Ejemplo n.º 1
DateTime datetime_addDays(DateTime date1, DateTime date2)

//  Input:   date1 = an encoded date/time value
//           date2 = decimal days to be added to date1
//  Output:  returns date1 + date2
//  Purpose: adds a given number of decimal days to a date/time.

    double d1 = floor(date1);
    double d2 = floor(date2);
    int h1, m1, s1;
    int h2, m2, s2;
    datetime_decodeTime(date1, &h1, &m1, &s1);
    datetime_decodeTime(date2, &h2, &m2, &s2);
    return d1 + d2 + datetime_encodeTime(h1+h2, m1+m2, s1+s2);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void iface_saveOutletResults(DateTime reportDate, FILE* file)
//  Input:   reportDate = reporting date/time
//           file = ptr. to interface file
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: saves system outflows to routing interface file.
    int i, p, yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec;
    //char theDate[25];                                                        //(5.0.010 - RD)
    datetime_decodeDate(reportDate, &yr, &mon, &day);
    datetime_decodeTime(reportDate, &hr, &min, &sec);
    //sprintf(theDate, " %04d %02d  %02d  %02d  %02d  %02d ",                  //(5.0.010 - RD)
    //        yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec);                                     //(5.0.010 - RD)
    for (i=0; i<Nobjects[NODE]; i++)
        // --- check that node is an outlet node
        if ( !isOutletNode(i) ) continue;

        // --- write node ID, date, flow, and quality to file
        fprintf(file, "\n%-16s", Node[i].ID);
        //fprintf(file, "%s", theDate);                                       //(5.0.010 - RD) 
        fprintf(file, " %04d %02d  %02d  %02d  %02d  %02d ",                  //(5.0.010 - RD)
            yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec);                                      //(5.0.010 - RD)
        fprintf(file, " %-10f", Node[i].inflow * UCF(FLOW));
        for ( p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++ )
            fprintf(file, " %-10f", Node[i].newQual[p]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int  datetime_hourOfDay(DateTime date)

//  Input:   date = an encoded date/time value
//  Output:  returns hour of day (0..23)
//  Purpose: finds hour of day (0 = 12 AM, ..., 23 = 11 PM) for a given date.

    int hour, min, sec;
    datetime_decodeTime(date, &hour, &min, &sec);
    return hour;
Ejemplo n.º 4
long datetime_timeDiff(DateTime date1, DateTime date2)

//  Input:   date1 = an encoded date/time value
//           date2 = an encoded date/time value
//  Output:  returns date1 - date2 in seconds
//  Purpose: finds number of seconds between two dates.

    double d1 = floor(date1);
    double d2 = floor(date2);
    int    h, m, s;
    long   s1, s2, secs;
    datetime_decodeTime(date1, &h, &m, &s);
    s1 = 3600*h + 60*m + s;
    datetime_decodeTime(date2, &h, &m, &s);
    s2 = 3600*h + 60*m + s;
    secs = (int)(floor((d1 - d2)*SecsPerDay + 0.5));
    secs += (s1 - s2);
    return secs;
Ejemplo n.º 5
DateTime datetime_addSeconds(DateTime date1, double seconds)

//  Input:   date1 = an encoded date/time value
//           seconds = number of seconds to add to date1
//  Output:  returns updated value of date1
//  Purpose: adds a given number of seconds to a date/time.

    double d = floor(date1);
    int h, m, s;
    datetime_decodeTime(date1, &h, &m, &s);
    return d + (3600.0*h + 60.0*m + s + seconds)/SecsPerDay;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void datetime_timeToStr(DateTime time, char* s)

//  Input:   time = decimal fraction of a day
//  Output:  s = time in hr:min:sec format
//  Purpose: represents DateTime time value as a formatted string.

    int  hr, min, sec;
    char timeStr[TIME_STR_SIZE];
    datetime_decodeTime(time, &hr, &min, &sec);
    sprintf(timeStr, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hr, min, sec);
    strcpy(s, timeStr);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void saveRdiiFlows(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current calendar date/time
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: saves current set of RDII inflows in current flow units to file.
    int i, j, yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec;
    char theDate[25];

    // --- write year, month, day, hour, minute of current date to string
    datetime_decodeDate(currentDate, &yr, &mon, &day);
    datetime_decodeTime(currentDate, &hr, &min, &sec);
    sprintf(theDate, " %04d %02d  %02d  %02d  %02d  %02d ",
            yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec);
    // --- write RDII inflow at each RDII node to file
    for (i=0; i<NumRdiiNodes; i++)
        j = RdiiNodeIndex[i];
        fprintf(Frdii.file, "\n%-16s %s %-10f", Node[j].ID, theDate,
Ejemplo n.º 8
int project_readOption(char* s1, char* s2)
//  Input:   s1 = option keyword
//           s2 = string representation of option's value
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads a project option from a pair of string tokens.
//  NOTE:    all project options have default values assigned in setDefaults().
    int      k, m, h, s;
    double   tStep;
    char     strDate[25];
    DateTime aTime;
    DateTime aDate;

    // --- determine which option is being read
    k = findmatch(s1, OptionWords);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s1);
    switch ( k )
      // --- choice of flow units
      case FLOW_UNITS:
        m = findmatch(s2, FlowUnitWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        FlowUnits = m;
        if ( FlowUnits <= MGD ) UnitSystem = US;
        else                    UnitSystem = SI;

      // --- choice of infiltration modeling method
      case INFIL_MODEL:
        m = findmatch(s2, InfilModelWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        InfilModel = m;

      // --- choice of flow routing method
      case ROUTE_MODEL:
        m = findmatch(s2, RouteModelWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) m = findmatch(s2, OldRouteModelWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        if ( m == NO_ROUTING ) IgnoreRouting = TRUE;
        else RouteModel = m;
        if ( RouteModel == EKW ) RouteModel = KW;

      // --- simulation start date
      case START_DATE:
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(s2, &StartDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- simulation start time of day
      case START_TIME:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &StartTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- simulation ending date
      case END_DATE:
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(s2, &EndDate) ) 
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- simulation ending time of day
      case END_TIME:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &EndTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- reporting start date
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(s2, &ReportStartDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- reporting start time of day
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &ReportStartTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- day of year when street sweeping begins or when it ends
      //     (year is arbitrarily set to 1947 so that the dayOfYear
      //      function can be applied)
      case SWEEP_START:
      case SWEEP_END:
        strcpy(strDate, s2);
        strcat(strDate, "/1947");
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(strDate, &aDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);
        m = datetime_dayOfYear(aDate);
        if ( k == SWEEP_START ) SweepStart = m;
        else SweepEnd = m;

      // --- number of antecedent dry days
      case START_DRY_DAYS:
        StartDryDays = atof(s2);
        if ( StartDryDays < 0.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);

      // --- runoff or reporting time steps
      //     (input is in hrs:min:sec format, time step saved as seconds)
      case WET_STEP:
      case DRY_STEP:
      case REPORT_STEP:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &aTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);
        datetime_decodeTime(aTime, &h, &m, &s);
        h += 24*(int)aTime;
        s = s + 60*m + 3600*h;
        if ( s <= 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        switch ( k )
          case WET_STEP:     WetStep = s;     break;
          case DRY_STEP:     DryStep = s;     break;
          case REPORT_STEP:  ReportStep = s;  break;

      // --- type of damping applied to inertial terms of dynamic wave routing
      case INERT_DAMPING:
        m = findmatch(s2, InertDampingWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        else InertDamping = m;

      // --- Yes/No options (NO = 0, YES = 1)
      case ALLOW_PONDING:
      case IGNORE_GWATER:
      case IGNORE_ROUTING:
      case IGNORE_QUALITY:
      case IGNORE_RDII:                                                        //(5.1.004)
        m = findmatch(s2, NoYesWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        switch ( k )
          case ALLOW_PONDING:     AllowPonding    = m;  break;
          case SLOPE_WEIGHTING:   SlopeWeighting  = m;  break;
          case SKIP_STEADY_STATE: SkipSteadyState = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_RAINFALL:   IgnoreRainfall  = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_SNOWMELT:   IgnoreSnowmelt  = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_GWATER:     IgnoreGwater    = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_ROUTING:    IgnoreRouting   = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_QUALITY:    IgnoreQuality   = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_RDII:       IgnoreRDII      = m;  break;                 //(5.1.004)

      case NORMAL_FLOW_LTD: 
        m = findmatch(s2, NormalFlowWords); 
        if ( m < 0 ) m = findmatch(s2, NoYesWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        NormalFlowLtd = m;

      case FORCE_MAIN_EQN:
        m = findmatch(s2, ForceMainEqnWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        ForceMainEqn = m;

      case LINK_OFFSETS:
        m = findmatch(s2, LinkOffsetWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        LinkOffsets = m;

      // --- compatibility option for selecting solution method for
      //     dynamic wave flow routing (NOT CURRENTLY USED)
        if      ( strcomp(s2, "3") ) Compatibility = SWMM3;
        else if ( strcomp(s2, "4") ) Compatibility = SWMM4;
        else if ( strcomp(s2, "5") ) Compatibility = SWMM5;
        else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);

      // --- routing or lengthening time step (in decimal seconds)
      //     (lengthening time step is used in Courant stability formula
      //     to artificially lengthen conduits for dynamic wave flow routing
      //     (a value of 0 means that no lengthening is used))
      case ROUTE_STEP:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &tStep) )
            if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &aTime) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
                datetime_decodeTime(aTime, &h, &m, &s);
                h += 24*(int)aTime;
                s = s + 60*m + 3600*h;
                tStep = s;
        if ( k == ROUTE_STEP )
            if ( tStep <= 0.0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
            RouteStep = tStep;
        else LengtheningStep = MAX(0.0, tStep);

      // --- safety factor applied to variable time step estimates under
      //     dynamic wave flow routing (value of 0 indicates that variable
      //     time step option not used)
      case VARIABLE_STEP:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &CourantFactor) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        if ( CourantFactor < 0.0 || CourantFactor > 2.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);

      // --- minimum surface area (ft2 or sq. meters) associated with nodes
      //     under dynamic wave flow routing 
      case MIN_SURFAREA:
        MinSurfArea = atof(s2);

      // --- minimum conduit slope (%)
      case MIN_SLOPE:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &MinSlope) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        if ( MinSlope < 0.0 || MinSlope >= 100 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        MinSlope /= 100.0;

      // --- maximum trials / time step for dynamic wave routing
      case MAX_TRIALS:
        m = atoi(s2);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        MaxTrials = m;

      // --- head convergence tolerance for dynamic wave routing
      case HEAD_TOL:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &HeadTol) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);

      // --- steady state tolerance on system inflow - outflow
      case SYS_FLOW_TOL:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &SysFlowTol) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        SysFlowTol /= 100.0;

      // --- steady state tolerance on nodal lateral inflow
      case LAT_FLOW_TOL:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &LatFlowTol) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        LatFlowTol /= 100.0;

      case TEMPDIR: // Temporary Directory
        sstrncpy(TempDir, s2, MAXFNAME);

    return 0;