Ejemplo n.º 1
int main (void)

    static int i;
    int n;
    printf("Please enter the maximum degree of the polynomial:\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Please enter the coefficients:\n");
    for(i=n; i>=0; i--){
        scanf("%d", &a[i]);
    printf("The polynomial is ");
    printf("\nIts derivative is  ");

Ejemplo n.º 2
int main (void)

    static int i;
    int n;
    printf("Please enter the maximum degree of the polynomial:\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    if(n>=0){                                       //run the program when n>= 0
        a = (int *)calloc(n+1, sizeof(int));
        printf("Please enter the coefficients:\n");
        if (a != NULL)
            for(i=n; i>=0; i--)
                scanf("%d", &a[i]);
            printf("The polynomial is ");
            printf("\nIts derivative is  ");
    else                                        //do nothing when n<0
Ejemplo n.º 3
void KNDdeTorusCollocation::jacobian(KNSparseMatrix& A, KNArray1D< KNVector* > Avar, KNVector& rhs, KNVector& par, KNVector& /*sol*/, KNArray1D<size_t>& var)
  for (size_t r = 0; r < var.size(); r++) Avar(r)->clear();
  // rhs doesn't need to be cleared

  // creates kk, ee, rr & interpolates p_xx & gets p_tau
//   init(sol, par);
  // builds up the structure of the sparse matrix
  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
    const size_t lend = NDIM * (rr(ee((NTAU+1)*(ndeg1+1)*(ndeg2+1)-1,idx),idx) + 1);
    for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++) A.newLine(lend);

  // the right-hand side
  sys->p_rhs(p_fx, time1, p_xx, par, 0);
  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
    for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++) 
      rhs(p + NDIM*idx) = par(0) * p_fx(p,idx) - p_xx(p, NTAU, idx) - par(RHO) * p_xx(p, NTAU + 1, idx);

  // derivatives w.r.t the parameters
  for (size_t r = 0; r < var.size(); r++)
    KNVector& deri = *Avar(r);
//!BEGIN w.r.t the period
    if (var(r) == 0)
      for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
        for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++) deri(p + NDIM*idx) = -p_fx(p,idx);
      sys->p_dtau(p_dtau, time1, par, 0);
      for (size_t k = 0; k < NTAU; k++)
        size_t nx = 1, vx = k, np = 0, vp = 0;
        sys->p_deri(p_dfx, time1, p_xx, par, 0, nx, &vx, np, &vp, p_dummy);
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
          for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++)
            for (size_t q = 0; q < NDIM; q++)
              const double d = p_tau(k,idx) / par(0) - p_dtau(k,idx);
              deri(p + NDIM*idx) -= p_dfx(p, q, idx) * d * (p_xx(q, NTAU + 2 * (k + 1), idx) + par(RHO) * p_xx(q, NTAU + 2 * (k + 1) + 1, idx));
//!END w.r.t the period
//!BEGIN w.r.t the ordinary parameters
    // derivatives w.r.t. the real parameters
    if (var(r) < NPAR)
      size_t nx = 0, vx = 0, np = 1, vp = var(r);
      sys->p_deri(p_dfp, time1, p_xx, par, 0, nx, &vx, np, &vp, p_dummy);
      for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
        for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++) deri(p + NDIM*idx) = - par(0) * p_dfp(p, 0, idx);
//!END w.r.t the ordinary parameters
//!BEGIN w.r.t the rotation number
    if (var(r) == RHO)
      for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
        for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++) deri(p + NDIM*idx) = p_xx(p, NTAU + 1, idx);
      sys->p_dtau(p_dtau, time1, par, 0);
      for (size_t k = 0; k < NTAU; k++)
        const size_t nx = 1, vx = k, np = 0, vp = 0;
        sys->p_deri(p_dfx, time1, p_xx, par, 0, nx, &vx, np, &vp, p_dummy);
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
          const double d = -p_tau(k, idx);
          for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++)
            for (size_t q = 0; q < NDIM; q++)
              deri(p + NDIM*idx) -= p_dfx(p, q, idx) * d * p_xx(q, NTAU + 2 * (k + 1) + 1, idx);
//!END w.r.t the rotation number
    else std::cout << "Jac:NNN\n";
  // fill the matrix
  for (size_t k = 0; k < NTAU + 1; k++)
    if (k != 0)
      // evaluate the solution
      const size_t nx = 1, vx = k - 1, np = 0, vp = 0;
      sys->p_deri(p_dfx, time1, p_xx, par, 0, nx, &vx, np, &vp, p_dummy);

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < time1.size(); ++idx)
      double tk1, tk2;
      if (k != 0)
        tk1 = time1(idx) - p_tau(k-1,idx) / par(0);
        tk2 = time2(idx) - par(RHO) * p_tau(k-1,idx) / par(0);
      } else
        tk1 = time1(idx);
        tk2 = time2(idx);
      const double c1 = nint1 * tk1 - floor(nint1 * tk1);
      const double c2 = nint2 * tk2 - floor(nint2 * tk2);

      // the real jacobian
      for (size_t l2 = 0; l2 < ndeg2 + 1; l2++)
        for (size_t l1 = 0; l1 < ndeg1 + 1; l1++)
          const size_t idxK = idxkk(l1, l2, k);
          if (k != 0)
            const double cf = poly_lgr_eval(mesh1, l1, c1) * poly_lgr_eval(mesh2, l2, c2);
            for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++)
              for (size_t q = 0; q < NDIM; q++)
                // jacobian of rhs
                A.writeIndex(p + NDIM*idx, q + NDIM*rr(idxK, idx)) = static_cast<int>(q + NDIM * kk(idxK, idx));
                A.writeData(p + NDIM*idx, q + NDIM*rr(idxK, idx)) -= cf * par(0) * p_dfx(p, q, idx);
            const double cf1 = poly_dlg_eval(mesh1, l1, c1) * nint1 * poly_lgr_eval(mesh2, l2, c2);
            const double cf2 = poly_lgr_eval(mesh1, l1, c1) * poly_dlg_eval(mesh2, l2, c2) * nint2;
            for (size_t p = 0; p < NDIM; p++)
              for (size_t q = 0; q < NDIM; q++)
                // derivative part of the jacobian
                A.writeIndex(p + NDIM*idx, q + NDIM*rr(idxK, idx)) = static_cast<int>(q + NDIM * kk(idxK, idx));
                if (p == q)
                  A.writeData(p + NDIM*idx, q + NDIM*rr(idxK, idx)) += cf1 + par(RHO) * cf2;
          // error check
          if (kk(idxK, idx) > (ndeg1*nint1)*(ndeg2*nint2)) std::cout << "D" << kk(idxK, idx);