// Rotate as specified in rad (based on base odometry information) with given speed in rad/s
bool Base::turn(bool clockwise, double radians, double speed)
	while (radians < 0)			radians += 2 * M_PI;
	while (radians > 2 * M_PI)	radians -= 2 * M_PI;

	tf::StampedTransform start_transform;
	tf::StampedTransform current_transform;

	// Wait and get transform
	tf_listener_odom_.waitForTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(5.0));
	tf_listener_odom_.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), start_transform);

	// Set cmd_
	cmd_.linear.x = cmd_.linear.y = cmd_.linear.z = 0.0;
	cmd_.angular.z = speed;
    if (clockwise)
        cmd_.angular.z = -speed ;

	// The axis we want to be rotating by
	tf::Vector3 desired_turn_axis(0, 0, 1);
	if (!clockwise)
		desired_turn_axis = -desired_turn_axis;

	// Loop until finished turn
	ros::Rate rate(PUBLISH_RATE_);
	bool done = false;

	while (!done && nh_.ok()) {
		// Send the drive command

		// Get the current transform
		try {
			tf_listener_odom_.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), current_transform);
		} catch (tf::TransformException ex) {
		tf::Transform relative_transform = start_transform.inverse() * current_transform;
		tf::Vector3 actual_turn_axis = relative_transform.getRotation().getAxis();
		double angle_turned = relative_transform.getRotation().getAngle();
		if (fabs(angle_turned) < 1.0e-2)

		if (actual_turn_axis.dot(desired_turn_axis) < 0)
			angle_turned = 2 * M_PI - angle_turned;

		if (angle_turned > radians)
			done = true;
	return done;
  bool turnOdom(double radians)
    // If the distance to travel is negligble, don't even try.
    if (fabs(radians) < 0.01)
      return true;
    while(radians < -M_PI) radians += 2*M_PI;
    while(radians > M_PI) radians -= 2*M_PI;

    //we will record transforms here
    tf::StampedTransform start_transform;
    tf::StampedTransform current_transform;

      //wait for the listener to get the first message
      listener_.waitForTransform(base_frame, odom_frame, 
                                 ros::Time::now(), ros::Duration(1.0));

      //record the starting transform from the odometry to the base frame
      listener_.lookupTransform(base_frame, odom_frame, 
                                ros::Time(0), start_transform);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
      return false;
    //we will be sending commands of type "twist"
    geometry_msgs::Twist base_cmd;
    //the command will be to turn at 0.75 rad/s
    base_cmd.linear.x = base_cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
    base_cmd.angular.z = turn_rate;
    if (radians < 0)
      base_cmd.angular.z = -turn_rate;
    //the axis we want to be rotating by
    tf::Vector3 desired_turn_axis(0,0,1);
    ros::Rate rate(25.0);
    bool done = false;
    while (!done && nh_.ok() && as_.isActive())
      //send the drive command
      //get the current transform
        listener_.lookupTransform(base_frame, odom_frame, 
                                  ros::Time(0), current_transform);
      catch (tf::TransformException ex)
      tf::Transform relative_transform = 
        start_transform.inverse() * current_transform;
      tf::Vector3 actual_turn_axis = 
      double angle_turned = relative_transform.getRotation().getAngle();
      // Update feedback and result.
      feedback_.turn_distance = angle_turned;
      result_.turn_distance = angle_turned;
      if ( fabs(angle_turned) < 1.0e-2) continue;

      //if ( actual_turn_axis.dot( desired_turn_axis ) < 0 ) 
      //  angle_turned = 2 * M_PI - angle_turned;

      if (fabs(angle_turned) > fabs(radians)) done = true;
    if (done) return true;
    return false;