Ejemplo n.º 1
int NeroPhotons::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent,const edm::EventSetup &iSetup){

    if ( mOnlyMc  ) return 0;

    // maybe handle should be taken before
    iEvent.getByToken(token, handle);

    // ID and ISO
    iEvent.getByToken(iso_ch_token, iso_ch);
    iEvent.getByToken(iso_nh_token, iso_nh);
    iEvent.getByToken(iso_pho_token, iso_pho);

    if ( not handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle is not valid"<<endl;
    if ( not loose_id.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] loose_id is not valid"<<endl;
    if ( not medium_id.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] medium_id is not valid"<<endl;
    if ( not tight_id.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] tight_id is not valid"<<endl;
    if ( not iso_ch.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] iso_ch is not valid"<<endl;
    if ( not iso_nh.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] iso_nh is not valid"<<endl;
    if ( not iso_pho.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[ERROR] iso_pho is not valid"<<endl;

    int iPho = -1;	
    for (auto &pho : *handle)
        #ifdef VERBOSE
        if (VERBOSE>0) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] analyzing photon"<<iPho<<" pt="<<pho.pt() <<" pz"<<pho.pz() <<endl;

        //if ( not pho.passElectronVeto ()  ) continue;

        // r9()>0.8 , chargedHadronIso()<20, chargedHadronIso()<0.3*pt()
        if (pho.pt() <15 or pho.chargedHadronIso()/pho.pt() > 0.3) continue; // 10 -- 14  GeV photons are saved if chargedHadronIso()<10
        if (fabs(pho.eta()) > mMaxEta ) continue;
        if (pho.pt() < mMinPt) continue;

        #ifdef VERBOSE
        if (VERBOSE>1) cout<<"[NeroPhotons]::[analize]::[DEBUG2] photonInfo:" <<endl
            <<" \t pho.chargedHadronIso()/pho.pt() (0.3) "<<pho.chargedHadronIso()/pho.pt() <<endl
            <<" \t chargedHadronIso() (20) "<<pho.chargedHadronIso()<<endl
            <<" \t r9 (0.8) "<<pho.r9()<<endl
            <<" \t SC is non null? "<< pho.superCluster().isNonnull()<<endl

        edm::RefToBase<pat::Photon> ref ( edm::Ref< pat::PhotonCollection >(handle, iPho) ) ;
        float _chIso_ =  (*iso_ch) [ref];
        float _nhIso_ =  (*iso_nh) [ref];
        float _phIso_ =  (*iso_pho)[ref];	
        float _puIso_ =  pho.puChargedHadronIso() ;  // the other are eff area corrected, no need for this correction
        float totIso = _chIso_ + _nhIso_ + _phIso_;

        bool isPassLoose  = (*loose_id)[ref];	
        bool isPassMedium = (*medium_id)[ref];	
        bool isPassTight  = (*tight_id)[ref];	
        bool isPassVLoose50 = cutBasedPhotonId( pho, "loose_50ns", false, false); // no pho iso , no sieie
        bool isPassVLoose25 = cutBasedPhotonId( pho, "loose_25ns", false, false); // no pho iso , no sieie

        //if (not isPassVLoose) continue;
        if (mMaxIso >=0 and totIso > mMaxIso) continue;

        unsigned bits=0;

        bits |= isPassTight * PhoTight;
        bits |= isPassMedium * PhoMedium;
        bits |= isPassLoose * PhoLoose;
        bits |= isPassVLoose50 * PhoVLoose50;
        bits |= isPassVLoose25 * PhoVLoose25;

        if (not bits) continue; // even if there is some misalignment ntuples will not be corrupted

        bits |= pho.passElectronVeto() * PhoElectronVeto;

        // RC -- with FPR
        float _chIsoRC_ = 0;
        float _nhIsoRC_ = 0;
        float _phIsoRC_ = 0;
        float _puIsoRC_ = 0;// not fill for the moment in the FPR TODO
        if (  pho.chargedHadronIso()< 20 )
                                        //<<" \t r9 (0.8) "<<pho.r9()<<endl
        #ifdef VERBOSE
            if (VERBOSE >0 ) cout <<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] FPR START"<<endl;

        fpr -> Config(iSetup);
        fpr -> SetHandles(
                pf  -> handle,
                jets-> handle,

        PFIsolation_struct FPR_out = fpr -> PFIsolation(pho.superCluster(), edm::Ptr<reco::Vertex>(vtx->handle,vtx->firstGoodVertexIdx) );
        _chIsoRC_ = FPR_out.chargediso_primvtx_rcone;
        _nhIsoRC_ = FPR_out.neutraliso_rcone;
        _phIsoRC_ = FPR_out.photoniso_rcone;

        #ifdef VERBOSE
            if (VERBOSE >0 ) cout <<"[NeroPhotons]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] FPR END"<<endl;
        } else {
             _chIsoRC_ = -999.;
             _nhIsoRC_ = -999.;
             _phIsoRC_ = -999.;
             _puIsoRC_ = -999.;// not fill for the moment in the FPR TODO

        // RC -- without FPR
        // allowed dphi
        // -- float dphis[] = { 0.5 * 3.14159 , -.5 *3.14159, 0.25*3.14150 , -0.25*3.14159, 0.75*3.14159,-0.75*3.14159} ;

        // -- float DR=0.3; // close obj
        // -- float DRCone=0.3; // default value for iso https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EgammaPFBasedIsolationRun2

        // -- float dphi = -100;

        // -- //select dphi
        // -- for(unsigned i =0 ;i< sizeof(dphis)/sizeof(float) ;++i)
        // -- {
        // --     float dphi_cand = dphis[i];
        // --     bool close_obj = false;
        // --     for(auto &j : *jets->handle) 
        // --     {
        // --         if (j.pt() <20 or j.eta() >2.5) continue; // it's own set of jets
        // --         TLorentzVector v1,v2;
        // --         v1.SetPtEtaPhiM( pho.pt(),pho.eta(),pho.phi() + dphi_cand,0 ) ;
        // --         v2.SetPtEtaPhiM( j.pt(),j.eta(),j.phi(),j.mass() );
        // --         if (v1.DeltaR(v2) <DR ) close_obj = true; 
        // --     } 
        // --     if ( not close_obj ) 
        // --     {
        // --     dphi = dphi_cand;
        // --     break;
        // --     }
        // -- }

        // -- if (dphi <-99)
        // -- {
        // -- _chIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- _nhIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- _phIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- _puIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- }
        // -- else
        // -- {
        // --     for( auto &cand : *pf->handle )
        // --     {
        // --         TLorentzVector v1,v2;
        // --         v1.SetPtEtaPhiM( pho.pt(),pho.eta(),pho.phi() + dphi,0 ) ;
        // --         v2.SetPtEtaPhiM( cand.pt(),cand.eta(),cand.phi(),cand.mass() );
        // --         if (v1.DeltaR(v2) < DRCone )
        // --         {
        // --              // TO BE CHECKED !!! TODO FIXME
        // --         if (cand.charge() != 0  and abs(cand.pdgId())>20 and  fabs( cand.dz() ) <=0.1 and cand.fromPV()>1 and cand.trackHighPurity() ) _chIsoRC_ += cand.pt();
        // --         if (cand.charge() == 0 and cand.pdgId() == 22 ) _phIsoRC_ += cand.pt();
        // --         if (cand.charge() == 0 and cand.pdgId() != 22 ) _nhIsoRC_ += cand.pt();
        // --         if (cand.charge() != 0 and abs(cand.pdgId() )>20 and ( 
        // --                     fabs( cand.dz() ) >0.1  or cand.fromPV()<=1 or not cand.trackHighPurity() 
        // --                     ) ) _puIsoRC_ += cand.pt(); 
        // --         }

        // --     }
        // -- }
        new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(pho.px(),pho.py(),pho.pz(),pho.energy());
        sieie -> push_back( pho. full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta() );

        selBits -> push_back( bits);

        chIso -> push_back( _chIso_);
        phoIso -> push_back( _phIso_ ) ;
        nhIso -> push_back ( _nhIso_ ) ;
        puIso -> push_back ( _puIso_ ) ;

        chIsoRC -> push_back( _chIsoRC_);
        phoIsoRC -> push_back( _phIsoRC_ ) ;
        nhIsoRC -> push_back ( _nhIsoRC_ ) ;
        puIsoRC -> push_back ( _puIsoRC_ ) ;
    if ( int(selBits -> size()) < mMinNpho  ) return 1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int NeroPhotons::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent,const edm::EventSetup &iSetup){

    if ( mOnlyMc  ) return 0;

    // maybe handle should be taken before
    iEvent.getByToken(token, handle);

    // ID and ISO
    iEvent.getByToken(iso_ch_token, iso_ch);
    iEvent.getByToken(iso_nh_token, iso_nh);
    iEvent.getByToken(iso_pho_token, iso_pho);

    int iPho = -1;	
    for (auto &pho : *handle)

        if (pho.pt() <15 or pho.chargedHadronIso()/pho.pt() > 0.3) continue;		
        if (fabs(pho.eta()) > mMinEta ) continue;
        if (pho.pt() < mMinPt) continue;

        edm::RefToBase<pat::Photon> ref ( edm::Ref< pat::PhotonCollection >(handle, iPho) ) ;
        float _chIso_ =  (*iso_ch) [ref];
        float _nhIso_ =  (*iso_nh) [ref];
        float _phIso_ =  (*iso_pho)[ref];	
        float _puIso_ =  pho.puChargedHadronIso() ;  // the other are eff area corrected, no need for this correction
        float totIso = _chIso_ + _nhIso_ + _phIso_;

        bool isPassLoose  = (*loose_id)[ref];	
        bool isPassMedium = (*medium_id)[ref];	
        bool isPassTight  = (*tight_id)[ref];	
        bool isPassVLoose = cutBasedPhotonId( pho, "loose_50ns", false, false); // no pho iso , no sieie

        if (not isPassVLoose) continue;
        if (mMaxIso >=0 and totIso > mMaxIso) continue;

        // RC -- with FPR
        float _chIsoRC_ = 0;
        float _nhIsoRC_ = 0;
        float _phIsoRC_ = 0;
        float _puIsoRC_ = 0;// not fill for the moment in the FPR TODO

        fpr -> Config(iSetup);
        fpr -> SetHandles(
                pf  -> handle,
                jets-> handle,

        PFIsolation_struct FPR_out = fpr -> PFIsolation(pho.superCluster(), edm::Ptr<reco::Vertex>(vtx->handle,vtx->firstGoodVertexIdx) );
        _chIsoRC_ = FPR_out.chargediso_primvtx_rcone;
        _nhIsoRC_ = FPR_out.neutraliso_rcone;
        _phIsoRC_ = FPR_out.photoniso_rcone;

        // RC -- without FPR
        // allowed dphi
        // -- float dphis[] = { 0.5 * 3.14159 , -.5 *3.14159, 0.25*3.14150 , -0.25*3.14159, 0.75*3.14159,-0.75*3.14159} ;

        // -- float DR=0.3; // close obj
        // -- float DRCone=0.3; // default value for iso https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EgammaPFBasedIsolationRun2

        // -- float dphi = -100;

        // -- //select dphi
        // -- for(unsigned i =0 ;i< sizeof(dphis)/sizeof(float) ;++i)
        // -- {
        // --     float dphi_cand = dphis[i];
        // --     bool close_obj = false;
        // --     for(auto &j : *jets->handle) 
        // --     {
        // --         if (j.pt() <20 or j.eta() >2.5) continue; // it's own set of jets
        // --         TLorentzVector v1,v2;
        // --         v1.SetPtEtaPhiM( pho.pt(),pho.eta(),pho.phi() + dphi_cand,0 ) ;
        // --         v2.SetPtEtaPhiM( j.pt(),j.eta(),j.phi(),j.mass() );
        // --         if (v1.DeltaR(v2) <DR ) close_obj = true; 
        // --     } 
        // --     if ( not close_obj ) 
        // --     {
        // --     dphi = dphi_cand;
        // --     break;
        // --     }
        // -- }

        // -- if (dphi <-99)
        // -- {
        // -- _chIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- _nhIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- _phIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- _puIsoRC_ = -1;
        // -- }
        // -- else
        // -- {
        // --     for( auto &cand : *pf->handle )
        // --     {
        // --         TLorentzVector v1,v2;
        // --         v1.SetPtEtaPhiM( pho.pt(),pho.eta(),pho.phi() + dphi,0 ) ;
        // --         v2.SetPtEtaPhiM( cand.pt(),cand.eta(),cand.phi(),cand.mass() );
        // --         if (v1.DeltaR(v2) < DRCone )
        // --         {
        // --              // TO BE CHECKED !!! TODO FIXME
        // --         if (cand.charge() != 0  and abs(cand.pdgId())>20 and  fabs( cand.dz() ) <=0.1 and cand.fromPV()>1 and cand.trackHighPurity() ) _chIsoRC_ += cand.pt();
        // --         if (cand.charge() == 0 and cand.pdgId() == 22 ) _phIsoRC_ += cand.pt();
        // --         if (cand.charge() == 0 and cand.pdgId() != 22 ) _nhIsoRC_ += cand.pt();
        // --         if (cand.charge() != 0 and abs(cand.pdgId() )>20 and ( 
        // --                     fabs( cand.dz() ) >0.1  or cand.fromPV()<=1 or not cand.trackHighPurity() 
        // --                     ) ) _puIsoRC_ += cand.pt(); 
        // --         }

        // --     }
        // -- }
        new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(pho.px(),pho.py(),pho.pz(),pho.energy());
        sieie -> push_back( pho. full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta() );


        chIso -> push_back( _chIso_);
        phoIso -> push_back( _phIso_ ) ;
        nhIso -> push_back ( _nhIso_ ) ;
        puIso -> push_back ( _puIso_ ) ;

        chIsoRC -> push_back( _chIsoRC_);
        phoIsoRC -> push_back( _phIsoRC_ ) ;
        nhIsoRC -> push_back ( _nhIsoRC_ ) ;
        puIsoRC -> push_back ( _puIsoRC_ ) ;

    return 0;