Ejemplo n.º 1
static SQRESULT sq_fossil_delta_output_size(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
    SQ_GET_STRING(v, 2, str_delta);
    int str_to_size = delta_output_size(str_delta, str_delta_size);
    sq_pushinteger(v, str_to_size);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static SQRESULT sq_fossil_delta_apply(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
    SQ_GET_STRING(v, 2, str_from);
    SQ_GET_STRING(v, 3, str_delta);
    int str_to_size = delta_output_size(str_delta, str_delta_size);
    if(str_to_size < 0) return sq_throwerror(v, _SC("invalid delta string"));
    SQChar *str_to = sq_getscratchpad(v, str_to_size);
    str_to_size = delta_apply(str_from, str_from_size, str_delta, str_delta_size, str_to);
    if(str_to_size < 0) return sq_throwerror(v, _SC("error applying delta"));
    sq_pushstring(v, str_to, str_to_size);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
** Write content into the database.  Return the record ID.  If the
** content is already in the database, just return the record ID.
** If srcId is specified, then pBlob is delta content from
** the srcId record.  srcId might be a phantom.  
** pBlob is normally uncompressed text.  But if nBlob>0 then the
** pBlob value has already been compressed and nBlob is its uncompressed
** size.  If nBlob>0 then zUuid must be valid.
** zUuid is the UUID of the artifact, if it is specified.  When srcId is
** specified then zUuid must always be specified.  If srcId is zero,
** and zUuid is zero then the correct zUuid is computed from pBlob.
** If the record already exists but is a phantom, the pBlob content
** is inserted and the phatom becomes a real record.
** The original content of pBlob is not disturbed.  The caller continues
** to be responsible for pBlob.  This routine does *not* take over
** responsibility for freeing pBlob.
int content_put_ex(
  Blob *pBlob,              /* Content to add to the repository */
  const char *zUuid,        /* SHA1 hash of reconstructed pBlob */
  int srcId,                /* pBlob is a delta from this entry */
  int nBlob,                /* pBlob is compressed. Original size is this */
  int isPrivate             /* The content should be marked private */
  int size;
  int rid;
  Stmt s1;
  Blob cmpr;
  Blob hash;
  int markAsUnclustered = 0;
  int isDephantomize = 0;
  assert( g.repositoryOpen );
  assert( pBlob!=0 );
  assert( srcId==0 || zUuid!=0 );
  if( zUuid==0 ){
    assert( nBlob==0 );
    sha1sum_blob(pBlob, &hash);
    blob_init(&hash, zUuid, -1);
  if( nBlob ){
    size = nBlob;
    size = blob_size(pBlob);
    if( srcId ){
      size = delta_output_size(blob_buffer(pBlob), size);

  /* Check to see if the entry already exists and if it does whether
  ** or not the entry is a phantom
  db_prepare(&s1, "SELECT rid, size FROM blob WHERE uuid=%B", &hash);
  if( db_step(&s1)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    rid = db_column_int(&s1, 0);
    if( db_column_int(&s1, 1)>=0 || pBlob==0 ){
      /* Either the entry is not a phantom or it is a phantom but we
      ** have no data with which to dephantomize it.  In either case,
      ** there is nothing for us to do other than return the RID. */
      return rid;
    rid = 0;  /* No entry with the same UUID currently exists */
    markAsUnclustered = 1;

  /* Construct a received-from ID if we do not already have one */
  if( g.rcvid==0 ){
       "INSERT INTO rcvfrom(uid, mtime, nonce, ipaddr)"
       "VALUES(%d, julianday('now'), %Q, %Q)",
       g.userUid, g.zNonce, g.zIpAddr
    g.rcvid = db_last_insert_rowid();

  if( nBlob ){
    cmpr = pBlob[0];
    blob_compress(pBlob, &cmpr);
  if( rid>0 ){
    /* We are just adding data to a phantom */
      "UPDATE blob SET rcvid=%d, size=%d, content=:data WHERE rid=%d",
       g.rcvid, size, rid
    db_bind_blob(&s1, ":data", &cmpr);
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM phantom WHERE rid=%d", rid);
    if( srcId==0 || content_is_available(srcId) ){
      isDephantomize = 1;
    /* We are creating a new entry */
      "INSERT INTO blob(rcvid,size,uuid,content)"
       g.rcvid, size, &hash
    db_bind_blob(&s1, ":data", &cmpr);
    rid = db_last_insert_rowid();
    if( !pBlob ){
      db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO phantom VALUES(%d)", rid);
    if( g.markPrivate || isPrivate ){
      db_multi_exec("INSERT INTO private VALUES(%d)", rid);
      markAsUnclustered = 0;
  if( nBlob==0 ) blob_reset(&cmpr);

  /* If the srcId is specified, then the data we just added is
  ** really a delta.  Record this fact in the delta table.
  if( srcId ){
    db_multi_exec("REPLACE INTO delta(rid,srcid) VALUES(%d,%d)", rid, srcId);
  if( !isDephantomize && bag_find(&contentCache.missing, rid) && 
      (srcId==0 || content_is_available(srcId)) ){
  if( isDephantomize ){
    after_dephantomize(rid, 0);
  /* Add the element to the unclustered table if has never been
  ** previously seen.
  if( markAsUnclustered ){
    db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unclustered VALUES(%d)", rid);

  /* Finish the transaction and cleanup */

  /* Make arrangements to verify that the data can be recovered
  ** before we commit */
  return rid;