Ejemplo n.º 1
/* ARM gcc 2.95.4 was seen generating bad code for ulong->double
   conversions, resulting in for instance 0x81c25113 incorrectly converted.
   This test exercises that value, to see mpn_get_d has avoided the
   problem.  */
check_0x81c25113 (void)
#if GMP_NUMB_BITS >= 32
  double     want = 2176995603.0;
  double     got;
  mp_limb_t  np[4];
  mp_size_t  nsize;
  long       exp;

  if (tests_dbl_mant_bits() < 32)

  for (nsize = 1; nsize <= numberof (np); nsize++)
      refmpn_zero (np, nsize-1);
      np[nsize-1] = CNST_LIMB(0x81c25113);
      exp = - (nsize-1) * GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, (mp_size_t) 0, exp);
      if (got != want)
          printf  ("mpn_get_d wrong on 2176995603 (0x81c25113)\n");
          printf  ("  nsize  %ld\n", (long) nsize);
          printf  ("  exp    %ld\n", exp);
          d_trace ("  got    ", got);
          d_trace ("  want   ", want);
          abort ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Check various values 2^n and 1/2^n. */
check_onebit (void)
  static const long data[] = {
    -5, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 5,

  int     i, neg;
  long    exp, l;
  mpq_t   q;
  double  got, want;

  mpq_init (q);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      exp = data[i];

      mpq_set_ui (q, 1L, 1L);
      if (exp >= 0)
	mpq_mul_2exp (q, q, exp);
	mpq_div_2exp (q, q, -exp);

      want = 1.0;
      for (l = 0; l < exp; l++)
	want *= 2.0;
      for (l = 0; l > exp; l--)
	want /= 2.0;

      for (neg = 0; neg <= 1; neg++)
	  if (neg)
	      mpq_neg (q, q);
	      want = -want;

	  got = mpq_get_d (q);

	  if (got != want)
	      printf    ("mpq_get_d wrong on %s2**%ld\n", neg ? "-" : "", exp);
	      mpq_trace ("   q    ", q);
	      d_trace   ("   want ", want);
	      d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
  mpq_clear (q);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Genome::PrintGenes()
	d_trace("Genes: %d\n", genes.size() );
	for (int i=0;i<genes.size();i++) {
		Feature* g = genes[i];
		const char *c = g->indices[1] > g->indices[0] ? " (complementary)" : "";
		d_trace("[%d, %d]%s: %s\n", min(g->indices), max(g->indices), c, g->gene.c_str() );
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Check that hardware rounding doesn't make mpz_get_d_2exp return a value
   outside its defined range. */
static void
check_round (void)
  static const unsigned long data[] = { 1, 32, 53, 54, 64, 128, 256, 512 };
  mpz_t   z;
  double  got;
  long    got_exp;
  int     i, rnd_mode, old_rnd_mode;

  mpz_init (z);
  old_rnd_mode = tests_hardware_getround ();

  for (rnd_mode = 0; rnd_mode < 4; rnd_mode++)
      tests_hardware_setround (rnd_mode);

      for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
          mpz_set_ui (z, 1L);
          mpz_mul_2exp (z, z, data[i]);
          mpz_sub_ui (z, z, 1L);

          got = mpz_get_d_2exp (&got_exp, z);
          if (got < 0.5 || got >= 1.0)
              printf    ("mpz_get_d_2exp wrong on 2**%lu-1\n", data[i]);
              printf    ("result out of range, expect 0.5 <= got < 1.0\n");
              printf    ("   rnd_mode = %d\n", rnd_mode);
              printf    ("   data[i]  = %lu\n", data[i]);
              mpz_trace ("   z    ", z);
              d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
              printf    ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);

          mpz_neg (z, z);
          got = mpz_get_d_2exp (&got_exp, z);
          if (got <= -1.0 || got > -0.5)
              printf    ("mpz_get_d_2exp wrong on -2**%lu-1\n", data[i]);
              printf    ("result out of range, expect -1.0 < got <= -0.5\n");
              printf    ("   rnd_mode = %d\n", rnd_mode);
              printf    ("   data[i]  = %lu\n", data[i]);
              mpz_trace ("   z    ", z);
              d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
              printf    ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);

  mpz_clear (z);
  tests_hardware_setround (old_rnd_mode);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
check_onebit (void)
  static const unsigned long data[] = {
    1, 32, 52, 53, 54, 63, 64, 65, 128, 256, 511, 512, 513
  mpz_t   z;
  double  got, want;
  long    got_exp, want_exp;
  int     i;

  mpz_init (z);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpz_set_ui (z, 1L);
      mpz_mul_2exp (z, z, data[i]);
      want = 0.5;
      want_exp = data[i] + 1;
      got = mpz_get_d_2exp (&got_exp, z);
      if (got != want || got_exp != want_exp)
          printf    ("mpz_get_d_2exp wrong on 2**%ld\n", data[i]);
          mpz_trace ("   z    ", z);
          d_trace   ("   want ", want);
          d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
          printf    ("   want exp %ld\n", want_exp);
          printf    ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);

      mpz_set_si (z, -1L);
      mpz_mul_2exp (z, z, data[i]);
      want = -0.5;
      want_exp = data[i] + 1;
      got = mpz_get_d_2exp (&got_exp, z);
      if (got != want || got_exp != want_exp)
          printf    ("mpz_get_d_2exp wrong on -2**%ld\n", data[i]);
          mpz_trace ("   z    ", z);
          d_trace   ("   want ", want);
          d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
          printf    ("   want exp %ld\n", want_exp);
          printf    ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);
  mpz_clear (z);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
check_rand (void)
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands = RANDS;
  int     i;
  mpz_t   z;
  double  got;
  long    got_exp;
  unsigned long  bits;

  mpz_init (z);

  for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
      bits = gmp_urandomm_ui (rands, 512L);
      mpz_urandomb (z, rands, bits);

      got = mpz_get_d_2exp (&got_exp, z);
      if (mpz_sgn (z) == 0)
      bits = mpz_sizeinbase (z, 2);

      if (got < 0.5 || got >= 1.0)
          printf    ("mpz_get_d_2exp out of range, expect 0.5 <= got < 1.0\n");
          mpz_trace ("   z    ", z);
          d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
          printf    ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);

      /* FIXME: If mpz_get_d_2exp rounds upwards we might have got_exp ==
         bits+1, so leave this test disabled until we decide if that's what
         should happen, or not.  */
#if 0
      if (got_exp != bits)
          printf    ("mpz_get_d_2exp wrong exponent\n", i);
          mpz_trace ("   z    ", z);
          d_trace   ("   bits ", bits);
          d_trace   ("   got  ", got);
          printf    ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);
  mpz_clear (z);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void d_assert(char *str, char *file, int line)
	std::string msg = SPrintf("Assertion \"%s\" failed at line %d in \'%s\'\n", str, line, file);
	d_trace (msg.c_str());

	throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Check values 2^n approaching exponent overflow.
   Some systems might trap on overflow, so watch out for SIGFPE.  */
check_ieee_overflow (void)
  static long exp;
  mp_limb_t  n = 1;
  long       i;
  mp_size_t  sign;
  double     want, got;


  if (tests_setjmp_sigfpe() == 0)
      exp = 1010;
      want = 1.0;
      for (i = 0; i < exp; i++)
        want *= 2.0;

      for ( ; exp < 1050; exp++)
          for (sign = 0; sign >= -1; sign--)
              got = mpn_get_d (&n, (mp_size_t) 1, sign, exp);
              if (got != want)
                  printf  ("mpn_get_d wrong on overflow\n");
                  printf  ("  n=1\n");
                  printf  ("  exp   %ld\n", exp);
                  printf  ("  sign  %ld\n", (long) sign);
                  d_trace ("  got   ", got);
                  d_trace ("  want  ", want);
                  abort ();
              want = -want;
          want *= 2.0;
          FORCE_DOUBLE (want);
      printf ("Warning, IEEE overflow tests skipped due to SIGFPE (exp=%ld)\n", exp);
  tests_sigfpe_done ();
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* Check values 2^n approaching and into IEEE denorm range.
   Some systems might not support denorms, or might have traps setup, so
   watch out for SIGFPE.  */
check_ieee_denorm (void)
  static long exp;
  mp_limb_t  n = 1;
  long       i;
  mp_size_t  sign;
  double     want, got;


  if (tests_setjmp_sigfpe() == 0)
      exp = -1020;
      want = 1.0;
      for (i = 0; i > exp; i--)
        want *= 0.5;

      for ( ; exp > -1500 && want != 0.0; exp--)
          for (sign = 0; sign >= -1; sign--)
              got = mpn_get_d (&n, (mp_size_t) 1, sign, exp);
              if (got != want)
                  printf  ("mpn_get_d wrong on denorm\n");
                  printf  ("  n=1\n");
                  printf  ("  exp   %ld\n", exp);
                  printf  ("  sign  %ld\n", (long) sign);
                  d_trace ("  got   ", got);
                  d_trace ("  want  ", want);
                  abort ();
              want = -want;
          want *= 0.5;
          FORCE_DOUBLE (want);
      printf ("Warning, IEEE denorm tests skipped due to SIGFPE (exp=%ld)\n", exp);
  tests_sigfpe_done ();
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CfgList::dbgPrint(int depth)
	int n = 0;
	if (depth)
		d_trace("list of %d elements\n", childs.size());

	for (CfgList::iterator i = childs.begin(); i != childs.end(); ++i)
		for (int a=0;a<depth;a++)
			d_trace("  ");
		d_trace("List element(%d): %s", n++, i->name.c_str());
		if (i->value) {
			d_trace(" = ");
			i->value->dbgPrint (depth+1);
		} else
Ejemplo n.º 11
void d_assert(char *str, char *file, int line)
	d_trace ("Assertion \"%s\" failed at line %d in \'%s\'\n", str, line, file);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	usDebugBreak ();

	exit (-1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void SWIApp::optimizerTick()
	std::vector<float> params (optimizer->ndims);

	// best of this generation
	SqcConfig *last_best = 0;
	SqcConfig *config = createConfig();

	// Calculate fitness values for each element
	for (int i=0;i<optimizer->nelems;i++) {
		optimizer->getElem(i, &params[0]);

		optimizer->setFitness(i, config->fitness);

		if (!last_best || config->fitness >= last_best->fitness) {
			if(last_best) delete last_best;
			last_best = config;
			config = createConfig();

	if (last_best) {
		if (!best || last_best->fitness > best->fitness) {
			best = last_best;
			d_trace("New best radius: %f. Overlap: %f. Fitness: %f\n", best->radius, best->overlap, best->fitness);
			for (int i=0;i<best->nsquares();i++)
				d_trace(" (%f,%f);", best->getSquare(i).x, best->getSquare(i).y);
			sigma = 1.0f;
		} else {
			sigma *= 1.005f;

	delete config;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Exercise values 2^n+1, while such a value fits the mantissa of a double. */
check_twobit (void)
  int        i, mant_bits;
  double     got, want;
  mp_size_t  nsize, sign;
  mp_ptr     np;

  mant_bits = tests_dbl_mant_bits ();
  if (mant_bits == 0)

  np = refmpn_malloc_limbs (BITS_TO_LIMBS (mant_bits));
  want = 3.0;
  for (i = 1; i < mant_bits; i++)
      nsize = BITS_TO_LIMBS (i+1);
      refmpn_zero (np, nsize);
      np[i/GMP_NUMB_BITS] = CNST_LIMB(1) << (i % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      np[0] |= 1;

      for (sign = 0; sign >= -1; sign--)
          got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, sign, 0);
          if (got != want)
              printf    ("mpn_get_d wrong on 2^%d + 1\n", i);
              printf    ("   sign     %ld\n", (long) sign);
              mpn_trace ("   n        ", np, nsize);
              printf    ("   nsize    %ld\n", (long) nsize);
              d_trace   ("   want     ", want);
              d_trace   ("   got      ", got);
          want = -want;

      want = 2.0 * want - 1.0;

  free (np);
Ejemplo n.º 14
check_data (void)
  static const struct {
    double     d;
    mp_size_t  want_size;
    mp_limb_t  want_data[2];
  } data[] = {

    {  0.0,  0 },
    {  1.0,  1, { 1 } },
    { -1.0, -1, { 1 } },

    {  123.0,  1, { 123 } },
    { -123.0, -1, { 123 } },

  mpz_t  z;
  int    i;

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpz_init (z);
      mpz_set_d (z, data[i].d);
      if (z->_mp_size != data[i].want_size
          || refmpn_cmp_allowzero (z->_mp_d, data[i].want_data,
                                   ABS (data[i].want_size)) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_set_d wrong on data[%d]\n", i);
          d_trace   ("  d  ", data[i].d);
          printf    ("  got  size %ld\n", (long) z->_mp_size);
          printf    ("  want size %ld\n", (long) data[i].want_size);
          mpn_trace ("  got  z", z->_mp_d, z->_mp_size);
          mpn_trace ("  want z", data[i].want_data, data[i].want_size);
      mpz_clear (z);

      mpz_init_set_d (z, data[i].d);
      if (z->_mp_size != data[i].want_size
          || refmpn_cmp_allowzero (z->_mp_d, data[i].want_data,
                                   ABS (data[i].want_size)) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_init_set_d wrong on data[%d]\n", i);
          goto bad;
      mpz_clear (z);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Genome::PrintInfo()
	d_trace("Genome %s contains: \n", name.c_str());
	d_trace("\t%d nucleotides\n", sequence.size());

	d_trace("\t%d proteins\n", sum(members(genes, &Feature::type) == Feature::Type_Protein));
	d_trace("\t%d tRNA parts\n", sum(members(genes, &Feature::type) == Feature::Type_tRNA));
	d_trace("\t%d rRNA parts\n", sum(members(genes, &Feature::type) == Feature::Type_rRNA));
	d_trace("\t%d misc. RNA\n", sum(members(genes, &Feature::type) == Feature::Type_MiscRNA));
	d_trace("\t%d misc. features\n", sum(members(genes, &Feature::type) == Feature::Type_MiscFeature));
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* Check that hardware rounding doesn't make mpfr_get_d_2exp return a value
   outside its defined range. */
static void
check_round (void)
  static const unsigned long data[] = { 1, 32, 53, 54, 64, 128, 256, 512 };
  mpfr_t  f;
  double  got;
  long    got_exp;
  int     i, rnd_mode, neg;

  mpfr_init2 (f, 1024L);

  for (rnd_mode = 0; rnd_mode < MPFR_RND_MAX ; rnd_mode++)
      for (i = 0; i < (int) numberof (data); i++)
          mpfr_set_ui (f, 1L, MPFR_RNDZ);
          mpfr_mul_2exp (f, f, data[i], MPFR_RNDZ);
          mpfr_sub_ui (f, f, 1L, MPFR_RNDZ);

          for (neg = 0; neg <= 1; neg++)
              got = mpfr_get_d_2exp (&got_exp, f, (mpfr_rnd_t) rnd_mode);

              if (neg == 0
                  ? (got < 0.5 || got >= 1.0)
                  : (got <= -1.0 || got > -0.5))
                  printf  ("mpfr_get_d_2exp wrong on 2**%lu-1\n", data[i]);
                  printf  ("result out of range, expect 0.5 <= got < 1.0\n");
                  printf  ("   rnd_mode = %d\n", rnd_mode);
                  printf  ("   data[i]  = %lu\n", data[i]);
                  printf  ("   f    ");
                  mpfr_out_str (stdout, 2, 0, f, MPFR_RNDN);
                  printf  ("\n");
                  d_trace ("   got  ", got);
                  printf  ("   got exp  %ld\n", got_exp);

              mpfr_neg (f, f, MPFR_RNDZ);

  mpfr_clear (f);
Ejemplo n.º 17
CfgValue* CfgValue::ParseValue (InputBuffer& buf)
	CfgValue *v = 0;

	if (buf.skipWhitespace ())
		buf.expecting ("Value");

	// parse value types:
	int token = nextToken (buf);

	switch (token) {
		case CT_LIST:
			v = new CfgList();
		case CT_NUMERIC:
			v = new CfgNumeric();
		case CT_LITERAL:
			v = new CfgLiteral();
		case CT_COMMAND: {
			std::string cmd = buf.parseIdent();
			d_trace("Cmd: %s\n", cmd.c_str());
			if (cmd == "include") {
				return LoadNestedFile(buf);
			} else {
				throw ContentException(SPrintf("%s. Unknown command: %s", buf.location().c_str() ,cmd.c_str()));
		case CT_IDENT:
			throw ContentException(buf.location() + SPrintf("Unexpected identifier: '%s'", buf.parseIdent()) );

	if (v) {
		try {
			v->cfgFilePath = buf.filename;
		} catch(const ContentException& e) {
			delete v;
			throw e;
	return v;
Ejemplo n.º 18
/* Expect large values to result in +/-inf, on IEEE systems. */
check_inf (void)
  static const long exp_table[] = {
    999999L, LONG_MAX,
  static const mp_limb_t  np[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
  long       exp;
  mp_size_t  nsize, sign, got_sign;
  double     got;
  int        exp_i;


  for (nsize = 1; nsize <= numberof (np); nsize++)
      for (exp_i = 0; exp_i < numberof (exp_table); exp_i++)
          exp = exp_table[exp_i];

          for (sign = 0; sign >= -1; sign--)
              got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, sign, exp);
              got_sign = (got >= 0 ? 0 : -1);
              if (! tests_isinf (got))
                  printf  ("mpn_get_d wrong, didn't get infinity\n");
                  printf  ("  nsize    %ld\n", (long) nsize);
                  printf  ("  exp      %ld\n", exp);
                  printf  ("  sign     %ld\n", (long) sign);
                  d_trace ("  got      ", got);
                  printf  ("  got sign %ld\n", (long) got_sign);
                  abort ();
              if (got_sign != sign)
                  printf  ("mpn_get_d wrong sign on infinity\n");
                  goto bad;
Ejemplo n.º 19
/* Expect large negative exponents to underflow to 0.0.
   Some systems might have hardware traps for such an underflow (though
   usually it's not the default), so watch out for SIGFPE. */
check_underflow (void)
  static const long exp_table[] = {
    -999999L, LONG_MIN,
  static const mp_limb_t  np[1] = { 1 };

  static long exp;
  mp_size_t  nsize, sign;
  double     got;
  int        exp_i;

  nsize = numberof (np);

  if (tests_setjmp_sigfpe() == 0)
      for (exp_i = 0; exp_i < numberof (exp_table); exp_i++)
          exp = exp_table[exp_i];

          for (sign = 0; sign >= -1; sign--)
              got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, sign, exp);
              if (got != 0.0)
                  printf  ("mpn_get_d wrong, didn't get 0.0 on underflow\n");
                  printf  ("  nsize    %ld\n", (long) nsize);
                  printf  ("  exp      %ld\n", exp);
                  printf  ("  sign     %ld\n", (long) sign);
                  d_trace ("  got      ", got);
                  abort ();
      printf ("Warning, underflow to zero tests skipped due to SIGFPE (exp=%ld)\n", exp);
  tests_sigfpe_done ();
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* Try mpz_set_d on values 2^i+1, while such a value fits a double. */
check_2n_plus_1 (void)
  volatile double  p, d, diff;
  mpz_t  want, got;
  int    i;

  mpz_init (want);
  mpz_init (got);

  p = 1.0;
  mpz_set_ui (want, 2L);  /* gives 3 on first step */

  for (i = 1; i < 500; i++)
      mpz_mul_2exp (want, want, 1L);
      mpz_sub_ui (want, want, 1L);   /* want = 2^i+1 */

      p *= 2.0;  /* p = 2^i */
      d = p + 1.0;
      diff = d - p;
      if (diff != 1.0)
        break;   /* rounding occurred, stop now */

      mpz_set_d (got, d);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);
      if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_set_d wrong on 2^%d+1\n", i);
          d_trace   ("  d ", d);
          mpz_trace ("  got  ", got);
          mpz_trace ("  want ", want);
          abort ();

  mpz_clear (want);
  mpz_clear (got);
Ejemplo n.º 21
void InputBuffer::showLocation() const
Ejemplo n.º 22
mvec<Genome*> Genome::Split( float wanted_ratio, int impTh )
	% For each gene go and try to divide the genome after each gene, make
	% sure we do not cut any genes in the middle and select the ratio
	% closest to 0.5 */
	float best_ratio = FLT_MAX;
	int best_position = 0;
	int n = genes.size();

	int last_impI = 0;
	int last_impJ = 0;
	int i = (int)(n * wanted_ratio + 0.5f) - 1;
	int j = (int)(n * wanted_ratio + 0.5f);
	while ((i > 0 && last_impI < impTh) || (j < n && last_impJ < impTh))
		if (i > 0 && last_impI < impTh) {
			Feature* cur = genes(i);
			Feature* next = genes(i + 1);
			int cur_end = max(cur->indices);
			int next_start = min(next->indices);
			int middle = round(0.5 * (cur_end+next_start));
			if (CanCut(middle)) {
				float ratio = CountGenes(1, middle) / (float)n;
				if (fabsf(ratio - wanted_ratio) < fabsf(best_ratio - wanted_ratio)) {
					best_ratio = ratio;
					d_trace("[+] (%d) New best ratio attained - %f\n", i, best_ratio);
					best_position = middle;
					last_impI = 0;
				} else {
					last_impI = last_impI + 1;

		if (j < n && last_impJ < impTh) {
			Feature* cur = genes(j);
			Feature* next = genes(j + 1);
			int cur_end = max(cur->indices);
			int next_start = min(next->indices);
			int middle = round(0.5 * (cur_end+next_start));
			if (CanCut(middle)) {
				float ratio = CountGenes(1, middle) / (float) n;
				if (fabsf(ratio - wanted_ratio) < fabsf(best_ratio - wanted_ratio)) {
					best_ratio = ratio;
					d_trace("[+] (%d) New best ratio attained - %f\n", i, best_ratio);
					best_position = middle;
					last_impJ = 0;
				} else {
					last_impJ = last_impJ + 1;
// 		% BTW, this works only coz the genes are sorted in incresing order of
// 		% their lower index (lower != first)

	d_trace("[i] Cutting sequence at %d\n", best_position); 
	mvec<Genome*> r;
	r.push_back(GetSubset(1, best_position)); // train
//	train.Sequence = g.Sequence(1:best_position);
	//train.gene = get_all_genes(f, 1, best_position);
	r.push_back(GetSubset(best_position + 1, sequence.size()));
// 	test.Sequence = g.Sequence(best_position + 1:seq_length);
// 	test.gene = get_all_genes(f, best_position + 1, seq_length);
// 	test.gene = shift_genes(test.gene, best_position);
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 23
Lightmap::Lightmap(Heightmap *orghm, int level, int shadowLevelDif, LightingInfo *li)
	int startTicks = SDL_GetTicks();
	tilesize.x = orghm->w-1;
	tilesize.y = orghm->h-1;
	name = "lightmap";

	Heightmap *hm;
	int w;

	for(;;) {
		hm = orghm->GetLevel(-level);

		GLint maxw;
		glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxw);

		if (w > maxw) level ++;
		else break;

	Heightmap *shadowhm = orghm->GetLevel(-(level+shadowLevelDif));
	int shadowScale=1<<shadowLevelDif;
	int shadowW=shadowhm->w-1;
	assert (w/shadowW == shadowScale);
	//float org2c = w/float(orghm->w-1);
	//float c2org = (float)(orghm->w-1)/w;

	float *centerhm = SAFE_NEW float[w*w];
	Vector3 *shading = SAFE_NEW Vector3[w*w];
	for (int y=0;y<w;y++)
		for (int x=0;x<w;x++) {
			centerhm[y*w+x] =/* hm->scale * */ 0.25f * ( (int)hm->at(x,y)+ (int)hm->at(x+1,y)+ (int)hm->at(x,y+1) + (int)hm->at(x+1,y+1) ); //+ hm->offset;
			shading[y*w+x] = li->ambient;

	uchar *lightMap = SAFE_NEW uchar[shadowW*shadowW];
	for (std::vector<StaticLight>::const_iterator l=li->staticLights.begin();l!=li->staticLights.end();++l)
		float lightx;
		float lighty;

		if (l->directional) {
			lightx = l->position.x;
			lighty = l->position.y;
		} else {
			lightx = (int)(l->position.x / shadowhm->squareSize);
			lighty = (int)(l->position.z / shadowhm->squareSize);
		CalculateShadows(lightMap, shadowW, lightx, lighty,
			l->position.y, centerhm, w, shadowScale, l->directional);

		for (int y=0;y<w;y++)
			for (int x=0;x<w;x++)
				if (!lightMap[(y*shadowW+x)/shadowScale])

				Vector3 wp;
				if (l->directional)
					wp = l->position;
					wp = l->position - Vector3((x+0.5f)*hm->squareSize,centerhm[y*w+x],(y+0.5f)*hm->squareSize);

				uchar* normal = hm->GetNormal (x,y);
				Vector3 normv((2 * (int)normal[0] - 256)/255.0f, (2 * (int)normal[1] - 256)/255.0f, (2 * (int)normal[2] - 256)/255.0f);

				float dot = wp.dot(normv);
				if(dot < 0.0f) dot = 0.0f;
				if(dot > 1.0f) dot = 1.0f;
				dot *= lightMap[(y*shadowW+x)/shadowScale]*(1.0f/255.0f);
				shading[y*w+x] += l->color * dot;

	delete[] lightMap;

	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, shadingTex);

	uchar *shadingTexData=SAFE_NEW uchar[w*w*4];
	for(int y=0;y<w;y++) {
		for (int x=0;x<w;x++) {
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+0] = (uchar)(min(1.0f, shading[y*w+x].x) * 255);
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+1] = (uchar)(min(1.0f, shading[y*w+x].y) * 255);
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+2] = (uchar)(min(1.0f, shading[y*w+x].z) * 255);
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+3] = CReadMap::EncodeHeight(centerhm[w*y+x]);

	SaveImage ("lightmap.png", 4, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, w,w, shadingTexData);

	glBuildMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, w,w, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, shadingTexData);
	delete[] shadingTexData;

	id = shadingTex;

	delete[] shading;
	delete[] centerhm;

	int numTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks;
	d_trace ("Lightmap generation: %2.3f seconds\n", numTicks * 0.001f);
Ejemplo n.º 24
/* Exercise various 2^n values, with various exponents and positive and
   negative.  */
check_onebit (void)
  static const int bit_table[] = {
    0, 1, 2, 3,
    2 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 2, 2 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1,
    2 * GMP_NUMB_BITS,
    2 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1, 2 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 2,
    3 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 2, 3 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1,
    3 * GMP_NUMB_BITS,
    3 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1, 3 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 2,
    4 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 2, 4 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1,
    4 * GMP_NUMB_BITS,
    4 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1, 4 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 2,
    5 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 2, 5 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1,
    5 * GMP_NUMB_BITS,
    5 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1, 5 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 2,
    6 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 2, 6 * GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1,
    6 * GMP_NUMB_BITS,
    6 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1, 6 * GMP_NUMB_BITS + 2,
  static const int exp_table[] = {
    0, -100, -10, -1, 1, 10, 100,

  /* FIXME: It'd be better to base this on the float format. */
  int     limit = 511;

  int        bit_i, exp_i, i;
  double     got, want;
  mp_size_t  nsize, sign;
  long       bit, exp, want_bit;
  mp_limb_t  np[20];

  for (bit_i = 0; bit_i < numberof (bit_table); bit_i++)
      bit = bit_table[bit_i];

      nsize = BITS_TO_LIMBS (bit+1);
      refmpn_zero (np, nsize);
      np[bit/GMP_NUMB_BITS] = CNST_LIMB(1) << (bit % GMP_NUMB_BITS);

      for (exp_i = 0; exp_i < numberof (exp_table); exp_i++)
          exp = exp_table[exp_i];

          want_bit = bit + exp;
          if (want_bit > limit || want_bit < -limit)

          want = 1.0;
          for (i = 0; i < want_bit; i++)
            want *= 2.0;
          for (i = 0; i > want_bit; i--)
            want *= 0.5;

          for (sign = 0; sign >= -1; sign--, want = -want)
              got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, sign, exp);
              if (got != want)
                  printf    ("mpn_get_d wrong on 2^n\n");
                  printf    ("   bit      %ld\n", bit);
                  printf    ("   exp      %ld\n", exp);
                  printf    ("   want_bit %ld\n", want_bit);
                  printf    ("   sign     %ld\n", (long) sign);
                  mpn_trace ("   n        ", np, nsize);
                  printf    ("   nsize    %ld\n", (long) nsize);
                  d_trace   ("   want     ", want);
                  d_trace   ("   got      ", got);
Ejemplo n.º 25
check_rand (void)
  gmp_randstate_t rands;
  int            rep, i;
  unsigned long  mant_bits;
  long           exp, exp_min, exp_max;
  double         got, want, d;
  mp_size_t      nalloc, nsize, sign;
  mp_limb_t      nhigh_mask;
  mp_ptr         np;
  mant_bits = tests_dbl_mant_bits ();
  if (mant_bits == 0)

  /* Allow for vax D format with exponent 127 to -128 only.
     FIXME: Do something to probe for a valid exponent range.  */
  exp_min = -100 - mant_bits;
  exp_max =  100 - mant_bits;

  /* space for mant_bits */
  nalloc = BITS_TO_LIMBS (mant_bits);
  np = refmpn_malloc_limbs (nalloc);
  nhigh_mask = MP_LIMB_T_MAX
    >> (GMP_NAIL_BITS + nalloc * GMP_NUMB_BITS - mant_bits);

  for (rep = 0; rep < 200; rep++)
      /* random exp_min to exp_max, inclusive */
      exp = exp_min + (long) gmp_urandomm_ui (rands, exp_max - exp_min + 1);

      /* mant_bits worth of random at np */
      if (rep & 1)
        mpn_randomb (np, rands, nalloc);
        mpn_rrandom (np, rands,nalloc);
      nsize = nalloc;
      np[nsize-1] &= nhigh_mask;
      MPN_NORMALIZE (np, nsize);
      if (nsize == 0)

      sign = (mp_size_t) gmp_urandomb_ui (rands, 1L) - 1;

      /* want = {np,nsize}, converting one bit at a time */
      want = 0.0;
      for (i = 0, d = 1.0; i < mant_bits; i++, d *= 2.0)
        if (np[i/GMP_NUMB_BITS] & (CNST_LIMB(1) << (i%GMP_NUMB_BITS)))
          want += d;
      if (sign < 0)
        want = -want;

      /* want = want * 2^exp */
      for (i = 0; i < exp; i++)
        want *= 2.0;
      for (i = 0; i > exp; i--)
        want *= 0.5;

      got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, sign, exp);

      if (got != want)
          printf    ("mpn_get_d wrong on random data\n");
          printf    ("   sign     %ld\n", (long) sign);
          mpn_trace ("   n        ", np, nsize);
          printf    ("   nsize    %ld\n", (long) nsize);
          printf    ("   exp      %ld\n", exp);
          d_trace   ("   want     ", want);
          d_trace   ("   got      ", got);

  free (np);
Ejemplo n.º 26
void CfgValue::dbgPrint (int depth)
Ejemplo n.º 27
void CfgNumeric::dbgPrint (int depth)
	d_trace( "%g\n", value);
Ejemplo n.º 28
void CfgLiteral::dbgPrint (int depth)
	d_trace( "%s\n", value.c_str());