Ejemplo n.º 1
void _dSolveCholesky (const dReal *L, dReal *b, int n, void *tmpbuf/*[n]*/)
  dAASSERT (n > 0 && L && b);
  const int nskip = dPAD (n);
  dReal *y = tmpbuf ? (dReal *)tmpbuf : (dReal*) ALLOCA (n*sizeof(dReal));
    const dReal *ll = L;
    for (int i=0; i<n; ll+=nskip, ++i) {
      dReal sum = REAL(0.0);
      for (int k=0; k < i; ++k) {
        sum += ll[k]*y[k];
      dIASSERT(ll[i] != dReal(0.0));
      y[i] = (b[i]-sum)/ll[i];
    const dReal *ll = L + (n - 1) * (nskip + 1);
    for (int i=n-1; i>=0; ll-=nskip+1, --i) {
      dReal sum = REAL(0.0);
      const dReal *l = ll + nskip;
      for (int k=i+1; k<n; l+=nskip, ++k) {
        sum += (*l)*b[k];
      dIASSERT(*ll != dReal(0.0));
      b[i] = (y[i]-sum)/(*ll);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BallJoint::act(bool initial)
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < this->motors.size(); i++)
      int numAxes = this->motors[i]->getNumberOfParsedAxes();
      if(numAxes > 0)
        if(this->motors[i]->getMotorType() == VELOCITY)
          double desiredVelocity = this->motors[i]->getDesiredVelocity();
          dJointSetAMotorParam(*(this->motors[i]->getPhysicalMotor()), dParamVel, dReal(desiredVelocity));
        if(numAxes > 1)
          if(this->motors[i]->getMotorType() == VELOCITY)
            double desiredVelocity = this->motors[i]->getDesiredVelocity();
            dJointSetAMotorParam(*(this->motors[i]->getPhysicalMotor()), dParamVel2, dReal(desiredVelocity));
          if(numAxes > 2)
            if(this->motors[i]->getMotorType() == VELOCITY)
              double desiredVelocity = this->motors[i]->getDesiredVelocity();
              dJointSetAMotorParam(*(this->motors[i]->getPhysicalMotor()), dParamVel3, dReal(desiredVelocity));
Ejemplo n.º 3
dReal randn_trig(dReal mu, dReal sigma) {
    static bool deviateAvailable=false;	//	flag
    static dReal storedDeviate;			//	deviate from previous calculation
    dReal dist, angle;

    //	If no deviate has been stored, the standard Box-Muller transformation is
    //	performed, producing two independent normally-distributed random
    //	deviates.  One is stored for the next round, and one is returned.
    if (!deviateAvailable) {

        //	choose a pair of uniformly distributed deviates, one for the
        //	distance and one for the angle, and perform transformations
        dist=sqrt( -2.0 * log(dReal(rand()) / dReal(RAND_MAX)) );
        angle=2.0 * PI * (dReal(rand()) / dReal(RAND_MAX));

        //	calculate and store first deviate and set flag

        //	calcaulate return second deviate
        return dist * sin(angle) * sigma + mu;

    //	If a deviate is available from a previous call to this function, it is
    //	returned, and the flag is set to false.
    else {
        return storedDeviate*sigma + mu;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Cylinder::computeMassProperties(dMass& m)
    dMassSetCapsule(&m, 1, 3, dReal(height), dReal(height));
    dMassSetCylinder(&m, 1, 3, dReal(height), dReal(height));
  dMassAdjust(&m, dReal(mass));
Ejemplo n.º 5
void UniversalJoint::setValue(double value, int port)
  if(port == AXIS1_MOTOR)
    double newValue = value;
    if(axis1->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR)
      if(value == axis1->maxValue || value == axis1->minValue)
        if(value == 0.0 && axis1->minValue == 0.0)
          newValue = -0.01;
        else if(value == 0.0 && axis1->maxValue == 0.0)
          newValue = 0.01;
          newValue -= (value *dReal(0.01));
      newValue = Functions::toRad(newValue);
    axis1->motor->setValue(newValue, port);
  else if(port == AXIS2_MOTOR)
    double newValue = value;
    if(axis2->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR)
      if(value == axis2->maxValue || value == axis2->minValue)
        if(value == 0.0 && axis2->minValue == 0.0)
          newValue = -0.01;
        else if(value == 0.0 && axis2->maxValue == 0.0)
          newValue = 0.01;
          newValue -= (value *dReal(0.01));
      newValue = Functions::toRad(newValue);
    axis2->motor->setValue(newValue, port);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void BallJoint::createJointPhysics()
  this->physicalJoint = dJointCreateBall(*this->simulation->getPhysicalWorld(), 0);
  PhysicalObject* o1 = this->getPhysicalParentObject();
  PhysicalObject* o2 = this->getPhysicalChildObject(this);
  assert (o1 != NULL && o2 != NULL);
  if(o1 && o2)
    dJointAttach(this->physicalJoint, *(o2->getBody()), *(o1->getBody()));
    //set ball joint parameter
    dJointSetBallAnchor(this->physicalJoint, dReal(anchorPoint.v[0]), dReal(anchorPoint.v[1]), dReal(anchorPoint.v[2]));
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CappedCylinder::createGeometry(dSpaceID space)
  if(geometry == 0)
    setGeometry(dCreateCCylinder(space, dReal(radius), dReal(height)));
    dGeomSetPosition(geometry, dReal(position.v[0]), dReal(position.v[1]), dReal(position.v[2]));
    dMatrix3 rotationMatrix;
    ODETools::convertMatrix(rotation, rotationMatrix);
    dGeomSetRotation(geometry, rotationMatrix);
    //set user data pointer of ODE geometry object to this physical object
    dGeomSetData(geometry, this);
    //set collide bitfield
Ejemplo n.º 8
void wrl::atom::get_surface(dSurfaceParameters& s) const
    // Merge this atom's surface parameters with the given structure.

    param_map::const_iterator i;

    if ((i = params.find(wrl::param::mu))       != params.end())
        s.mu       = std::min(s.mu,       dReal(i->second->value()));

    if ((i = params.find(wrl::param::bounce))   != params.end())
        s.bounce   = std::max(s.bounce,   dReal(i->second->value()));

    if ((i = params.find(wrl::param::soft_erp)) != params.end())
        s.soft_erp = std::min(s.soft_erp, dReal(i->second->value()));

    if ((i = params.find(wrl::param::soft_cfm)) != params.end())
        s.soft_cfm = std::max(s.soft_cfm, dReal(i->second->value()));
Ejemplo n.º 9
void UniversalJoint::applyFriction(bool initial)
    double velocity = 0.0;
    double gravityFactor = fabs((simulation->getPhysicsParameters())->getGravity());
    double fmax;
    if(axis1->motor == 0)
      fmax = axis1->friction * gravityFactor;
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamFMax, dReal(fmax));
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamVel, dReal(velocity));
    if(axis2->motor == 0)
      fmax = axis2->friction * gravityFactor;
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamFMax2, dReal(fmax));
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamVel2, dReal(velocity));
Ejemplo n.º 10
void _dLDLTRemove (dReal **A, const int *p, dReal *L, dReal *d,
    int n1, int n2, int r, int nskip, void *tmpbuf/*n2 + 2*nskip*/)
  dAASSERT(A && p && L && d && n1 > 0 && n2 > 0 && r >= 0 && r < n2 &&
	   n1 >= n2 && nskip >= n1);
  #ifndef dNODEBUG
  for (int i=0; i<n2; ++i) dIASSERT(p[i] >= 0 && p[i] < n1);

  if (r==n2-1) {
    return;		// deleting last row/col is easy
  else {
    size_t LDLTAddTL_size = _dEstimateLDLTAddTLTmpbufSize(nskip);
    dIASSERT(LDLTAddTL_size % sizeof(dReal) == 0);
    dReal *tmp = tmpbuf ? (dReal *)tmpbuf : (dReal*) ALLOCA (LDLTAddTL_size + n2 * sizeof(dReal));
    if (r==0) {
      dReal *a = (dReal *)((char *)tmp + LDLTAddTL_size);
      const int p_0 = p[0];
      for (int i=0; i<n2; ++i) {
        a[i] = -GETA(p[i],p_0);
      a[0] += REAL(1.0);
      dLDLTAddTL (L,d,a,n2,nskip,tmp);
    else {
      dReal *t = (dReal *)((char *)tmp + LDLTAddTL_size);
        dReal *Lcurr = L + r*nskip;
        for (int i=0; i<r; ++Lcurr, ++i) {
          dIASSERT(d[i] != dReal(0.0));
          t[i] = *Lcurr / d[i];
      dReal *a = t + r;
        dReal *Lcurr = L + r*nskip;
        const int *pp_r = p + r, p_r = *pp_r;
        const int n2_minus_r = n2-r;
        for (int i=0; i<n2_minus_r; Lcurr+=nskip,++i) {
          a[i] = dDot(Lcurr,t,r) - GETA(pp_r[i],p_r);
      a[0] += REAL(1.0);
      dLDLTAddTL (L + r*nskip+r, d+r, a, n2-r, nskip, tmp);

  // snip out row/column r from L and d
  dRemoveRowCol (L,n2,nskip,r);
  if (r < (n2-1)) memmove (d+r,d+r+1,(n2-r-1)*sizeof(dReal));
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ServoMotor::act()
  const float currentPos = dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeHinge
                           ? dJointGetHingeAngle(joint->joint)
                           : dJointGetSliderPosition(joint->joint);

  float setpoint = this->setpoint;
  const float maxValueChange = maxVelocity * Simulation::simulation->scene->stepLength;
  if(std::abs(setpoint - currentPos) > maxValueChange)
    if(setpoint < currentPos)
      setpoint = currentPos - maxValueChange;
      setpoint = currentPos + maxValueChange;

  const float newVel = controller.getOutput(currentPos, setpoint);
  if(dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeHinge)
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint->joint, dParamVel, dReal(newVel));
    dJointSetSliderParam(joint->joint, dParamVel, dReal(newVel));
Ejemplo n.º 12
void Hinge::createPhysics()



  // find bodies to connect
  Body* parentBody = dynamic_cast<Body*>(parent);
  ASSERT(!parentBody || parentBody->body);
  Body* childBody = dynamic_cast<Body*>(*children.begin());

  // create joint
  joint = dJointCreateHinge(Simulation::simulation->physicalWorld, 0);
  dJointAttach(joint, childBody->body, parentBody ? parentBody->body : 0);
  //set hinge joint parameter
  dJointSetHingeAnchor(joint, pose.translation.x, pose.translation.y, pose.translation.z);
  Vector3<> globalAxis = pose.rotation * Vector3<>(axis->x, axis->y, axis->z);
  dJointSetHingeAxis(joint, globalAxis.x, globalAxis.y, globalAxis.z);
  if(axis->cfm != -1.f)
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamCFM, dReal(axis->cfm));

    const Axis::Deflection& deflection = *axis->deflection;
    float minHingeLimit = deflection.min;
    float maxHingeLimit = deflection.max;
    if(minHingeLimit > maxHingeLimit)
      minHingeLimit = maxHingeLimit;
    //Set physical limits to higher values (+10%) to avoid strange hinge effects.
    //Otherwise, sometimes the motor exceeds the limits.
    float internalTolerance = (maxHingeLimit - minHingeLimit) * 0.1f;
      minHingeLimit -= internalTolerance;
      maxHingeLimit += internalTolerance;
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minHingeLimit));
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, dReal(maxHingeLimit));
    // this has to be done due to the way ODE sets joint stops
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minHingeLimit));
    if(deflection.stopCFM != -1.f)
      dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamStopCFM, dReal(deflection.stopCFM));
    if(deflection.stopERP != -1.f)
      dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamStopERP, dReal(deflection.stopERP));

  // create motor

  OpenGLTools::convertTransformation(rotation, translation, transformation);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void BallJoint::createMotorPhysics()
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<this->motors.size(); i++)
    dJointID physMotor = dJointCreateAMotor(*(this->simulation->getPhysicalWorld()), 0);
    dJointAttach(physMotor, dJointGetBody(this->physicalJoint, 0), dJointGetBody(this->physicalJoint, 1));

    if(this->motors[i]->getKind() == "eulermotor")
      dJointSetAMotorMode(physMotor, dAMotorEuler);
      dJointSetAMotorMode(physMotor, dAMotorUser);

    //user defined motor
    if(this->motors[i]->getKind() == "userdefinedmotor")
      unsigned short numOfAxes = this->motors[i]->getNumberOfParsedAxes();
      dJointSetAMotorNumAxes(physMotor, numOfAxes);

      dBodyID b1= dJointGetBody(this->physicalJoint, 0);
      if(b1 != NULL)
        for(int j=0; j < numOfAxes; j++)
          MotorAxisDescription* ax = this->motors[i]->getAxis(j);
          dJointSetAMotorAxis(physMotor, j, 1, dReal(ax->direction.v[0]), dReal(ax->direction.v[1]), dReal(ax->direction.v[2]));
        for(int j=0; j < numOfAxes; j++)
          MotorAxisDescription* ax = this->motors[i]->getAxis(j);
          dJointSetAMotorAxis(physMotor, j, 0, dReal(ax->direction.v[0]), dReal(ax->direction.v[1]), dReal(ax->direction.v[2]));

      //maxForce and maxVelocity are stored in each axis of the motor
      dJointSetAMotorParam(physMotor, dParamFMax, dReal(this->motors[i]->getAxis(0)->maxForce));
      if(numOfAxes > 1)
        dJointSetAMotorParam(physMotor, dParamFMax2, dReal(this->motors[i]->getAxis(1)->maxForce));
        if(numOfAxes > 2)
          dJointSetAMotorParam(physMotor, dParamFMax3, dReal(this->motors[i]->getAxis(2)->maxForce));
      //stops are useless for balljoint

Ejemplo n.º 14
//	"Polar" version without trigonometric calls
dReal randn_notrig(dReal mu, dReal sigma) {
    if (sigma==0) return mu;
    static bool deviateAvailable=false;	//	flag
    static dReal storedDeviate;			//	deviate from previous calculation
    dReal polar, rsquared, var1, var2;

    //	If no deviate has been stored, the polar Box-Muller transformation is
    //	performed, producing two independent normally-distributed random
    //	deviates.  One is stored for the next round, and one is returned.
    if (!deviateAvailable) {

        //	choose pairs of uniformly distributed deviates, discarding those
        //	that don't fall within the unit circle
        do {
            var1=2.0*( dReal(rand())/dReal(RAND_MAX) ) - 1.0;
            var2=2.0*( dReal(rand())/dReal(RAND_MAX) ) - 1.0;
        } while ( rsquared>=1.0 || rsquared == 0.0);

        //	calculate polar tranformation for each deviate

        //	store first deviate and set flag

        //	return second deviate
        return var2*polar*sigma + mu;

    //	If a deviate is available from a previous call to this function, it is
    //	returned, and the flag is set to false.
    else {
        return storedDeviate*sigma + mu;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void simLoop(int pause)
    if (!pause) {
        dSpaceCollide (space, 0, &nearCallback);
        dWorldQuickStep(world, 0.01);
    dsSetColor (1,1,0);
    for (int i=0; i<ncards; ++i) {
        dsSetColor (1, dReal(i)/ncards, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void Cylinder::createBody()
  if(body == 0)
    body = dBodyCreate(*simulation->getPhysicalWorld());
    dMass m;
      dMassSetCapsule(&m, 1, 3, dReal(height), dReal(height));
      dMassSetCylinder(&m, 1, 3, dReal(height), dReal(height));
    dMassAdjust(&m, dReal(mass));
    dBodySetMass(body, &m);
    dBodySetPosition(body, dReal(position.v[0]), dReal(position.v[1]), dReal(position.v[2]));
    dMatrix3 rotationMatrix;
    ODETools::convertMatrix(rotation, rotationMatrix);
    dBodySetRotation(body, rotationMatrix);
Ejemplo n.º 17
    void World::_applyDynamics(Real timeElapsed)
        if (timeElapsed != 0.0f)
            // ODE will throw an error if timestep = 0

            // Now update the objects in the world
            ObjectSet::iterator i, iend;
            iend = mDynamicsObjects.end();
            for (i = mDynamicsObjects.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
            // Clear contacts

Ejemplo n.º 18
EXPORT_C void dQFromAxisAndAngle (dQuaternion q, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az,
			 dReal angle)
  dReal l = dMUL(ax,ax) + dMUL(ay,ay) + dMUL(az,az);
  if (l > REAL(0.0)) {
    angle = dMUL(angle,REAL(0.5));
    q[0] = dCos (angle);
    l = dMUL(dReal(dSin(angle)),dRecipSqrt(l));
    q[1] = dMUL(ax,l);
    q[2] = dMUL(ay,l);
    q[3] = dMUL(az,l);
  else {
    q[0] = REAL(1.0);
    q[1] = 0;
    q[2] = 0;
    q[3] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void UniversalJoint::act(bool initial)
      if(axis1->motor->getMotorType() == VELOCITY)
        dReal desiredVelocity(dReal(axis1->motor->getDesiredVelocity()));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamFMax, dReal(axis1->motor->getMaxForce()));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamVel, desiredVelocity);
      else if(axis1->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR)
        double controllerOutput = axis1->motor->getControllerOutput(dJointGetUniversalAngle1(physicalJoint));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamFMax, dReal(axis1->motor->getMaxForce()));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamVel, dReal(controllerOutput));

      if(axis2->motor->getMotorType() == VELOCITY)
        dReal desiredVelocity(dReal(axis2->motor->getDesiredVelocity()));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamFMax2, dReal(axis2->motor->getMaxForce()));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamVel2, desiredVelocity);
      else if(axis2->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR)
        double controllerOutput = axis2->motor->getControllerOutput(dJointGetUniversalAngle2(physicalJoint));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamFMax2, dReal(axis2->motor->getMaxForce()));
        dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamVel2, dReal(controllerOutput));
Ejemplo n.º 20
//Trigger the ODE simulation. This method should be called frequently
//(call SetTime() before invoking Trigger() to update the current Time).
//The method will invoke dWorldStep one or several times, depending
//on the Time since the last call, and the step size of the Level.
//The method will make sure that the physics simulation is triggered
//using a constant step size.
void CLevel::Trigger()
	for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Size(); i++) Entities[i]->OnFrameBefore();


#ifdef __NEBULA_STATS__
	statsNumNearCallbackCalled = 0;
	statsNumCollideCalled = 0;
	statsNumCollided = 0;
	statsNumSpaceCollideCalled = 0;
	statsNumSteps = 0;

	TimeToSim += GameSrv->GetFrameTime();
	while (TimeToSim > StepSize)
		for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Size(); i++) Entities[i]->OnStepBefore();

		// do collision detection
		dSpaceCollide2((dGeomID)ODEDynamicSpaceID, (dGeomID)ODEStaticSpaceID, this, &ODENearCallback);
		dSpaceCollide(ODEDynamicSpaceID, this, &ODENearCallback);

		// step physics simulation
		dWorldQuickStep(ODEWorldID, dReal(StepSize));

		// clear Contact joints

		for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Size(); i++) Entities[i]->OnStepAfter();

		TimeToSim -= StepSize;

	// export statistics
#ifdef __NEBULA_STATS__
	//nWatched watchSpaceCollideCalled("statsMangaPhysicsSpaceCollideCalled", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//nWatched watchNearCallbackCalled("statsMangaPhysicsNearCallbackCalled", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//nWatched watchCollideCalled("statsMangaPhysicsCollideCalled", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//nWatched watchCollided("statsMangaPhysicsCollided", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//nWatched watchSpaces("statsMangaPhysicsSpaces", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//nWatched watchShapes("statsMangaPhysicsShapes", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//nWatched watchSteps("statsMangaPhysicsSteps", DATA_TYPE(int));
	//if (statsNumSteps > 0)
	//	watchSpaceCollideCalled->SetValue(statsNumSpaceCollideCalled/statsNumSteps);
	//	watchNearCallbackCalled->SetValue(statsNumNearCallbackCalled/statsNumSteps);
	//	watchCollideCalled->SetValue(statsNumCollideCalled/statsNumSteps);
	//	watchCollided->SetValue(statsNumCollided/statsNumSteps);

	// invoke the "on-frame-after" methods
	for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Size(); i++) Entities[i]->OnFrameAfter();
Ejemplo n.º 21
/*** P control tries to add a force that reduces the distance between
 the current joint angles and the desired value in the lookup table THETA. 
void Pcontrol()
  dReal kp = 2.0;    //effects how quickly it tries to acheive the desired angle (original=2)
	//  dReal kp = 10.0;    //effects how quickly it tries to acheive the desired angle
  dReal fMax = 100.0; //fMax is the max for it can apply trying to acheive the desired angle
//#define ANG_VELOCITY
  for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment) {
      for (int i = 0; i < num_legs; i++) {
	  for (int j = 0; j < num_links; j++) {
	      dReal tmp = dJointGetHingeAngle(leg[segment][i][j].joint);
	      dReal diff = THETA[segment][i][j] - tmp;
	      dReal u;
	      u = kp * diff;
	      //cout << "\n\n***" << u << "***\n\n\n\n" << endl;

	      dJointSetHingeParam(leg[segment][i][j].joint,  dParamVel,
	      dJointSetHingeParam(leg[segment][i][j].joint, dParamFMax,
#else //when using angular velocity
      for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment) {
	  for (int i = 0; i < num_legs; i++) {
	      for (int j = 0; j < num_links; j++) {
		  //dReal tmp = dJointGetHingeAngle(leg[segment][i][j].joint);
		  //dReal diff = THETA[segment][i][j] - tmp;
		  //dReal u;
		  //u = kp * diff;
		  dReal desiredValue = THETA[segment][i][j];
		  desiredValue *= 2.25;

		  //cout << "\n\n***" << desiredValue << "***\n\n\n\n" << endl;

		  dJointSetHingeParam(leg[segment][i][j].joint,  dParamVel,
		  dJointSetHingeParam(leg[segment][i][j].joint, dParamFMax,
		if(segment < BODY_SEGMENTS-1) {
			// applying torso joint force
			dReal tmp = dJointGetHingeAngle(torso[segment].joint); //joints might start in segment 2
			dReal diff = torsoJointDesiredAngle[segment] - tmp;
			dReal u;
			u = kp * diff;  
			dJointSetHingeParam(torso[segment].joint,  dParamVel, u);
			dJointSetHingeParam(torso[segment].joint, dParamFMax, fMax); 

/*** Control of walking ***/
void walk()
	//  int numSheets;
	//  #ifdef HIDDEN_LAYER
	//  numSheets = 3;
	//  #else
	//  numSheets = 2;
	//  #endif
  //jmc added to print out joint angles
		static bool doOnce = true;
			//remove the file if it is there already
			ofstream jangle_file;        
			jangle_file.open ("jointAngles.txt", ios::trunc );
  //clear out the network
  //LHZ  - When Recurrence is turned on, we multiply the input values by the recurrent values that were in 
  //the input nodes to begin with, if they are all 0, the network will never take a value. So we start it with
  //all 1's, since this will act as if ther was no recurrence for the first update. 
	if(experimentType != 33)  //If it is a NEAT experiment, the substrate can have an arbitrary number of layers, so we need to update 1+ExtraActivationUpdates num times
	   substrate_pointer->dummyActivation();   //dummyActivation sets a flag so that the first update does not add on ExtraActivationUdates num updates
  dReal roll, pitch, yaw;
	for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment) {
		roll = pitch = yaw = 0.0;
		const dReal * torsoRotation = dBodyGetRotation(torso[segment].body);
		get_euler(torsoRotation, roll, pitch, yaw);
		printf("roll: %f, pitch: %f, yaw: %f\n", roll, pitch, yaw); 
		for (int leg_no = 0; leg_no < num_legs; leg_no++) {
			for (int joint_no = 0; joint_no < num_joints; joint_no++) {
				dReal jangle = dJointGetHingeAngle(leg[segment][leg_no][joint_no].joint) - jointError[segment][leg_no][joint_no];  // hidding joint error for sensor
				int currDirectionPositive;
				if(jangle-lastJangle[segment][leg_no][joint_no] > 0.00001) currDirectionPositive =1; //we use a small positive number to ignore tinsy values
				else currDirectionPositive =0;
				//printf("jangle: %e, lastJangle_pneat[leg_no][joint_no]: %e, currDir: %i\n", jangle, lastJangle_pneat[leg_no][joint_no], currDirectionPositive);
					ofstream jangle_file;        
					jangle_file.open ("jointAngles.txt", ios::app );
					jangle_file << jangle << " ";
					if(leg_no==num_legs-1 and joint_no==num_joints-1) jangle_file << endl;
				if(currDirectionPositive and !lastJangleDirectionPositve[segment][leg_no][joint_no]) numDirectionChanges++;
				if(!currDirectionPositive and lastJangleDirectionPositve[segment][leg_no][joint_no]) numDirectionChanges++;
				//if(visualize_pneat)  printf("numDirectionChanges_pneat %i \n", numDirectionChanges_pneat);
				lastJangleDirectionPositve[segment][leg_no][joint_no] =currDirectionPositive;
				lastJangle[segment][leg_no][joint_no] = jangle; 
				int xInt =joint_no; //which node we will be setting or getting. x & y are within the sheet, z specifies which sheet (0=input, 1=hidden, 2=output)
				int yInt =leg_no+(segment*2);     
				int zInt =0;        
				printf("About to set input (x: %i,y: %i,z: %i) to joint angle: %f \n", xInt, yInt, zInt, jangle);
				//<start> if inputting lastDesiredAngle    
				//xInt = xInt+1; //bump it one, cause the last desired angle goes into the input to the right of the current angle for that joint
				//printf("about to set input (x: %i,y: %i,z: %i) to last desired joint angle: %f \n", xInt, yInt, zInt, newDesiredAngle[leg_no][joint_no]);
				//                            nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)],
				//                            newDesiredAngle[segment][leg_no][joint_no]
				//                            );
			//set whether the leg is touching the ground
			int xInt = 3;  //putting touch just to the right of the 4th legs lastAngle
			int yInt = leg_no+(segment*2); 
			int zInt = 0;
			substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)], thisLegIsTouching[segment][leg_no]);
		assert(num_legs==4); //warning: only works with four legs
		printf("Legs touching:  FrontLeft (%i), BackLeft (%i), BackRight (%i), FrontRight (%i)\n", thisLegIsTouching[segment][0],thisLegIsTouching[segment][1], thisLegIsTouching[segment][2], thisLegIsTouching[segment][3]); 
		//printf("timeStepDivisor_pneat: %f\n", timeStepDivisor_pneat);
		//  use if evolving sine period
		//  if(fabs(timeStepDivisor_pneat<1)) sineOfTimeStep =0; //prevent divide by zero errors, and allow them to silence the sine wave
		//  else sineOfTimeStep = sin(dReal(timeSteps_pneat)/timeStepDivisor_pneat)*M_PI;
		dReal sineOfTimeStep = sin(dReal(timeSteps)/50.0)*M_PI;

		dReal negSineOfTimeStep = (-1.0 * sineOfTimeStep);

		if(visualize and sineOfTimeStep>.9999*M_PI) printf("****************************************************\n");
		if(visualize and sineOfTimeStep<-.9999*M_PI) printf("---------------------------------------------------\n");
		//printf("sineOfTimeStep: %f\n", sineOfTimeStep);
		//<start> use to spread the PRYS horizontally
		//insert the roll, pitch and yaw to the 7th-9th columns of the 1st row
		//int yInt = 0; 
		//int zInt = 0;
		//dReal insertValue; 
		//for(int q=0;q<3;q++){
		//    int xInt = 7+q;  
		//    if      (q==0) insertValue = roll;
		//    else if (q==1) insertValue = pitch;
		//    else           insertValue = yaw;
		//    substrate_pointer->setValue(
		//                                nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)],
		//                                insertValue
		//                                );
		//<ent> use to spread the PRYS horizontally
		//<start> to spread PRYS vertically
		//insert the roll, pitch and yaw to the 1st/0th-4th/3rd row of the 5th/4th columns 
		int xInt = 4;  
		int zInt = 0;
		dReal insertValue; 
		for(int q=0;q<3;q++){
			int yInt = q; 
			if      (q==0) insertValue = roll;
			else if (q==1) insertValue = pitch;
			else           insertValue = yaw;
			substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)], insertValue);
		//insert a sine wave based on timeSteps
		xInt = 4;  
		int yInt = 3; 
		zInt = 0;

		substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)], sineOfTimeStep);
#else  // USE_NLEG_ROBOT
		//<start> to spread PRYS vertically
		//insert the roll, pitch and yaw to the 1st/0th-4th/3rd row of the 5th/4th columns 
		int xInt = 4;  
		int zInt = 0;
		dReal insertValue; 
		int yInt = segment*2; 
		substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)], roll);
		yInt = (segment*2)+1; 
		substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)],	pitch);
		xInt = 5;  
		yInt = segment*2; 
		substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)], yaw);
		if(segment < 1) 
			//insert a sine wave based on timeSteps
			yInt = segment*2+1;
			substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)],	sineOfTimeStep);		
		} else
			dReal torsoAngle = dJointGetHingeAngle(torso[segment-1].joint);  //TODO: does torso zero have a valid joint?
			yInt = segment*2+1;
			substrate_pointer->setValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)],	torsoAngle);	
		cout << "State of the nodes pre-update\n";
		for (int z=0;z<numSheets;z++)
			cout << "Printing Layer " << z << "************************************************" << endl;
			for (int y1=0;y1<numNodesYglobal;y1++)
				for (int x1=0;x1<numNodesXglobal;x1++)
					//cout << "(x,y,z): (" << x1 << "," << y1 << "," << z << "): " ;
					cout << setw(12) << setiosflags(ios::right) << fixed << 
				cout << endl;
		cout << "Updating Substrate\n";
		//CREATE_PAUSE(string("Line Number: ")+toString(__LINE__));
		//have to update the network once for each layer of *links* (or NumLayers -1)
		for (int a=0;a< numSheets - 1 ;a++)
			cout << "State of the nodes post-update: " << a << endl;
			for (int z=0;z<numSheets;z++)
				cout << "Printing Layer " << z << endl;
				for (int y1=0;y1<numNodesYglobal;y1++)
					for (int x1=0;x1<numNodesXglobal;x1++)
						//cout << "(x,y,z): (" << x1 << "," << y1 << "," << z << "): " ;
						cout << double(substrate_pointer->getValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(x1,y1,z)]));
						cout << " ";
					cout << endl;
	for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment){
		for (int leg_no = 0; leg_no < num_legs; leg_no++) {
			for (int joint_no = 0; joint_no < num_joints; joint_no++) {
				int xInt =joint_no*2; //which node we will be setting or getting. x & y are within the sheet, z specifies which sheet (0=input, 1=hidden, 2=output)
				int yInt =leg_no;     
				int zInt = numSheets-1;         //2 (or numSheets - 1) to get the output
				newDesiredAngle[segment][leg_no][joint_no] = M_PI*double(substrate_pointer->getValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)]));
				printf("newDesiredAngle is: %f\n", newDesiredAngle[segment][leg_no][joint_no]);
				THETA[segment][leg_no][joint_no] = newDesiredAngle[segment][leg_no][joint_no] + jointError[segment][leg_no][joint_no];    // adding joint error
		if(segment < BODY_SEGMENTS-1) {
			//get torso joint angle
			int xInt = 5;  
			int yInt = segment*2+1;
			int zInt = numSheets - 1;
			torsoJointDesiredAngle[segment] = M_PI*double(substrate_pointer->getValue(nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)]));
		//get the timeStepDivisor
		//  xInt =10; //which node we will be setting or getting. x & y are within the sheet, z specifies which sheet (0=input, 1=hidden, 2=output)
		//  yInt =1;           
		//  zInt = 2;         //2 to get the output 
		//  timeStepDivisor = 100.0*double(substrate_pointer->getValue(
		//  nameLookupGlobal[HCUBE::Node(xInt,yInt,zInt)]));
		//if(visualize)printf("timeStepDivisor!: %f\n", timeStepDivisor);
		const dReal * torsoPosition = dBodyGetPosition(torso[segment].body);
		if(fabs(torsoPosition[0]) > maxXdistanceFrom0[segment]){
			maxXdistanceFrom0[segment] = fabs(torsoPosition[0]);
			printf("new maxX::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %f\n", maxXdistanceFrom0);
		if(fabs(torsoPosition[1]) > maxYdistanceFrom0[segment]){
			maxYdistanceFrom0[segment] = fabs(torsoPosition[1]);
			printf("new maxY:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %f\n", maxYdistanceFrom0);
		currentXdistanceFrom0[segment] = fabs(torsoPosition[0]);
		currentYdistanceFrom0[segment] = fabs(torsoPosition[1]);
	for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment) {
		for(int z=0;z<num_legs;z++) thisLegIsTouching[segment][z]=0; //reset these flags before checking the new state of things
	if(fitness_function == 2) {
		for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment) {
			for (int i = 0; i < num_legs; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < num_links; j++) {
					totalForce[0] += dBodyGetForce(leg[segment][i][j].body)[0];
					totalForce[1] += dBodyGetForce(leg[segment][i][j].body)[1];
					totalForce[2] += dBodyGetForce(leg[segment][i][j].body)[2];
			totalForce[0] += dBodyGetForce(torso[segment].body)[0];
			totalForce[1] += dBodyGetForce(torso[segment].body)[1];
			totalForce[2] += dBodyGetForce(torso[segment].body)[2];
Ejemplo n.º 22
void UniversalJoint::createJointPhysics()
  physicalJoint = dJointCreateUniversal(*simulation->getPhysicalWorld(), 0);
  PhysicalObject* o1 = getPhysicalParentObject();
  PhysicalObject* o2 = getPhysicalChildObject(this);
  assert (o1 && o2);

  dJointAttach(physicalJoint, *(o2->getBody()), *(o1->getBody()));

  //set joint parameter
  dJointSetUniversalAnchor(physicalJoint, dReal(anchorPoint.v[0]), dReal(anchorPoint.v[1]), dReal(anchorPoint.v[2]));
  Vector3d physAxis(axis1->direction);
  dJointSetUniversalAxis1(physicalJoint, dReal(physAxis.v[0]), dReal(physAxis.v[1]), dReal(physAxis.v[2]));
  physAxis = axis2->direction;
  dJointSetUniversalAxis2(physicalJoint, dReal(physAxis.v[0]), dReal(physAxis.v[1]), dReal(physAxis.v[2]));

  if(axis1->cfm != -1.0)
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamCFM, dReal(axis1->cfm));
  if(axis2->cfm != -1.0)
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamCFM2, dReal(axis2->cfm));

  if(axis1->limited || (axis1->motor != 0 && axis1->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR))
    double minAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis1->minValue));
    double maxAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis1->maxValue));
    //Set physical limits to higher values (+10%) to avoid strange hinge effects.
    //Otherwise, sometimes the motor exceeds the limits.
    assert(maxAxisLimit >= minAxisLimit);
    double totalAxisRange(maxAxisLimit - minAxisLimit);
    double internalTolerance(totalAxisRange / 10);
    minAxisLimit -= internalTolerance;
    maxAxisLimit += internalTolerance;
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamHiStop, dReal(maxAxisLimit));
    // this has to be done due to the way ODE sets joint stops
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    if(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionCFM != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopCFM, dReal(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionCFM));
    if(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionERP != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopERP, dReal(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionERP));
  if(axis2->limited || (axis2->motor != 0 && axis2->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR))
    double minAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis2->minValue));
    double maxAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis2->maxValue));
    //Set physical limits to higher values (+10%) to avoid strange hinge effects.
    //Otherwise, sometimes the motor exceeds the limits.
    assert(maxAxisLimit >= minAxisLimit);
    double totalAxisRange(maxAxisLimit - minAxisLimit);
    double internalTolerance(totalAxisRange / 10);
    minAxisLimit -= internalTolerance;
    maxAxisLimit += internalTolerance;
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop2, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamHiStop2, dReal(maxAxisLimit));
    // this has to be done due to the way ODE sets joint stops
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop2, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    if(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionCFM != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopCFM2, dReal(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionCFM));
    if(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionERP != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopERP2, dReal(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionERP));
int dCollideCylinderPlane(dxGeom *Cylinder, dxGeom *Plane, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
	dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT ((flags & 0xffff) >= 1);

	unsigned char* pContactData = (unsigned char*)contact;
	int GeomCount = 0; // count of used contactgeoms

#ifdef dSINGLE
	const dReal toleranz = 0.0001f;
#ifdef dDOUBLE
	const dReal toleranz = 0.0000001;

	// Get the properties of the cylinder (length+radius)
	dReal radius, length;
	dGeomCylinderGetParams(Cylinder, &radius, &length);
	dVector3 &cylpos = Cylinder->final_posr->pos;
	// and the plane
	dVector4 planevec;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(Plane, planevec);
	dVector3 PlaneNormal = {planevec[0],planevec[1],planevec[2]};
	dVector3 PlanePos = {planevec[0] * planevec[3],planevec[1] * planevec[3],planevec[2] * planevec[3]};

	dVector3 G1Pos1, G1Pos2, vDir1;
	vDir1[0] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[2];
	vDir1[1] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[6];
	vDir1[2] = Cylinder->final_posr->R[10];

	dReal s;
	s = length * dReal(0.5);
	G1Pos2[0] = vDir1[0] * s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos2[1] = vDir1[1] * s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos2[2] = vDir1[2] * s + cylpos[2];

	G1Pos1[0] = vDir1[0] * -s + cylpos[0];
	G1Pos1[1] = vDir1[1] * -s + cylpos[1];
	G1Pos1[2] = vDir1[2] * -s + cylpos[2];

	dVector3 C;

	// parallel-check
	s = vDir1[0] * PlaneNormal[0] + vDir1[1] * PlaneNormal[1] + vDir1[2] * PlaneNormal[2];
	if(s < 0)
		s += dReal(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
		s -= dReal(1.0); // is ca. 0, if vDir1 and PlaneNormal are parallel
	if(s < toleranz && s > (-toleranz))
		// discs are parallel to the plane

		// 1.compute if, and where contacts are
		dVector3 P;
		s = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * G1Pos1[0] - planevec[1] * G1Pos1[1] - planevec[2] * G1Pos1[2];
		dReal t;
		t = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * G1Pos2[0] - planevec[1] * G1Pos2[1] - planevec[2] * G1Pos2[2];
		if(s >= t) // s == t does never happen, 
			if(s >= 0)
				// 1. Disc
				P[0] = G1Pos1[0];
				P[1] = G1Pos1[1];
				P[2] = G1Pos1[2];
				return GeomCount; // no contacts
			if(t >= 0)
				// 2. Disc
				P[0] = G1Pos2[0];
				P[1] = G1Pos2[1];
				P[2] = G1Pos2[2];
				return GeomCount; // no contacts

		// 2. generate a coordinate-system on the disc
		dVector3 V1, V2;
		if(vDir1[0] < toleranz && vDir1[0] > (-toleranz))
			// not x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0] + dReal(1.0); // random value
			V1[1] = vDir1[1];
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
			// maybe x-axis
			V1[0] = vDir1[0];
			V1[1] = vDir1[1] + dReal(1.0); // random value
			V1[2] = vDir1[2];
		// V1 is now another direction than vDir1
		// Cross-product
	    V2[0] = V1[1] * vDir1[2] - V1[2] * vDir1[1];
		V2[1] = V1[2] * vDir1[0] - V1[0] * vDir1[2];
		V2[2] = V1[0] * vDir1[1] - V1[1] * vDir1[0];
		// make unit V2
		t = dReal(sqrt(V2[0] * V2[0] + V2[1] * V2[1] + V2[2] * V2[2]));
		t = radius / t;
		V2[0] *= t;
		V2[1] *= t;
		V2[2] *= t;
		// cross again
	    V1[0] = V2[1] * vDir1[2] - V2[2] * vDir1[1];
		V1[1] = V2[2] * vDir1[0] - V2[0] * vDir1[2];
		V1[2] = V2[0] * vDir1[1] - V2[1] * vDir1[0];
		// |V2| is 'radius' and vDir1 unit, so |V1| is 'radius'
		// V1 = first axis
		// V2 = second axis

		// 3. generate contactpoints

		// Potential contact 1
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] + V1[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] + V1[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] + V1[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// Potential contact 2
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] - V1[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] - V1[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] - V1[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// Potential contact 3
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] + V2[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] + V2[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] + V2[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// Potential contact 4
		contact->pos[0] = P[0] - V2[0];
		contact->pos[1] = P[1] - V2[1];
		contact->pos[2] = P[2] - V2[2];
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth > 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;
		dReal t = -((-PlaneNormal[0]) * vDir1[0] + (-PlaneNormal[1]) * vDir1[1] + (-PlaneNormal[2]) * vDir1[2]);
		C[0] = vDir1[0] * t - PlaneNormal[0];
		C[1] = vDir1[1] * t - PlaneNormal[1];
		C[2] = vDir1[2] * t - PlaneNormal[2];
		s = dReal(sqrt(C[0] * C[0] + C[1] * C[1] + C[2] * C[2]));
		// move C onto the circle
		s = radius / s;
		C[0] *= s;
		C[1] *= s;
		C[2] *= s;

		// deepest point of disc 1
		contact->pos[0] = C[0] + G1Pos1[0];
		contact->pos[1] = C[1] + G1Pos1[1];
		contact->pos[2] = C[2] + G1Pos1[2];

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;

		// C is still computed

		// deepest point of disc 2
		contact->pos[0] = C[0] + G1Pos2[0];
		contact->pos[1] = C[1] + G1Pos2[1];
		contact->pos[2] = C[2] + G1Pos2[2];

		// depth of the deepest point
		contact->depth = planevec[3] - planevec[0] * contact->pos[0] - planevec[1] * contact->pos[1] - planevec[2] * contact->pos[2];
		if(contact->depth >= 0)
			contact->normal[0] = PlaneNormal[0];
			contact->normal[1] = PlaneNormal[1];
			contact->normal[2] = PlaneNormal[2];
			contact->g1 = Cylinder;
			contact->g2 = Plane;
			if( GeomCount >= (flags & 0x0ffff))
				return GeomCount; // enough contactgeoms
			pContactData += skip;
			contact = (dContactGeom*)pContactData;
	return GeomCount;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void CCharEntity::OnStepBefore()
	if (IsCollisionEnabled() && !IsRagdollActive())
		CEnvInfo EnvInfo;
		vector3 Pos = GetTransform().pos_component();
		Pos.y += Height;

		float DistanceToGround;
		if (EnvQueryMgr->GetEnvInfoAt(Pos, EnvInfo, Height + 0.1f, GetUniqueID()))
			DistanceToGround = Pos.y - Height - EnvInfo.WorldHeight;
			GroundMtl = EnvInfo.Material;
			DistanceToGround = FLT_MAX;
			GroundMtl = InvalidMaterial;

		CRigidBody* pMasterBody = Composite->GetMasterBody();
		bool BodyIsEnabled = IsEnabled();
		vector3 AngularVel = pMasterBody->GetAngularVelocity();
		vector3 LinearVel = pMasterBody->GetLinearVelocity();
		vector3 DesiredLVelChange = DesiredLinearVel - LinearVel;

 		if (DistanceToGround <= 0.f)
			// No torques now, angular velocity changes by impulse immediately to desired value
			bool Actuated = DesiredAngularVel != AngularVel.y;
			if (Actuated)
				if (!BodyIsEnabled) SetEnabled(true);
				pMasterBody->SetAngularVelocity(vector3(0.f, DesiredAngularVel, 0.f));

			if (!DesiredLVelChange.isequal(vector3::Zero, 0.0001f))
				if (!Actuated)
					Actuated = true;

				// Vertical movement for non-flying actors is impulse (jump).
				// Since speed if already clamped to actor caps, we save vertical desired velocity as is.
				// Spring force pushes us from below the ground.
				//!!!calc correct impulse for the spring!
				float VerticalDesVelChange = DesiredLVelChange.y - (50.0f * DistanceToGround);

				float Mass = pMasterBody->GetMass();

				//!!!remove calcs for Y, it is zero (optimization)!
				dVector3 ODEForce;
				dWorldImpulseToForce(Level->GetODEWorldID(), dReal(Level->GetStepSize()),
					DesiredLVelChange.x * Mass, 0.f, DesiredLVelChange.z * Mass, ODEForce);
				float SqForceMagnitude = (float)dCalcVectorLengthSquare3(ODEForce);
				if (SqForceMagnitude > 0.f)
					float MaxForceMagnitude = Mass * MaxHorizAccel;
					float SqMaxForceMagnitude = MaxForceMagnitude * MaxForceMagnitude;
					if (SqForceMagnitude > SqMaxForceMagnitude)
						dScaleVector3(ODEForce, MaxForceMagnitude / n_sqrt(SqForceMagnitude));
					dBodyAddForce(pMasterBody->GetODEBodyID(), ODEForce[0], ODEForce[1], ODEForce[2]);
				if (VerticalDesVelChange != 0.f)
					dWorldImpulseToForce(Level->GetODEWorldID(), dReal(Level->GetStepSize()),
						0.f, VerticalDesVelChange * Mass, 0.f, ODEForce);
					dBodyAddForce(pMasterBody->GetODEBodyID(), ODEForce[0], ODEForce[1], ODEForce[2]);

			if (BodyIsEnabled && !Actuated && DistanceToGround > -0.002f)
				const float FreezeThreshold = 0.00001f; //???use TINY?

				bool AVelIsAlmostZero = n_fabs(AngularVel.y) < FreezeThreshold;
				bool LVelIsAlmostZero = n_fabs(LinearVel.x) * (float)Level->GetStepSize() < FreezeThreshold &&
										n_fabs(LinearVel.z) * (float)Level->GetStepSize() < FreezeThreshold;

				if (AVelIsAlmostZero)

				if (LVelIsAlmostZero)

				if (AVelIsAlmostZero && LVelIsAlmostZero) SetEnabled(false);
		//???!!!else (when falling) apply damping?!
	// NOTE: do NOT call the parent class, we don't need any damping
Ejemplo n.º 25
void nearCallback(void *, dGeomID a, dGeomID b)
    const unsigned max_contacts = 8;
    dContact contacts[max_contacts];
    if (!dGeomGetBody(a) && !dGeomGetBody(b))
        return; // don't handle static geom collisions

    int n = dCollide(a, b, max_contacts, &contacts[0].geom, sizeof(dContact));
    //clog << "got " << n << " contacts" << endl;

    /* Simple contact merging:
     * If we have contacts that are too close with the same normal, keep only
     * the one with maximum depth.
     * The epsilon that defines what "too close" means can be a heuristic.
    int new_n = 0;
    dReal epsilon = 1e-1; // default
    /* If we know one of the geoms is a sphere, we can base the epsilon on the
     *  sphere's radius.
    dGeomID s = 0;
    if ((dGeomGetClass(a) == dSphereClass && (s = a)) || 
        (dGeomGetClass(b) == dSphereClass && (s = b))) {
        epsilon = dGeomSphereGetRadius(s) * 0.3;

    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {

        // this block draws the contact points before merging, in red
        dMatrix3 r;
        dsSetColor(1, 0, 0);
        dsDrawSphere(contacts[i].geom.pos, r, 0.008);

        // let's offset the line a bit to avoid drawing overlap issues
        float xyzf[3], hprf[3];
        dsGetViewpoint(xyzf, hprf);
        dVector3 xyz = {dReal(xyzf[0]), dReal(xyzf[1]), dReal(xyzf[2])};
        dVector3 v;
        dSubtractVectors3(v, contacts[i].geom.pos, xyz);
        dVector3 c;
        dCalcVectorCross3(c, v, contacts[i].geom.pos);
        dVector3 pos1;
        dAddScaledVectors3(pos1, contacts[i].geom.pos, c, 1, 0.005);
        dVector3 pos2;
        dAddScaledVectors3(pos2, pos1, contacts[i].geom.normal, 1, 0.05);
        dsDrawLine(pos1, pos2);
        // end of contacts drawing code

        int closest_point = i;
        for (int j=0; j<new_n; ++j) {
            dReal alignment = dCalcVectorDot3(contacts[i].geom.normal, contacts[j].geom.normal);
            if (alignment > 0.99 // about 8 degrees of difference
                dCalcPointsDistance3(contacts[i].geom.pos, contacts[j].geom.pos) < epsilon) {
                // they are too close
                closest_point = j;
                //clog << "found close points: " << j << " and " << i << endl;
        if (closest_point != i) {
            // we discard one of the points
            if (contacts[i].geom.depth > contacts[closest_point].geom.depth)
                // the new point is deeper, copy it over closest_point
                contacts[closest_point] = contacts[i];
        } else
            contacts[new_n++] = contacts[i]; // the point is preserved
    //clog << "reduced from " << n << " to " << new_n << endl;
    n = new_n;

    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        contacts[i].surface.mode = dContactBounce | dContactApprox1 | dContactSoftERP;
        contacts[i].surface.mu = 10;
        contacts[i].surface.bounce = 0.2;
        contacts[i].surface.bounce_vel = 0;
        contacts[i].surface.soft_erp = 1e-3;
        //clog << "depth: " << contacts[i].geom.depth << endl;

        dJointID contact = dJointCreateContact(world, contact_group, &contacts[i]);
        dJointAttach(contact, dGeomGetBody(a), dGeomGetBody(b));

        dMatrix3 r;
        dsSetColor(0, 0, 1);
        dsDrawSphere(contacts[i].geom.pos, r, 0.01);
        dsSetColor(0, 1, 0);
        dVector3 pos2;
        dAddScaledVectors3(pos2, contacts[i].geom.pos, contacts[i].geom.normal, 1, 0.1);
        dsDrawLine(contacts[i].geom.pos, pos2);
    //clog << "----" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void _dLDLTAddTL (dReal *L, dReal *d, const dReal *a, int n, int nskip, void *tmpbuf/*[2*nskip]*/)
  dAASSERT (L && d && a && n > 0 && nskip >= n);

  if (n < 2) return;
  dReal *W1 = tmpbuf ? (dReal *)tmpbuf : (dReal*) ALLOCA ((2*nskip)*sizeof(dReal));
  dReal *W2 = W1 + nskip;

  W1[0] = REAL(0.0);
  W2[0] = REAL(0.0);
  for (int j=1; j<n; ++j) {
    W1[j] = W2[j] = (dReal) (a[j] * M_SQRT1_2);
  dReal W11 = (dReal) ((REAL(0.5)*a[0]+1)*M_SQRT1_2);
  dReal W21 = (dReal) ((REAL(0.5)*a[0]-1)*M_SQRT1_2);

  dReal alpha1 = REAL(1.0);
  dReal alpha2 = REAL(1.0);

    dReal dee = d[0];
    dReal alphanew = alpha1 + (W11*W11)*dee;
    dIASSERT(alphanew != dReal(0.0));
    dee /= alphanew;
    dReal gamma1 = W11 * dee;
    dee *= alpha1;
    alpha1 = alphanew;
    alphanew = alpha2 - (W21*W21)*dee;
    dee /= alphanew;
    dReal gamma2 = W21 * dee;
    alpha2 = alphanew;
    dReal k1 = REAL(1.0) - W21*gamma1;
    dReal k2 = W21*gamma1*W11 - W21;
    dReal *ll = L + nskip;
    for (int p=1; p<n; ll+=nskip, ++p) {
      dReal Wp = W1[p];
      dReal ell = *ll;
      W1[p] =    Wp - W11*ell;
      W2[p] = k1*Wp +  k2*ell;

  dReal *ll = L + (nskip + 1);
  for (int j=1; j<n; ll+=nskip+1, ++j) {
    dReal k1 = W1[j];
    dReal k2 = W2[j];

    dReal dee = d[j];
    dReal alphanew = alpha1 + (k1*k1)*dee;
    dIASSERT(alphanew != dReal(0.0));
    dee /= alphanew;
    dReal gamma1 = k1 * dee;
    dee *= alpha1;
    alpha1 = alphanew;
    alphanew = alpha2 - (k2*k2)*dee;
    dee /= alphanew;
    dReal gamma2 = k2 * dee;
    dee *= alpha2;
    d[j] = dee;
    alpha2 = alphanew;

    dReal *l = ll + nskip;
    for (int p=j+1; p<n; l+=nskip, ++p) {
      dReal ell = *l;
      dReal Wp = W1[p] - k1 * ell;
      ell += gamma1 * Wp;
      W1[p] = Wp;
      Wp = W2[p] - k2 * ell;
      ell -= gamma2 * Wp;
      W2[p] = Wp;
      *l = ell;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void dInternalHandleAutoDisabling (dxWorld *world, dReal stepsize)
    dxBody *bb;
    for ( bb=world->firstbody; bb; bb=(dxBody*)bb->next )
        // don't freeze objects mid-air (patch 1586738)
        if ( bb->firstjoint == NULL ) continue;

        // nothing to do unless this body is currently enabled and has
        // the auto-disable flag set
        if ( (bb->flags & (dxBodyAutoDisable|dxBodyDisabled)) != dxBodyAutoDisable ) continue;

        // if sampling / threshold testing is disabled, we can never sleep.
        if ( bb->adis.average_samples == 0 ) continue;

        // see if the body is idle

#ifndef dNODEBUG
        // sanity check
        if ( bb->average_counter >= bb->adis.average_samples )
            dUASSERT( bb->average_counter < bb->adis.average_samples, "buffer overflow" );

            // something is going wrong, reset the average-calculations
            bb->average_ready = 0; // not ready for average calculation
            bb->average_counter = 0; // reset the buffer index
#endif // dNODEBUG

        // sample the linear and angular velocity
        bb->average_lvel_buffer[bb->average_counter][0] = bb->lvel[0];
        bb->average_lvel_buffer[bb->average_counter][1] = bb->lvel[1];
        bb->average_lvel_buffer[bb->average_counter][2] = bb->lvel[2];
        bb->average_avel_buffer[bb->average_counter][0] = bb->avel[0];
        bb->average_avel_buffer[bb->average_counter][1] = bb->avel[1];
        bb->average_avel_buffer[bb->average_counter][2] = bb->avel[2];

        // buffer ready test
        if ( bb->average_counter >= bb->adis.average_samples )
            bb->average_counter = 0; // fill the buffer from the beginning
            bb->average_ready = 1; // this body is ready now for average calculation

        int idle = 0; // Assume it's in motion unless we have samples to disprove it.

        // enough samples?
        if ( bb->average_ready )
            idle = 1; // Initial assumption: IDLE

            // the sample buffers are filled and ready for calculation
            dVector3 average_lvel, average_avel;

            // Store first velocity samples
            average_lvel[0] = bb->average_lvel_buffer[0][0];
            average_avel[0] = bb->average_avel_buffer[0][0];
            average_lvel[1] = bb->average_lvel_buffer[0][1];
            average_avel[1] = bb->average_avel_buffer[0][1];
            average_lvel[2] = bb->average_lvel_buffer[0][2];
            average_avel[2] = bb->average_avel_buffer[0][2];

            // If we're not in "instantaneous mode"
            if ( bb->adis.average_samples > 1 )
                // add remaining velocities together
                for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < bb->adis.average_samples; ++i )
                    average_lvel[0] += bb->average_lvel_buffer[i][0];
                    average_avel[0] += bb->average_avel_buffer[i][0];
                    average_lvel[1] += bb->average_lvel_buffer[i][1];
                    average_avel[1] += bb->average_avel_buffer[i][1];
                    average_lvel[2] += bb->average_lvel_buffer[i][2];
                    average_avel[2] += bb->average_avel_buffer[i][2];

                // make average
                dReal r1 = dReal( 1.0 ) / dReal( bb->adis.average_samples );

                average_lvel[0] *= r1;
                average_avel[0] *= r1;
                average_lvel[1] *= r1;
                average_avel[1] *= r1;
                average_lvel[2] *= r1;
                average_avel[2] *= r1;

            // threshold test
            dReal av_lspeed, av_aspeed;
            av_lspeed = dCalcVectorDot3( average_lvel, average_lvel );
            if ( av_lspeed > bb->adis.linear_average_threshold )
                idle = 0; // average linear velocity is too high for idle
                av_aspeed = dCalcVectorDot3( average_avel, average_avel );
                if ( av_aspeed > bb->adis.angular_average_threshold )
                    idle = 0; // average angular velocity is too high for idle

        // if it's idle, accumulate steps and time.
        // these counters won't overflow because this code doesn't run for disabled bodies.
        if (idle) {
            bb->adis_timeleft -= stepsize;
        else {
            // Reset countdowns
            bb->adis_stepsleft = bb->adis.idle_steps;
            bb->adis_timeleft = bb->adis.idle_time;

        // disable the body if it's idle for a long enough time
        if ( bb->adis_stepsleft <= 0 && bb->adis_timeleft <= 0 )
            bb->flags |= dxBodyDisabled; // set the disable flag

            // disabling bodies should also include resetting the velocity
            // should prevent jittering in big "islands"
            bb->lvel[0] = 0;
            bb->lvel[1] = 0;
            bb->lvel[2] = 0;
            bb->avel[0] = 0;
            bb->avel[1] = 0;
            bb->avel[2] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void cullPoints (int n, dReal p[], int m, int i0, int iret[])
  // compute the centroid of the polygon in cx,cy
  int i,j;
  dReal a,cx,cy,q;
  if (n==1) {
    cx = p[0];
    cy = p[1];
  else if (n==2) {
    cx = REAL(0.5)*(p[0] + p[2]);
    cy = REAL(0.5)*(p[1] + p[3]);
  else {
    a = 0;
    cx = 0;
    cy = 0;
    for (i=0; i<(n-1); i++) {
      q = p[i*2]*p[i*2+3] - p[i*2+2]*p[i*2+1];
      a += q;
      cx += q*(p[i*2]+p[i*2+2]);
      cy += q*(p[i*2+1]+p[i*2+3]);
    q = p[n*2-2]*p[1] - p[0]*p[n*2-1];
    a = dRecip(REAL(3.0)*(a+q));
    cx = a*(cx + q*(p[n*2-2]+p[0]));
    cy = a*(cy + q*(p[n*2-1]+p[1]));

  // compute the angle of each point w.r.t. the centroid
  dReal A[8];
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) A[i] = dAtan2(p[i*2+1]-cy,p[i*2]-cx);

  // search for points that have angles closest to A[i0] + i*(2*pi/m).
  int avail[8];
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) avail[i] = 1;
  avail[i0] = 0;
  iret[0] = i0;
  for (j=1; j<m; j++) {
    a = (dReal)(dReal(j)*(2*M_PI/m) + A[i0]);
    if (a > M_PI) a -= (dReal)(2*M_PI);
    dReal maxdiff=1e9,diff;
#ifndef dNODEBUG
    *iret = i0;			// iret is not allowed to keep this value
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (avail[i]) {
	diff = dFabs (A[i]-a);
	if (diff > M_PI) diff = (dReal) (2*M_PI - diff);
	if (diff < maxdiff) {
	  maxdiff = diff;
	  *iret = i;
#ifndef dNODEBUG
    dIASSERT (*iret != i0);	// ensure iret got set
    avail[*iret] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
void VelocityMotor::act()
  dJointSetHingeParam(joint->joint, dParamVel, dReal(setpoint));