Ejemplo n.º 1
void CShrapnel::Move (void)
	fix			xSpeed = FixDiv (m_info.xSpeed, I2X (25) / 1000);
	CFixVector	vOffs;
	time_t		nTicks;

if ((nTicks = gameStates.app.nSDLTicks - m_info.tUpdate) < 25)
xSpeed = (fix) (xSpeed / gameStates.gameplay.slowmo [0].fSpeed);
for (; nTicks >= 25; nTicks -= 25) {
	if (--(m_info.nTurn))
		vOffs = m_info.vOffs;
	else {
		m_info.nTurn = ((m_info.xTTL > I2X (1) / 2) ? 2 : 4) + d_rand () % 4;
		vOffs = m_info.vDir;
		vOffs [X] = FixMul (vOffs [X], 2 * d_rand ());
		vOffs [Y] = FixMul (vOffs [Y], 2 * d_rand ());
		vOffs [Z] = FixMul (vOffs [Z], 2 * d_rand ());
		CFixVector::Normalize (vOffs);
		m_info.vOffs = vOffs;
	vOffs *= xSpeed;
	m_info.vPos += vOffs;
if (m_info.nSmoke >= 0)
	particleManager.SetPos (m_info.nSmoke, &m_info.vPos, NULL, -1);
m_info.tUpdate = gameStates.app.nSDLTicks - nTicks;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	If a hiding robot gets bumped or hit, he decides to find another hiding place.
void DoAIRobotHit (CObject *objP, int nType)
	int	r;

if (objP->info.controlType != CT_AI)
if (objP->cType.aiInfo.behavior != AIB_STILL)
r = d_rand ();
//	Attack robots (eg, green guy) shouldn't have behavior = still.
//Assert (ROBOTINFO (objP->info.nId).attackType == 0);
//	1/8 time, charge CPlayerData, 1/4 time create path, rest of time, do nothing
if (r < 4096) {
	CreatePathToPlayer (objP, 10, 1);
	objP->cType.aiInfo.behavior = AIB_STATION;
	objP->cType.aiInfo.nHideSegment = objP->info.nSegment;
	gameData.ai.localInfo [objP->Index ()].mode = AIM_CHASE_OBJECT;
else if (r < 4096 + 8192) {
	CreateNSegmentPath (objP, d_rand () / 8192 + 2, -1);
	gameData.ai.localInfo [objP->Index ()].mode = AIM_FOLLOW_PATH;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SeismicDisturbanceFrame (void)
if (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nShakeFrequency) {
	if (((gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nStartTime < gameData.time.xGame) && 
		  (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nEndTime > gameData.time.xGame)) || StartSeismicDisturbance()) {
		fix	deltaTime = gameData.time.xGame - gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nStartTime;
		int	fc, rx, rz;
		fix	h;

		fc = abs(deltaTime - (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nEndTime - gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nStartTime) / 2);
		fc /= F1_0 / 16;
		if (fc > 16)
			fc = 16;
		else if (fc == 0)
			fc = 1;
		gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume += fc;
		h = 3 * F1_0 / 16 + (F1_0 * (16 - fc)) / 32;
		rx = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
		rz = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
		gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx;
		gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz;
		//	Shake the buddy!
		if (gameData.escort.nObjNum != -1) {
			gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx*4;
			gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz*4;
		//	Shake a guided missile!
		gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude += rx;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void DrawDebrisCorona (CObject *objP)
	static	tRgbaColorf	debrisGlow = {0.66f, 0, 0, 1};
	static	tRgbaColorf	markerGlow = {0, 0.66f, 0, 1};
	static	time_t t0 = 0;

if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_MARKER)
	RenderWeaponCorona (objP, &markerGlow, 0.75f, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0);
#if DBG
else if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_DEBRIS) {
else if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_DEBRIS) && gameOpts->render.nDebrisLife) {
	float	h = (float) nDebrisLife [gameOpts->render.nDebrisLife] - X2F (objP->info.xLifeLeft);
	if (h < 0)
		h = 0;
	if (h < 10) {
		h = (10 - h) / 20.0f;
		if (gameStates.app.nSDLTicks - t0 > 50) {
			t0 = gameStates.app.nSDLTicks;
			debrisGlow.red = 0.5f + X2F (d_rand () % (I2X (1) / 4));
			debrisGlow.green = X2F (d_rand () % (I2X (1) / 4));
		RenderWeaponCorona (objP, &debrisGlow, h, 5 * objP->info.xSize, 1.5f, 1, LIGHTTRAIL_BLENDMODE, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
//	Return true if time to start a seismic disturbance.
static int start_seismic_disturbance(void)
	int	rval;

	if (Level_shake_duration < 1)
		return 0;

	rval =  (2 * fixmul(d_rand(), Level_shake_frequency)) < FrameTime;

	if (rval) {
		Seismic_disturbance_start_time = GameTime64;
		Seismic_disturbance_end_time = GameTime64 + Level_shake_duration;
		if (!Seismic_sound_playing) {
			digi_play_sample_looping(Seismic_sound, F1_0, -1, -1);
			Seismic_sound_playing = 1;
			Next_seismic_sound_time = GameTime64 + d_rand()/2;

#ifdef NETWORK
		if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
			multi_send_seismic (Seismic_disturbance_start_time,Seismic_disturbance_end_time);

	return rval;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CreateSmallFireballOnObject (CObject *objP, fix size_scale, int bSound)
	fix			size;
	CFixVector	vPos, vRand;
	short			nSegment;

vPos = objP->info.position.vPos;
vRand = CFixVector::Random();
vRand *= (objP->info.xSize / 2);
vPos += vRand;
size = FixMul (size_scale, I2X (1) / 2 + d_rand () * 4 / 2);
nSegment = FindSegByPos (vPos, objP->info.nSegment, 1, 0);
if (nSegment != -1) {
	CObject *explObjP = /*Object*/CreateExplosion (nSegment, vPos, size, VCLIP_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
	if (!explObjP)
	AttachObject (objP, explObjP);
	if (bSound || (d_rand () < 8192)) {
		fix vol = I2X (1) / 2;
		if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT)
			vol *= 2;
		audio.CreateObjectSound (SOUND_EXPLODING_WALL, SOUNDCLASS_EXPLOSION, objP->Index (), 0, vol);
Ejemplo n.º 7
//	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Picks a Random point in a CSegment like so:
//		From center, go up to 50% of way towards any of the 8 vertices.
CFixVector CSegment::RandomPoint (void)
int nVertex = (d_rand () * MAX_VERTICES_PER_SEGMENT) >> 15;
CFixVector v = gameData.segs.vertices [m_verts [nVertex]] - m_vCenter;
v *= (d_rand ());
return v;
Ejemplo n.º 8
//this function is for when the CPlayerData intentionally drops a powerup
//this function is based on DropPowerup()
int SpitPowerup (CObject *spitterP, ubyte id, int seed)
	short			nObject;
	CObject		*objP;
	CFixVector	newVelocity, newPos;
	tObjTransformation	*posP = OBJPOS (spitterP);

#if 0
if ((gameData.app.nGameMode & GM_NETWORK) &&
	 (gameData.multiplayer.powerupsInMine [(int)id] + PowerupsOnShips (id) >=
	  gameData.multiplayer.maxPowerupsAllowed [id]))
	return -1;
newVelocity = spitterP->mType.physInfo.velocity + spitterP->info.position.mOrient.FVec() * I2X (SPIT_SPEED);
newVelocity[X] += (d_rand() - 16384) * SPIT_SPEED * 2;
newVelocity[Y] += (d_rand() - 16384) * SPIT_SPEED * 2;
newVelocity[Z] += (d_rand() - 16384) * SPIT_SPEED * 2;
// Give keys zero velocity so they can be tracked better in multi
if (IsMultiGame && (id >= POW_KEY_BLUE) && (id <= POW_KEY_GOLD))
	newVelocity.SetZero ();
//there's a piece of code which lets the CPlayerData pick up a powerup if
//the distance between him and the powerup is less than 2 time their
//combined radii.  So we need to create powerups pretty far out from
//the player.
newPos = posP->vPos + posP->mOrient.FVec () * spitterP->info.xSize;
if (IsMultiGame && (gameData.multigame.create.nLoc >= MAX_NET_CREATE_OBJECTS))
	return (-1);
nObject = CreatePowerup (id, (short) (GetTeam (gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer) + 1), (short) OBJSEG (spitterP), newPos,  1);
if (nObject < 0) {
	return nObject;
objP = OBJECTS + nObject;
objP->mType.physInfo.velocity = newVelocity;
objP->mType.physInfo.drag = 512;	//1024;
objP->mType.physInfo.mass = I2X (1);
objP->mType.physInfo.flags = PF_BOUNCE;
objP->rType.vClipInfo.nClipIndex = gameData.objs.pwrUp.info [objP->info.nId].nClipIndex;
objP->rType.vClipInfo.xFrameTime = gameData.eff.vClipP [objP->rType.vClipInfo.nClipIndex].xFrameTime;
objP->rType.vClipInfo.nCurFrame = 0;
if (spitterP == gameData.objs.consoleP)
	objP->cType.powerupInfo.nFlags |= PF_SPAT_BY_PLAYER;
switch (objP->info.nId) {
		objP->info.xLifeLeft = (d_rand() + I2X (3)) * 64;		//	Lives for 3 to 3.5 binary minutes (a binary minute is 64 seconds)
		if (gameData.app.nGameMode & GM_MULTI)
			objP->info.xLifeLeft /= 2;
		//if (gameData.app.nGameMode & GM_MULTI)
		//	objP->info.xLifeLeft = (d_rand() + I2X (3)) * 64;		//	Lives for 5 to 5.5 binary minutes (a binary minute is 64 seconds)
MultiSendWeapons (1);
return nObject;
Ejemplo n.º 9
//	If a smega missile been detonated, rock the mine!
//	This should be called every frame.
//	Maybe this should affect all robots, being called when they get their physics done.
void rock_the_mine_frame(void)
	int	i;

	for (i=0; i<MAX_SMEGA_DETONATES; i++) {

		if (Smega_detonate_times[i] != 0) {
			fix	delta_time = GameTime64 - Smega_detonate_times[i];

			if (!Seismic_sound_playing) {
				digi_play_sample_looping(Seismic_sound, F1_0, -1, -1);
				Seismic_sound_playing = 1;
				Next_seismic_sound_time = GameTime64 + d_rand()/2;

			if (delta_time < SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME) {

				//	Control center destroyed, rock the player's ship.
				int	fc, rx, rz;
				// -- fc = abs(delta_time - SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME/2);
				//	Changed 10/23/95 to make decreasing for super mega missile.
				fc = (SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME - delta_time)/2;
				fc /= SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME/32;
				if (fc > 16)
					fc = 16;

				if (fc == 0)
					fc = 1;

				Seismic_tremor_volume += fc;

				rx = fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32);
				rz = fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32);

				if (FixedStep & EPS20)
					ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += rx;
					ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += rz;

					//	Shake the buddy!
					if (Buddy_objnum != object_none) {
						Objects[Buddy_objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += rx*4;
						Objects[Buddy_objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += rz*4;

				//	Shake a guided missile!
				Seismic_tremor_magnitude += rx;

			} else
				Smega_detonate_times[i] = 0;


	//	Hook in the rumble sound effect here.
Ejemplo n.º 10
void generate_starfield()
	int i;

	for (i=0;i<MAX_STARS;i++) {

                stars[i].x = (d_rand() - D_RAND_MAX/2) << 14;
                stars[i].z = (d_rand() - D_RAND_MAX/2) << 14;
		stars[i].y = (d_rand()/2) << 14;

Ejemplo n.º 11
/* Setup a random function in the given dimensions */
static void setup_func(funcp *p, int di) {
	double mn,mx;
	double ax[MXDI][2];
	int i, j;

	p->di = di;

	/* Setup random input curve parameters */
	/* (This is the one that effects smoothness of function the most) */
	for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
		for (mx = 4.0, i = 0; i < MXCHPARAMS; i++, mx *= 0.6) {
			p->ip[j][i] = d_rand(-mx, mx);

	/* Setup random shape parameters */
	for (j = 0; j < di; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < (1 << di); i++) {	/* Initially random */
			p->shape[j][i] = d_rand(-0.1, 0.1);

	/* Setup the random output value parameters */

	/* First some axis dominant values */
	for (i = 0; i < di; i++) {
		ax[i][0] = d_rand(0.0, 1.0);
		ax[i][1] = ax[i][0] + d_rand(-1.0, 1.0);

	/* Sum them orthogonally and add indepent terms */
	mn = 5.0;
	mx = -5.0;
	for (i = 0; i < (1 << di); i++) {	/* Initially random */
		p->op[i] = 0.0;

		for (j = 0; j < di; j++) { 
			if ((1 << j) & i)
				p->op[i] += ax[j][1];
				p->op[i] += ax[j][0];
		p->op[i] += d_rand(-0.3, 0.3);

		if (p->op[i] < mn)
			mn = p->op[i];
		if (p->op[i] > mx)
			mx = p->op[i];
	for (i = 0; i < (1 << di); i++) {	/* Then scale to between 0.0 and 1.0 */
		p->op[i] = (p->op[i] - mn)/(mx - mn);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CObject::RandomBump (fix xScale, fix xForce, bool bSound)
	fix angle;

angle = (d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4);
mType.physInfo.rotVel [X] += FixMul (angle, xScale);
angle = (d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4);
mType.physInfo.rotVel [Z] += FixMul (angle, xScale);
CFixVector vRand = CFixVector::Random ();
Bump (vRand, xForce);
if (bSound)
	audio.CreateObjectSound (SOUND_PLAYER_HIT_WALL, SOUNDCLASS_GENERIC, Index ());
Ejemplo n.º 13
void DoSnipeFire (CObject *objP, tAILocalInfo *ailP)
if (ailP->nextActionTime < 0) {
	tAIStaticInfo	*aiP = &objP->cType.aiInfo;
	CreateNSegmentPath (objP, 10 + d_rand () / 2048, OBJSEG (TARGETOBJ));
	aiP->nPathLength = (aiP->nHideIndex < 0) ? 0 : SmoothPath (objP, &gameData.ai.routeSegs [aiP->nHideIndex], aiP->nPathLength);
	if (d_rand () < 8192)
		ailP->mode = AIM_SNIPE_RETREAT;
	ailP->nextActionTime = SNIPE_RETREAT_TIME;
Ejemplo n.º 14
//	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Do seismic disturbance stuff including the looping sounds with changing volume.
void do_seismic_stuff(void)
	int	stv_save;

	stv_save = Seismic_tremor_volume;
	Seismic_tremor_magnitude = 0;
	Seismic_tremor_volume = 0;


	if (stv_save != 0) {
		if (Seismic_tremor_volume == 0) {
			Seismic_sound_playing = 0;

		if ((GameTime64 > Next_seismic_sound_time) && Seismic_tremor_volume) {
			int	volume;

			volume = Seismic_tremor_volume * 2048;
			if (volume > F1_0)
				volume = F1_0;
			Next_seismic_sound_time = GameTime64 + d_rand()/4 + 8192;

Ejemplo n.º 15
int CShrapnelCloud::Create (CObject* parentObjP, CObject* objP)
	int		i, h = (int) (X2F (parentObjP->info.xSize) * fShrapnelScale [gameOpts->render.effects.nShrapnels] + 0.5);

objP->info.xLifeLeft = 0;
objP->cType.explInfo.nSpawnTime = -1;
objP->cType.explInfo.nDeleteObj = -1;
objP->cType.explInfo.nDeleteTime = -1;
h += d_rand () % h;
if (!CStack<CShrapnel>::Create (h))
	return 0;
if (!Grow (h))
	return 0;
#pragma omp parallel
	#pragma omp for 
	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		m_data.buffer [i].Create (parentObjP, objP);
objP->info.xLifeLeft *= 2;
objP->cType.explInfo.nSpawnTime = -1;
objP->cType.explInfo.nDeleteObj = -1;
objP->cType.explInfo.nDeleteTime = -1;
return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void CShrapnel::Draw (void)
if ((m_info.xTTL > 0) && LoadExplBlast ()) {
	fix	xSize = I2X (1) / 2 + d_rand () % (I2X (1) / 4);
	G3DrawSprite (m_info.vPos, xSize, xSize, bmpExplBlast, NULL, X2F (m_info.xTTL) / X2F (m_info.xLife) / 2, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void DoSeismicStuff (void)
	int		stv_save;

if (gameStates.limitFPS.bSeismic && !gameStates.app.tick40fps.bTick)
stv_save = gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume;
gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude = 0;
gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume = 0;
if (stv_save != 0) {
	if (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume == 0) {
		gameStates.gameplay.seismic.bSound = 0;

	if ((gameData.time.xGame > gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nNextSoundTime) && gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume) {
		int volume = gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume * 2048;
		if (volume > F1_0)
			volume = F1_0;
		DigiChangeLoopingVolume (volume);
		gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nNextSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame + d_rand () / 4 + 8192;
Ejemplo n.º 18
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Fire Laser:  Registers a laser fire, and performs special stuff for the fusion
//				    cannon.
void ChargeFusion (void)
if ((LOCALPLAYER.energy < I2X (2)) && (gameData.fusion.xAutoFireTime == 0)) {
	gameData.laser.nGlobalFiringCount = 0;
else {
	gameData.fusion.xFrameTime += gameData.time.xFrame;
	if (!gameData.FusionCharge ())
		LOCALPLAYER.energy -= I2X (2);
	fix h = (gameData.fusion.xFrameTime <= LOCALPLAYER.energy) ? gameData.fusion.xFrameTime : LOCALPLAYER.energy;
	gameData.SetFusionCharge (gameData.FusionCharge () + h);
	LOCALPLAYER.energy -= h;
	if (LOCALPLAYER.energy > 0) 
		gameData.fusion.xAutoFireTime = gameData.time.xGame + gameData.fusion.xFrameTime / 2 + 1;
	else {
		LOCALPLAYER.energy = 0;
		gameData.fusion.xAutoFireTime = gameData.time.xGame - 1;	//	Fire now!
	if (gameStates.limitFPS.bFusion && !gameStates.app.tick40fps.bTick)

	float fScale = float (gameData.FusionCharge () >> 11) / 64.0f;
	tRgbaColorf* colorP = gameData.weapons.color + FUSION_ID;

	if (gameData.FusionCharge () < I2X (2)) 
		paletteManager.BumpEffect (colorP->red * fScale, colorP->green * fScale, colorP->blue * fScale);
		paletteManager.BumpEffect (colorP->blue * fScale, colorP->red * fScale, colorP->green * fScale);
	if (gameData.time.xGame < gameData.fusion.xLastSoundTime)		//gametime has wrapped
		gameData.fusion.xNextSoundTime = gameData.fusion.xLastSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame;
	if (gameData.fusion.xNextSoundTime < gameData.time.xGame) {
		if (gameData.FusionCharge () > I2X (2)) {
			audio.PlaySound (11);
			gameData.objs.consoleP->ApplyDamageToPlayer (gameData.objs.consoleP, d_rand () * 4);
		else {
			CreateAwarenessEvent (gameData.objs.consoleP, WEAPON_ROBOT_COLLISION);
			audio.PlaySound (SOUND_FUSION_WARMUP);
			if (IsMultiGame)
				MultiSendPlaySound (SOUND_FUSION_WARMUP, I2X (1));
		gameData.fusion.xLastSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame;
		gameData.fusion.xNextSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame + I2X (1) / 8 + d_rand () / 4;
	gameData.fusion.xFrameTime = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void CPaletteManager::FadeEffect (void)
	float	nDecAmount = 0;
	bool	bForce = false;

	//	Diminish at FADE_RATE units/second.
	//	For frame rates > FADE_RATE Hz, use randomness to achieve this.
if (gameData.time.xFrame < I2X (1) / FADE_RATE) {
	if (d_rand () < gameData.time.xFrame * FADE_RATE / 2)	
		nDecAmount = 1;
else {
	if (!(nDecAmount = X2F (gameData.time.xFrame * FADE_RATE)))		// one second = FADE_RATE counts
		nDecAmount = 1;						// make sure we decrement by something
nDecAmount /= 64.0f;

if (m_data.xFlashDuration) {
	//	Part of hack system to force update of palette after exiting a menu.
	if (m_data.xLastEffectTime)
		bForce = true;

	if ((m_data.xLastEffectTime + I2X (1)/8 < gameData.time.xGame) || (m_data.xLastEffectTime > gameData.time.xGame)) {
		audio.PlaySound (SOUND_CLOAK_OFF, SOUNDCLASS_GENERIC, m_data.xFlashDuration / 4);
		m_data.xLastEffectTime = gameData.time.xGame;

	m_data.xFlashDuration -= gameData.time.xFrame;
	if (m_data.xFlashDuration < 0)
		m_data.xFlashDuration = 0;

	if (bForce || (d_rand () > 4096)) {
      if ((gameData.demo.nState == ND_STATE_RECORDING) && (m_data.effect.red || m_data.effect.green || m_data.effect.blue))
	      NDRecordPaletteEffect (short (m_data.effect.red * 64), short (m_data.effect.green * 64), short (m_data.effect.blue * 64));
		paletteManager.SetEffect ();

m_data.effect.red = UpdateEffect (m_data.effect.red, nDecAmount);
m_data.effect.green = UpdateEffect (m_data.effect.green, nDecAmount);
m_data.effect.blue = UpdateEffect (m_data.effect.blue, nDecAmount);

if ((gameData.demo.nState == ND_STATE_RECORDING) && (m_data.effect.red || m_data.effect.green || m_data.effect.blue))
     NDRecordPaletteEffect (short (m_data.effect.red * 64), short (m_data.effect.green * 64), short (m_data.effect.blue * 64));
SetEffect (bForce);
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* Create the netgame aux data.
 * Byte 0 is the protcol version number.
 * Bytes 1-4 hold the IPv4 multicast session for the game.
static void ipx_mcast4_InitNetgameAuxData(ipx_socket_t *sk, u_char buf[NETGAME_AUX_SIZE])
	char addr[16];
	Assert(game_addr.s_addr == 0);

	// The first byte is the version number

	// Generate a random session
	// game_addr = inet_makeaddr(239*256 + 255, d_rand() % 0xFFFF);
	sprintf(addr, "%i.%i.%i.%i", 239, 255, d_rand() % 0xFF, d_rand() % 0xFF);
	game_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr);
	memcpy(buf + 1, &game_addr, sizeof(game_addr));

	// Since we're obviously the hosting machine, subscribe to this address
	ipx_mcast4_HandleNetgameAuxData(sk, buf);
Ejemplo n.º 21
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//move all OBJECTS for the current frame
int UpdateAllObjects (void)
	int i;
	CObject *objP, *nextObjP;

#if DBG
	static int bOnce = 0;

if (bOnce >= 0) {
	if (bOnce > 0)
		bOnce = -1;
if (!OBJECTS [gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer].CriticalDamage () && 
	 (gameStates.app.nSDLTicks - OBJECTS [gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer].TimeLastRepaired () > 5000))
	OBJECTS [gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer].SetDamage (1 + d_rand () % 10, 1 + d_rand () % 10, 1 + d_rand () % 10);
if (gameData.objs.nLastObject [0] > gameData.objs.nMaxUsedObjects)
	FreeObjectSlots (gameData.objs.nMaxUsedObjects);		//	Free all possible CObject slots.
if (!gameStates.app.tick60fps.bTick)
	return 1;
gameData.physics.xTime = SECS2X (gameStates.app.tick60fps.nTime);
gameData.physics.xTime = gameData.time.xFrame;
CleanupObjects ();
if (gameOpts->gameplay.nAutoLeveling)
	gameData.objs.consoleP->mType.physInfo.flags |= PF_LEVELLING;
	gameData.objs.consoleP->mType.physInfo.flags &= ~PF_LEVELLING;

// Move all OBJECTS
gameStates.entropy.bConquering = 0;
UpdatePlayerOrient ();
//WaitForEffectsThread ();
i = 0;
for (objP = gameData.objs.lists.all.head; objP; objP = nextObjP) {
	nextObjP = objP->Links (0).next;
	if ((objP->info.nType != OBJ_NONE) && (objP->info.nType != OBJ_GHOST) && !(objP->info.nFlags & OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD) && !objP->Update ())
		return 0;
return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: cntrlcen.c Proyecto: btb/d2x
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Called every frame.  If control center been destroyed, then actually do something.
void do_controlcen_dead_frame(void)
	if ((Dead_controlcen_object_num != -1) && (Countdown_seconds_left > 0))
		if (d_rand() < FrameTime*4)
			create_small_fireball_on_object(&Objects[Dead_controlcen_object_num], F1_0, 1);

	if (Control_center_destroyed && !Endlevel_sequence)
Ejemplo n.º 23
CFixVector *RandomPointOnQuad (CFixVector *quad, CFixVector *vPos)
	CFixVector	vOffs;
	int			i;

i = rand () % 2;
vOffs = quad [i + 1] - quad [i];
vOffs *= (2 * d_rand ());
vOffs += quad [i];
i += 2;
*vPos = quad [(i + 1) % 4] - quad [i];
*vPos *= (2 * d_rand ());
*vPos += quad [i];
*vPos -= vOffs;
*vPos *= (2 * d_rand ());
*vPos += vOffs;
return vPos;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void DoReactorSmoke (CObject *objP)
	int			h = -1, nObject, nSmoke, nShields = 0, nParts;
	CFixVector	vDir, vPos;

nObject = objP->Index ();
if (!(SHOW_SMOKE && gameOpts->render.particles.bRobots)) {
	if (particleManager.GetObjectSystem (nObject) >= 0)
		KillObjectSmoke (nObject);
if ((objP->info.xShields < 0) || (objP->info.nFlags & (OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD | OF_DESTROYED)))
	nParts = 0;
else {
	nShields = X2IR (gameData.bots.info [gameStates.app.bD1Mission][objP->info.nId].strength);
	h = nShields ? X2IR (objP->info.xShields) * 100 / nShields : 0;
if (h < 0)
	h = 0;
nParts = 10 - h / 10;
if (nParts > 0) {
	if (0 > (nSmoke = particleManager.GetObjectSystem (nObject))) {
		//PrintLog ("creating robot %d smoke\n", nObject);
		nSmoke = particleManager.Create (&objP->info.position.vPos, NULL, NULL, objP->info.nSegment, 1, nParts, F2X (-4.0),
													-1, 1, BOT_PART_LIFE * 2, BOT_PART_SPEED, SMOKE_PARTICLES, nObject, smokeColors, 1, -1);
		if (nSmoke < 0)
		particleManager.SetObjectSystem (nObject, nSmoke);
	else {
		particleManager.SetScale (nSmoke, F2X (-4.0));
		particleManager.SetDensity (nSmoke, nParts, -1);
		vDir[X] = d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4;
		vDir[Y] = d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4;
		vDir[Z] = d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4;
		CFixVector::Normalize (vDir);
		vPos = objP->info.position.vPos + vDir * (-objP->info.xSize / 2);
		particleManager.SetPos (nSmoke, &vPos, NULL, objP->info.nSegment);
	KillObjectSmoke (nObject);
Ejemplo n.º 25
//	----------------------------------------------------------------------
//	General purpose robot-dies-with-death-roll-and-groan code.
//	Return true if tObject just died.
//	scale: F1_0*4 for boss, much smaller for much smaller guys
int DoRobotDyingFrame (tObject *objP, fix StartTime, fix xRollDuration, sbyte *bDyingSoundPlaying, short deathSound, fix xExplScale, fix xSoundScale)
	fix	xRollVal, temp;
	fix	xSoundDuration;
	tDigiSound *soundP;

if (!xRollDuration)
	xRollDuration = F1_0/4;

xRollVal = FixDiv (gameData.time.xGame - StartTime, xRollDuration);

FixSinCos (FixMul (xRollVal, xRollVal), &temp, &objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x);
FixSinCos (xRollVal, &temp, &objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.y);
FixSinCos (xRollVal-F1_0/8, &temp, &objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z);

temp = gameData.time.xGame - StartTime;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x = temp / 9;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.y = temp / 5;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z = temp / 7;

if (gameOpts->sound.digiSampleRate) {
	soundP = gameData.pig.sound.pSounds + DigiXlatSound (deathSound);
	xSoundDuration = FixDiv (soundP->nLength [soundP->bHires], gameOpts->sound.digiSampleRate);
	xSoundDuration = F1_0;

if (StartTime + xRollDuration - xSoundDuration < gameData.time.xGame) {
	if (!*bDyingSoundPlaying) {
		con_printf (CONDBG, "Starting death sound!\n");
		*bDyingSoundPlaying = 1;
		DigiLinkSoundToObject2 (deathSound, OBJ_IDX (objP), 0, xSoundScale, xSoundScale * 256, SOUNDCLASS_ROBOT);	//	F1_0*512 means play twice as loud
	else if (d_rand () < gameData.time.xFrame*16)
		CreateSmallFireballOnObject (objP, (F1_0 + d_rand ()) * (16 * xExplScale/F1_0) / 8, 0);
else if (d_rand () < gameData.time.xFrame * 8)
	CreateSmallFireballOnObject (objP, (F1_0/2 + d_rand ()) * (16 * xExplScale / F1_0) / 8, 1);

return (StartTime + xRollDuration < gameData.time.xGame);
Ejemplo n.º 26
//	----------------------------------------------------------------------
//	General purpose robot-dies-with-death-roll-and-groan code.
//	Return true if CObject just died.
//	scale: I2X (4) for boss, much smaller for much smaller guys
int DoRobotDyingFrame (CObject *objP, fix StartTime, fix xRollDuration, sbyte *bDyingSoundPlaying, short deathSound, fix xExplScale, fix xSoundScale)
	fix	xRollVal, temp;
	fix	xSoundDuration;
	CSoundSample *soundP;

if (!xRollDuration)
	xRollDuration = I2X (1)/4;

xRollVal = FixDiv (gameData.time.xGame - StartTime, xRollDuration);

FixSinCos (FixMul (xRollVal, xRollVal), &temp, &objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel[X]);
FixSinCos (xRollVal, &temp, &objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel[Y]);
FixSinCos (xRollVal-I2X (1)/8, &temp, &objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel[Z]);

temp = gameData.time.xGame - StartTime;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel[X] = temp / 9;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel[Y] = temp / 5;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel[Z] = temp / 7;

if (gameOpts->sound.digiSampleRate) {
	soundP = gameData.pig.sound.soundP + audio.XlatSound (deathSound);
	xSoundDuration = FixDiv (soundP->nLength [soundP->bHires], gameOpts->sound.digiSampleRate);
	xSoundDuration = I2X (1);

if (StartTime + xRollDuration - xSoundDuration < gameData.time.xGame) {
	if (!*bDyingSoundPlaying) {
		console.printf (CON_DBG, "Starting death sound!\n");
		*bDyingSoundPlaying = 1;
		audio.CreateObjectSound (deathSound, SOUNDCLASS_ROBOT, objP->Index (), 0, xSoundScale, xSoundScale * 256);	//	I2X (5)12 means play twice as loud
	else if (d_rand () < gameData.time.xFrame*16)
		CreateSmallFireballOnObject (objP, (I2X (1) + d_rand ()) * (16 * xExplScale/I2X (1)) / 8, 0);
else if (d_rand () < gameData.time.xFrame * 8)
	CreateSmallFireballOnObject (objP, (I2X (1)/2 + d_rand ()) * (16 * xExplScale / I2X (1)) / 8, 1);

return (StartTime + xRollDuration < gameData.time.xGame);
Ejemplo n.º 27
//	If a smega missile been detonated, rock the mine!
//	This should be called every frame.
//	Maybe this should affect all robots, being called when they get their physics done.
void RockTheMineFrame (void)
	int	i;

for (i = 0; i < MAX_ESHAKER_DETONATES; i++) {
	if (eshakerDetonateTimes [i] != 0) {
		fix	deltaTime = gameData.time.xGame - eshakerDetonateTimes [i];
		if (!gameStates.gameplay.seismic.bSound) {
			DigiPlaySampleLooping ((short) gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nSound, F1_0, -1, -1);
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.bSound = 1;
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nNextSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame + d_rand()/2;
		if (deltaTime < ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME) {
			//	Control center destroyed, rock the tPlayer's ship.
			int	fc, rx, rz;
			fix	h;
			// -- fc = abs(deltaTime - ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME/2);
			//	Changed 10/23/95 to make decreasing for super mega missile.
			fc = (ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME - deltaTime) / (ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME / 16);
			if (fc > 16)
				fc = 16;
			else if (fc == 0)
				fc = 1;
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume += fc;
			h = 3 * F1_0 / 16 + (F1_0 * (16 - fc)) / 32;
			rx = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
			rz = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
			gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx;
			gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz;
			//	Shake the buddy!
			if (gameData.escort.nObjNum != -1) {
				gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx*4;
				gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz*4;
			//	Shake a guided missile!
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude += rx;
			eshakerDetonateTimes [i] = 0;
//	Hook in the rumble sound effect here.
Ejemplo n.º 28
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Called every frame.  If control center been destroyed, then actually do something.
void DoReactorDeadFrame (void)
    if ((gameData.reactor.nDeadObj != -1) &&
            (gameData.objs.objects [gameData.reactor.nDeadObj].type == OBJ_CNTRLCEN) &&
            (gameData.reactor.countdown.nSecsLeft > 0))
        if (d_rand () < gameData.time.xFrame * 4)
            CreateSmallFireballOnObject (&gameData.objs.objects[gameData.reactor.nDeadObj], F1_0, 1);
    if (gameData.reactor.bDestroyed && !gameStates.app.bEndLevelSequence)
        DoCountdownFrame ();
Ejemplo n.º 29
//initialize the player object position & orientation (at start of game, or new ship)
void InitPlayerPosition(int random)
	int NewPlayer=0;

	if (! ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && !(Game_mode&GM_MULTI_COOP)) ) // If not deathmatch
		NewPlayer = Player_num;
#ifdef NETWORK	
	else if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (Netgame.SpawnStyle == SPAWN_STYLE_PREVIEW)  && Dead_player_camera != NULL)
		NewPlayer = previewed_spawn_point; 
	else if (random == 1)
		int i, trys=0;
		fix closest_dist = 0x7ffffff, dist;

		do {
			NewPlayer = d_rand() % NumNetPlayerPositions;

			closest_dist = 0x7fffffff;

			for (i=0; i<N_players; i++ )	{
				if ( (i!=Player_num) && (Objects[Players[i].objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER) )	{
					dist = find_connected_distance(&Objects[Players[i].objnum].pos, Objects[Players[i].objnum].segnum, &Player_init[NewPlayer].pos, Player_init[NewPlayer].segnum, 15, WID_FLY_FLAG ); // Used to be 5, search up to 15 segments
					if ( (dist < closest_dist) && (dist >= 0) )	{
						closest_dist = dist;
		} while ( (closest_dist<i2f(15*20)) && (trys<MAX_PLAYERS*2) );
		// If deathmatch and not random, positions were already determined by sync packet

	Assert(NewPlayer >= 0);
	Assert(NewPlayer < NumNetPlayerPositions);
	ConsoleObject->pos = Player_init[NewPlayer].pos;
	ConsoleObject->orient = Player_init[NewPlayer].orient;
#ifdef NETWORK	
	if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (Netgame.SpawnStyle == SPAWN_STYLE_PREVIEW) && Dead_player_camera != NULL) {
		ConsoleObject->orient = Dead_player_camera->orient;  
		Dead_player_camera = NULL; 
Ejemplo n.º 30
void DropCurrentWeapon ()
	int ammo=0,seed;
	objnum_t objnum;

	if (num_objects >= MAX_USED_OBJECTS)

	if (Primary_weapon==0)
		HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "You cannot drop your base weapon!");

	HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s dropped!",PRIMARY_WEAPON_NAMES(Primary_weapon));
	digi_play_sample (SOUND_DROP_WEAPON,F1_0);

	seed = d_rand();

	objnum = spit_powerup(ConsoleObject,Primary_weapon_to_powerup[Primary_weapon],seed);

   if (objnum==object_none)

	if (Primary_weapon == VULCAN_INDEX || Primary_weapon == GAUSS_INDEX) {

		//if it's one of these, drop some ammo with the weapon

		ammo = Players[Player_num].primary_ammo[VULCAN_INDEX];

		if ((Players[Player_num].primary_weapon_flags & HAS_FLAG(VULCAN_INDEX)) && (Players[Player_num].primary_weapon_flags & HAS_FLAG(GAUSS_INDEX)))
			ammo /= 2;		//if both vulcan & gauss, drop half

		Players[Player_num].primary_ammo[VULCAN_INDEX] -= ammo;

		if (objnum!=object_none)
			Objects[objnum].ctype.powerup_info.count = ammo;

	if (Primary_weapon == OMEGA_INDEX) {

		//dropped weapon has current energy

		if (objnum!=object_none)
			Objects[objnum].ctype.powerup_info.count = Omega_charge;

#ifdef NETWORK
	if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && objnum!=object_none)

	Players[Player_num].primary_weapon_flags &= (~(1<<Primary_weapon));
	auto_select_weapon (0);