Ejemplo n.º 1
static void destroy(openslide_t *osr) {
  struct leica_ops_data *data = osr->data;
  g_slice_free(struct leica_ops_data, data);

  for (int32_t i = 0; i < osr->level_count; i++) {
    destroy_level((struct level *) osr->levels[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Generate a new dungeon level
 * Note that "dun_body" adds about 4000 bytes of memory to the stack.
static bool cave_gen(void)
	int i, j, k, y, x, y1, x1;

   int extraloot,ctx;

   int sizelootadjustment,totalattempts;

	int max_vault_ok = 3;

	int feat1, feat2;

	cave_type *c_ptr;

	bool destroyed = FALSE;
	bool empty_level = FALSE;
	bool cavern = FALSE;

   bool lairlevel = FALSE; /*  Lair Level  */

   int lotsorooms = 0;

	int laketype = 0;

   int droom_min = DUN_ROOMS_MIN;

   int droom_max = DUN_ROOMS_MAX;

   int dmod = p_ptr->depth;

   int dmod2 = p_ptr->depth * 3;

	dun_data dun_body;

   if (dmod < 1) dmod = 1;

   if (one_in_(2)) lotsorooms = randint1(9)+1;

	/* Prepare allocation table */
	get_mon_num_prep(get_monster_hook(), NULL);

	/* Global data */
	dun = &dun_body;

   droom_min += dmod;
   droom_max += dmod2;

   if (droom_min > droom_max) droom_min = droom_max - 10;

   if (droom_max < droom_min) droom_max = droom_min + 10;

   if (droom_min < 1)
      droom_min = 5;
      droom_max = 15;

   if (lotsorooms)
      droom_min *= lotsorooms;
      droom_max *= lotsorooms;

   if (droom_min > 100) droom_min = 100;
   if (droom_max > 300) droom_max = 300;

   if (one_in_(11)) lairlevel = TRUE;

   extraloot = 0;
   ctx = 0;
   sizelootadjustment = 0;
   totalattempts = 0;

   sizelootadjustment = ((max_hgt - min_hgt) / 22) + ((max_wid - min_wid) / 66);

   if (sizelootadjustment < 1) sizelootadjustment = 1;

	if (max_hgt - min_hgt < 23) max_vault_ok--;
	if (max_wid - min_wid < 34) max_vault_ok--;

	/* Hack - no vaults in moria mode */
	if (ironman_moria) max_vault_ok = 0;

	/* Randomize the dungeon creation values */
	dun_rooms = rand_range(droom_min, droom_max);
	dun_tun_rnd = rand_range(DUN_TUN_RND_MIN, DUN_TUN_RND_MAX);
	dun_tun_chg = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CHG_MIN, DUN_TUN_CHG_MAX);
	dun_tun_con = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CON_MIN, DUN_TUN_CON_MAX);
	dun_tun_pen = rand_range(DUN_TUN_PEN_MIN, DUN_TUN_PEN_MAX);
	dun_tun_jct = rand_range(DUN_TUN_JCT_MIN, DUN_TUN_JCT_MAX);

	/* Empty arena levels */
	if (ironman_empty_levels || (empty_levels && one_in_(EMPTY_LEVEL)))
		empty_level = TRUE;

		if (cheat_room)
			msg_print("Arena level.");

	/* Hack -- Start with basic granite */
	for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
		for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
			if (empty_level)
				cave[y][x].feat = FEAT_FLOOR;
			  /* Create granite wall */
				cave[y][x].feat = FEAT_WALL_EXTRA;

	/* Possible "destroyed" level */
	if ((p_ptr->depth > 15) && one_in_(DUN_DEST) && (small_levels))
		destroyed = TRUE;

		/* extra rubble around the place looks cool */

	/* Make a lake some of the time */
	if (one_in_(LAKE_LEVEL) && !empty_level && !destroyed && terrain_streams)
		/* Lake of Water */
		if (p_ptr->depth > 52) laketype = LAKE_WATER;

		/* Lake of Lava */
		if (p_ptr->depth > 90) laketype = LAKE_LAVA;

		if (laketype != 0)
			if (cheat_room)
				msg_print("Lake on the level.");

	if (one_in_(DUN_CAV1/(p_ptr->depth + DUN_CAV2)) && !empty_level &&
	    (laketype == 0) && !destroyed && (p_ptr->depth >= MIN_CAVERN))
		cavern = TRUE;

		/* make a large fractal cave in the middle of the dungeon */

		if (cheat_room)
			msg_print("Cavern on level.");


	/* Hack -- No destroyed "quest" levels */
	if (quest_number(p_ptr->depth)) destroyed = FALSE;

	/* Actual maximum number of rooms on this level */
	dun->row_rooms = (max_hgt - min_hgt) / BLOCK_HGT;
	dun->col_rooms = (max_wid - min_hgt) / BLOCK_WID;

	/* Initialize the room table */
	for (y = 0; y < dun->row_rooms; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < dun->col_rooms; x++)
			dun->room_map[y][x] = FALSE;

	/* No "crowded" rooms yet */
	dun->crowded = 0;

	/* No rooms yet */
	dun->cent_n = 0;

	/* Build some rooms */
	for (i = 0; i < dun_rooms; i++)
		/* Pick a block for the room */
		y = randint0(dun->row_rooms);
		x = randint0(dun->col_rooms);

		/* Align dungeon rooms */
		if (dungeon_align)
			/* Slide some rooms right */
			if ((x % 3) == 0) x++;

			/* Slide some rooms left */
			if ((x % 3) == 2) x--;

		/* Attempt an "unusual" room */
		if (ironman_rooms || (randint0(DUN_UNUSUAL) < p_ptr->depth))
			/* Roll for room type */
			k = randint0(100);

			/* Attempt a very unusual room */
			if ((ironman_rooms && (randint0(DUN_UNUSUAL) < p_ptr->depth * 2)) ||
				 (randint0(DUN_UNUSUAL) < p_ptr->depth))
#ifdef FORCE_V_IDX
				if (room_build(y, x, 8)) continue;
				/* Type 8 -- Greater vault (10%) */
				if (k < 10)
					if (max_vault_ok > 1)
						if (room_build(y, x, 8)) continue;
						if (cheat_room) msg_format("Refusing a greater vault. %d", max_vault_ok);

				/* Type 7 -- Lesser vault (13%) */
				if (k < 23)
					if (max_vault_ok > 0)
						if (room_build(y, x, 7)) continue;
						if (cheat_room) msg_print("Refusing a lesser vault.");

				/* Type 5 -- Monster nest (8%) */
				if ((k < 31) && room_build(y, x, 5)) continue;

				/* Type 6 -- Monster pit (5%) */
				if ((k < 36) && room_build(y, x, 6)) continue;

				/* Type 10 -- Random vault (11%) */
				if (k < 47)
					if (max_vault_ok > 0)
						if (room_build(y, x, 10)) continue;
						if (cheat_room) msg_print("Refusing a random vault.");

			/* Type 4 -- Large room (15%) */
			if ((k < 15) && room_build(y, x, 4)) continue;

			/* Type 14 -- Large room (10%) */
			if ((k < 25) && room_build(y, x, 14)) continue;

			/* Type 13 -- Large Feature room (5%) */
			if ((k < 30) && room_build(y, x, 13)) continue;

			/* Type 3 -- Cross room (20%) */
			if ((k < 50) && room_build(y, x, 3)) continue;

			/* Type 2 -- Overlapping (25%) */
			if ((k < 75) && room_build(y, x, 2)) continue;

			/* Type 11 -- Parallelagram (5%) */
			if ((k < 80) && room_build(y, x, 15)) continue;

			/* Type 11 -- Circular (5%) */
			if ((k < 85) && room_build(y, x, 11)) continue;

			/* Type 12 -- Crypt (15%) */
			if ((k < 100) && room_build(y, x, 12)) continue;

		/* The deeper you are, the more cavelike the rooms are */
		k = randint1(100);

		/* No caves when a cavern exists: they look bad */
		if ((k < p_ptr->depth) && (!cavern) && (!empty_level) && (laketype == 0))
			/* Type 9 -- Fractal cave */
			if (room_build(y, x, 9)) continue;
			/* Attempt a "trivial" room */
			if (room_build(y, x, 1)) continue;

	/* Make a hole in the dungeon roof sometimes at level 1 */
	if ((p_ptr->depth == 1) && terrain_streams)
		while (one_in_(DUN_MOS_DEN))
			place_trees(rand_range(min_wid + 1, max_wid - 2),
				 rand_range(min_hgt + 1, max_hgt - 2));

	/* Destroy the level if necessary */
	if (destroyed) destroy_level();

	/* Hack -- Add some rivers */
	if (one_in_(3) && (randint1(p_ptr->depth) > 5) && terrain_streams)
	 	/* Choose water or lava */
		if (randint0(MAX_DEPTH * 2) > p_ptr->depth)
			feat1 = FEAT_DEEP_WATER;
			feat2 = FEAT_SHAL_WATER;
			feat1 = FEAT_DEEP_LAVA;
			feat2 = FEAT_SHAL_LAVA;

	 	/* Only add river if matches lake type or if have no lake at all */
	 	if (((laketype == 1) && (feat1 == FEAT_DEEP_LAVA)) ||
	 	    ((laketype == 2) && (feat1 == FEAT_DEEP_WATER)) ||
		     (laketype == 0))
			add_river(feat1, feat2);

	/* Special boundary walls -- Top */
	for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[min_hgt][x].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Special boundary walls -- Bottom */
	for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[max_hgt - 1][x].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Special boundary walls -- Left */
	for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[y][min_wid].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Special boundary walls -- Right */
	for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[y][max_wid - 1].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Hack -- Scramble the room order */
	for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)
		int pick1 = randint0(dun->cent_n);
		int pick2 = randint0(dun->cent_n);
		y1 = dun->cent[pick1].y;
		x1 = dun->cent[pick1].x;
		dun->cent[pick1].y = dun->cent[pick2].y;
		dun->cent[pick1].x = dun->cent[pick2].x;
		dun->cent[pick2].y = y1;
		dun->cent[pick2].x = x1;

	/* Start with no tunnel doors */
	dun->door_n = 0;

	/* Hack -- connect the first room to the last room */
	y = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].y;
	x = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].x;

	/* Connect all the rooms together */
	for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)

		/* Reset the arrays */
		dun->tunn_n = 0;
		dun->wall_n = 0;

		/* Connect the room to the previous room */

		if ((randint1(20) > p_ptr->depth) && one_in_(4))
			/* make catacomb-like tunnel */
			(void)build_tunnel2(dun->cent[i].x, dun->cent[i].y, x, y, 3, 30);
		else if (randint1(p_ptr->depth) > 50)
		if (randint1(p_ptr->depth) > 50)
#endif /* PILLAR_TUNNELS */
			/* make cave-like tunnel */
			(void)build_tunnel2(dun->cent[i].x, dun->cent[i].y, x, y, 2, 2);
			/* make normal tunnel */
			build_tunnel(dun->cent[i].y, dun->cent[i].x, y, x);

		/* Turn the tunnel into corridor */
		for (j = 0; j < dun->tunn_n; j++)
			/* Access the grid */
			y = dun->tunn[j].y;
			x = dun->tunn[j].x;

			/* Access the grid */
			c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

			/* Deleting a locked or jammed door is problematical */

			/* Clear previous contents (if not a lake), add a floor */
			if ((c_ptr->feat < FEAT_DEEP_WATER) ||
			    (c_ptr->feat > FEAT_SHAL_LAVA))
				c_ptr->feat = FEAT_FLOOR;

		/* Apply the piercings that we found */
		for (j = 0; j < dun->wall_n; j++)
			/* Access the grid */
			y = dun->wall[j].y;
			x = dun->wall[j].x;

			/* Access the grid */
			c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

			/* Deleting a locked or jammed door is problematical */

			/* Clear previous contents, add up floor */
			c_ptr->feat = FEAT_FLOOR;

			/* Occasional doorway */
			if (randint0(100) < dun_tun_pen)
				/* Place a random door */
				place_random_door(y, x);

		/* Remember the "previous" room */
		y = dun->cent[i].y;
		x = dun->cent[i].x;

	/* Place intersection doors	 */
	for (i = 0; i < dun->door_n; i++)
		/* Extract junction location */
		y = dun->door[i].y;
		x = dun->door[i].x;

		/* Try placing doors */
		try_door(y, x - 1);
		try_door(y, x + 1);
		try_door(y - 1, x);
		try_door(y + 1, x);

	/* Hack -- Add some magma streamers */
	for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_MAG; i++)
		build_streamer(FEAT_MAGMA, DUN_STR_MC);

	/* Hack -- Add some quartz streamers */
	for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_QUA; i++)
		build_streamer(FEAT_QUARTZ, DUN_STR_QC);

	/* Place 3 or 4 down stairs near some walls */
	if (!alloc_stairs(FEAT_MORE, rand_range(3, 4), 3)) return FALSE;

	/* Place 1 or 2 up stairs near some walls */
	if (!alloc_stairs(FEAT_LESS, rand_range(3, 4), 3)) return FALSE;

	/* Handle the quest monster placements */
	for (i = 0; i < max_quests; i++)
		if ((quest[i].status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) &&
		    ((quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_KILL_LEVEL) ||
		    (quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_RANDOM)) &&
		    (quest[i].level == p_ptr->depth) &&
			!(quest[i].flags & QUEST_FLAG_PRESET))
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[quest[i].r_idx];

			/* Hack -- "unique" monsters must be "unique" */
			if ((r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) &&
			    (r_ptr->cur_num >= r_ptr->max_num))
				/* The unique is already dead */
				quest[i].status = QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED;
				bool group;

				/* Hard quests -> revive all monsters */
				if (ironman_hard_quests)
					quest[i].cur_num = 0;

				for (j = 0; j < (quest[i].max_num - quest[i].cur_num); j++)
					for (k = 0; k < SAFE_MAX_ATTEMPTS; k++)
						/* Find an empty grid */
						while (TRUE)
							y = rand_range(min_hgt + 1, max_hgt - 2);
							x = rand_range(min_wid + 1, max_wid - 2);

							/* Access the grid */
							c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

							if (!cave_naked_grid(c_ptr)) continue;
							if (distance(y, x, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px) < 10) continue;
							else break;

						if (r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_FRIENDS)
							group = FALSE;
							group = TRUE;

						/* Try to place the monster */
						if (place_monster_aux(y, x, quest[i].r_idx, FALSE, group, FALSE, FALSE))
							/* Success */
							/* Failure - Try again */

	/* Basic "amount" */
	k = (p_ptr->depth / 3);
	if (k > 10) k = 10;
	if (k < 2) k = 2;

	/* Pick a base number of monsters */

   if (!(lairlevel))

   	/* To make small levels a bit more playable */
	   if (max_hgt < MAX_HGT || max_wid < MAX_WID)
	   	int small_tester = i;

		   i = (i * max_hgt) / MAX_HGT;
   		i = (i * max_wid) / MAX_WID;
	   	i += 1;

		   if (i > small_tester) i = small_tester;
   		else if (cheat_hear)
		   	msg_format("Reduced monsters base from %d to %d", small_tester, i);

   	i += randint1(8);

   	/* Put some monsters in the dungeon */
	   for (i = i + k; i > 0; i--)
	   	(void)alloc_monster(0, TRUE);

   if (lairlevel)
		int r_idx = get_mon_num(p_ptr->depth + randint1(12) + 3), attempts = (randint1(200)+100);
      monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx];

      attempts += ((10 + sizelootadjustment) * r_ptr->level);

      if (cheat_room)
   	msg_print("Smile!  Then Die!");

      totalattempts = 0;

		while (attempts && (totalattempts <= 10000))
/*         attempts--;*/

         ctx = 0;

			y = rand_range(min_hgt + 1, max_hgt - 2);
			x = rand_range(min_wid + 1, max_wid - 2);

			/* Access the grid */
			c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

			if (!cave_naked_grid(c_ptr)) ctx = 1;
			if (distance(y, x, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px) < 10) ctx = 1;

   		/* Try to place the monster */
         if (ctx == 0)
	   	   if (place_monster_aux(y, x, r_idx, FALSE, (one_in_(10)) ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))

	/* Place some traps in the dungeon */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_TRAP, randint1(k));

	/* Put some rubble in corridors */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_CORR, ALLOC_TYP_RUBBLE, randint1(k));

	/* Put some objects in rooms */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_ROOM, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ROOM, 3));

   if (lairlevel)
	   alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_TRAP, randint1(k*30));

   	/* Hack - Make loot desirable! */
      /* AKA - Sucker in the PC  */
	   dun_theme.treasure = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].treasure;
   	dun_theme.combat = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].combat;
	   dun_theme.magic = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].magic;
   	dun_theme.tools = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].tools;

   	/* Put loot! in the dungeon */
	   alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, extraloot);
   	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_GOLD, extraloot);

	/* Hack - Reset the object theme */
	dun_theme.treasure = 20;
	dun_theme.combat = 20;
	dun_theme.magic = 20;
	dun_theme.tools = 20;

   /* Put some objects/gold in the dungeon */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ITEM, 3));
   alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_GOLD, randnor(DUN_AMT_GOLD, 3));

	/* Put some invisible walls in the dungeon for nightmare mode */
	if (ironman_nightmare)
		alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_INVIS, randnor(DUN_AMT_INVIS, 3));

	if (empty_level && (!one_in_(DARK_EMPTY) || (randint1(100) > p_ptr->depth)))
		/* Lite the cave */
		for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
			for (x = min_hgt; x < max_wid; x++)
				cave[y][x].info |= (CAVE_GLOW);

	/* Determine the character location */
	if (!new_player_spot())
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Handle player hitting a real trap.  Rewritten in Oangband to allow a
 * greater variety of traps, with effects controlled by dungeon level.
 * To allow a trap to choose one of a variety of effects consistantly,
 * the quick RNG is often used, and xy coordinates input as a seed value.
extern void hit_trap(int y, int x)
    int i, j, k, num;
    int dam = 0;

    int nastyness, selection;

    feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];

    cptr name = f_ptr->name;

    /* Use the "simple" RNG to insure that traps are consistant. */
    Rand_quick = TRUE;

    /* Use the coordinates of the trap to seed the RNG. */
    Rand_value = y * x;

    /* Disturb the player */
    disturb(0, 0);

    /* Analyze XXX XXX XXX */
    switch (cave_feat[y][x]) {
    /* trap door. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x00:
        Rand_quick = FALSE;

        /* Paranoia -NRM- */
        if (((stage_map[p_ptr->stage][STAGE_TYPE] == CAVE)
                || (stage_map[p_ptr->stage][STAGE_TYPE] == VALLEY))
                && (!stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN])) {
            cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
            cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_FLOOR);
            msg_print("The trap fails!");

        msg_print("You fall through a trap door!");
        if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
            notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
            msg_print("You float gently down to the next level.");
        } else {
            dam = damroll(2, 8);
            take_hit(dam, name);
        /* Remember where we came from */
        p_ptr->last_stage = p_ptr->stage;

        if (!stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN]) {
            /* Set the ways forward and back */
            stage_map[255][UP] = p_ptr->stage;
            stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN] = 255;
            stage_map[255][DEPTH] = p_ptr->depth + 1;

        /* New stage */
        p_ptr->stage = stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN];

        /* New depth */
        p_ptr->depth = stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DEPTH];

        /* Leaving */
        p_ptr->leaving = TRUE;

        Rand_quick = TRUE;


    /* pits. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x01:
        /* determine how dangerous the trap is allowed to be. */
        nastyness = randint1(p_ptr->depth);
        if (randint1(20) == 1)
            nastyness += 20;
        else if (randint1(5) == 1)
            nastyness += 10;

        /* Player is now in pit. */
        monster_swap(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, y, x);

        /* Center on player. */
        y = p_ptr->py;
        x = p_ptr->px;

        /* pit of daggers. */
        if ((nastyness > 80) && (randint1(3) != 3)) {
            msg_print("You fall into a pit of daggers!");

            if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
                notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
                msg_print("You float gently to the floor of the pit.");
                msg_print("You carefully avoid setting off the daggers.");

            else {
                /* a trap of morgul. */
                if (randint1(6) == 1) {
                    Rand_quick = FALSE;

                    ("A single coldly gleaming dagger pierces you deeply!");
                    ("You feel a deadly chill slowly withering your soul.");

                    /* activate the Black Breath. */
                    p_ptr->black_breath = TRUE;

                    /* lots of damage. */
                    dam = damroll(20, 15);

                    /* undead may be attracted. */
                    if (randint1(2) == 1) {
                        ("Undead suddenly appear and call you to them!");

                        k = randint1(3) + 2;
                        for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
                            summon_specific(y, x, FALSE, p_ptr->depth,

                    /* morgul-traps are one-time only. */
                    cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
                    cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_FLOOR);

                    Rand_quick = TRUE;

                else {
                    Rand_quick = FALSE;

                    /* activate the ordinary daggers. */
                    msg_print("Daggers pierce you everywhere!");

                    k = randint1(10) + 5;
                    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
                        dam += damroll(3, 4);

                    Rand_quick = TRUE;

                /* cut the player. */
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_CUT, randint1(dam), TRUE);

                /* Take the damage. */
                take_hit(dam, name);

        /* poisoned spiked pit. */
        else if ((nastyness > 55) && (randint1(3) != 3)) {
            msg_print("You fall into a spiked pit!");

            if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
                notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
                msg_print("You float gently to the floor of the pit.");
                msg_print("You carefully avoid touching the spikes.");

            else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                /* Base damage */
                dam = damroll(2, 6);

                /* Extra spike damage */
                if (randint0(100) < 85) {
                    bool was_poisoned;

                    msg_print("You are impaled on poisonous spikes!");

                    dam = dam * (randint1(6) + 3);
                    (void) inc_timed(TMD_CUT, randint1(dam), TRUE);

                    was_poisoned = pois_hit(dam);

                    if (!was_poisoned)
                        msg_print("The poison does not affect you!");

                /* Take the damage */
                take_hit(dam, name);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* spiked pit. */
        else if ((nastyness > 30) && (randint1(3) != 3)) {
            msg_print("You fall into a spiked pit!");

            if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
                notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
                msg_print("You float gently to the floor of the pit.");
                msg_print("You carefully avoid touching the spikes.");

            else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                /* Base damage */
                dam = damroll(2, 6);

                /* Extra spike damage */
                if (randint0(100) < 85) {
                    msg_print("You are impaled!");

                    dam = dam * (2 + randint1(4));
                    (void) inc_timed(TMD_CUT, randint1(dam), TRUE);

                /* Take the damage */
                take_hit(dam, name);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* ordinary pit in all other cases. */
        else {
            msg_print("You fall into a pit!");
            if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
                notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
                msg_print("You float gently to the bottom of the pit.");
            } else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                dam = damroll(2, 6);
                take_hit(dam, name);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;


    /* stat-reducing dart traps. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x02:
        /* decide if the dart hits. */
        if (check_trap_hit(50 + p_ptr->depth)) {
            /* select a stat to drain. */
            selection = randint0(6);

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            msg_print("A small dart hits you!");
            dam = damroll(1, 4);
            take_hit(dam, name);

            /* Determine how dangerous the trap is allowed to be. */
            nastyness = randint1(p_ptr->depth);

            /* decide how much to drain the stat by. */
            if ((nastyness > 50) && (randint1(3) == 1)) {
                num = randint1(4);
            } else
                num = 1;

            /* drain the stat. */
            for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                (void) do_dec_stat(selection);

            Rand_quick = TRUE;
        } else {
            msg_print("A small dart barely misses you.");

    /* discolored spots. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x03:
        /* determine how dangerous the trap is allowed to be. */
        nastyness = randint1(p_ptr->depth);
        if (randint1(5) == 1)
            nastyness += 10;

        /* pick a elemental attack type. */
        selection = randint1(4);

        /* electicity trap. */
        if (selection == 1) {
            if ((nastyness >= 50) && (randint1(2) == 1)) {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You are struck by lightning!");
                dam = damroll(6, 30);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            } else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You get zapped!");
                dam = damroll(4, 8);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            Rand_quick = FALSE;
            elec_dam(dam, "an electricity trap");
            Rand_quick = TRUE;


        /* frost trap. */
        if (selection == 2) {
            if ((nastyness >= 50) && (randint1(2) == 1)) {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You are lost within a blizzard!");
                dam = damroll(6, 30);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            } else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You are coated in frost!");
                dam = damroll(4, 8);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            Rand_quick = FALSE;
            cold_dam(dam, "a frost trap");
            Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* fire trap. */
        if (selection == 3) {
            if ((nastyness >= 50) && (randint1(2) == 1)) {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You are enveloped in a column of fire!");
                dam = damroll(6, 30);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            } else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You are surrounded by flames!");
                dam = damroll(4, 8);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            Rand_quick = FALSE;
            fire_dam(dam, "a fire trap");
            Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* acid trap. */
        if (selection == 4) {
            if ((nastyness >= 50) && (randint1(2) == 1)) {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("A cauldron of acid is tipped over your head!");
                dam = damroll(6, 30);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            } else {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                msg_print("You are splashed with acid!");
                dam = damroll(4, 8);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            Rand_quick = FALSE;
            acid_dam(dam, "an acid trap");
            Rand_quick = TRUE;


    /* gas traps. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x04:
        selection = randint1(4);

        /* blinding trap. */
        if (selection == 1) {
            msg_print("You are surrounded by a black gas!");
            if (!p_ptr->state.no_blind) {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                (void) inc_timed(TMD_BLIND, randint0(30) + 15, TRUE);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
        } else
            notice_obj(OF_SEEING, 0);

        /* confusing trap. */
        if (selection == 2) {
            ("You are surrounded by a gas of scintillating colors!");
            if (!p_resist_good(P_RES_CONFU)) {
                Rand_quick = FALSE;

                (void) inc_timed(TMD_CONFUSED, randint0(20) + 10, TRUE);

                Rand_quick = TRUE;
            } else
                notice_other(IF_RES_CONFU, 0);

        /* poisoning trap. */
        if (selection == 3) {
            msg_print("You are surrounded by a pungent green gas!");

            Rand_quick = FALSE;


            Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* sleeping trap. */
        if (selection == 4) {
            msg_print("You are surrounded by a strange white mist!");
            if (!p_ptr->state.free_act) {
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_PARALYZED, randint0(10) + 5, TRUE);
            } else
                notice_obj(OF_FREE_ACT, 0);


    /* summoning traps. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x05:
        /* sometimes summon thieves. */
        if ((p_ptr->depth > 8) && (randint1(5) == 1)) {
            msg_print("You have aroused a den of thieves!");

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            num = 2 + randint1(3);
            for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                (void) summon_specific(y, x, FALSE, p_ptr->depth,

            Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* sometimes summon a nasty unique. */
        else if (randint1(8) == 1) {
            msg_print("You are enveloped in a cloud of smoke!");

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            (void) summon_specific(y, x, FALSE, p_ptr->depth + 5,

            Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* otherwise, the ordinary summon monsters. */
        else {
            msg_print("You are enveloped in a cloud of smoke!");

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            num = 2 + randint1(3);
            for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                (void) summon_specific(y, x, FALSE, p_ptr->depth, 0);

            Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* these are all one-time traps. */
        cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_FLOOR);


    /* dungeon alteration traps. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x06:
        /* determine how dangerous the trap is allowed to be. */
        nastyness = randint1(p_ptr->depth);
        if (randint1(5) == 1)
            nastyness += 10;

        /* make room for alterations. */
        cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_FLOOR);

        /* Everything truely random from here on. */
        Rand_quick = FALSE;

        /* dungeon destruction trap. */
        if ((nastyness > 60) && (randint1(12) == 1)) {
            ("A ear-splitting howl shatters your mind as the dungeon is smashed by hammer blows!");

            (void) destroy_level(FALSE);

            /* the player is hard-hit. */
            (void) inc_timed(TMD_CONFUSED, randint0(20) + 10, TRUE);
            (void) inc_timed(TMD_BLIND, randint0(30) + 15, TRUE);
            (void) inc_timed(TMD_STUN, randint1(50) + 50, TRUE);
            dam = damroll(15, 15);
            take_hit(dam, name);

        /* earthquake trap. */
        else if ((nastyness > 20) && (randint1(4) == 1)) {
            msg_print("A tremor shakes the earth around you");
            earthquake(y, x, 10, FALSE);

        /* falling rock trap. */
        else if ((nastyness > 4) && (randint1(2) == 1)) {
            msg_print("A rock falls on your head.");
            dam = damroll(2, 10);
            take_hit(dam, name);

            (void) inc_timed(TMD_STUN, randint1(10) + 10, TRUE);

        /* a few pebbles. */
        else {
            msg_print("A bunch of pebbles rain down on you.");
            dam = damroll(1, 8);
            take_hit(dam, name);

        Rand_quick = TRUE;


    /* various char and equipment-alteration traps, lumped together to
     * avoid any one effect being too common (some of them can be rather
     * nasty). */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x07:
        /* determine how dangerous the trap is allowed to be. */
        nastyness = randint0(100);

        /* these are all one-time traps. */
        cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_FLOOR);

        /* Everything truely random from here on. */
        Rand_quick = FALSE;

        /* trap of drain wands. */
        if (nastyness < 15) {
            /* Hold the object information. */
            object_type *o_ptr;

            /* Find an item */
            for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                /* Pick an item */
                i = randint0(INVEN_PACK - p_ptr->pack_size_reduce);

                /* Obtain the item */
                o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

                /* use "num" to decide if a item can be uncharged.  By
                 * default, assume it can't. */
                num = 0;

                /* Skip non-objects */
                if (!o_ptr->k_idx)

                /* Drain charged wands/staffs/rods */
                if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF) || (o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND)
                        || (o_ptr->tval == TV_ROD)) {
                    /* case of charged wands/staffs. */
                    if (((o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF)
                            || (o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND)) && (o_ptr->pval))
                        num = 1;

                    /* case of charged rods. */
                    if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_ROD)
                            && (o_ptr->timeout < randcalc(o_ptr->time, 0,
                        num = 1;

                    if (num == 1) {
                        /* Message */
                        msg_print("Energy drains from your pack!");

                        /* Uncharge */
                        if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF)
                                || (o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND))
                            o_ptr->pval = 0;

                        if (o_ptr->tval == TV_ROD)
                            o_ptr->timeout = randcalc(o_ptr->time, 0, RANDOMISE) * o_ptr->number * 2;

                        /* Combine / Reorder the pack */
                        p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER);

                        /* not more than one inventory slot effected. */
                    } else

        /* trap of forgetting. */
        else if (nastyness < 35) {
            if (check_save(100)) {
                msg_print("You hang on to your memories!");
            } else if (lose_all_info()) {
                msg_print("Your memories fade away.");

        /* trap of alter reality. */
        else if (nastyness < 50) {
            if (OPT(adult_ironman))
                msg_print("Nothing happens.");
            else {
                msg_print("The world changes!");

                /* Leaving */
                p_ptr->leaving = TRUE;

        /* trap of remold player. */
        else if (nastyness < 75) {
            int max1, cur1, max2, cur2, ii, jj;

            msg_print("You feel yourself being twisted by wild magic!");

            if (check_save(100)) {
                msg_print("You resist the effects!");
            } else {
                msg_print("Your body starts to scramble...");

                /* Pick a pair of stats */
                ii = randint0(6);
                for (jj = ii; jj == ii; jj = randint0(6))	/* loop */

                max1 = p_ptr->stat_max[ii];
                cur1 = p_ptr->stat_cur[ii];
                max2 = p_ptr->stat_max[jj];
                cur2 = p_ptr->stat_cur[jj];

                p_ptr->stat_max[ii] = max2;
                p_ptr->stat_cur[ii] = cur2;
                p_ptr->stat_max[jj] = max1;
                p_ptr->stat_cur[jj] = cur1;

                p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

        /* time ball trap. */
        else if (nastyness < 90) {
            msg_print("You feel time itself assault you!");

            /* Target the player with a radius 0 ball attack. */
            fire_meteor(0, GF_TIME, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, 75, 0, TRUE);

        /* trap of bugs gone berserk. */
        else {
            /* explain what the dickens is going on. */
            msg_print("GRUESOME Gnawing Bugs leap out at you!");

            if (!p_resist_good(P_RES_CONFU)) {
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_CONFUSED, randint0(20) + 10, TRUE);
            } else
                notice_other(IF_RES_CONFU, 0);

            if (!p_resist_good(P_RES_CHAOS)) {
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_IMAGE, randint1(40), TRUE);
            } else
                notice_other(IF_RES_CHAOS, 0);

            /* XXX (hard coded) summon 3-6 bugs. */
            k = randint1(4) + 2;
            for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
                /* Look for a location */
                for (j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
                    /* Pick a (scattered) distance. */
                    int d = (j / 10) + randint1(3);

                    /* Pick a location */
                    scatter(&y, &x, y, x, d, 0);

                    /* Require passable terrain */
                    if (!cave_passable_bold(y, x))

                    /* Hack -- no summon on glyph of warding */
                    if (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_RUNE_PROTECT)

                    /* Okay */

                /* Attempt to place the awake bug */
                place_monster_aux(y, x, 453, FALSE, TRUE);

            /* herald the arrival of bugs. */
            msg_print("AAAAAAAHHHH! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!");

        Rand_quick = TRUE;


    /* teleport trap */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x08:
        if (stage_map[p_ptr->stage][STAGE_TYPE] >= CAVE)
            msg_print("You teleport across the dungeon.");
            msg_print("You teleport across the wilderness.");

        Rand_quick = FALSE;

        teleport_player(250, FALSE);

        Rand_quick = TRUE;


    /* murder holes. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x09:
        /* hold the object info. */
        object_type *o_ptr;
        object_type object_type_body;

        /* hold the missile type and name. */
        int sval = 0;
        int tval = 0;
        cptr missile_name = "";

        /* Determine the missile type and base damage. */
        if (randint1(3) == 1) {
            if (p_ptr->depth < 40) {
                missile_name = "shot";
                dam = damroll(2, 3);
                tval = TV_SHOT;
                sval = SV_AMMO_NORMAL;
            } else {
                missile_name = "seeker shot";
                dam = damroll(3, 7);
                tval = TV_SHOT;
                sval = SV_AMMO_HEAVY;

        else if (randint1(2) == 1) {
            if (p_ptr->depth < 55) {
                missile_name = "arrow";
                dam = damroll(2, 4);
                tval = TV_ARROW;
                sval = SV_AMMO_NORMAL;
            } else {
                missile_name = "seeker arrow";
                dam = damroll(3, 9);
                tval = TV_ARROW;
                sval = SV_AMMO_HEAVY;

        else {
            if (p_ptr->depth < 65) {
                missile_name = "bolt";
                dam = damroll(2, 5);
                tval = TV_BOLT;
                sval = SV_AMMO_NORMAL;
            } else {
                missile_name = "seeker bolt";
                dam = damroll(3, 11);
                tval = TV_BOLT;
                sval = SV_AMMO_HEAVY;

        /* determine if the missile hits. */
        if (check_trap_hit(75 + p_ptr->depth)) {
            msg_format("A %s hits you from above.", missile_name);

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            /* critical hits. */
            if (randint1(2) == 1) {
                msg_print("It was well-aimed!");
                dam *= 1 + randint1(2);
            if (randint1(2) == 1) {
                msg_print("It gouges you!");
                dam = 3 * dam / 2;

                /* cut the player. */
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_CUT, randint1(dam), TRUE);

            Rand_quick = TRUE;

            take_hit(dam, name);

        /* Explain what just happened. */
            msg_format("A %s wizzes by your head.", missile_name);

        /* these will eventually run out of ammo. */

        Rand_quick = FALSE;

        if (randint0(8) == 0) {
            cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
            cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_FLOOR);

        Rand_quick = TRUE;

        /* Get local object */
        o_ptr = &object_type_body;

        /* Make a missile, identify it, and drop it near the player. */
        object_prep(o_ptr, lookup_kind(tval, sval), MINIMISE);
        drop_near(o_ptr, -1, y, x, TRUE);


    /* falling tree branch */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x0A:
        /* determine if the missile hits. */
        if (check_trap_hit(75 + p_ptr->depth)) {
            /* Take damage */
            dam = damroll(3, 5);
            msg_print("A branch hits you from above.");

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            /* critical hits. */
            if (randint1(2) == 1) {
                msg_print("It was heavy!");
                dam = 3 * dam / 2;

                /* stun the player. */
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_STUN, randint1(dam), TRUE);

            Rand_quick = TRUE;

            take_hit(dam, name);

        /* Explain what just happened. */
            msg_print("A falling branch just misses you.");

        /* No more */
        cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_TREE);


    /* falling tree branch */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x0B:
        /* determine if the missile hits. */
        if (check_trap_hit(75 + p_ptr->depth)) {
            /* Take damage */
            dam = damroll(3, 5);
            msg_print("A branch hits you from above.");

            Rand_quick = FALSE;

            /* critical hits. */
            if (randint1(2) == 1) {
                msg_print("It was heavy!");
                dam = 3 * dam / 2;

                /* stun the player. */
                (void) inc_timed(TMD_STUN, randint1(dam), TRUE);

            Rand_quick = TRUE;

            take_hit(dam, name);

        /* Explain what just happened. */
            msg_print("A falling branch just misses you.");

        /* No more */
        cave_info[y][x] &= ~(CAVE_MARK);
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_TREE2);


    /* undefined trap. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x0C:
        msg_print("A dagger is thrown at you from the shadows!");
        dam = damroll(3, 4);
        take_hit(dam, name);


    /* undefined trap. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x0D:
        msg_print("A dagger is thrown at you from the shadows!");
        dam = damroll(3, 4);
        take_hit(dam, name);


    /* undefined trap. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x0E:
        msg_print("A dagger is thrown at you from the shadows!");
        dam = damroll(3, 4);
        take_hit(dam, name);


    /* undefined trap. */
    case FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x0F:
        msg_print("A dagger is thrown at you from the shadows!");
        dam = damroll(3, 4);
        take_hit(dam, name);



    /* Revert to usage of the complex RNG. */
    Rand_quick = FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  int my_rank=0;
  int num_tasks=1;
  int OMP_Threads = 1;

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
  #ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel 
    #pragma omp master
      OMP_Threads = omp_get_num_threads();

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
  // initialize MPI and HPM
  #ifdef USE_MPI
  int    actual_threading_model = -1;
  int requested_threading_model = -1;
      requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_SINGLE;
    //requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED;
    //requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED;
    //requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE;
    #ifdef _OPENMP
      requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED;
    //requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED;
    //requested_threading_model = MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE;
  MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, requested_threading_model, &actual_threading_model);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_tasks);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
  #ifdef USE_HPM // IBM HPM counters for BGQ...
  #endif // USE_MPI

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
  // parse the arguments...
  int     log2_box_dim           =  6; // 64^3
  int     target_boxes_per_rank  =  1;
//int64_t target_memory_per_rank = -1; // not specified
  int64_t box_dim                = -1;
  int64_t boxes_in_i             = -1;
  int64_t target_boxes           = -1;


      // NOTE, in order to use 32b int's for array indexing, box volumes must be less than 2^31 doubles
      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"log2_box_dim must be less than 10\n");}
      #ifdef USE_MPI

      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"log2_box_dim must be at least 4\n");}
      #ifdef USE_MPI

      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"target_boxes_per_rank must be at least 1\n");}
      #ifdef USE_MPI

    #ifndef MAX_COARSE_DIM
    #define MAX_COARSE_DIM 11
    target_boxes = (int64_t)target_boxes_per_rank*(int64_t)num_tasks;
    boxes_in_i = -1;
    int64_t bi;
    for(bi=1;bi<1000;bi++){ // search all possible problem sizes to find acceptable boxes_in_i
      int64_t total_boxes = bi*bi*bi;
        int64_t coarse_grid_dim = box_dim*bi;
        while( (coarse_grid_dim%2) == 0){coarse_grid_dim=coarse_grid_dim/2;}
          boxes_in_i = bi;
      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"failed to find an acceptable problem size\n");}
      #ifdef USE_MPI
  } // argc==3

  #if 0
  else if(argc==2){ // interpret argv[1] as target_memory_per_rank
    char *ptr = argv[1];
    char *tmp;
    target_memory_per_rank = strtol(ptr,&ptr,10);
      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"unrecognized target_memory_per_rank... '%s'\n",argv[1]);}
      #ifdef USE_MPI
    tmp=strstr(ptr,"TB");if(tmp){ptr=tmp+2;target_memory_per_rank *= (uint64_t)(1<<30)*(1<<10);}
    tmp=strstr(ptr,"GB");if(tmp){ptr=tmp+2;target_memory_per_rank *= (uint64_t)(1<<30);}
    tmp=strstr(ptr,"MB");if(tmp){ptr=tmp+2;target_memory_per_rank *= (uint64_t)(1<<20);}
    tmp=strstr(ptr,"tb");if(tmp){ptr=tmp+2;target_memory_per_rank *= (uint64_t)(1<<30)*(1<<10);}
    tmp=strstr(ptr,"gb");if(tmp){ptr=tmp+2;target_memory_per_rank *= (uint64_t)(1<<30);}
    tmp=strstr(ptr,"mb");if(tmp){ptr=tmp+2;target_memory_per_rank *= (uint64_t)(1<<20);}
    if( (ptr) && (*ptr != '\0') ){
      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"unrecognized units... '%s'\n",ptr);}
      #ifdef USE_MPI
    // FIX, now search for an 'acceptable' box_dim and boxes_in_i constrained by target_memory_per_rank, num_tasks, and MAX_COARSE_DIM
  } // argc==2

    if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"usage: ./hpgmg-fv  [log2_box_dim]  [target_boxes_per_rank]\n");}
                 //fprintf(stderr,"       ./hpgmg-fv  [target_memory_per_rank[MB,GB,TB]]\n");}
    #ifdef USE_MPI

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  fprintf(stdout,"***                            HPGMG-FV Benchmark                            ***\n");
  #ifdef USE_MPI
       if(requested_threading_model == MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE  )fprintf(stdout,"Requested MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, ");
  else if(requested_threading_model == MPI_THREAD_SINGLE    )fprintf(stdout,"Requested MPI_THREAD_SINGLE, ");
  else if(requested_threading_model == MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED  )fprintf(stdout,"Requested MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, ");
  else if(requested_threading_model == MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED)fprintf(stdout,"Requested MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, ");
  else if(requested_threading_model == MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE  )fprintf(stdout,"Requested MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, ");
  else                                                       fprintf(stdout,"Requested Unknown MPI Threading Model (%d), ",requested_threading_model);
       if(actual_threading_model    == MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE  )fprintf(stdout,"got MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE\n");
  else if(actual_threading_model    == MPI_THREAD_SINGLE    )fprintf(stdout,"got MPI_THREAD_SINGLE\n");
  else if(actual_threading_model    == MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED  )fprintf(stdout,"got MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED\n");
  else if(actual_threading_model    == MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED)fprintf(stdout,"got MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED\n");
  else if(actual_threading_model    == MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE  )fprintf(stdout,"got MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE\n");
  else                                                       fprintf(stdout,"got Unknown MPI Threading Model (%d)\n",actual_threading_model);
  fprintf(stdout,"%d MPI Tasks of %d threads\n",num_tasks,OMP_Threads);
  fprintf(stdout,"\n\n===== Benchmark setup ==========================================================\n");

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  // create the fine level...
  int bc = BC_PERIODIC;
  int minCoarseDim = 2; // avoid problems with black box calculation of D^{-1} for poisson with periodic BC's on a 1^3 grid
  int bc = BC_DIRICHLET;
  int minCoarseDim = 1; // assumes you can drop order on the boundaries
  level_type level_h;
  int ghosts=stencil_get_radius();
  double a=1.0;double b=1.0; // Helmholtz
  if(my_rank==0)fprintf(stdout,"  Creating Helmholtz (a=%f, b=%f) test problem\n",a,b);
  double a=0.0;double b=1.0; // Poisson
  if(my_rank==0)fprintf(stdout,"  Creating Poisson (a=%f, b=%f) test problem\n",a,b);
  double h=1.0/( (double)boxes_in_i*(double)box_dim );  // [0,1]^3 problem
  initialize_problem(&level_h,h,a,b);                   // initialize VECTOR_ALPHA, VECTOR_BETA*, and VECTOR_F
  rebuild_operator(&level_h,NULL,a,b);                  // calculate Dinv and lambda_max
  if(level_h.boundary_condition.type == BC_PERIODIC){   // remove any constants from the RHS for periodic problems
    double average_value_of_f = mean(&level_h,VECTOR_F);
      if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stderr,"  WARNING... Periodic boundary conditions, but f does not sum to zero... mean(f)=%e\n",average_value_of_f);}

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  // create the MG hierarchy...
  mg_type MG_h;
  MGBuild(&MG_h,&level_h,a,b,minCoarseDim);             // build the Multigrid Hierarchy 

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  // HPGMG-500 benchmark proper
  // evaluate performance on problem sizes of h, 2h, and 4h
  // (i.e. examine dynamic range for problem sizes N, N/8, and N/64)
//double dtol=1e-15;double rtol=  0.0; // converged if ||D^{-1}(b-Ax)|| < dtol
  double dtol=  0.0;double rtol=1e-10; // converged if ||b-Ax|| / ||b|| < rtol
  int l;
  #ifndef TEST_ERROR

  double AverageSolveTime[3];
    AverageSolveTime[l] = (double)MG_h.timers.MGSolve / (double)MG_h.MGSolves_performed;
    if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stdout,"\n\n===== Timing Breakdown =========================================================\n");}

    double _timeStart=getTime();sleep(1);double _timeEnd=getTime();
    double SecondsPerCycle = (double)1.0/(double)(_timeEnd-_timeStart);
    double SecondsPerCycle = 1.0;
    fprintf(stdout,"\n\n===== Performance Summary ======================================================\n");
      double DOF = (double)MG_h.levels[l]->dim.i*(double)MG_h.levels[l]->dim.j*(double)MG_h.levels[l]->dim.k;
      double seconds = SecondsPerCycle*(double)AverageSolveTime[l];
      double DOFs = DOF / seconds;
      fprintf(stdout,"  h=%0.15e  DOF=%0.15e  time=%0.6f  DOF/s=%0.3e  MPI=%d  OMP=%d\n",MG_h.levels[l]->h,DOF,seconds,DOFs,num_tasks,OMP_Threads);

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stdout,"\n\n===== Richardson error analysis ================================================\n");}
  // solve A^h u^h = f^h
  // solve A^2h u^2h = f^2h
  // solve A^4h u^4h = f^4h
  // error analysis...
    #ifdef USE_FCYCLES

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stdout,"\n\n===== Deallocating memory ======================================================\n");}

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  if(my_rank==0){fprintf(stdout,"\n\n===== Done =====================================================================\n");}

  #ifdef USE_MPI
  #ifdef USE_HPM // IBM performance counters for BGQ...
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Ejemplo n.º 5
void solve_with_HPGMG(MultiFab& soln, MultiFab& gphi, Real a, Real b, MultiFab& alpha, PArray<MultiFab>& beta,
                      MultiFab& beta_cc, MultiFab& rhs, const BoxArray& bs, const Geometry& geom, int n_cell)
  BndryData bd(bs, 1, geom);
  set_boundary(bd, rhs, 0);

  ABecLaplacian abec_operator(bd, dx);
  abec_operator.setScalars(a, b);
  abec_operator.setCoefficients(alpha, beta);

  int minCoarseDim;
  if (domain_boundary_condition == BC_PERIODIC)
    minCoarseDim = 2; // avoid problems with black box calculation of D^{-1} for poisson with periodic BC's on a 1^3 grid
    minCoarseDim = 1; // assumes you can drop order on the boundaries

  level_type level_h;
  mg_type MG_h;
  int numVectors = 12;

  int my_rank = 0, num_ranks = 1;

#ifdef BL_USE_MPI
  MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_ranks);
  MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
#endif /* BL_USE_MPI */

  const double h0 = dx[0];
  // Create the geometric structure of the HPGMG grid using the RHS MultiFab as
  // a template. This doesn't copy any actual data.
  CreateHPGMGLevel(&level_h, rhs, n_cell, max_grid_size, my_rank, num_ranks, domain_boundary_condition, numVectors, h0);

  // Set up the coefficients for the linear operator L.
  SetupHPGMGCoefficients(a, b, alpha, beta_cc, &level_h);

  // Now that the HPGMG grid is built, populate it with RHS data.
  ConvertToHPGMGLevel(rhs, n_cell, max_grid_size, &level_h, VECTOR_F);

  if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
    std::cout << "Creating Helmholtz (a=" << a << ", b=" << b << ") test problem" << std::endl;;
  if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
    std::cout << "Creating Poisson (a=" << a << ", b=" << b << ") test problem" << std::endl;;
#endif /* USE_HELMHOLTZ */

  if (level_h.boundary_condition.type == BC_PERIODIC)
    double average_value_of_f = mean (&level_h, VECTOR_F);
    if (average_value_of_f != 0.0)
      if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
        std::cerr << "WARNING: Periodic boundary conditions, but f does not sum to zero... mean(f)=" << average_value_of_f << std::endl;
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  rebuild_operator(&level_h,NULL,a,b);    // i.e. calculate Dinv and lambda_max
  MGBuild(&MG_h,&level_h,a,b,minCoarseDim,ParallelDescriptor::Communicator()); // build the Multigrid Hierarchy
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
      std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "===== STARTING SOLVE =====" << std::endl << std::flush;

  MGResetTimers (&MG_h);
  zero_vector (MG_h.levels[0], VECTOR_U);
  FMGSolve (&MG_h, 0, VECTOR_U, VECTOR_F, a, b, tolerance_abs, tolerance_rel);
  MGSolve (&MG_h, 0, VECTOR_U, VECTOR_F, a, b, tolerance_abs, tolerance_rel);
#endif /* USE_FCYCLES */

  MGPrintTiming (&MG_h, 0);   // don't include the error check in the timing results
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "===== Performing Richardson error analysis ==========================" << std::endl;
  // solve A^h u^h = f^h
  // solve A^2h u^2h = f^2h
  // solve A^4h u^4h = f^4h
  // error analysis...
  const double dtol = tolerance_abs;
  const double rtol = tolerance_rel;
  int l;for(l=0;l<3;l++){
    #ifdef USE_FCYCLES

  // Now convert solution from HPGMG back to rhs MultiFab.
  ConvertFromHPGMGLevel(soln, &level_h, VECTOR_U);

  const double norm_from_HPGMG = norm(&level_h, VECTOR_U);
  const double mean_from_HPGMG = mean(&level_h, VECTOR_U);
  const Real norm0 = soln.norm0();
  const Real norm2 = soln.norm2();
  if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
    std::cout << "mean from HPGMG: " << mean_from_HPGMG << std::endl;
    std::cout << "norm from HPGMG: " << norm_from_HPGMG << std::endl;
    std::cout << "norm0 of RHS copied to MF: " << norm0 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "norm2 of RHS copied to MF: " << norm2 << std::endl;

  // Write the MF to disk for comparison with the in-house solver
  if (plot_soln)
    writePlotFile("SOLN-HPGMG", soln, geom);

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  PArray<MultiFab> grad_phi(BL_SPACEDIM, PArrayManage);
  for (int n = 0; n < BL_SPACEDIM; ++n)
      grad_phi.set(n, new MultiFab(BoxArray(soln.boxArray()).surroundingNodes(n), 1, 0));

#if (BL_SPACEDIM == 2)
#elif (BL_SPACEDIM == 3)

  // Average edge-centered gradients to cell centers.
  BoxLib::average_face_to_cellcenter(gphi, grad_phi, geom);
 * Generate a new dungeon level
 * Note that "dun_body" adds about 4000 bytes of memory to the stack.
static bool cave_gen(void)
    int i, k, y, x;

    dun_data dun_body;

    /* Global data */
    dun = &dun_body;

    dun->destroyed = FALSE;
    dun->empty_level = FALSE;
    dun->cavern = FALSE;
    dun->laketype = 0;

    /* Fill the arrays of floors and walls in the good proportions */

    /* Prepare allocation table */
    get_mon_num_prep(get_monster_hook(), NULL);

    /* Randomize the dungeon creation values */
    dun_tun_rnd = rand_range(DUN_TUN_RND_MIN, DUN_TUN_RND_MAX);
    dun_tun_chg = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CHG_MIN, DUN_TUN_CHG_MAX);
    dun_tun_con = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CON_MIN, DUN_TUN_CON_MAX);
    dun_tun_pen = rand_range(DUN_TUN_PEN_MIN, DUN_TUN_PEN_MAX);
    dun_tun_jct = rand_range(DUN_TUN_JCT_MIN, DUN_TUN_JCT_MAX);

    /* Actual maximum number of rooms on this level */
    dun->row_rooms = cur_hgt / BLOCK_HGT;
    dun->col_rooms = cur_wid / BLOCK_WID;

    /* Initialize the room table */
    for (y = 0; y < dun->row_rooms; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < dun->col_rooms; x++)
            dun->room_map[y][x] = FALSE;

    /* No rooms yet */
    dun->cent_n = 0;

    /* Empty arena levels */
    if (ironman_empty_levels || ((d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_ARENA) && (empty_levels && one_in_(EMPTY_LEVEL))))
        dun->empty_level = TRUE;
        if (cheat_room)
            msg_print("Arena level.");

    if (dun->empty_level)
        /* Start with floors */
        for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
                place_floor_bold(y, x);

        /* Special boundary walls -- Top and bottom */
        for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
            place_extra_bold(0, x);
            place_extra_bold(cur_hgt - 1, x);

        /* Special boundary walls -- Left and right */
        for (y = 1; y < (cur_hgt - 1); y++)
            place_extra_bold(y, 0);
            place_extra_bold(y, cur_wid - 1);
        /* Start with walls */
        for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
                place_extra_bold(y, x);

    /* Generate various caverns and lakes */

    /* Build maze */
    if (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_MAZE)
        build_maze_vault(cur_wid/2-1, cur_hgt/2-1, cur_wid-4, cur_hgt-4, FALSE);

        /* Place 3 or 4 down stairs near some walls */
        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_down_stair, rand_range(4, 5), 3)) return FALSE;

        /* Place 1 or 2 up stairs near some walls */
        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_up_stair, 1, 2)) return FALSE;

    /* Build some rooms */
        int tunnel_fail_count = 0;

         * Build each type of room in turn until we cannot build any more.
        if (!generate_rooms()) return FALSE;

        /* Make a hole in the dungeon roof sometimes at level 1
           But not in Angband. See Issue #3 */
        if (dun_level == 1 && dungeon_type != DUNGEON_ANGBAND)
            while (one_in_(DUN_MOS_DEN))
                place_trees(randint1(cur_wid - 2), randint1(cur_hgt - 2));

        /* Destroy the level if necessary */
        if (dun->destroyed) destroy_level();

        /* Hack -- Add some rivers */
        if (one_in_(7) && (randint1(dun_level) > 5))
            int feat1 = 0, feat2 = 0;

            /* Choose water or lava */
            if ( randint1(MAX_DEPTH * 2) - 1 > dun_level
              && ( (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_WATER_RIVER)
                || (no_wilderness && one_in_(3)) ) )
                feat1 = feat_deep_water;
                feat2 = feat_shallow_water;
            else if  (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_LAVA_RIVER)
                feat1 = feat_deep_lava;
                feat2 = feat_shallow_lava;
            else feat1 = 0;

            if (feat1)
                feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[feat1];

                /* Only add river if matches lake type or if have no lake at all */
                if (((dun->laketype == LAKE_T_LAVA) && have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_LAVA)) ||
                    ((dun->laketype == LAKE_T_WATER) && have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_WATER)) ||
                    add_river(feat1, feat2);

        /* Hack -- Scramble the room order */
        for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)
            int ty, tx;
            int pick = rand_range(0, i);

            ty = dun->cent[i].y;
            tx = dun->cent[i].x;
            dun->cent[i].y = dun->cent[pick].y;
            dun->cent[i].x = dun->cent[pick].x;
            dun->cent[pick].y = ty;
            dun->cent[pick].x = tx;

        /* Start with no tunnel doors */
        dun->door_n = 0;

        /* Hack -- connect the first room to the last room */
        y = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].y;
        x = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].x;

        /* Connect all the rooms together */
        for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)
            int j;

            /* Reset the arrays */
            dun->tunn_n = 0;
            dun->wall_n = 0;

            /* Connect the room to the previous room */
            if (randint1(dun_level) > d_info[dungeon_type].tunnel_percent)
                /* make cave-like tunnel */
                (void)build_tunnel2(dun->cent[i].x, dun->cent[i].y, x, y, 2, 2);
                /* make normal tunnel */
                if (!build_tunnel(dun->cent[i].y, dun->cent[i].x, y, x)) tunnel_fail_count++;

            if (tunnel_fail_count >= 2) return FALSE;

            /* Turn the tunnel into corridor */
            for (j = 0; j < dun->tunn_n; j++)
                cave_type *c_ptr;
                feature_type *f_ptr;

                /* Access the grid */
                y = dun->tunn[j].y;
                x = dun->tunn[j].x;

                /* Access the grid */
                c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
                f_ptr = &f_info[c_ptr->feat];

                /* Clear previous contents (if not a lake), add a floor */
                if (!have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_MOVE) || (!have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_WATER) && !have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_LAVA)))
                    /* Clear mimic type */
                    c_ptr->mimic = 0;


            /* Apply the piercings that we found */
            for (j = 0; j < dun->wall_n; j++)
                cave_type *c_ptr;

                /* Access the grid */
                y = dun->wall[j].y;
                x = dun->wall[j].x;

                /* Access the grid */
                c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

                /* Clear mimic type */
                c_ptr->mimic = 0;

                /* Clear previous contents, add up floor */

                /* Occasional doorway */
                if ((randint0(100) < dun_tun_pen) && !(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_NO_DOORS))
                    /* Place a random door */
                    place_random_door(y, x, TRUE);

            /* Remember the "previous" room */
            y = dun->cent[i].y;
            x = dun->cent[i].x;

        /* Place intersection doors */
        for (i = 0; i < dun->door_n; i++)
            /* Extract junction location */
            y = dun->door[i].y;
            x = dun->door[i].x;

            /* Try placing doors */
            try_door(y, x - 1);
            try_door(y, x + 1);
            try_door(y - 1, x);
            try_door(y + 1, x);

        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_down_stair, rand_range(4, 5), 3)) return FALSE;

        /* Place 1 or 2 up stairs near some walls */
        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_up_stair, rand_range(1, 2), 3)) return FALSE;

    if (!dun->laketype)
        if (d_info[dungeon_type].stream2)
            /* Hack -- Add some quartz streamers */
            for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_QUA; i++)
                build_streamer(d_info[dungeon_type].stream2, DUN_STR_QC);

        if (d_info[dungeon_type].stream1)
            /* Hack -- Add some magma streamers */
            for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_MAG; i++)
                build_streamer(d_info[dungeon_type].stream1, DUN_STR_MC);

    /* Special boundary walls -- Top and bottom */
    for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
        set_bound_perm_wall(&cave[cur_hgt - 1][x]);

    /* Special boundary walls -- Left and right */
    for (y = 1; y < (cur_hgt - 1); y++)
        set_bound_perm_wall(&cave[y][cur_wid - 1]);

    /* Determine the character location */
    if (!new_player_spot()) return FALSE;

    /* Basic "amount" */
    k = (dun_level / 3);
    if (k > 10) k = 10;
    if (k < 2) k = 2;

    /* Pick a base number of monsters */
    i = d_info[dungeon_type].min_m_alloc_level;

    /* To make small levels a bit more playable */
    if (cur_hgt < MAX_HGT || cur_wid < MAX_WID)
        int small_tester = i;

        i = (i * cur_hgt) / MAX_HGT;
        i = (i * cur_wid) / MAX_WID;
        i += 1;

        if (i > small_tester) i = small_tester;
        else if (cheat_hear)
            msg_format("Reduced monsters base from %d to %d", small_tester, i);


    if (dungeon_type != DUNGEON_ARENA)
        i += randint1(8);

        /* Put some monsters in the dungeon */
        for (i = (dun_level < 50 ? (i+k) : (i+k)*6/10); i > 0; i--)
            (void)alloc_monster(0, PM_ALLOW_SLEEP);

    /* Place some traps in the dungeon */
    alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_TRAP, randint1(k*3/2));

    /* Put some rubble in corridors (except NO_CAVE dungeon (Castle)) */
    if (!(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_NO_CAVE)) alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_CORR, ALLOC_TYP_RUBBLE, randint1(k));

    if (dungeon_type != DUNGEON_ARENA)
        /* Put some objects in rooms */
        alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_ROOM, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ROOM, 3));

        /* Put some objects/gold in the dungeon */
        alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ITEM, 3));
        alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_GOLD, randnor(DUN_AMT_GOLD, 3));

        /* Experimental: Guarantee certain objects. Give surprise goodies. */
        if (one_in_(2))
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_FOOD, 1);
        if (dun_level <= 15)
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_LIGHT, 1);
        if (dun_level >= 10 && one_in_(2))
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_RECALL, 1);
        if (dun_level >= 10 && one_in_(20))
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_SKELETON, damroll(3, 5));

        _mon_give_extra_drop(MFLAG2_DROP_BASIC, 1);
        _mon_give_extra_drop(MFLAG2_DROP_UTILITY, randint0(4));
        if (dun_level > max_dlv[dungeon_type])
            _mon_give_extra_drop(MFLAG2_DROP_PRIZE, 1);


    /* Set back to default */
    object_level = base_level;

    /* Put the Guardian */
    if (!alloc_guardian(TRUE)) return FALSE;

    if (dun->empty_level && (!one_in_(DARK_EMPTY) || (randint1(100) > dun_level)) && !(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_DARKNESS))
        /* Lite the cave */
        for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
                cave[y][x].info |= (CAVE_GLOW);

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	SDL_bool ok;
	char const *root = getenv(ROOTVAR);
	if (!root || !*root) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: environment undefined\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "set %s to the installation directory of Fridge Filler\n", ROOTVAR);
		return 1;

	FILE *rp = 0;
	SDL_bool rp_play = SDL_FALSE;
	SDL_bool rp_save = SDL_FALSE;
	if (argc > 1) {
		if (streq(argv[1], "--save-replay") || streq(argv[1], "-s")) {
			char const *fname = "replay.txt";
			if (argc == 3) { fname = argv[2]; }
			printf("saving replay to `%s'\n", fname);
			rp = fopen(fname, "w");
			rp_save = SDL_TRUE;

		if (streq(argv[1], "--replay") || streq(argv[1], "-r")) {
			char const *fname = "replay.txt";
			if (argc == 3) { fname = argv[2]; }
			printf("loading replay `%s'\n", fname);
			rp = fopen(fname, "r");
			rp_play = SDL_TRUE;

	session s;
	game_state gs;
	ok = init_game(&s, &gs, root);
	if (!ok) { return 1; }

	game_event ge;

	unsigned ticks;
	unsigned old_ticks = SDL_GetTicks();

	int have_ev;
	SDL_Event event;
	while (gs.run != MODE_EXIT) {
		if (!rp_play) {
			have_ev = SDL_PollEvent(&event);
			if (have_ev) {
				process_event(&event, &ge);

			unsigned char const *keystate = SDL_GetKeyboardState(0);
			keystate_to_movement(keystate, &ge.player);
		} else {
			have_ev = SDL_PollEvent(&event);
			if (have_ev) {
				process_event(&event, &ge);
				if (ge.exit) { break; }

		ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
		if (ticks - old_ticks >= TICK) {
			if (rp_save) { print_event(rp, &ge); }
			else if (rp_play) { read_event(rp, &ge); }
			update_gamestate(&s, &gs, &ge);
			printf("%d\n", ticks - old_ticks);
			old_ticks = ticks;

		render(&s, &gs);
		SDL_Delay(TICK / 4);

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < NGROUPS; i++) {


	if (gs.debug.font) {

	if (rp) { fclose(rp); }


	return 0;