Ejemplo n.º 1
void Film::generateImgVector(vector<unsigned char> & image)
	int length = width * height * 4;

	int r, c;
	int i;
	for ( r = 0 ; r < height; r ++)
		for (c = 0; c < width; c++)
			i = r * width * 4 + c * 4;

			Color cur_color(getColorAt(r,c));

			image.at(i) = colorFloat2Byte(cur_color(0));		//r
			image.at(i+1) = colorFloat2Byte(cur_color(1));		//g
			image.at(i+2) = colorFloat2Byte(cur_color(2));		//b
			image.at(i+3) = 255;								//a
Ejemplo n.º 2
Color Film::getColorAt(int row, int column)
	//test: one sample for one pixel

	//return colorFloat2Byte( (image_bucket.at(row).at(column))(i) );

	vector<Color>& bucket = image_bucket.at(row).at(column);

	Color cur_color(0,0,0);
	vector<Color>::iterator iter;
	for(iter = bucket.begin(); iter!= bucket.end() ;++iter)
		cur_color += (*iter);
	cur_color /= (float)(bucket.size());

	return cur_color;
Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOL LLKeywords::loadFromFile( const std::string& filename )
	mLoaded = FALSE;

	// File header

	const S32 BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
	char	buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	llifstream file;
	file.open(filename);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	if( file.fail() )
		llinfos << "LLKeywords::loadFromFile()  Unable to open file: " << filename << llendl;
		return mLoaded;

	// Identifying string
	file >> buffer;
	if( strcmp( buffer, "llkeywords" ) )
		llinfos << filename << " does not appear to be a keyword file" << llendl;
		return mLoaded;

	// Check file version
	file >> buffer;
	U32	version_num;
	file >> version_num;
	if( strcmp(buffer, "version") || version_num != (U32)KEYWORD_FILE_CURRENT_VERSION )
		llinfos << filename << " does not appear to be a version " << KEYWORD_FILE_CURRENT_VERSION << " keyword file" << llendl;
		return mLoaded;

	// start of line (SOL)
	std::string SOL_COMMENT("#");
	std::string SOL_WORD("[word ");
	std::string SOL_LINE("[line ");
	std::string SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER("[one_sided_delimiter ");
	std::string SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER("[two_sided_delimiter ");

	LLColor3 cur_color( 1, 0, 0 );
	LLKeywordToken::TOKEN_TYPE cur_type = LLKeywordToken::WORD;

	while (!file.eof())
		buffer[0] = 0;
		file.getline( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE );
		std::string line(buffer);
		if( line.find(SOL_COMMENT) == 0 )
		else if( line.find(SOL_WORD) == 0 )
			cur_color = readColor( line.substr(SOL_WORD.size()) );
			cur_type = LLKeywordToken::WORD;
		else if( line.find(SOL_LINE) == 0 )
			cur_color = readColor( line.substr(SOL_LINE.size()) );
			cur_type = LLKeywordToken::LINE;
		else if( line.find(SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER) == 0 )
			cur_color = readColor( line.substr(SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER.size()) );
			cur_type = LLKeywordToken::TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER;
		else if( line.find(SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER) == 0 )	
			cur_color = readColor( line.substr(SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER.size()) );
			cur_type = LLKeywordToken::ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER;

		std::string token_buffer( line );
		typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
		boost::char_separator<char> sep_word("", " \t");
		tokenizer word_tokens(token_buffer, sep_word);
		tokenizer::iterator token_word_iter = word_tokens.begin();

		if( !token_buffer.empty() && token_word_iter != word_tokens.end() )
			// first word is keyword
			std::string keyword = (*token_word_iter);

			// following words are tooltip
			std::string tool_tip;
			while (++token_word_iter != word_tokens.end())
				tool_tip += (*token_word_iter);
			if( !tool_tip.empty() )
				// Replace : with \n for multi-line tool tips.
				LLStringUtil::replaceChar( tool_tip, ':', '\n' );
				addToken(cur_type, keyword, cur_color, tool_tip );
				addToken(cur_type, keyword, cur_color, LLStringUtil::null );


	mLoaded = TRUE;
	return mLoaded;