/*++ * @method: twitCurl::performPost * * @description: method to send http POST request. this is an internal method. * twitcurl users should not use this method. * * @input: postUrl - url, * dataStr - data to be posted * * @output: none * * @remarks: internal method * *--*/ bool twitCurl::performPost( const std::string& postUrl, std::string dataStr ) { std::string oAuthHttpHeader( "" ); struct curl_slist* pOAuthHeaderList = NULL; /* Prepare standard params */ prepareStandardParams(); /* urlencode data */ if( dataStr.length() > 0 ) { /* Data should already be urlencoded once */ std::string dataKey( "" ); std::string dataValue( "" ); size_t nPos = dataStr.find_first_of( "=" ); if( std::string::npos != nPos ) { dataKey = dataStr.substr( 0, nPos ); dataValue = dataStr.substr( nPos + 1 ); dataValue = urlencode( dataValue ); dataStr.assign( dataKey ); dataStr.append( "=" ); dataStr.append( dataValue ); } } /* Set OAuth header */ m_oAuth.getOAuthHeader( eOAuthHttpPost, postUrl, dataStr, oAuthHttpHeader ); if( oAuthHttpHeader.length() > 0 ) { pOAuthHeaderList = curl_slist_append( pOAuthHeaderList, oAuthHttpHeader.c_str() ); if( pOAuthHeaderList ) { curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, pOAuthHeaderList ); } } /* Set http request, url and data */ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1 ); curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, postUrl.c_str() ); if( dataStr.length() ) { curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, dataStr.c_str() ); } /* Send http request */ if( CURLE_OK == curl_easy_perform( m_curlHandle ) ) { if( pOAuthHeaderList ) { curl_slist_free_all( pOAuthHeaderList ); } return true; } if( pOAuthHeaderList ) { curl_slist_free_all( pOAuthHeaderList ); } return false; }
void MainWindow::addToList(int value){ vector<SokoGenerator::Level> levels = Generator.getLevels(); int millis = levels[value-1].generationTime % 1000; int seconds = ((int)levels[value-1].generationTime / 1000) % 60 ; int minutes = ((int)levels[value-1].generationTime / (1000*60)) % 60; QString padMillis = QString("%1").arg(millis, 3, 10, QChar('0')); QString padSeconds = QString("%1").arg(seconds, 2, 10, QChar('0')); QString padMinutes = QString("%1").arg(minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0')); QString diff = levels[value-1].difficulty; ui->list_LevelSet->addItem("Level " + QString::number(value) + " - " + padMinutes + ":" + padSeconds + ":" + padMillis + " - " + diff); QVariant dataValue(value-1); ui->list_LevelSet->item(value-1)->setData(Qt::UserRole, dataValue); }
void FixDialog::reject(bool b){ emit dataValue(m_lastFix); emit rejected(); }
void FixDialog::newData(int f) { emit dataValue(m_spinBox->value()); }