Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	size_t ct_size = 4;
	ContextTree ctw(ct_size);
	//Runs a coinflip example if the agent guesses randomly and the coin is random
	for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
	    int guess = rand01() < 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
	    int coin = rand01() < 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
		ctw.update(coin==guess ? 1 : 0);
	//Action and observation are 0, 1 so ctw_tree would predict reward 0 if it "understood" the game
// 	std::cout << ctw->prettyPrint();
// 	std::cout << "Sequence: " << ctw->printHistory() << std::endl;
// 	std::cout << "Next: "<< ctw->predictNext() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Original:" << std::endl << ctw.prettyPrint();
	ContextTree copy_tree(ctw);
	std::cout << "Copy:" << std::endl << copy_tree.prettyPrint();

	std::cout << "Original + 0:" << std::endl << ctw.prettyPrint();
	//std::cout << "Sequence: " << ctw.printHistory() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Copy + 1:" << std::endl << copy_tree.prettyPrint();
	//std::cout << "Sequence: " << copy_tree.printHistory() << std::endl;
//! [Main function]
int main()
//! [Main function]
  //! [Create data structures]
  std::vector< cv::Point3d > wX;
  std::vector< cv::Point2d >  x;
  //! [Create data structures]

  //! [Simulation]
  // Ground truth pose used to generate the data
  cv::Mat ctw_truth = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << -0.1, 0.1, 1.2); // Translation vector
  cv::Mat crw_truth = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << CV_PI/180*(5), CV_PI/180*(0), CV_PI/180*(45)); // Rotation vector
  cv::Mat cRw_truth(3,3,cv::DataType<double>::type); // Rotation matrix
  cv::Rodrigues(crw_truth, cRw_truth);

  // Input data: 3D coordinates of at least 6 non coplanar points
  double L = 0.2;
  wX.push_back( cv::Point3d(  -L, -L, 0  ) ); // wX_0 ( -L, -L, 0  )^T
  wX.push_back( cv::Point3d( 2*L, -L, 0.2) ); // wX_1 (-2L, -L, 0.2)^T
  wX.push_back( cv::Point3d(   L,  L, 0.2) ); // wX_2 (  L,  L, 0.2)^T
  wX.push_back( cv::Point3d(  -L,  L, 0  ) ); // wX_3 ( -L,  L, 0  )^T
  wX.push_back( cv::Point3d(-2*L,  L, 0  ) ); // wX_4 (-2L,  L, 0  )^T
  wX.push_back( cv::Point3d(   0,  0, 0.5) ); // wX_5 (  0,  0, 0.5)^T

  // Input data: 2D coordinates of the points on the image plane
  for(int i = 0; i < wX.size(); i++) {
    cv::Mat cX = cRw_truth*cv::Mat(wX[i]) + ctw_truth; // Update cX, cY, cZ
    x.push_back( cv::Point2d( cX.at<double>(0, 0)/cX.at<double>(2, 0),
                              cX.at<double>(1, 0)/cX.at<double>(2, 0) ) ); // x = (cX/cZ, cY/cZ)
  //! [Simulation]

  //! [Call function]
  cv::Mat ctw(3, 1, CV_64F); // Translation vector
  cv::Mat cRw(3, 3, CV_64F); // Rotation matrix

  pose_dlt(wX, x, ctw, cRw);
  //! [Call function]

  std::cout << "ctw (ground truth):\n" << ctw_truth << std::endl;
  std::cout << "ctw (computed with DLT):\n" << ctw << std::endl;
  std::cout << "cRw (ground truth):\n" << cRw_truth << std::endl;
  std::cout << "cRw (computed with DLT):\n" << cRw << std::endl;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Called with the queue locked and with at least one element
CompileTask* AdvancedThresholdPolicy::select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue) {
  CompileTask *max_task = NULL;
  methodOop max_method;
  jlong t = os::javaTimeMillis();
  // Iterate through the queue and find a method with a maximum rate.
  for (CompileTask* task = compile_queue->first(); task != NULL;) {
    CompileTask* next_task = task->next();
    methodOop method = (methodOop)JNIHandles::resolve(task->method_handle());
    methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data();
    update_rate(t, method);
    if (max_task == NULL) {
      max_task = task;
      max_method = method;
    } else {
      // If a method has been stale for some time, remove it from the queue.
      if (is_stale(t, TieredCompileTaskTimeout, method) && !is_old(method)) {
        if (PrintTieredEvents) {
          print_event(KILL, method, method, task->osr_bci(), (CompLevel)task->comp_level());
        CompileTaskWrapper ctw(task); // Frees the task
        task = next_task;

      // Select a method with a higher rate
      if (compare_methods(method, max_method)) {
        max_task = task;
        max_method = method;
    task = next_task;

  if (max_task->comp_level() == CompLevel_full_profile && is_method_profiled(max_method)) {
    if (PrintTieredEvents) {
      print_event(UPDATE, max_method, max_method, max_task->osr_bci(), (CompLevel)max_task->comp_level());

  return max_task;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  int RowTemporaryWritter::process(Row& row)
    if (this->columns.size() == 0)
      uint16_t columnId = 1;
      for (Row::row_t::const_reverse_iterator it = row.computedRow.rbegin(); it != row.computedRow.rend(); ++it)
        if (!(*it).displayed)
        std::string name = (*it).columnName;
        if ((*it).tableName != "")
          // FIXME
          // name = (*it).tableName + "." + name;
        unsigned int ID = columnId;
        unsigned int size = (*it).size; 
        aq::ColumnType type = (*it).type;
        std::string type_str = columnTypeToStr(type);

        Column::Ptr column(new Column(name, ID, size, type));
        column->Temporary = true;

        boost::shared_ptr<ColumnTemporaryWritter> ctw(new ColumnTemporaryWritter);
        ctw->column = column;
        ctw->filename = getTemporaryFileName( tableId, columnId, 0, type_str.c_str(), size);
        ctw->filename = path + "/" + ctw->filename;
        ctw->file = fopen(ctw->filename.c_str(), "wb");

    if (row.completed)
      this->totalCount += 1;

      uint16_t c = 0;
      uint64_t count = row.count;
      for (Row::row_t::const_reverse_iterator it = row.computedRow.rbegin(); it != row.computedRow.rend(); ++it)
        if (!(*it).displayed)
        assert((*it).item != NULL);

        switch (this->columnsWritter[c]->column->Type)
        case ColumnType::COL_TYPE_BIG_INT:
        case ColumnType::COL_TYPE_DATE:
            int64_t value = static_cast<int64_t>((*it).item->numval);
            fwrite(&value, sizeof(int64_t), 1, this->columnsWritter[c]->file);
        case ColumnType::COL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
            double value = (*it).item->numval;
            fwrite(&value, sizeof(double), 1, this->columnsWritter[c]->file);
        case ColumnType::COL_TYPE_INT:
            int32_t value = static_cast<int32_t>((*it).item->numval);
            fwrite(&value, sizeof(int32_t), 1, this->columnsWritter[c]->file);
        case ColumnType::COL_TYPE_VARCHAR:
            assert(strlen((*it).item->strval.c_str()) <= this->columnsWritter[c]->column->Size);
            char * value = new char[this->columnsWritter[c]->column->Size + 1];
            memset(value, 0, this->columnsWritter[c]->column->Size + 1);
            strcpy(value, (*it).item->strval.c_str());
            fwrite(value, sizeof(char) * this->columnsWritter[c]->column->Size, 1, this->columnsWritter[c]->file);
        if ((this->totalCount % this->packetSize) == 0)
          unsigned int packet = this->totalCount / this->packetSize;
          unsigned int ID = c + 1;
          unsigned int size = (*it).size; 
          aq::ColumnType type = (*it).type;
          std::string type_str = columnTypeToStr(type);
          boost::shared_ptr<ColumnTemporaryWritter> ctw = this->columnsWritter[c];
          ctw->filename = getTemporaryFileName( tableId, ID, packet, type_str.c_str(), size);
          ctw->filename = path + "/" + ctw->filename;
          ctw->file = fopen(ctw->filename.c_str(), "wb");

        this->columnsWritter[c]->nbEl += 1;

    if (row.flush)
      for (auto& ctw : this->columnsWritter) 
        ctw->file = 0;

    return 0;