIdentifier createThread(const char* name, std::function<void()> entryPoint)
    NewThreadContext* context = new NewThreadContext { name, WTFMove(entryPoint), { } };

    // Prevent the thread body from executing until we've established the thread identifier.
    MutexLocker locker(context->creationMutex);

    return createThreadInternal(threadEntryPoint, context, name);
ThreadIdentifier createThread(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data, const char* name)
    // Visual Studio has a 31-character limit on thread names. Longer names will
    // be truncated silently, but we'd like callers to know about the limit.
    if (name && strlen(name) > 31)
        LOG_ERROR("Thread name \"%s\" is longer than 31 characters and will be truncated by Visual Studio", name);

    NewThreadContext* context = new NewThreadContext(entryPoint, data, name);

    // Prevent the thread body from executing until we've established the thread identifier.
    MutexLocker locker(context->creationMutex);

    return createThreadInternal(threadEntryPoint, context, name);
 * Same ThreadTask::createThread(), except it takes a thread type parameter.
 * @param   enmType     The thread type.
HRESULT ThreadTask::createThreadWithType(RTTHREADTYPE enmType)
    return createThreadInternal(enmType);
 * Starts the task (on separate thread), consuming @a this.
 * The function takes ownership of "this" instance (object instance which calls
 * this function). And the function is responsible for deletion of "this"
 * pointer in all cases.
 * Possible way of usage:
 * @code{.cpp}
        HRESULT hr;
        SomeTaskInheritedFromThreadTask *pTask = NULL;
            pTask = new SomeTaskInheritedFromThreadTask(this);
            if (!pTask->Init()) // some init procedure
                throw E_FAIL;
        catch (...)
            if (pTask);
                delete pTask;
            return E_FAIL;
        return pTask->createThread(); // pTask is always consumed
 * @sa createThreadWithType
HRESULT ThreadTask::createThread(void)
    return createThreadInternal(RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER);