Ejemplo n.º 1
int dCollidePR(dxGeom* RayGeom, dxGeom* PlaneGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contact, int Stride) {
    dVector3 Plane;
    dGeomPlaneGetParams(PlaneGeom, Plane);

    dVector3 Origin, Direction;
    dGeomRayGet(RayGeom, Origin, Direction);

    dReal Length = dGeomRayGetLength(RayGeom);

    dReal Denom = Plane[0] * Direction[0] + Plane[1] * Direction[1] + Plane[2] * Direction[2];
    if (dFabs(Denom) < 0.00001f) {
        return 0;	// Ray never hits

    float T = -(Plane[3] + Plane[0] * Origin[0] + Plane[1] * Origin[1] + Plane[2] * Origin[2]) / Denom;

    if (T < 0 || T > Length) {
        return 0;	// Ray hits but not within boundaries

    Contact->pos[0] = Origin[0] + T * Direction[0];
    Contact->pos[1] = Origin[1] + T * Direction[1];
    Contact->pos[2] = Origin[2] + T * Direction[2];
    Contact->pos[3] = REAL(0.0);
    //Contact->normal = 0;
    Contact->depth = 0.0f;
    Contact->g1 = RayGeom;
    Contact->g2 = PlaneGeom;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Test_ODEBodies::testPlane() {
	ODE_SimulationAlgorithm *algorithm = new ODE_SimulationAlgorithm();
	ODE_Plane *plane1 = new ODE_Plane("Plane1");
	plane1->getParameter("Axis")->setValueFromString("(0.1, 0.0, 0.0)");	

	CollisionObject *co = plane1->getCollisionObjects().at(0);
	QVERIFY(plane1->getRigidBodyID() == 0);

	QVERIFY(plane1->getRigidBodyID() == 0);
	QVERIFY(co->getNativeCollisionObject() == 0);
	QVERIFY(co->getNativeCollisionObject() != 0);
	dGeomID planeGeom = (dGeomID) co->getNativeCollisionObject(); //TODO check cast

	dVector4 params;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(planeGeom, params);
	QCOMPARE((double) params[0], 1.0);
	QCOMPARE((double) params[1], 0.0);
	QCOMPARE((double) params[2], 0.0);
	QCOMPARE((double) params[3], 1.5);
	delete plane1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
IoObject *IoODEPlane_params(IoODEPlane *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	dVector4 params;
	IoODEPlane_assertHasPlaneId(self, locals, m);
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(GEOMID, params);
	return IoSeq_newWithODEVector4(IOSTATE, params);
Ejemplo n.º 4
*                              Field Get	                               *
Vec4f PhysicsPlaneGeom::getParams(void)
	PhysicsPlaneGeomPtr tmpPtr(*this);
	dVector4 t;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(tmpPtr->id, t);
	return Vec4f(t[0], t[1],t[2], t[3]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void printPlane (PrintingContext &c, dxGeom *g)
    dVector4 e;
    dGeomPlaneGetParams (g,e);
    c.print ("type","plane");
    c.print ("normal",e);
    c.print ("d",e[3]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void draw_phys_plane(dGeomID geom)
    dVector4 v;

    dGeomPlaneGetParams(geom, v);
    opengl_draw_grd((float) v[0],
                    (float) v[1],
                    (float) v[2],
                    (float) v[3]);
int dCollideCylinderPlane(dxGeom *Cylinder, dxGeom *Plane, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
	dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT (Cylinder->type == dCylinderClass);
	dIASSERT (Plane->type == dPlaneClass);
	dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	int GeomCount = 0; // count of used contactgeoms

#ifdef dSINGLE
	const dReal toleranz = REAL(0.0001);
#ifdef dDOUBLE
	const dReal toleranz = REAL(0.0000001);

	// Get the properties of the cylinder (length+radius)
	dReal radius, length;
	dGeomCylinderGetParams(Cylinder, &radius, &length);
	dVector3 &cylpos = Cylinder->final_posr->pos;
	// and the plane
	dVector4 planevec;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(Plane, planevec);
	dVector3 PlaneNormal = {planevec[0],planevec[1],planevec[2]};
	dVector3 PlanePos = {planevec[0] * planevec[3],planevec[1] * planevec[3],planevec[2] * planevec[3]};

	dVector3 G1Pos1, G1Pos2, vDir1;
	vDir1[0] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[2];
	vDir1[1] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[6];
	vDir1[2] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[10];

	dReal s;
	s = length * REAL(0.5);
	G1Pos2[0] = vDir1[0] * s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos2[1] = vDir1[1] * s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos2[2] = vDir1[2] * s + cylpos[2];

	G1Pos1[0] = vDir1[0] * -s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos1[1] = vDir1[1] * -s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos1[2] = vDir1[2] * -s + cylpos[2];

	dVector3 C;

	// parallel-check
	s = vDir1[0] * PlaneNormal[0] + vDir1[1] * PlaneNormal[1] + vDir1[2] * PlaneNormal[2];
	if(s < 0)
		s += REAL(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
		s -= REAL(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
	if(s < toleranz && s > (-toleranz))
		// discs are parallel to the plane

		// 1.compute if, and where contacts are
		dVector3 P;
		s = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, G1Pos1);
		dReal t;
		t = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, G1Pos2);
		if(s >= t) // s == t does never happen, 
			if(s >= 0)
				// 1. Disc
				dVector3Copy(G1Pos1, P);
				return GeomCount; // no contacts
			if(t >= 0)
				// 2. Disc
				dVector3Copy(G1Pos2, P);
				return GeomCount; // no contacts

		// 2. generate a coordinate-system on the disc
		dVector3 V1, V2;
		if(vDir1[0] < toleranz && vDir1[0] > (-toleranz))
			// not x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0] + REAL(1.0); // random value
			V1[1] = vDir1[1];
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
			// maybe x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0];
			V1[1] = vDir1[1] + REAL(1.0); // random value
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
		// V1 is now another direction than vDir1
		// Cross-product
	    dVector3Cross(V1, vDir1, V2);
		// make unit V2
		t = dVector3Length(V2);
		t = radius / t;
		dVector3Scale(V2, t);
		// cross again
		dVector3Cross(V2, vDir1, V1);
		// |V2| is 'radius' and vDir1 unit, so |V1| is 'radius'
		// V1 = first axis
		// V2 = second axis

		// 3. generate contactpoints

		// Potential contact 1
		dVector3Add(P, V1, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// Potential contact 2
		dVector3Subtract(P, V1, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// Potential contact 3
		dVector3Add(P, V2, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// Potential contact 4
		dVector3Subtract(P, V2, contact->pos);
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);
		dReal t = dVector3Dot(PlaneNormal, vDir1);
		C[0] = vDir1[0] * t - PlaneNormal[0];
		C[1] = vDir1[1] * t - PlaneNormal[1];
		C[2] = vDir1[2] * t - PlaneNormal[2];
		s = dVector3Length(C);
		// move C onto the circle
		s = radius / s;
		dVector3Scale(C, s);

		// deepest point of disc 1
		dVector3Add(C, G1Pos1, contact->pos);

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - dVector3Dot(planevec, contact->pos);
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);

		// C is still computed

		// deepest point of disc 2
		dVector3Add(C, G1Pos2, contact->pos);

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			dVector3Copy(PlaneNormal, contact->normal);
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & NUMC_MASK))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			contact = (dContactGeom *)((char *)contact + skip);
	return GeomCount;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int dCollideTrimeshPlane( dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom* contacts, int skip )
	dIASSERT( skip >= (int)sizeof( dContactGeom ) );
	dIASSERT( o1->type == dTriMeshClass );
	dIASSERT( o2->type == dPlaneClass );
	dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	// Alias pointers to the plane and trimesh
	dxTriMesh* trimesh = (dxTriMesh*)( o1 );
	dVector4 plane;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(o2, plane);

	o1 -> recomputeAABB();
	o2 -> recomputeAABB();

	//Find collision

	GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_result;


	if(collision_result.m_size == 0 )
	    return 0;

	unsigned int contactcount = collision_result.m_size;
	unsigned int contactmax = (unsigned int)(flags & NUMC_MASK);
	if (contactcount > contactmax)
		contactcount = contactmax;

	dContactGeom* pcontact;
	vec4f * planecontact_results = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(vec4f,collision_result);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contactcount; i++ )
        pcontact = SAFECONTACT(flags, contacts, i, skip);

        pcontact->pos[0] = (*planecontact_results)[0];
        pcontact->pos[1] = (*planecontact_results)[1];
        pcontact->pos[2] = (*planecontact_results)[2];
        pcontact->pos[3] = REAL(1.0);

        pcontact->normal[0] = plane[0];
        pcontact->normal[1] = plane[1];
        pcontact->normal[2] = plane[2];
        pcontact->normal[3] = 0;

        pcontact->depth = (*planecontact_results)[3];
        pcontact->g1 = o1;
        pcontact->g2 = o2;



	return (int)contactcount;
int dCollideCylinderPlane(dxGeom *Cylinder, dxGeom *Plane, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
	dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT ((flags & 0xffff) >= 1);

	unsigned char* pContactData = (unsigned char*)contact;
	int GeomCount = 0; // count of used contactgeoms

#ifdef dSINGLE
	const dReal toleranz = 0.0001f;
#ifdef dDOUBLE
	const dReal toleranz = 0.0000001;

	// Get the properties of the cylinder (length+radius)
	dReal radius, length;
	dGeomCylinderGetParams(Cylinder, &radius, &length);
	dVector3 &cylpos = Cylinder->final_posr->pos;
	// and the plane
	dVector4 planevec;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(Plane, planevec);
	dVector3 PlaneNormal = {planevec[0],planevec[1],planevec[2]};
	dVector3 PlanePos = {planevec[0] * planevec[3],planevec[1] * planevec[3],planevec[2] * planevec[3]};

	dVector3 G1Pos1, G1Pos2, vDir1;
	vDir1[0] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[2];
	vDir1[1] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[6];
	vDir1[2] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[10];

	dReal s;
	s = length * dReal(0.5);
	G1Pos2[0] = vDir1[0] * s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos2[1] = vDir1[1] * s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos2[2] = vDir1[2] * s + cylpos[2];

	G1Pos1[0] = vDir1[0] * -s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos1[1] = vDir1[1] * -s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos1[2] = vDir1[2] * -s + cylpos[2];

	dVector3 C;

	// parallel-check
	s = vDir1[0] * PlaneNormal[0] + vDir1[1] * PlaneNormal[1] + vDir1[2] * PlaneNormal[2];
	if(s < 0)
		s += dReal(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
		s -= dReal(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
	if(s < toleranz && s > (-toleranz))
		// discs are parallel to the plane

		// 1.compute if, and where contacts are
		dVector3 P;
		s = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * G1Pos1[0] - planevec[1] * G1Pos1[1] - planevec[2] * G1Pos1[2];
		dReal t;
		t = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * G1Pos2[0] - planevec[1] * G1Pos2[1] - planevec[2] * G1Pos2[2];
		if(s >= t) // s == t does never happen, 
			if(s >= 0)
				// 1. Disc
				P[0] = G1Pos1[0];
				P[1] = G1Pos1[1];
				P[2] = G1Pos1[2];
				return GeomCount; // no contacts
			if(t >= 0)
				// 2. Disc
				P[0] = G1Pos2[0];
				P[1] = G1Pos2[1];
				P[2] = G1Pos2[2];
				return GeomCount; // no contacts

		// 2. generate a coordinate-system on the disc
		dVector3 V1, V2;
		if(vDir1[0] < toleranz && vDir1[0] > (-toleranz))
			// not x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0] + dReal(1.0); // random value
			V1[1] = vDir1[1];
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
			// maybe x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0];
			V1[1] = vDir1[1] + dReal(1.0); // random value
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
		// V1 is now another direction than vDir1
		// Cross-product
	    V2[0] = V1[1] * vDir1[2] - V1[2] * vDir1[1];
		V2[1] = V1[2] * vDir1[0] - V1[0] * vDir1[2];
		V2[2] = V1[0] * vDir1[1] - V1[1] * vDir1[0];
		// make unit V2
		t = dReal(sqrt(V2[0] * V2[0] + V2[1] * V2[1] + V2[2] * V2[2]));
		t = radius / t;
		V2[0] *= t;
		V2[1] *= t;
		V2[2] *= t;
		// cross again
	    V1[0] = V2[1] * vDir1[2] - V2[2] * vDir1[1];
		V1[1] = V2[2] * vDir1[0] - V2[0] * vDir1[2];
		V1[2] = V2[0] * vDir1[1] - V2[1] * vDir1[0];
		// |V2| is 'radius' and vDir1 unit, so |V1| is 'radius'
		// V1 = first axis
		// V2 = second axis

		// 3. generate contactpoints

		// Potential contact 1
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] + V1[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] + V1[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] + V1[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// Potential contact 2
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] - V1[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] - V1[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] - V1[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// Potential contact 3
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] + V2[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] + V2[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] + V2[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// Potential contact 4
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] - V2[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] - V2[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] - V2[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;
		dReal t = -((-PlaneNormal[0]) * vDir1[0] + (-PlaneNormal[1]) * vDir1[1] + (-PlaneNormal[2]) * vDir1[2]);
		C[0] = vDir1[0] * t - PlaneNormal[0];
		C[1] = vDir1[1] * t - PlaneNormal[1];
		C[2] = vDir1[2] * t - PlaneNormal[2];
		s = dReal(sqrt(C[0] * C[0] + C[1] * C[1] + C[2] * C[2]));
		// move C onto the circle
		s = radius / s;
		C[0] *= s;
		C[1] *= s;
		C[2] *= s;

		// deepest point of disc 1
		contact->pos[0] = C[0] + G1Pos1[0];
		contact->pos[1] = C[1] + G1Pos1[1];
		contact->pos[2] = C[2] + G1Pos1[2];

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// C is still computed

		// deepest point of disc 2
		contact->pos[0] = C[0] + G1Pos2[0];
		contact->pos[1] = C[1] + G1Pos2[1];
		contact->pos[2] = C[2] + G1Pos2[2];

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;
	return GeomCount;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void draw_all_objects (dSpaceID space)
  int i, j;

  draw_all_objects_called = 1;
  if (!graphical_test) return;
  int n = dSpaceGetNumGeoms (space);

  // draw all contact points
  dsSetColor (0,1,1);
  dSpaceCollide (space,0,&nearCallback);

  // draw all rays
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    dGeomID g = dSpaceGetGeom (space,i);
    if (dGeomGetClass (g) == dRayClass) {
      dsSetColor (1,1,1);
      dVector3 origin,dir;
      dGeomRayGet (g,origin,dir);
      origin[2] += Z_OFFSET;
      dReal length = dGeomRayGetLength (g);
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) dir[j] = dir[j]*length + origin[j];
      dsDrawLine (origin,dir);
      dsSetColor (0,0,1);
      dsDrawSphere (origin,dGeomGetRotation(g),0.01);

  // draw all other objects
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    dGeomID g = dSpaceGetGeom (space,i);
    dVector3 pos;
    if (dGeomGetClass (g) != dPlaneClass) {
      memcpy (pos,dGeomGetPosition(g),sizeof(pos));
      pos[2] += Z_OFFSET;

    switch (dGeomGetClass (g)) {

    case dSphereClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,0,0.8);
      dReal radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius (g);
      dsDrawSphere (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),radius);

    case dBoxClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (1,1,0,0.8);
      dVector3 sides;
      dGeomBoxGetLengths (g,sides);
      dsDrawBox (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),sides);

    case dCapsuleClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (0,1,0,0.8);
      dReal radius,length;
      dGeomCapsuleGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
      dsDrawCapsule (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),length,radius);
    case dCylinderClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (0,1,0,0.8);
      dReal radius,length;
      dGeomCylinderGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
      dsDrawCylinder (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),length,radius);

    case dPlaneClass: {
      dVector4 n;
      dMatrix3 R,sides;
      dVector3 pos2;
      dGeomPlaneGetParams (g,n);
      dRFromZAxis (R,n[0],n[1],n[2]);
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) pos[j] = n[j]*n[3];
      pos[2] += Z_OFFSET;
      sides[0] = 2;
      sides[1] = 2;
      sides[2] = 0.001;
      dsSetColor (1,0,1);
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) pos2[j] = pos[j] + 0.1*n[j];
      dsDrawLine (pos,pos2);
      dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,1,0.8);
      dsDrawBox (pos,R,sides);
