bool QgsMapToolShowHideLabels::showHideLabel( QgsVectorLayer* vlayer,
    int fid,
    bool hide )

  // verify attribute table has proper field setup
  bool showSuccess;
  int showCol;
  int show;

  if ( !dataDefinedShowHide( vlayer, fid, show, showSuccess, showCol ) )
    return false;

  // check if attribute value is already the same
  QgsFeature f;
  if ( !vlayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( fid ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry ) ).nextFeature( f ) )
    return false;

  int colVal = hide ? 0 : 1;
  QVariant fQVal = f.attributes()[showCol];
  bool convToInt;
  int fVal = fQVal.toInt( &convToInt );

  if ( !convToInt || fVal == colVal )
    return false;

  // different attribute value, edit table
  QString labelText = currentLabelText( 24 );
  QString editTxt = hide ? tr( "Hid label" ) : tr( "Showed label" );
  vlayer->beginEditCommand( editTxt + QString( " '%1'" ).arg( labelText ) );
  if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, showCol, colVal, true ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Failed write to attribute table" );
    return false;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool QgsMapToolShowHideLabels::showHideLabel( QgsVectorLayer* vlayer,
    const QgsFeatureId &fid,
    bool hide )

  // verify attribute table has proper field setup
  bool showSuccess;
  int showCol;
  int showVal;

  if ( !dataDefinedShowHide( vlayer, fid, showVal, showSuccess, showCol ) )
    return false;

  int curVal = hide ? 0 : 1;

  // check if attribute value is already the same
  if ( showSuccess && showVal == curVal )
    return false;

  // allow NULL (maybe default) value to stand for show label (i.e. 1)
  // skip NULL attributes if trying to show label
  if ( !showSuccess && curVal == 1 )
    return false;

  // different attribute value, edit table
  if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, showCol, curVal ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Failed write to attribute table" );
    return false;
  return true;