Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: nl.C Proyecto: xorJane/qball
double NonLocalPotential::energy(bool compute_hpsi, SlaterDet& dsd,
                                 bool compute_forces, vector<vector<double> >& fion,
                                 bool compute_stress, valarray<double>& sigma_enl)
    const bool compute_anl = false;

    const vector<double>& occ = sd_.occ();
    const int ngwl = basis_.localsize();
    // define atom block size
    const int na_block_size = 32;
    valarray<double> gr(na_block_size*ngwl); // gr[ig+ia*ngwl]
    valarray<double> cgr(na_block_size*ngwl); // cgr[ig+ia*ngwl]
    valarray<double> sgr(na_block_size*ngwl); // sgr[ig+ia*ngwl]
    vector<vector<double> > tau;

    double enl = 0.0;
    double tsum[6] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

    if ( nspnl == 0 ) return 0.0;
    const double omega = basis_.cell().volume();
    assert(omega != 0.0);
    const double omega_inv = 1.0 / omega;

    for ( int is = 0; is < nsp; is++ )
        if ( npr[is] > 0 ) // species is is non-local
            if ( compute_anl )
                // define number of atom blocks
                const int na_blocks = na[is] / na_block_size +
                                      ( na[is] % na_block_size == 0 ? 0 : 1 );

                valarray<double> anl_loc(npr[is]*na_block_size*2*ngwl);
                const int nstloc = sd_.nstloc();
                // fnl_loc[ipra][n]
                valarray<double> fnl_loc(npr[is]*na_block_size*nstloc);
                valarray<double> fnl_buf(npr[is]*na_block_size*nstloc);
                for ( int ia_block = 0; ia_block < na_blocks; ia_block++ )
                    // process projectors of atoms in block ia_block

                    const int iastart = ia_block * na_block_size;
                    const int iaend = (ia_block+1) * na_block_size < na[is] ?
                                      (ia_block+1) * na_block_size :
                    const int ia_block_size = iaend - iastart;

                    // compute cgr[is][ia][ig], sgr[is][ia][ig]
                    int k = 3;
                    double mone = -1.0, zero = 0.0;
                    char cn='n';

                    // next line: const cast is ok since dgemm_ does not modify argument
                    double* gx = const_cast<double*>(basis_.gx_ptr(0));
                          gx,(int*)&ngwl, &tau[is][3*iastart],&k,

                    int len = ia_block_size * ngwl;
#if AIX || BGL
                    for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
                        const double arg = gr[i];
                        sgr[i] = sin(arg);
                        cgr[i] = cos(arg);

                    // compute anl_loc
                    for ( int ipr = 0; ipr < npr[is]; ipr++ )
                        // twnl[is][ig+ngwl*ipr]
                        const double * t = &twnl[is][ngwl*ipr];
                        const int l = lproj[is][ipr];

                        // anl_loc[ig+ipra*ngwl]
                        double * a = &anl_loc[ipr*ia_block_size*ngwl];

                        if ( l == 0 )
                            for ( int ia = 0; ia < ia_block_size; ia++ )
                                for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                    a[ig+ia*ngwl]   = t[ig] * cgr[ig+ia*ngwl];
                                    a[ig+1+ia*ngwl] = t[ig] * sgr[ig+ia*ngwl];
                        else if ( l == 1 )
                            for ( int ia = 0; ia < ia_block_size; ia++ )
                                for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                    /* Next line: -i * eigr */
                                    /* -i * (a+i*b) = b - i*a */
                                    a[ig+ia*ngwl]   =  t[ig] * sgr[ig+ia*ngwl];
                                    a[ig+1+ia*ngwl] = -t[ig] * cgr[ig+ia*ngwl];
                        else if ( l == 2 )
                            for ( int ia = 0; ia < ia_block_size; ia++ )
                                for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                    // Next line: (-) sign for -eigr
                                    a[ig+ia*ngwl]   = -t[ig] * cgr[ig+ia*ngwl];
                                    a[ig+1+ia*ngwl] = -t[ig] * sgr[ig+ia*ngwl];
                    } // ipr

                    // array anl_loc is complete

                    // compute fnl[npra][nstloc] = anl^T * c
                    double one=1.0;
                    char ct='t';
                    int twongwl = 2 * ngwl;
                    int nprnaloc = ia_block_size * npr[is];
                    const complex<double>* c = sd_.c().cvalptr();
                          &anl_loc[0],&twongwl, (double*)c, &twongwl,

                    // correct for double counting if ctxt_.myrow() == 0
                    if ( ctxt_.myrow() == 0 )
                        // rank-one update
                        // dger(m,n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy,a,lda);
                        // a += alpha * x * transpose(y)
                        // x = first row of anl_loc
                        // y^T = first row of c
                        double alpha = -0.5;

                    // Allreduce fnl partial sum
                    MPI_Comm basis_comm = basis_.context().comm();
                    double fnl_size = nprnaloc*nstloc;

                    // factor 2.0 in next line is: counting G, -G
                    fnl_loc = 2.0 * fnl_buf;

                    // accumulate Enl contribution
                    const int nbase = ctxt_.mycol() * sd_.c().nb();
                    for ( int ipr = 0; ipr < npr[is]; ipr++ )
                        const double fac = wt[is][ipr] * omega_inv;
                        for ( int n = 0; n < nstloc; n++ )
                            const double facn = fac * occ[n + nbase];
                            for ( int ia = 0; ia < ia_block_size; ia++ )
                                const int i = ia + ipr*ia_block_size + n * nprnaloc;
                                cout << "fnl_loc[ipr=" << ipr << ",ia=" << ia
                                     << ",n=" << n << "]: " << fnl_loc[i] << endl;
                                const double tmp = fnl_loc[i];
                                enl += facn * tmp * tmp;
                                fnl_loc[i] = fac * tmp;

                    if ( compute_hpsi )
                        // compute cp += anl * fnl
                        complex<double>* cp = dsd.c().valptr();
                              &anl_loc[0],&twongwl, &fnl_loc[0],&nprnaloc,
                              &one,(double*)cp, &twongwl);


                } // ia_block
                // compute fnl
                // block distribution for fnl: same as SlaterDet for nst
                DoubleMatrix fnl(ctxt_,anl[is]->n(),sd_.c().n(),

                const DoubleMatrix c_proxy(sd_.c());


                // correct for double counting of G=0 components
                // rank-1 update using first row of *anl[is] and c_proxy

                cout << fnl << endl;

                // compute the non-local energy
                // multiply fnl[ipra+nprna*n] by fac = wt[is][ipr] * omega_inv;
                // block sizes: npr*nalocmax x c().nb()
                // loop over local array
                double*f = fnl.valptr(0);
                const int mb = fnl.mb();
                const int nb = fnl.nb();
                const int mloc = fnl.mloc();
                for ( int li=0; li < fnl.mblocks(); li++)
                    const int mbs = fnl.mbs(li);
                    for ( int lj=0; lj < fnl.nblocks(); lj++)
                        const int nbs = fnl.nbs(lj);
                        for ( int ii=0; ii < mbs; ii++)
                            // mbs/npr[is] is the number of atoms in the block li
                            const int ipr = ii / (mbs/npr[is]);
                            const double fac = wt[is][ipr] * omega_inv;
                            for ( int jj=0; jj < nbs; jj++)
                                // global index: i(li,ii), j(lj,jj)
                                const int nglobal = fnl.j(lj,jj);
                                const double facn = fac * occ[nglobal];
                                const int iii = ii+li*mb;
                                const int jjj = jj+lj*nb;
                                const double tmp = f[iii+mloc*jjj];
                                enl += facn * tmp * tmp;
                                f[iii+mloc*jjj] = fac * tmp;

                if ( compute_hpsi )
                    // Apply operator to electronic states and accumulate in dsd
                    DoubleMatrix cp_proxy(dsd.c());

                // ionic forces
                if ( compute_forces )
                    double *tmpfion = new double[3*na[is]];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < 3*na[is]; i++ )
                        tmpfion[i] = 0.0;

                    DoubleMatrix danl(ctxt_,anl[is]->m(),anl[is]->n(),
                    DoubleMatrix dfnl(ctxt_,fnl.m(),fnl.n(),fnl.mb(),fnl.nb());
                    const int ngwl = basis_.localsize();

                    for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                        const double *const gxj = basis_.gx_ptr(j);
                        for ( int ipr = 0; ipr < npr[is]; ipr++ )
                            const int l = lproj[is][ipr];

                            // twnl[is][ig+ngwl*ipr]
                            const double *t = &twnl[is][ngwl*ipr];
                            for ( int ia = 0; ia < naloc[is]; ia++ )
                                // danl[ig+ipra*ngwl]
                                // index = ig+cmloc_anl*(ia+nais*ipr), ig=0
                                const int ipra = ia+naloc[is]*ipr;
                                double *da = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra));
                                const double *c = &cosgr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                const double *s = &singr[is][ia*ngwl];

                                if ( l == 0 )
                                    for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                        const double tt = gxj[ig] * t[ig];
                                        // Next lines: -i * ( a + ib ) = b - ia
                                        *da++ =  tt * *s++;
                                        *da++ = -tt * *c++;
                                else if ( l == 1 )
                                    for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                        // Next lines: (-i)**2 * ( a + ib ) = - a - ib
                                        const double tt = - gxj[ig] * t[ig];
                                        *da++ = tt * *c++;
                                        *da++ = tt * *s++;
                                else if ( l == 2 )
                                    for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                        // Next lines: (-i) * - ( a + ib ) = i*(a+ib) = - b + ia
                                        const double tt = gxj[ig] * t[ig];
                                        *da++ = -tt * *s++;
                                        *da++ =  tt * *c++;
                            } // ia
                        } // ipr

                        // compute dfnl
                        const DoubleMatrix c_proxy(sd_.c());


                        // Note: no need to correct for double counting of the
                        // G=0 component which is always zero

                        // non-local forces

                        // loop over local array
                        // block sizes: npr*nalocmax x c().nb()
                        const double*f = fnl.valptr(0);
                        const double*df = dfnl.valptr(0);
                        const int mloc = fnl.mloc();
                        const int mb = fnl.mb();
                        const int nb = fnl.nb();
                        for ( int li=0; li < fnl.mblocks(); li++)
                            // find index of first atom in block li
                            const int ia_first = nalocmax[is] *
                                                 ( li * fnl.context().nprow() + fnl.context().myrow() );
                            const int mbs = fnl.mbs(li);
                            for ( int lj=0; lj < fnl.nblocks(); lj++)
                                const int nbs = fnl.nbs(lj);
                                for ( int ii=0; ii < mbs; ii++)
                                    // ia_local: index of atom within block li
                                    const int ia_local = ii % ( mbs / npr[is] );
                                    const int ia_global = ia_local + ia_first;
                                    assert(3*ia_global+j < 3*na[is]);
                                    for ( int jj=0; jj < nbs; jj++)
                                        const int nglobal = fnl.j(lj,jj);
                                        // Factor 2.0 in next line from derivative of |Fnl|^2
                                        const double facn = 2.0 * occ[nglobal];
                                        const int iii = ii+li*mb;
                                        const int jjj = jj+lj*nb;
                                        tmpfion[3*ia_global+j] -= facn *
                                                                  f[iii+mloc*jjj] * df[iii+mloc*jjj];
                    } // j

                    for ( int ia = 0; ia < na[is]; ia++ )
                        fion[is][3*ia+0] += tmpfion[3*ia];
                        fion[is][3*ia+1] += tmpfion[3*ia+1];
                        fion[is][3*ia+2] += tmpfion[3*ia+2];
                    delete [] tmpfion;
                } // compute_forces

                if ( compute_stress )
                    const int ngwl = basis_.localsize();
                    DoubleMatrix danl(ctxt_,anl[is]->m(),anl[is]->n(),
                    DoubleMatrix dfnl(ctxt_,fnl.m(),fnl.n(),fnl.mb(),fnl.nb());

                    for ( int ij = 0; ij < 6; ij++ )
                        int ipr = 0;
                        while ( ipr < npr[is] )
                            const int l = lproj[is][ipr];
                            if ( l == 0 )
                                // dtwnl[is][ipr][ij][ngwl]
                                // index = ig + ngwl * ( ij + 6 * ipr))
                                // ipr = iquad + nquad[is] * ilm, where ilm = 0
                                const double *const dt0 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr)];
                                for ( int ia = 0; ia < naloc[is]; ia++ )
                                    const int ipra0 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr;
                                    double *da0 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra0));
                                    const double *c = &cosgr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                    const double *s = &singr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                    for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                        const double d0 = dt0[ig];
                                        // danl[is][ipr][iquad][ia][ig].re =
                                        //   dtwnl[is][ipr][iquad][j][ig] * cosgr[is][ia][ig]
                                        *da0++ = *c++ * d0;
                                        // danl[is][ipr][iquad][ia][ig].im =
                                        //   dtwnl[is][ipr][iquad][j][ig] * singr[is][ia][ig]
                                        *da0++ = *s++ * d0;
                            else if ( l == 1 )
                                const int ipr1 = ipr;
                                const int ipr2 = ipr + 1;
                                const int ipr3 = ipr + 2;
                                // dtwnl[is][ipr][ij][ngwl]
                                // index = ig + ngwl * ( ij + 6 * iprx ))
                                const double *dt1 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr1)];
                                const double *dt2 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr2)];
                                const double *dt3 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr3)];
                                for ( int ia = 0; ia < naloc[is]; ia++ )
                                    const int ipra1 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr1;
                                    const int ipra2 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr2;
                                    const int ipra3 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr3;
                                    double *da1 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra1));
                                    double *da2 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra2));
                                    double *da3 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra3));

                                    const double *c = &cosgr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                    const double *s = &singr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                    for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                        const double d1 = dt1[ig];
                                        const double d2 = dt2[ig];
                                        const double d3 = dt3[ig];
                                        // Next line: (-i)^l factor is -i
                                        // Next line: -i * eigr
                                        // -i * (a+i*b) = b - i*a
                                        const double tc = -*c++; //  -cosgr[is][ia][ig]
                                        const double ts =  *s++; //   singr[is][ia][ig]
                                        *da1++ = d1 * ts;
                                        *da1++ = d1 * tc;
                                        *da2++ = d2 * ts;
                                        *da2++ = d2 * tc;
                                        *da3++ = d3 * ts;
                                        *da3++ = d3 * tc;
                            else if ( l == 2 )
                                const int ipr4 = ipr;
                                const int ipr5 = ipr + 1;
                                const int ipr6 = ipr + 2;
                                const int ipr7 = ipr + 3;
                                const int ipr8 = ipr + 4;
                                // dtwnl[is][ipr][iquad][ij][ngwl]
                                // index = ig + ngwl * ( ij + 6 * ( iquad + nquad[is] * ipr ))
                                const double *dt4 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr4)];
                                const double *dt5 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr5)];
                                const double *dt6 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr6)];
                                const double *dt7 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr7)];
                                const double *dt8 = &dtwnl[is][ngwl*(ij+6*ipr8)];
                                for ( int ia = 0; ia < naloc[is]; ia++ )
                                    const int ipra4 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr4;
                                    const int ipra5 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr5;
                                    const int ipra6 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr6;
                                    const int ipra7 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr7;
                                    const int ipra8 = ia+naloc[is]*ipr8;
                                    double *da4 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra4));
                                    double *da5 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra5));
                                    double *da6 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra6));
                                    double *da7 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra7));
                                    double *da8 = danl.valptr(2*(sd_.c().mloc()*ipra8));

                                    const double *c = &cosgr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                    const double *s = &singr[is][ia*ngwl];
                                    for ( int ig = 0; ig < ngwl; ig++ )
                                        const double d4 = dt4[ig];
                                        const double d5 = dt5[ig];
                                        const double d6 = dt6[ig];
                                        const double d7 = dt7[ig];
                                        const double d8 = dt8[ig];
                                        // Next lines: (-i)^2 * ( a + ib ) =  - ( a + ib )
                                        const double tc = -*c++;
                                        const double ts = -*s++;
                                        *da4++ = d4 * tc;
                                        *da4++ = d4 * ts;
                                        *da5++ = d5 * tc;
                                        *da5++ = d5 * ts;
                                        *da6++ = d6 * tc;
                                        *da6++ = d6 * ts;
                                        *da7++ = d7 * tc;
                                        *da7++ = d7 * ts;
                                        *da8++ = d8 * tc;
                                        *da8++ = d8 * ts;
                            } // l
                            ipr += 2*l+1;
                        } // while ipr

                        // compute dfnl
                        const DoubleMatrix c_proxy(sd_.c());


                        // Note: no need to correct for double counting of the
                        // G=0 component which is always zero

                        // partial contributions to the stress sigma_ij
                        // Note: fnl was already premultiplied by the factor
                        // fac = wt[is][ipr][iquad] * omega_inv;
                        const double *const f = fnl.cvalptr(0);
                        const double *const df = dfnl.cvalptr(0);
                        const int mb = fnl.mb();
                        const int nb = fnl.nb();
                        const int mloc = fnl.mloc();
                        for ( int li=0; li < fnl.mblocks(); li++)
                            const int mbs = fnl.mbs(li);
                            for ( int lj=0; lj < fnl.nblocks(); lj++)
                                const int nbs = fnl.nbs(lj);
                                for ( int ii=0; ii < mbs; ii++)
                                    for ( int jj=0; jj < nbs; jj++)
                                        // global index: i(li,ii), j(lj,jj)
                                        const int nglobal = fnl.j(lj,jj);
                                        const double facn = 2.0 * occ[nglobal];
                                        const int iii = ii+li*mb;
                                        const int jjj = jj+lj*nb;
                                        const double tmp = f[iii+mloc*jjj];
                                        const double dtmp = df[iii+mloc*jjj];
                                        tsum[ij] += facn * tmp * dtmp;
                    } // ij
                } // compute_stress
            } // compute_anl
        } // npr[is]>0
    } // is


    sigma_enl = 0.0;
    if ( compute_stress )
        sigma_enl[0] = ( enl + tsum[0] ) * omega_inv;
        sigma_enl[1] = ( enl + tsum[1] ) * omega_inv;
        sigma_enl[2] = ( enl + tsum[2] ) * omega_inv;
        sigma_enl[3] = + tsum[3] * omega_inv;
        sigma_enl[4] = + tsum[4] * omega_inv;
        sigma_enl[5] = + tsum[5] * omega_inv;

    return enl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Function Definitions */
static void b_eml_lusolve(const emlrtStack *sp, const emxArray_real_T *A,
  emxArray_real_T *B)
  emxArray_real_T *b_A;
  int32_T i58;
  int32_T iy;
  emxArray_int32_T *ipiv;
  int32_T info;
  int32_T i59;
  int32_T b;
  int32_T j;
  int32_T mmj;
  int32_T c;
  ptrdiff_t n_t;
  ptrdiff_t incx_t;
  double * xix0_t;
  int32_T ix;
  boolean_T overflow;
  int32_T k;
  real_T temp;
  int32_T i60;
  boolean_T b_c;
  ptrdiff_t m_t;
  ptrdiff_t incy_t;
  ptrdiff_t lda_t;
  double * alpha1_t;
  double * Aia0_t;
  double * Aiy0_t;
  char_T DIAGA;
  char_T TRANSA;
  char_T UPLO;
  char_T SIDE;
  emlrtStack st;
  emlrtStack b_st;
  emlrtStack c_st;
  emlrtStack d_st;
  emlrtStack e_st;
  emlrtStack f_st;
  emlrtStack g_st;
  emlrtStack h_st;
  emlrtStack i_st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  b_st.prev = &st;
  b_st.tls = st.tls;
  c_st.prev = &b_st;
  c_st.tls = b_st.tls;
  d_st.prev = &c_st;
  d_st.tls = c_st.tls;
  e_st.prev = &d_st;
  e_st.tls = d_st.tls;
  f_st.prev = &e_st;
  f_st.tls = e_st.tls;
  g_st.prev = &f_st;
  g_st.tls = f_st.tls;
  h_st.prev = &g_st;
  h_st.tls = g_st.tls;
  i_st.prev = &h_st;
  i_st.tls = h_st.tls;
  emxInit_real_T(sp, &b_A, 2, &ob_emlrtRTEI, true);
  st.site = &ib_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &lb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &nb_emlrtRSI;
  d_st.site = &ob_emlrtRSI;
  i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
  b_A->size[0] = A->size[0];
  b_A->size[1] = A->size[1];
  emxEnsureCapacity(&d_st, (emxArray__common *)b_A, i58, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T),
  iy = A->size[0] * A->size[1];
  for (i58 = 0; i58 < iy; i58++) {
    b_A->data[i58] = A->data[i58];

  b_emxInit_int32_T(&d_st, &ipiv, 2, &ob_emlrtRTEI, true);
  e_st.site = &qb_emlrtRSI;
  f_st.site = &rb_emlrtRSI;
  g_st.site = &sb_emlrtRSI;
  h_st.site = &tb_emlrtRSI;
  eml_signed_integer_colon(&h_st, muIntScalarMin_sint32(A->size[1], A->size[1]),
  info = 0;
  if (A->size[1] < 1) {
  } else {
    i59 = A->size[1] - 1;
    b = muIntScalarMin_sint32(i59, A->size[1]);
    e_st.site = &pb_emlrtRSI;
    for (j = 1; j <= b; j++) {
      mmj = A->size[1] - j;
      c = (j - 1) * (A->size[1] + 1) + 1;
      e_st.site = &if_emlrtRSI;
      f_st.site = &yb_emlrtRSI;
      if (mmj + 1 < 1) {
        iy = -1;
      } else {
        g_st.site = &ac_emlrtRSI;
        h_st.site = &ac_emlrtRSI;
        n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(mmj + 1);
        h_st.site = &ac_emlrtRSI;
        incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1);
        i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
        xix0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(c, 1,
          i58, &je_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1]);
        incx_t = idamax(&n_t, xix0_t, &incx_t);
        iy = (int32_T)incx_t - 1;

      if (b_A->data[(c + iy) - 1] != 0.0) {
        if (iy != 0) {
          ipiv->data[j - 1] = j + iy;
          e_st.site = &jf_emlrtRSI;
          f_st.site = &bc_emlrtRSI;
          g_st.site = &cc_emlrtRSI;
          ix = j;
          iy += j;
          h_st.site = &dc_emlrtRSI;
          overflow = (A->size[1] > 2147483646);
          if (overflow) {
            i_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI;

          for (k = 1; k <= A->size[1]; k++) {
            i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
            temp = b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix, 1, i58,
              &le_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1];
            i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
            i60 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
            b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix, 1, i58, &le_emlrtBCI,
              &g_st) - 1] = b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(iy, 1,
              i60, &le_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1];
            i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
            b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(iy, 1, i58, &le_emlrtBCI,
              &g_st) - 1] = temp;
            ix += A->size[1];
            iy += A->size[1];

        iy = c + mmj;
        e_st.site = &kf_emlrtRSI;
        if (c + 1 > iy) {
          b_c = false;
        } else {
          b_c = (iy > 2147483646);

        if (b_c) {
          f_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI;

        for (k = c; k + 1 <= iy; k++) {
          b_A->data[k] /= b_A->data[c - 1];
      } else {
        info = j;

      iy = A->size[1] - j;
      e_st.site = &lf_emlrtRSI;
      f_st.site = &ec_emlrtRSI;
      g_st.site = &fc_emlrtRSI;
      if ((mmj < 1) || (iy < 1)) {
      } else {
        h_st.site = &gc_emlrtRSI;
        temp = -1.0;
        m_t = (ptrdiff_t)(mmj);
        n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(iy);
        incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1);
        incy_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
        lda_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
        alpha1_t = (double *)(&temp);
        i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
        i60 = (c + A->size[1]) + 1;
        Aia0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i60, 1,
          i58, &ke_emlrtBCI, &h_st) - 1]);
        i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
        xix0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(c + 1,
          1, i58, &ke_emlrtBCI, &h_st) - 1]);
        i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
        i60 = c + A->size[1];
        Aiy0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i60, 1,
          i58, &ke_emlrtBCI, &h_st) - 1]);
        dger(&m_t, &n_t, alpha1_t, xix0_t, &incx_t, Aiy0_t, &incy_t, Aia0_t,

    if ((info == 0) && (!(b_A->data[(A->size[1] + b_A->size[0] * (A->size[1] - 1))
                          - 1] != 0.0))) {
      info = A->size[1];

  if (info > 0) {
    b_st.site = &mb_emlrtRSI;

  b_st.site = &yf_emlrtRSI;
  for (iy = 0; iy + 1 < A->size[1]; iy++) {
    if (ipiv->data[iy] != iy + 1) {
      temp = B->data[iy];
      B->data[iy] = B->data[ipiv->data[iy] - 1];
      B->data[ipiv->data[iy] - 1] = temp;

  b_st.site = &ag_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &ic_emlrtRSI;
  if (A->size[1] < 1) {
  } else {
    d_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    temp = 1.0;
    DIAGA = 'U';
    TRANSA = 'N';
    UPLO = 'L';
    SIDE = 'L';
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    m_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1);
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    lda_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
    i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(1, 1, i58, &ie_emlrtBCI, &d_st);
    Aia0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[0]);
    xix0_t = (double *)(&B->data[0]);
    alpha1_t = (double *)(&temp);
    dtrsm(&SIDE, &UPLO, &TRANSA, &DIAGA, &m_t, &n_t, alpha1_t, Aia0_t, &lda_t,
          xix0_t, &incx_t);

  b_st.site = &bg_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &ic_emlrtRSI;
  if (A->size[1] < 1) {
  } else {
    d_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    temp = 1.0;
    DIAGA = 'N';
    TRANSA = 'N';
    UPLO = 'U';
    SIDE = 'L';
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    m_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1);
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    lda_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
    e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI;
    incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]);
    i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1];
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(1, 1, i58, &ie_emlrtBCI, &d_st);
    Aia0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[0]);
    xix0_t = (double *)(&B->data[0]);
    alpha1_t = (double *)(&temp);
    dtrsm(&SIDE, &UPLO, &TRANSA, &DIAGA, &m_t, &n_t, alpha1_t, Aia0_t, &lda_t,
          xix0_t, &incx_t);

Ejemplo n.º 3
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  // Allocate space.
  double *Bbar, *delta_tilda_k, *delta_k;
  double *tmp_stage, *tmp_stage_b;
  double a, b;
  mwSignedIndex p;
  mwSignedIndex i;
  #ifdef SUPERSAFE
  mxArray* Bbar_copy = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[0]); // Safe
  mxArray* Bbar_copy = (prhs[0]); // Fast and Dangerous
  // Read Input
  p = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
  Bbar = mxGetPr(Bbar_copy);
  a = *(mxGetPr(prhs[1]));
  b = *(mxGetPr(prhs[2]));
  delta_tilda_k = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
  delta_k = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
  /* mexPrintf("a %f b %f Bbar(1,1) %f Bbar(1,3) %f", a, b, Bbar[0], Bbar[2]); */
  /* print_arr(delta_tilda_k, p, "delta_tilda_k"); */
  /* print_arr(delta_k, p, "delta_k"); */

  #ifdef SAFE
  tmp_stage = mxCalloc(p , sizeof(double));
  tmp_stage_b = mxCalloc(p , sizeof(double));
  tmp_stage = mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
  tmp_stage_b = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
  /* Stage 1: Bbar is symmetric.
  // tmp_stage = Bbar * delta_tilda_k;
  dsymv("U", &p, &one, Bbar, &p, delta_tilda_k, &inc, &zero, tmp_stage, &inc);

  // tmp_deno = a + b * (delta_k' * tmp_stage);
  double tmp_deno = a + b * ddot(&p, delta_k, &inc, tmp_stage, &inc);

  // tmp_stage_b = Bbar' * delta_k; == Bbar * delta_k (since Bbar is symmetric)
  dsymv("U", &p, &one, Bbar, &p, delta_k, &inc, &zero, tmp_stage_b, &inc);

  // Bbar = Bbar + (-b/tmp_deno) * tmp_stage * tmp_stage_b';
  double b_by_tmp = -b / tmp_deno;
  dger(&p, &p, &b_by_tmp, tmp_stage, &inc, tmp_stage_b, &inc, Bbar, &p);

  /* Stage 2: Bbar is no longer symmetric.
     Need to use dgemv instead of dsymv.
  // tmp_stage = Bbar * delta_k;
  dgemv("N", &p, &p, &one, Bbar, &p, delta_k, &inc, &zero, tmp_stage, &inc);

  // tmp_deno = a + b * (delta_tilda_k' * tmp_stage);
  tmp_deno = a + b * ddot(&p, delta_tilda_k, &inc, tmp_stage, &inc);

  // tmp_stage_b = Bbar' * delta_tilda_k;
  dgemv("T", &p, &p, &one, Bbar, &p, delta_tilda_k, &inc, &zero, tmp_stage_b, &inc);

  // Bbar = Bbar + (-b/tmp_deno) * tmp_stage * tmp_stage_b';
  b_by_tmp = -b / tmp_deno;
  dger(&p, &p, &b_by_tmp, tmp_stage, &inc, tmp_stage_b, &inc, Bbar, &p);

  // In place edit Bbar and return the value.
  plhs[0] = Bbar_copy;

  #ifdef SAFE