Ejemplo n.º 1
balloon_help_create (Display* dpy,
		     Pixel fg, Pixel bg, Pixel shine, Pixel shadow,
		     XFontStruct* font)
  if (b_dpy) balloon_help_destroy ();

  b_dpy = dpy;

  b_fontStruct = font;

  b_win = create_window (dpy, bg);
  b_gc  = create_gc (dpy, b_win, fg, bg, b_fontStruct);

  b_shineGC  = create_gc (dpy, b_win, shine, bg, b_fontStruct);
  b_shadowGC = create_gc (dpy, b_win, shadow, bg, b_fontStruct);

  create_pixmap_mask (1, 1);
  b_maskGC = create_gc (dpy, b_mask, bg, fg, b_fontStruct);

  b_winMapped = False;
  b_timer     = None;
  b_delay     = 500;

  b_screenWidth  = DisplayWidth (b_dpy, DefaultScreen(b_dpy));
  b_screenHeight = DisplayHeight (b_dpy, DefaultScreen(b_dpy));

  b_lastShape = SHAPE_CONE_FREE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void Initialize(Widget treq,Widget tnew,ArgList args,Cardinal *nargs)
XmTabWidget wid = (XmTabWidget) tnew;

	wid->tab.raise = 0;
	wid->tab.cut_size = 0;
	wid->tab.active_tab = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Display* display;		/* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  int screen_num;		/* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  Window win;			/* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  unsigned int display_width,
               display_height;	/* height and width of the X display.        */
  unsigned int width, height;	/* height and width for the new window.      */
  char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  GC gc;			/* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
				/*  in our window.			     */

  /* open connection with the X server. */
  display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  if (display == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
            argv[0], display_name);

  /* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);

  /* make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size. */
  width = (display_width / 3);
  height = (display_height / 3);
  printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", width, height);

  /* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  /* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  /* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  /* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  win = create_simple_window(display, width, height, 0, 0);

  /* allocate a new GC (graphics context) for drawing in the window. */
  gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
  XSync(display, False);

  /* draw one pixel near each corner of the window */
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, 5, 5);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, 5, height-5);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, width-5, 5);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, width-5, height-5);

  /* draw two intersecting lines, one horizontal and one vertical, */
  /* which intersect at point "50,100".                            */
  XDrawLine(display, win, gc, 50, 0, 50, 200);
  XDrawLine(display, win, gc, 0, 100, 200, 100);

  /* now use the XDrawArc() function to draw a circle whose diameter */
  /* is 30 pixels, and whose center is at location '50,100'.         */
  XDrawArc(display, win, gc, 50-(30/2), 100-(30/2), 30, 30, 0, 360*64);

    XPoint points[] = {
      {0, 0},
      {15, 15},
      {0, 15},
      {0, 0}
    int npoints = sizeof(points)/sizeof(XPoint);

    /* draw a small triangle at the top-left corner of the window. */
    /* the triangle is made of a set of consecutive lines, whose   */
    /* end-point pixels are specified in the 'points' array.       */
    XDrawLines(display, win, gc, points, npoints, CoordModeOrigin);

  /* draw a rectangle whose top-left corner is at '120,150', its width is */
  /* 50 pixels, and height is 60 pixels.                                  */
  XDrawRectangle(display, win, gc, 120, 150, 50, 60);

  /* draw a filled rectangle of the same size as above, to the left of the */
  /* previous rectangle.                                                   */
  XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, 60, 150, 50, 60);

  /* flush all pending requests to the X server. */

  /* make a delay for a short period. */

  /* close the connection to the X server. */
Ejemplo n.º 4
	int main(int argc, char **argv)
		Display *display;
		Window win;			//窗口ID
		Window win_draw;
		unsigned int width, height;	//窗口尺寸
		unsigned int border_width = 4;	//边界空白
		unsigned int display_width, display_height;//屏幕尺寸
		int i;
		int count;
		XEvent report;
		unsigned long valuemask = 0;
		XGCValues values;
		char *getenv();
		XColor color;

		int x1, y1, x2, y2;
		// 和X 服务器连接
		if ( (display=XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY"))) == NULL ){
			printf("Cannot connect to X server %s");

		//获得缺省的 screen_num
		screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);

		display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
		display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
		cmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen_num);
		width = display_width/2;
		height = display_height/2;
		win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, 	//display
			RootWindow(display,screen_num), //父窗口
			0, 0, width, height, 		//位置和大小
			border_width, 			//边界宽度
			BlackPixel(display,screen_num), //前景色
		XSelectInput(display, win, 
			ExposureMask | 
			ButtonPressMask |		//按下
			ButtonReleaseMask |		//抬起
			ButtonMotionMask | 		//移动
			KeyPressMask |
		gc = XCreateGC(display, win, valuemask, &values);
               	XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, 3, 
			LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);

		panelgc = create_gc(display, win, "#C0C0C0");
		dimgc = create_gc(display, win, "#666666");
		lightgc = create_gc(display, win, "#F5F5F5");

		win_draw = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, //display
			win, 				//父窗口
			10, 10, width - 140,height - 40,//位置和大小
			border_width, 			//边界宽度
			BlackPixel(display,screen_num), //前景色
		XSelectInput(display, win_draw, 
			ExposureMask | 
			ButtonPressMask |		//按下
			ButtonReleaseMask |		//抬起
			ButtonMotionMask | 		//移动
			KeyPressMask |

		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
			create_button(i, display, win,
				width - 100, i * 30 + 30, 80, 20);

		XMapWindow(display, win);
		XMapWindow(display, win_draw);

		while (1)  {

			XNextEvent(display, &report);
			switch  (report.type) {

			//曝光事件, 窗口应重绘
			case Expose:
				if (report.xexpose.count != 0) break;
				XClearArea(display, win, 0, 0, 
					width, height, False);
				for(i=0;i<4;i++) button_flush(i, display);

			//窗口尺寸改变, 重新取得窗口的宽度和高度
			case ConfigureNotify:
				width = report.xconfigure.width;
				height = report.xconfigure.height;

			case ButtonPress:
				if(report.xbutton.button == Button1 &&
				   report.xbutton.window == win_draw){
					x1 = report.xbutton.x;
					y1 = report.xbutton.y;
					XDrawPoint(display, win_draw, gc,x1,y1);
				} else if(report.xbutton.button == Button1 &&
                                    report.xbutton.window == buttons[0].win){
					process_button(0, display);
				} else if(report.xbutton.button == Button1 &&
                                    report.xbutton.window == buttons[1].win){
					process_button(1, display);
				} else if(report.xbutton.button == Button1 &&
                                    report.xbutton.window == buttons[2].win){
					process_button(2, display);
				} else if(report.xbutton.button == Button1 &&
                                    report.xbutton.window == buttons[3].win){
					process_button(3, display);
				} else if(report.xbutton.button == Button3){
					XFreeGC(display, gc);
			case ButtonRelease:
				if(report.xbutton.button == Button1 &&
				   report.xbutton.window == win_draw){
					x2 = report.xbutton.x;
					y2 = report.xbutton.y;
					XDrawLine(display, win_draw, gc, 
						x1, y1, x2, y2);
			case MotionNotify:
				if(report.xmotion.state & Button1Mask &&
				   report.xmotion.window == win_draw){
					x2 = report.xmotion.x;
					y2 = report.xmotion.y;
					XDrawLine(display, win_draw, gc,
						x1, y1, x2, y2);
					x1 = x2;
					y1 = y2;
			case KeyPress:
				XFreeGC(display, gc);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void drawer () {
    int x,i,j,imagewidth,left = 0,outside,r,k;
	float s,realcentre,imgcentre,realx,imgx;
	Display* display;             /* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  	int screen_num;               /* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  	Window win;                   /* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  	unsigned int display_width, display_height;  /* height and width of the X display. */
  	unsigned int width, height;   /* height and width for the new window.      */
  	char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  	GC gc;                        /* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
    /*  in our window.                           */
  	/* open connection with the X server. */
  	display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  	if (display == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",display_name);
  	/* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
 	screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  	display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  	display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
  	/* make the new window occupy much of the screen's size. */
  	width = (display_width * 0.5);
  	height = (display_height * 0.5);
    // printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", width, height);
  	/* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  	/* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  	/* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  	/* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  	win = create_simple_window(display, width, height, 0, 0);
  	/* allocate a new GC (graphics context) for drawing in the window. */
  	gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
  	XSync(display, False);
	k = -15;
	imagewidth = 1000;
	x = 1;

	r = 2;
	s = (float)(2*r)/imagewidth;
	realcentre = 0.0;
	imgcentre = 0.0;
			realx = s*(j-imagewidth/2) + realcentre;
			imgx = s*(i-imagewidth/2) + imgcentre;
			outside = testmal(realx,imgx,k);
			if (outside == 0){
                //				printf("%f %f\n",realx,imgx);
				XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, left+j/x, height/2-(imagewidth/2)/x+i/x);
				/*Flush all pending requests to the X server.*/
  	/* make a delay for a short period. */
  	/* close the connection to the X server. */
Ejemplo n.º 6
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Display* display;		/* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  int screen_num;		/* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  Window win;			/* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  unsigned int display_width,
               display_height;	/* height and width of the X display.        */
  unsigned int width, height;	/* height and width for the new window.      */
  char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  GC gc;			/* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
				/*  in our window.			     */

  /* open connection with the X server. */
  display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  if (display == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
            argv[0], display_name);

  /* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);

  /* make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size. */
  width = (display_width / 3);
  height = (display_height / 3);
  printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", width, height);

  /* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  /* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  /* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  /* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  win = create_simple_window(display, width, height, 0, 0);

  /* allocate a new GC (graphics context) for drawing in the window. */
  gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
  XSync(display, False);

    /* this variable will contain the ID of the newly created pixmap.    */
    Pixmap bitmap;
    /* these variables will contain the dimensions of the loaded bitmap. */
    unsigned int bitmap_width, bitmap_height;
    /* these variables will contain the location of the hotspot of the   */
    /* loaded bitmap.                                                    */
    int hotspot_x, hotspot_y;

    /* load the bitmap found in the file "icon.bmp", create a pixmap     */
    /* containing its data in the server, and put its ID in the 'bitmap' */
    /* variable.                                                         */
    int rc = XReadBitmapFile(display, win,
                             &bitmap_width, &bitmap_height,
                             &hotspot_x, &hotspot_y);
    /* check for failure or success. */
    switch (rc) {
        case BitmapOpenFailed:
            fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - could not open file 'icon.bmp'.\n");
        case BitmapFileInvalid:
                    "XReadBitmapFile - file '%s' doesn't contain a valid bitmap.\n",
        case BitmapNoMemory:
            fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - not enough memory.\n");

    /* start drawing the given pixmap on to our window. */
      int i, j;

      for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
        for(j=0; j<6; j++) {
          XCopyPlane(display, bitmap, win, gc,
                    0, 0,
                    bitmap_width, bitmap_height,
                    j*bitmap_width, i*bitmap_height,
	  XSync(display, False);

  /* flush all pending requests to the X server. */

  /* make a delay for a short period. */

  /* close the connection to the X server. */
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	Display* display;
	int screen_num;
	Window win;
	unsigned int display_width,
	unsigned int win_width,
	char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY"); 

	GC gc;			

	/*int rc;*/
	Status rc;			
	Pixmap bitmap;
	unsigned int bitmap_width, bitmap_height;
	int hotspot_x, hotspot_y;
	int i,j;

	display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
	if (display == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
				argv[0], display_name);

	screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
	display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
	display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
	win_width = (display_width / 3);
	win_height = (display_height / 3);
	win = create_simple_window(display, win_width, win_height, 0, 0);

	gc = create_gc(display, win);

	 * */
	XSync(display, False);


	rc = XReadBitmapFile(display, win,
			&bitmap_width, &bitmap_height,
			&hotspot_x, &hotspot_y);

	/*rc = XReadBitmapFile(display, win,
	  &bitmap_width, &bitmap_height,
	  &hotspot_x, &hotspot_y);*/
	switch (rc)
		case BitmapOpenFailed:
			fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - could not open file 'icon.bmp'.\n");
		case BitmapFileInvalid:
					"XReadBitmapFile - file '%s' doesn't contain a valid bitmap.\n",
		case BitmapNoMemory:
			fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - not enough memory.\n");

	 * 这里面的icon_bitmap_bits就是这个icon.bmp对应的表示图像的数组
	 * 另外宽度和高度这里设成20,如果不是这个数,那么绘制出来的可能乱了*/
	/*bitmap_width  = 20;
	bitmap_height = 20;
	bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,
	if (!bitmap)
		    fprintf(stderr, "XCreateBitmapFromData - error creating pixmap\n");

	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
		for(j=0; j<6; j++)
			 * bitmap指定绘制的源(矩形)
			 * win指定绘制的目标(矩形)
			 * gc图形上下文环境,提供绘图环境包含前景色背景色线风格等各种属性
			 * (0,0)表示相对于源的左上角坐标
			 * (bitmap_width,bitmap_height)表示绘制的大小
			 * (j*bitmap_width,i*bitmap_height)表示相对于目标的左上角坐标
			 * 1和色深位相关,不太清楚。
			 * */
			XCopyPlane(display, bitmap, win, gc,
					0, 0,
					bitmap_width, bitmap_height,
					j*bitmap_width, i*bitmap_height,
			XSync(display, False);//如果没有这句话不会动态一个个的绘制

	 /*把所有的请求通知给X server,我尝试过了,不用这一句也行,因为前面有XSync*/
	 * */


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int sockfd, oldsockfd, portno, n;
    socklen_t clilen;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;
    struct hostent *server;
    pthread_t recv_thread;
    Colormap map;

    Display* display;
    int screen_num;
    Window win;
    unsigned int display_width, display_height;
    unsigned int width, height;
    char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");
    GC gc, his_gc, refresh_gc;

    if(argc == 2) { // We are server
        sending = 1;
        if(argc < 2) {
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no port provided\n");
        oldsockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if(oldsockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket");
        bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
        portno = atoi(argv[1]);
        serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
        serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
        int on = 1;
        if(setsockopt(oldsockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) error("ERROR on sockopt");
        if(bind(oldsockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) error("ERROR on binding");
        clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);
        sockfd = accept(oldsockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);
        if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR on accept");
    else if(argc == 3) { // We are client
        sending = 1;
        portno = atoi(argv[2]);
        sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket");
        server = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
        if(server == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no such host\n");
        bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
        serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        bcopy((char *)(server->h_addr), (char *)(&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr), server->h_length);
        serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
        if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) error("ERROR connecting");
    else {
        server = 0;

    display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
    if (display == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n", argv[0], display_name);

    screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
    display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
    display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
    width = (display_width / 3);
    height = (display_height / 3);
    Atom wm_delete;
    win = create_simple_window(display, &wm_delete, width, height, 0, 0);

    XGCValues values;
    values.graphics_exposures = 0;
    gc = create_gc(display, win);
    his_gc = create_gc(display, win);
    refresh_gc = XCreateGC(display, win, GCGraphicsExposures, &values);

    XSetForeground(display, refresh_gc, WhitePixel(display, screen_num));
    XSetBackground(display, refresh_gc, WhitePixel(display, screen_num));

    map = DefaultColormap(display, 0);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FFFFFF", &cols[0]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[0]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#000000", &cols[1]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[1]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FF0000", &cols[2]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[2]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#00FF00", &cols[3]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[3]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#0000FF", &cols[4]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[4]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FFFF00", &cols[5]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[5]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FF00FF", &cols[6]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[6]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#00FFFF", &cols[7]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[7]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#999999", &cols[8]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[8]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#666666", &cols[9]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[9]);

    set_title(display, win);

    back_buffer = XCreatePixmap(display, win, MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT, DefaultDepth(display, screen_num));
    XFillRectangle(display, back_buffer, refresh_gc, 0, 0, MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT);

    if(sending) {
        recv_info_t info;
        info.display = display;
        info.window = win;
        info.gc = gc;
        info.his_gc = his_gc;
        info.refresh_gc = refresh_gc;
        info.sockfd = sockfd;
        pthread_create(&recv_thread, NULL, recv_line, &info);

    XSelectInput(display, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | Button1MotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
    XEvent an_event;
    while(1) {
        XNextEvent(display, &an_event);
        switch(an_event.type) {
        case ClientMessage:
            if(an_event.xclient.data.l[0] == wm_delete) quitme(display, gc, his_gc, refresh_gc, sockfd, 0);
        case Expose:
            handle_expose(display, refresh_gc, (XExposeEvent*)&an_event.xexpose);
        case ConfigureNotify:
            width = an_event.xconfigure.width;
            height = an_event.xconfigure.height;
        case ButtonPress:
            handle_button_down(display, gc, (XButtonEvent*)&an_event.xbutton, width, height);
        case MotionNotify:
            handle_drag(display, gc, (XButtonEvent*)&an_event.xbutton, width, height, sockfd);
        case KeyPress:
            handle_key(display, win, gc, his_gc, refresh_gc, map, (XKeyEvent*)&an_event.xkey, sockfd);
    quitme(display, gc, his_gc, refresh_gc, sockfd, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Display* display;		/* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  int screen_num;		/* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  Window win;			/* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  unsigned int display_width,
               display_height;	/* height and width of the X display.        */
  unsigned int width, height;	/* height and width for the new window.      */
  char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  GC gc;			/* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
				/*  in our window.			     */
  Cursor font_cursor,		/* handles for the cursors we will create.   */

  /* open connection with the X server. */
  display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  if (display == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
            argv[0], display_name);

  /* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);

  /* make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size. */
  width = (display_width / 3);
  height = (display_height / 3);
  printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", width, height);

  /* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  /* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  /* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  /* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  win = create_simple_window(display, width, height, 0, 0);

  /* allocate a new GC (graphics context) for drawing in the window. */
  gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
  XSync(display, False);

  /* play with cursors... */
    /* this variable will contain the ID of the newly created pixmap.    */
    Pixmap bitmap;
    /* these variables will contain the dimensions of the loaded bitmap. */
    unsigned int bitmap_width, bitmap_height;
    /* these variables will contain the location of the hotspot of the   */
    /* loaded bitmap.                                                    */
    int hotspot_x, hotspot_y;

    /* load the bitmap found in the file "icon.bmp", create a pixmap     */
    /* containing its data in the server, and put its ID in the 'bitmap' */
    /* variable.                                                         */
    int rc = XReadBitmapFile(display, win,
                             &bitmap_width, &bitmap_height,
                             &hotspot_x, &hotspot_y);
    /* check for failure or success. */
    switch (rc) {
        case BitmapOpenFailed:
            fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - could not open file 'icon.bmp'.\n");
        case BitmapFileInvalid:
                    "XReadBitmapFile - file '%s' doesn't contain a valid bitmap.\n",
        case BitmapNoMemory:
            fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - not enough memory.\n");

    /* create a 'watch' cursor. */
    font_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_watch);
    /* attach this cursor to our window. */
    XDefineCursor(display, win, font_cursor);
    XSync(display, False);

    /* make a short delay. */

    /* detach this cursor from our window. */
    XUndefineCursor(display, win);

    /* create a 'box' cursor. */
    font_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_box_spiral);
    /* attach this cursor to our window. */
    XDefineCursor(display, win, font_cursor);
    XSync(display, False);

    /* make a short delay. */

    /* detach this cursor from our window. */
    XUndefineCursor(display, win);

    /* create a cursor out of our icon's pixmap. */
      /* first, define forground and background colors for the cursor. */
      XColor cursor_fg, cursor_bg;

      /* access the default color map of our screen. */
      Colormap screen_colormap =
			DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));

      /* allocate black and while colors. */
      Status rc = XAllocNamedColor(display,
      if (rc == 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - canot allocate 'black' !\n");
      rc = XAllocNamedColor(display,
      if (rc == 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - canot allocate 'white' !\n");

      /* finally, generate the cursor. make the 'hot spot' be close to the */
      /* top-left corner of the cursor - location (x=5, y=4). */
      icon_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, bitmap, bitmap,
				        &cursor_fg, &cursor_bg,
                                        5, 4);

    /* attach the icon cursor to our window. */
    XDefineCursor(display, win, icon_cursor);
    XSync(display, False);

    /* make a short delay. */

    /* detach this cursor from our window. */
    XUndefineCursor(display, win);

    /* finally, free our icon pixmap. */
    XFreePixmap(display, bitmap);

  /* flush all pending requests to the X server. */

  /* make a delay for a short period. */

  /* close the connection to the X server. */
Ejemplo n.º 10
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Display* display;		/* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  int screen_num;		/* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  Window win;			/* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  unsigned int display_width,
               display_height;	/* height and width of the X display.        */
  unsigned int width, height;	/* height and width for the new window.      */
  char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  GC gc, rev_gc;		/* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
				/*  in our window.			     */
  short pixels[1000][1000];	/* used to store pixels on screen that were  */
				/* explicitly drawn or erased by the user.   */

  /* initialize the 'pixels' array to contain 0 values. */
    int x, y;
    for (x=0; x<1000; x++)
      for (y=0; y<1000; y++)
        pixels[x][y] = 0;

  /* open connection with the X server. */
  display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  if (display == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
            argv[0], display_name);

  /* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);

  /* make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size. */
  width = (display_width / 3);
  height = (display_height / 3);
  printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", width, height);

  /* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  /* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  /* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  /* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  win = create_simple_window(display, width, height, 0, 0);

  /* allocate two new GCs (graphics contexts) for drawing in the window. */
  /* the first is used for drawing black over white, the second is used  */
  /* for drawing white over black.                                       */
  gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
  rev_gc = create_gc(display, win, 1);

  /* subscribe to the given set of event types. */
  XSelectInput(display, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask |
                     ButtonPressMask | Button1MotionMask |
		     Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);

  /* perform an events loop */
    int done = 0;
    XEvent an_event;
    while (!done) {
      XNextEvent(display, &an_event);
      switch (an_event.type) {
        case Expose:
          /* redraw our window. */
	  handle_expose(display, gc, rev_gc, (XExposeEvent*)&an_event.xexpose,
             		width, height, pixels);
        case ConfigureNotify:
          /* update the size of our window, for expose events. */
          width = an_event.xconfigure.width;
          height = an_event.xconfigure.height;
        case ButtonPress:
          /* invert the pixel under the mouse pointer. */
          handle_button_down(display, gc, rev_gc,
                             width, height, pixels);
        case MotionNotify:
          /* invert the pixel under the mouse pointer. */
          handle_drag(display, gc, rev_gc,
                      width, height, pixels);
        case KeyPress:
          /* exit the application by braking out of the events loop. */
          done = 1;
        default: /* ignore any other event types. */
      } /* end switch on event type */
    } /* end while events handling */

  /* free the GCs. */
  XFreeGC(display, gc);
  XFreeGC(display, rev_gc);

  /* close the connection to the X server. */
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void
da_expose(Widget          w,
   	  XtPointer       client_data,
	  XtPointer       call_data)
	XExposeEvent   *e = &((XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *) call_data)
	XmString       *items, *selected_items, out_string, tmp_string;
	Boolean         underline;
	int             item_count, selected_count;
	Widget          list = (Widget) client_data;
	Dimension       width, height, extent, item_extent, string_height;
	int             i;
	XmFontList      font_list;
	XRectangle      clip;

	/* Extract items, selected items and font from XmList */
	              XmNitems, &items,
		      XmNitemCount, &item_count,
		      XmNselectedItems, &selected_items,
		      XmNselectedItemCount, &selected_count,
		      XmNfontList, &font_list,
	XtVaGetValues(w, XmNwidth, &width, XmNheight, &height, NULL);
	underline = (selected_count > 0);
	extent = 0;
	out_string = NULL;
	 * Form list items into a single compound string, inserting
	 * separators where needed to avoid drawing outside the XmDrawingArea
	for (i = 0; i < item_count; i++) {
		item_extent = XmStringWidth(font_list, items[i]);
		if (out_string != NULL && (extent + item_extent > width)) {
			extent = 0;
			out_string = string_append(out_string,
		tmp_string = XmStringConcat(out_string, items[i]);
		out_string = tmp_string;
		extent = extent + item_extent;
	string_height = XmStringHeight(font_list, out_string);
	clip.x = e->x;
	clip.y = e->y;
	clip.width = e->width;
	clip.height = e->height;
	XSetClipRectangles(XtDisplay(w), gc, 0, 0, &clip, 1, YXBanded);
	/* Draw compound string, underlining the selected item if any */
	if (underline)
		XmStringDrawUnderline(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), font_list,
		     out_string, gc, 0, (height - string_height) / 2, width,
		XmStringDraw(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), font_list, out_string, gc,
			     0, (height - string_height) / 2, width,
Ejemplo n.º 12
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Display* display;		/* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  int screen_num;		/* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  Window win;			/* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  unsigned int display_width,
               display_height;	/* height and width of the X display.        */
  unsigned int win_width,
	       win_height;	/* height and width for the new window.      */
  char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  GC gc;			/* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
				/*  in our window.			     */

  /* open connection with the X server. */
  display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  if (display == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
            argv[0], display_name);

  /* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);

  /* make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size. */
  win_width = (display_width / 3);
  win_height = (display_height / 3);
  printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", win_width, win_height);

  /* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  /* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  /* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  /* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  win = create_simple_window(display, win_width, win_height, 0, 0);

  /* allocate a new GC (graphics context) for drawing in the window. */
  gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);


  /* example of resizing a window. */
    int i;

    /* start shrinking our window in a loop. */
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      win_width -= 3;
      win_height -= 3;
      XResizeWindow(display, win, win_width, win_height);

    /* start shrinking our window in a loop. */
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      win_width += 3;
      win_height += 3;
      XResizeWindow(display, win, win_width, win_height);


  /* example of moving a window. */
    int i;
    XWindowAttributes win_attr;
    int x, y;
    int scr_x, scr_y;
    Window child_win;
    /* this variable will store the ID of the parent window of our window. */
    Window parent_win;

    /* first, get the current attributes of our window. */
    XGetWindowAttributes(display, win, &win_attr);

    x = win_attr.x;
    y = win_attr.y;

    /* next, find the parent window of our window.      */
      /* this variable will store the ID of the root window of the screen    */
      /* our window is mapped on.                                            */
      Window root_win;
      /* this variable will store an array of IDs of the child windows of    */
      /* our window.                                                         */
      Window* child_windows;
      /* and this one will store the number of child windows our window has. */
      int num_child_windows;

      /* finally, make the query for the above values. */
      XQueryTree(display, win,
                 &child_windows, &num_child_windows);

      /* we need to free the list of child IDs, as it was dynamically */
      /* allocated by the XQueryTree function.                        */

    /* next, translate the location coordinates to screen coordinates. */
    /* this is done using the root window as the destination window.   */
    /* this works since the root window always spans the entire screen */
    /* area, and thus has its top-left corner always at the top-left   */
    /* corner of the screen.                                           */
			  parent_win, win_attr.root,
			  x, y,
			  &scr_x, &scr_y,

    /* start moving the window to the left. */
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      scr_x -= 3;
      XMoveWindow(display, win, scr_x, scr_y);

    /* start moving the window to down. */
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      scr_y += 3;
      XMoveWindow(display, win, scr_x, scr_y);

    /* start moving the window to the right. */
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      scr_x += 3;
      XMoveWindow(display, win, scr_x, scr_y);

    /* start moving the window up. */
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      scr_y -= 3;
      XMoveWindow(display, win, scr_x, scr_y);


  /* example of iconifying and de-iconifying a window. */
    /* iconify our window. */
    XIconifyWindow(display, win, DefaultScreen(display));
    /* de-iconify our window. */
    XMapWindow(display, win);

  /* flush all pending requests to the X server. */

  /* make a delay for a short period. */

  /* close the connection to the X server. */
Ejemplo n.º 13
main(int argc, char* argv[])
	Display* display;
	Window win;
	char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");
	GC gc, rev_gc;
    Atom wmDelete;
	struct CEventDescriptor event =
		.Type = EVENT_NULL

	while (!ProcessGUIServer(&event))

	display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
	if (display == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
				argv[0], display_name);

	win = create_simple_window(display, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
	wmDelete = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
	XSetWMProtocols(display, win, &wmDelete, 1);

	gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
	rev_gc = create_gc(display, win, 1);

	XSelectInput(display, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask |
			ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask);

		int done = 0;
		XEvent an_event;
		while (!done) {
			XNextEvent(display, &an_event);
			switch (an_event.type) {
				case Expose:
					handle_expose(display, gc, rev_gc, (XExposeEvent*)&an_event.xexpose);

				case ButtonPress:
					handle_button_down(display, gc, rev_gc,

				case KeyPress:
					done = handle_key_down(display, gc, rev_gc,

				case ClientMessage:
					done = True;


	XFreeGC(display, gc);
	XFreeGC(display, rev_gc);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Display* display;		/* pointer to X Display structure.           */
  int screen_num;		/* number of screen to place the window on.  */
  Window win;			/* pointer to the newly created window.      */
  unsigned int display_width,
               display_height;	/* height and width of the X display.        */
  unsigned int width, height;	/* height and width for the new window.      */
  char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");  /* address of the X display.      */
  GC gc;			/* GC (graphics context) used for drawing    */
				/*  in our window.			     */
  Colormap screen_colormap;     /* color map to use for allocating colors.   */
  XColor red, brown, blue, yellow, green;
				/* used for allocation of the given color    */
				/* map entries.                              */
  Status rc;			/* return status of various Xlib functions.  */

  /* open connection with the X server. */
  display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
  if (display == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
            argv[0], display_name);

  /* get the geometry of the default screen for our display. */
  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
  display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
  display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);

  /* make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size. */
  width = (display_width / 3);
  height = (display_height / 3);
  printf("window width - '%d'; height - '%d'\n", width, height);

  /* create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's   */
  /* root window. Use the screen's white color as the background */
  /* color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner */
  /* at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                             */
  win = create_simple_window(display, width, height, 0, 0);

  /* allocate a new GC (graphics context) for drawing in the window. */
  gc = create_gc(display, win, 0);
  XSync(display, False);

  /* get access to the screen's color map. */
  screen_colormap = DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));

  /* allocate the set of colors we will want to use for the drawing. */
  rc = XAllocNamedColor(display, screen_colormap, "red", &red, &red);
  if (rc == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - failed to allocated 'red' color.\n");
  rc = XAllocNamedColor(display, screen_colormap, "brown", &brown, &brown);
  if (rc == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - failed to allocated 'brown' color.\n");
  rc = XAllocNamedColor(display, screen_colormap, "blue", &blue, &blue);
  if (rc == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - failed to allocated 'blue' color.\n");
  rc = XAllocNamedColor(display, screen_colormap, "yellow", &yellow, &yellow);
  if (rc == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - failed to allocated 'yellow' color.\n");
  rc = XAllocNamedColor(display, screen_colormap, "green", &green, &green);
  if (rc == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - failed to allocated 'green' color.\n");
  /* draw one pixel near each corner of the window */
  /* draw the pixels in a red color. */
  XSetForeground(display, gc, red.pixel);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, 5, 5);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, 5, height-5);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, width-5, 5);
  XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, width-5, height-5);

  /* draw two intersecting lines, one horizontal and one vertical, */
  /* which intersect at point "50,100".                            */
  /* draw the line in a brown color. */
  XSetForeground(display, gc, brown.pixel);
  XDrawLine(display, win, gc, 50, 0, 50, 200);
  XDrawLine(display, win, gc, 0, 100, 200, 100);

  /* now use the XDrawArc() function to draw a circle whose diameter */
  /* is 30 pixels, and whose center is at location '50,100'.         */
  /* draw the arc in a blue color. */
  XSetForeground(display, gc, blue.pixel);
  XDrawArc(display, win, gc, 50-(30/2), 100-(30/2), 30, 30, 0, 360*64);

    XPoint points[] = {
      {0, 0},
      {15, 15},
      {0, 15},
      {0, 0}
    int npoints = sizeof(points)/sizeof(XPoint);

    /* draw a small triangle at the top-left corner of the window. */
    /* the triangle is made of a set of consecutive lines, whose   */
    /* end-point pixels are specified in the 'points' array.       */
    /* draw the triangle in a yellow color. */
    XSetForeground(display, gc, yellow.pixel);
    XDrawLines(display, win, gc, points, npoints, CoordModeOrigin);

  /* draw a rectangle whose top-left corner is at '120,150', its width is */
  /* 50 pixels, and height is 60 pixels.                                  */
  /* draw the rectangle in a black color. */
  XSetForeground(display, gc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));
  XDrawRectangle(display, win, gc, 120, 150, 50, 60);

  /* draw a filled rectangle of the same size as above, to the left of the */
  /* previous rectangle.                                                   */
  /* draw the rectangle in a green color. */
  XSetForeground(display, gc, green.pixel);
  XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, 60, 150, 50, 60);

  /* flush all pending requests to the X server. */

  /* make a delay for a short period. */

  /* close the connection to the X server. */