CV_IMPL void
cvCalcContrastHist( IplImage ** img, CvHistogram * hist, int dont_clear, IplImage * mask )
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCalcContrastHist" );
    uchar *data[CV_HIST_MAX_DIM];
    uchar *mask_data = 0;
    int step = 0;
    int mask_step = 0;
    CvSize roi = { 0, 0 };


        for( int i = 0; i < hist->c_dims; i++ )
            CV_CALL( CV_CHECK_IMAGE( img[i] ));
    if( mask )
        CV_CALL( CV_CHECK_IMAGE( mask ));
        if( mask->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
            CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "bad mask depth" );
        cvGetImageRawData( mask, &mask_data, &mask_step, 0 );

        for( int i = 0; i < hist->c_dims; i++ )
            cvGetImageRawData( img[i], &data[i], &step, &roi );

    if( img[0]->nChannels != 1 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "bad channels numbers" );

    if( img[0]->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "bad image depth" );

    switch (img[0]->depth)
    case IPL_DEPTH_8U:
        if( !mask )
            IPPI_CALL( icvCalcContrastHist8uC1R( data, step, roi, hist, dont_clear ));
            IPPI_CALL( icvCalcContrastHistMask8uC1R( data, step, mask_data,
                                                     mask_step, roi, hist, dont_clear ));
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "bad image depth" );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void show_points( IplImage* gray, CvPoint2D32f* u, int u_cnt, CvPoint2D32f* v, int v_cnt,
                  CvSize etalon_size, int was_found )
    CvSize size;
    int i;

    cvGetImageRawData( gray, 0, 0, &size );
    IplImage* rgb = cvCreateImage( size, 8, 3 );
    cvMerge( gray, gray, gray, 0, rgb );

    if( v )
        for( i = 0; i < v_cnt; i++ )
            cvCircle( rgb, cvPoint(cvRound(v[i].x), cvRound(v[i].y)), 3, CV_RGB(255,0,0), CV_FILLED);

    if( u )
        for( i = 0; i < u_cnt; i++ )
            cvCircle( rgb, cvPoint(cvRound(u[i].x), cvRound(u[i].y)), 3, CV_RGB(0,255,0), CV_FILLED);

    cvDrawChessboardCorners( rgb, etalon_size, v, v_cnt, was_found );

    cvvNamedWindow( "test", 0 );
    cvvShowImage( "test", rgb );

Ejemplo n.º 3
//    Name: cvPostWarpImage
//    Purpose: The functions postwarp the image after morphing
//    Context:
//    Parameters:  img        - initial image (in the beginning)
//    Notes:
CV_IMPL void
cvPostWarpImage( int numLines,  /* number of scanlines  */
                 uchar * src,   /* source buffers       */
                 int *src_nums, /* lens of buffers      */
                 IplImage * img,        /* dest image           */
                 int *scanlines /* scanline             */  )
    uchar *img_data = 0;
    int img_step = 0;
    CvSize img_size;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvPostWarpImage" );


    cvGetImageRawData( img, &img_data, &img_step, &img_size );

    if( img->nChannels != 3 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "Source image must have 3 channel." );
    if( img->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "Channel depth of image must be 8." );

    CV_CALL( icvPostWarpImage8uC3R( numLines,   /* number of scanlines   */
                                    src,        /* source buffers       */
                                    src_nums,   /* lens of buffers      */
                                    img_data,   /* dest image           */
                                    img_step,   /* dest image step      */
                                    img_size,   /* dest image size      */
                                    scanlines /* scanline             */  ));

Ejemplo n.º 4
CV_IMPL void
cvDeInterlace( IplImage* frame, IplImage* fieldEven, IplImage* fieldOdd )


    uchar *framedata, *f0data, *f1data;
    int framestep = 0, f0step = 0, f1step = 0;
    CvSize framesize, f0size, f1size;
    int y;

    if( !frame || !fieldEven || !fieldOdd )

    cvGetImageRawData( frame, &framedata, &framestep, &framesize );
    cvGetImageRawData( fieldEven, &f0data, &f0step, &f0size );
    cvGetImageRawData( fieldOdd, &f1data, &f1step, &f1size );

    if( f0size.width != f1size.width ||
        f0size.height != f1size.height ||
        f0size.width != framesize.width ||
        f0size.height != framesize.height/2 )
        CV_ERROR( IPL_StsBadArg,
        "source image and destination image have incorrect combination of sizes" );

    if( frame->depth != fieldEven->depth ||
        frame->depth != fieldOdd->depth )

    if( frame->nChannels != fieldEven->nChannels ||
        frame->nChannels != fieldOdd->nChannels )

    f0size.width *= icvGetBtPix( frame );

    for( y = 0; y < f0size.height; y++, framedata += frame->widthStep*2,
                                        f0data += f0step, f1data += f1step )
        memcpy( f0data, framedata, f0size.width );
        memcpy( f1data, framedata + frame->widthStep, f0size.width );

Ejemplo n.º 5
static int myThreshR( IplImage*     Src8u,
                      IplImage*     Src8s,
                      IplImage*     Src32f,
                      float         Thresh,
                      float         Max,
                      CvThreshType  Type )
    char* s8u;
    char* s8s;
    char* s32f;
    int step8u, step8s, step32f;
    CvSize size;

    cvGetImageRawData(Src8u, (uchar**)&s8u, &step8u, &size);
    cvGetImageRawData(Src8s, (uchar**)&s8s, &step8s, 0);
    cvGetImageRawData(Src32f, (uchar**)&s32f, &step32f, 0);

    int y;
    for( y = 0; y < size.height; y++, s8u += step8u, s8s += step8s, s32f += step32f )
        myThresh( (uchar*)s8u, s8s, (float*)s32f, Thresh, Max, size.width, Type );
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void  CKalmTrack::ApplyCamShift( CvImage* image, bool initialize )
    CvSize size;
    int bins = 20;

    m_cCamShift.set_hist_dims( 1, &bins );
    m_cCamShift.set_thresh( 0, 1, 180 );
    m_cCamShift.set_min_ch_val( 1, m_params.Smin );
    m_cCamShift.set_max_ch_val( 1, 255 );
    m_cCamShift.set_min_ch_val( 2, m_params.Vmin );
    m_cCamShift.set_max_ch_val( 2, 255 );
    cvGetImageRawData( image, 0, 0, &size );

    if( m_object.x < 0 ) m_object.x = 0;
    if( m_object.x > size.width - m_object.width - 1 )
        m_object.x = size.width - m_object.width - 1;

    if( m_object.y < 0 ) m_object.y = 0;
    if( m_object.y > size.height - m_object.height - 1 )
        m_object.y = size.height - m_object.height - 1;

    if( initialize )
        m_cCamShift.update_histogram( image );

    m_cCamShift.track_object( image );
    m_object = m_cCamShift.get_window();

    Measurement[0] = (float)m_object.x + m_object.width*0.5f;
    Measurement[1] = initialize ? 0 : Measurement[0] - m_Old.x;
    Measurement[2] = (float)m_object.y + m_object.height*0.5f;
    Measurement[3] = initialize ? 0 : Measurement[2] - m_Old.y;

    m_Old.x = cvRound( Measurement[0] );
    m_Old.y = cvRound( Measurement[2] );
Ejemplo n.º 7
//    Name: cvDeleteMoire
//    Purpose: The functions delete moire on the image after ViewMorphing
//    Context:
//    Parameters:  img        - image on which will delete moire
//    Notes:
CV_IMPL void
cvDeleteMoire( IplImage * img )
    uchar *img_data = 0;
    int img_step = 0;
    CvSize img_size;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvDeleteMoire" );


    cvGetImageRawData( img, &img_data, &img_step, &img_size );

    if( img->nChannels != 1 && img->nChannels != 3 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "Source image must have 3 channel." );
    if( img->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "Channel depth of source image must be 8." );

    CV_CALL( icvDeleteMoire8u( img_data, img_step, img_size, img->nChannels ));


Ejemplo n.º 8
void CamShift::DoHSV(IplImage* image, bool initialize)
  m_cCamShift.set_hist_dims( 1, &m_bins );
  m_cCamShift.set_hist_bin_range( 0, 0, 180 );
  m_cCamShift.set_threshold( 0 );
  m_cCamShift.set_min_ch_val( 1, m_Smin );
  m_cCamShift.set_max_ch_val( 1, 255 );
  m_cCamShift.set_min_ch_val( 2, m_Vmin );
  m_cCamShift.set_max_ch_val( 2, m_Vmax );
  CvSize size;
  cvGetImageRawData( image, 0, 0, &size );

  if( m_object.x < 0 ) m_object.x = 0;
  if( m_object.x > size.width - m_object.width - 1 )
      m_object.x = MAX(0, size.width - m_object.width - 1);

  if( m_object.y < 0 ) m_object.y = 0;
  if( m_object.y > size.height - m_object.height - 1 )
      m_object.y = MAX(0, size.height - m_object.height - 1);

  if( m_object.width > size.width - m_object.x )
      m_object.width = MIN(size.width, size.width - m_object.x);

  if( m_object.height > size.height - m_object.y )
      m_object.height = MIN(size.height, size.height - m_object.y);

  if (initialize) {
      m_cCamShift.update_histogram( image );

  m_cCamShift.track_object( image );
  m_object = m_cCamShift.get_window();
Ejemplo n.º 9
void CamShift::CheckBackProject(IplImage* image, int view) const
  if( view == 1 )
    IplImage* src = ((CvCamShiftTracker&)m_cCamShift).get_back_project();
    if( src && src->imageData && image )
      cvSetImageROI( image, cvRect( m_object.x, m_object.y, m_object.width, m_object.height )); 
      cvSetImageROI( src, cvRect( m_object.x, m_object.y, m_object.width, m_object.height )); 
      cvCvtColor( src, image, CV_GRAY2BGR );
      cvResetImageROI( image );
      cvResetImageROI( src );
  else if( view == 2 && m_tracking ) 
    int i, dims;
    CvSize size;

    m_cCamShift.get_hist_dims( &dims );
    cvGetImageRawData( image, 0, 0, &size );

    for( i = 0; i < dims; i++ )
      int val = cvRound(m_cCamShift.query(&i));
      CvPoint p[4];

      p[0].x = p[1].x = i*size.width/(2*dims);
      p[2].x = p[3].x = (i+1)*size.width/(2*dims);

      p[1].y = p[2].y = 0;
      p[0].y = p[3].y = (val*size.height)/(3*255);

      cvFillConvexPoly( image, p, 4, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
Ejemplo n.º 10
cvCreateGLCM( const IplImage* srcImage,
              int stepMagnitude,
              const int* srcStepDirections,/* should be static array..
                                          or if not the user should handle de-allocation */
              int numStepDirections,
              int optimizationType )
    static const int defaultStepDirections[] = { 0,1, -1,1, -1,0, -1,-1 };

    int* memorySteps = 0;
    CvGLCM* newGLCM = 0;
    int* stepDirections = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCreateGLCM" );


    uchar* srcImageData = 0;
    CvSize srcImageSize;
    int srcImageStep;
    int stepLoop;
    const int maxNumGreyLevels8u = CV_MAX_NUM_GREY_LEVELS_8U;

    if( !srcImage )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( srcImage->nChannels != 1 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "Number of channels must be 1");

    if( srcImage->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "Depth must be equal IPL_DEPTH_8U");

	numStepDirections = 4 ;

    // no Directions provided, use the default ones - 0 deg, 45, 90, 135
    if( !srcStepDirections )
        srcStepDirections = defaultStepDirections;
    CV_CALL( stepDirections = (int*)cvAlloc( numStepDirections*2*sizeof(stepDirections[0])));
    memcpy( stepDirections, srcStepDirections, numStepDirections*2*sizeof(stepDirections[0]));

    CV_CALL( stepDirections = new int[numStepDirections*2]);
    memcpy( stepDirections, srcStepDirections,

    cvGetImageRawData( srcImage, &srcImageData, &srcImageStep, &srcImageSize );

    // roll together Directions and magnitudes together with knowledge of image (step)
    //    CV_CALL( memorySteps = (int*)cvAlloc( numStepDirections*sizeof(memorySteps[0])));
    CV_CALL( memorySteps = new int[ numStepDirections]);

    for( stepLoop = 0; stepLoop < numStepDirections; stepLoop++ )
        stepDirections[stepLoop*2 + 0] *= stepMagnitude;
        stepDirections[stepLoop*2 + 1] *= stepMagnitude;

        memorySteps[stepLoop] = stepDirections[stepLoop*2 + 0]*srcImageStep +
                                stepDirections[stepLoop*2 + 1];

    //    CV_CALL( newGLCM = (CvGLCM*)cvAlloc(sizeof(newGLCM)));
    CV_CALL(newGLCM = new CvGLCM());
    //        CV_CALL( newGLCM = new CvGLCM[sizeof(CvGLCM)]);
    memset( newGLCM, 0, sizeof(newGLCM) );

    newGLCM->matrices = 0;
    newGLCM->numMatrices = numStepDirections;
    newGLCM->optimizationType = optimizationType;

    if( optimizationType <= CV_GLCM_OPTIMIZATION_LUT )
        int lookupTableLoop, imageColLoop, imageRowLoop, lineOffset = 0;

        // if optimization type is set to lut, then make one for the image
        if( optimizationType == CV_GLCM_OPTIMIZATION_LUT )
            for( imageRowLoop = 0; imageRowLoop < srcImageSize.height;
                                   imageRowLoop++, lineOffset += srcImageStep )
                for( imageColLoop = 0; imageColLoop < srcImageSize.width; imageColLoop++ )

            newGLCM->numLookupTableElements = 0;

            for( lookupTableLoop = 0; lookupTableLoop < maxNumGreyLevels8u; lookupTableLoop++ )
                if( newGLCM->forwardLookupTable[ lookupTableLoop ] != 0 )
                    newGLCM->forwardLookupTable[ lookupTableLoop ] =
                    newGLCM->reverseLookupTable[ newGLCM->numLookupTableElements ] =

        // otherwise make a "LUT" which contains all the gray-levels (for code-reuse)
        else if( optimizationType == CV_GLCM_OPTIMIZATION_NONE )
            for( lookupTableLoop = 0; lookupTableLoop <maxNumGreyLevels8u; lookupTableLoop++ )
                newGLCM->forwardLookupTable[ lookupTableLoop ] = lookupTableLoop;
                newGLCM->reverseLookupTable[ lookupTableLoop ] = lookupTableLoop;
            newGLCM->numLookupTableElements = maxNumGreyLevels8u;

        newGLCM->matrixSideLength = newGLCM->numLookupTableElements;
        icvCreateGLCM_LookupTable_8u_C1R( srcImageData, srcImageStep, srcImageSize,
                                          newGLCM, stepDirections,
                                          numStepDirections, memorySteps );
    else if( optimizationType == CV_GLCM_OPTIMIZATION_HISTOGRAM )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadFlag, "Histogram-based method is not implemented" );

    /*  newGLCM->numMatrices *= 2;
        newGLCM->matrixSideLength = maxNumGreyLevels8u*2;

        icvCreateGLCM_Histogram_8uC1R( srcImageStep, srcImageSize, srcImageData,
                                       newGLCM, numStepDirections,
                                       stepDirections, memorySteps );


    //    cvFree( &memorySteps );
    //    cvFree( &stepDirections );
    delete[] memorySteps;
    delete[] stepDirections;

    if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
      //        cvFree( &newGLCM );
      delete[] newGLCM;

    return newGLCM;
Ejemplo n.º 11
	void Run()
		int w, h;
		IplImage *pCapImage;
		PBYTE pCapBuffer = NULL;
        // Create camera instance
		_cam = CLEyeCreateCamera(_cameraGUID, _mode, _resolution, _fps);
        if(_cam == NULL)		return;
        // Get camera frame dimensions
		CLEyeCameraGetFrameDimensions(_cam, w, h);
        // Depending on color mode chosen, create the appropriate OpenCV image
		if(_mode == CLEYE_COLOR_PROCESSED || _mode == CLEYE_COLOR_RAW)
			pCapImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4);
			pCapImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

		// Set some camera parameters
		//CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_GAIN, 30);
		//CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_EXPOSURE, 500);
        //CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_AUTO_EXPOSURE, false);
        //CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_AUTO_GAIN, false);
        //CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_AUTO_WHITEBALANCE, false);
        //CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_WHITEBALANCE_RED, 100);
        //CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_WHITEBALANCE_BLUE, 200);
        //CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_WHITEBALANCE_GREEN, 200);


		// Start capturing

		CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
        IplImage* hsv_frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pCapImage->width, pCapImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
        IplImage* thresholded   = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pCapImage->width, pCapImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
		IplImage* temp = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pCapImage->width >> 1, pCapImage->height >> 1), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

        // Create a window in which the captured images will be presented
        cvNamedWindow( "Camera" , CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
        cvNamedWindow( "HSV", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
        cvNamedWindow( "EdgeDetection", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
        //int hl = 100, hu = 115, sl = 95, su = 135, vl = 115, vu = 200;
        int hl = 5, hu = 75, sl = 40, su = 245, vl = 105, vu = 175;

		// image capturing loop

            // Detect a red ball
            CvScalar hsv_min = cvScalar(hl, sl, vl, 0);
            CvScalar hsv_max = cvScalar(hu, su, vu, 0);

			cvGetImageRawData(pCapImage, &pCapBuffer);
			CLEyeCameraGetFrame(_cam, pCapBuffer);

			cvConvertImage(pCapImage, hsv_frame);

            // Get one frame
            if( !pCapImage )
                    fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" );
                // Covert color space to HSV as it is much easier to filter colors in the HSV color-space.
                cvCvtColor(pCapImage, hsv_frame, CV_RGB2HSV);
                // Filter out colors which are out of range.
                cvInRangeS(hsv_frame, hsv_min, hsv_max, thresholded);
                // Memory for hough circles
                CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
                // hough detector works better with some smoothing of the image
                cvSmooth( thresholded, thresholded, CV_GAUSSIAN, 9, 9 );
                CvSeq* circles = cvHoughCircles(thresholded, storage, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2,
                                                thresholded->height/4, 100, 50, 10, 400);
                for (int i = 0; i < circles->total; i++)
                    float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem( circles, i );
                    //printf("Ball! x=%f y=%f r=%f\n\r",p[0],p[1],p[2] );
                    cvCircle( pCapImage, cvPoint(cvRound(p[0]),cvRound(p[1])),
                                            3, CV_RGB(0,255,0), -1, 8, 0 );
                    cvCircle( pCapImage, cvPoint(cvRound(p[0]),cvRound(p[1])),
                                            cvRound(p[2]), CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, 8, 0 );
                cvShowImage( "Camera", pCapImage ); // Original stream with detected ball overlay
                cvShowImage( "HSV", hsv_frame); // Original stream in the HSV color space
                cvShowImage( "EdgeDetection", thresholded ); // The stream after color filtering
                // Do not release the frame!
                //If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7(linux version),
                //remove higher bits using AND operator
                int key = cvWaitKey(10);

                    case 'q' : hu += 5; break;
                    case 'Q' : hu -= 5; break;
                    case 'a' : hl -= 5; break;
                    case 'A' : hl += 5; break;
                    case 'w' : su += 5; break;
                    case 'W' : su -= 5; break;
                    case 's' : sl -= 5; break;
                    case 'S' : sl += 5; break;
                    case 'e' : vu += 5; break;
                    case 'E' : vu -= 5; break;
                    case 'd' : vl -= 5; break;
                    case 'D' : vl += 5; break;

                if (key != -1){
                    printf("H: %i, S: %i, V: %i\nH: %i, S: %i, V: %i\n\n", hu, su, vu, hl, sl, vl);


		// Stop camera capture
		// Destroy camera object
		// Destroy the allocated OpenCV image
		_cam = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 12
CV_IMPL void
cvCalcCovarMatrixEx( int  nObjects, void*  input, int  ioFlags,
                     int  ioBufSize, uchar*  buffer, void*  userData,
                     IplImage* avg, float*  covarMatrix )
    float *avg_data;
    int avg_step = 0;
    CvSize avg_size;
    int i;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCalcCovarMatrixEx" );


    cvGetImageRawData( avg, (uchar **) & avg_data, &avg_step, &avg_size );
    if( avg->depth != IPL_DEPTH_32F )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );
    if( avg->nChannels != 1 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, cvUnsupportedFormat );

    if( ioFlags == CV_EIGOBJ_NO_CALLBACK )
        IplImage **images = (IplImage **) (((CvInput *) & input)->data);
        uchar **objects = (uchar **) cvAlloc( sizeof( uchar * ) * nObjects );
        int img_step = 0, old_step = 0;
        CvSize img_size = avg_size, old_size = avg_size;

        if( objects == NULL )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Insufficient memory" );

        for( i = 0; i < nObjects; i++ )
            IplImage *img = images[i];
            uchar *img_data;

            cvGetImageRawData( img, &img_data, &img_step, &img_size );
            if( img->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
                CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );
            if( img_size != avg_size || img_size != old_size )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Different sizes of objects" );
            if( img->nChannels != 1 )
                CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, cvUnsupportedFormat );
            if( i > 0 && img_step != old_step )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Different steps of objects" );

            old_step = img_step;
            old_size = img_size;
            objects[i] = img_data;

        CV_CALL( icvCalcCovarMatrixEx_8u32fR( nObjects,
                                              (void*) objects,
                                              covarMatrix ));
        cvFree( &objects );


        CV_CALL( icvCalcCovarMatrixEx_8u32fR( nObjects,
                                              avg_step / 4,
                                              covarMatrix ));

Ejemplo n.º 13
//    Name: cvCalcEigenObjects
//    Purpose: The function calculates an orthonormal eigen basis and a mean (averaged)
//             object for a group of input objects (images, vectors, etc.).
//    Context:
//    Parameters: nObjects  - number of source objects
//                input     - pointer either to array of input objects
//                            or to read callback function (depending on ioFlags)
//                output    - pointer either to output eigen objects
//                            or to write callback function (depending on ioFlags)
//                ioFlags   - input/output flags (see Notes)
//                ioBufSize - input/output buffer size
//                userData  - pointer to the structure which contains all necessary
//                            data for the callback functions
//                calcLimit - determines the calculation finish conditions
//                avg       - averaged object (has the same size as ROI)
//                eigVals   - pointer to corresponding eigen values (array of <nObjects>
//                            elements in descending order)
//    Notes: 1. input/output data (that is, input objects and eigen ones) may either
//              be allocated in the RAM or be read from/written to the HDD (or any
//              other device) by read/write callback functions. It depends on the
//              value of ioFlags paramater, which may be the following:
//                  CV_EIGOBJ_NO_CALLBACK, or 0;
//                  CV_EIGOBJ_INPUT_CALLBACK;
//                  CV_EIGOBJ_OUTPUT_CALLBACK;
//                  CV_EIGOBJ_BOTH_CALLBACK, or
//              The callback functions as well as the user data structure must be
//              developed by the user.
//           2. If ioBufSize = 0, or it's too large, the function dermines buffer size
//              itself.
//           3. Depending on calcLimit parameter, calculations are finished either if
//              eigenfaces number comes up to certain value or the relation of the
//              current eigenvalue and the largest one comes down to certain value
//              (or any of the above conditions takes place). The calcLimit->type value
//              must be CV_TERMCRIT_NUMB, CV_TERMCRIT_EPS or
//              CV_TERMCRIT_NUMB | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS. The function returns the real
//              values calcLimit->max_iter and calcLimit->epsilon.
//           4. eigVals may be equal to NULL (if you don't need eigen values in further).
CV_IMPL void
cvCalcEigenObjects( int       nObjects,
                    void*     input,
                    void*     output,
                    int       ioFlags,
                    int       ioBufSize,
                    void*     userData,
                    CvTermCriteria* calcLimit,
                    IplImage* avg,
                    float*    eigVals )
    float *avg_data;
    int avg_step = 0;
    CvSize avg_size;
    int i;
    int nEigens = nObjects - 1;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCalcEigenObjects" );


    cvGetImageRawData( avg, (uchar **) & avg_data, &avg_step, &avg_size );
    if( avg->depth != IPL_DEPTH_32F )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );
    if( avg->nChannels != 1 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, cvUnsupportedFormat );

    if( nEigens > calcLimit->max_iter && calcLimit->type != CV_TERMCRIT_EPS )
        nEigens = calcLimit->max_iter;

    switch (ioFlags)
            IplImage **objects = (IplImage **) (((CvInput *) & input)->data);
            IplImage **eigens = (IplImage **) (((CvInput *) & output)->data);
            uchar **objs = (uchar **) cvAlloc( sizeof( uchar * ) * nObjects );
            float **eigs = (float **) cvAlloc( sizeof( float * ) * nEigens );
            int obj_step = 0, old_step = 0;
            int eig_step = 0, oldeig_step = 0;
            CvSize obj_size = avg_size, old_size = avg_size,

                eig_size = avg_size, oldeig_size = avg_size;

            if( objects == NULL || eigens == NULL )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Insufficient memory" );

            for( i = 0; i < nObjects; i++ )
                IplImage *img = objects[i];
                uchar *obj_data;

                cvGetImageRawData( img, &obj_data, &obj_step, &obj_size );
                if( img->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
                    CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );
                if( obj_size != avg_size || obj_size != old_size )
                    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Different sizes of objects" );
                if( img->nChannels != 1 )
                    CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, cvUnsupportedFormat );
                if( i > 0 && obj_step != old_step )
                    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Different steps of objects" );

                old_step = obj_step;
                old_size = obj_size;
                objs[i] = obj_data;
            for( i = 0; i < nEigens; i++ )
                IplImage *eig = eigens[i];
                float *eig_data;

                cvGetImageRawData( eig, (uchar **) & eig_data, &eig_step, &eig_size );
                if( eig->depth != IPL_DEPTH_32F )
                    CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );
                if( eig_size != avg_size || eig_size != oldeig_size )
Ejemplo n.º 14
void search_template(const CvArr* previous, const CvArr* current,
    CvPoint2D32f previous_feature, CvPoint2D32f *current_feature_p,
    double *zncc_array, double *maximum_p, double *minimum_p,
    CvSize template_size, int step) {
  uchar *dataR, *dataS;
  int stepR, stepS;
  CvSize sizeR, sizeS;
  int u, v;
  int uu, vv;
  double sum_i;
  double sum_t;
  double avg_i;
  double avg_t;
  double sum_iimttm;
  double sum_iim;
  double sum_ttm;
  double zncc;
  double max_zncc;
  double min_zncc;
  int max_u, max_v;
  uchar *pR, *pS;
  uchar r, s;

  cvGetImageRawData(previous, &dataR, &stepR, &sizeR);
  cvGetImageRawData(current, &dataS, &stepS, &sizeS);

  max_zncc = 0.0;
  min_zncc = 1.0;
  max_u = 8;
  max_v = 8;

  for (v = 0; v < 16; v++) {
    for (u = 0; u < 16; u++) {
      sum_i = 0.0;
      sum_t = 0.0;
      for (vv = 0; vv < template_size.height; vv += step) {
        for (uu = 0; uu < template_size.width; uu += step) {
          pR = dataR + (int) previous_feature.x + uu - template_size.width / 2
              + stepR
                  * ((int) previous_feature.y + vv - template_size.height / 2);
          r = *pR;
          pS = dataS + u * step + ((int) previous_feature.x - 8 * step) + uu
              - template_size.width / 2
              + stepS
                  * (v * step + ((int) previous_feature.y - 8 * step) + vv
                      - template_size.height / 2);
          s = *pS;
          sum_t += r;
          sum_i += s;
      avg_t = sum_t * step * step
          / (double) (template_size.height * template_size.width);
      avg_i = sum_i * step * step
          / (double) (template_size.height * template_size.width);
      sum_iim = 0.0;
      sum_ttm = 0.0;
      sum_iimttm = 0.0;
      for (vv = 0; vv < template_size.height; vv += step) {
        for (uu = 0; uu < template_size.width; uu += step) {
          pR = dataR + (int) previous_feature.x + uu - template_size.width / 2
              + stepR
                  * ((int) previous_feature.y + vv - template_size.height / 2);
          r = *pR;
          pS = dataS + u * step + ((int) previous_feature.x - 8 * step) + uu
              - template_size.width / 2
              + stepS
                  * (v * step + ((int) previous_feature.y - 8 * step) + vv
                      - template_size.height / 2);
          s = *pS;
          sum_iimttm += (s - avg_i) * (r - avg_t);
          sum_iim += (s - avg_i) * (s - avg_i);
          sum_ttm += (r - avg_t) * (r - avg_t);
      zncc = sum_iimttm / sqrt(sum_iim * sum_ttm);
      zncc_array[u + 16 * v] = zncc;
      if (zncc > max_zncc) {
        max_zncc = zncc;
        max_u = u;
        max_v = v;
      if (zncc < min_zncc) {
        min_zncc = zncc;
  *minimum_p = min_zncc;
  *maximum_p = max_zncc;
  (*current_feature_p).x = max_u * step + ((int) previous_feature.x - 8 * step);
  (*current_feature_p).y = max_v * step + ((int) previous_feature.y - 8 * step);

  if ((*current_feature_p).y <= template_size.height / 2 + 8 * step) {
    (*current_feature_p).y = template_size.height / 2 + 8 * step;
  if ((*current_feature_p).y
      >= sizeS.height - template_size.height / 2 - 8 * step - 1) {
    (*current_feature_p).y = sizeS.height - template_size.height / 2 - 8 * step
        - 1;
  if ((*current_feature_p).x <= template_size.width / 2 + 8 * step) {
    (*current_feature_p).x = template_size.width / 2 + 8 * step;
  if ((*current_feature_p).x
      >= sizeS.width - template_size.width / 2 - 8 * step - 1) {
    (*current_feature_p).x = sizeS.width - template_size.width / 2 - 8 * step
        - 1;

   "x=%lf, y=%lf, min_zncc=%lf, max_zncc=%lf,
   thr=%lf, t_width=%d, t_height=%d, step=%d\n",
   (*current_feature_p).x, (*current_feature_p).y,
   min_zncc, max_zncc,
   template_size.width, template_size.height, step);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CLEyeCameraCapture::Run()
	// Create camera instance
	_cam = CLEyeCreateCamera(_cameraGUID, _mode, _resolution, _fps);
	if(_cam == NULL)		return;
	// Get camera frame dimensions
	CLEyeCameraGetFrameDimensions(_cam, w, h);
	// Depending on color mode chosen, create the appropriate OpenCV image
		pCapImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4);
		pCapImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

	// Set some camera parameters
	//CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_GAIN, 20);
	//CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_EXPOSURE, 511);
	CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_AUTO_GAIN, true);
	CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_AUTO_EXPOSURE, true);
	CLEyeSetCameraParameter( _cam, CLEYE_HFLIP, true);

	// Start capturing
	cvGetImageRawData(pCapImage, &pCapBuffer);
	pCapture = pCapImage;
	long frames = 0;
	long count = GetTickCount();
	long prevCount = 0;
	double fps = 0;
	// image capturing loop
	Mat src_gray, subImage, subImage_gray;

	vector<Vec3f> circles;
	Point center;
	Point n_center;
	int radius = 0;
	int counter = 0;

	char* fpsText = new char[5];
	char* pos_text = new char[10];

		CLEyeCameraGetFrame(_cam, pCapBuffer);
		//check fps every 100 frames

		if((frames % 100) == 0){
			prevCount = count;
			count = GetTickCount();
			fps = 100000.0/(count - prevCount);
			//std::cout << "fps: " << fps << endl;
			sprintf(fpsText, "fps: %f", fps);
		if(frames > 100)
			putText(pCapture, fpsText, Point(5, 20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
			putText(pCapture, "calculating fps...", Point(5, 20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0));

		//find circle in whole area of frame first
			CircleDetector(pCapture, src_gray, circles, center, radius);
			if(circles.size() != 0)
				_isTracking = true;
			n_center = center;
		//dynamically move subimage area by tracking the object
			int subImage_size = 30;
			Point temp = FixSubImageSize(n_center, 320, 240, subImage_size);
			Rect t_rect(temp.x - subImage_size, temp.y - subImage_size, subImage_size*2, subImage_size*2);
			subImage = pCapture(t_rect);
			CircleDetector(subImage, subImage_gray, circles, center, radius);
			imshow(trackingWindowName, subImage);
			if(circles.size() == 0)
				if(counter == 3)
					_isTracking = false;
					counter = 0;
					cout << "Lost tracking! Search whole frame." << endl;

				counter = 0;
				n_center.x = temp.x - subImage_size + center.x;
				n_center.y = temp.y - subImage_size + center.y;
				cout << "fps: " << fps << "  x:" << n_center.x << ", y:" << n_center.y << endl;

		sprintf(pos_text, "x=%d,y=%d", n_center.x, n_center.y);
		if(circles.size() != 0){
			putText(pCapture, pos_text, Point(n_center.x + radius, n_center.y - radius), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
		imshow(_windowName, pCapture);

	// Stop camera capture
	// Destroy camera object
	// Destroy the allocated OpenCV image
	_cam = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void  CCondens::ApplyCamShift( CvImage* image, bool initialize )
    CvSize size;
    int bins = 20;

    m_cCamShift.set_hist_dims( 1, &bins );
    m_cCamShift.set_thresh( 0, 1, 180 );
    m_cCamShift.set_min_ch_val( 1, m_params.Smin );
    m_cCamShift.set_max_ch_val( 1, 255 );
    m_cCamShift.set_min_ch_val( 2, m_params.Vmin );
    m_cCamShift.set_max_ch_val( 2, 255 );
    cvGetImageRawData( image, 0, 0, &size );
    if( m_object.x > size.width - m_object.width - 1 )
        m_object.x = size.width - m_object.width - 1;
	if( m_object.x < 0 ) m_object.x = 0;
    if( m_object.y > size.height - m_object.height - 1 )
        m_object.y = size.height - m_object.height - 1;
	if( m_object.y < 0 ) m_object.y = 0;
    if( initialize )
        m_cCamShift.update_histogram( image );

    m_cCamShift.track_object( image );
    m_object = m_cCamShift.get_window();

    LBound[0] = (float)m_object.x;
    LBound[1] = (float)-m_object.width*0.5f;
    LBound[2] = (float)m_object.y;
    LBound[3] = (float)- m_object.height*0.5f;
    UBound[0] = (float)m_object.x + m_object.width;
    UBound[1] = (float)m_object.width*0.5f;
    UBound[2] = (float)m_object.y + m_object.height;
    UBound[3] = (float)m_object.height*0.5f;
    Measurement[0] = (float)m_object.x+m_object.width*0.5f;
    Measurement[1] = initialize ? 0 : (float)(Measurement[0] - m_Old.x);
    Measurement[2] = (float)m_object.y+m_object.height*0.5f;
    Measurement[3] = initialize ? 0 : (float)(Measurement[2] - m_Old.y);
    m_Old.x = cvRound( Measurement[0] );
    m_Old.y = cvRound( Measurement[2] );
    if( initialize )
        CvMat LB = cvMat(4,1,CV_MAT4x1_32F,LBound);
        CvMat UB = cvMat(4,1,CV_MAT4x1_32F,UBound);
    XCor = 1.5f/m_object.width;
    VXCor = 3.0f/m_object.width;
    YCor = 1.5f/m_object.height;
    VYCor = 3.0f/m_object.height;

    m_Old.x = cvRound( Measurement[0] );
    m_Old.y = cvRound( Measurement[2] );
Ejemplo n.º 17
double TestNormMask( IplImage* A, IplImage* B, IplImage* M, int type )
    uchar *A_data = 0, *B_data = 0, *M_data = 0, *m;
    int    A_step = 0,  B_step = 0,  M_step = 0;
    CvSize A_size,      B_size,      M_size;
    int i, j, j4, k, coi, channels, nx, ny, n;
    double *a=0, *b=0, norm;

    cvGetImageRawData( A, &A_data, &A_step, &A_size );
    coi = A->roi->coi;
    channels = A->nChannels;
    if( coi<0 || coi>3 ) return -1.0;
    if( coi > 0 && channels != 3 ) return -2.0;

    cvGetImageRawData( M, &M_data, &M_step, &M_size );

    if( B )
        cvGetImageRawData( B, &B_data, &B_step, &B_size );
        if( A_step!=B_step )    return -3.0;
        if( A_size.height!=B_size.height || A_size.width!=B_size.width ) return -4.0;
        if( coi!=B->roi->coi ) return -5.0;
        if( type==_CV_RELATIVE_C || type==_CV_RELATIVE_L1 || type==_CV_RELATIVE_L2 ||
            type==_CV_DIFF_C || type==_CV_DIFF_L1 || type==_CV_DIFF_L2 ) return -10.0;

    nx = A_size.width;
    ny = A_size.height;
    n  = nx*ny;
    m  = (uchar*) icvAlloc( n*sizeof(uchar));
    a  = (double*)icvAlloc( n*sizeof(double));
    if(B) b  = (double*)icvAlloc( n*sizeof(double));

    k = 0;

    if( channels < 3 )
        if( B )
            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U )
                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, B_data+=B_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0; j<nx; j++, k++ )
                        a[k] = A_data[j];
                        b[k] = B_data[j];
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8S )
                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, B_data+=B_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0; j<nx; j++, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(char*)(A_data+j);
                        b[k] = *(char*)(B_data+j);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F )
                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, B_data+=B_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=4, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(float*)(A_data+j4);
                        b[k] = *(float*)(B_data+j4);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];
            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U )
                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0; j<nx; j++, k++ )
                        a[k] = A_data[j];
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8S )
                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0; j<nx; j++, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(char*)(A_data+j);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F )
                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=4, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(float*)(A_data+j4);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];
    else  /* channels = 3 */

        if( B )
            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U )
                A_data += coi;
                B_data += coi;

                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, B_data+=B_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=3, k++ )
                        a[k] = A_data[j4];
                        b[k] = B_data[j4];
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8S )
                A_data += coi;
                B_data += coi;

                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, B_data+=B_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=3, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(char*)(A_data+j4);
                        b[k] = *(char*)(B_data+j4);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F )
                A_data += 4*coi;
                B_data += 4*coi;

                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, B_data+=B_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=12, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(float*)(A_data+j4);
                        b[k] = *(float*)(B_data+j4);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];
            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U )
                A_data += coi;

                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=3, k++ )
                        a[k] = A_data[j4];
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8S )
                A_data += coi;

                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=3, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(char*)(A_data+j4);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];

            if( A->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F )
                A_data += 4*coi;

                for( i=0; i<ny; i++, A_data+=A_step, M_data+=M_step )
                    for( j=0, j4=0; j<nx; j++, j4+=12, k++ )
                        a[k] = *(float*)(A_data+j4);
                        m[k] = M_data[j];
    }  /* channels */

    norm = calcTestNormMask( a, b, m, n, type );

    icvFree((void**)&a );
    icvFree((void**)&m );
    if(b) icvFree((void**)&b );

    return norm;