Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
image_set_props(Image *image, GPtrArray *props)
  struct stat st;
  time_t mtime = 0;
  char *old_file = image->file ? g_strdup(image->file) : NULL;
  const GdkPixbuf *old_pixbuf = dia_image_pixbuf (image->image);
  gboolean was_inline = image->inline_data;

  object_set_props_from_offsets(&image->element.object, image_offsets, props);

  if (old_pixbuf != image->pixbuf) {
    if (!image->file || *image->file == '\0') {
      GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
      image->inline_data = TRUE; /* otherwise we'll loose it */
      /* somebody deleting the filename? */
      if (!image->pixbuf && image->image)
	pixbuf = g_object_ref ((GdkPixbuf *)dia_image_pixbuf (image->image));
      if (image->image)
        g_object_unref (image->image);
      image->image = dia_image_new_from_pixbuf (image->pixbuf ? image->pixbuf : pixbuf);
      image->pixbuf = (GdkPixbuf *)dia_image_pixbuf (image->image);
      if (pixbuf)
	g_object_unref (pixbuf);
    } else {
      if (image->pixbuf)
        message_warning ("FIXME: handle pixbuf change!");

  /* use old value on error */
  if (!image->file || g_stat (image->file, &st) != 0)
    mtime = image->mtime;
    mtime = st.st_mtime;

  /* handle changing the image. */
  if (image->file && image->pixbuf && was_inline && !image->inline_data) {
    /* export inline data */
    if (was_inline && !image->inline_data)
      /* if saving fails we keep it inline */
      image->inline_data = !dia_image_save (image->image, image->file);
  } else if (image->file && ((old_file && strcmp(image->file, old_file) != 0) || image->mtime != mtime)) {
    Element *elem = &image->element;
    DiaImage *img = NULL;

    if ((img = dia_image_load(image->file)) != NULL)
      image->image = img;
    else if (!image->pixbuf) /* dont overwrite inlined */
      image->image = dia_image_get_broken();
    elem->height = (elem->width*(float)dia_image_height(image->image))/
  /* remember it */
  image->mtime = mtime;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * \brief Get properties of the _Image
 * \memberof _Image
 * Overwites DiaObject::get_props() to initialize pixbuf property
static void
image_get_props(Image *image, GPtrArray *props)
  if (image->inline_data)
    image->pixbuf = (GdkPixbuf *)dia_image_pixbuf (image->image);
  object_get_props_from_offsets(&image->element.object, image_offsets, props);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
_dae_draw(DiagramAsElement *dae, DiaRenderer *renderer)
  DiaRendererClass *renderer_ops = DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer);
  Element *elem = &dae->element;

  if (!dae->data) {
    /* just draw the box */
    Point lower_right = {
      elem->corner.x + elem->width,
      elem->corner.y + elem->height 

    renderer_ops->draw_rect(renderer,&elem->corner, &lower_right, 

  } else {
    if (FALSE) {
      /* if the renderer supports transformations ... */
      /* temporary messing with it (not enough) */
      dae->data->paper.scaling *= dae->scale;
      data_render (dae->data, DIA_RENDERER (renderer), NULL, NULL, NULL);
      dae->data->paper.scaling /= dae->scale;
    } else {
      /* we have to render to an image and draw that */
      if (!dae->image) { /* lazy creation */
	gchar *imgfname = NULL;
	gint fd = g_file_open_tmp ("diagram-as-elementXXXXXX.png", &imgfname, NULL);
	if (fd != -1) {
          DiaExportFilter *ef = filter_export_get_by_name ("cairo-alpha-png");
	  if (!ef) /* prefer cairo with alpha, but don't require it */
	    ef = filter_guess_export_filter (imgfname);
	  if (ef) {
	    DiaContext *ctx = dia_context_new ("Diagram as Object");

	    dia_context_set_filename (ctx, imgfname);
	    if (ef->export_func (dae->data, ctx, imgfname, dae->filename, ef->user_data)) {
	      DiaImage *tmp_image = dia_image_load (imgfname);

	      /* some extra gymnastics to create an image w/o filename */
	      if (tmp_image) {
	        dae->image = dia_image_new_from_pixbuf ((GdkPixbuf *)dia_image_pixbuf (tmp_image));
	        g_object_unref (tmp_image);
	      /* FIXME: where to put the message in case of an error? */
	      dia_context_release (ctx);
	  } /* found a filter */
	  g_unlink (imgfname);
	  g_free (imgfname);
	} /* temporary file created*/
      } /* only if we have no image yet */
      if (dae->image)
	renderer_ops->draw_image (renderer, &elem->corner, elem->width, elem->height, dae->image);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void
draw_image(DiaRenderer *self,
	   Point *point,
	   real width, real height,
	   DiaImage *image)
  DiaSvgRenderer *renderer = DIA_SVG_RENDERER (self);
  xmlNodePtr node;
  gchar d_buf[DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
  gchar *uri = NULL;

  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"image", NULL);

  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, point->x);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"x", (xmlChar *) d_buf);
  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, point->y);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"y", (xmlChar *) d_buf);
  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, width);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"width", (xmlChar *) d_buf);
  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, height);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"height", (xmlChar *) d_buf);

  /* if the image file location is relative to the SVG file's store 
   * a relative path - if it does not have a path: inline it */
  if (strcmp (dia_image_filename(image), "(null)") == 0) {
    gchar *b64 = pixbuf_encode_base64 (dia_image_pixbuf (image));
    gchar *uri;

    if (b64)
      uri = g_strdup_printf ("data:image/png;base64,%s", b64);
      uri = g_strdup ("(null)");
    xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"xlink:href", (xmlChar *) uri);
    g_free (b64);    
  } else if ((uri = dia_relativize_filename (renderer->filename, dia_image_filename(image))) != NULL)
    xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"xlink:href", (xmlChar *) uri);
  else if ((uri = g_filename_to_uri(dia_image_filename(image), NULL, NULL)) != NULL)
    xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"xlink:href", (xmlChar *) uri);
  else /* not sure if this fallback is better than nothing */
    xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"xlink:href", (xmlChar *) dia_image_filename(image));
  g_free (uri);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
image_save(Image *image, ObjectNode obj_node, const char *filename)
  char *diafile_dir;
  element_save(&image->element, obj_node);

  if (image->border_width != 0.1)
    data_add_real(new_attribute(obj_node, "border_width"),
  if (!color_equals(&image->border_color, &color_black))
    data_add_color(new_attribute(obj_node, "border_color"),
  if (image->line_style != LINESTYLE_SOLID)
    data_add_enum(new_attribute(obj_node, "line_style"),

  if (image->line_style != LINESTYLE_SOLID &&
      image->dashlength != DEFAULT_LINESTYLE_DASHLEN)
    data_add_real(new_attribute(obj_node, "dashlength"),
  data_add_boolean(new_attribute(obj_node, "draw_border"), image->draw_border);
  data_add_boolean(new_attribute(obj_node, "keep_aspect"), image->keep_aspect);

  if (image->file != NULL) {
    if (g_path_is_absolute(image->file)) { /* Absolute pathname */
      diafile_dir = get_directory(filename);

      if (strncmp(diafile_dir, image->file, strlen(diafile_dir))==0) {
	/* The image pathname has the dia file pathname in the begining */
	/* Save the relative path: */
	data_add_filename(new_attribute(obj_node, "file"), image->file + strlen(diafile_dir) + 1);
      } else {
	/* Save the absolute path: */
	data_add_filename(new_attribute(obj_node, "file"), image->file);
    } else {
      /* Relative path. Must be an erronous filename...
	 Just save the filename. */
      data_add_filename(new_attribute(obj_node, "file"), image->file);
  /* only save image_data inline if told to do so */
  if (image->inline_data) {
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
    data_add_boolean (new_attribute(obj_node, "inline_data"), image->inline_data);

    /* just to be sure to get the currently visible */
    pixbuf = (GdkPixbuf *)dia_image_pixbuf (image->image);
    if (pixbuf != image->pixbuf && image->pixbuf != NULL)
      message_warning (_("Inconsistent pixbuf during image save."));
    if (pixbuf)
      data_add_pixbuf (new_attribute(obj_node, "pixbuf"), pixbuf);