Ejemplo n.º 1
bool GenericTaskQueue<E, F, N>::pop_local_slow(uint localBot, Age oldAge) {
  // This queue was observed to contain exactly one element; either this
  // thread will claim it, or a competing "pop_global".  In either case,
  // the queue will be logically empty afterwards.  Create a new Age value
  // that represents the empty queue for the given value of "_bottom".  (We
  // must also increment "tag" because of the case where "bottom == 1",
  // "top == 0".  A pop_global could read the queue element in that case,
  // then have the owner thread do a pop followed by another push.  Without
  // the incrementing of "tag", the pop_global's CAS could succeed,
  // allowing it to believe it has claimed the stale element.)
  Age newAge((idx_t)localBot, oldAge.tag() + 1);
  // Perhaps a competing pop_global has already incremented "top", in which
  // case it wins the element.
  if (localBot == oldAge.top()) {
    // No competing pop_global has yet incremented "top"; we'll try to
    // install new_age, thus claiming the element.
    Age tempAge = _age.cmpxchg(newAge, oldAge);
    if (tempAge == oldAge) {
      // We win.
      assert(dirty_size(localBot, _age.top()) != N - 1, "sanity");
      return true;
  // We lose; a completing pop_global gets the element.  But the queue is empty
  // and top is greater than bottom.  Fix this representation of the empty queue
  // to become the canonical one.
  assert(dirty_size(localBot, _age.top()) != N - 1, "sanity");
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool GenericTaskQueue<E, F, N>::pop_global(volatile E& t) {
  Age oldAge = _age.get();
  // Architectures with weak memory model require a barrier here
  // to guarantee that bottom is not older than age,
  // which is crucial for the correctness of the algorithm.
#if !(defined SPARC || defined IA32 || defined AMD64)
  uint localBot = OrderAccess::load_acquire((volatile juint*)&_bottom);
  uint n_elems = size(localBot, oldAge.top());
  if (n_elems == 0) {
    return false;

  // g++ complains if the volatile result of the assignment is
  // unused, so we cast the volatile away.  We cannot cast directly
  // to void, because gcc treats that as not using the result of the
  // assignment.  However, casting to E& means that we trigger an
  // unused-value warning.  So, we cast the E& to void.
  (void) const_cast<E&>(t = _elems[oldAge.top()]);
  Age newAge(oldAge);
  Age resAge = _age.cmpxchg(newAge, oldAge);

  // Note that using "_bottom" here might fail, since a pop_local might
  // have decremented it.
  assert(dirty_size(localBot, newAge.top()) != N - 1, "sanity");
  return resAge == oldAge;
Ejemplo n.º 3
template<class E, MEMFLAGS F, unsigned int N> inline bool
GenericTaskQueue<E, F, N>::pop_local(volatile E& t) {
  uint localBot = _bottom;
  // This value cannot be N-1.  That can only occur as a result of
  // the assignment to bottom in this method.  If it does, this method
  // resets the size to 0 before the next call (which is sequential,
  // since this is pop_local.)
  uint dirty_n_elems = dirty_size(localBot, _age.top());
  assert(dirty_n_elems != N - 1, "Shouldn't be possible...");
  if (dirty_n_elems == 0) return false;
  localBot = decrement_index(localBot);
  _bottom = localBot;
  // This is necessary to prevent any read below from being reordered
  // before the store just above.
  // g++ complains if the volatile result of the assignment is
  // unused, so we cast the volatile away.  We cannot cast directly
  // to void, because gcc treats that as not using the result of the
  // assignment.  However, casting to E& means that we trigger an
  // unused-value warning.  So, we cast the E& to void.
  (void) const_cast<E&>(t = _elems[localBot]);
  // This is a second read of "age"; the "size()" above is the first.
  // If there's still at least one element in the queue, based on the
  // "_bottom" and "age" we've read, then there can be no interference with
  // a "pop_global" operation, and we're done.
  idx_t tp = _age.top();    // XXX
  if (size(localBot, tp) > 0) {
    assert(dirty_size(localBot, tp) != N - 1, "sanity");
    return true;
  } else {
    // Otherwise, the queue contained exactly one element; we take the slow
    // path.
    return pop_local_slow(localBot, _age.get());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Returns the size corresponding to the given "bot" and "top".
 uint size(uint bot, uint top) {
   uint sz = dirty_size(bot, top);
   // Has the queue "wrapped", so that bottom is less than top?  There's a
   // complicated special case here.  A pair of threads could perform pop_local
   // and pop_global operations concurrently, starting from a state in which
   // _bottom == _top+1.  The pop_local could succeed in decrementing _bottom,
   // and the pop_global in incrementing _top (in which case the pop_global
   // will be awarded the contested queue element.)  The resulting state must
   // be interpreted as an empty queue.  (We only need to worry about one such
   // event: only the queue owner performs pop_local's, and several concurrent
   // threads attempting to perform the pop_global will all perform the same
   // CAS, and only one can succeed.)  Any stealing thread that reads after
   // either the increment or decrement will see an empty queue, and will not
   // join the competitors.  The "sz == -1 || sz == N-1" state will not be
   // modified by concurrent queues, so the owner thread can reset the state to
   // _bottom == top so subsequent pushes will be performed normally.
   return (sz == N - 1) ? 0 : sz;
Ejemplo n.º 5
template<class E, MEMFLAGS F, unsigned int N> inline bool
GenericTaskQueue<E, F, N>::push(E t) {
  uint localBot = _bottom;
  assert(localBot < N, "_bottom out of range.");
  idx_t top = _age.top();
  uint dirty_n_elems = dirty_size(localBot, top);
  assert(dirty_n_elems < N, "n_elems out of range.");
  if (dirty_n_elems < max_elems()) {
    // g++ complains if the volatile result of the assignment is
    // unused, so we cast the volatile away.  We cannot cast directly
    // to void, because gcc treats that as not using the result of the
    // assignment.  However, casting to E& means that we trigger an
    // unused-value warning.  So, we cast the E& to void.
    (void) const_cast<E&>(_elems[localBot] = t);
    OrderAccess::release_store(&_bottom, increment_index(localBot));
    return true;
  } else {
    return push_slow(t, dirty_n_elems);