Ejemplo n.º 1
    int retlen=0;
    $DESCRIPTOR(p, "p1");
    char c[80];
    struct dsc$descriptor o;
    memset (c, 0, 80);
    int sts = cli$present(&p);
    if (sts&1)
        sts = lib$get_foreign(&o, 0, &retlen, 0);
        char * ostr = strchr(o.dsc$a_pointer, ' ');
        int olen = ostr - (char *)o.dsc$a_pointer;
        if (0==strncasecmp(o.dsc$a_pointer, "install", olen))
            memset(o.dsc$a_pointer, 32, olen);
        printf("o is %s\n",o.dsc$a_pointer);
        int sts = cli$dcl_parse(&o, &sysman_parse, 0, 0, 0);
        if (sts&1)
        return 1;

        printf("SYSMAN> ");

        char command_str[256];
        int len = read (0, command_str, 255);

        struct dsc$descriptor command_line;
        command_line.dsc$a_pointer = command_str;
        command_line.dsc$w_length = len;

        extern int hexmode;
        hexmode = 1; // temp workaround
        int sts = cli$dcl_parse(&command_line, sysman_parse, 0, 0, 0);
        hexmode = 0;
        if (sts&1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
**  ROUTINE:	main
**  	Main program.  Fetches the command from the command line,
**  uses CLI$ routines to parse it, then starts the build process.
**  RETURNS:	cond_value, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
**  	main
**  IMPLICIT INPUTS:	See global definitions at module head.
**  IMPLICIT OUTPUTS:	See global definitions at module head.
**  	SS$_NORMAL, MMK__ALLOK : normal successful completion.
**  SIDE EFFECTS:   	None.
unsigned int main (void) {

    DESCRIP cmdstr;
    char Output_File[256], tmp[256];
    $DESCRIPTOR(cmdname, "MMKC ");
    unsigned int status;
    int i;

** Initialize the globals
    temporary_symbols = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MMK_K_SYMTABLE_SIZE; i++) {
    exit_status = SS$_NORMAL;
    ignore = override_silent = override_ignore = symbol_override = 0;
    skip_intermediates = 0;

** Fetch and parse command string
    status = lib$get_foreign(&cmdstr);
    str$prefix(&cmdstr, &cmdname);
    status = cli$dcl_parse(&cmdstr, MMK_COMPILE_RULES_CLD,
    	    	lib$get_input, lib$get_input);
    if (!OK(status)) return (status | STS$M_INHIB_MSG);

** Get the command parameters and qualifiers
    Output_File[0] = '\0';
    if (cli_present("OUTPUT") == CLI$_PRESENT) {
    	cli_get_value("OUTPUT", Output_File, sizeof(Output_File));

    status = cli_get_value("RULES_FILE", tmp, sizeof(tmp));
    if (!OK(status)) return status | STS$M_INHIB_MSG;

    Read_Description(tmp, "SYS$DISK:[].MMS", 1);
    if (OK(exit_status)) Generate_Structures(tmp, Output_File);

    return exit_status | STS$M_INHIB_MSG;

Ejemplo n.º 3
/*			CLI$DCL_PARSE to parse it using specified tables */
Cli_Parse_Command( const void *cmd_tables, const char *cmd_verb )
    struct { short len, code; void *adr; } fscn[2];
    struct { char rqtype, rqindx, rqflags, rqstat; unsigned :32;
	     Dsc rdesc; unsigned :32; unsigned :32; unsigned :32; } cmd;
    U_Long sts;
    int    ltmp;
    char   longbuf[8200];

    memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof cmd);
    cmd.rqtype = CLI$K_GETCMD;		/* command line minus the verb */
    sts = sys$cli(&cmd, (void *)0, (void *)0);	/* get actual command line */

    if (vmswork(sts)) {		/* ok => cli available & verb wasn't "RUN" */
	/* invoked via symbol => have command line (which might be empty) */
	/*    [might also be invoked via mcr or dcl; that's ok]		  */
	if (cmd.rqstat == CLI$K_VERB_MCR) {
	    /* need to strip image name from MCR invocation   */
	    memset(fscn, 0, sizeof fscn);
	    fscn[0].code = FSCN$_FILESPEC;	/* full file specification */
	    (void)sys$filescan(&cmd.rdesc, fscn, (long *)0);
	    cmd.rdesc.len -= fscn[0].len;	/* shrink size */
	    cmd.rdesc.adr += fscn[0].len;	/* advance ptr */
	/* prepend verb and then parse the command line */
	strcat(strcpy(longbuf, cmd_verb), " "),  ltmp = strlen(longbuf);
	if (cmd.rdesc.len + ltmp > sizeof longbuf)
	    cmd.rdesc.len = sizeof longbuf - ltmp;
	strncpy(&longbuf[ltmp], cmd.rdesc.adr, cmd.rdesc.len);
	cmd.rdesc.len += ltmp,	cmd.rdesc.adr = longbuf;
	sts = cli$dcl_parse(&cmd.rdesc, cmd_tables);

    return sts;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        int 	cli$dispatch() ;
	int4 	stat0 ;
	int4 	stat1 ;
	int4	fl= 0 ;
	char	*ln[2]= { LADB,LAFILE } ;
        char 	buf[256] ;
        unsigned short len ;
	bool	rep;
        $DESCRIPTOR (prompt,"LMA> ") ;
        $DESCRIPTOR (dbuf,buf) ;

	stat0= lib$get_foreign(&dbuf,0,&len,&fl);
	rep = (len==0);
	do {
		stat1= cli$dcl_parse(&dbuf,&la_cmnd,&lib$get_input,&lib$get_input,&prompt);
	        if (stat1==CLI$_NORMAL)
			stat0= cli$dispatch(ln);
		if (stat0!=RMS$_EOF && rep)
			stat0= lib$get_foreign(&dbuf,&prompt,&len,&fl);
	} while (stat0!=RMS$_EOF && rep);
	return SS$_NORMAL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
main(int argc, char *argv[])

    long		sts ;
    int		i;
    char 		str[256] ;
    int 		key_id ;

    unsigned short res_len ;
    $DESCRIPTOR ( device_desc , "sys$input" );
    $DESCRIPTOR ( outdevice_desc , "sys$output" );
    $DESCRIPTOR ( prompt_desc , "tlog> " );
    struct dsc$descriptor_s	str_desc = {sizeof(str)-1,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,

    str_desc.dsc$a_pointer = str;

    /* avanti */

    /* If arguments, treat them as a command and then exit */
    if ( argc >= 2 )

        str[0] = 0;
        for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
            if ( i != 1)
                strcat( str, " ");
            strcat( str, argv[i]);
        sts = cli$dcl_parse ( &str_desc ,  tlog_cld, 0,  0 , 0  ) ;
        /* send the command to the rtn associated */
        if ( sts == CLI$_NORMAL )
            sts = cli$dispatch();
        sutil_msg( sts);

    /* init input */

    sts = smg$create_virtual_keyboard (
              &key_id ,
              &device_desc ,
              0 ,0, 0 );

    while ( 1 )

        /* get and parse the command */

        /* get input */

        sts = smg$read_composed_line (
                  &key_id , 0, &str_desc , &prompt_desc , &res_len);
        if ( res_len == 0)

        if ( !(sts && 1 ) ) lib$signal (sts ) ;
        str[res_len] = 0 ;

        sts = cli$dcl_parse (
                  &str_desc ,  tlog_cld, 0,  0 , 0  ) ;

        /* send the command to the rtn associated */
        if ( sts == CLI$_NORMAL )
            sts = cli$dispatch ( ) ;
            sutil_msg( sts);
Ejemplo n.º 6
unsigned long
vms_zip_cmdline (int *argc_p, char ***argv_p)
**  Routine:    vms_zip_cmdline
**  Function:
**      Parse the DCL command line and create a fake argv array to be
**      handed off to Zip.
**      NOTE: the argv[] is built as we go, so all the parameters are
**      checked in the appropriate order!!
**  Formal parameters:
**      argc_p          - Address of int to receive the new argc
**      argv_p          - Address of char ** to receive the argv address
**  Calling sequence:
**      status = vms_zip_cmdline (&argc, &argv);
**  Returns:
**      SS$_NORMAL      - Success.
**      SS$_INSFMEM     - A malloc() or realloc() failed
**      SS$_ABORT       - Bad time value
    register unsigned long status;
    char options[48];
    char *the_cmd_line;                 /* buffer for argv strings */
    unsigned long cmdl_size;            /* allocated size of buffer */
    unsigned long cmdl_len;             /* used size of buffer */
    char *ptr;
    int  x, len;

    int new_argc;
    char **new_argv;

    struct dsc$descriptor_d work_str;
    struct dsc$descriptor_d foreign_cmdline;


    **  See if the program was invoked by the CLI (SET COMMAND) or by
    **  a foreign command definition.  Check for /YYZ_ZIP, which is a
    **  valid default qualifier solely for this test.
    show_VMSCLI_help = TRUE;
    status = check_cli(&cli_yyz);
    if (!(status & 1)) {
        **  If nothing was returned or the first character is a "-", then
        **  assume it's a UNIX-style command and return.
        if (foreign_cmdline.dsc$w_length == 0)
            return (SS$_NORMAL);
        if ((*(foreign_cmdline.dsc$a_pointer) == '-') ||
            ((foreign_cmdline.dsc$w_length > 1) &&
             (*(foreign_cmdline.dsc$a_pointer) == '"') &&
             (*(foreign_cmdline.dsc$a_pointer + 1) == '-'))) {
            show_VMSCLI_help = FALSE;
            return (SS$_NORMAL);

        str$concat(&work_str, &zip_command, &foreign_cmdline);
        status = cli$dcl_parse(&work_str, &zip_clitable, lib$get_input,
                        lib$get_input, 0);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

    **  There's always going to be a new_argv[] because of the image name.
    if ((the_cmd_line = (char *) malloc(cmdl_size = ARGBSIZE_UNIT)) == NULL)
        return (SS$_INSFMEM);

    strcpy(the_cmd_line, "zip");
    cmdl_len = sizeof("zip");

    **  First, check to see if any of the regular options were specified.

    options[0] = '-';
    ptr = &options[1];          /* Point to temporary buffer */

    **  Delete the specified files from the zip file?
    status = cli$present(&cli_delete);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'd';

    **  Freshen (only changed files).
    status = cli$present(&cli_freshen);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'f';

    **  Delete the files once they've been added to the zip file.
    status = cli$present(&cli_move);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'm';

    **  Add changed and new files.
    status = cli$present(&cli_update);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'u';

    **  Check for the compression level (-0 through -9).
    status = cli$present(&cli_level);
    if (status & 1) {

        unsigned long binval;

        status = cli$get_value(&cli_level, &work_str);
        status = ots$cvt_tu_l(&work_str, &binval);
        if (!(status & 1) || (binval > 9)) {
           return (SS$_ABORT);
        *ptr++ = binval + '0';

    **  Adjust offsets of zip archive entries.
    status = cli$present(&cli_adjust);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'A';

    **  Add comments?
    status = cli$present(&cli_comments);
    if (status & 1) {
/*        while ((status = cli$get_value(&cli_comments, &work_str)) & 1) {
            if (strncmp(work_str.dsc$a_pointer,"ZIP",3) == 0)
                *ptr++ = 'z';
            if (strncmp(work_str.dsc$a_pointer,"FIL",3) == 0)
                *ptr++ = 'c';
        } */
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_comment_zipfile)) & 1)
            *ptr++ = 'z';
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_comment_files)) & 1)
            *ptr++ = 'c';

    **  Do not add/modify directory entries.
    status = cli$present(&cli_dirnames);
    if (!(status & 1))
        *ptr++ = 'D';

    **  Encrypt?
    status = cli$present(&cli_encrypt);
    if (status & 1)
        if ((status = cli$get_value(&cli_encrypt, &work_str)) & 1) {
            x = cmdl_len;
            cmdl_len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 4;
            CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
            strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-P");
            strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], work_str.dsc$a_pointer,
            the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '\0';
        } else {
            *ptr++ = 'e';

    **  Fix the zip archive structure.
    status = cli$present(&cli_fix_archive);
    if (status & 1) {
        *ptr++ = 'F';
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_fix_full)) & 1) {
            *ptr++ = 'F';

    **  Append (allow growing of existing zip file).
    status = cli$present(&cli_append);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'g';

    **  Show the help.
    status = cli$present(&cli_help);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'h';

    **  Junk path names (directory specs).
    status = cli$present(&cli_junk);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'j';

    **  Simulate zip file made by PKZIP.
    status = cli$present(&cli_pkzip);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'k';

    **  Translate end-of-line.
    status = cli$present(&cli_translate_eol);
    if (status & 1) {
        *ptr++ = 'l';
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_transl_eol_crlf)) & 1) {
            *ptr++ = 'l';

    **  Show the software license.
    status = cli$present(&cli_license);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'L';

    **  Set zip file time to time of latest file in it.
    status = cli$present(&cli_latest);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'o';

    **  Store full path (default).
    status = cli$present(&cli_full_path);
    if (status == CLI$_PRESENT)
        *ptr++ = 'p';
    else if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
        *ptr++ = 'j';

    **  Junk Zipfile prefix (SFX stub etc.).
    status = cli$present(&cli_unsfx);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'J';

    **  Recurse through subdirectories.
    status = cli$present(&cli_recurse);
    if (status & 1) {
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_recurse_fnames)) & 1)
            *ptr++ = 'R';
            *ptr++ = 'r';

    **  Be verbose.
    status = cli$present(&cli_verbose);
    if (status & 1) {
        int i;
        int verbo = 0;

        /* /VERBOSE */
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_verbose_command)) & 1)
            /* /VERBOSE = COMMAND */
            verbose_command = 1;

        /* Note that any or all of the following options may be
           specified, and the maximum one is used.
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_verbose_normal)) & 1)
            /* /VERBOSE [ = NORMAL ] */
            verbo = 1;
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_verbose_more)) & 1)
            /* /VERBOSE = MORE */
            verbo = 2;
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_verbose_debug)) & 1) {
            /* /VERBOSE = DEBUG */
            verbo = 3;
        for (i = 0; i < verbo; i++)
            *ptr++ = 'v';

    **  Quiet mode.
    **  (Quiet mode is processed after verbose, because a "-v" modifier
    **  resets "noisy" to 1.)
    status = cli$present(&cli_quiet);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'q';

    **  Suppress creation of any extra field.
    status = cli$present(&cli_extra_fields);
    if (!(status & 1))
        *ptr++ = 'X';

    **  Save the VMS file attributes (and all allocated blocks?).
    status = cli$present(&cli_vms);
    if (status & 1) {
        /* /VMS */
        *ptr++ = 'V';
        if ((status = cli$present(&cli_vms_all)) & 1) {
            /* /VMS = ALL */
            *ptr++ = 'V';

    **  Keep the VMS version number as part of the file name when stored.
    status = cli$present(&cli_keep_version);
    if (status & 1)
        *ptr++ = 'w';

    **  `Batch' processing: read filenames to archive from stdin
    **  or the specified file.
    status = cli$present(&cli_batch);
    if (status & 1) {
        status = cli$get_value(&cli_batch, &work_str);
        if (status & 1) {
            work_str.dsc$a_pointer[work_str.dsc$w_length] = '\0';
            if ((stdin = freopen(work_str.dsc$a_pointer, "r", stdin)) == NULL)
                sprintf(errbuf, "could not open list file: %s",
                ziperr(ZE_PARMS, errbuf);
        *ptr++ = '@';

    **  Now copy the final options string to the_cmd_line.
    len = ptr - &options[0];
    if (len > 1) {
        options[len] = '\0';
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += len + 1;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], options);

    **  OK.  We've done all the regular options, so check for -b (temporary
    **  file path), -t (exclude before time), -n (special suffixes), zipfile,
    **  files to zip, and exclude list.
    status = cli$present(&cli_temp_path);
    if (status & 1) {
        status = cli$get_value(&cli_temp_path, &work_str);
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 4;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-b");
        strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], work_str.dsc$a_pointer,
        the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '\0';

    **  Demand that all input files exist (and wildcards match something).
#define OPT_MM  "-MM"           /* Input file specs must exist. */
    status = cli$present(&cli_must_match);
    if (status & 1) {
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += strlen( OPT_MM)+ 1;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy( &the_cmd_line[ x], OPT_MM);

    **  Handle "-t mmddyyyy".
    status = cli$present(&cli_since);
    if (status & 1) {
        char since_time[9];

        status = get_time(&cli_since, &since_time[0]);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

        **  Now let's add the option "-t mmddyyyy" to the new command line.
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += (3 + 9);
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-t");
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], since_time);

    **  Handle "-tt mmddyyyy".
    status = cli$present(&cli_before);
    if (status & 1) {
        char before_time[9];

        status = get_time(&cli_before, &before_time[0]);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

        **  Now let's add the option "-tt mmddyyyy" to the new command line.
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += (4 + 9);
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-tt");
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x+4], before_time);

    **  Handle "-n suffix:suffix:...".  (File types to store only.)
    status = cli$present(&cli_store_types);
    if (status & 1) {
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += 3;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-n");

        status = get_list(&cli_store_types, &foreign_cmdline, ':',
                          &the_cmd_line, &cmdl_size, &cmdl_len);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

    **  Now get the specified zip file name.
    status = cli$present(&cli_zipfile);
    if (status & 1) {
        status = cli$get_value(&cli_zipfile, &work_str);

        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 1;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x], work_str.dsc$a_pointer,
        the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '\0';


    **  Run through the list of input files.
    status = cli$present(&cli_infile);
    if (status & 1) {
        status = get_list(&cli_infile, &foreign_cmdline, '\0',
                          &the_cmd_line, &cmdl_size, &cmdl_len);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

    **  List file containing exclude patterns present? ("*****@*****.**")
    status = cli$present(&cli_exlist);
    if (status & 1) {
        status = cli$get_value(&cli_exlist, &work_str);
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 4;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-x@", 3);
        strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], work_str.dsc$a_pointer,
        the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '\0';

    **  Any files to exclude? ("-x file file")
    status = cli$present(&cli_exclude);
    if (status & 1) {
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += 3;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-x");

        status = get_list(&cli_exclude, &foreign_cmdline, '\0',
                          &the_cmd_line, &cmdl_size, &cmdl_len);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

    **  List file containing include patterns present? ("*****@*****.**")
    status = cli$present(&cli_inlist);
    if (status & 1) {
        status = cli$get_value(&cli_inlist, &work_str);
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 4;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-i@", 3);
        strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], work_str.dsc$a_pointer,
        the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '\0';

    **  Any files to include? ("-i file file")
    status = cli$present(&cli_include);
    if (status & 1) {
        x = cmdl_len;
        cmdl_len += 3;
        CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
        strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-i");

        status = get_list(&cli_exclude, &foreign_cmdline, '\0',
                          &the_cmd_line, &cmdl_size, &cmdl_len);
        if (!(status & 1)) return (status);

    **  We have finished collecting the strings for the argv vector,
    **  release unused space.
    if ((the_cmd_line = (char *) realloc(the_cmd_line, cmdl_len)) == NULL)
        return (SS$_INSFMEM);

    **  Now that we've built our new UNIX-like command line, count the
    **  number of args and build an argv array.
    for (new_argc = 0, x = 0; x < cmdl_len; x++)
        if (the_cmd_line[x] == '\0')

    **  Allocate memory for the new argv[].  The last element of argv[]
    **  is supposed to be NULL, so allocate enough for new_argc+1.
    if ((new_argv = (char **) calloc(new_argc+1, sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
        return (SS$_INSFMEM);

    **  For each option, store the address in new_argv[] and convert the
    **  separating blanks to nulls so each argv[] string is terminated.
    for (ptr = the_cmd_line, x = 0; x < new_argc; x++) {
        new_argv[x] = ptr;
        ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1;
    new_argv[new_argc] = NULL;

#if defined(TEST) || defined(DEBUG)
    printf("new_argc    = %d\n", new_argc);
    for (x = 0; x < new_argc; x++)
        printf("new_argv[%d] = %s\n", x, new_argv[x]);
#endif /* TEST || DEBUG */

    /* Show the complete UNIX command line, if requested. */
    if (verbose_command != 0)
        printf( "   UNIX command line args (argc = %d):\n", new_argc);
        for (x = 0; x < new_argc; x++)
            printf( "%s\n", new_argv[ x]);
        printf( "\n");

    **  All finished.  Return the new argc and argv[] addresses to Zip.
    *argc_p = new_argc;
    *argv_p = new_argv;

    return (SS$_NORMAL);
Ejemplo n.º 7
parse_vms_args(int *argc, char **argv[])
        static char command[S_LENGTH], value_template[S_LENGTH];
        static char qual_template[S_LENGTH];
        char verb[] = "VARG ";
        char *vms_arg[MAX_ARGS];
        char *unix_arg[MAX_ARGS];
        char *unix_narg[MAX_ARGS];
        char *vms_key[MAX_ARGS];
        char *unix_key[MAX_ARGS];
        char *separator[MAX_ARGS];
        char *pattern[MAX_ARGS];
        char *outverb, *arg_symbol, *image_name;
        char foreign_image[S_LENGTH];
        int flags[MAX_ARGS], action_flags;
        int  nvargs, u_length, l_element, index;
        char arg_string[S_LENGTH], arg_element[S_LENGTH];
        static char value[S_LENGTH];
        char *special_chars;
        char default_special[] = "!@#^&()=+\'\"/?,";
        $DESCRIPTOR(command_desc, command);
        $DESCRIPTOR(qual_desc, "");
        $DESCRIPTOR(value_desc, value);
        int i, length, status, i_length, arg_count, q_length;
        static char command_args[S_LENGTH];
        $DESCRIPTOR(command_arg_desc, command_args);
        extern VARG_CLD;
        static	char *newargv[MAX_ARGS];
        int affirm_flag, negative_flag, keywords_flag, separator_flag;
        int date_flag, append_flag, present, more_flag, multivalue, help_flag;
        int vmsarg_mapping();

        /*	Get the VMS -> Unix mapping definitions from the routine generated
        	by the GEN_MAPPING utility.

        vmsarg_mapping(&nvargs, vms_arg, unix_arg, unix_narg, vms_key, unix_key,
                       separator, flags, pattern, &outverb, &action_flags,
                       &arg_symbol, &image_name );

        /*	Get the original command line from the foreign command utility.

        length = 0;					/* RTL only writes word */
        lib$get_foreign(&command_arg_desc, 0, &length);
        command_args[length] = 0;			/* add NULL terminator */

        /*	Check to see if any of the exising arguments start with a "-"
        	character.  if so, assume he's already using Unix style arguments so
        	we don't have to do anything.  Only do this if the Unix_Arg bit is
        	set in the action flags.

        if ((action_flags & VARGACT_M_UNIXARG)) {
                for (i = 1; i <= *argc - 1; i++)
                        if ((*argv) [i][0] == '-') {
                                /* He's using Unix style args. */
                                if ((action_flags & VARGACT_M_RETURN)) {
                                        return 1;		/* back out quietly	*/
                                } else {
                                        status = varg_do_exit(action_flags, arg_symbol, command_args,
                                                          image_name, outverb);
                                        sys$exit(status);	/* exit with DCL stuff done  */

        /*	Catenate verb and arguments into the command string for DCL
        	to parse.

        strcpy(command, verb);
        strcat(command, command_args);
        command_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(verb) + strlen(command_args);

        /*	Pass it to the DCL parser for its approval.

        status = cli$dcl_parse(&command_desc, &VARG_CLD);
        if ((status & 1) != 1) sys$exit (status);

        /*	Now that DCL is happy, we go through all the defined VMS qualifiers
        	and parameters to check if they are present or defaulted.

        arg_count = 0;		/* so far so good */

        for (i = 1; i <= nvargs; i++) {

                /*	Set The various flags for this qualifier.

                affirm_flag = (VARG_M_AFFIRM & flags[i]) != 0;
                negative_flag = (VARG_M_NEGATIVE & flags[i]) != 0;
                keywords_flag = (VARG_M_KEYWORDS & flags[i]) != 0;
                separator_flag = (VARG_M_SEPARATOR & flags[i]) != 0;
                date_flag = (VARG_M_DATE & flags[i]) != 0;
                append_flag = (VARG_M_APPEND & flags[i]) != 0;
                help_flag = (VARG_M_HELP & flags[i]) != 0;

                /*	Check if the qualifier or parameter is present

                qual_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(vms_arg[i]);
                qual_desc.dsc$a_pointer = vms_arg[i];
                present = cli$present(&qual_desc) & 1;

                /*	if the qualifier is present, and there is a positive translation,
                	then replace the VMS qualifier by its Unix equivalent.  Note that
                	if the Unix equivalent starts with a '$', then it is a parameter and
                	we omit the qualifier name, only putting in the value.

                qual_template[0] = 0;			/* zero string initially */

                if (present && affirm_flag) {
                        if (unix_arg[i][0] != '$') strcpy(qual_template, unix_arg[i]);

                if (!(present & 1) && negative_flag)		/* NOT present AND
						   negative_flag */
                        strcpy(qual_template, unix_narg[i]);

                /*	Get the first value (if any).  We may have to catenate this with the
                	qualifier keyword, or build up multiple values in a single argv

                if (present) {
                        value_desc.dsc$w_length = QUAL_LENGTH;
                        status = cli$get_value(&qual_desc, &value_desc, &length);
                        if ((status & 1) != 1) length = 0;
                        value[length] = 0;			/* NULL terminator */
                        more_flag = status == CLI$_COMMA;
                } else {
                        length = 0;

                /*	if the /APPEND qualifier was used, then the qualifier and its value
                	are in the same argv element.

                if (append_flag) {
                        strcpy(value_template, qual_template);
                } else {
                        /*	Allocate a fresh argv element and load the Unix keyword into it.
                        q_length = strlen(qual_template);

                        if (q_length != 0) {
                                newargv[arg_count] = malloc(q_length + 1);
                                if (newargv[arg_count] == NULL) sys$exit(LIB$_INSVIRMEM);
                                strcpy(newargv[arg_count], qual_template);

                multivalue = more_flag;

                /*	Get all the various values and either append them with appropriate
                	separators to the current template, or load them in successive argv

                while (affirm_flag && (length != 0)) {

                        /*	if a keyword list is involved, get the corresponding field from the
                        	Unix equivalent.

                        if (keywords_flag) {
                                index = varg_get_index(value, vms_key[i]);
                                varg_set_index(value, unix_key[i], index);

                        /*	if the /DATE qualifier was present, we interpret the value as a
                        	VMS date/time specification, and convert it to the equivalent Unix
                        	type string.

                        if (date_flag) varg_convert_date(value, pattern[i]);

                        /*	Add the current value to the template so far.  Add a separator
                        	character if we need one.

                        strcat(value_template, value);

                        if (separator_flag) {
                                if (more_flag)
                                        strcat(value_template, separator[i]);
                        } else {

                                /*	Each value should have its own argv element.

                                newargv[arg_count] = malloc(strlen(value_template) + 1);
                                if (newargv[arg_count] == NULL) sys$exit(LIB$_INSVIRMEM);
                                strcpy(newargv[arg_count], value_template);
                                value_template[0] = 0;

                        /*	Get the next value from the DCL parser.

                        value_desc.dsc$w_length = QUAL_LENGTH;		/* reset string */
                        status = cli$get_value(&qual_desc, &value_desc, &length);
                        if ((status & 1) != 1) length = 0;
                        value[length] = 0;
                        more_flag = status == CLI$_COMMA;

                /*	All the values are in for this qualifier - if there were being stacked
                	up then load them all into an argv element.

                if (separator_flag & multivalue) {
                        newargv[arg_count] = malloc(strlen(value_template) + 1);
                        if (newargv[arg_count] == NULL) sys$exit(LIB$_INSVIRMEM);
                        strcpy(newargv[arg_count], value_template);
                        value_template[0] = 0;

                /*	Check to see if this is a HELP directive.  if so, then the help
                	library name is stored in pattern[i] and the initial help string
                	in unix_arg[i]

                if ((present &1) && help_flag) {
                        varg_do_help(pattern[i], unix_arg[i]);

                /*	And around for the next qualifier.


        /*	We've built the argument vector.  Now lets find out what we're
        	supposed to do with it.

        if ((action_flags & VARGACT_M_RETURN)) {

                /*	We should return the result to the caller. Set the corresponding argc
                	& argv variables in the caller to point at these.  Make sure the new
                	argv contains the same [0] element as the old one (program name).

                *argc = arg_count + 1;
                newargv[0] = (*argv)[0];
                *argv = newargv;
                return 1;

        /*	We must convert the argv elements into an arg string.

        arg_string[0] = 0;
        special_chars = default_special;

        for (i = 1; i <= arg_count; i++) {
                varg_protect_string(newargv[i], arg_element, action_flags,
                strcat(arg_string, arg_element);
                if (i != arg_count) strcat(arg_string, " ");

        status = varg_do_exit(action_flags, arg_symbol, arg_string, image_name, outverb);

        /*	if we got this far then exit to DCL.
