Ejemplo n.º 1
void closing(char A[MAX_MN][MAX_MN+1], char B[MAX_B][MAX_B+1],
	     char C[MAX_MN][MAX_MN+1])
  char temp[MAX_MN][MAX_MN+1];

  dilation(A, B, temp);
  erosion(temp, B, C);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static void bothat( const std::vector<ValueT> & input, std::vector<ValueT> & output, const UInt struc_elem_length )
   const Int size = Int(input.size());
   std::vector<ValueT> closing;
   for ( Int index = 0; index < size; ++ index )
     output[index] = input[index] - closing[index];
Ejemplo n.º 3
Imlib_Image opening(Imlib_Image *source_image,double thresh,luminance_t lt,int n)
  int i;
  Imlib_Image temp_image1, temp_image2;
  /* erosion n times */
  temp_image1 = temp_image2 = imlib_clone_image();
  for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    temp_image2 = erosion(&temp_image1, thresh, lt);
    temp_image1 = temp_image2;
  /* dilation n times */
  for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    temp_image2 = dilation(&temp_image1, thresh, lt);
    temp_image1 = temp_image2;
  return temp_image2;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ProcessFrame(uint8 *pInputImg)
  uint8_t thres = (uint8_t)data.ipc.state.nThreshold;
  /* if the threshold is 0, the otsu algorithm is used */
  if(thres == 0)
    thres = otsu(IMAGE(GRAYSCALE));
  data.ipc.state.thres_calc = thres;

  /* make the threshold image */
  /* dilation */
  /* erosion */
  /* do the region labeling stuff */
Ejemplo n.º 5
closing(unsigned char **image_pixel,int height,int width)
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // check if the argument number is valid
    if (argc < 4) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: "
                  << argv[0]
                  << " input-file output-file [operations] [parameters]"
                  << std::endl;
        return 1;
    // check if the input file is valid
    std::ifstream input(argv[1]);
    if (!input) {
        std::cerr << "Can not open the grades in file " << argv[1] << std::endl;
        return 1;
    // read in the image
    std::vector<std::string> image;
    read_in_image(input, image);

    if (image.size() == 0) {
        std::cout << "Cannot import the image "
                  << argv[1]
                  << ". Try again please. "
                  << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::ofstream output(argv[2]);   // the output file
    std::string op = argv[3];   // the operation name

    if (op.compare("replace") == 0 && argc == 6) {  // replace
        char before  = argv[4][0];
        char after  = argv[5][0];
        replace(image, before, after);
    } else if (op.compare("dilation") == 0 &&
               (argc == 5 || argc == 6)) {   // dilation operation
        char color = argv[4][0];
        if (argc == 5) {
            // When plus-signed structing element
            dilation(image, color, false);
        } else if (argc == 6 && std::string(argv[5]).compare("square") == 0) {
            // when square-signed structing element
            dilation(image, color, true);
        } else {
            std::cerr << "Usage: "
                      << argv[0]
                      << " input-file output-file dilation color [square]"
                      << std::endl;
            return 1;
    } else if (op.compare("erosion") == 0 &&
               (argc == 6 || argc == 7)) {   // erosion operation
        char color = argv[4][0];
        char pixel = argv[5][0];
        if (argc == 6) {
            // When plus-signed structing element
            erosion(image, color, pixel, false);
        } else if (argc == 7 && std::string(argv[6]).compare("square") == 0) {
            // when square-signed structing element
            erosion(image, color, pixel, true);
        } else {
            std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
                      << " input-file output-file erosion pixel [square]"
                      << std::endl;
            return 1;
    } else if (op.compare("floodfill") == 0 && argc == 7) {
        // floodfill operation
        int row = atoi(argv[4]);
        int col = atoi(argv[5]);
        if (!isValid(image, row, col)) {
            std::cerr << "Error: invalid arguments "
                      << row << " and " << col
                      << std::endl;
            return 1;
        char filler = argv[6][0];
        flood_fill(image, row, col, filler);
    } else {   // invalid input command
        std::cerr << "Invalid command." << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
                  << " input-file output-file [operations] [parameters]"
                  << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // write the modified image to a file
    if (output.is_open()) {
        output_image(image, output);
    } else {
        std::cerr << "Cannot output to " << argv[3] << std::endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	//error messagea
	if  (argc != 5 and argc != 6 and argc != 7) {
		std::cerr << "arguments can not be fit in" << argv[0] ;
		return 1;
	std::string row;
	std::ifstream myFile(argv[1]);

	if (!myFile.good()) {
		std::cerr << "The file is not correct!" << argv[1] << "\n";
	//std::string row; //input each row to a string
	std::vector<std::string> inputs; //Input vectors to hold all the points
	while (std::getline(myFile, row)) {
	std::cout << "The input:"<<std::endl; //print out the input
	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < inputs.size() ; ++i ) {
		std::cout << inputs[i] << std::endl;
///////////starts to do the replace, dialation, erosion and floodfill
	std::vector<std::string> results; // create a vector called results for later print out 
	// dilation
	if (argc == 5) {
		results = dilation(inputs, argv[4][0]);
		for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < results.size() ; ++i ) {
			std::cout << results[i] << std::endl;
	if (argc == 6) {
		std::string a = "replace";
		std::string b = "erosion";
		if (!a.compare(argv[3])) {
			results = replace(inputs, argv[4][0], argv[5][0]);
		if (!b.compare(argv[3])) {
			results = erosion(inputs, argv[4][0], argv[5][0]);
	if (argc ==7) {
		//convert the string in arguments to integers
		int r = atoi(argv[4]);
		int c = atoi(argv[5]);
		char temp = argv[6][0];
		floodfill(inputs, r, c, temp);
		results = inputs;
	std::cout << "The output:"<<std::endl;
	//print out the output
	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < results.size() ; ++i ) {
		std::cout << results[i] << std::endl;
	//output to a file
	std::ofstream outputs;
	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < results.size() ; ++i) {
		outputs << results[i] <<"\n" ;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void EndogenousSalienceThread::run(){

    * Identify the modal hue and saturation values in the logpolar image, 
    * segment the cartesian image accordingly,
    * identify the largest blob, extract the coordinates of the centroid, 
    * package everything with the encoder values & the focal length values in a bottle,
    * and send it out (typically to the egosphere module)
    * send out the segmented image out for viewing
   unsigned char pixel_value;

   if (debug) {
      printf("endogenousSalienceThread: parameters are %d %d %d %d\n\n",
             *hueTolerance, *saturationTolerance, *hueBins, *saturationBins);

   /* create the histogram */

   if (hsHistogram == NULL) {
      hsHistogram = new DVhs_histogram(*hueBins, *saturationBins);
   while (isStopping() != true) { // the thread continues to run until isStopping() returns true
       * Step 1: grab cartesian and logpolar images and copy images to local format
       * ==========================================================================

      if (debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: grabbing images " << endl;

      do {
         cartesianImage = cartesianImagePortIn->read(true);
      } while ((cartesianImage == NULL) && (isStopping() != true));
      if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 

      do {
         logpolarImage = logpolarImagePortIn->read(true);
      } while ((logpolarImage == NULL)&& (isStopping() != true));
      if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 

      width  = cartesianImage->width();
      height = cartesianImage->height();
      depth = 3;
      if (debug) printf("endogenousSalienceThread: width = %d, height = %d, depth = %d\n",width, height, depth);
      if (cartesianInput == NULL) {
          cartesianInput = new DVimage(width, height, depth);

      if (segmentedOutput == NULL) {
          segmentedOutput = new DVimage(width, height, depth);

      if (tempImageA == NULL) {
          tempImageA = new DVimage(width, height, depth);

      if (tempImageB == NULL) {
          tempImageB = new DVimage(width, height, depth);

      width  = logpolarImage->width();
      height = logpolarImage->height();
      depth = 3;
      if (debug) printf("endogenousSalienceThread: width = %d, height = %d, depth = %d\n",width, height, depth);

      if (logpolarInput == NULL) {
         logpolarInput = new DVimage(width, height, depth);

      width  = cartesianImage->width();
      height = cartesianImage->height();

      for (x=0; x<width; x++) {
         for (y=0; y<height; y++) {
            rgbPixel = cartesianImage->safePixel(x,y);
            cartesianInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.r, 0);
            cartesianInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.g, 1);
            cartesianInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.b, 2);

      width  = logpolarImage->width();
      height = logpolarImage->height();

      for (x=0; x<width; x++) {
         for (y=0; y<height/2; y++) { // ***************************** only use the top half, i.e. the fovea
            rgbPixel = logpolarImage->safePixel(x,y);
            logpolarInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.r, 0);
            logpolarInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.g, 1);
            logpolarInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.b, 2);

       * Step 2: Identify the modal hue and saturation values in the logpolar image
       * ==========================================================================
      if (debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: generating histogram " << endl;

      colour_histogram(logpolarInput, hsHistogram);

      if (true && debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: identifying histogram mode " << endl;

      hsHistogram->hsMode(&hueMode, &saturationMode);

       * Step 3: segment the cartesian image  
       * ===================================== 

      if (debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: performing segmentation " << endl;

      hueRange = (*hueTolerance * (float) 360) / (float) (100);                    // convert percentage to real values
      saturationRange = (*saturationTolerance) / (float) (100);

      colour_segmentation(cartesianInput, hueMode, saturationMode, hueRange, saturationRange, segmentedOutput);


      // Step 4: filter the colour_segmentation by performing an morphological opening
      // =============================================================================
      if (debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: post-segmentation filtering - morphological opening " << endl;
      if (*filterRadius > 0) {
         erosion (segmentedOutput, *filterRadius, tempImageA);
         dilation(tempImageA, *filterRadius, tempImageB);

      // Step 5: filter the colour segmentation by performing a medial distance transform
      // =============================================================================
      if (debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: post-segmentation filtering - medial distance transform" << endl;
      distance_from_background_transform(tempImageB,  segmentedOutput);
       * Step 6: copy the segmented image to the salience image in YARP format and write it out
       * ======================================================================================

      if (debug) cout << "endogenousSalienceThread: sending images " << endl;
      width  = cartesianImage->width();
      height = cartesianImage->height();

      ImageOf<PixelRgb> &salienceImage  = salienceImagePortOut->prepare();

      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
         for (y=0; y < height; y++) {
            segmentedOutput->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 0); rgbPixel.r=pixel_value; 
            segmentedOutput->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 1); rgbPixel.g=pixel_value;
            segmentedOutput->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 2); rgbPixel.b=pixel_value;
            salienceImage(x,y) = rgbPixel;
	  if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 


Ejemplo n.º 9
void test_run() {
  laplacian_filter(x, y, Nq);
  dilation(x, z, Nq);
  erosion(z, w, Nq);