Ejemplo n.º 1
static bool ensureDatabaseFileExists(const String& fileName, bool createIfDoesNotExist)
    if (createIfDoesNotExist)
        return makeAllDirectories(directoryName(fileName));

    return fileExists(fileName);
static String getExecutablePath()
CString executablePath = getCurrentExecutablePath();
if (!executablePath.isNull())
    return directoryName(filenameToString(executablePath.data()));
return String();
Ejemplo n.º 3
QString VdpauWidget::benchH264720p()
   if ( !vc->isProfileSupported( VDPAUContext::ProfileH264High) )
      return "Profile unsupported.\n";

   QString directoryName(dataDirectory);
   H264Decoder *d = new H264Decoder( vc, directoryName );
   if ( !d->init() ) {
      delete d;
      return "Can't initialize H264 decoder!\n";

   if ( mixerWidth!=d->width || mixerHeight!=d->height )
      createMixer( d->width, d->height );

   int i;
   for ( i=0; i<FRAMESINSAMPLE; ++i ) {
      displayFrame( d->getNextFrame(), d->width, d->height, d->ratio );
      usleep( SHOWTIME );

   QTime t;
   for ( i=0; i<FRAMESINLOOP; ++i ) {
   int e = t.elapsed();
   benchH264720pResult = QString("H264 DECODING (%1x%2): %3 frames/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(FRAMESINLOOP*1000/e);

   delete d;
   return benchH264720pResult;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void WebIconDatabase::setDatabasePath(const String& path)
    if (isOpen()) {
        LOG_ERROR("Icon database already has a path and is already open. We don't currently support changing its path and reopening.");

    m_iconDatabaseImpl = std::make_unique<IconDatabase>();
    m_databaseCleanupDisabled = true;

    // FIXME: WebIconDatabases are per-WebContext but WebContext's don't have their own notion of the current private browsing setting.
    // As we clean up private browsing throughout the stack we need to clean it up here.

    if (!m_iconDatabaseImpl->open(directoryName(path), pathGetFileName(path))) {
        LOG_ERROR("Unable to open WebKit2 icon database on disk");
        m_iconDatabaseImpl = nullptr;
        m_databaseCleanupDisabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void COwnedLostItem::SetHandledViaNetscape()
	m_nHandleMethod = OL_OTHER_APP;

	// Get the app's name.
	CString netscapeName;
	char buffer[_MAX_PATH+1];
	::GetModuleFileName(theApp.m_hInstance, buffer, _MAX_PATH);
	char *pSlash = ::strrchr(buffer, '\\');
	netscapeName = (char*)(pSlash+1);

	// Get the app's directory. Adequate heuristic for version-checking Netscape
	CString directoryName(buffer);

	// Special Internet Shortcut check
	if (IsInternetShortcut())
		CInternetShortcut internetShortcut;
		if (!internetShortcut.ShellSupport())
			m_nHandleMethod = OL_CURRENT_NETSCAPE;
		CString fileClass = GetInternetShortcutFileClass();
		SetHandleMethodViaFileClass(fileClass, netscapeName, directoryName);

	CPtrList* allHelpers = &(CHelperApp::m_cplHelpers);

	for (POSITION pos = allHelpers->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;)
		CHelperApp* app = (CHelperApp*)allHelpers->GetNext(pos);
		CString helperMime(app->cd_item->ci.type);

		if (helperMime == m_csMimeType)
			// Found the helper app.  See if Netscape is truly handling this mime type.
			CString fileClass(app->strFileClass);

			if (fileClass != "")
				SetHandleMethodViaFileClass(fileClass, netscapeName, directoryName);
			else m_bBroken = TRUE; // Treat as if ignored. Don't want to pop up a dialog over this.

			if (app->how_handle == HANDLE_VIA_NETSCAPE)
				m_nHandleMethod = OL_CURRENT_NETSCAPE;
			else m_nHandleMethod = OL_OTHER_APP;


	m_bBroken = TRUE; // Didn't even find this mime type. Don't want to fool with it.
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool InjectedBundle::load()
    WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH];
    if (!::GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, currentPath))
        return false;

    String directorBundleResidesIn = directoryName(m_path);
    if (!::SetCurrentDirectoryW(directorBundleResidesIn.charactersWithNullTermination()))
        return false;

    m_platformBundle = ::LoadLibraryExW(m_path.charactersWithNullTermination(), 0, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
    if (!m_platformBundle)
        return false;

    // Reset the current directory.
    if (!::SetCurrentDirectoryW(currentPath)) {
        return false;

    WKBundleInitializeFunctionPtr initializeFunction = reinterpret_cast<WKBundleInitializeFunctionPtr>(::GetProcAddress(m_platformBundle, "WKBundleInitialize"));
    if (!initializeFunction)
        return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool SQLiteFileSystem::ensureDatabaseFileExists(const String& fileName, bool checkPathOnly)
    if (fileName.isEmpty())
        return false;

    if (checkPathOnly) {
        String dir = directoryName(fileName);
        return ensureDatabaseDirectoryExists(dir);

    return fileExists(fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void FormData::removeGeneratedFilesIfNeeded()
    for (FormDataElement& element : m_elements) {
        if (element.m_type == FormDataElement::Type::EncodedFile && element.m_ownsGeneratedFile) {
            String directory = directoryName(element.m_generatedFilename);
            element.m_generatedFilename = String();
            element.m_ownsGeneratedFile = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
sint64 VDGetDiskFreeSpace(const wchar_t *path) {
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tpGetDiskFreeSpaceExA)(LPCSTR lpDirectoryName, PULARGE_INTEGER lpFreeBytesAvailable, PULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfBytes, PULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tpGetDiskFreeSpaceExW)(LPCWSTR lpDirectoryName, PULARGE_INTEGER lpFreeBytesAvailable, PULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfBytes, PULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);

    static bool sbChecked = false;
    static tpGetDiskFreeSpaceExA spGetDiskFreeSpaceExA;
    static tpGetDiskFreeSpaceExW spGetDiskFreeSpaceExW;

    if (!sbChecked) {
        HMODULE hmodKernel = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
        spGetDiskFreeSpaceExA = (tpGetDiskFreeSpaceExA)GetProcAddress(hmodKernel, "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA");
        spGetDiskFreeSpaceExW = (tpGetDiskFreeSpaceExW)GetProcAddress(hmodKernel, "GetDiskFreeSpaceExW");

        sbChecked = true;

    if (spGetDiskFreeSpaceExA) {
        BOOL success;
        uint64 freeClient, totalBytes, totalFreeBytes;
        VDStringW directoryName(path);

        if (!directoryName.empty()) {
            wchar_t c = directoryName[directoryName.length()-1];

            if (c != L'/' && c != L'\\')
                directoryName += L'\\';

        if ((LONG)GetVersion() < 0)
            success = spGetDiskFreeSpaceExA(VDTextWToA(directoryName).c_str(), (PULARGE_INTEGER)&freeClient, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&totalBytes, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&totalFreeBytes);
            success = spGetDiskFreeSpaceExW(directoryName.c_str(), (PULARGE_INTEGER)&freeClient, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&totalBytes, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&totalFreeBytes);

        return success ? (sint64)freeClient : -1;
    } else {
        DWORD sectorsPerCluster, bytesPerSector, freeClusters, totalClusters;
        BOOL success;

        VDStringW rootPath(VDFileGetRootPath(path));

        if ((LONG)GetVersion() < 0)
            success = GetDiskFreeSpaceA(rootPath.empty() ? NULL : VDTextWToA(rootPath).c_str(), &sectorsPerCluster, &bytesPerSector, &freeClusters, &totalClusters);
            success = GetDiskFreeSpaceW(rootPath.empty() ? NULL : rootPath.c_str(), &sectorsPerCluster, &bytesPerSector, &freeClusters, &totalClusters);

        return success ? (sint64)((uint64)sectorsPerCluster * bytesPerSector * freeClusters) : -1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool SQLiteFileSystem::ensureDatabaseFileExists(const std::string& fileName, bool checkPathOnly)
    DLOG(INFO) << ">>>";
    if (fileName.empty()) {
        DLOG(INFO) << "<<< " << "FALSE";
        return false;

    if (checkPathOnly) {
        std::string dir = directoryName(fileName);
        DLOG(INFO) << "<<<";
        return ensureDatabaseDirectoryExists(dir);

    DLOG(INFO) << "<<<";
    return fileExists(fileName);
void FormData::removeGeneratedFilesIfNeeded()
    if (!m_hasGeneratedFiles)
    size_t n = m_elements.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        FormDataElement& e = m_elements[i];
        if (e.m_type == FormDataElement::encodedFile && !e.m_generatedFilename.isEmpty()) {
            String directory = directoryName(e.m_generatedFilename);
            e.m_generatedFilename = String();
    m_hasGeneratedFiles = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    std::string directory_name(const std::string& filePath)
        const size_t PATH_LENGTH = 1024;
        char fullPath[PATH_LENGTH];
        char* fileNameBegin;

        DWORD result = ::GetFullPathName(filePath.c_str(), PATH_LENGTH, fullPath, &fileNameBegin);

        if (!result)
            return std::string();

        fileNameBegin[0] = '\0';
        std::string directoryName(trim_path_separator(fullPath));

        return directoryName;
Ejemplo n.º 13
std::string PrincessModel::getGloveFileNameFromSlotIndex(int gloveIndex, int slot)
	std::string directoryName(CLOTHES_BASE);

	WJUtils::stringAddInt(directoryName, slot, 3);

	std::string fileName = WJUtils::stringAddInt("cloth", gloveIndex, 3).append(WJUtils::stringAddInt("_glove", slot, 3).c_str());

	std::string fullFileName = directoryName + fileName;
	std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(fullFileName);
	if (fullPath.length() == 0)
		return BASE_NONE_PNG;
		return directoryName.append(fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 14
void WebIconDatabase::setDatabasePath(const String& path)
    if (isOpen()) {
        LOG_ERROR("Icon database already has a path and is already open. We don't currently support changing its path and reopening.");

    m_iconDatabaseImpl =  IconDatabase::create();
    m_databaseCleanupDisabled = true;
    if (!m_iconDatabaseImpl->open(directoryName(path), pathGetFileName(path))) {
        LOG_ERROR("Unable to open WebKit2 icon database on disk");
        m_databaseCleanupDisabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool ParseClassPath(const string& pathString, deque<string>& pathList)
  string::size_type startPosition = 0;
  string::size_type colonPosition;
  do {
    colonPosition = pathString.find(PATHSEPCHAR, startPosition);
    if (colonPosition > pathString.size()) {
      colonPosition = pathString.size();
    string directoryName(pathString, startPosition,
			 colonPosition - startPosition);
    CJavaDirectory path(directoryName);
    if (path.IsValid()) {
    } else {
      cerr << ">> Warning: Invalid classpath entry " << directoryName << endl;
    startPosition = colonPosition + 1;
  } while(colonPosition < pathString.size());
  return !pathList.empty();
Ejemplo n.º 16
void PluginDatabase::loadPersistentMetadataCache()
    if (!isPersistentMetadataCacheEnabled() || persistentMetadataCachePath().isEmpty())

    PlatformFileHandle file;
    String absoluteCachePath = pathByAppendingComponent(persistentMetadataCachePath(), persistentPluginMetadataCacheFilename);
    file = openFile(absoluteCachePath, OpenForRead);

    if (!isHandleValid(file))

    // Mark cache as loaded regardless of success or failure. If
    // there's error in the cache, we won't try to load it anymore.
    m_persistentMetadataCacheIsLoaded = true;

    Vector<char> fileContents;
    fillBufferWithContentsOfFile(file, fileContents);

    if (fileContents.size() < 2 || fileContents.first() != schemaVersion || fileContents.last() != '\0') {
        LOG_ERROR("Unable to read plugin metadata cache: corrupt schema");

    char* bufferPos = fileContents.data() + 1;
    char* end = fileContents.data() + fileContents.size();

    PluginSet cachedPlugins;
    HashMap<String, time_t> cachedPluginPathsWithTimes;
    HashMap<String, RefPtr<PluginPackage> > cachedPluginsByPath;

    while (bufferPos < end) {
        String path;
        time_t lastModified;
        String name;
        String desc;
        String mimeDesc;
        if (!(readUTF8String(path, bufferPos, end)
              && readTime(lastModified, bufferPos, end)
              && readUTF8String(name, bufferPos, end)
              && readUTF8String(desc, bufferPos, end)
              && readUTF8String(mimeDesc, bufferPos, end))) {
            LOG_ERROR("Unable to read plugin metadata cache: corrupt data");

        // Skip metadata that points to plugins from directories that
        // are not part of plugin directory list anymore.
        String pluginDirectoryName = directoryName(path);
        if (m_pluginDirectories.find(pluginDirectoryName) == WTF::notFound)

        RefPtr<PluginPackage> package = PluginPackage::createPackageFromCache(path, lastModified, name, desc, mimeDesc);

        if (package && cachedPlugins.add(package).isNewEntry) {
            cachedPluginPathsWithTimes.add(package->path(), package->lastModified());
            cachedPluginsByPath.add(package->path(), package);

Ejemplo n.º 17
QString VdpauWidget::benchMixer()
   QString directoryName(dataDirectory);
   MPEGDecoder *d = new MPEGDecoder( vc, directoryName );
   if ( !d->init() ) {
      delete d;
      return "Can't initialize MPEG decoder!";

   if ( mixerWidth!=d->width || mixerHeight!=d->height )
      createMixer( d->width, d->height );

   QList< VdpVideoSurface > list = d->getOrderedFrames();

   VdpStatus st = vc->vdp_output_surface_create( vc->vdpDevice, VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8, d->width, d->height, &mixerSurface );
   if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK ) {
      delete d;
      return "FATAL: Can't create mixer output surface !!\n";

   int i, loop=0;
   VdpRect vid_source = { 0, 0, d->width, d->height };

   setSkipChroma( 0 );
   // weave
   setDeinterlace( DEINT_BOB );
   QTime t;
   int e;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME,
               0, 0, list.at(i), 0, 0, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
   e = t.elapsed();
   int n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult = QString("MIXER WEAVE (%1x%2): %3 frames/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);

   // bob
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               0, 0, list.at(i), 0, 0, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               0, 0, list.at(i), 0, 0, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER BOB (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);

   VdpVideoSurface past[2];
   VdpVideoSurface future[1];

   // temporal
   setDeinterlace( DEINT_TEMPORAL );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);

   // temporal + ivtc
   setIvtc( 1 );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL + IVTC (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);
   setIvtc( 0 );

   // temporal + skip_chroma
   setSkipChroma( 1 );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL + SKIP_CHROMA (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);
   setSkipChroma( 0 );

   // temporal_spatial
   setDeinterlace( DEINT_TEMPORAL_SPATIAL );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);

   // temporal_spatial + ivtc
   setIvtc( 1 );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL + IVTC (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);
   setIvtc( 0 );

   // temporal_spatial + skip_chroma
   setSkipChroma( 1 );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_source, &vid_source, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      loop += 2;
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL + SKIP_CHROMA (%1x%2): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);
   setSkipChroma( 0 );

   delete d;
   vc->vdp_output_surface_destroy( mixerSurface );

   // SD

   d = new MPEGDecoder( vc, directoryName );
   if ( !d->init() ) {
      delete d;
      return "Can't initialize MPEG decoder!";

   if ( mixerWidth!=d->width || mixerHeight!=d->height )
      createMixer( d->width, d->height );

   list = d->getOrderedFrames();

   int sdwidth=1920, sdheight=1080;

   st = vc->vdp_output_surface_create( vc->vdpDevice, VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8, sdwidth, sdheight, &mixerSurface );
   if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK ) {
      delete d;
      return "FATAL: Can't create mixer output surface !!\n";

   vid_source.x1 = d->width;
   vid_source.y1 = d->height;

   VdpRect vid_dest = { 0, 0, sdwidth, sdheight };

   // temporal_spatial SD
   setDeinterlace( DEINT_TEMPORAL_SPATIAL );
   loop = 0;
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
         past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
         future[0] = list.at(i);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_dest, &vid_dest, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
         past[0] = list.at(i);
         future[0] = list.at(i+1);
         st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
               2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_dest, &vid_dest, 0, NULL );
         if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
            fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
   e = t.elapsed();
   n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
   benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL (%1x%2 video to 1920x1080 display): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);

   // temporal_spatial SD + hqScaling
   if ( vc->hqScalingSupported() ) {
      setHqScaling( 1 );
      loop = 0;
      while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
         for ( i=1; i<NUMSURFACES-1; ++i ) {
            past[1] = past[0] = list.at(i-1);
            future[0] = list.at(i);
            st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD,
                  2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_dest, &vid_dest, 0, NULL );
            if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
               fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
            past[0] = list.at(i);
            future[0] = list.at(i+1);
            st = vc->vdp_video_mixer_render( mixer, VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD,
                  2, past, list.at(i), 1, future, &vid_source, mixerSurface, &vid_dest, &vid_dest, 0, NULL );
            if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK )
               fprintf( stderr, "vdp_video_mixer_render failed: %s\n", vc->vdp_get_error_string( st ) );
      e = t.elapsed();
      n = (NUMSURFACES-2)*loop;
      benchMixerResult += QString("MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL + HQSCALING (%1x%2 video to 1920x1080 display): %3 fields/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(n*1000/e);
      setHqScaling( 0 );

   delete d;
   return benchMixerResult;
Ejemplo n.º 18
// next 2 functions are the 2 threads.
// the first one (the main thread) runs the decoder
// the second one runs the mixer
QString VdpauWidget::benchMT()
   // init a mpeg decoder
   QString directoryName(dataDirectory);
   MPEGDecoder *m = new MPEGDecoder( vc, directoryName );
   if ( !m->init() ) {
      delete m;
      return "Can't initialize MPEG decoder (1)!";

   // create the rgba surface used by the mixer
   VdpStatus st = vc->vdp_output_surface_create( vc->vdpDevice, VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8, m->width, m->height, &mixerSurface );
   if ( st != VDP_STATUS_OK ) {
      delete m;
      return "FATAL: Can't create mixer output surface !!\n";

   if ( mixerWidth!=m->width || mixerHeight!=m->height )
      createMixer( m->width, m->height );

   setDeinterlace( DEINT_TEMPORAL );

   // init the mixer thread
   // m->getOrderedFrames returns a list of 22 decoded surfaces in display order and destroys the decoder ...
   VdpauThread vt( vc, m->getOrderedFrames(), mixer, mixerSurface, m->width, m->height );

   // ... so we can create a new one here
   MPEGDecoder *d = new MPEGDecoder( vc, directoryName );
   if ( !d->init( true ) ) {
      delete d;
      delete m;
      vc->vdp_output_surface_destroy( mixerSurface );
      return "Can't initialize MPEG decoder (2)!";

   vt.running = true;
   // start the mixer thread

   int loop=0;
   QTime t;
   // this is the decoder loop
   while ( t.elapsed() < MIXERLOOP ) {
      // decode next frame (25 frames in turn)
   int e = t.elapsed();

   vt.running = false;
   // wait for the mixer thread to end

   benchMTResult = QString("MULTITHREADED MPEG DECODING (%1x%2): %3 frames/s\n").arg(d->width).arg(d->height).arg(loop*1000/e);
   benchMTResult += vt.result;

   delete d;
   delete m;
   vc->vdp_output_surface_destroy( mixerSurface );

   return benchMTResult;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void COwnedLostItem::GiveControlToNetscape()
	char buffer[_MAX_PATH];
	::GetModuleFileName(theApp.m_hInstance, buffer, _MAX_PATH);
	// Get the app's directory into a short file name
	char shortBuffer[_MAX_PATH];
	GetShortPathName(buffer, shortBuffer, _MAX_PATH);

	CString directoryName(shortBuffer);
	directoryName.MakeUpper();  // This is what we'll write to the registry

	CString strValueName, strCmdPath;

	// Special Internet Shortcut check
	if (IsInternetShortcut())
		CInternetShortcut internetShortcut;
		if (internetShortcut.ShellSupport())
			// Need to take over lots of stuff
			CString strType = GetInternetShortcutFileClass();
			// Set the open command path
			strValueName.Format(strOPEN_CMD_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			strCmdPath = directoryName + " -h \"%1\"";
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strCmdPath);
			// Set the DDE exec value
			strValueName.Format(strDDE_EXEC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_EXEC_VALUE);

			// Set the DDE app name
			strValueName.Format(strDDE_APP_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_APP_NAME);
			// Set the DDE topic
			strValueName.Format(strDDE_TOPIC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			CString strDDETopic;
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDETopic);

			// Set the Default Icon
			CString strIconPath;
			if ((strType == "news") || (strType == "snews"))
				// Use the news icon from URL.DLL
				::GetSystemDirectory(buffer, _MAX_PATH);
				strIconPath = CString(buffer) + "\\URL.DLL,1";
				// Use the document icon
				strIconPath = CString(buffer) + ",1";
			strValueName.Format(strDEF_ICON_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strIconPath);
			// Take over printing (applies to ALL Internet Shortcuts.  If we own one, we'll take
			// over printing for ALL of them).
			CString csMunge = directoryName + " /print(\"%1\")";
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\print\\command", csMunge);
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\print\\ddeexec", "[print(\"%1\")]");
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\print\\ddeexec\\Application", strDDE_APP_NAME);

			//  The PrintTo Command.
            csMunge = directoryName + " /printto(\"%1\",\"%2\",\"%3\",\"%4\")";
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\PrintTo\\command", csMunge);
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\PrintTo\\ddeexec", "[printto(\"%1\",\"%2\",\"%3\",\"%4\")]");
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\PrintTo\\ddeexec\\Application", strDDE_APP_NAME);


	CPtrList* allHelpers = &(CHelperApp::m_cplHelpers);

	for (POSITION pos = allHelpers->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;)
		CHelperApp* app = (CHelperApp*)allHelpers->GetNext(pos);
		CString helperMime(app->cd_item->ci.type);

		if (helperMime == m_csMimeType)
			// Found the helper app.  Get the file class.
			CString fileClass(app->strFileClass);
			if (fileClass != "")
				// We have some registry work to do.
				// In the case where this is text/html, we point .htm and .html to
				// NetscapeMarkup.
				HKEY hKey;
				DWORD dwDisp;

				if (m_csMimeType == "text/html")
						".htm", 0L, NULL,
						&hKey, &dwDisp);
					::RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ,
						(const BYTE *)((const char *)strMARKUP_KEY),
						strMARKUP_KEY.GetLength() + 1);
						".html", 0L, NULL,
						&hKey, &dwDisp);
					::RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ,
						(const BYTE *)((const char *)strMARKUP_KEY),
						strMARKUP_KEY.GetLength() + 1);

				// In the case where this is application/x-unknown-content-type-NetscapeMarkup, 
				// we point .shtml to NetscapeMarkup.
				else if (m_csMimeType == "application/x-unknown-content-type-NetscapeMarkup")
						".shtml", 0L, NULL,
						&hKey, &dwDisp);
					::RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ,
						(const BYTE *)((const char *)strMARKUP_KEY),
						strMARKUP_KEY.GetLength() + 1);

				// In all other cases, we should use the existing file class
					// Need to take over lots of stuff
					CString strType = fileClass;
					if (strType == "NetscapeMarkup")
					  return; // Don't let ANYTHING mess with NetscapeMarkup.
							  // Someone might point something to it later, and
							  // we don't want this code changing the stuff that's already there.

					// Set the open command path
					strValueName.Format(strOPEN_CMD_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					strCmdPath = directoryName + " \"%1\"";
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strCmdPath);
					// Set the DDE exec value
					strValueName.Format(strDDE_EXEC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_EXEC_VALUE);

					// Set the DDE app name
					strValueName.Format(strDDE_APP_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_APP_NAME);
					// Set the DDE topic
					strValueName.Format(strDDE_TOPIC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					CString strDDETopic;
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDETopic);

					// Set the Default Icon
					CString strIconPath;
					CString iconString = ",1";
					if (m_csMimeType == "text/x-javascript" || m_csMimeType == "application/x-javascript")
						iconString = ",7";
					else if (m_csMimeType.Left(5) == "image")
						iconString = ",6";

					strIconPath = CString(buffer) + iconString;
					strValueName.Format(strDEF_ICON_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strIconPath);

