Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: HDR.cpp Proyecto: brunopop/hdr
	void Align::align(void)
		std::cout << "Registering input images..." << std::endl;

		// Vector containing the shift values in x and y between images i and i+1
		std::vector<std::vector<int>> consecutiveShifts(images->size()-1, std::vector<int>(2,0));

		// Compute the offsets between one image and the next one in the list
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<images->size()-1; i++)
			// Calculate the consecutive shifts in x and y between the current image and the next one
			std::cout << "Calculating shift between image " << i << " and image " << i+1 << "..." << std::endl;
			getExpShift((*images)[i], (*images)[i+1], shift_bits, consecutiveShifts[i]);
#ifdef DEBUG
			std::cout << "Shift between image " << i << " and image " << i+1 << ":\n"
				<< "\tx:  " << consecutiveShifts[i][0] << "\n"
				<< "\ty:  " << consecutiveShifts[i][1] << std::endl;
		} // end for all image pairs

		// Build a matrix of offsets from any image to any other one.

		// Use this matrix to crop the images so that they
		// have the same size and are correctly registered
Ejemplo n.º 2
pieces_t findPieces(const cv::Mat &inputImage)
	std::cout << "Finding pieces of the document in the input image..." << std::endl;
	rectangles_t rectangles = findSquares(inputImage);
	rectangles = filterOutOverlappingRectangles(rectangles);
	pieces_t result = cropImages(inputImage, rectangles);
	return result;