Ejemplo n.º 1
int UCBKRandomized::getNextAction()
	vector< double > cumsum( getArmNumber()+1 );
	int i;

	cumsum[0] = 0.0;
	for( int i=0; i < getArmNumber(); i++ )
		cumsum[i+1] = cumsum[i] + _valueRecord[i]->first;

	for( i=0; i < getArmNumber(); i++ )
		cumsum[i+1] /= cumsum[  getArmNumber() ];

	double r = rand() / (double) RAND_MAX;

	for( i=0; i < getArmNumber(); i++ )
		if ( (cumsum[i] <= r) && ( r<=cumsum[i+1] )  ) break;

	return i;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//X,P must be given at logscale
//wrapper function for recursion methods:
void prodrecfunction(double *pvalue, double *LRsuspect, double *LRlist, double *Plist, int *M, int *G,double *inflationfactor) {

 int *cG = malloc(sizeof(int)*((*M)+1));
 cumsum(G, M, cG);

#ifdef DEBUG 
 int i,j;
 for(i=0; i<*M; i++) {
  for(j=0; j<G[i]; j++) { printf("X[%d,%d]=%lf\n",i,j,LRlist[cG[i]+j]); }
  for(j=0; j<G[i]; j++) { printf("P[%d,%d]=%lf\n",i,j,Plist[cG[i]+j]); }

 int marker = 0;
 double score = 1.0;
 double pval = 1;
 *pvalue = recfun(marker, score, pval, LRsuspect, LRlist, Plist, M, G, cG, inflationfactor);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    int Exp3::getNextAction()
        vector< AlphaReal > cumsum( getArmNumber()+1 );
        int i;

        cumsum[0] = 0.0;
        for( int i=0; i < getArmNumber(); i++ )
            cumsum[i+1] = cumsum[i] + _pHat[i];

        for( i=0; i < getArmNumber(); i++ )
            cumsum[i+1] /= cumsum[  getArmNumber() ];

        AlphaReal r = rand() / (AlphaReal) RAND_MAX;

        for( i=0; i < getArmNumber(); i++ )
            if ( (cumsum[i] <= r) && ( r<=cumsum[i+1] )  ) break;

        return i;
Particles ResamplingMultinomialCUDA::resample(Particles* particles){

    Particles resampledSet;
    resampledSet.samples = fmat(particles->samples.n_rows,particles->samples.n_cols);
    resampledSet.weights = frowvec(particles->weights.n_cols);

    fvec cumsum = zeros<fvec>(particles->weights.n_cols);
    fvec random = randu<fvec>(particles->weights.n_cols);

    for (unsigned int i=1; i < particles->weights.n_cols;++i){
        cumsum(i) = cumsum(i-1) + particles->weights(i);

    random=random * cumsum(cumsum.n_rows-1);

    // sort random
    random = sort(random);

    for (unsigned int j=0; j < random.n_rows; ++j){
        for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < cumsum.n_rows; ++i){
            if (random(j) <= cumsum(i)){
                if(i > 0){
                    if(random(j) >= cumsum(i-1)) {
                        for (unsigned int k=0;k<particles->samples.n_rows;++k){
                            resampledSet.samples(k,j) = particles->samples(k,i);
                else {
                    for (unsigned int k=0;k<particles->samples.n_rows;++k){
                        resampledSet.samples(k,j) = particles->samples(k,i);


            // Normalize weights
            resampledSet.weights(j) = 1.0f/particles->weights.n_cols;

    return resampledSet;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//' Generate a Random Walk without Drift
//' Generates a random walk without drift.
//' @param N      An \code{integer} for signal length.
//' @param sigma2 A \code{double} that contains process variance.
//' @return grw A \code{vec} containing the random walk without drift.
//' @backref src/gen_process.cpp
//' @backref src/gen_process.h
//' @keywords internal
//' @examples
//' gen_rw(10, 8.2)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec gen_rw(const unsigned int N, const double sigma2 = 1)
  arma::vec grw(N);
  double sigma = sqrt(sigma2);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++){
      grw(i) = R::rnorm(0.0, sigma);
  return cumsum(grw);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: cum.c Proyecto: Vladimir84/rcc
SEXP do_cum(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP s, t, ans;
    int i;
    checkArity(op, args);
    if (DispatchGroup("Math", call, op, args, env, &ans))
	return ans;
    if (isComplex(CAR(args))) {
	t = CAR(args);
	s = allocVector(CPLXSXP, LENGTH(t));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	for (i = 0 ; i < length(t) ; i++) {
	    COMPLEX(s)[i].r = NA_REAL;
	    COMPLEX(s)[i].i = NA_REAL;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    return ccumsum(t, s);
	case 2: /* cumprod */
	    return ccumprod(t, s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    errorcall(call, _("min/max not defined for complex numbers"));
	    errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function"));
    else { /* Non-Complex:  here, (sh|c)ould differentiate  real / int */
	PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
	s = allocVector(REALSXP, LENGTH(t));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	for(i = 0 ; i < length(t) ; i++)
	    REAL(s)[i] = NA_REAL;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    return cumsum(t,s);
	case 2: /* cumprod */
	    return cumprod(t,s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    return cummax(t,s);
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    return cummin(t,s);
	    errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function"));
    return R_NilValue; /* for -Wall */
Ejemplo n.º 7
    "getBestStump()" function saves the best decision stump's threshold, weak hypothesis and its error;
void DSC::getBestStump(Threshold &threshold, ivec &hypothesis, double &error)
    /* Separating weights by classes: */
    mat class1Weights = weights(find(classes == -1));
    mat class2Weights = weights(find(classes == +1));

    /* Accumulate weights for given thresholds ("number of thresholds" x "number of features"): */
    mat thresholdWeights1 = accumarray(join_rows(class1Thresholds, featureIndexes1),
                                       repmat(class1Weights, features.n_cols, 1),
                                       SizeMat(N_THRESHOLDS, features.n_cols));
    mat thresholdWeights2 = accumarray(join_rows(class2Thresholds, featureIndexes2),
                                       repmat(class2Weights, features.n_cols, 1),
                                       SizeMat(N_THRESHOLDS, features.n_cols));

        Looking for threshold with minimum error;
        Here we construct cummulative sum of weights for seaprate classes, then we add them;
        In order to find the smallest error, we consider both directions of a threshold;
    mat thresholdErrors = flipud(cumsum(flipud(thresholdWeights1))) + cumsum(thresholdWeights2);
    thresholdErrors = join_cols(thresholdErrors, sum(weights) - thresholdErrors);
    uword index;
    uword featureType;
    error = thresholdErrors.min(index, featureType);
    threshold.featureType = featureType;
    if (index > N_THRESHOLDS - 1)
        threshold.direction = -1;
        index -= N_THRESHOLDS;
        threshold.direction = +1;

    threshold.value = minFeatures(featureType) + (ranges(featureType) / N_THRESHOLDS) * index;

    /* Evaluating hypothesis for derived threshold: */
    classify(threshold, features, hypothesis);

Ejemplo n.º 8
	void operate(array<T1, S1>& u, array <T2, S2>& p, array <T3, S3>& q, sep,
					 const array<T4, S4>& a, const size_array& idx = size_array())  // idx only used internally!
		if (a.empty()) { u.init(); p.init(); q.init(); return; }
		q = arr(true).cat(diff(a) != 0);
		if (FIRST) (_, p) = find++(q);
		else       (_, p) = find++(cshift(q, -1));
		u = a[p];
		if (!idx.empty()) force(p) = idx[p];
		q[0] = T3();
		q = cumsum(q);
Ejemplo n.º 9
	void operate(array<T1, S1>& u, array <array <T2, S21>, S22>& p,
					 array <T3, S3>& q, sep,
					 const array<T4, S4>& a, const size_array& idx = size_array())  // idx only used internally!
		if (a.empty()) { u.init(); p.init(); q.init(); return; }
		q = arr(true).cat(diff(a) != 0);
		size_array first = find(q);
		u = a[first];
		if (idx.empty()) (_, p) = partition++(size_array((0, _, a.length() - 1)), first);  // TODO: remove size_array copy
		else             (_, p) = partition++(idx, first);
		q[0] = T3();
		q = cumsum(q);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void pm_ghosts_reduce(PMGhostData * pgd, int attributes) {
    PM * pm = pgd->pm;
    PMStore * p = pgd->p;

    size_t Nsend = cumsum(NULL, pgd->Nsend, pm->NTask);
    size_t Nrecv = cumsum(NULL, pgd->Nrecv, pm->NTask);
    ptrdiff_t i;

    pgd->elsize = p->pack(pgd->p, 0, NULL, attributes);
    pgd->recv_buffer = fastpm_memory_alloc(pm->mem, Nrecv * pgd->elsize, FASTPM_MEMORY_HEAP);
    pgd->send_buffer = fastpm_memory_alloc(pm->mem, Nsend * pgd->elsize, FASTPM_MEMORY_HEAP);
    pgd->ReductionAttributes = attributes;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(i = 0; i < pgd->nghosts; i ++) {
        p->pack(p, i + pgd->np,
            (char*) pgd->recv_buffer + i * pgd->elsize, 

    MPI_Datatype GHOST_TYPE;
    MPI_Type_contiguous(pgd->elsize, MPI_BYTE, &GHOST_TYPE);
    MPI_Alltoallv_sparse(pgd->recv_buffer, pgd->Nrecv, pgd->Orecv, GHOST_TYPE,
                  pgd->send_buffer, pgd->Nsend, pgd->Osend, GHOST_TYPE,

    /* now reduce the attributes. */
    int ighost;
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(ighost = 0; ighost < Nsend; ighost ++) {
        p->reduce(p, pgd->ighost_to_ipar[ighost],
            (char*) pgd->send_buffer + ighost * pgd->elsize,
    fastpm_memory_free(pm->mem, pgd->send_buffer);
    fastpm_memory_free(pm->mem, pgd->recv_buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /*! Inverse uniform cdf sampling to sample from discrete distribution
  *  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling
  *  @param densities Vector of discrete probabilities that sum to one (density)
  *  @retval Index of the randomly sampled vector item.
 size_t sample_discrete(const vec & densities){
   size_t n = densities.size();
   vec cum_prob = zeros(n+1);
   cum_prob(span(1, n))= cumsum(densities);
   double u = uniform();
   for(auto i : range(n)){
     if(u <= cum_prob(i+1)){
       return i;
   // Shouldn't get to here
   throw invalid_argument("Function sample_discrete failed...");
Ejemplo n.º 12
Solution VDSpiral (SpiralParams& sp) {

	GradientParams gp;

	Matrix<double>& fov = sp.fov; 
	Matrix<double>& rad = sp.rad; 
	double k_max, fov_max, dr;
	Matrix<double> r, theta;
	long n = 0;

	assert (numel(rad) >= 2);
	assert (isvec(rad) == isvec(fov));
	assert (numel(rad) == numel(fov));

	k_max   = 5.0 / sp.res;
	fov_max = m_max(fov);

	dr  = sp.shots / (fov_max);
	n   = size(fov,1)*100;
	r   = linspace<double> (0.0, k_max, n);
	Matrix<double> x = k_max*rad;
	fov = interp1 (x, fov, r, INTERP::LINEAR);

	dr  = sp.shots / (1500.0 * fov_max);
	n   = ceil (k_max/dr);
	x   = r;
	r   = linspace<double> (0.0, k_max, n);

	fov = interp1 (x, fov, r, INTERP::AKIMA);

	theta = cumsum ((2 * PI * dr / sp.shots) * fov);

	gp.k = Matrix<double> (numel(r), 3);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < numel(r); i++) {
		gp.k(i,0) = r[i] * cos (theta[i]);
		gp.k(i,1) = r[i] * sin (theta[i]);

	gp.mgr     = sp.mgr;
	gp.msr     = sp.msr;
	gp.dt      = sp.dt;
	gp.gunits  = sp.gunits;
	gp.lunits  = sp.lunits;

	Solution s = ComputeGradient (gp);
	return s;

Ejemplo n.º 13
double auc( vec preds, uvec labels )
    // one class auc, preds are for the positive class

    double auc;
    int n = preds.n_elem; 
    int n_pos = sum( labels );

    uvec order = sort_index( preds, "descend" );
    vec preds_ord = preds( order );
    uvec labels_ord = labels( order );

    uvec above = 
        cumsum( ones<uvec>( labels_ord.n_elem ) )
        - cumsum( labels_ord );
    auc = ( 1. - double(sum( above % labels_ord )) /
            ( double( n_pos ) * double( n - n_pos ) ) );

    return auc;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Draw random variable from discrete distribution given by pp with nn entries.
// !! Labels are 1:nn, NOT 0:NN-1 since we don't use them as indices !!
// pp : array with probabilities
// nn : number of possible outcomes
// cump : array to store cumsum in (pre-allocated)
// eps : machine epsilon
inline unsigned int discrnd(const double *pp, unsigned int nn, double *cump, double eps)
  double u;

  cump[nn-1] = 1+eps;
  u = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
  u *= 1-eps;
  for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
    if(u < cump[i])
      return (i+1);
  mexErrMsgTxt("Did not sample discrte random variable!!\n");
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int sample_from( float* p,int num)
         float * a=cumsum(p,num);

         float u = ((float )rand()/( float )RAND_MAX);
		 int i=num-2;
         for ( i=num-2; i>=0; i--)
                  if (a[i]<u)

         delete [] a;
         return i+1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 size_t multinomial(const std::vector<Double>& prb) {
   if (prb.size() == 1) { return 0; }
   Double sum(0);
   for(size_t i = 0; i < prb.size(); ++i) {
     ASSERT_GE(prb[i], 0); // Each entry must be P[i] >= 0
     sum += prb[i];
   ASSERT_GT(sum, 0); // Normalizer must be positive
   // actually draw the random number
   const Double rnd(uniform<Double>(0,1));
   size_t ind = 0;
   for(Double cumsum(prb[ind]/sum); 
       rnd > cumsum && (ind+1) < prb.size(); 
       cumsum += (prb[++ind]/sum));
   return ind;
 } // end of multinomial
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Draw multinomial variable with distribution pp with nn entries.
// This is just a port of the meat of Matlab's mnrnd function.
// out : array of uints to store result (pre-allocated).  Since returned in
//       array results will need to be made 1-based.  
// N : number of trials
// pp : array with probabilities
// nn : number of possible outcomes
// cump : array to store cumsum in (pre-allocated)
// eps : machine epsilon
inline void multirnd(double *out, unsigned int N, const double *pp, 
                     unsigned int nn, double *cump, double eps)
  double u;

  cump[nn-1] = 1+eps;
  for(int n = 0; n < N; n++)
    // Draw discrete r.v. according to pp and accumlate in entries of out
    u = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
    u *= 1-eps;
    for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
      if(u < cump[i])
        out[i] += 1;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int Stump::train(const Mat& data, const Mat& labels, const Mat& weights)
    CV_Assert(labels.rows == 1 && labels.cols == data.cols);
    CV_Assert(weights.rows == 1 && weights.cols == data.cols);
    /* Assert that data and labels have int type */
    /* Assert that weights have float type */

    /* Prepare labels for each feature rearranged according to sorted order */
    Mat sorted_labels(data.rows, data.cols, labels.type());
    Mat sorted_weights(data.rows, data.cols, weights.type());
    Mat indices;
    sortIdx(data, indices, cv::SORT_EVERY_ROW | cv::SORT_ASCENDING);
    for( int row = 0; row < indices.rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < indices.cols; ++col )
            sorted_labels.at<int>(row, col) =
                labels.at<int>(0, indices.at<int>(row, col));
            sorted_weights.at<float>(row, col) =
                weights.at<float>(0, indices.at<int>(row, col));

    /* Sort feature values */
    Mat sorted_data(data.rows, data.cols, data.type());
    sort(data, sorted_data, cv::SORT_EVERY_ROW | cv::SORT_ASCENDING);

    /* Split positive and negative weights */
    Mat pos_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    Mat neg_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    for( int row = 0; row < data.rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < data.cols; ++col )
            if( sorted_labels.at<int>(row, col) == +1 )
                pos_weights.at<float>(row, col) =
                    sorted_weights.at<float>(row, col);
                neg_weights.at<float>(row, col) =
                    sorted_weights.at<float>(row, col);

    /* Compute cumulative sums for fast stump error computation */
    Mat pos_cum_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    Mat neg_cum_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    cumsum(pos_weights, pos_cum_weights);
    cumsum(neg_weights, neg_cum_weights);

    /* Compute total weights of positive and negative samples */
    float pos_total_weight = pos_cum_weights.at<float>(0, weights.cols - 1);
    float neg_total_weight = neg_cum_weights.at<float>(0, weights.cols - 1);

    float eps = 1.0f / (4 * labels.cols);

    /* Compute minimal error */
    float min_err = FLT_MAX;
    int min_row = -1;
    int min_col = -1;
    int min_polarity = 0;
    float min_pos_value = 1, min_neg_value = -1;

    for( int row = 0; row < sorted_weights.rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < sorted_weights.cols - 1; ++col )
            float err, h_pos, h_neg;

            // Direct polarity

            float pos_wrong = pos_cum_weights.at<float>(row, col);
            float pos_right = pos_total_weight - pos_wrong;

            float neg_right = neg_cum_weights.at<float>(row, col);
            float neg_wrong = neg_total_weight - neg_right;

            h_pos = (float)(.5 * log((pos_right + eps) / (pos_wrong + eps)));
            h_neg = (float)(.5 * log((neg_wrong + eps) / (neg_right + eps)));

            err = sqrt(pos_right * neg_wrong) + sqrt(pos_wrong * neg_right);

            if( err < min_err )
                min_err = err;
                min_row = row;
                min_col = col;
                min_polarity = +1;
                min_pos_value = h_pos;
                min_neg_value = h_neg;

            // Opposite polarity
            swap(pos_right, pos_wrong);
            swap(neg_right, neg_wrong);

            h_pos = -h_pos;
            h_neg = -h_neg;

            err = sqrt(pos_right * neg_wrong) + sqrt(pos_wrong * neg_right);

            if( err < min_err )
                min_err = err;
                min_row = row;
                min_col = col;
                min_polarity = -1;
                min_pos_value = h_pos;
                min_neg_value = h_neg;

    /* Compute threshold, store found values in fields */
    threshold_ = ( sorted_data.at<int>(min_row, min_col) +
                   sorted_data.at<int>(min_row, min_col + 1) ) / 2;
    polarity_ = min_polarity;
    pos_value_ = min_pos_value;
    neg_value_ = min_neg_value;

    return min_row;
Ejemplo n.º 19
clear a; nb = 2500; a = rand(nb, nb) * 50; tic(); cumsum(a); toc
clear a; nb = 2500; a = rand(nb, nb) * 50; a = a + a *%i; tic(); cumsum(a); toc
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_cumsum(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out)
    types::Double* pDblIn       = NULL;
    types::Double* pDblOut      = NULL;
    types::Polynom* pPolyIn     = NULL;
    types::Polynom* pPolyOut    = NULL;

    int iOrientation    = 0;
    int iOuttype        = 1; // 1 = native | 2 = double (type of output value)

    if (in.size() < 1 || in.size() > 3)
        Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "cumsum", 1, 3);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if (_iRetCount > 1)
        Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "cumsum", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    bool isCloned = true;
    /***** get data *****/
    switch (in[0]->getType())
        case types::InternalType::ScilabDouble:
            pDblIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>();
            isCloned = false;
        case types::InternalType::ScilabBool:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Bool>());
            iOuttype = 2;
        case types::InternalType::ScilabPolynom:
            pPolyIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Polynom>();
            isCloned = false;
        case types::InternalType::ScilabInt8:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int8>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabInt16:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int16>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabInt32:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int32>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabInt64:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int64>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt8:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt8>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt16:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt16>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt32:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt32>());
        case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt64:
            pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt64>());
            std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_cumsum";
            return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out);

    if (in.size() >= 2)
        if (in[1]->isDouble())
            types::Double* pDbl = in[1]->getAs<types::Double>();

            if (pDbl->isScalar() == false)
                if (isCloned)

                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A positive scalar expected.\n"), "cumsum", 2);
                return types::Function::Error;

            iOrientation = static_cast<int>(pDbl->get(0));

            if (iOrientation <= 0)
                if (isCloned)

                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A positive scalar expected.\n"), "cumsum", 2);
                return types::Function::Error;
        else if (in[1]->isString())
            types::String* pStr = in[1]->getAs<types::String>();

            if (pStr->isScalar() == false)
                if (isCloned)

                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar string expected.\n"), "cumsum", 2);
                return types::Function::Error;

            wchar_t* wcsString = pStr->get(0);

            if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"*") == 0)
                iOrientation = 0;
            else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"r") == 0)
                iOrientation = 1;
            else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"c") == 0)
                iOrientation = 2;
            else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"m") == 0)
                int iDims = 0;
                int* piDimsArray = NULL;

                if (pDblIn)
                    iDims = pDblIn->getDims();
                    piDimsArray = pDblIn->getDimsArray();
                    iDims = pPolyIn->getDims();
                    piDimsArray = pPolyIn->getDimsArray();

                // old function was "mtlsel"
                for (int i = 0; i < iDims; i++)
                    if (piDimsArray[i] > 1)
                        iOrientation = i + 1;
            else if ((wcscmp(wcsString, L"native") == 0) && (in.size() == 2))
                iOuttype = 1;
            else if ((wcscmp(wcsString, L"double") == 0) && (in.size() == 2))
                iOuttype = 2;
                const char* pstrExpected = NULL;
                if (in.size() == 2)
                    pstrExpected = "\"*\",\"r\",\"c\",\"m\",\"native\",\"double\"";
                    pstrExpected = "\"*\",\"r\",\"c\",\"m\"";

                if (isCloned)

                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"), "cumsum", 2, pstrExpected);
                return types::Function::Error;
            if (isCloned)

            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix or a string expected.\n"), "cumsum", 2);
            return types::Function::Error;

    if (in.size() == 3)
        if (in[2]->isString() == false)
            if (isCloned)

            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "cumsum", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        types::String* pStr = in[2]->getAs<types::String>();

        if (pStr->isScalar() == false)
            if (isCloned)

            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar string expected.\n"), "cumsum", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        wchar_t* wcsString = pStr->get(0);

        if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"native") == 0)
            iOuttype = 1;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"double") == 0)
            iOuttype = 2;
            if (isCloned)

            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: %s or %s expected.\n"), "cumsum", 3, "\"native\"", "\"double\"");
            return types::Function::Error;

    /***** perform operation *****/
    if (pDblIn)
        if (iOrientation > pDblIn->getDims())
            if (in[0]->isDouble())
                pDblOut = pDblIn->clone()->getAs<types::Double>();
                pDblOut = pDblIn;

            if (in[0]->isBool() == false)
                iOuttype = 2;
            pDblOut = new types::Double(pDblIn->getDims(), pDblIn->getDimsArray(), pDblIn->isComplex());
            cumsum(pDblIn, iOrientation, pDblOut);
            if (isCloned)
                delete pDblIn;
                pDblIn = NULL;
    else if (pPolyIn)
        iOuttype = 1;
        if (iOrientation > pPolyIn->getDims())
            pPolyOut = pPolyIn->clone()->getAs<types::Polynom>();
            int* piRanks = new int[pPolyIn->getSize()];
            pPolyOut = new types::Polynom(pPolyIn->getVariableName(), pPolyIn->getDims(), pPolyIn->getDimsArray(), piRanks);
            cumsum(pPolyIn, iOrientation, pPolyOut);
            delete[] piRanks;

    /***** set result *****/
    if ((iOuttype == 1) && (in[0]->isDouble() == false))
        switch (in[0]->getType())
            case types::InternalType::ScilabBool:
                types::Bool* pB = new types::Bool(pDblOut->getDims(), pDblOut->getDimsArray());
                int* p = pB->get();
                double* pd = pDblOut->get();
                int size = pB->getSize();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                    p[i] = pd[i] != 0 ? 1 : 0;
            case types::InternalType::ScilabPolynom:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabInt8:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabInt16:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabInt32:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabInt64:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt8:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt16:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt32:
            case types::InternalType::ScilabUInt64:

        if (pDblOut)
            delete pDblOut;

    return types::Function::OK;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int asy2_higherterms(double a, double b, double* tB1, double* A2) {
    double A = (.25-a*a), B = (.25-b*b);
    double t[NN], v[NN], g[NN], gp[NN], gpp[NN], f[NN];
    double B0[NN], B0p[NN], B1[NN], A1[NN], A1p[NN], A1p_t[NN];
    double I[NN], J[NN], K[NN], K2[NN], tmpvec[NN];
    double sgn, tmp, tk, sin5t, cos5t, tan5t, sin5t2, sin5t4, sint;
    int j, k;
    // Chebyshev points and barycentric weights
    sgn = 1.;
    for ( k=0; k<NN; k++ ) {
        t[NN-k-1] = .5*CC*(1+cos(PI*k/(NN-1.)));
        v[NN-k-1] = sgn;
        sgn = -sgn;
    v[NN] = .5*v[NN];
    v[0] = .5*v[0];
    // Basic vectors
    g[0] = 0.; gp[0] = -A/6.-.5*B; gpp[0] = 0.; f[0] = -A/12.-.25*B;    
    for ( k=1; k<NN; k++ ) {
        tk = t[k]; 
        cos5t = cos(.5*tk);
        sin5t = sin(.5*tk);
        tan5t = tan(.5*tk);
        sin5t2 = sin5t*sin5t;
        sin5t4 = sin5t2*sin5t2;
        g[k] = A*(1./tan5t-2./tk)-B*tan5t;
        gp[k] = A*(2./(tk*tk)-.5/(sin5t*sin5t))-.5*B/(cos5t*cos5t);
        sint = sin(tk);
        gpp[k] = A*(-4./(tk*tk*tk)+.25*sint/sin5t4) - 4.*B*sin5t4/(sint*sint*sint);
        f[k] = A*(1./(tk*tk) - .25/sin5t2) - .25*B/(cos5t*cos5t);
    // B0 and A1
    tmp = a*(A+3.*B)/24.;
    B0[0] = .25*(-A/6.-.5*B);
    B0p[0] = 0.;
    A1[0] = 0.;
    A1p[0] = 0.;
    A1p_t[0] = -A/720.-A*A/576.-A*B/96.-B*B/64.-B/48.+a*(A/720.+B/48.);
    for ( k=1; k<NN; k++ ) {
        B0[k] = .25*g[k]/t[k];
        B0p[k] = .25*(gp[k]-g[k]/t[k])/t[k];
        A1[k] = .125*gp[k] - .5*(1.+2.*a)*B0[k] - g[k]*g[k]/32. - tmp;
        A1p[k] = .125*gpp[k] - .5*(1.+2.*a)*B0p[k] - gp[k]*g[k]/16.;
        A1p_t[k] = A1p[k]/t[k];
    // Integrals
    cumsum(A1p_t, I);
    for ( k=0; k<NN; k++ ) tmpvec[k] = f[k]*A1[k];
    cumsum(tmpvec, J); 
    // B1
    tB1[0] = 0.;
    B1[0] = A/720.+A*A/576.+A*B/96.+B*B/64.+B/48.+a*(A*A/576.+B*B/64.+A*B/96.)-a*a*(A/720.+B/48.);
    for ( k=1; k<NN; k++ ) {
        tB1[k] =  -.5*A1p[k] - (.5+a)*I[k] + .5*J[k];
        B1[k] = tB1[k]/t[k];
    // Integrals
    for ( k=0; k<NN; k++ ) tmpvec[k] = f[k]*tB1[k];
    cumsum( tmpvec, K );
    diff( tB1, K2 );
    // A2
    A2[0] = 0.;
    tmp = .5*K2[0] - (.5+a)*B1[0] - .5*K[0];
    for ( k=1; k<NN; k++ ) A2[k] = .5*K2[k] - (.5+a)*B1[k] - .5*K[k] - tmp;
    for ( k=0; k<NN; k++ ) {
        tB1[k] = tB1[k];
        A2[k] = A2[k];
Ejemplo n.º 21
int otsu(double* data_out, double** thr, double* sep, double* data, int xsize, int ysize, int N)
	int _verbose=1;

	int LEVELS = 256;
	//double data_out[xsize * ysize];

	// Unique
	int unI_size;
	double* unI;
	unique(xsize*ysize, data, &unI_size, &unI);

	std::cout << std::endl << "unI_c = ";
	double_vector_print(unI_size, unI);

	// Histogram
	int* counts;
	double* bins;

	int nbins;
	if (unI_size < LEVELS)
		nbins = unI_size;
		nbins = LEVELS;

	if (nbins < LEVELS)
		counts = new int[unI_size];
		for (int i = 0; i < unI_size; i++)
			counts[i] = 0;
		bins = new double[unI_size];
		for (int i = 0; i < unI_size; i++)
			bins[i] = unI[i];
	else if (nbins == LEVELS)
		counts = new int[LEVELS];
		for (int i = 0; i < LEVELS; i++)
			counts[i] = 0;
		bins = new double[LEVELS];
		double step = (LEVELS - 1) / LEVELS / 2;
		bins[0] = step;
		for (int i = 1; i < LEVELS; i++)
			bins[i] = bins[i - 1] + step;


	histogram(counts, xsize*ysize, nbins, data, bins);

	//  Display vector for matlab comparison
	std::cout << std::endl << "cBins = ";
	double_vector_print(nbins, bins);
	double_vector_save_to_file("cBins.txt", nbins, bins);
	std::cout << std::endl << "cHist = ";
	int_vector_print(nbins, counts);
	int_vector_save_to_file("cHist.txt", nbins, counts);

	double* P=(double*)malloc(nbins*sizeof(*P));
	for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
		P[i] = (double) counts[i] / (xsize * ysize);

	// cumsum
	double* w=(double*)malloc(nbins*sizeof(*P));
	double* mu=(double*)malloc(nbins*sizeof(*P)); 
	double* Pi=(double*)malloc(nbins*sizeof(*P));

	Pi[0] = P[0];
	for (int i = 1; i < nbins; i++)
		Pi[i] = (i + 1) * P[i];

	cumsum(w, P, nbins);
	cumsum(mu, Pi, nbins);

	double_vector_save_to_file("P.txt", nbins, P);
	double_vector_save_to_file("w.txt", nbins, w);
	double_vector_save_to_file("mu.txt", nbins, mu);

	double* w_aux = NULL;
	double* mu_aux = NULL;
	double* aux1;
	double* aux2;
	double* sigma2B;

	double sigma2Bmax;
	int ind_sigma2Bmax;

	if (N == 2)
		w_aux = new double[nbins - 2];
		mu_aux = new double[nbins - 2];
		aux1 = new double[nbins - 2];
		aux2 = new double[nbins - 2];
		sigma2B = new double[nbins - 2];

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins - 2; i++)
			w_aux[i] = w[i + 1];
			mu_aux[i] = mu[i + 1];
			aux1[i] = mu[nbins - 1] * w_aux[i] - mu_aux[i];

			std::cout << std::endl << "saving aux"<<std::endl;
		double_vector_save_to_file("aux1.txt", nbins - 2, aux1);
		//double_vector_save_to_file("aux2.txt", nbins - 2, aux2);

		vector_pow(aux2, aux1, 2, nbins - 2);
		divide_vectors(aux1, aux2, w_aux, nbins - 2);
		for (int i = 0; i < nbins - 2; i++)
			aux2[i] = 1 - w_aux[i];
		divide_vectors(sigma2B, aux1, aux2, nbins - 2);

		vector_max(&sigma2Bmax, &ind_sigma2Bmax, sigma2B, nbins - 2);
		double_vector_save_to_file("aux1b.txt", nbins - 2, aux1);
		double_vector_save_to_file("aux2b.txt", nbins - 2, aux2);
		double_vector_save_to_file("sigma2B.txt", nbins - 2, sigma2B);
		std::cout << "Maximo: " << sigma2Bmax << std::endl << "Posicion del maximo: " << ind_sigma2Bmax << std::endl;
		std::cout << "pixval: " << bins[ind_sigma2Bmax + 1] << std::endl;

		for (int i = 0; i < xsize * ysize; i++)
			if (data[i] <= bins[ind_sigma2Bmax + 1])
				data_out[i] = 0.0;
				data_out[i] = 1.0;

		double* th_aux;
		th_aux = new double[1];
		th_aux[0] = bins[ind_sigma2Bmax + 1];
		*thr = th_aux;

	else if (N == 3)
		//		w_aux = new double[nbins ];
		//		mu_aux = new double[nbins ];
		aux1 = new double[nbins];
		aux2 = new double[nbins];
		sigma2B = new double[nbins * nbins];

		double* w0= new double[nbins*nbins];
		double* w1= new double[nbins*nbins];
		double* w2= new double[nbins*nbins];
		double* mu0_aux= new double[nbins];
		double* mu2_aux= new double[nbins]; 
		double* mu0= new double[nbins*nbins]; 
		double* mu2= new double[nbins*nbins];

		vector_flip(aux1, P, nbins);
		cumsum(aux2, aux1, nbins);
		vector_flip(aux1, aux2, nbins);

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < nbins; j++)
				w0[i * nbins + j] = w[i];
				w2[i * nbins + j] = aux1[j];

		double_vector_save_to_file("w0.txt", nbins*nbins, w0);
		double_vector_save_to_file("w2.txt", nbins*nbins, w2);

		divide_vectors(mu0_aux, mu, w, nbins);
		vector_flip(aux1, Pi, nbins);
		cumsum(aux2, aux1, nbins);

		double* aux3=new double[nbins];
		vector_flip(aux3, P, nbins);
		cumsum(aux1, aux3, nbins);

		divide_vectors(aux3, aux2, aux1, nbins);
		vector_flip(mu2_aux, aux3, nbins);

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < nbins; j++)
				mu0[i * nbins + j] = mu0_aux[i];
				mu2[i * nbins + j] = mu2_aux[j];

		double_vector_save_to_file("mu0.txt", nbins*nbins, mu0);
		double_vector_save_to_file("mu2.txt", nbins*nbins, mu2);

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins * nbins; i++)
			w1[i] = 1 - w0[i] - w2[i];

		double* aux4=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* aux5=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* t1=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* t2=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* t3=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* t4=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* t34=new double[nbins * nbins];
		double* t34_aux=new double[nbins * nbins];

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins * nbins; i++)
			aux4[i] = mu0[i] - mu[nbins - 1];
		vector_pow(aux5, aux4, 2, nbins * nbins);
		multiplicate_vectors(t1, w0, aux5, nbins * nbins);
		multiplicate_vectors(t3, w0, aux4, nbins * nbins);

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins * nbins; i++)
			aux4[i] = mu2[i] - mu[nbins - 1];
		vector_pow(aux5, aux4, 2, nbins * nbins);
		multiplicate_vectors(t2, w2, aux5, nbins * nbins);
		multiplicate_vectors(t4, w2, aux4, nbins * nbins);
		for (int i = 0; i < nbins * nbins; i++)
			t34[i] = t3[i] + t4[i];
		vector_pow(t34_aux, t34, 2, nbins * nbins);
		divide_vectors(t34, t34_aux, w1, nbins * nbins);

		for (int i = 0; i < nbins * nbins; i++)
			sigma2B[i] = t1[i] + t2[i] + t34[i];
			if (w1[i] <= 0)
				sigma2B[i] = 0;

		double_vector_save_to_file("sigma2B.txt", nbins*nbins, sigma2B);
		double_vector_save_to_file("sigma2B.txt", nbins*nbins, sigma2B);
		vector_max(&sigma2Bmax, &ind_sigma2Bmax, sigma2B, nbins * nbins);
		std::cout << "Maximo: " << sigma2Bmax << std::endl << "Posicion del maximo: " << ind_sigma2Bmax << std::endl;

		int k1, k2;

		k1 = (int) ind_sigma2Bmax / nbins;
		k2 = ind_sigma2Bmax % nbins;

		std::cout << "k1 = " << k1 << ", k2 = " << k2 << std::endl;

		for (int i = 0; i < xsize * ysize; i++)
			if (data[i] <= bins[k1])
				data_out[i] = 0.0;
			else if ((data[i] > bins[k1]) && (data[i] <= bins[k2]))
				data_out[i] = 0.5;
				data_out[i] = 1.0;

		double* thr_aux;
		thr_aux = new double[2];
		thr_aux[0] = bins[k1];
		thr_aux[1] = bins[k2];
		*thr = thr_aux;

		delete[] w0;
		delete[] w1;
		delete[] w2;
		delete[] mu0_aux;
		delete[] mu2_aux; 
		delete[] mu0; 
		delete[] mu2;
		delete[] aux3;
		delete[] aux4;
		delete[] aux5;
		delete[] t1;
		delete[] t2;
		delete[] t3;
		delete[] t4;
		delete[] t34;
		delete[] t34_aux;
	double* sep_aux=new double[nbins];
	double* sep_aux_2=new double[nbins];
	for(int i=0;i<nbins;i++)
	vector_pow(sep_aux_2, sep_aux, 2, nbins);
	multiplicate_vectors(sep_aux, sep_aux_2, P, nbins);
	double cumu=0;
	for (int i=0;i<nbins;i++)
	//*Iseg = data_out;
	delete[] counts;
	delete[] aux1;
	delete[] aux2;
	delete[] bins;
	if (w_aux) delete[] w_aux;
	if (mu_aux) delete[] mu_aux;
	delete[] sigma2B;
	delete[] sep_aux;
	delete[] sep_aux_2;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
//' Generate a Drift Process
//' Generates a Drift Process with a given slope, \eqn{\omega}.
//' @param N     An \code{integer} for signal length.
//' @param slope A \code{double} that contains drift slope
//' @return A \code{vec} containing the drift.
//' @backref src/gen_process.cpp
//' @backref src/gen_process.h
//' @keywords internal
//' @examples
//' gen_dr(10, 8.2)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec gen_dr(const unsigned int N, const double slope = 5)
  arma::vec gd(N);
	return cumsum(gd);
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: random.hpp Proyecto: iavr/drvq
	sample_search_generator(const array <T, S>& distr) :
		D(distr.length()), cum(cumsum(distr)), total(cum[D - 1])
		{ }
Ejemplo n.º 24
void bee_colony::evolve(population &pop) const
	// Let's store some useful variables.
	const problem::base &prob = pop.problem();
	const problem::base::size_type prob_i_dimension = prob.get_i_dimension(), D = prob.get_dimension(), Dc = D - prob_i_dimension, prob_c_dimension = prob.get_c_dimension();
	const decision_vector &lb = prob.get_lb(), &ub = prob.get_ub();
	const population::size_type NP = (int) pop.size();

	//We perform some checks to determine wether the problem/population are suitable for ABC
	if ( Dc == 0 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"There is no continuous part in the problem decision vector for ABC to optimise");

	if ( prob.get_f_dimension() != 1 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The problem is not single objective and ABC is not suitable to solve it");

	if ( prob_c_dimension != 0 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The problem is not box constrained and ABC is not suitable to solve it");

	if (NP < 2) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"for ABC at least 2 individuals in the population are needed");

	// Get out if there is nothing to do.
	if (m_iter == 0) {

	// Some vectors used during evolution are allocated here.
	fitness_vector fnew(prob.get_f_dimension());
	decision_vector dummy(D,0);			//used for initialisation purposes
	std::vector<decision_vector > X(NP,dummy);	//set of food sources
	std::vector<fitness_vector> fit(NP);		//food sources fitness

	decision_vector temp_solution(D,0);

	std::vector<int> trial(NP,0);

	std::vector<double> probability(NP);

	population::size_type neighbour = 0;

	decision_vector::size_type param2change = 0;

	std::vector<double> selectionfitness(NP), cumsum(NP), cumsumTemp(NP);
	std::vector <population::size_type> selection(NP);

	double r = 0;

	// Copy the food sources position and their fitness
	for ( population::size_type i = 0; i<NP; i++ ) {
		X[i]	=	pop.get_individual(i).cur_x;
		fit[i]	=	pop.get_individual(i).cur_f;

	// Main ABC loop
	for (int j = 0; j < m_iter; ++j) {
		//1- Send employed bees
		for (population::size_type ii = 0; ii< NP; ++ii) {
			//selects a random component (only of the continuous part) of the decision vector
			param2change = boost::uniform_int<decision_vector::size_type>(0,Dc-1)(m_urng);
			//randomly chose a solution to be used to produce a mutant solution of solution ii
			//randomly selected solution must be different from ii
				neighbour = boost::uniform_int<population::size_type>(0,NP-1)(m_urng);
			while(neighbour == ii);

			//copy local solution into temp_solution (the whole decision_vector, also the integer part)
			for(population::size_type i=0; i<D; ++i) {
				temp_solution[i] = X[ii][i];

			//mutate temp_solution
			temp_solution[param2change] = X[ii][param2change] + boost::uniform_real<double>(-1,1)(m_drng) * (X[ii][param2change] - X[neighbour][param2change]);

			//if generated parameter value is out of boundaries, it is shifted onto the boundaries*/
			if (temp_solution[param2change]<lb[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = lb[param2change];
			if (temp_solution[param2change]>ub[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = ub[param2change];

			//Calling void prob.objfun(fitness_vector,decision_vector) is more efficient as no memory allocation occur
			//A call to fitness_vector prob.objfun(decision_vector) allocates memory for the return value.
			//If the new solution is better than the old one replace it with the mutant one and reset its trial counter
			if(prob.compare_fitness(fnew, fit[ii])) {
				X[ii][param2change] = temp_solution[param2change];
				prob.objfun(fit[ii], X[ii]); //update the fitness vector
				trial[ii] = 0;
			else {
				trial[ii]++; //if the solution can't be improved incrase its trial counter
		} //End of loop on the population members

		//2 - Send onlooker bees
		//We scale all fitness values from 0 (worst) to absolute value of the best fitness
		fitness_vector worstfit=fit[0];
		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 1; i < NP;i++) {
			if (prob.compare_fitness(worstfit,fit[i])) worstfit=fit[i];

		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
			selectionfitness[i] = fabs(worstfit[0] - fit[i][0]) + 1.;

		// We build and normalise the cumulative sum
		cumsumTemp[0] = selectionfitness[0];
		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 1; i< NP; i++) {
			cumsumTemp[i] = cumsumTemp[i - 1] + selectionfitness[i];
		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
			cumsum[i] = cumsumTemp[i]/cumsumTemp[NP-1];

		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
			r = m_drng();
			for (pagmo::population::size_type j = 0; j < NP; j++) {
				if (cumsum[j] > r) {

		for(pagmo::population::size_type t = 0; t < NP; ++t) {
			r = m_drng();
			pagmo::population::size_type ii = selection[t];
			//selects a random component (only of the continuous part) of the decision vector
			param2change = boost::uniform_int<decision_vector::size_type>(0,Dc-1)(m_urng);
			//randomly chose a solution to be used to produce a mutant solution of solution ii
			//randomly selected solution must be different from ii
				neighbour = boost::uniform_int<population::size_type>(0,NP-1)(m_urng);
			while(neighbour == ii);

			//copy local solution into temp_solution (also integer part)
			for(population::size_type i=0; i<D; ++i) {
				temp_solution[i] = X[ii][i];

			//mutate temp_solution
			temp_solution[param2change] = X[ii][param2change] + boost::uniform_real<double>(-1,1)(m_drng) * (X[ii][param2change] - X[neighbour][param2change]);

			/*if generated parameter value is out of boundaries, it is shifted onto the boundaries*/
			if (temp_solution[param2change]<lb[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = lb[param2change];
			if (temp_solution[param2change]>ub[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = ub[param2change];

			//Calling void prob.objfun(fitness_vector,decision_vector) is more efficient as no memory allocation occur
			//A call to fitness_vector prob.objfun(decision_vector) allocates memory for the return value.
			//If the new solution is better than the old one replace it with the mutant one and reset its trial counter
			if(prob.compare_fitness(fnew, fit[ii])) {
				X[ii][param2change] = temp_solution[param2change];
				prob.objfun(fit[ii], X[ii]); //update the fitness vector
				trial[ii] = 0;
			else {
				trial[ii]++; //if the solution can't be improved incrase its  trial counter

		//3 - Send scout bees
		int maxtrialindex = 0;
		for (population::size_type ii=1; ii<NP; ++ii)
			if (trial[ii] > trial[maxtrialindex]) {
				maxtrialindex = ii;
		if(trial[maxtrialindex] >= m_limit)
			//select a new random solution
			for(problem::base::size_type jj = 0; jj < Dc; ++jj) {
				X[maxtrialindex][jj] = boost::uniform_real<double>(lb[jj],ub[jj])(m_drng);
			trial[maxtrialindex] = 0;

	} // end of main ABC loop

Ejemplo n.º 25
List log_EMx(const arma::mat& transition_, const arma::cube& emission_, 
  const arma::vec& init_, const arma::ucube& obs, const arma::uvec& nSymbols, 
  const arma::mat& coef_, const arma::mat& X, const arma::uvec& numberOfStates, 
  int itermax, double tol, int trace, unsigned int threads) {

  // Make sure we don't alter the original vec/mat/cube
  // needed for cube, in future maybe in other cases as well
  arma::cube emission = log(emission_);
  arma::mat transition = log(transition_);
  arma::vec init = log(init_);
  arma::mat coef(coef_);

  arma::mat weights = exp(X * coef).t();
  if (!weights.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("error") = 3);
  weights.each_row() /= sum(weights, 0);
  weights = log(weights);
  arma::mat initk(emission.n_rows, obs.n_slices);
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
    initk.col(k) = init + reparma(weights.col(k), numberOfStates);

  arma::cube alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  arma::cube beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k

  log_internalForwardx(transition, emission, initk, obs, alpha, threads);
  log_internalBackward(transition, emission, obs, beta, threads);

  arma::vec ll(obs.n_slices);

#pragma omp parallel for if(obs.n_slices >= threads) schedule(static) num_threads(threads) \
  default(none) shared(obs, alpha, ll)
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
    ll(k) = logSumExp(alpha.slice(k).col(obs.n_cols - 1));

  double sumlogLik = sum(ll);
  if (trace > 0) {
    Rcout << "Log-likelihood of initial model: " << sumlogLik << std::endl;
  //  //EM-algorithm begins
  double change = tol + 1.0;
  int iter = 0;
  arma::uvec cumsumstate = cumsum(numberOfStates);

  while ((change > tol) & (iter < itermax)) {

    arma::mat ksii(emission.n_rows, emission.n_rows, arma::fill::zeros);
    arma::cube gamma(emission.n_rows, emission.n_cols, emission.n_slices, arma::fill::zeros);
    arma::vec delta(emission.n_rows, arma::fill::zeros);

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      delta += exp(alpha.slice(k).col(0) + beta.slice(k).col(0) - ll(k));

#pragma omp parallel for if(obs.n_slices>=threads) schedule(static) num_threads(threads) \
    default(none) shared(transition, obs, ll, alpha, beta, emission, ksii, gamma, nSymbols)
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      if (obs.n_cols > 1) {
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
            if (transition(i, j) > -arma::datum::inf) {
              arma::vec tmpnm1(obs.n_cols - 1);
              for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                tmpnm1(t) = alpha(i, t, k) + transition(i, j) + beta(j, t + 1, k);
                for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                  tmpnm1(t) += emission(j, obs(r, t + 1, k), r);
#pragma omp atomic
              ksii(i, j) += exp(logSumExp(tmpnm1) - ll(k));

      for (unsigned int r = 0; r < emission.n_slices; r++) {
        for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nSymbols[r]; l++) {
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
            if (emission(i, l, r) > -arma::datum::inf) {
              arma::vec tmpn(obs.n_cols);
              for (unsigned int t = 0; t < obs.n_cols; t++) {
                if (l == (obs(r, t, k))) {
                  tmpn(t) = alpha(i, t, k) + beta(i, t, k);
                } else
                  tmpn(t) = -arma::datum::inf;
#pragma omp atomic
              gamma(i, l, r) += exp(logSumExp(tmpn) - ll(k));


    unsigned int error = log_optCoef(weights, obs, emission, initk, beta, ll, coef, X, cumsumstate,
        numberOfStates, trace);
    if (error != 0) {
      return List::create(Named("error") = error);
    if (obs.n_cols > 1) {
      ksii.each_col() /= sum(ksii, 1);
      transition = log(ksii);
    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < emission.n_slices; r++) {
      gamma.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1).each_col() /= sum(
          gamma.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1), 1);
      emission.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1) = log(gamma.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1));

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfStates.n_elem; i++) {
      delta.subvec(cumsumstate(i) - numberOfStates(i), cumsumstate(i) - 1) /= arma::as_scalar(
          arma::accu(delta.subvec(cumsumstate(i) - numberOfStates(i), cumsumstate(i) - 1)));

    init = log(delta);

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      initk.col(k) = init + reparma(weights.col(k), numberOfStates);

    log_internalForwardx(transition, emission, initk, obs, alpha, threads);
    log_internalBackward(transition, emission, obs, beta, threads);

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      ll(k) = logSumExp(alpha.slice(k).col(obs.n_cols - 1));

    double tmp = sum(ll);
    change = (tmp - sumlogLik) / (std::abs(sumlogLik) + 0.1);
    sumlogLik = tmp;
    if (!arma::is_finite(sumlogLik)) {
      return List::create(Named("error") = 6);
    if (trace > 1) {
      Rcout << "iter: " << iter;
      Rcout << " logLik: " << sumlogLik;
      Rcout << " relative change: " << change << std::endl;

  if (trace > 0) {
    if (iter == itermax) {
      Rcpp::Rcout << "EM algorithm stopped after reaching the maximum number of " << iter
          << " iterations." << std::endl;
    } else {
      Rcpp::Rcout << "EM algorithm stopped after reaching the relative change of " << change;
      Rcpp::Rcout << " after " << iter << " iterations." << std::endl;
    Rcpp::Rcout << "Final log-likelihood: " << sumlogLik << std::endl;

  return List::create(Named("coefficients") = wrap(coef), Named("initialProbs") = wrap(exp(init)),
      Named("transitionMatrix") = wrap(exp(transition)),
      Named("emissionArray") = wrap(exp(emission)), Named("logLik") = sumlogLik,
      Named("iterations") = iter, Named("change") = change, Named("error") = 0);
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: cum.c Proyecto: Bgods/r-source
SEXP attribute_hidden do_cum(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP s, t, ans;
    R_xlen_t i, n;
    checkArity(op, args);
    if (DispatchGroup("Math", call, op, args, env, &ans))
	return ans;
    if (isComplex(CAR(args))) {
	t = CAR(args);
	n = XLENGTH(t);
	PROTECT(s = allocVector(CPLXSXP, n));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	if(n == 0) return s;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
	    COMPLEX(s)[i].r = NA_REAL;
	    COMPLEX(s)[i].i = NA_REAL;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    return ccumsum(t, s);
	case 2: /* cumprod */
	    return ccumprod(t, s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    errorcall(call, _("'cummax' not defined for complex numbers"));
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    errorcall(call, _("'cummin' not defined for complex numbers"));
	    errorcall(call, "unknown cumxxx function");
    } else if( ( isInteger(CAR(args)) || isLogical(CAR(args)) ) &&
	       PRIMVAL(op) != 2) {
	PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), INTSXP));
	n = XLENGTH(t);
	PROTECT(s = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	if(n == 0) {
	    UNPROTECT(2); /* t, s */
	    return s;
	for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) INTEGER(s)[i] = NA_INTEGER;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    ans = icumsum(t,s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    ans = icummax(t,s);
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    ans = icummin(t,s);
	    errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function"));
	    ans = R_NilValue;
	UNPROTECT(2); /* t, s */
	return ans;
    } else {
	PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
	n = XLENGTH(t);
	PROTECT(s = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	if(n == 0) return s;
	for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) REAL(s)[i] = NA_REAL;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    return cumsum(t,s);
	case 2: /* cumprod */
	    return cumprod(t,s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    return cummax(t,s);
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    return cummin(t,s);
	    errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function"));
    return R_NilValue; /* for -Wall */
Ejemplo n.º 27
int main(int ac, char** av) {
	if(ac != 2) {
		std::cout << "usage: " << av[0] << " <run number>" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	// thomas's data
	size_t run_index = atoi(av[1]);
	real T_in_pipe[]  = {152.9, 203.6, 415.1};
	real T_in_head[]  = {203.5, 291.8, 487.8};
	real T_in_flux[]  = {227.7, 315.7, 504.7};
	real T_out_flux[] = {244.6, 346.9, 522.5};
	real T_out_head[] = {250.8, 355.7, 538.0};
	real T_out_pipe[] = {229.3, 332.6, 512.8};

	real* T_ym = new real[3];

	const char* prob_names[] = {"opt2_run1","opt2_run2","opt2_run3"};
	// convert to kelvin
	for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		T_in_pipe[i]  += 273.15;
		T_in_head[i]  += 273.15;
		T_in_flux[i]  += 273.15;
		T_out_flux[i] += 273.15;
		T_out_head[i] += 273.15;
		T_out_pipe[i] += 273.15;

		T_ym[i] = (T_in_flux[i] + T_out_flux[i]) * 0.5;

	// solve

	// dimensions
	real w_total = 	6.00e-2;
	real w_irrad = 	2.00e-2;
	real pipe = 	6.35e-3;

	real l_total = 	4.00e-2;
	real l_irrad = 	2.00e-2;

	// calculations
	real l_1 = (l_total - l_irrad) / 2.0;
	real l_3 = l_irrad - pipe * 2.0;

	real w_ends = (w_total - w_irrad) / 2.0;
	real w_1 = (w_ends - pipe) / 2.0;

	// lists
	auto xd = math::make_array_1<real,1>({0, w_1, pipe, w_1, w_irrad, w_1, pipe, w_1});

	auto yd = math::make_array_1<real,1>({0, 1e-2, 5e-2});

	auto zd = math::make_array_1<real,1>({0, l_1, pipe, l_3*0.5, l_3*0.5, pipe, l_1});

	real nom_size = 5e-4;

	auto nx = xd->sub({1},{-1})->divide(nom_size)->ceil<size_t>();
	auto ny = yd->sub({1},{-1})->divide(nom_size)->ceil<size_t>();
	auto nz = zd->sub({1},{-1})->divide(nom_size)->ceil<size_t>();

	auto x = xd->cumsum();
	auto y = yd->cumsum();
	auto z = zd->cumsum();

	coor_type X({x,y,z});

	cell_count_type n({nx,ny,nz});


	real s = 1.0e10;

	//nx = [10, 10, 10, 50, 10, 10, 10];
	//ny = [50, 50];
	//nz = [10, 10, 30, 10, 10];

	// the default boundary for solve source is const = 1.0
	auto const_bou(std::make_shared<boundary_single>(1.0));

	auto T_bou_i(std::make_shared<boundary_single>(T_in_pipe[run_index]));
	auto T_bou_o(std::make_shared<boundary_single>(T_out_pipe[run_index]));

	patch_v_bou_vec_type v_bou_s_def({

	patch_v_bou_vec_type v_bou_T_i({

	patch_v_bou_vec_type v_bou_T_o({

	patch_v_bou_type v_bou_def({{"s",v_bou_s_def}});

	patch_v_bou_type v_bou_i({{"s",v_bou_s_def},{"T",v_bou_T_i}});
	patch_v_bou_type v_bou_o({{"s",v_bou_s_def},{"T",v_bou_T_o}});

	// create patch groups;

	point pt_xz(
			(y->get(0) + y->get(1)) / 2.0,
			(z->get(2) + z->get(3)) / 2.0);

	point pt_ym(
			(x->get(2) + x->get(5)) / 2.0,

	point pt_h_in(
			(x->get(3) + x->get(4)) / 2.0,
			(z->get(1) + z->get(2)) / 2.0);

	point pt_h_out(
			(x->get(3) + x->get(4)) / 2.0,
			(z->get(4) + z->get(5)) / 2.0);

	point pt_in(
			(y->get(1) + y->get(2)) / 2.0,
			(z->get(1) + z->get(2)) / 2.0);

	point pt_out(
			(y->get(1) + y->get(2)) / 2.0,
			(z->get(4) + z->get(5)) / 2.0);


	auto prob = std::make_shared<Prob>(prob_names[run_index], X, n, 2E4, 2E4);

	prob->create_equation("T", 10.0, 1.5, 1.5);
	prob->create_equation("s", 10.0, 1.5, 1.5);

	auto g_xyz		= prob->create_patch_group("xyz",		{{"T",0.0},		{"s",2.0}}, {{"T",0.0},{"s",s}}, pt_xz);
	auto g_h_in		= prob->create_patch_group("h_in",		{{"T",0.0},		{"s",2.0}}, {{"T",0.0},{"s",s}}, pt_h_in);
	auto g_h_out		= prob->create_patch_group("h_out",		{{"T",0.0},		{"s",2.0}}, {{"T",0.0},{"s",s}}, pt_h_out);
	auto g_in		= prob->create_patch_group("in",		{{"T",0.0},		{"s",2.0}}, {{"T",0.0},{"s",s}}, pt_in);
	auto g_out		= prob->create_patch_group("out",		{{"T",0.0},		{"s",2.0}}, {{"T",0.0},{"s",s}}, pt_out);
	auto g_ym		= prob->create_patch_group("out",		{{"T",T_ym[run_index]},	{"s",2.0}}, {{"T",0.0},{"s",s}}, pt_ym);

	// create patches

	auto p_in_xm	= g_in->create_patch("p_in_xm",		-1,	{1},		{1,2},	{1,2},		v_bou_i);
	auto p_in_xp	= g_in->create_patch("p_in_xp",		1,	{2},		{1,2},	{1,2},		v_bou_i);
	auto p_in_zm	= g_in->create_patch("p_in_zm",		-3,	{1,2},		{1,2},	{1},		v_bou_i);
	auto p_in_zp	= g_in->create_patch("p_in_zp",		3,	{1,2},		{1,2},	{2},		v_bou_i);

	auto p_out_xm	= g_out->create_patch("p_out_xm",	-1,	{5},		{1,2},	{4,5},		v_bou_o);
	auto p_out_xp	= g_out->create_patch("p_out_xp",	1,	{6},		{1,2},	{4,5},		v_bou_o);
	auto p_out_zm	= g_out->create_patch("p_out_zm",	-3,	{5,6},		{1,2},	{4},		v_bou_o);
	auto p_out_zp	= g_out->create_patch("p_out_zp",	3,	{5,6},		{1,2},	{5},		v_bou_o);

	// ym
	auto p_ym_0_0	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_0_0",	-2,	{0,1,2,3},	{0},	{0,1},		v_bou_def);
	auto p_ym_0_1	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_0_1",	-2,	{0,1,2,3},	{0},	{1,2,3,4,5},	v_bou_def);
	auto p_ym_0_2	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_0_2",	-2,	{0,1,2,3},	{0},	{5,6},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},	"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_ym_1_0	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_1_0",	-2,	{3,4},		{0},	{0,1},		v_bou_def);
	auto p_ym_1_1	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_1_1",	-2,	{3,4},		{0},	{1,2,3,4,5},	v_bou_def);
	auto p_ym_1_2	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_1_2",	-2,	{3,4},		{0},	{5,6},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,T_irr_zp}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_ym_2_0	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_2_0",	-2,	{4,5,6,7},	{0},	{0,1},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},	"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_ym_2_1	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_2_1",	-2,	{4,5,6,7},	{0},	{1,2,3,4,5},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,T_irr_xp},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_ym_2_2	= g_ym->create_patch("p_ym_2_2",	-2,	{4,5,6,7},	{0},	{5,6},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},	"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	// yp
	auto p_yp_0_0	= g_in->create_patch("p_yp_0_0",	2,	{0,1,2,3},	{1},	{0,1},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_yp_0_1_0	= g_in->create_patch("p_yp_0_1_0",	2,	{0,1},		{1},	{1,2,3},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_0_1_1	= g_in->create_patch("p_yp_0_1_1",	2,	{1,2},		{1},	{2,3},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_0_1_2	= g_in->create_patch("p_yp_0_1_2",	2,	{2,3},		{1},	{1,2,3},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_yp_0_2	= g_h_out->create_patch("p_yp_0_2",	2,	{0,1,2,3},	{1},	{3,4,5},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_0_3	= g_h_out->create_patch("p_yp_0_3",	2,	{0,1,2,3},	{1},	{5,6},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_yp_1_0	= g_h_in->create_patch("p_yp_1_0",	2,	{3,4},		{1},	{0,1},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_1_1	= g_h_in->create_patch("p_yp_1_1",	2,	{3,4},		{1},	{1,2,3},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_1_2	= g_h_out->create_patch("p_yp_1_2",	2,	{3,4},		{1},	{3,4,5},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_1_3	= g_h_out->create_patch("p_yp_1_3",	2,	{3,4},		{1},	{5,6},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_yp_2_0	= g_h_in->create_patch("p_yp_2_0",	2,	{4,5,6,7},	{1},	{0,1},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_2_1	= g_h_in->create_patch("p_yp_2_1",	2,	{4,5,6,7},	{1},	{1,2,3},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_yp_2_2_0	= g_out->create_patch("p_yp_2_2_0",	2,	{4,5},		{1},	{3,4,5},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_2_2_1	= g_out->create_patch("p_yp_2_2_1",	2,	{5,6},		{1},	{3,4},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_yp_2_2_2	= g_out->create_patch("p_yp_2_2_2",	2,	{6,7},		{1},	{3,4,5},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_yp_2_3	= g_out->create_patch("p_yp_2_3",	2,	{4,5,6,7},	{1},	{5,6},		v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	// xp
	auto p_xm	= g_xyz->create_patch("p_xm",		-1,	{0},			{0,1},		{0,1,2,3,4,5,6},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_xp	= g_xyz->create_patch("p_xp",		1,	{7},			{0,1},		{0,1,2,3,4,5,6},	v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	auto p_zm	= g_xyz->create_patch("p_zm",		-3,	{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7},	{0,1},		{0},			v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});
	auto p_zp	= g_xyz->create_patch("p_zp",		3,	{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7},	{0,1},		{6},			v_bou_def);// = {"T":{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}},"s":{{1.0,1.0},{1.0,1.0}}});

	// stitching

	// in xm
	stitch(p_in_xm,		p_in_zm);
	stitch(p_in_xm,		p_in_zp);
	stitch(p_in_xm,		p_yp_0_1_0);

	// in xp
	stitch(p_in_xp,		p_in_zm);
	stitch(p_in_xp,		p_in_zp);
	stitch(p_in_xp,		p_yp_0_1_2);

	// in z
	stitch(p_in_zm,		p_yp_0_0);
	stitch(p_in_zp,		p_yp_0_1_1);

	// out xm
	stitch(p_out_xm,	p_out_zm);
	stitch(p_out_xm,	p_out_zp);
	stitch(p_out_xm,	p_yp_2_2_0);

	// out xp
	stitch(p_out_xp,	p_out_zm);
	stitch(p_out_xp,	p_out_zp);
	stitch(p_out_xp,	p_yp_2_2_2);

	// out z
	stitch(p_out_zp,	p_yp_2_3);
	stitch(p_out_zm,	p_yp_2_2_1);

	// xm



	// xp





	// zp;


	// yp
	// row 0
	stitch(p_yp_0_0,	p_yp_1_0);
	stitch(p_yp_0_0,	p_yp_0_1_0);
	stitch(p_yp_0_0,	p_yp_0_1_2);

	stitch(p_yp_1_0,	p_yp_1_1);
	stitch(p_yp_1_0,	p_yp_2_0);

	stitch(p_yp_2_0,	p_yp_2_1);

	// row 1
	stitch(p_yp_0_1_0,	p_yp_0_1_1);
	stitch(p_yp_0_1_0,	p_yp_0_2);

	stitch(p_yp_0_1_1,	p_yp_0_1_2);
	stitch(p_yp_0_1_1,	p_yp_0_2);

	stitch(p_yp_0_1_2,	p_yp_1_1);
	stitch(p_yp_0_1_2,	p_yp_0_2);

	stitch(p_yp_1_1,	p_yp_2_1);
	stitch(p_yp_1_1,	p_yp_1_2);

	stitch(p_yp_2_1,	p_yp_2_2_0);
	stitch(p_yp_2_1,	p_yp_2_2_1);
	stitch(p_yp_2_1,	p_yp_2_2_2);

	// row 2
	stitch(p_yp_0_2,	p_yp_1_2);
	stitch(p_yp_0_2,	p_yp_0_3);

	stitch(p_yp_1_2,	p_yp_2_2_0);
	stitch(p_yp_1_2,	p_yp_1_3);

	stitch(p_yp_2_2_0,	p_yp_2_2_1);
	stitch(p_yp_2_2_0,	p_yp_2_3);

	stitch(p_yp_2_2_1,	p_yp_2_2_2);

	stitch(p_yp_2_2_2,	p_yp_2_3);

	// row 3
	stitch(p_yp_0_3,	p_yp_1_3);

	stitch(p_yp_1_3,	p_yp_2_3);

	// ym;
	stitch(p_ym_0_0,	p_ym_0_1);
	stitch(p_ym_0_0,	p_ym_1_0);

	stitch(p_ym_1_0,	p_ym_1_1);
	stitch(p_ym_1_0,	p_ym_2_0);
	stitch(p_ym_2_0,	p_ym_2_1);

	stitch(p_ym_0_1,	p_ym_1_1);
	stitch(p_ym_0_1,	p_ym_0_2);

	stitch(p_ym_1_1,	p_ym_2_1);
	stitch(p_ym_1_1,	p_ym_1_2);

	stitch(p_ym_2_1,	p_ym_2_2);

	stitch(p_ym_0_2,	p_ym_1_2);

	stitch(p_ym_1_2,	p_ym_2_2);

	for(auto g : prob->patch_groups_) {

	// solve;




Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: icm.cpp Proyecto: pietg/book
void 	ICM_iteration(int N, int n, int K, int nlast, int first[], int m[], int **freq, int **ind, double **y,
					   double **F, double **F_new, double **cumw, double **cs, double **v, double **w,
                      double **nabla, double *lambda1, double *alpha1)
	int 	i,j,k;
	double 	a,lambda,alpha;
	for (k=1;k<=K;k++)
		for (i=1;i<=m[k];i++)
	for (k=1;k<=K;k++)
		for (i=first[k];i<=n;i++)
			if (freq[k][i]>0)
				v[k][j] = freq[k][i]/(N*F[k][i]);
				w[k][j] = freq[k][i]/(N*SQR(F[k][i]));
            if (freq[0][i]>0)
                v[k][j] -= freq[0][i]/(N*(1-F[K+1][i]));
                w[k][j] += freq[0][i]/(N*SQR(1-F[K+1][i]));
		if (nlast<n)
			v[k][m[k]] -=lambda;
		for (i=1;i<=m[k];i++)
			v[k][i] += w[k][i]*F[k][ind[k][i]];
	if (F_new[K+1][nlast]>=1)
		for (k=1;k<=K;k++)
			for (i=first[k];i<=n;i++)
		for (k=1;k<=K;k++)
			for (i=first[k];i<=n;i++)
				if (freq[k][i]>0)
    if (f_alpha_prime(N,n,K,freq,1.0,F,F_new,lambda)<=0) alpha=1;
	for (k=1;k<=K;k++)
		for (i=first[k];i<=n;i++)
			F[k][i] += alpha*(F_new[k][i]-F[k][i]);
	if (nlast<n)
Ejemplo n.º 29
PMGhostData *
pm_ghosts_create(PM * pm, PMStore *p,
    int attributes,
    fastpm_posfunc get_position)

    PMGhostData * pgd = malloc(sizeof(pgd[0]));
    pgd->pm = pm;
    pgd->p = p;
    pgd->np = p->np;
    pgd->np_upper = p->np_upper;
    pgd->attributes = attributes;
    if(get_position == NULL)
        pgd->get_position = p->get_position;
        pgd->get_position = get_position;
    pgd->nghosts = 0;

    ptrdiff_t i;
    size_t Nsend;
    size_t Nrecv;
    size_t elsize = p->pack(pgd->p, 0, NULL, pgd->attributes);

    pgd->Nsend = calloc(pm->NTask, sizeof(int));
    pgd->Osend = calloc(pm->NTask, sizeof(int));
    pgd->Nrecv = calloc(pm->NTask, sizeof(int));
    pgd->Orecv = calloc(pm->NTask, sizeof(int));

    pgd->elsize = elsize;

    memset(pgd->Nsend, 0, sizeof(pgd->Nsend[0]) * pm->NTask);

    pm_iter_ghosts(pm, pgd, count_ghosts);

    Nsend = cumsum(pgd->Osend, pgd->Nsend, pm->NTask);

    MPI_Alltoall(pgd->Nsend, 1, MPI_INT, pgd->Nrecv, 1, MPI_INT, pm->Comm2D);

    Nrecv = cumsum(pgd->Orecv, pgd->Nrecv, pm->NTask);

    pgd->ighost_to_ipar = fastpm_memory_alloc(pm->mem, Nsend * sizeof(int), FASTPM_MEMORY_HEAP);
    pgd->send_buffer = fastpm_memory_alloc(pm->mem, Nsend * pgd->elsize, FASTPM_MEMORY_HEAP);
    pgd->recv_buffer = fastpm_memory_alloc(pm->mem, Nrecv * pgd->elsize, FASTPM_MEMORY_HEAP);

    memset(pgd->Nsend, 0, sizeof(pgd->Nsend[0]) * pm->NTask);

    pm_iter_ghosts(pm, pgd, build_ghost_buffer);

    /* exchange */

    pgd->nghosts = Nrecv;

    if(Nrecv + pgd->np > pgd->np_upper) {
        fastpm_raise(-1, "Too many ghosts; asking for %td, space for %td\n", Nrecv, pgd->np_upper - pgd->np);

    MPI_Datatype GHOST_TYPE;
    MPI_Type_contiguous(pgd->elsize, MPI_BYTE, &GHOST_TYPE);
    MPI_Alltoallv_sparse(pgd->send_buffer, pgd->Nsend, pgd->Osend, GHOST_TYPE,
                  pgd->recv_buffer, pgd->Nrecv, pgd->Orecv, GHOST_TYPE,

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(i = 0; i < Nrecv; i ++) {
        p->unpack(pgd->p, pgd->np + i,
                (char*) pgd->recv_buffer + i * pgd->elsize,
    fastpm_memory_free(pm->mem, pgd->recv_buffer);
    fastpm_memory_free(pm->mem, pgd->send_buffer);

    return pgd;
Particles ResamplingResidual::resample(Particles* particles){

    Particles resampledSet;
    Particles stage1;
    int count = 0;
    resampledSet.samples = fmat(particles->samples.n_rows,particles->samples.n_cols);
    resampledSet.weights = frowvec(particles->weights.n_cols);

    fvec cumsum;
    fvec random;

    unsigned int number = particles->samples.n_cols;
    unsigned int numberOfStage1 = 0;

    // Generating copie information of every particle
    ivec copies = zeros<ivec>(particles->samples.n_cols);
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<particles->samples.n_cols;++i){
        copies = (int) floor(number*particles->weights(i));

    numberOfStage1 = sum(copies);

    stage1.samples =  fmat(particles->samples.n_rows,numberOfStage1);
    stage1.weights = frowvec(numberOfStage1);

    //Picking N_i = N*w_i copies of i-th particle
    for (unsigned int i=1; i < copies.n_rows;++i){
        for (int j=0;j<copies(i);++j){
            for (unsigned int k=0;k<particles->samples.n_rows;++k){
                stage1.samples(k,count) = particles->samples(k,i);
            stage1.weights(count) = particles->weights(i) - (float)copies(i)/number;

    // multinomial resampling with residuum weights w_i = w_i - N_i/N
    cumsum = zeros<fvec>(numberOfStage1);
    for (unsigned int i=1; i < stage1.weights.n_cols;++i){
        cumsum(i) = cumsum(i-1) + stage1.weights(i);

    // generate sorted random set
    random = randu<fvec>(numberOfStage1);
    random = sort(random);

    for (unsigned int j=0; j < random.n_rows; ++j){
        for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < cumsum.n_rows; ++i){
            if (random(j) <= cumsum(i)){
                if(i > 0){
                    if(random(j) >= cumsum(i-1)) {
                        for (unsigned int k=0;k<stage1.samples.n_rows;++k){
                            resampledSet.samples(k,j) = stage1.samples(k,i);
                else {
                    for (unsigned int k=0; k<stage1.samples.n_rows; ++k){
                        resampledSet.samples(k,j) = stage1.samples(k,i);


            // Normalize weights
            resampledSet.weights(j) = 1.0f/particles->weights.n_cols;

    return resampledSet;