int Ardb::FlushScripts() { KeyObject start(Slice(), SCRIPT, ARDB_GLOBAL_DB); Iterator* iter = FindValue(start, false); BatchWriteGuard guard(GetEngine()); while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (NULL != kk) { if (kk->type == SCRIPT) { DelValue(*kk); } else { break; } } DELETE(kk); iter->Next(); } DELETE(iter); return 0; }
void Ardb::PrintDB(const DBID& db) { Slice empty; KeyObject start(empty, KV, db); Iterator* iter = FindValue(start); while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (kk->db != db) { DELETE(kk); break; } ValueObject v; Buffer readbuf(const_cast<char*>(iter->Value().data()), 0, iter->Value().size()); decode_value(readbuf, v, false); if (NULL != kk) { std::string str; DEBUG_LOG("[%d]Key=%s, Value=%s", kk->type, kk->, v.ToString(str).c_str()); } DELETE(kk); iter->Next(); } DELETE(iter); }
bool Ardb::DBExist(const DBID& db, DBID& nextdb) { KeyObject start(Slice(), KV, db); Iterator* iter = FindValue(start, false); bool found = false; nextdb = db; if (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (NULL != kk) { if (kk->db == db) { found = true; } else { nextdb = kk->db; } } DELETE(kk); } DELETE(iter); return found; }
void Ardb::Walk(WalkHandler* handler) { KeyObject start(Slice(), KV, 0); Iterator* iter = FindValue(start); uint32 cursor = 0; while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (NULL == kk) { break; } ValueObject v; Buffer readbuf(const_cast<char*>(iter->Value().data()), 0, iter->Value().size()); decode_value(readbuf, v, false); int ret = handler->OnKeyValue(kk, &v, cursor++); DELETE(kk); if (ret < 0) { break; } iter->Next(); } DELETE(iter); }
static gboolean rfcomm_io_cb(GIOChannel *chan, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) { struct fake_input *fake = data; const char *ok = "\r\nOK\r\n"; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; ssize_t bread = 0, bwritten; uint16_t key; int fd; if (cond & G_IO_NVAL) return FALSE; if (cond & (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR)) { error("Hangup or error on rfcomm server socket"); goto failed; } fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(chan); memset(buf, 0, BUF_SIZE); bread = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (bread < 0) { error("IO Channel read error"); goto failed; } DBG("Received: %s", buf); bwritten = write(fd, ok, 6); if (bwritten < 0) { error("IO Channel write error"); goto failed; } key = decode_key(buf); if (key != KEY_RESERVED) send_key(fake->uinput, key); return TRUE; failed: ioctl(fake->uinput, UI_DEV_DESTROY); close(fake->uinput); fake->uinput = -1; g_io_channel_unref(fake->io); return FALSE; }
void Ardb::Walk(KeyObject& key, bool reverse, WalkHandler* handler) { bool isFirstElement = true; Iterator* iter = FindValue(key); if (NULL != iter && !iter->Valid() && reverse) { iter->SeekToLast(); isFirstElement = false; } uint32 cursor = 0; while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, &key); if (NULL == kk || kk->type != key.type || kk-> != 0) { DELETE(kk); if (reverse && isFirstElement) { iter->Prev(); isFirstElement = false; continue; } break; } ValueObject v; Buffer readbuf(const_cast<char*>(iter->Value().data()), 0, iter->Value().size()); decode_value(readbuf, v, false); int ret = handler->OnKeyValue(kk, &v, cursor++); DELETE(kk); if (ret < 0) { break; } if (reverse) { iter->Prev(); } else { iter->Next(); } } DELETE(iter); }
static gboolean rfcomm_io_cb(GIOChannel *chan, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) { struct fake_input *fake = data; const char *ok = "\r\nOK\r\n"; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; gsize bread = 0, bwritten; uint16_t key; if (cond & G_IO_NVAL) return FALSE; if (cond & (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR)) { error("Hangup or error on rfcomm server socket"); goto failed; } memset(buf, 0, BUF_SIZE); if (g_io_channel_read(chan, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, &bread) != G_IO_ERROR_NONE) { error("IO Channel read error"); goto failed; } debug("Received: %s", buf); if (g_io_channel_write(chan, ok, 6, &bwritten) != G_IO_ERROR_NONE) { error("IO Channel write error"); goto failed; } key = decode_key(buf); if (key != KEY_RESERVED) send_key(fake->uinput, key); return TRUE; failed: ioctl(fake->uinput, UI_DEV_DESTROY); close(fake->uinput); fake->uinput = -1; g_io_channel_unref(fake->io); return FALSE; }
int Ardb::FirstDB(DBID& db) { int ret = -1; Iterator* iter = NewIterator(); iter->SeekToFirst(); if (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (NULL != kk) { db = kk->db; ret = 0; } DELETE(kk); } DELETE(iter); return ret; }
void Key_Scan() { uchar k; if(KEYBJ2 == 0){ if(kbit == 0) { KEYBJ2 = 1; keycount = 0; } return; } k = keykeep; keykeep = KEY_INVALID; decode_key(); //decode the key if(keycount == 0) //initial decode { if(keykeep == KEY_INVALID) //invalid key { KEYBJ2 = 0; P1 = 0x0f;l9=0; return; } } if(keykeep == KEY_INVALID) //key up event found { KEYBJ2 = 0; P1 = 0x0f;l9=0; if(keycount >= KEYTIMEOUT) key = k; return; } keycount++; if(keycount > 128) keycount = 1; return; }
int Ardb::LastDB(DBID& db) { int ret = -1; Iterator* iter = NewIterator(ARDB_GLOBAL_DB); if (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { //Skip last KEY_END entry iter->Prev(); } if (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (NULL != kk) { db = kk->db; ret = 0; } DELETE(kk); } DELETE(iter); return ret; }
int Ardb::Scan(Context& ctx, RedisCommandFrame& cmd) { StringArray keys; std::string pattern; uint32 limit = 10000; //return max 10000 keys one time if (cmd.GetArguments().size() > 1) { for (uint32 i = 1; i < cmd.GetArguments().size(); i++) { if (!strcasecmp(cmd.GetArguments()[i].c_str(), "count")) { if (i + 1 >= cmd.GetArguments().size() || !string_touint32(cmd.GetArguments()[i + 1], limit)) { fill_error_reply(ctx.reply, "value is not an integer or out of range"); return 0; } i++; } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd.GetArguments()[i].c_str(), "match")) { if (i + 1 >= cmd.GetArguments().size()) { fill_error_reply(ctx.reply, "'MATCH' need one args followed"); return 0; } pattern = cmd.GetArguments()[i + 1]; i++; } else { fill_error_reply(ctx.reply, "Syntax error, try scan 0 "); return 0; } } } RedisReply& r1 = ctx.reply.AddMember(); RedisReply& r2 = ctx.reply.AddMember(); r2.type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY; KeyObject from; from.db = ctx.currentDB; from.type = KEY_META; const std::string& cursor = cmd.GetArguments()[0]; std::string scan_start_cursor; if (cmd.GetArguments()[0] != "0") { if (m_cfg.scan_redis_compatible) { FindElementByRedisCursor(cursor, scan_start_cursor); } from.key = scan_start_cursor; } Iterator* iter = IteratorKeyValue(from, false); bool reachend = false; std::string tmpkey; while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { KeyObject kk; if (!decode_key(iter->Key(), kk) || kk.db != ctx.currentDB || kk.type != KEY_META) { reachend = true; break; } tmpkey.clear(); tmpkey.assign(, kk.key.size()); if (r2.MemberSize() >= limit) { break; } if ((pattern.empty() || stringmatchlen(pattern.c_str(), pattern.size(), tmpkey.c_str(), tmpkey.size(), 0) == 1)) { RedisReply& rr1 = r2.AddMember(); fill_str_reply(rr1, tmpkey); } iter->Next(); } if (reachend || !iter->Valid()) { fill_str_reply(r1, "0"); } else { if (m_cfg.scan_redis_compatible) { uint64 newcursor = GetNewRedisCursor(tmpkey); fill_str_reply(r1, stringfromll(newcursor)); } else { fill_str_reply(r1, tmpkey); } } DELETE(iter); return 0; }
int Ardb::KeysOperation(Context& ctx, const KeysOptions& options) { KeyObject from; from.db = ctx.currentDB; from.type = KEY_META; std::string::size_type cursor = options.pattern.find("*"); if (cursor == std::string::npos) { from.key = options.pattern; } else { if (options.pattern != "*" && cursor > 0) { from.key = options.pattern.substr(0, cursor); } } Iterator* iter = IteratorKeyValue(from, false); std::string tmpkey; uint32 count = 0; while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { KeyObject kk; if (!decode_key(iter->Key(), kk) || kk.db != ctx.currentDB || kk.type != KEY_META) { break; } tmpkey.clear(); tmpkey.assign(, kk.key.size()); if ((options.pattern == "*" || stringmatchlen(options.pattern.c_str(), options.pattern.size(),, tmpkey.size(), 0) == 1)) { if (options.op == OP_GET) { RedisReply& r = ctx.reply.AddMember(); fill_str_reply(r, tmpkey); } else { count++; } } else { /* * If the '*' is the last char, we can break iteration now */ if (cursor == options.pattern.size() - 1) { break; } } iter->Next(); } DELETE(iter); if (options.op == OP_GET) { ctx.reply.type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY; } else { fill_int_reply(ctx.reply, count); } return 0; }
int Ardb::Randomkey(Context& ctx, RedisCommandFrame& cmd) { ctx.reply.type = REDIS_REPLY_NIL; KeyObject from; from.db = ctx.currentDB; from.type = KEY_META; std::string min_key, max_key, randkey; Iterator* iter = IteratorKeyValue(from, false); if (iter->Valid()) { KeyObject kk; if (!decode_key(iter->Key(), kk) || kk.db != ctx.currentDB || kk.type != KEY_META) { goto _end; } min_key.assign(, kk.key.size()); max_key = min_key; from.type = SET_ELEMENT; //Refer comparator.cpp from.encode_buf.Clear(); IteratorSeek(iter, from); if (!iter->Valid()) { iter->SeekToLast(); } if (iter->Valid()) { iter->Prev(); if (iter->Valid()) { if (decode_key(iter->Key(), kk) && kk.db == ctx.currentDB && kk.type == KEY_META) { max_key.assign(, kk.key.size()); } } } randkey = min_key; if (min_key < max_key) { randkey = random_between_string(min_key, max_key); from.type = KEY_META; from.db = ctx.currentDB; from.key = randkey; IteratorSeek(iter, from); if (iter->Valid()) { KeyObject kk; if (!decode_key(iter->Key(), kk) || kk.db != ctx.currentDB || kk.type != KEY_META) { goto _end; } randkey.assign(, kk.key.size()); } } } if (!randkey.empty()) { fill_str_reply(ctx.reply, randkey); } _end: DELETE(iter); return 0; }
void TTwaitForChar(void) { #if MEOPT_MOUSE union REGS rg ; if(meMouseCfg & meMOUSE_ENBLE) { meUShort mc ; meUInt arg ; /* If mouse state flags that the mouse should be visible then we * must make it visible. We had to make it invisible to get the * screen-updates correct */ if(mouseState & MOUSE_STATE_SHOW) { mouseState |= MOUSE_STATE_VISIBLE ; = 0x0001 ; int86(0x33, &rg, &rg) ; } /* If no keys left then if theres currently no mouse timer and * theres a button press (No mouse-time key) then check for a * time-mouse-? key, if found add a timer start a mouse checking */ if(!isTimerActive(MOUSE_TIMER_ID) && ((mc=(mouseState & MOUSE_STATE_BUTTONS)) != 0)) { mc = ME_SPECIAL | TTmodif | (SKEY_mouse_time+mouseKeys[mc]) ; if((!TTallKeys && (decode_key(mc,&arg) != -1)) || (TTallKeys & 0x2)) { /* Start a timer and move to timed state 1 */ /* Start a new timer to clock in at 'delay' intervals */ /* printf("Setting mouse timer for delay %1x %1x %d\n",TTallKeys,meTimerState[MOUSE_TIMER_ID],delayTime) ;*/ timerSet(MOUSE_TIMER_ID,-1,delayTime); } } } #endif #if MEOPT_CALLBACK /* IDLE TIME: Check the idle time events */ if(kbdmode == meIDLE) /* Check the idle event */ doIdlePickEvent() ; #endif for(;;) { handleTimerExpired() ; if(TTahead()) break ; #if MEOPT_MOUSE if(meMouseCfg & meMOUSE_ENBLE) { meShort row, col, but ; meUShort cc ; /* Get new mouse status. It appears that the fractional bits of * the mouse change across reads. ONLY Compare the non-fractional * components. */ = 0x0003 ; int86(0x33, &rg, &rg) ; but = rg.x.bx & MOUSE_STATE_BUTTONS ; col =>>3 ; row = rg.x.dx>>3 ; /* Check for mouse state changes */ if(((mouseState ^ but) & MOUSE_STATE_BUTTONS) || (mouse_X != col) || (mouse_Y != row)) { int ii ; /* Get shift status */ rg.h.ah = 0x02; int86(0x16,&rg,&rg) ; TTmodif = (( & 0x01) << 8) | (( & 0x0E) << 7) ; /* Record the new mouse positions */ mouse_X = col ; mouse_Y = row ; /* Check for button changes, these always create keys */ if((mouseState ^ but) & MOUSE_STATE_BUTTONS) { /* Iterate down the bit pattern looking for changes * of state */ for (ii=1 ; ii<8 ; ii<<=1) { /* Test each key and add to the stack */ if((mouseState ^ but) & ii) { /* Up or down press ?? */ if(but & ii) cc = ME_SPECIAL+SKEY_mouse_pick_1-1 ; /* Down */ else cc = ME_SPECIAL+SKEY_mouse_drop_1-1 ; /* Up !! */ cc = TTmodif | (cc + mouseKeys[ii]) ; addKeyToBuffer(cc) ; } } /* Correct the mouse state */ mouseState = (mouseState & ~MOUSE_STATE_BUTTONS) | but ; } else { meUInt arg; /* Decode key argument */ /* Check for a mouse-move key */ cc = (ME_SPECIAL+SKEY_mouse_move+mouseKeys[but]) | TTmodif ; /* Are we after all movements or mouse-move bound ?? */ if((!TTallKeys && (decode_key(cc,&arg) != -1)) || (TTallKeys & 0x1)) addKeyToBuffer(cc) ; /* Add key to keyboard buffer */ else { /* Mouse has been moved so we must make it visible */ if(!(mouseState & MOUSE_STATE_VISIBLE)) { mouseState |= MOUSE_STATE_VISIBLE ; = 0x0001 ; int86(0x33, &rg, &rg) ; } continue ; } } /* As we are adding a mouse key, the mouse is active * so add the 'show' flag, so on entry next time * the mouse will automatically become visible. */ mouseState |= MOUSE_STATE_SHOW ; break ; } } #endif } /* ' for' */
int decode_key(meUShort ocode, meUInt *arg) { register meBind *ktp; /* Keyboard character array */ register int low; /* Lowest index in table. */ register int hi; /* Hightest index in table. */ register int mid; /* Mid value. */ register int status; /* Status of comparison. */ register meUShort code=ocode; try_again: #if MEOPT_LOCALBIND if(useMlBinds) { ktp = mlBinds ; mid = mlNoBinds ; } else { mid = frameCur->bufferCur->bindCount ; ktp = frameCur->bufferCur->bindList ; } while(mid>0) if(ktp[--mid].code == code) { *arg = ktp[mid].arg ; return ktp[mid].index ; } #endif /* binary chop through the key table looking for the character code. ** If found then return the index into the names table. */ ktp = keytab ; hi = keyTableSize-1; /* Set hi water to end of table */ low = 0; /* Set low water to start of table */ do { mid = (low + hi) >> 1; /* Get mid value. */ if ((status=code-ktp[mid].code) == 0) { /* Found - return index */ *arg = ktp[mid].arg ; return ktp[mid].index ; } else if (status < 0) hi = mid - 1; /* Discard bottom half */ else low = mid + 1; /* Discard top half */ } while (low <= hi); /* Until converges */ /* If this is an Alt key without any prefix's (esc, C-x etc.) then * change the key to be the 1st prefix without the Alt, e.g. * A-space -> esc space * and then look this up */ if(code & ME_ALT) { #if MEOPT_OSD if((meSystemCfg & meSYSTEM_ALTMENU) && ((code & (ME_SPECIAL|ME_PREFIX_MASK)) == 0) && ((status = osdMainMenuCheckKey(code & 0x0ff)) != 0)) { /* Found - return index */ *arg = (meUInt) (status+0x80000000) ; return CK_OSD ; } #endif if((meSystemCfg & meSYSTEM_ALTPRFX1) && ((code & ME_PREFIX_MASK) == 0)) { code = (code & ~ME_ALT)|ME_PREFIX1 ; goto try_again ; } } if((charKeyboardMap != NULL) && ((code & ME_SPECIAL) == 0) && (charKeyboardMap[code & 0x0ff] != 0)) { meUByte *ckm=charKeyboardMap ; code = (ocode & 0xff00) | charKeyboardMap[code & 0x0ff] ; charKeyboardMap = NULL ; status = decode_key(code,arg) ; charKeyboardMap = ckm ; return status ; } *arg = 0 ; return -1 ; /* Not found - return error */ }
int setup_truncate(CONFIG *cfg, CONFIG_THREAD *thread, WT_SESSION *session) { TRUNCATE_CONFIG *trunc_cfg; TRUNCATE_QUEUE_ENTRY *truncate_item; WORKLOAD *workload; WT_CURSOR *cursor; char *key, *truncate_key; int ret; uint64_t end_point, final_stone_gap, i, start_point; end_point = final_stone_gap = start_point = 0; trunc_cfg = &thread->trunc_cfg; workload = thread->workload; /* We are limited to only one table when running truncate. */ if ((ret = session->open_cursor( session, cfg->uris[0], NULL, NULL, &cursor)) != 0) goto err; /* How many entries between each stone. */ trunc_cfg->stone_gap = (workload->truncate_count * workload->truncate_pct) / 100; /* How many stones we need. */ trunc_cfg->needed_stones = workload->truncate_count / trunc_cfg->stone_gap; final_stone_gap = trunc_cfg->stone_gap; /* Reset this value for use again. */ trunc_cfg->stone_gap = 0; /* * Here we check if there is data in the collection. If there is * data available, then we need to setup some initial truncation * stones. */ if ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) != 0 || (ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &key)) != 0) { lprintf(cfg, ret, 0, "truncate setup start: failed"); goto err; } start_point = decode_key(key); if ((cursor->reset(cursor)) != 0 || (ret = cursor->prev(cursor)) != 0 || (ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &key)) != 0) { lprintf(cfg, ret, 0, "truncate setup end: failed"); goto err; } end_point = decode_key(key); /* Assign stones if there are enough documents. */ if (start_point + trunc_cfg->needed_stones > end_point) trunc_cfg->stone_gap = 0; else trunc_cfg->stone_gap = (end_point - start_point) / trunc_cfg->needed_stones; /* If we have enough data allocate some stones. */ if (trunc_cfg->stone_gap != 0) { trunc_cfg->expected_total = (end_point - start_point); for (i = 1; i <= trunc_cfg->needed_stones; i++) { truncate_key = calloc(cfg->key_sz, 1); if (truncate_key == NULL) { ret = enomem(cfg); goto err; } truncate_item = calloc(sizeof(TRUNCATE_QUEUE_ENTRY), 1); if (truncate_item == NULL) { free(truncate_key); ret = enomem(cfg); goto err; } generate_key( cfg, truncate_key, trunc_cfg->stone_gap * i); truncate_item->key = truncate_key; truncate_item->diff = (trunc_cfg->stone_gap * i) - trunc_cfg->last_key; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &cfg->stone_head, truncate_item, q); trunc_cfg->last_key = trunc_cfg->stone_gap * i; trunc_cfg->num_stones++; } } trunc_cfg->stone_gap = final_stone_gap; err: if ((ret = cursor->close(cursor)) != 0) { lprintf(cfg, ret, 0, "truncate setup: cursor close failed"); } return (ret); }