Ejemplo n.º 1
/* create a signal handler */
static struct handler *create_handler( signal_callback callback )
    struct handler *handler;
    int fd[2];

    if (pipe( fd ) == -1) return NULL;
    if (!(handler = alloc_object( &handler_ops )))
        close( fd[0] );
        close( fd[1] );
        return NULL;
    handler->pipe_write = fd[1];
    handler->pending    = 0;
    handler->callback   = callback;

    if (!(handler->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &handler_fd_ops, fd[0], &handler->obj, 0 )))
        release_object( handler );
        return NULL;
    set_fd_events( handler->fd, POLLIN );
    make_object_static( &handler->obj );
    return handler;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: file.c Proyecto: ccpgames/wine
/* if the function fails the fd is closed */
struct file *create_file_for_fd( int fd, unsigned int access, unsigned int sharing )
    struct file *file;
    struct stat st;

    if (fstat( fd, &st ) == -1)
        close( fd );
        return NULL;

    if (!(file = alloc_object( &file_ops )))
        close( fd );
        return NULL;

    file->mode = st.st_mode;
    file->access = default_fd_map_access( &file->obj, access );
    if (!(file->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &file_fd_ops, fd, &file->obj,
                                          FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT )))
        release_object( file );
        return NULL;
    allow_fd_caching( file->fd );
    return file;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* accept a socket (creates a new fd) */
static struct sock *accept_socket( obj_handle_t handle )
    struct sock *acceptsock;
    struct sock *sock;
    int	acceptfd;

    sock = (struct sock *)get_handle_obj( current->process, handle, FILE_READ_DATA, &sock_ops );
    if (!sock)
        return NULL;

    if ( sock->deferred )
        acceptsock = sock->deferred;
        sock->deferred = NULL;
        if ((acceptfd = accept_new_fd( sock )) == -1)
            release_object( sock );
            return NULL;
        if (!(acceptsock = alloc_object( &sock_ops )))
            close( acceptfd );
            release_object( sock );
            return NULL;

        init_sock( acceptsock );
        /* newly created socket gets the same properties of the listening socket */
        acceptsock->state  = FD_WINE_CONNECTED|FD_READ|FD_WRITE;
        if (sock->state & FD_WINE_NONBLOCKING)
            acceptsock->state |= FD_WINE_NONBLOCKING;
        acceptsock->mask    = sock->mask;
        acceptsock->proto   = sock->proto;
        acceptsock->type    = sock->type;
        acceptsock->family  = sock->family;
        acceptsock->window  = sock->window;
        acceptsock->message = sock->message;
        if (sock->event) acceptsock->event = (struct event *)grab_object( sock->event );
        acceptsock->flags = sock->flags;
        if (!(acceptsock->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &sock_fd_ops, acceptfd, &acceptsock->obj,
                                                    get_fd_options( sock->fd ) )))
            release_object( acceptsock );
            release_object( sock );
            return NULL;
    sock->pmask &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
    sock->hmask &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
    sock_reselect( sock );
    release_object( sock );
    return acceptsock;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* if the function fails the fd is closed */
static struct file *create_file_for_fd( int fd, unsigned int access, unsigned int sharing )
    struct file *file;

    if ((file = alloc_object( &file_ops )))
        file->access     = file_map_access( &file->obj, access );
        file->options    = FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT;
        if (!(file->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &file_fd_ops, fd, &file->obj )))
            release_object( file );
            return NULL;
    return file;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* create a new and unconnected socket */
static struct object *create_socket( int family, int type, int protocol, unsigned int flags )
    struct sock *sock;
    int sockfd;

    sockfd = socket( family, type, protocol );
    if (debug_level)
    if (sockfd == -1)
        return NULL;
    fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* make socket nonblocking */
    if (!(sock = alloc_object( &sock_ops )))
        close( sockfd );
        return NULL;
    sock->state = (type != SOCK_STREAM) ? (FD_READ|FD_WRITE) : 0;
    sock->mask    = 0;
    sock->hmask   = 0;
    sock->pmask   = 0;
    sock->polling = 0;
    sock->flags   = flags;
    sock->type    = type;
    sock->family  = family;
    sock->event   = NULL;
    sock->window  = 0;
    sock->message = 0;
    sock->wparam  = 0;
    sock->deferred = NULL;
    sock->read_q  = NULL;
    sock->write_q = NULL;
    memset( sock->errors, 0, sizeof(sock->errors) );
    if (!(sock->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &sock_fd_ops, sockfd, &sock->obj,
                            (flags & WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED) ? 0 : FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT )))
        release_object( sock );
        return NULL;
    sock_reselect( sock );
    return &sock->obj;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int accept_into_socket( struct sock *sock, struct sock *acceptsock )
    int acceptfd;
    struct fd *newfd;
    if ( sock->deferred )
        newfd = dup_fd_object( sock->deferred->fd, 0, 0,
                               get_fd_options( acceptsock->fd ) );
        if ( !newfd )
            return FALSE;

        set_fd_user( newfd, &sock_fd_ops, &acceptsock->obj );

        release_object( sock->deferred );
        sock->deferred = NULL;
        if ((acceptfd = accept_new_fd( sock )) == -1)
            return FALSE;

        if (!(newfd = create_anonymous_fd( &sock_fd_ops, acceptfd, &acceptsock->obj,
                                            get_fd_options( acceptsock->fd ) )))
            return FALSE;

    acceptsock->state  |= FD_WINE_CONNECTED|FD_READ|FD_WRITE;
    acceptsock->hmask   = 0;
    acceptsock->pmask   = 0;
    acceptsock->polling = 0;
    acceptsock->type    = sock->type;
    acceptsock->family  = sock->family;
    acceptsock->wparam  = 0;
    acceptsock->deferred = NULL;
    release_object( acceptsock->fd );
    acceptsock->fd = newfd;

    sock->pmask &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
    sock->hmask &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
    sock_reselect( sock );

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* acquire the main server lock */
static void acquire_lock(void)
    struct sockaddr_un addr;
    struct stat st;
    struct flock fl;
    int fd, slen, got_lock = 0;

    fd = create_server_lock();

    fl.l_type   = F_WRLCK;
    fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    fl.l_start  = 0;
    fl.l_len    = 1;
    if (fcntl( fd, F_SETLK, &fl ) != -1)
        /* check for crashed server */
        if (stat( server_socket_name, &st ) != -1 &&   /* there is a leftover socket */
            stat( "core", &st ) != -1 && st.st_size)   /* and there is a non-empty core file */
            fprintf( stderr,
                     "Warning: a previous instance of the wine server seems to have crashed.\n"
                     "Please run 'gdb %s %s/core',\n"
                     "type 'backtrace' at the gdb prompt and report the results. Thanks.\n\n",
                     server_argv0, wine_get_server_dir() );
        unlink( server_socket_name ); /* we got the lock, we can safely remove the socket */
        got_lock = 1;
        /* in that case we reuse fd without closing it, this ensures
         * that we hold the lock until the process exits */
        case ENOLCK:
        case EACCES:
            /* check whether locks work at all on this file system */
            if (fcntl( fd, F_GETLK, &fl ) == -1) break;
            /* fall through */
        case EAGAIN:
            exit(2); /* we didn't get the lock, exit with special status */
            fatal_perror( "fcntl %s/%s", wine_get_server_dir(), server_lock_name );
        /* it seems we can't use locks on this fs, so we will use the socket existence as lock */
        close( fd );

    if ((fd = socket( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )) == -1) fatal_perror( "socket" );
    addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
    strcpy( addr.sun_path, server_socket_name );
    slen = sizeof(addr) - sizeof(addr.sun_path) + strlen(addr.sun_path) + 1;
    addr.sun_len = slen;
    if (bind( fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, slen ) == -1)
        if ((errno == EEXIST) || (errno == EADDRINUSE))
            if (got_lock)
                fatal_error( "couldn't bind to the socket even though we hold the lock\n" );
            exit(2); /* we didn't get the lock, exit with special status */
        fatal_perror( "bind" );
    atexit( socket_cleanup );
    chmod( server_socket_name, 0600 );  /* make sure no other user can connect */
    if (listen( fd, 5 ) == -1) fatal_perror( "listen" );

    if (!(master_socket = alloc_object( &master_socket_ops )) ||
        !(master_socket->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &master_socket_fd_ops, fd, &master_socket->obj, 0 )))
        fatal_error( "out of memory\n" );
    set_fd_events( master_socket->fd, POLLIN );
    make_object_static( &master_socket->obj );
Ejemplo n.º 8
static struct object *create_mapping( struct object *root, const struct unicode_str *name,
                                      unsigned int attr, mem_size_t size, unsigned int flags,
                                      obj_handle_t handle, unsigned int file_access,
                                      const struct security_descriptor *sd )
    struct mapping *mapping;
    struct file *file;
    struct fd *fd;
    int unix_fd;
    struct stat st;

    if (!page_mask) page_mask = sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE ) - 1;

    if (!(mapping = create_named_object( root, &mapping_ops, name, attr, sd )))
        return NULL;
    if (get_error() == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS)
        return &mapping->obj;  /* Nothing else to do */

    mapping->size        = size;
    mapping->fd          = NULL;
    mapping->shared      = NULL;
    mapping->committed   = NULL;

    if (!(mapping->flags = get_mapping_flags( handle, flags ))) goto error;

    if (handle)
        const unsigned int sharing = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE;
        unsigned int mapping_access = FILE_MAPPING_ACCESS;

        if (!(file = get_file_obj( current->process, handle, file_access ))) goto error;
        fd = get_obj_fd( (struct object *)file );

        /* file sharing rules for mappings are different so we use magic the access rights */
        if (flags & SEC_IMAGE) mapping_access |= FILE_MAPPING_IMAGE;
        else if (file_access & FILE_WRITE_DATA) mapping_access |= FILE_MAPPING_WRITE;

        if (!(mapping->fd = get_fd_object_for_mapping( fd, mapping_access, sharing )))
            mapping->fd = dup_fd_object( fd, mapping_access, sharing, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT );
            if (mapping->fd) set_fd_user( mapping->fd, &mapping_fd_ops, NULL );
        release_object( file );
        release_object( fd );
        if (!mapping->fd) goto error;

        if ((unix_fd = get_unix_fd( mapping->fd )) == -1) goto error;
        if (fstat( unix_fd, &st ) == -1)
            goto error;
        if (flags & SEC_IMAGE)
            unsigned int err = get_image_params( mapping, st.st_size, unix_fd );
            if (!err) return &mapping->obj;
            set_error( err );
            goto error;
        if (!mapping->size)
            if (!(mapping->size = st.st_size))
                set_error( STATUS_MAPPED_FILE_SIZE_ZERO );
                goto error;
        else if (st.st_size < mapping->size)
            if (!(file_access & FILE_WRITE_DATA))
                set_error( STATUS_SECTION_TOO_BIG );
                goto error;
            if (!grow_file( unix_fd, mapping->size )) goto error;
    else  /* Anonymous mapping (no associated file) */
        if (!mapping->size)
            set_error( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );
            goto error;
        if ((flags & SEC_RESERVE) && !(mapping->committed = create_ranges())) goto error;
        mapping->size = (mapping->size + page_mask) & ~((mem_size_t)page_mask);
        if ((unix_fd = create_temp_file( mapping->size )) == -1) goto error;
        if (!(mapping->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &mapping_fd_ops, unix_fd, &mapping->obj,
                                                 FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT ))) goto error;
        allow_fd_caching( mapping->fd );
    return &mapping->obj;

    release_object( mapping );
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* accept a socket (creates a new fd) */
static struct sock *accept_socket( obj_handle_t handle )
    struct sock *acceptsock;
    struct sock *sock;
    int	acceptfd;
    struct sockaddr	saddr;

    sock = (struct sock *)get_handle_obj( current->process, handle, FILE_READ_DATA, &sock_ops );
    if (!sock)
    	return NULL;

    if ( sock->deferred )
        acceptsock = sock->deferred;
        sock->deferred = NULL;

        /* Try to accept(2). We can't be safe that this an already connected socket
         * or that accept() is allowed on it. In those cases we will get -1/errno
         * return.
        unsigned int slen = sizeof(saddr);
        acceptfd = accept( get_unix_fd(sock->fd), &saddr, &slen);
        if (acceptfd==-1)
            release_object( sock );
            return NULL;
        if (!(acceptsock = alloc_object( &sock_ops )))
            close( acceptfd );
            release_object( sock );
            return NULL;

        /* newly created socket gets the same properties of the listening socket */
        fcntl(acceptfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* make socket nonblocking */
        acceptsock->state  = FD_WINE_CONNECTED|FD_READ|FD_WRITE;
        if (sock->state & FD_WINE_NONBLOCKING)
            acceptsock->state |= FD_WINE_NONBLOCKING;
        acceptsock->mask    = sock->mask;
        acceptsock->hmask   = 0;
        acceptsock->pmask   = 0;
        acceptsock->polling = 0;
        acceptsock->type    = sock->type;
        acceptsock->family  = sock->family;
        acceptsock->event   = NULL;
        acceptsock->window  = sock->window;
        acceptsock->message = sock->message;
        acceptsock->wparam  = 0;
        if (sock->event) acceptsock->event = (struct event *)grab_object( sock->event );
        acceptsock->flags = sock->flags;
        acceptsock->deferred = NULL;
        acceptsock->read_q  = NULL;
        acceptsock->write_q = NULL;
        memset( acceptsock->errors, 0, sizeof(acceptsock->errors) );
        if (!(acceptsock->fd = create_anonymous_fd( &sock_fd_ops, acceptfd, &acceptsock->obj,
                                                    get_fd_options( sock->fd ) )))
            release_object( acceptsock );
            release_object( sock );
            return NULL;
    sock->pmask &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
    sock->hmask &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
    sock_reselect( sock );
    release_object( sock );
    return acceptsock;