Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Berechnet die neue Kamerarichtung mithilfe des Quaternions aus der HMD.
void updateCameraPosition (void)
    if (1) {
        int i;
        Vector3d axis={0.0,0.0,0.0};
        Vector3d vector={0.0,0.0,0.0};
        double angle=0.0;
        G_center[2] = -1.0;

        G_up[0] = 0.0;
        G_up[1] = 1.0;
        G_up[2] = 0.0;
             /* Yaw */
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) axis[i]=G_up[i];
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) vector[i]=G_center[i];
            angle = -g_rotationAngleY;
            rotateVectorVector3d (&vector, axis, angle);
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) G_center[i]=vector[i];
            /* Pitch */
            crossProduct3D (axis, G_up, G_center);
            angle = g_rotationAngleX;
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) vector[i]=G_up[i];
            rotateVectorVector3d(&vector, axis, angle);
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) G_up[i]=vector[i];
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) vector[i]=G_center[i];
            rotateVectorVector3d(&vector, axis, angle);
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) G_center[i]=vector[i];
            /* Roll */
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) axis[i] = G_center[i]-G_eye[i];
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) vector[i] = G_up[i];
            angle = -g_rotationAngleZ;
            rotateVectorVector3d(&vector, axis, angle);
            for (i=0;i<3;i++) G_up[i]=vector[i];
    } else {
        G_center[0] = 0.0;
        G_center[1] = 0.0;
        G_center[2] = -1.0;

        G_up[0] = 0.0;
        G_up[1] = 1.0;
        G_up[2] = 0.0;
        cameraCalcYprToQuaternion ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
ObjectModelPlaneFromLines::computeModelCoefficients (const std::vector<int> &sample,
		Eigen::VectorXf &modelCoefficients){

	line line1,line2;

	//Create line1 from sample[0] and sample[1]
	line1.pbase = (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[0]];
	line1.director[0]=(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[1]].getX() - (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[0]].getX();
	line1.director[1]=(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[1]].getY() - (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[0]].getY();
	line1.director[2]=(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[1]].getZ() - (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[0]].getZ();

	//Create line1 from sample[2] and sample[3]
	line2.pbase = (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[2]];
	line2.director[0]=(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[3]].getX() - (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[2]].getX();
	line2.director[1]=(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[3]].getY() - (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[2]].getY();
	line2.director[2]=(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[3]].getZ() - (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[sample[2]].getZ();

	//Compute the model co-efficient of the lines from these lines
	std::vector<double> normal;



	modelCoefficients[0] = normal[0];
	modelCoefficients[1] = normal[1];
	modelCoefficients[2] = normal[2];

	modelCoefficients[3]= -modelCoefficients[0] * line1.pbase.getX() -
			modelCoefficients[1] * line1.pbase.getY() -
			modelCoefficients[2] * line1.pbase.getZ();

	if (abs(modelCoefficients[0])<geometryEpsilon&&abs(modelCoefficients[1])<geometryEpsilon&&abs(modelCoefficients[2])<geometryEpsilon)	{
		//Lines are parallel
		if (contains(line1, line2.pbase))
			return false;

		//Use a line's director vector and both pBase's difference to create the plane.
		std::vector<double> baseDifference;

		modelCoefficients[0] = normal[0];
		modelCoefficients[1] = normal[1];
		modelCoefficients[2] = normal[2];

		modelCoefficients[3]=-modelCoefficients[0] * line1.pbase.getX() -modelCoefficients[1] * line1.pbase.getY() -modelCoefficients[2] * line1.pbase.getZ();

	}	else {

		double  x = modelCoefficients[0]*line2.pbase.getX()+
		if (abs(x)>=geometryEpsilon) {
			cout<<"Lines do not intersect"<<endl;
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Erstellt aus den Drehungen Yaw, Pitch, Roll ein (mehrere) Quaternionen
 * und wendet diese passend auf den Up- und Center-Vector an.
void cameraCalcYprToQuaternion (void)
    Quaternion qr = malloc (sizeof(*qr));
    Quaternion qp = malloc (sizeof(*qp));
    Quaternion qy = malloc (sizeof(*qy));
    Quaternion qres = malloc (sizeof(*qres));
    Quaternion p = malloc (sizeof (*p));
    Vector3d upTmp = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
    Vector3d centerTmp = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
    Vector3d axis = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
    int i;
    /* Up- und Centervector zwischenspeichern */
    for (i=0;i<3;i++) upTmp[i] = G_up[i];
    for (i=0;i<3;i++) centerTmp[i] = G_center[i];
    printf ("logic up: %f, %f, %f\n", G_up[0],G_up[1],G_up[2]);
    /* Up-Vector */
        /* Axis für qr (roll) */
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) axis[i] = upTmp[i];
        /* qr erstellen */
        qr->s = cos ((g_rotationAngleZ/2.0) * PI / 180.0);
        printf ("qr->s = %f\n", qr->s);
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) qr->v[i] = sin ((g_rotationAngleZ/2.0) * PI / 180.0) * axis[i];
        /* Axis für qp (pitch) */
        crossProduct3D (axis, upTmp, centerTmp);
        printVector (axis);
        printf("g_rotationAngle... %f\n", g_rotationAngleX);
        /* qp erstellen */
        qp->s = cos ((g_rotationAngleX/2.0) * PI / 180.0);
        printf ("pq->s : %f\n", cos ((g_rotationAngleX/2.0) * PI / 180.0));
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) qp->v[i] = sin ((g_rotationAngleX/2.0) * PI / 180.0) * axis[i];
        printVector (qp->v);
        qr = normQuaternion (qr);
        qp = normQuaternion (qp);
        /* qr * qp */
        qres = multQuaterionQuaterion (qr, qp);
        /* p erstellen */
        p->s = 0.0;
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) p->v[i] = upTmp[i];
        qres = normQuaternion (qres);
        p = normQuaternion (p);
        /* q * p * q* */
        qres = multQuaterionQuaterion (multQuaterionQuaterion (qres, p), inverseQuaternion (qres));
        qres = normQuaternion (qres);
        /* up sichern */
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) G_up[i] = qres->v[i];
        printf ("logic up: %f, %f, %f\n", G_up[0],G_up[1],G_up[2]);
    /* Center-Vector */
        /* Axis für qp (pitch) */
        crossProduct3D (axis, upTmp, centerTmp);
        /* qp erstellen */
        qp->s = cos ((g_rotationAngleX/2.0) * PI / 180.0);
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) qp->v[i] = sin ((g_rotationAngleX/2.0) * PI / 180.0) * axis[i];
        /* qy erstellen */
        qy->s = cos ((g_rotationAngleY/2.0) * PI / 180.0);
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) qy->v[i] = sin ((g_rotationAngleY/2.0) * PI / 180.0) * upTmp[i];
        qy = normQuaternion (qr);
        qp = normQuaternion (qp);
        /* qp * qy */
        qres = multQuaterionQuaterion (qp, qy);
        qres = normQuaternion (qres);
        /* p erstellen */
        p->s = 0.0;
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) p->v[i] = centerTmp[i];
        qres = normQuaternion (qres);
        p = normQuaternion (p);
        /* q * p * p* */
        qres = multQuaterionQuaterion (multQuaterionQuaterion (qres, p), inverseQuaternion (qres));
        qres = normQuaternion (qres);
        /* center sichern */
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) G_center[i] = qres->v[i];