Ejemplo n.º 1
void set_targets()
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
add_colorblock(MbMiniView * self,int i,int x,int y,Color c,int odd)
	ColorBlock * b;
	gboolean add_block = TRUE;
	if( PRIVATE(self)->blocks[i] != NULL) {
		if(  PRIVATE(self)->blocks[i]->c != c) {
		} else {
			add_block = FALSE;

	if( add_block == TRUE) {
		b = create_bubble(self,c);
		if( odd == 0) {
			monkey_canvas_add_block( PRIVATE(self)->canvas,
						 b->b, x*16 + 8 ,y*14);

		} else {

			monkey_canvas_add_block( PRIVATE(self)->canvas,
						 b->b, x*16   ,y*14);
		PRIVATE(self)->blocks[i] = b;


int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    BITMAP *lobuf;
    BITMAP *backbuf;    

#ifndef NDEBUG
    // Create a win32 console for printfing

	freopen("CONIN$","rb",stdin);   // reopen stdin handle as console window input
	freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stdout);  // reopen stout handle as console window output
	freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stderr); // reopen stderr handle as console window output

    //----- Game stuff ---------------

	// the map of the world
    TileMap map( 300 );

	// the chunks of land
	std::vector<TileMap*> landChunks;

    set_color_depth( 32 );

    if (allegro_init() != 0) return 1;

	// install ticker
	LOCK_VARIABLE( ticks );
	LOCK_FUNCTION( ticker );
	install_int_ex( ticker, BPS_TO_TIMER( UPDATES_PER_SEC ) );
    if (set_gfx_mode( GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0 ) != 0)
        set_gfx_mode( GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        allegro_message( "Unable to set graphics mode:\n%s\n", 
                         allegro_error );
        return 1;

	select_mouse_cursor( MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW );

    lobuf = create_bitmap( 320, 240 );    
    backbuf = create_bitmap( SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H );
	show_mouse( backbuf );

//    printf("lobuf %p backbuf %p\n", lobuf, backbuf );    

    // init gameplay stuff
	srand( time(0));

    //printf("init map...\n" );    
	map.do_water = true;

	message( "I woke near the ocean. I didn't even know my own name." );
	message( "So I started exploring (drag RMB to scroll)");

	// load chunks
	loadLandChunks( "gamedata/land.txt", landChunks );
	map.paste( landChunks[0], 148, 148 );

    map.enableSelect( lobuf );   

	// make player
	BITMAP *npcCodeMask = load_bitmap( "gamedata/code_npc.bmp", NULL );
	BITMAP *critterCodeMask = load_bitmap( "gamedata/code_critter.bmp", NULL );
	BITMAP *playerBmp = make_pixbot( npcCodeMask );		

	// Init game objects
	std::vector<GameObj*> gameObjs;

	Player *player = new Player();
	player->m_bmp = playerBmp;
	player->m_x = 150;
	player->m_y = 148;
	gameObjs.push_back( player );
	int currTool = Tool_WALK;	

    //printf("--- mainloop\n" );   
    bool done = false;
	bool dbgShowSelects = false;

	// near center on a 300x300 map
	int view_x = -1644, 
		view_y = -800;
	bool dragging = false;
	int drag_x, drag_y; 	
	int view_drag_x, view_drag_y; 
	int mouse_x2, mouse_y2; // in lobuf coords	
	int last_b = 0;
	int px, py;
	bool doGenerate = true;

    while (!done)
		// handle ticks -- give the ticker a chance to start
		while( ticks==0)
			rest(100 / UPDATES_PER_SEC );
		while ( ticks > 0)
			int old_ticks = ticks;			
			//=== Update ====
			if (messageTime>0)
				if (messageTime==0)
					strcpy( messageText, "" );					
			} else {
				if (!messageQueue.empty())
					strcpy( messageText, messageQueue.front().c_str() );
					messageTime = MSG_TIME;

			for (int i=0; i < gameObjs.size(); ++i )
				if (gameObjs[i])
					gameObjs[i]->update( map, gameObjs );				

			// update may have NULL'd objects
			std::vector<GameObj*>::iterator removed;
			removed = std::remove( gameObjs.begin(), gameObjs.end(), (GameObj*)NULL );
			gameObjs.erase( removed, gameObjs.end() );

			// update bubbles
			for (int i=0; i < bubbles.size(); i++)
				bubbles[i]->bub_age += 1.0 / (float)UPDATES_PER_SEC;

			if (old_ticks <= ticks) break;

		int dropBubble = -1;

		// keyboard input
        if (keypressed())
			int k = readkey();
			if (cheatsEnabled)
					//---- debug keys
					case KEY_F5:
						dbgShowSelects = !dbgShowSelects;
					case KEY_F6:
						playerBmp = make_pixbot( npcCodeMask );	
						player->m_bmp = playerBmp;
					case KEY_F7:
						bubbles.push_back( create_bubble( landChunks ) );

			switch(k>>8) {			            
				case KEY_F11:
					cheatsEnabled = true;
					message("Cheats enabled.");
				//---- game keys
				case KEY_1: dropBubble = 0; break;				
				case KEY_2: dropBubble = 1; break;
				case KEY_3: dropBubble = 2; break;
				case KEY_4: dropBubble = 3; break;
				case KEY_5: dropBubble = 4; break;

				// hack -- on keydown, clear walk wait counter
				case KEY_LEFT:
				case KEY_RIGHT:
				case KEY_UP:
				case KEY_DOWN:
					player->walk_c = 0;


		if ((dropBubble >= 0) && (dropBubble < bubbles.size()) )
			TileMap *bub = bubbles[dropBubble];
			bubbles[dropBubble] = bubbles[ bubbles.size() -1 ];

			map.paste( bub, 
					   player->m_x - bub->m_size/2, 
					   player->m_y - bub->m_size/2 );
			doGenerate = true;
			delete bub;

		// generate entities
		if (doGenerate)
			doGenerate = false;			

			for (int i=0; i < map.m_size; i++)
				for (int j=0; j < map.m_size; j++)
					if (map.map(i,j).m_gen != Gen_NONE )
						if (map.map(i,j).m_gen == Gen_BUBBLE)
							BubbleObj *bubObj = new BubbleObj();
							bubObj->m_x = i;
							bubObj->m_y = j;
							bubObj->m_bub = create_bubble( landChunks );
							bubObj->m_bmp = create_bitmap( 15, 15 );
							BITMAP *bubBmp = bubObj->m_bub->bub_bmp;
							stretch_blit( bubBmp, bubObj->m_bmp, 0,0, bubBmp->w, bubBmp->h, 0,0, 15, 15 );

							gameObjs.push_back( bubObj );
						} else if (map.map(i,j).m_gen == Gen_CRITTER) {
							CritterObj *critObj = new CritterObj();
							critObj->m_x = i;
							critObj->m_y = j;				

							BITMAP *critpic;
							int critNdx = rand() % (critterBmps.size()+1);
							if (critNdx == critterBmps.size())
								// yay new critter
								critpic = make_pixbot( critterCodeMask );
								critterBmps.push_back( critpic );
								critpic = critterBmps[ critNdx ];

							critObj->m_bmp = critpic;

							gameObjs.push_back( critObj );

						} else if (map.map(i,j).m_gen == Gen_NPC) {
							NpcObj *npc = new NpcObj();
							npc->m_x = i;
							npc->m_y = j;							
							npc->m_bmp = make_pixbot( npcCodeMask );							

							gameObjs.push_back( npc );

						map.map(i,j).m_gen = Gen_NONE;
		// check for quit
		if (key[KEY_ESC]) {

		player->walk_x = 0; player->walk_y = 0;
		if (key[KEY_UP] && !key[KEY_DOWN])
			player->walk_x = 0; player->walk_y = 1;
		else if (!key[KEY_UP] && key[KEY_DOWN])
			player->walk_x = 0; player->walk_y = -1;
		else if (!key[KEY_LEFT] && key[KEY_RIGHT])
			player->walk_x = -1; player->walk_y = 0;
		else if (key[KEY_LEFT] && !key[KEY_RIGHT])
			player->walk_x = 1; player->walk_y = 0;
        // Map cursor
		char buff[246];
		int mapX, mapY;

		mouse_x2 = mouse_x/2;
		mouse_y2 = mouse_y/2;
		if (map.screenToMap( mouse_x2, mouse_y2, mapX, mapY ))
			sprintf( buff, "V %d %d x y %d %d [%d]  -- map %d %d", 
					view_x, view_y, mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_b, mapX, mapY );

			// NOTE: Don't use mouse selection anymore -- just use selection
			// to mark player
			//map.map( mapX, mapY ).m_selected = true;
			sprintf( buff, "V %d %d x y %d %d  NO TILE", 
					view_x, view_y, mouse_x, mouse_y );

		map.map( player->m_x, player->m_y ).m_selected = true;


		// Mouse button 2 -- drag
		if (mouse_b & 0x2)
			if (!dragging)
				dragging = true;
				drag_x = mouse_x2;
				drag_y = mouse_y2;
				view_drag_x = view_x;
				view_drag_y = view_y;
				int dx = mouse_x2 - drag_x;
				int dy = mouse_y2 - drag_y;
				view_x = view_drag_x + dx;
				view_y = view_drag_y + dy;

			dragging = false;

		// button 1 -- use tool (or walk)		
		if (mouse_b & 0x1)
			switch( currTool)
			case Tool_WALK:
					MapCell &cell = map.map(player->m_x, player->m_y );					
					px = cell.sx + 4;
					py = cell.sy + 10;
					if ((px < mouse_x2) && (py < mouse_y2 ))
						player->walk_x = -1; player->walk_y = 0;
					else if ((px > mouse_x2) && (py > mouse_y2 ))
						player->walk_x = 1; player->walk_y = 0;
					else if ((px > mouse_x2) && (py < mouse_y2 ))
						player->walk_x = 0; player->walk_y = -1;
					else if ((px < mouse_x2) && (py > mouse_y2 ))
						player->walk_x = 0; player->walk_y = 1;
			switch( currTool )
			case Tool_WALK:
				if (last_b & 0x01)
					player->walk_x = 0;
					player->walk_y = 0;
		last_b = mouse_b;

		// ==== draw =====
		rectfill( lobuf, 0, 0, 320, 240, makecol( 135, 171, 189 ) );
        //map.draw( lobuf, 10, 30 );
        map.draw( lobuf, view_x, view_y, gameObjs );        

		// draw bubbles
		int bx = 160 - (bubbles.size() * 12);
		char buf[10];
		for (int i=0; i < bubbles.size(); i++)
			TileMap *b = bubbles[i];
			draw_sprite( lobuf, b->bub_bmp, 
				bx,  215 - (int)(sin(b->bub_age * M_PI)*3) );

			sprintf( buf,"%d", i+1 );
			textout_centre_ex( lobuf, font, buf, bx + 13, 231, makecol( 0x44, 0x66, 0x77 ), -1);
			textout_centre_ex( lobuf, font, buf, bx + 12, 230, makecol( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ), -1);

			bx += 24;

		//DBG draw player
		//masked_stretch_blit( playerBmp, lobuf, 0, 0, playerBmp->w, playerBmp->h,
		//								10, 20, playerBmp->w * 4, playerBmp->h * 4 );				

        // scale buffer to screen
		stretch_blit( dbgShowSelects?map.m_selectMap:lobuf, backbuf, 
                      0, 0, lobuf->w, lobuf->h,
                      0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H );        
		// Draw text and stuff at full res
		//masked_blit( bubbles[0]->bub_bmp, backbuf, 0, 0, 50, 20, 
		//			 bubbles[0]->bub_bmp->w, bubbles[0]->bub_bmp->h );

		//textout( backbuf, font, buff, 10, 10, makecol( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ) );

		drawing_mode( DRAW_MODE_TRANS, NULL, 0, 0 );
		set_trans_blender( 0, 0, 0, 128 );
		rectfill( backbuf, 0, 7, 640, 75, makecol( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ) );
		hline( backbuf, 0, 7, 640, makecol( 0, 0, 0x77 ) );
		hline( backbuf, 0, 75, 640, makecol( 0, 0, 0x77 ) );

		// player icon
		masked_stretch_blit( playerBmp, backbuf, 0, 0, playerBmp->w, playerBmp->h,
												10, 10, playerBmp->w * 4, playerBmp->h * 4 );

		//party icons
		for (int i=0; i < npcs.size(); i++)
			BITMAP *npcBmp = npcs[i]->m_bmp;
			masked_stretch_blit( npcBmp, backbuf, 0, 0, npcBmp->w, npcBmp->h,
													70 + 45*i, 10, npcBmp->w * 4, npcBmp->h * 4 );

		if (strlen(messageText))
			float t = (float)messageTime / MSG_TIME;			

			//textout_centre_ex( backbuf, font, messageText, 322, 62, makecol( 0x44, 0x66, 0x77 ), -1 );
			textout_centre_ex( backbuf, font, messageText, 320, 60, 
									makecol( lerp( t, 0x00, 0xcc ), 
											 lerp( t, 0x00, 0xcc ), 
											 lerp( t, 0x00, 0xcc ) ), -1 );
				//makecol( 0x44, 0x66, 0x77 ),
				//makecol( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ), -1 );

        // flip screen
        blit( backbuf, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H );        


    return 0;