Ejemplo n.º 1
VizMidi::VizMidi() : Vizlet() {
	_midiparams = defaultParams();

	double fadetime = 2.0;



	// _midiparams->rotauto.set(true);


Ejemplo n.º 2
    void construct(Params params = defaultParams()){
        // get kinematics group name
        // get number of joints
        VrepRobotArmDriverP_ = std::make_shared<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver>();
        ikGroupHandle_ = simGetIkGroupHandle(std::get<IKGroupName>(params).c_str());
        simSetExplicitHandling(ikGroupHandle_,1); // enable explicit handling for the ik

        this->currentKinematicsStateP_->Name = std::get<IKGroupName>(params);
        this->desiredKinematicsStateP_->Name = std::get<DesiredKinematicsObjectName>(params);
        /// @todo set desiredKinematicsStateP name, INITIALIZE ALL MEMBER OBJECTS, & SET NAMES
        positionLimitsName = std::get<IKGroupName>(params)+"_PositionLimits";
        this->jointPositionLimitsVFP_->Name = positionLimitsName;
        velocityLimitsName = std::get<IKGroupName>(params)+"_VelocityLimits";
        this->jointVelocityLimitsVFP_->Name = velocityLimitsName;
//            /// This will hold the Jacobian
//    std::unique_ptr<prmKinematicsState> currentKinematicsStateP_;
//    /// This will hold the xyz position and the rotation of where I want to go
//    std::unique_ptr<prmKinematicsState> desiredKinematicsStateP_;
//    // want to follow a goal position
//    /// @todo will want to use an addVFFollow member function once it is added in
//    std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataBase> followVFP_;
//    /// need velocity limits for the joints
//    std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataJointLimits> jointVelocityLimitsVFP_;
//    /// joints cannot go to certain position
//    std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataJointLimits> jointPositionLimitsVFP_;
        /// @todo verify object lifetimes
            // for each virtual fixture need names and number of rows
        /// @todo read objective rows from vrep
        // Initialize Variables for update
        //jointHandles_ = VrepRobotArmDriverP_->getJointHandles();
        //int numJoints =jointHandles_.size();
        /// @todo objectiveRows seems to currently be a 3 vector, may eventually want a rotation and translation, perhaps with quaternion rotation
        followVFP_->ObjectiveRows = 6;
        followVFP_->ObjectiveRows = 3;
        // set the names once for each object, only once
        /// @todo set vrep explicit handling of IK here, plus unset in destructor of this object