Ejemplo n.º 1
i64 dbuf_geti32le_p(dbuf *f, i64 *ppos)
	i64 n;
	n = dbuf_geti32le(f, *ppos);
	(*ppos) += 4;
	return n;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Gathers information about a DIB.
// If DE_BMPINFO_HAS_FILEHEADER flag is set, pos points to the BITMAPFILEHEADER.
// Otherwise, it points to the BITMAPINFOHEADER.
// Caller allocates bi.
// Returns 0 if BMP is invalid.
int de_fmtutil_get_bmpinfo(deark *c, dbuf *f, struct de_bmpinfo *bi, i64 pos,
	i64 len, unsigned int flags)
	i64 fhs; // file header size
	i64 bmih_pos;
	struct de_fourcc cmpr4cc;
	char cmprname_dbgstr[80];

	de_zeromem(bi, sizeof(struct de_bmpinfo));
	de_zeromem(&cmpr4cc, sizeof(struct de_fourcc));

	fhs = (flags & DE_BMPINFO_HAS_FILEHEADER) ? 14 : 0;

	if(fhs+len < 16) return 0;

	if(fhs) {
		if(flags & DE_BMPINFO_HAS_HOTSPOT) {
			bi->hotspot_x = dbuf_getu16le(f, pos+6);
			bi->hotspot_y = dbuf_getu16le(f, pos+8);
			de_dbg(c, "hotspot: (%d,%d)", (int)bi->hotspot_x, (int)bi->hotspot_y);

		bi->bitsoffset = dbuf_getu32le(f, pos+10);
		de_dbg(c, "bits offset: %d", (int)bi->bitsoffset);

	bmih_pos = pos + fhs;

	bi->infohdrsize = dbuf_getu32le(f, bmih_pos);

	if(bi->infohdrsize==0x474e5089 && (flags & DE_BMPINFO_ICO_FORMAT)) {
		// We don't examine PNG-formatted icons, but we can identify them.
		bi->infohdrsize = 0;
		bi->file_format = DE_BMPINFO_FMT_PNG;
		return 1;

	de_dbg(c, "info header size: %d", (int)bi->infohdrsize);

	if(bi->infohdrsize==12) {
		bi->bytes_per_pal_entry = 3;
		bi->width = dbuf_getu16le(f, bmih_pos+4);
		bi->height = dbuf_getu16le(f, bmih_pos+6);
		bi->bitcount = dbuf_getu16le(f, bmih_pos+10);
	else if(bi->infohdrsize>=16 && bi->infohdrsize<=124) {
		bi->bytes_per_pal_entry = 4;
		bi->width = dbuf_getu32le(f, bmih_pos+4);
		bi->height = dbuf_geti32le(f, bmih_pos+8);
		if(bi->height<0) {
			bi->is_topdown = 1;
			bi->height = -bi->height;
		bi->bitcount = dbuf_getu16le(f, bmih_pos+14);
		if(bi->infohdrsize>=20) {
			bi->compression_field = (u32)dbuf_getu32le(f, bmih_pos+16);
			if(flags & DE_BMPINFO_CMPR_IS_4CC) {
				dbuf_read_fourcc(f, bmih_pos+16, &cmpr4cc, 4, 0x0);
		if(bi->infohdrsize>=24) {
			bi->sizeImage_field = dbuf_getu32le(f, bmih_pos+20);
		if(bi->infohdrsize>=36) {
			bi->pal_entries = dbuf_getu32le(f, bmih_pos+32);
	else {
		return 0;

	if(flags & DE_BMPINFO_ICO_FORMAT) bi->height /= 2;

	if(bi->bitcount>=1 && bi->bitcount<=8) {
		if(bi->pal_entries==0) {
			bi->pal_entries = (i64)(1<<(unsigned int)bi->bitcount);
		// I think the NumColors field (in icons) is supposed to be the maximum number of
		// colors implied by the bit depth, not the number of colors in the palette.
		bi->num_colors = (i64)(1<<(unsigned int)bi->bitcount);
	else {
		// An arbitrary value. All that matters is that it's >=256.
		bi->num_colors = 16777216;

	de_dbg_dimensions(c, bi->width, bi->height);
	de_dbg(c, "bit count: %d", (int)bi->bitcount);

	if((flags & DE_BMPINFO_CMPR_IS_4CC) && (bi->compression_field>0xffff)) {
		de_snprintf(cmprname_dbgstr, sizeof(cmprname_dbgstr), "'%s'", cmpr4cc.id_dbgstr);
	else {
			cmprname_dbgstr, sizeof(cmprname_dbgstr), 0);
	de_dbg(c, "compression: %u (%s)", (unsigned int)bi->compression_field, cmprname_dbgstr);

	if(bi->sizeImage_field!=0) {
		de_dbg(c, "sizeImage: %u", (unsigned int)bi->sizeImage_field);

	de_dbg(c, "palette entries: %u", (unsigned int)bi->pal_entries);
	if(bi->pal_entries>256 && bi->bitcount>8) {
		de_warn(c, "Ignoring bad palette size (%u entries)", (unsigned int)bi->pal_entries);
		bi->pal_entries = 0;

	bi->pal_bytes = bi->bytes_per_pal_entry*bi->pal_entries;
	bi->size_of_headers_and_pal = fhs + bi->infohdrsize + bi->pal_bytes;

	// FIXME: cmpr type 3 doesn't always mean BITFIELDS
	if(bi->compression_field==3) {
		bi->size_of_headers_and_pal += 12; // BITFIELDS

	bi->is_compressed = !((bi->compression_field==0) ||
		(bi->compression_field==3 && bi->bitcount>1));

	if(!de_good_image_dimensions(c, bi->width, bi->height)) {
		return 0;

	// TODO: This needs work, to decide how to handle compressed images.
	// TODO: What about BI_BITFIELDS images?
	if(bi->compression_field==0) {
		// Try to figure out the true size of the resource, minus any padding.

		bi->rowspan = ((bi->bitcount*bi->width +31)/32)*4;
		bi->foreground_size = bi->rowspan * bi->height;
		de_dbg(c, "foreground size: %d", (int)bi->foreground_size);

		if(flags & DE_BMPINFO_ICO_FORMAT) {
			bi->mask_rowspan = ((bi->width +31)/32)*4;
			bi->mask_size = bi->mask_rowspan * bi->height;
			de_dbg(c, "mask size: %d", (int)bi->mask_size);
		else {
			bi->mask_size = 0;

		bi->total_size = bi->size_of_headers_and_pal + bi->foreground_size + bi->mask_size;
	else {
		// Don't try to figure out the true size of compressed or other unusual images.
		bi->total_size = len;

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
i64 dbuf_geti32x(dbuf *f, i64 pos, int is_le)
	if(is_le) return dbuf_geti32le(f, pos);
	return dbuf_geti32be(f, pos);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Read any version of BITMAPINFOHEADER.
// Note: Some of this BMP parsing code is duplicated in the
// de_fmtutil_get_bmpinfo() library function. The BMP module's needs are
// not quite aligned with what that function is intended for, and it
// would be too messy to try to add the necessary features to it.
static int read_infoheader(deark *c, lctx *d, de_int64 pos)
	de_int64 height_raw;
	de_int64 clr_used_raw;
	int cmpr_ok;
	int retval = 0;

	de_dbg(c, "info header at %d\n", (int)pos);
	de_dbg_indent(c, 1);
	de_dbg(c, "info header size: %d\n", (int)d->infohdrsize);

	if(d->version==DE_BMPVER_OS2V1) {
		d->width = de_getui16le(pos+4);
		d->height = de_getui16le(pos+6);
	else {
		d->width = dbuf_geti32le(c->infile, pos+4);
		height_raw = dbuf_geti32le(c->infile, pos+8);
		if(height_raw<0) {
			d->top_down = 1;
			d->height = -height_raw;
		else {
			d->height = height_raw;
	de_dbg(c, "dimensions: %dx%d\n", (int)d->width, (int)d->height);
	if(!de_good_image_dimensions(c, d->width, d->height)) {
		goto done;
	if(d->top_down) {
		de_dbg(c, "orientation: top-down\n");

	// Already read, in detect_bmp_version()
	de_dbg(c, "bits/pixel: %d\n", (int)d->bitcount);

	if(d->bitcount!=0 && d->bitcount!=1 && d->bitcount!=2 && d->bitcount!=4 &&
		d->bitcount!=8 && d->bitcount!=16 && d->bitcount!=24 && d->bitcount!=32)
		de_err(c, "Bad bits/pixel: %d\n", (int)d->bitcount);
		goto done;

	if(d->version==DE_BMPVER_OS2V1) {
		d->bytes_per_pal_entry = 3;
	else {
		// Already read, in detect_bmp_version()
		de_dbg(c, "compression (etc.): %d\n", (int)d->compression_field);
		d->bytes_per_pal_entry = 4;

	d->compression_type = CMPR_NONE; // Temporary default

	cmpr_ok = 0;
	switch(d->compression_field) {
	case 0: // BI_RGB
		if(d->bitcount==16 || d->bitcount==32) {
			d->bitfields_type = BF_DEFAULT;
		d->compression_type = CMPR_NONE;
		cmpr_ok = 1;
	case 1: // BI_RLE8
		cmpr_ok = 1;
	case 2: // BI_RLE4
		cmpr_ok = 1;
	case 3: // BI_BITFIELDS or Huffman_1D
		if(d->version==DE_BMPVER_OS2V2) {
			if(d->bitcount==1) {
				cmpr_ok = 1;
		else if(d->bitcount==16 || d->bitcount==32) {
			d->compression_type = CMPR_NONE;
			cmpr_ok = 1;
			if(d->infohdrsize>=52) {
				d->bitfields_type = BF_IN_HEADER;
			else {
				d->bitfields_type = BF_SEGMENT;
				d->bitfields_segment_len = 12;
	case 4: // BI_JPEG or RLE24
		if(d->version==DE_BMPVER_OS2V2) {
			if(d->bitcount==24) {
				cmpr_ok = 1;
		else {
			cmpr_ok = 1;
	case 5: // BI_PNG
		cmpr_ok = 1;
		if(d->bitcount==16 || d->bitcount==32) {
			d->compression_type = CMPR_NONE;
			cmpr_ok = 1;
			if(d->infohdrsize>=56) {
				d->bitfields_type = BF_IN_HEADER;
			else {
				d->bitfields_type = BF_SEGMENT;
				d->bitfields_segment_len = 16;

	if(!cmpr_ok) {
		de_err(c, "Unsupported compression type: %d\n", (int)d->compression_field);
		goto done;

	if(d->infohdrsize>=24) {
		d->size_image = de_getui32le(pos+20);
		de_dbg(c, "biSizeImage: %d\n", (int)d->size_image);

	if(d->infohdrsize>=32) {
		d->xpelspermeter = dbuf_geti32le(c->infile, pos+24);
		d->ypelspermeter = dbuf_geti32le(c->infile, pos+28);
		de_dbg(c, "density: %dx%d pixels/meter\n", (int)d->xpelspermeter, (int)d->ypelspermeter);

		clr_used_raw = de_getui32le(pos+32);
		clr_used_raw = 0;

	if(d->bitcount>=1 && d->bitcount<=8 && clr_used_raw==0) {
		d->pal_entries = ((de_int64)1)<<d->bitcount;
	else {
		d->pal_entries = clr_used_raw;
	de_dbg(c, "number of palette colors: %d\n", (int)d->pal_entries);

	// Note that after 40 bytes, WINV345 and OS2V2 header fields are different,
	// so we have to pay more attention to the version.

	if(d->bitfields_type==BF_IN_HEADER) {
		do_read_bitfields(c, d, pos+40, d->infohdrsize>=56 ? 16 : 12);

	if(d->bitfields_type==BF_DEFAULT) {
		set_default_bitfields(c, d);

	if(d->version==DE_BMPVER_WINV345 && d->infohdrsize>=108) {
		dbuf_read_fourcc(c->infile, pos+56, &d->cstype4cc, 1);
		de_dbg(c, "CSType: 0x%08x ('%s')\n", (unsigned int)d->cstype4cc.id,

	if(d->version==DE_BMPVER_WINV345 && d->infohdrsize>=124 &&
		(d->cstype4cc.id==CODE_MBED || d->cstype4cc.id==CODE_LINK))
		d->profile_offset_raw = de_getui32le(pos+112);
		de_dbg(c, "profile offset: %d+%d\n", FILEHEADER_SIZE,
		d->profile_size = de_getui32le(pos+116);
		de_dbg(c, "profile size: %d\n", (int)d->profile_size);

	retval = 1;
	de_dbg_indent(c, -1);
	return retval;