Ejemplo n.º 1
// read in a new mission file from disk
int CFREDDoc::load_mission(char *pathname)
	char name[512], *old_name;
	int i, j, k, ob;
	int used_pool[MAX_WEAPON_TYPES];
	waypoint_list *wptr;
	object *objp;

	Parse_viewer_pos = view_pos;
	Parse_viewer_orient = view_orient;

	// activate the localizer hash table

	Fred_found_unknown_ship_during_parsing = 0;
	if (parse_main(pathname)) {
		sprintf(name, "Unable to load the file \"%s\"", pathname);
		return -1;

		Fred_view_wnd->MessageBox("Fred encountered unknown ship/weapon classes when parsing the mission file. This may be due to mission disk data you do not have");
	Fred_found_unknown_ship_during_parsing = 0;

	for (i=0; i<Num_waypoint_lists; i++) {
		wptr = &Waypoint_lists[i];
		for (j=0; j<wptr->count; j++){
			ob = obj_create(OBJ_WAYPOINT, -1, i * 65536 + j, NULL, &wptr->waypoints[j], 0.0f, OF_RENDERS);

	objp = GET_FIRST(&obj_used_list);
	while (objp != END_OF_LIST(&obj_used_list)) {
		if (objp->flags & OF_PLAYER_SHIP) {
			Assert(objp->type == OBJ_SHIP);
			objp->type = OBJ_START;
//			Player_starts++;

		objp = GET_NEXT(objp);

	for (i=0; i<num_wings; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<Wings[i].wave_count; j++) {
			ob = Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].objnum;
			wing_objects[i][j] = ob;
			Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].wingnum = i;
			Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].arrival_cue = Locked_sexp_false;

		// fix old ship names for ships in wings if needed
		while (j--) {
			if ( (Objects[wing_objects[i][j]].type == OBJ_SHIP) || (Objects[wing_objects[i][j]].type == OBJ_START) ) {  // don't change player ship names
				sprintf(name, "%s %d", Wings[i].name, j + 1);
				old_name = Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].ship_name;
				if (stricmp(name, old_name)) {  // need to fix name
					update_sexp_references(old_name, name);
					ai_update_goal_references(REF_TYPE_SHIP, old_name, name);
					for (k=0; k<Num_reinforcements; k++)
						if (!stricmp(old_name, Reinforcements[k].name)) {
							Assert(strlen(name) < NAME_LENGTH);
							strcpy(Reinforcements[k].name, name);

					strcpy(Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].ship_name, name);

	for ( j = 0; j < Num_teams; j++ ) {
		for (i=0; i<Num_weapon_types; i++) {
			Team_data[j].weaponry_pool[i] -= used_pool[i];  // convert weaponry_pool to be extras available beyond the current ships weapons
			if (Team_data[j].weaponry_pool[i] < 0)
				Team_data[j].weaponry_pool[i] = 0;

	Assert(Mission_palette >= 0);
	Assert(Mission_palette <= 98);

	if (The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_SUBSPACE) {
		strcpy(name, NOX("gamepalette-subspace"));
	} else {
		strcpy(name, "gamepalette1-01");
		// sprintf(name, NOX("gamepalette1-%02d"), Mission_palette + 1);


	// go through all ships and translate their alternate name indices	
	objp = GET_FIRST(&obj_used_list);
	while (objp != END_OF_LIST(&obj_used_list)) {
		// if this is a ship, check it, and mark its possible alternate name down in the auxiliary array
		if(((objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) || (objp->type == OBJ_START)) && (objp->instance >= 0) && (Ships[objp->instance].alt_type_index >= 0)){
			mission_parse_lookup_alt_index(Ships[objp->instance].alt_type_index, Fred_alt_names[objp->instance]);

			// also zero it
			Ships[objp->instance].alt_type_index = -1;

		objp = GET_NEXT(objp);

	view_pos = Parse_viewer_pos;
	view_orient = Parse_viewer_orient;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CFREDDoc::OnFileImportFSM() {
	char fs1_mission_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	char fs2_mission_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	char dest_directory[MAX_PATH + 1];

	// path stuff
		char *ch;

		// get base paths
		strcpy_s(fs1_mission_path, Fred_exe_dir);
		ch = strrchr(fs1_mission_path, DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
		if (ch != NULL)
			*ch = '\0';
		strcpy_s(fs2_mission_path, Fred_exe_dir);
		ch = strrchr(fs2_mission_path, DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
		if (ch != NULL)
			*ch = '\0';

		// estimate the mission path for FS1
		if ((ch = stristr(fs1_mission_path, "FreeSpace2")) != NULL) {
			strcpy(ch, "FreeSpace\\Data\\Missions");

		// estimate the mission path for FS2
		strcat_s(fs2_mission_path, "\\Data\\Missions");

	// if mission has been modified, offer to save before continuing.
	if (!SaveModified())

	// get location to import from
	CFileDialog dlgFile(TRUE, "fsm", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT, "FreeSpace Missions (*.fsm)|*.fsm|All files (*.*)|*.*||");
	dlgFile.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select one or more missions to import";
	dlgFile.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fs1_mission_path;

	// get FSM files
	if (dlgFile.DoModal() != IDOK)

	memset(dest_directory, 0, sizeof(dest_directory));

	// get location to save to    
#if ( _MFC_VER >= 0x0700 )
	//ITEMIDLIST fs2_mission_pidl = {0};

	//SHParseDisplayName(A2CW(fs2_mission_path), NULL, fs2_mission_pidl, 0, 0);

	bi.hwndOwner = theApp.GetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd();
	//bi.pidlRoot = &fs2_mission_pidl;
	bi.pidlRoot = NULL;
	bi.pszDisplayName = dest_directory;
	bi.lpszTitle = "Select a location to save in";
	bi.ulFlags = 0;
	bi.lpfn = NULL;
	bi.lParam = NULL;
	bi.iImage = NULL;

	LPCITEMIDLIST ret_val = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);

	if (ret_val == NULL)

	SHGetPathFromIDList(ret_val, dest_directory);
	CFolderDialog dlgFolder(_T("Select a location to save in"), fs2_mission_path, NULL);
	if (dlgFolder.DoModal() != IDOK)

	strcpy_s(dest_directory, dlgFolder.GetFolderPath());

	// clean things up first
	if (Briefing_dialog)


	// process all missions
	POSITION pos(dlgFile.GetStartPosition());
	while (pos) {
		char *ch;
		char filename[1024];
		char fs1_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
		char dest_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];

		CString fs1_path_mfc(dlgFile.GetNextPathName(pos));
		CFred_mission_save save;

		DWORD attrib;
		FILE *fp;

		// path name too long?
		if (strlen(fs1_path_mfc) > MAX_PATH_LEN - 1)

		// nothing here?
		if (!strlen(fs1_path_mfc))

		// get our mission
		strcpy_s(fs1_path, fs1_path_mfc);

		// load mission into memory
		if (load_mission(fs1_path, MPF_IMPORT_FSM))

		// get filename
		ch = strrchr(fs1_path, DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1;
		if (ch != NULL)
			strcpy_s(filename, ch);
			strcpy_s(filename, fs1_path);

		// truncate extension
		ch = strrchr(filename, '.');
		if (ch != NULL)
			*ch = '\0';

		// add new extension
		strcat_s(filename, ".fs2");

		strcpy_s(Mission_filename, filename);

		// get new path
		strcpy_s(dest_path, dest_directory);
		strcat_s(dest_path, "\\");
		strcat_s(dest_path, filename);

		// check attributes
		fp = fopen(dest_path, "r");
		if (fp) {
			attrib = GetFileAttributes(dest_path);

		// try to save it
		if (save.save_mission_file(dest_path))

		// success


	MessageBox(NULL, "Import complete.  Please check the destination folder to verify all missions were imported successfully.", "Status", MB_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Create a new mine, set global variables.
int create_new_mine(void)
	int	s;
	vms_vector	sizevec;
	vms_matrix	m1 = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
	// initialize_mine_arrays();
	//	gamestate_not_restored = 1;
	// Clear refueling center code
	Current_level_num = 0;		//0 means not a real level
	Current_level_name[0] = 0;
	Gamesave_current_version = LEVEL_FILE_VERSION;
	Cur_object_index = -1;
	reset_objects(1);		//just one object, the player
	num_groups = 0;
	current_group = -1;
	Num_vertices = 0;		// Number of vertices in global array.
	Highest_vertex_index = 0;
	Num_segments = 0;		// Number of segments in global array, will get increased in med_create_segment
	Highest_segment_index = 0;
	Cursegp = Segments;	// Say current segment is the only segment.
	Curside = WBACK;		// The active side is the back side
	Markedsegp = 0;		// Say there is no marked segment.
	Markedside = WBACK;	//	Shouldn't matter since Markedsegp == 0, but just in case...
	for (s=0;s<MAX_GROUPS+1;s++) {
		GroupList[s].num_segments = 0;		
		GroupList[s].num_vertices = 0;		
		Groupsegp[s] = NULL;
		Groupside[s] = 0;
	Num_robot_centers = 0;
	Num_open_doors = 0;
	// Create New_segment, which is the segment we will be adding at each instance.
	med_create_new_segment(vm_vec_make(&sizevec,DEFAULT_X_SIZE,DEFAULT_Y_SIZE,DEFAULT_Z_SIZE));		// New_segment = Segments[0];
	//	med_create_segment(Segments,0,0,0,DEFAULT_X_SIZE,DEFAULT_Y_SIZE,DEFAULT_Z_SIZE,vm_mat_make(&m1,F1_0,0,0,0,F1_0,0,0,0,F1_0));
	N_found_segs = 0;
	N_selected_segs = 0;
	N_warning_segs = 0;
	//--repair-- create_local_segment_data();
	ControlCenterTriggers.num_links = 0;
    //editor_status("New mine created.");
	return	0;			// say no error
Ejemplo n.º 4
int CFREDDoc::load_mission(char *pathname, int flags) {
	// make sure we're in the correct working directory!!!!!!

	char name[512], *old_name;
	int i, j, k, ob;
	int used_pool[MAX_WEAPON_TYPES];
	object *objp;

	Parse_viewer_pos = view_pos;
	Parse_viewer_orient = view_orient;

	// activate the localizer hash table


	if (parse_main(pathname, flags)) {
		if (flags & MPF_IMPORT_FSM) {
			sprintf(name, "Unable to import the file \"%s\".", pathname);
		} else {
			sprintf(name, "Unable to load the file \"%s\".", pathname);
		return -1;

	if ((Num_unknown_ship_classes > 0) || (Num_unknown_weapon_classes > 0) || (Num_unknown_loadout_classes > 0)) {
		if (flags & MPF_IMPORT_FSM) {
			char msg[256];
			sprintf(msg, "Fred encountered unknown ship/weapon classes when importing \"%s\" (path \"%s\"). You will have to manually edit the converted mission to correct this.", The_mission.name, pathname);
		} else {
			Fred_view_wnd->MessageBox("Fred encountered unknown ship/weapon classes when parsing the mission file. This may be due to mission disk data you do not have.");

	objp = GET_FIRST(&obj_used_list);
	while (objp != END_OF_LIST(&obj_used_list)) {
		if (objp->flags[Object::Object_Flags::Player_ship]) {
			Assert(objp->type == OBJ_SHIP);
			objp->type = OBJ_START;
			//			Player_starts++;

		objp = GET_NEXT(objp);

	for (i = 0; i < Num_wings; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < Wings[i].wave_count; j++) {
			ob = Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].objnum;
			wing_objects[i][j] = ob;
			Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].wingnum = i;
			Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].arrival_cue = Locked_sexp_false;

		// fix old ship names for ships in wings if needed
		while (j--) {
			if ((Objects[wing_objects[i][j]].type == OBJ_SHIP) || (Objects[wing_objects[i][j]].type == OBJ_START)) {  // don't change player ship names
				wing_bash_ship_name(name, Wings[i].name, j + 1);
				old_name = Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].ship_name;
				if (stricmp(name, old_name)) {  // need to fix name
					update_sexp_references(old_name, name);
					ai_update_goal_references(REF_TYPE_SHIP, old_name, name);
					update_texture_replacements(old_name, name);
					for (k = 0; k < Num_reinforcements; k++)
						if (!strcmp(old_name, Reinforcements[k].name)) {
							Assert(strlen(name) < NAME_LENGTH);
							strcpy_s(Reinforcements[k].name, name);

					strcpy_s(Ships[Wings[i].ship_index[j]].ship_name, name);

	for (i = 0; i < Num_teams; i++) {
		generate_weaponry_usage_list(i, used_pool);
		for (j = 0; j < Team_data[i].num_weapon_choices; j++) {
			// The amount used in wings is always set by a static loadout entry so skip any that were set by Sexp variables
			if ((!strlen(Team_data[i].weaponry_pool_variable[j])) && (!strlen(Team_data[i].weaponry_amount_variable[j]))) {
				// convert weaponry_pool to be extras available beyond the current ships weapons
				Team_data[i].weaponry_count[j] -= used_pool[Team_data[i].weaponry_pool[j]];
				if (Team_data[i].weaponry_count[j] < 0) {
					Team_data[i].weaponry_count[j] = 0;

				// zero the used pool entry
				used_pool[Team_data[i].weaponry_pool[j]] = 0;
		// double check the used pool is empty
		for (j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPON_TYPES; j++) {
			if (used_pool[j] != 0) {
				Warning(LOCATION, "%s is used in wings of team %d but was not in the loadout. Fixing now", Weapon_info[j].name, i + 1);

				// add the weapon as a new entry
				Team_data[i].weaponry_pool[Team_data[i].num_weapon_choices] = j;
				Team_data[i].weaponry_count[Team_data[i].num_weapon_choices] = used_pool[j];
				strcpy_s(Team_data[i].weaponry_amount_variable[Team_data[i].num_weapon_choices], "");
				strcpy_s(Team_data[i].weaponry_pool_variable[Team_data[i].num_weapon_choices++], "");

	Assert(Mission_palette >= 0);
	Assert(Mission_palette <= 98);

	// RT, don't need this anymore
#if 0

	if (The_mission.flags[Mission::Mission_Flags::Subspace]) {
		strcpy_s(name, NOX("gamepalette-subspace"));
	} else {
		strcpy_s(name, "gamepalette1-01");
		// sprintf(name, NOX("gamepalette1-%02d"), Mission_palette + 1);


	// go through all ships and translate their callsign and alternate name indices	
	objp = GET_FIRST(&obj_used_list);
	while (objp != END_OF_LIST(&obj_used_list)) {
		// if this is a ship, check it, and mark its possible alternate name down in the auxiliary array
		if (((objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) || (objp->type == OBJ_START)) && (objp->instance >= 0)) {
			if (Ships[objp->instance].alt_type_index >= 0) {
				mission_parse_lookup_alt_index(Ships[objp->instance].alt_type_index, Fred_alt_names[objp->instance]);

				// also zero it
				Ships[objp->instance].alt_type_index = -1;

			if (Ships[objp->instance].callsign_index >= 0) {
				mission_parse_lookup_callsign_index(Ships[objp->instance].callsign_index, Fred_callsigns[objp->instance]);

				// also zero it
				Ships[objp->instance].callsign_index = -1;

		objp = GET_NEXT(objp);

	view_pos = Parse_viewer_pos;
	view_orient = Parse_viewer_orient;


	return 0;