Ejemplo n.º 1
inline void im2col_nd_core_cpu(const Dtype* data_input, const bool im2col,
    const int num_spatial_axes, const int* im_shape, const int* col_shape,
    const int* kernel_shape, const int* pad, const int* stride,
    const int* dilation, Dtype* data_output) {
  if (!im2col) {
    int im_size = im_shape[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_axes; ++i) {
      im_size *= im_shape[1 + i];
    caffe_set(im_size, Dtype(0), data_output);
  int kernel_size = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_axes; ++i) {
    kernel_size *= kernel_shape[i];
  const int channels_col = col_shape[0];
  vector<int> d_offset(num_spatial_axes, 0);
  vector<int> d_iter(num_spatial_axes, 0);
  for (int c_col = 0; c_col < channels_col; ++c_col) {
    // Loop over spatial axes in reverse order to compute a per-axis offset.
    int offset = c_col;
    for (int d_i = num_spatial_axes - 1; d_i >= 0; --d_i) {
      if (d_i < num_spatial_axes - 1) {
        offset /= kernel_shape[d_i + 1];
      d_offset[d_i] = offset % kernel_shape[d_i];
    for (bool incremented = true; incremented; ) {
      // Loop over spatial axes in forward order to compute the indices in the
      // image and column, and whether the index lies in the padding.
      int index_col = c_col;
      int index_im = c_col / kernel_size;
      bool is_padding = false;
      for (int d_i = 0; d_i < num_spatial_axes; ++d_i) {
        const int d = d_iter[d_i];
        const int d_im = d * stride[d_i] - pad[d_i] +
            d_offset[d_i] * dilation[d_i];
        is_padding |= d_im < 0 || d_im >= im_shape[d_i + 1];
        index_col *= col_shape[d_i + 1];
        index_col += d;
        index_im *= im_shape[d_i + 1];
        index_im += d_im;
      if (im2col) {
        if (is_padding) {
          data_output[index_col] = 0;
        } else {
          data_output[index_col] = data_input[index_im];
      } else if (!is_padding) {  // col2im
        data_output[index_im] += data_input[index_col];
      // Loop over spatial axes in reverse order to choose an index,
      // like counting.
      incremented = false;
      for (int d_i = num_spatial_axes - 1; d_i >= 0; --d_i) {
        const int d_max = col_shape[d_i + 1];
        DCHECK_LT(d_iter[d_i], d_max);
        if (d_iter[d_i] == d_max - 1) {
          d_iter[d_i] = 0;
        } else {  // d_iter[d_i] < d_max - 1
          incremented = true;
    }  // while(incremented) {
  }  // for (int c = 0; c < channels_col; ++c) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline void im2col_nd_core_cpu(const Dtype* data_input, const bool im2col,
    const int num_spatial_axes, const int* im_shape, const int* col_shape,
    const int* kernel_shape, const int* pad, const int* stride,
    const int* dilation, Dtype* data_output) 

    // 如果不是im2col则表明是col2im,也就是说data_output是需要输出的原始图像大小的数据  
    if (!im2col) 
        int im_size = im_shape[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_axes; ++i) 
            im_size *= im_shape[1 + i];
        caffe_set(im_size, Dtype(0), data_output);
    // 一个kernel大小的块有多大
    int kernel_size = 1; 

    for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_axes; ++i) 
        kernel_size *= kernel_shape[i];
    // channels_col = inputchannel(输入图像的channel)*kernel_size  
    const int channels_col = col_shape[0]; 

    // 类似于im2col中的w_offset和h_offset,只不过因为这里是n维,所以用数组表示  
    vector<int> d_offset(num_spatial_axes, 0); 

    // 类似于im2col中w和h,是col_buff中的偏移  
    vector<int> d_iter(num_spatial_axes, 0); 

    for (int c_col = 0; c_col < channels_col; ++c_col) 
        // Loop over spatial axes in reverse order to compute a per-axis offset.
        // Loop over spatial axes in reverse order to compute a per-axis offset.  
        // 计算n维kernel上的offset,与im2col中对应的代码一样的道理  
        // 只不过这里是n维了,所以用d_offset来表示  
        // 注意,这里用逆序来进行计算得到每个轴的偏移 
        int offset = c_col;
        for (int d_i = num_spatial_axes - 1; d_i >= 0; --d_i) 
            if (d_i < num_spatial_axes - 1) 
                offset /= kernel_shape[d_i + 1];
            d_offset[d_i] = offset % kernel_shape[d_i];
        for (bool incremented = true; incremented; ) 
            // Loop over spatial axes in forward order to compute the indices in the
            // image and column, and whether the index lies in the padding.
            // 是经过im2colnd变换之后的索引  
            int index_col = c_col;

            // index_im是原始图像中的channel  
            int index_im = c_col / kernel_size;      
            bool is_padding = false;
            for (int d_i = 0; d_i < num_spatial_axes; ++d_i) 
                // d是col_buff上的偏移,与d_pad相对(d_pad是原始图像上的偏移) 
                const int d = d_iter[d_i]; 

                // 在d_pad是经过pad之后的col_buff中的坐标经过转换成原图中的坐标  
                const int d_im = d * stride[d_i] - pad[d_i] +
                d_offset[d_i] * dilation[d_i];

                // 判断经过im2colnd处理的图像上的像素是否位于输入的n维图像的上的pad的那个部分
                is_padding |= d_im < 0 || d_im >= im_shape[d_i + 1]; 

                // 计算位于col_buff中的位置(就是经过im2colnd变换之后的) 
                index_col *= col_shape[d_i + 1]; 
                index_col += d;

                // 计算位于原始图像中的位置 
                index_im *= im_shape[d_i + 1];  
                index_im += d_im;
            if (im2col) 
                if (is_padding) 
                    // 如果是位于pad的部分则设置为0  
                    data_output[index_col] = 0;
                    data_output[index_col] = data_input[index_im];
            else if (!is_padding) 
                // col2im
                data_output[index_im] += data_input[index_col];

            // 更新位于col_buff上的偏移d(d_iter就是所有的d存进去的)  
            // Loop over spatial axes in reverse order to choose an index,
            // like counting.
            incremented = false;
            for (int d_i = num_spatial_axes - 1; d_i >= 0; --d_i) 
                const int d_max = col_shape[d_i + 1];
                DCHECK_LT(d_iter[d_i], d_max);
                if (d_iter[d_i] == d_max - 1) 
                    d_iter[d_i] = 0;
                    // d_iter[d_i] < d_max - 1
                    incremented = true;
        }  // while(incremented) {
    }  // for (int c = 0; c < channels_col; ++c) {